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Whitby Weekly News, 4 Oct 1962, p. 15

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and thse mont. Wby are sonM somefais-? MI SER If we eai M Yra soe PINSUDGE VI sope these truc _______________________of animais ors- find thut t ila I WONiDER . .Curiosity ta a be.. oIl y-uceleaa gijt. A uoungstes-'s dailUOAfg tese o questions indicate a bright en- quîi-ng mind They should be iflgiatVe-, or enswered titelligently. In this artiste calli t; ar £oh2ni sc1 weç ltcedf tQrî of thTiesperoin cf ooperttion iwthsTespapes ofKnowledge, GRANDPA wili ps-tnt thase questions - un d thetr answers - most frequently asked bit childten of their parents. How is tinse divided? Thse division of time toto deys aind weeks and monrlhs and yeaî-s is partly natural and partly arti- ficial. There are longer periods cdf ime - known as ers whjch are usually reckoned frome a given date. The Christian Era is reckoned f rom thse supposed date of tise birth of Jesus. Events occurrig befai-e that Lime are sard to have taken place in a Cetain year B.C. OUR TOuWN or Before Christ. Tiinga happen- mg since then are spoken of as occurring in such and such a year A.D., or Axn-t Domîni- "in thse Year of our Lord." The Mohanimedans r e c k o n their dates train the Hegu-a, or flight of Mchammned from Mecce to Medina in 622 A.D. They speek of eventa as occurring in suais and sucs a year A.H., or Aimlifegis-se. Januaî-y 1, 1950 A.D., for instance, was im 1369 A.H. Ile MohanRTnISdS(1yearT i not tise sanie length ms ours and dotes fot correspond La tthe sea- s0n'ILBLOOPER Tise Jews peek aof any date as A.M., or Anme Mundi - "in thse Year ofithte Wwc" - dating Seves-ytrhing fsrn the suppoeed tirne oft "hcreateces ci thse World. In the Jewioh clendar 1950 AD. wss A.M. 5710-11. 'ne Romans reckoss.d tlseir daties un A.U.C., os- Anno Us-bis Conditae, whis*s reeliy nmesr 'fcom the Year cf thse builing of thse citty," or tise fotmding of Riome. Durmg Us. f irit five cen- turies afite- tihe bistii oi Christ, Chrstam rsecorded tins.in thse saine way asetise people ensoag whom bthey lived; but ini 532 A.D. whert their nmsera iad increasesi APOLEON considiec-ably, Diony-sius Exîguus, a monk of Scytiei, propoaed tisat luP f O Christiane shcsuld detite ail events cos as tram thse birth ocf Christ. Hle loo>ked Rua the matter an-d carne o tise conclusion thit Jesue IU was bas-n on Decemiser 25 in Cd Rame. But, as tise Roman year began wîrli January. it waa cîanxsîdet*ed too inconvecue-t ta have thse Christian year begr- rung on a dîfferent date.fi w.is decided that tise begînn ng "t tise Christian Eî'a should be se-c kos-ied as January 1, 754 A.U C' Wh-ich tn Chittans became 111()-E WEI known as A.D. 1. 'lie-ettore tise tirs-t year of tise Christian Es-a Ii not the- year of the b rtU of Jesus, but what was then tisought THOS ta ho tie year ailier. Later researcheas sowed tisai WEFI Jasais was probably bas-nnat in 753 A.U.C., but more tisan louirTH years oaslier. Hera-d died in 750 D& U.A.C., and Jesius was cet,.tinty l bomi before risat. Jesus was psoh-5 ahly brrs about 6 BC!~ri There arýe only tlsree natural dvisians of Lrne- the dav. the marstaind tise year. O-f tisese. tise day and tise yoar are more- -3uitable for seckirning Lian tise GCAIG WEST nionti. A day ta tise initerval of tîme which etapses Set ween two' suctieffive appeat-ant-es ofthLie suri N'r-T '<El-..,I ai tise samne point in tise heevens., E A year is tise length ot tinte tise' SAR ourtis akes, to tras'el une-ai und PRT? tise sun.Tne moîn h. or Moontih, 's rougisly tise ime takon hy tise nici n ntraveling olearound tise oarth. Tis.ese naturel divis uns oi lime ,. h. titby Of ths s oloriisg matte-ps-es-, Hair pigmnent continues to be WHIITBY W5tEKLY NEWS 19 ent in any individual h i h produced for many yeairs; but Thursday, October 4, 1962 me popledarkandcauses tise complexion to b cal- wisen it ceuses tise hir b ecomews ed fuir as- dark. In very fair, gray, BOILED SOLE in tha micro- People there is very litile pig- Readerscamage ro Lture Oi tiesekin ment; in vos-y tXirk peo>ple, wil eaesare invited ta send lady's slippeir may be romantic, bus-naisheïnga, we brown eyes and black hair, Lisere their own questions ta Won- isut eating tise wisolc shoe is an- mnade up osf num- te often s greet deal of pigment; de- Questions, est-e of tise other maLte- Wns-id Book Enl- rîangod is layes-s. wiile dises-s wlih a medium Wiivy Weekly News, Tise cylopedia relates tisat tise Ciiit-e eils is touru-J colos-- amount of pigment aire neitîher mare int.eresting questions weî-e fus-ced ta use hoiled It-aie- pigent, a tie vl-yfai- ns- erydar. Hîr nd answe-s will ho puhlish- sioos as food duii)g a faminie un tnd iIta is e quan- colos- is also a matter of pigment. ed in a future codlumm Lie 1500's. M - With The Humbys - With Unde EIb¶ fflLJN' OM# lE THE DAYS q i q 1-WAT ANSUD To MAiI.ES uas LOOK AT THE SK'<. ESTAR5? Gv5Ha 4ES- s-mEi QEV-EE h GI r- lYIE GOR3USS TI-4 iç 'OSSr-ACE?' Y, kic > ERJi 21.rqS To Sc ýýE LL Sý LIKE î ip-â

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