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Whitby Weekly News, 4 Oct 1962, p. 4

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4 WDJTDTWHEKLT NEWS Tlirdy, Oc*oIer 4, 962 Lewom Aux. Supplies Active Puga t Oct. M etn NT Bal Players' Treats ~ t Canadian Legion, Branch No 112 The Palmserston Homse and MrBte, toued . held its reguler meeting on Wed- School Association held its firat Fred tng ot the Wlitby High Snesday, Septesnber 26,at the Le meeting ofthtIe f ail season et the Sehool Board ,who îa president gio Hal. Isevîo prsîdntschûol on Monday, October L of the Mînor Hockey Asaociation Mrs. Terry Muro was in the Mr. Wîlf Ediwaî dsvîoe-prsi and convener of thie pee wee or- char, n te asece it isep 'sident in charge of the meeting and ganuzation. He menticmed tIsat dent, Mrs. Dorothy Ormiston, welcomed s capacity crowd. the hockey commences on Octo-. who with the sertay Mi-S. Mr. Batten, the principal, in ber 20 iffhrough Apn1l 25, and Freda Azzopardi, was attening troduced Mr. Earl Fairmnan, sup costs $3.00 a season for each boy. tlhe convention at Niagara Falls. ervising principal, who welcomed They teach discipline, good litVie decided tb ovdeho the large attendance. He stressed sPoî tsmnanship and the -tunda- dilogs andi drinks for the boys of< the unportanlce of the Home and mentals of hockey. 350 boys wcre the Legion basebail League. Ap- Sdo<>l Association, and said heln the associationM last year. The prîxinaely 200 boys atterded hped the future nieettiing would boys traveled, saiely conort.. tIe ftinctiOn on September 27. be as well attende. 1Mr. Batten a bly, and were on many oca- A Lttr o acepiacewas re- teniffrouCed the chairinan ut lon cornirded on the-r good ceved rai the Marshall Lu <Iei- " athletic commnittea uof<&e manners. M Edwrds tharfked cate thse Auiliary flag et Iffe WIii<by public aco ,MmC.Mr. Ing for his very ntieresting next meeting on October 10. As les Hoag. Shwese d i lyremnarks. maany me-ners as possible are Shepherd with the chaolIip Room Count was won by Mrm reCluesed boic Stsg&RfreaI,- trophy, for the twelve tii> rte Felstead, kindergarten and the nia swil ha served et he cn- age-grOuP, whilie won d<r< meeting adjour»ed wthth sng clusion ot die meetin. -9ngthe Whitby FeldJ><ay o o f '«'Te Queen"- Asocial halt hour folowed the Osampionsfield lest J*ne Retreshmants were seirved by ifle.Lmg and] Mn. Alice Bradqey MrS. Evana ofthte VIctorian M ose1s00, lMma Denyr an d and h e r ouiunittee Sei-ved , Order out lWursesg ave a shora.mEmburg, mobliers cd the kin- tiot )u.<oh. ta&li-onthe comlng financial Camn- degat <'cls palgn, which will beffin on octio- Tem and An.tique ShoW edr 'ira. iEmburgvointearCptàin Mier Tells Gutstailu g SUCCe$$ Mr. Adanson of tiha Home andOfMs enr ed lh. St. Mark's Untted Churols Sohool Council, Pickering, wh The regular weekly meeting of Wamen held a vr ucsu gave a talk on the Association, the Salvatuion A rmy H orme Te&andArrqueSho onPm Councîl, and] Federation level ot League, -a s eld at the Citadal Te a']AniueShw n r- tise oenamù<»tiomShe stedalIon Thursday evenîng, Septemn- dey Septsiber 28, ini<L the A asoîainssoudhaea on- ber 27. This meeting waa open blyHal. Me. . T Polase, isecd l maer. l'he counocil an']tihe to the public. Mis. J. Kentoier presi<uent, opassed thse Tes and f ederatiesi axe cher. to bring and her gi'oip opene'] wituh a welconed the capacity crowd. about eo-operation bet4wes the short devotional period, led by A -etniphOtDgnspds tWUeof Windsor Cetl.___ lioe ra. Ch"eisaH'0&9, was general tane and] sôhool. Mr. E']wards Captain R..']. Que ihboryug on fa aseies of photogmapfis taken convener assiste'] by Mm S.Wtl- thsake'] Mrs. A']amsom. 1%e gueat speaker, a formai P r in e n d rwit b i n O f l O 5th eP i c A d e w b g ,s e ; li a T r n d n M r . B a t t e n a i th e s h o o l s ta f is s iO n a r Y f ro n i a b o y s ' r e f o r n i ~ ~ ~ <. < ShI-IIBI an] lre.G. ubywer inchage ntrduc']the staff: kindergar- sobool in Hong Kong, Captain _______________________________ _ ci_ thtie tee tables; thseberne bak- t,,,, MIS. Felstead; r.ooni 1, MIS. Austin Miller, 00w ah tthe Skid ing; Mrs. K QuaitrE i ad Mm. A. Budd'] ooa 2 Miss Tripp; Row Mission in Tor'onto, was i- E R O A s eA. McLean. <paeia room 3 MmVansickle; roorni4' rdcdb ati ed liS A s ra. Godden ipaearonMI Lawsffl; rooin 5, Mr. Gai']-' Captain Miller gave a very in- ______________________________ furnisise' entirely wi<h autlsen- i1g9;ruai 6, Mr. Batte-n. Mrs. tercsting talk, augmente'] with tice aÂrly Canadian furniture, Pellow, was also introue', s lidas, on his work in China; its The St. John thse Evangelist thse district. Tise modela now each picce ha'] been restore'] ta is ini charge of rotmns 4, ']tînng the customs and] ils peuple. Ha Cat'holic Wonens League n'~a- have iheis clotiies and] the cket-s its Original beauty. Arsother high- absence oit Misa L-awson Who is tresse'] hiw great tha nec']; velling Bridge and Eua<Lre hoe- are setiang very weIll. ight of tIse show was a sapphire ill. peoplie ara barely existing, but tasses for tihe montAi of Octiober an'] crenberry glass &e.&L_ he aeLs îî ooecm are Brdg - m.BobNetie 7%e Castle Chapter afithe lM- Geoffrey Arnsol'] display- ail obstacles. He told ofi rifugzes, Mrs. P. Oiienbrite, lIa. Frani Alumnae held Us regular meet- ed verY elaburate antiques frons SPARKS blki F wFob. the onstant uver-crowding, <ha Eanzi, Mrs. C. Hcndriks, . &W-,îng in tise Conmnon Rom aioftise the Ortent, Britain an'] France'itrntblea NAuyMsGrgory Car-ter,10 ntaii Ladies' College on Mon- T-0 dîner tables were set, one Sooai.î of pb. Tise offering an'] the procceda MIrs James McCarroll, Mis. G. A. day, October 1. After a social with luke Ergliilh fine bance china lic olces ore ,o from a sale ai home-niade dougli- Newton; Euchrc - Mis. Ted hal-hour, lins. Gray, the presi- and' Engliali flatware t1he otiser l- ihoi oly ich nuts went <o thse Missiorjy Wiliams, Miss Bernadette Rub- dent tooli the chair. Plans for theisen5PaOnpadour rose fine chia moneoriii,.,e bison, Miss Jean Stewart, and] o--tig year were dliscussed. TIse wiL'h guI'] flatware. There were con oolted ta asylucrassrvdb Nb4rs. J. Mainguy. annual bridge wîll ha hel'] at some vei-y beautiful piecer, fran#Mis. Ktaylnrs group. ci b the o ilege tItis monti. the Minsg Dynasty an'] ma n y Ts ei rneung tîsevnig Thse f irai meeting of thre Don- Othe"a.Th neLgtisvnn wl Oas St. Horne and Se-hoot As- Johnsî Milfler, Hîlicrea-t Dr-ive, sociation wîlhie he&l'] on Wed- who is a<ending first year En- nesday, Oiober 10, at tfie Schqool'gineerng at Waterloo University, Auditorium This wîll be a .gel w WI.I be homne on Frîday Lu spein' acquasnited nligt". Thanksivîng with his parents. A miscellaneous brida] <Shoer Mr an'] Mrs. Kens Hammnsvd <o(r Miss Diane Clarke, ai <Osh- of Maaîdsionx, Wisoonýsin, were awa, waa held at heha hue Oit, recent guests a t tue home of Mis. Mis, W. Wilde on Monday even- D. Mowais,, Kent street. ing. The followîng friendaa-di Kevin Kernolsan, Bs yv ie w neighbs>w-s atinde']. Mrs Mssion 'avenue, son of Mr. and lira. D. Molyneaux, Mis. R-<isemîîî le Kernoiîhan, relebrate'] lis fourth Clarke. Mis. Flore-nec Fallî,w bîîthday on Thursday, Sepen- Mrs. Giadys Mc-Gill Mrs. W Ani- bi 27. vith a party Wo which he dr-ews, Mrs. Ru)sa Bîixsn. Mrsis n vîit ed h is nîighiboui-hoo'] Tracy frori Oshawa. MIS Ehua fri ods Brthday guestis weve Townac.n Mrs MargkÀiîi.e CamP- Terîy' vMoiloi, Deblime amd David] bell, lArs. Le-nîlie Mid'illeî,n. W lci,<' F r n e Cî,Ilinson, jr,, lira .1Ilda Shearci, Mrs, Mal Kemiîy Edwar']s, M a r i a na n le Kîrkiand, Mms Thelrna PhîjPý Chartes and Mark Forget. They sund Mis. GroaL. playe'] a f ew ganies, climaxe'] ,with a ti-easure liurît.ýtetra- The St Aiidrew's Presbyte- ia ioii uit'] hirhday cake an'] i2re.- Chuirh 'Chil']ren of the CIýhiiiih creari were very irtucis eijoye].1 Wednet-day a*t 4,15 p m. Ths is Mis. Rari Oýrmi&tn sud Mrs. & group for prunary cl dren Fiedla Azzopai-da v ere delegates (childî'en Lni grades 1, 2 and 3). to the Royal Canaedian Womnens The programmrre includes ChiiLs- Lv*giîn Convention, whieh was than ieachîng, gaies, crafi and hedd Isat week at Niagara Falls. Mr E. Diarnond- Mis. John Congraîulahions to Peggy Ann Diarnond and Miss Maggie Pren- Sincock. daughter aî Mr. and ice were Suraday guesbs at the Mmra.Làoyd Smcock, Burna liane ai Mr. -and Mr& L Jack- aLett who celebrated her tentii Ioi, Greenwood creaceas, on the burthdy un e Wdweday, October occasion of the christeing of teîsoRendolph Sherwood, tAiSinsAnàglican Churcli. 1fr. A. J. Miler advime. fiat ________ the CWL FashiOgi Show 10liehe wmwee 2,015 cenmer<uaj held on Tueadiay, Octiober 9 at the Hsniy Street High SdbooL I, ng biii~si Je lturing Mm .AMfesd Autin ada mn 1960; these ptants ms- <i o"vg% foermeq model .-"ployed 3%,166 pernsand tiieir ttaI - knuwm ceaaentator, in output was valued ai $360 tîlomâ. NATIONAL FIRE PREVENTION WEEK of OCT. 7 to 13 T1he attention of al citizens of the Town of Whitby is directed to the foiiowing reCommendations for the prevention of ioKs of life and property by fire. Ail dweli- ings, public buildings, stores. warehouses and factories should b. carefully in- spected by their occupants, and ail conditions ikely to cause or proniote the spread of fire should be removed. Ail theatres, hotels and other institurtionai buildings shouid b. inspected and provision made for ail changes necesseary to protect occupants in case of tire. Fire drilLs sýhould lxe hîliri for the cblîdren in al schools, for the 'nmnates of ail institutionîs, and the emplo> ees ini ail factorîeq, in order that a greaier degre of safetv lie ensured by acqilftaflg the occupants with the bea9t and mos,,t expedîtioms meanus of exit in tîmne of danger. Sçeciai instrticetii>ns on the ,iubjt,-t of fire prevention should lie given by theitki.echers andî the nîuniciçîal officiais n the scliools, and siuh appropri- ateliîteratute ias ay lie availa.bie, ,Yhould lie distributei to the pupils. This co-operation uf anl citizens of the Town of Whitby is respertfuily solicited in the above matters. NIUMBER 0F FIRES IN 1961................................. 132 lIRE LOS.S IN 1961.......................................... $6,755.70 be a planning mneeting. Cniucier 0. 8. NEWMAN Chairmnaire Comîmitte. BRUCE CORNER Pire Chief I m Imm zty Er L - - - 1

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