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Whitby Weekly News, 8 Aug 1963, p. 2

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Hom aalGarue 2 WHITBT WEEKLY NEWS Thursdlay, August 8, 1963M 4 PRUNING EVERGIBEENS prunlng needed. Durig tihe Past Hiow and w1hen buo prune ever- two months thse evergreens wll greeens la smething that bothera h a v e prodiuoed soone vigrous a good nian>y hcme gardeners. ight bright-gre.en growth, a n d One thing y-ou cant du isto prune wIth a sharp knàfe Or prusing an evergreen in thse sani e vy shears yiu eut off haif this new y-o u woild a f lowening shruh. growth. This wdi force inatllre %tr intance. te rietor l]1a budti back of the tip nto active can be eut isackwithln a few in-' growth. 1 f md that usualiY VWO dhes of the ground anud in three bu<js wul sprouit in place of the or four years wdll have grown single cone a tt hE fr-icd (f the twi,4 back to its original heigt again 'Phi resuits in te eveTreeea ha- Not so with mct <of the re- ng twjcp as many new tipa as it dieid evergreens, If you treat wcrubd have without prung and them in the sanie way, you'Ill-go becomea more cocnQt. have nothing but a dead rstump J us, as aoo:a as thse trimmIag9 at the ernd of the hrencih even is finighed g4lve thse evergreefl a though the needles doser to thee lfght feedilag wtlh -one of the new trunk still retmain alive. The ver- pant J~fst iit slfl grassanmad ous leaf and f 10ow e r -bearing weedc<ontrol. Work tfhs lightly abrubs have dorrhant buds "it uio the sod aad then soekftihio- remnin alive even though they oughly. Thia will ehlimte prac- m'ake ne growth- They're usual- ticaity ail-the wiaeds andi grasgs lY found aet the base cof a leat or for thse renielader of thse season- wthiere s twig j oins the bn LwasaE" rreella isoWlielso recelve Let's my y t you remtove the a final feedu!ng ietweenthe 15*h growiag tup ci a 1i1 wd ci a anid 2Ot i fAugust. 'ftla leedîng shrob, yuu'Il dàaover a dorm-la most importatiat es " islathe at bud juat below It o e tie cfne e ear whefthe ever- plait wJl beglas lb grow in Uts green will ha torir« te afood it Place aliceat lnmately. Thie needs f o r early grc>wtIs a e x t food supply ihtiedfor tke spring. bra is p iË elwaya diverted 10 thse next bud lhihie adfwS Unique Herh Glardon it to grow. Wilth evergreenathe u___j A unique herb gardes wthich uot re"n alive a ck cf thawsa start*l in 1958 and now con- growing tUp for more *tan a tibns over 40 varieties wlslch fe.w monts. Iha.ie you remsoe wera grown b~y busy pioneer the ruwig tip ins &zy >in houwiwves in Ontaio arounsd YOU'll have noxtlsing but a ded 1867, is a feature of Pioneer Vil- stunip. lage locted in the Back Creak Lika everyhtisg aet, thre i Conservation area et Jane St. an' exception to tis rule, and la and Steeles Ave. tise case of evas'greens, thse wm he1 herba grown in Ibis gar-i cliVs Hamloks, outilboth he den are usad for coooking li tuei Japanesa aadEi hai, x heVillage houses. iii, sage andia a different growth patterai. 'hase tuYine Ma rdied la bUncan gdj twO groupe are tfike thse privet acldinlatise guifsap. Other hetige aend reain *ir d , varuetues are laung on tfie beamxs buda for severalsl es»muoels 'ro dry in order tu denontrate Menstht he c b; un o'w thse pioneer mcther preaerv- ,through out thue growugsg ai îd her herbs for use in cooking providec i t 'a cionie ad ean for thse praservation cif perishable to gLve tb plant:s fooda aarde foosedfr medicinal purposaa. I~the %vide array iacludes Pome Üie new growth before tise "' thatae quilte exotie as well as Evergireena are flot necessarily Aeican coienst Sage (sariv pruned rgularlY as we woild a Aofficn cnin)a eennSaieisnative privet hedWes. We prune t'hensfiiai)aPrena sntv tbu help keep their shapes and i 10 to te Meciterraniean region. iti m'ake tisefn more compact. How- s widely uaed for seaaoning ofi ever.tîhee's o xpctmgmeatas, cheesle aind soups. In ; ever tihere nu s- eigexpet wcg Pioneer days, sage tes was also nwos maîtain a eed gtW<hconsidereil an effective remewdy theI ex-greein To he ews arebu for sore throats an.d colds. the exsoi>wof h lusaxe but Borage, (b o r ag eofficinalis) tearîîy ugof thenaehouxsd A Complete Pmcs Ltd. SER VICE Kingston W., Whitby HI2A'ING (At Tlckaon Rd) PLLJIBING Conet. Biss COMPLETE BATHROOMS SeptitTanks COMPLEPE KITCHfflS t I PHONE SzS,îC sI.uwed Patio Slabs "%Unit Stop"» Diai 6 68.415 9 AMTE HOUBS CALL OSHAWA 725-3814 At Phusu Vilge datea beck la uts urne tua medieval Uines whees a boriqe flowec flooting lu, a cVII> ws --nway preaeated to a knigbt depuerting foir the Oruades tic give Lin courage. Its deticata cucumber flavor also macde l a favorite for Mlet. Taragos or Estragon, (este- mi.-ia daunculus) La3 a reliabie slaai<iby ia Frenschscookfng aad its dâtuilled iohla sacL-iun per- hunes. Mint andi Spearmint are as popular uuow e they were with great - gxmndanctiser wtren tse tandeti bar herb-gardan in pre- ,confederatiýon dhys. Souflsernwood, (artimiuia àbor- abuma) a peresailal cloeey rebatad to wonrnwood in ancientt Greete was considereci an effective eaut- date for dldy poisons. Tise sanda ui'aked Vo water andi beaten were diruasis for ruptures, convulsion, andi actatîca. anid, lest nrot iea.9t, applieci tu many a hald pate es ;a hair resturer. Wid Marjoramn, (origenumn vul- gare) aloo dfacpyeed lnainucent Greece, wu$ W* Ww eefe a Th Id* ei asiced Sumidotier, (halian*ws nas) a par'esîL, provlded an Impotant dtaple la the Amiercan Issdian'a dieaIwho ccilected tas eats. Nojadaya, ttsee esare stillwidely usad in soap-making, feecis, andi to ex- tract cookiaig ail from. Chives, (aiin ssoemaupra- sum) la a well-known kitohen herb. lbey giva a dalioate ofion flhvor to &&Lads, onuaiettes andi sauces. HollyhSolcs, (albea roses) a native of China was hast intro- diuoed to Nuetts Aimerica by Eng- lii aatera lanVirnk, where il varas wideQy useti as a medidtusl for chest <tsasse and applieci to bea and wasp stings. Burnet, (sanguisorba minor) was held hug in la steem b h ng- lis herbalists of tise17h cen- tuiry. "Busret à s aoxst precious libtle herb - the continuaI use of it preserves the bodly in healtis We're looking for peo pie'u)ho need' a new oïl furnace Don't go thsough analher wlnter wlfluan nMId ebele. uma. Lat ne cePLae It now wMti a branci nw, niodro nt that wi give you trouble-fres confort ight durough thse »mon. PHONE US NOW FOR AN FSTIMATE - NO OBLIGATION 43 KING ItTRE, WEST OSRAWA liL'Li1 anai spirit" salît Culpeper. "Put a f ew leaves lan a caap of chenet wiale tohekp n'aie tihe leart memr" rooesmemided PIarkimn Ail ghe eherbaeni çnany more are conimiuiil da a 4W' x 45' plot juat oppeelttithse Lloey En- poriumn gesseral stoa'euwtere they give off talc ewee ,splcy frag- rnce whàd mingles deluiuly wambA the fre couatry une allrod tae delectable sient ci homae- cooking lessing forth from tisa villagebous& "Pveols me you wonf w.ar dW ~ dmuon yeiw Safd . mWtha. Juat a mua depeait andi Convenleat Pay- monts Oves' 5 Yeaw MUONS I7294M à , - 1 mý 1

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