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Whitby Weekly News, 12 Sep 1963, p. 1

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Whitb Y.- Weekly News VOL. 8, NO. 48 WITBY. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMER 12, 1963 10e Per Copy - $4.75 Per Year TWIN-SCREW VESSEL BRINGS SALT TO WHITBY HARBOUR Warren Mowat. Announces Mayoralty Candidature Dpite the fact that the Whîtý by civ ic lections aie stili abou three mnvntbiaaway, interest tin rivie affaîra has de-veIoped to a degree that possible condfidates are already linmng up theiT forces "It iooks like it coiulId be a long hiehlýv inù-reesîîng carnpaign," re- or', ae counciliior. izens." There are a nurnber of other Possible nominations for tihe pu- ,ilion of chief magiqtrate Ccuncilor Desmond New,,man is conaidex-ing running. With business management and civic exr '- ence, he has been cm-e of : .ore active counicilinrain seekinîg change in council1 ac- ivities. j îrt to asinounce a definite "' ave flot yet made a diefi- t eek th- position of nite deoi-io-i on whether I will niavrr is Warren Mowat. local run for the position cd mayor," ' ,': . , r. a former depuity- said Counilor Newman. "But I reeve and councillors. aind exper- wil¶ be seektng to cntinuje to . .eedwoir a pcf h tn. commù ttee serve the townrin somne capacty." ............... "I have made up my mind 10 former mayor, las reported lic be t; S 5seek the position of myor at lise eyeing tihe iayors chair willh a The f Le'5 cargo ta£ rock gait t e a She was cleatred fotr sailmg -iC comistg c vii e&ections" Mr. Mow- view to occuping lt this yer. Hie be bhpi"-d through Wihitby Har- befo,-e midtni!gti andi shipped out 'l' Y me.it wa, arran-ged at told the Whiuiby News this "s now cocnducting a survey to bouc arrive 1, Saturday -dscirde-w1ca ly Sunday tmnng. thr'cugh the lo aflûzni ite-week. 'I have had cooniderat4e detieTTiine *».e amounit rof sup* considerable atenti'on from 'local Tii" sait ls deqtined- to be nùx- E ed in h-e develiopmriet of the "2-oerience and; feel tibiat IoSn be port he coulid expert. citizen&x e- wi'.h mrndi and uised' on ro,-dis harbowr, and is the ficat bulk -'f value' to tise town and ils dit- Councililor Pau Ceatis la alec> 'Mhe twin-screw inottr vessel in thre geneal area Ti-anship- Q-argo turanage to reaoh Whitby rneret tboaeengresy a Joseph Medili Paitetrson arrived ment of the mnaterl sartesi on I. -rLcur i-n three yeiars. Ton mas reen i bcomig ay about 2 o'clock on Satusrday M-tr-îy The arrivai of thee sait ocargo Tw rmsPeet "tlhuhAoo eniyBw afternd n andi was unloaded of 'We are expecting furiher givea Whîtby Harbour one 4cf its Views On Annexatin tnba ltyt'adisof~~ ab~out 3,900 tons of rock sait in shipments icf sait Iater tihts hast threeweek perioda s onansounSsent, h 'had beeaà, -ba e estnibd a "VrY ondmýýnt. an' eiql in0 br,"re A g hisRepresestiatives of preacticafly pretty welR accepted in citvie wllst ~ decnied a "vry oodmrrth aadieaVJy n Qtobe"rcord. AMo> dtuiIn tSPesT1o<da£ i c cdeçiarimenits and organi- circleis that lie will aseek eies- tUme for thse equipfierit use&'. sald David Ros. Hasibour Master. a--rut a nilllion aind a halife- zations were presEint at a 3olsst tion for a tihd two-yerar terim About 320 ficnS; per heur was The courful activitv of the kmans-<f gascline bas arrivesi. meeting called by Council-lor Ouher activity for thse civic ahifledi from thse esrgo 'ida cfI night unlomdhissg drew thse attein- There will bi sahipmenta cg stove De-mond Ný-wran to dîscuss an- election findis tisait Reeve Everelt the 27540ot veastic dise dock -ton cif local actists andi volour'an-d fuel oil eirs-y sext > eeainaniohr iates fQatatibs nonedta mi ual interest between the wuil defsuittely seeli reelm«tio to T-wn of Whiby a tv'lhe Towan-titi senior position repreeatlng Ali Parties Press Capaigns For ESection41po hlVtetw nte tt Çup Wtiste Ontirrlo Provincial servative candidlates. on MvndaBy, Riding, bas a fuli soledule of Counefllos- Newman la disair- Cosuceg. Risiav Quaistffsl -ab lia towek ewilb i e' ' Rdn, a-cofe pri ii lamonmet- o f tise town section of a visteran is rfcliaffalm ahoVi4nt Elecitcni le-"s m wwesh ilb nLe.sRdig a-icfe ate adlre et seven-ntan conmittise appoirsted serveci as a cSoeancor, depssty. away, the lhree poîrtioSi parties &moque; on Tuesday evenlng ha 'ings ins an itinersery that se"s hlm to nego'tiate tOws-tuwnjsip pro)> reeve an-d reeve ao wofes m eton ctestiîng Ontatio and Oshauwasii he hthe guect speaker at, 't-irig mo-rt sections cf te rid-lct-mis, inclu-iîng -arirextetton. Tiserumber ci civie oeganfratlon ridings are proceeding wllh ail Rrsstfor-3.irtg wgthàn. thse sex: week. To s.id t'r i tetwahpaeoo euee GoisBok apeed. Fricry ssid Saturday of Ihis in thse wock in tise nitiseraspart cepresessted by three memnbers wIlI. ah u it ie riAM but Deterinoc efforts ane belng week, Dr. Dymrond wiàl attend'of thse riding, an NDP camnp ls with a neutral, ison-votirsg, chais- a n i yehaiined thiohr masite tic cust tise preseni mess- the Beaverton Fair, gîve a radtao j eing r stathlieci os Higtsiam esmonappoiuted by lise Depart- àt wili be. bers, Hom. Matew DYMond, adkress ani attend a tee being 69. a tient will be pitcoied aiesr ment of Municipa faira" iatt ie ienae u- OCesiervative MP? sirice 1955 Worhelsi in bis henour aflies-ths eomWasa.ga Beach Ths wiI e ha e Ie harcia very worthlwhile tiser,,nsideqatn befre I1make Onitario r 1 d i n g andf Tcassy cf the faitrcon Satrurday night heasquarters cf Mr. Ediwards meetinsg aend feel lisaît we have up my misêd," saïiitise labour T'homme, CYC-NDP, MJPP ince W&,hresd21y, Septen'ber 19, ls a viten he is in that ares~ gainedr considestsble frein thie dis- ummpreiderat. 1948 -fer Oshaaria ridlng. higl-igst cof tise CGonervative' [n most cases thse ND ceaidà- cu,-,ion, wittls representatives cf ________ Wîtis a3 seats in tise province oamPa<gn for bathI Ontario ainsi catis plains on a riastier of meet-t tht- Planning Board, tise Scisoc belng cStested by tlÀi&emjs Oshawa Riuings. Premier Robeirta ings eacb diay, withth ie niejeity Board, thse 1-arbour Board end History lu Action Day a"-d ConSservatives, ansd nomina- wihl attensi a roceptime et Ainder- being of the coffee piasty type. otes gro:upa. These prissent tions for 90 ridings by ltse New son Hîih Sohool (7.45) Whiitlby,' Monrdaiy he wil he in thse Catn-~ broucht a c1esa r un-derst n-ding. Plans Complete For Deiocrata, tise stage bas been at wlsici Dr Dyrranîd (Onstaio) nînglion ares. Tuesday, Usrbrî gis goîA tasciri-unsi ltnowledge ansd BROUGHAM - UNS - Plans set fral eut efforts on bartti andi Aldernsai Stan Walkes- wll ara. Wedsesday, Myrtie Station a willrngness to co-operate thsat were onutpebe "iiswisek for the te loals- andl provinsciail levisis. also be present. and Broololin arisas. Next Isurs- was very wonthwùle [o tise couJn- scnw nuiMatr nAto AHl parties feel tŽsey as-e in a NDP Activlty day be will ha in Beaverton. rt-I comasitteis," commented Day to e h Isth iis Satourday at poisitions ts fori a goversunent if Tri-t Fdwa.rdrs, N7PD, O)ntarie Crrntinued on Parise:i CoSulinSlo Newman. ie Msun ons i lhey gain a majorlty. te uougha nds i AIl three Ontario Rîding Can- B - rughay. lsva i o dida-tes, Hon Matthbew Dymond, --M--rdinatcng aelliseihtoscoaf Sam Hofnlirgswortis and Tom d- eo. ain tpre- warris wîiltake part os intris , mntrs-b i ions h-av rinteecis-d proeriermeeCritioaily Speakisg, t rr-t h-areot inre rat Rriday nîght ait630. This ia protab- t r-r,. -1 the ilrts l ndr et's ihilvi as doise as ffieteiree candi- otppoerstlr t'-rtî' r l get frnm now u-jtË f (it, a-iî. t ri-, Jdr-irsr'at .îI(r- ion day. A challenge for a - -den f~Hli5i tite lt-baie rinsthse prornineit issues l~titt i Wa r- fiin Kînghi of the nas-rpaiges hy Sams HoEings- ti, U I o -t- i iiiigit sorth is aarejectesi by Mat Dy- (r\-r-I f sh-i --.r itio ara-d So fac as present plansj itht it- are concerned tht- two wiIIn . N -Kmotisl ds rt're face ttu face on tise sanie N N Ms rit - nii h wl is-b plirtr-m.However tise Libecals tr -,î -t-. îr tî.irirsib ire planning ra-dir atanswers ansii heors 1 1I-sttri.(-4Priat.and luor-suons on adresses made by r-is î ar -M o 1r Dvmen-sd. akti, - . M. o Conservative Actlvity [Ion M Dymoird, mitt rofMtrs Ariri.-,l [te r,irgni tqi iealtit is officiating at tise ,e-dtmiatatth-,o'irt hi - ftent'w Schrool cf N-ursing eu-anrgsW nrifo th oday (Titursdlay. Sepeniber 2), Tommy Ts gagradisate vas a general assensbly at Col- chansiion: i Sarles, pi-isi te s rxla si U nit I huri and 't th-e Ontaro Hospîital Wblitby of Henry Higis Srhool, and a top borne Street Senior P u b 11 rc f Coiberne Scisool; To m Ms Y will stt rp tht-jr trames andts VVedmsacy, Septemsber 18, lie 5usserai a Selon Coliege. New Si-bool last Friday when [bis stu- Tusisingham; Trustees Tom Ei-, carry on an olsitLime quilting ing attnd'lte apeffùc g oa ne Jersey, U.S.A., was guess speak- dents. graduates who lsad won wards. osember of tise stlilellr bie., iseonth O s-us fo r i'ta . k es-m resnel ieauaeiawards, teachers ad epeial1 consmittise of lise Whitby Public Mrs Hugls Milles-and-ici sa tt he râle Hsptal 1 r ad peýentd te ahieicgueils wes-e present. S h o w n Scisool Boardc; Sharn Sutton,i Howar'd Mma-Icoin f Broughams on Septasiber 16 and 17, lthe, wards won dusIig [lie Whitby above frum left to s-ight as-e senior gis-la' rnnes--up, a n d will ber tieris to demioinetraie thse eektI msinuster stE niove kato 1 Public Scisoola Chamipons Field Bars-y Hlton, senior boys' chans; Wayne Toffan, senior boys' rn- mealaorl (d butter nsakin as it ties- ridiji» to bré> feIIuw 0Cm- Day held lait June. Tihe occasion pion; Mary Unger, senior gisa ner-up. was dune in paoeeer fai m re.. k ~ k s CI a h il a

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