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Whitby Weekly News, 12 Sep 1963, p. 4

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4 WHITBT WEEKLY NEWs TThdy Septenfb5 12,196 Local Girls Attend St. ark' U.CW. H lds CGIT Quin-Mo-Lac St. M rk's .C.W.Holds The Onitarlo Gid Wotrk Board Pot Luck Supper Meeting T1he regulai meeting of St. never as great as the Power be- Mark*s' United Church Women hind us" Groups dtiscusions of was field oaa Tuesdiay evenmg, )rogramm!s and ledernz-hp \?-e held and were heard, Septeniber 10. in the Sund-ay Miss Mitd'red Price. leader -of Sehoul Audiitoirîurn. A pot luck Unit 5 inirodiuced the film "The supper. with Uniis 8 and 10 act- Face of New India"'. Fou.r-fifths ing ;, ho-4essQi-. got the firsi of of the pe-on-le of India live off the te Fal meetings off to a good land. More oif -our modern wel- start. comed equipanent is being used. The Presn. Mi . a- Fducation is nio more aval luise. pi-esided fýi 'haý gr-il- î able The- Irr igati.on Programme meeting an,! opered by reading hecs helped a greai deal with agri- a poem -What Mmiiories. Culture. Unit 55 was in ehaccet oi th- N e wv mach inerv. electrical program Mis. Llo)yd Sm-th and, equ.prnent. more steel prods.ic- Miss Florence Ileard led the Ii n. rniOu' lra tank- wSrahip service The themne ovas ers bringing oil for fuel for- fac- "Traansforming Friendship- ~ colns etc... are a Mrs. Fallaise cranducted the real begiannlng in the progress c£ business ses siton Ili was ane- the new Inîia. raouneed the the UC.W. Annuýal A short film on "Sprirag Comes Church Ser-vice will ho held on lu Kàsh.mir' waas shown aiso. Sundiay, September 15th. Miss Miss L. Saunders, a member Esther Higuhfield. ass;ociate secre- of Unaat 5, spoke for a few tary ouf the Board of Home Mis- minutes about "'Five Qaka". a sions wiLl be guest speaker. United Churoh Christiana Work- Mrs. E. Bowmian gave a report ers Centre. Five oaks trsaining on finances, steessing the need helps lay people to miaike a clear- to go ove-r and above the alloca- or Christian witness, and in fiheir tion so that a gift might be sent work. üheir home- anid their to thie "Over and Above" Gifts Ichur-eh. thot are so badly needed. , Mca. H. Quantrili, delegaîte toi WOMEN'S INSTITUTE the Bay cdf Quinte Conference The regulair meeting of the sdhool for leaders, helti ai thse Whitby Women's istitute will Ontarlo Ladies' College, gave an he held on Weclnesday evenâng, excellent report. The theene of Septemhr 25, ait 7.30 p.m. an the the school was "A More Excel- home of Mrm Wm. Walsh, 221 lent Way". Bible Study sesisons Staar Avenue "The Covenent" taken f rom the The lunch ooinrittee wiIllbe Study Book,"The Word andA he Mrs. F. Cni anrd Mms. Seabom. Way", were helsi ech diy. MetAi- The theme "Home Economies ods of presentiag Bible study aind Health", conven-or Mrs. Bill were desecribed. 1 Pellow. Spe-cial speaker. thie Vie- One quotation Mrs. QuanlWill !I ciao Ordier of Nurases fri gave w1as "The lask ahead is Whahaby. Directors and Convenors Are Named For County Catholic Women"s Leaque 7%ie 1963-64 exevutive of the i L e a g u e magasine convenier, Ontaruio County South Regsional 1 Miss iMarjorie Harrison, Port CWL Cotannil hais been anounc- Perry; legisiation convener, Mar. ed by Mrs. Gregory antier, chair- Kelly DeGray, Oshaawa; nesu- Mn.s taon ooynverser, Mrs. L.eo An"sA, Directair, Raev. N. J. Gignac, Myrtie Sibaston. Odiawa, secoetary, Mrs- Willtiamn Local league presidents ame: O'OonSsr, Uxbiidige; treasuies-, Mms. James Noonan, St. Gsi'- hM. M. G. Ooltia2 O*miwa. trude's, Oshatwa; Ms-s. William Spiritual convemker, Miss Vewrda Boissoan, St. Gregory's, Oshaawa; Packer, Pickering; sidunuhion con-, Mrs. M. G. Coleinan, St. Mary of vener, Ms-s. Viacnt Shaninon, 1 thie People, Ohaa; Mm D. G. Ajax; prss oonvss-er, Mrs. Bd! Nletuman St. John the Evange- Flimia, Whitaby; social action con- lâat, Whitaby- vesser, Mrs. K. I!realn, Ajax. Ms. Fxmak Whitilenl lInnacu- knngrat*mra and eizeriship late Concepio, Poit Peery; Ms-s convener, Ma-s. Lanry Ruent W. Egsan, Sacs-adi H-eart ci Jesus, Whitby; Girl Guide coavener, Uacbridge; Miss Verda PackeT, Mizta. M. Togesf-sonl, Pickerinag; St. Francis <le Sales, Pickering; telegramrn cosavener. Mrs. A. C.! Mrs. Wfism Murphy. St. Mary Lmve, Oshawea; rsdso, T.V. and'of the Angeils, Rosebank; Mn-s. A- fihm aonveoer, Mca. William Sac- L. Càayutier, St- Bernadette's, coccib. Wesat HLI Ajax. THE WHITIiY DISITRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD and its ADVISORY VOCATIONAL ('OMI'ITEE annotances R oistration for NIGHT SCHOO0L CLASSES ANDERSON HIGH SCHOOL Thursday, Sept. 12 or Tuesday, Sept. 17 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Ci-ss tili ho formed in the cour-ses.e for hich there ha-. heen sulficient advance registratio. Sewa rg Business Machines Square Dancing Miltaner-y Bo<kkeeping (Couples) Oit Paintaing Oral French Drafting Shorthand Auto Meehanlca Typing Spanish CarpentryI SIi.m and Trin Englîsh for Welding (Ladies) New Canadians Etectrici ty Regist ration Fee- $l000 Most classes watt be held one nigh4 a week for a two or tliree hour period. starting a-t 7:00) pan. esela evenling. Classes wUl start the week of October 14. District Higla Sehoot Board,- A Robeson, Chairmain Whitbyý D. W. Thompson, Seeretartj sponsored lthe C 1anenGIr1W In- Trininag Camp Council at Quin- Mo-Lac, tAie UnitesiC hus- ch Carnpsite, near Tweed, Augi 20-30, 1963. Seventy-two éc'eegates, ages 15- 17 yen-es were dhosen to represent the 20000 girls active in CGIT in the Baptist, Church of Christ, Presbyterian aind United Chan-ches in Ontarto. The oppos- tunity to sase and discuss ideas fýor COLT gr'oup activities, and to ,,tiaie.aggestiorLs for CGlT polit-y maltes, it possible for eaoh girl to report to hem consiituency of CQIT groupa on ber return home. The camp program presented the aýppor-tunity tio worsltip. saudy andi pllty togefiher in thAe oikf presetat. Ratv. NSmain, stipes-vis- doors, .ing patos-, spioke a few words of The Oshawa District CGIT encowaagemen t (o, the ladies fur ares was represented by Ruth what they 1usd done ïn lthe hast MacMilan andi Barbani Brecken- two yeara - ridge, both of Whitby. Ma-s. Deeming, programmae con- A Provanatii Girls' Executive vealor, introduced the new pro- was ohosesi hy the dellegates lin peaine for naet year. Meeting assist with, the programmie plans adionurd and lx*wih was served for Camp Counei 1963-54. by the 'hosteisa oves- a cup of tea. The aininiversary services of MYRTLE NEWS Myrte United ChaireS will lis The United Chus-ch Womnen, hetd September 15 a 2.30. Rev. hedd is Septembes- meeting at Dougls PiI'ey, BA., field sec- the home of Mrs. Allan Downey retary for MVontreal, Ottawa and last Wedhreaday evening. Bay of Quinte Confes-ences, will Ma-s. Nottingh.am took thi de- be the guest speaker. votion and Mes. Hesige read thue seraplj)urP. Roll catI was answered GM APPOINTMENT liy word pmiomiase. OSHA'WA - WNS - The ap- There were several items of pointinent of F. E. Conililn as business - caretaking and flow- director of manufacturing, effec- ers for church arnd a lunch were tive Sept. 1, was anmiuneed to- arranged forc Anniversary Day. dBay by E. H. Walker, president Rev. and Mm.- Nor-matn were of General Motors of Canada, 12 REAS-ONtS WHY Good Government deserves YO UR support 1 -ire Jobs and rising incomes-in 19o2 45000newjobs were opened soared more t han 8 %~. A ealthy rural economy-your 2 çoverrnmctît is taking vital action in developing the lanud tay drainage and rel'orestation schenies. 3Fair markets for farin products- efforts to place aIl producers of farm producîs on an equivalent basis amproves îmarket conditions. 4$L million la new busines-the re- 4 suit of your Government's succesa- fui efforts to induce 200 foreigo cotnpanies 10 produce here. 5Aid to inunlipallties; low taxes- 5 your Conservative Governeacat gave $469 million tbis year tu local authorities-heips hold dow* taxes. Progress lu public welfare-your 6 Goveroment is ever mindful of the less fortunate members of Society- and aida thern many ways. 7School boards get $2333 mMion- grants to elementary and secondary schools have reached a record figure -up over $31 million, Improved instruction la schools- 8Ontario teachers benefit from ane of the riost extensive training pro- grais in North Amierica. 9Homes for the Aged program-your 9 Governanent bas assisted in provid- tng new accommodation for the aged-in ail, 2,250 new beds. 1OPortable pensions for everyone-this 10 plan means if you change jobs, your pension will NOT be forfitd- it moves with you. 11Decisive planning for your welfar- your Conservative Government'S record has placed it among thc most advanced jurisdictions in the world. Vigorous leadershp-good Goveru- 1 2 ment leadership gets things donc for the people. John Robarts' admins- tration is for YOLJ. JohnRobrtsVote Progressive Conservative mosin m0Oknt ari So TVIOI-l m) RLKS ED DV T i feý %i vEOVTiiN R R I C ERVAiV SOITO [AGAIN FOR ONTARIO RIDING. Re-elect DR. MAT. DYMOND WI tby Conimittee Rooms 106 BROCK lST. S. Phone 6841 IOSHJAWA RIDING.. VOTE 1Alderman ALBERT WALKER j

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