WIIIIY, CANADA ,WES] WIEDNESDAY MONN jIuhùOffice ovcir Uauy .'SOre, UftOCK STRgETI WHITBY. atere o n trm. $150 er$ ad omunic adion dviii..; udh o~Ituo1-p' id, Silriu andunr , lertinstigo.. otherbu50l Saettisast4d Oommu itIOflS ......us0d10 l Noi xce&Uag ondxne, lt iserton.). 750 Eatik sabseqitent -insertion. 020 Aboyi ialllue, let inartion ;r et 0. <os> Mb abeeqqent jInsertion .......o o0 D #derienitlti, are cbarged aoeordin1g btet aptes tbliey opy. -Adverti*atel without written instruictionl will ha ln»rted antil forbiri, and charged sc * InîrtillOnto dIsconhiitie Advertisemlenlt #bouli In laW'riting. - Ni> paineî ll ha parsa ta givé he PaU a lag irculatio smong the .ubét*till men of 0 OKANI)> JOB PR1NTJN{G or SYSIRT »COltios boue Mtp.LftiouuIytloand 4t Ioiera te Rtes 'PIRES" 'OFFI CE.ý COUSTTX Y FiQLL - ~ 'a,~u~,dias Ge" ~ t t thecourt, tN i he court. lue T OIN HAM FERRY. Registrar. Office- a p Brook Street »Wbîtby. I J.MACDONEL, Clerk tof the Peace l.Officest the Court Bouse TOHN V. nAM. Clark o!f te County Courl4 JAid Registrar or te Surro&pate Court - Office opposite the. Regîstry Offiee. Brock street, Whit.ký w. PAXTON, Jtt, Treamrer.ý Office a n J- .. MACD(JNELL, Solicitor, asud Clerk e71 of tlhe County Council. Office at the courtb Houéi. W Hl.TRE.MAYqg, -unty rwnAt- T OUN SHIER. County Engineer. Office at jthe court lousa. TFAIRBANKS, Cieni Fiait Division Court Le. Office opposite titi Iegintr-y office. L VI FAIRBANKS. Jis.. Bailiff Final Div- siMon Court. Address, hitby P. 0. j)R.RIL J. GUNN, Bynon .Street, Witby C N.G AX. 1DT ARRISTER and Attorney-at-Lttw, Office, op- 13>joiits 'lie Regislry Office, Brock Street, 'ýv- b î -h>' R.. NCDONELL. B2 ÀRRISTER and Attorney.at.Lav, Soli ci 'on Ca1> t 0c-t't vi-e il Ontario, Nolar>' lubli c, .&c. office, at thei Court Houa., Whithy 1.1 .H.COCHRANE. L- L. B.- 13 ARRISTER, Attorne>'at-Lav. Solicttcr in Citençer',- Notar>' Public Conveyan car 'At. &a. Office, Bige1ov'a Nev Buildings Don- daa.street, Wbitby. ti J. 3. H ER GILENWOOD. ATTORNEY-AT.LAW, Solcitor ln Chan, XiL er>', Notary Public, Couveyancen, &c. -,Office hin Victoria Buildings. next door te tit Begisîr>' Office, Brou street, Whitby, C. W. 1-13 XuesBP. OWAT & *oLENNAN, - ('IH NOEY AND LAW OFFICE, No. c Ir-t fluor, Madonie Buildings,,Toronto. BI. Obanc*17,,kXotbrnu Puble. Offieé _rûr- né *et King and Yor6iito saireest. , aer Whitte;, mn« e. &Céla Bankiug Oto.,' Tffl t*. BPYBON TS&T, Soth cf the Meehunlos' hlntoteî Whiiîy. Blorey s4tion eriveln b bo uxduse an in la muy samswiuj,. u t cu r o psy. - ~' 'OHflGI TJLE, ha W. 0. EASTWOOD,, A.E,, ND. b bitb.4l * IIPSON & PEÈG'USON. ,,TrrIILOIBS, Brook Sîne et, Whity. Or- dent atlended îowith î,atuess and .J~dupîlct. *1- ly UN.ES. CÂRIICHAL, DTmhLs.il iu Dry Goodi, Crockery, Çroeries, 1JProvisions and gîninal meitindize.- King Stneel., Oshazwa. 1 tf -WXlg NoPER30N. AGENT fur the Preeholi and Pernanent Building, andi SavinqsESomrey -of Torounto D31 Money to tend on Re.alREste. Wliiiby, Marcit 6, 1261..i-C' B ARRISTE,sSolicitor, ana Convoynuccr BDeputy Repister, and Maister litshnefîrY for the Couaty of Ontario, Brock Street Wlithy 2-ly *GEORGE CORMACK. IUMBER MEIIO FANT Cîirpentfir, sud L Joiner, Green st, Witbby. , A lergp quarî- tity uof all kinds o! Lumnber constantiy on baud. F. RL MANN. TTOUSE, SiON, and Ornemental FPointer, ~.ffGiIlir, Gltzier. ottd Papîrtangpr. Imita- ton of IVondi and Mabies. SîAUl onder pnomptly atten4led to. g:5- Sign painting e.recuted willr neaines and dispalclr. 3-ly j~ TOOT AND SIIORNMAIER, Cunimer- BiJtal Buildings, Brock Street Wbit y 1.1 y NONEY. T O LEND, on Rea E,.ta te. Apply te JOHN AONEW' Wtitby, Febnriary 22ni, t1861. StatiluerYt Stationery DAILY and WeeklyNasaer,îazn, D Godey's Ladies' Bookc, tiic Violins froni $1 each, up ta $30,-Accondeons. Fl% bes,; Violtu Strings, Vidure Fiame,, Mouuldios, ac, &C. eti GRO. lJLEIS, IL. - 1- G _SMITH ,' )OOT & SIIOR ?tAKER, iesnly op. iUpste iss ,t.o rves &Powel's Store, Brôki $ttiiWbilhy. &il ordqItsPromptly atîended la, andi érecîtet n awo.kmstnIike minier. Citop for Cibb. 1Jtin 8. 18Q1. 17-6m NORTUJMEN, STRIKE FOR LIBERTY 1 Nortbmen. up, in Fnee-dati' cause, Up, and itr-itte for-liber-t y1 Dasiards trample on your lavai; Nortîtuen, 'stniki' fur liberty i Te arme, te atrma; and nohly figitI Titi fois of liberty andi rigitb; To arm ta, uame, antpultoafiglit Your foem, the foes et liberty i Nortmen. from your Cloionsuaflag Test lte stdpes o! alayenv. Souern cuL throats oniy breg O! titeir glanions slavery. Let yaxtn stanry bianner waye Oui>' oer- Ilie rei aid brasve i Up. lu arme, your countryava Prom the curai of iiaveny. Nonthtien, îp, andi Win a Dame Iu titi cause et liberty i Ntîity ise and e ut toa ie Ilasa-boru fois of liierty. Lefthbie ¾îubhern traitona <ail Keeneit adge ot Nortitbru tteel. 'Up. sud tttklitae datarda reted1 Up. anid etnike for liberty 1 Nurtitten, niti>' est youn croess I te face o! siavery; Witat titougut you utay sufer lose, BalLer tiftt titan Ltrîr>'y. Cari nuL !ý,r à a ilgitt d"eat% Soutiiern t-i dsual yeb retneat. Up. again titi <ne te ruieti1 Up, aud vatiquisit laver>' I Nortituen, lit voun cannons peal On bitai! of liberty'. Stniki, 'ia for your country'& veal Stnike for glonlous libherty'i To ar-me, l antis. nti noiti>' iglît Tii. fue. o! liberty and i.-htt To anmts. L'arma, aud put ta fliglît Your foe. be foca o! liberty i SWbithy, Jul>' 26, ISGI. R. J. WEST ]BRANT. We copy fronthlie Brantford Courier Mn. Ryerson's speech aI lita Deciaration on Müntday iast: "lMni. Ryenson on coming forvard ta ai- il nesltealaclora vas rouzîdiy appiauded.' Ha saiti thalttis waa lte finsItintehohiati aiven atidressetibis eiov' subjecîs nnder lte ctrcumslauces. Hi vas influancaî b>' emolions lte muai peculia.r, in conting. for- yard ta retu n ils ieartfeli gratitudie and îbmuifuiness for Ibis mark of conffidee, fi iexîdsiip, anti affection ltaiiat ha-bein ne posait in it. (Chiera) Ha vas not Po vain as, te sitnibula iit ~expression-o! lte eonfiden;ceo!lteelec.tors to ,ai>' pednai retbof his, but te bis uinyieg etaobin l thâ înaltutionn f mftxnhtv. axîd Iois de- - -- ét"oita ?tS rOiTUPli ~,Croku, (Cileeniy-y %' Nhrtheinamaxîy ma $IMCOFE STREET, OteMA4 WA valuietiblessings vue étj-îy ould ha au- Arti6icxal T-reLhi nserted on ait the lîxlesî pi't- taileti upon us anti whiiltut be prisarvat expies o! tuae art. Teitt filedti.lxgdd an 1 le us in apite o! ail ixfifuances lu lite con-' silvr._Ailopéatins arrnLe. tary. Front wlîîever rarty or quarter proî- Joue 8, 181. 17ceededthettc ttiet, ht a asboundti lusa>' aud DR. . A AMlatobelxeve itaIt te finsi dot>' va ara calleti 10o I diacitarge was taI o! opposing al H OM OpArlHK~ PHY~GIAN efforts tu veaien lte litai bi:ds us tcolte AND) sURGEON, Briht iE pire (chens.), a ital occa- 62 BAY STREET, TORONTO, sinsanti by ever>' meania tu strangten Devotes bis attention prnmncpalîy tte tr-et- di>' b>' di ltai biessadticiliticonnectsaus meut o! vîth t Bitaixî, anxd lo intensif>' in teaitls CII ION IC DISEA SES. o! ail aur !ellow subjechs a teint>' anti dito- Office Hour-frorn 9 bu 12 a m., anti <om 3 tu led loyalI>' l uintQixean anti country'. Again 6 p. ut., Sundays excepted. il ia oun bounden dut>' 10 ourselves aut Io Whilby, Jue 18, 1861. 17-lyr-. our citiltren bu p-crpetoate tbat love ôftcom-_ _____ ______ - - In>'anti Sovraigu lu lte lateat haut. (Hein>' ~,pRy PAINOINS. le tvas deepi>' thîxuiful txaittosa e t at Iceland Mosit Cough Candly. suppenlat tirn t btougi Ibis keeuiy coteaeti  PL.ESÂNT ONFECTON. dction itat doue su iii an itouorable mnu- A saf and ffictiousremey forCo en. Ilb vas net att easy malter Io etimtne Aods asdeffiacon d&fr.Cugtheitapowenî'ul intfluentces anti alnoat iii. Forsal byJ. . Grri, Witb; M acaneituntabie difliculties that liad pna-'îfettd aud Carmicitaîl, Mittla, and b>' Druggisbl hrslvsaanthi lcsn adi va gererally, ' al Wholesaie by Lyman Ellior &co, a millet of teint>' congratlation tht ' sud Simpaon & Dunapaugit,*Torno, andb>taibe ha Manufacturer, b a enbrougiti ta su honorable an ant- At 33, Kîig Street West, Toronto C. W. Tiaere bat beau dficulties le overcomee tn Patta 121 cents. tia issue ltat vire but iitîle antiicipa d. P. R.PAXON. The&Wiaiiymn Methedista among vhonu e 2-3mt ati i aboned durnug tae pat fcrty xrs t GI)D SAVE THE OUMEN!1 not axtenied te tin t tat uttitîti su Pctrb une vouît bave beauhati loaxpect. Ai e tnuther of ltaibcd>' amoug wvi ontite il iabonad'aand devotid hic lifa, anti sacni mauch, liat offared i hm a stranuons op i-' PR nI uov uno al mn ttatlion, aud ha vas painedti c cnsid4er il JArE8A.OL .R . ug tte Weaîiyau IMIinistens oun Ibis ir- JAIU A C AWL cuit but one bat accurded i bu mu>' up t. mtlii remains lu his oîd stand, (Wilklnsoî's Buildings), 'whera haeantinue& tn taIre like. Hea a refaenca lu Mr. Heyland. ta m- nasses wich arp generally admitted ta hi au- pauiou of bis eami> youtb, vito had It lîa perior loa Si>' takîn in Canada. ski ted le record vitat bc eleivat nid . Cail anti examine for yuuirslves. 1I-tf 'be lais lat vote in titis waniti in favor'c'the _____________ -- - -- institutions o! hia country.,Il vas- ,a il N E W J'E W EL LR Ys enaanabl faolta ha t hati raciva bl ai-, mrit naimus spprtof meaberi s h - Churcit o! England, agaiasl viton bis oie *À LARGE ÂSSOBTTIENT o - lite a ttbain speul in cpposîi, n uIbm ,or-k A of aecuring eqtsal rigitîsaid priheilgea ýal - Yj ijE -W E ]L ]L R -ydisaeitîg bde.(hte-Te t - ~ofEnglauti bail nu cause lu be interbi galions lu itim, mut heitati noadaim t air, P'PIT Iv ÇXrR.¶ WTQ 1fArPII.TTPQ c,'nfidenxi anad avm-îatir. Rut -ibeM xv AZ TORONTO PRICES.- S G C T AClES TO> SUIT ÀÂLL ÂGES AT Watohmaker &3~1r r I ~DAY, JUJ4Y 31, 1861. frorntail obligationstua atyofI tem, ani was in a position <o itke Iri ieat inthelite eia- lune, titpittêidod bttybody or' party o! nietan (Cheers) HOa it9010uthe Rounirea to attend tu lte 1ifllOlsttif aOil bis fîl!ow msub- jecti e inte coutI nduuitt lmant in par-, tictilan g citangetilo ioiit te Weleaie cf ail. -(Cheers) Andi.whiîlo ki- diiinot de-, sirte told auy ildaoflingslowardsanyoîîle,: yet lie eouid nut, forget te un .tmral trealmnfst atid penianML abuse bih titivied, miltehatîda ot ssuiy of lts ýmoat pro-iea o! Mn. Biggar'5iiPotfi i bisîrange to say, received ltaeunîUesi suppolîof lte Consanvativnfi, lu Wii<>tiha fait truiy grateful anti bis Contsarvaltie friands Inigit rely upon lteir k indnem,8UcvpftlWýi g forgelten, tion that héa aIany î0.5 aitamet cf ttanm. (Citeens) l1e- , lha was not a al lu n>'ciitie poltficianis. It was i& desire to faini>' teprasrent a4l inieraats and classes of lte people of Wegt,,Brait, antd wter anha sripporleti John A, Macilonaiti, on an>' otiter leader .o! ltae., House, it would ba under te hatest conviction Ltat sucb leailer-s wsre duillg ltait ulmoat 1<> promore tae itappines o! liteý Canadian peuple, anti deternined in ttamr .efforts ' o preservîe andI atrengîhen uoelnl Ibtie ltaibinda us to ltae Crnwii cf Britain. (Chairs.) Andi te power that Itat ibis day beau plac ed ini bis bands wouid,. ho wieilaed as a patniol tiue bis .wond, ielte 'protection o! bis countr-y. Hea thanketi ail for their kntines. towanrdshiîm, ani hopedi that Goti would blems them. n. Ryarson conclnded autit hearl>' cieeréc. Jeaictis>, enlvy commfon !ailirngat are not l amyg ti net fol 1ev, tiotti3t4, sionali>' afflicteà vito are disa fo.Rapiteai à i and popuharity er Salvator'Rosa %f, iiseial!a ortito- ,called A ngelo xt,ç a dry'ane! t isïý itaany uy in&- ovn suuilonit7 prper -Xodtl;, ,and seif-conceil ate ver-y 'Even ieU>-gleet -mes* GlapI fr-monu ttan lbdues ,lbcaube gulins-ea Il re uiessaril>' gen- usjrainzcf 'Nie simali a jealo us et lhite aiitl> f 'Micileal Airloi; 'vnd, r arit thati silier. Haé' Dtt be stippowsfet! ourse, i bes, mtaitsensibtleilat aja llÀ étîir mulada, but a' rohibiltshoexeh]Whiio o *-n au iZaxiSive -dlniev0ut- iack mmv ha Naturels fanît, juat as the gextius dieplaye atimi'ba lier menit, Ve mnuit fot- give lte comsplacenoy cf tiii mari, for the eminence o! i&iaintellect ; but liien wvamt as r-aaîly rebuko ltae arrir o!fltas %vho imagine taIttey have the intllact, hecanuue ta>' have te eonplacncy.-N.Y. Mer- GREATI MEN BORN, NOT MADE. GENCRALLY speakiug, lte grambuasa or smaluasa of a mnu is detensuiced for im ah hiua birtli,as strictl> as il is dalerminati for a fruit whitîer il euhhallb a carrant cr an eapricot. Educatien, favorable circi-' stances, resolution, îndust>', cie do mach; in a certain saune lte>' do ovirytiting ; taI itsyo >,lta>' ter-mine vatitan lte apni- cot shall fail in ltae fonm o! a geen beati, blighted by te eat windî, anti shal lie trtddnundîr fol, orvitethar h sahah! ex- panti in tender pide anti aveel brigittausa cf golden veivat. But apricot ontieofutrent, great min ntulof enal, titi neyer yet art on effort maie ; anti in a gerai va>' men tave themr exco0ie'nee nearn>' 'fixed for tem itan thiy ar-e, born. A 1h11 e crampati anti frosl-bin ooneaside, a lirîhea in-ýbîr-cl aid fonune-spolteti on titi dte, liii> reach halvean géod anti evil chances, - uà h sizo andti bate ýas géeuail>' beionlg <o 0ýmen o! item calibra ; andtheia aiin item soenviowaab hunobes, titigreal in tihigoldent ipelatisa have ihese no Cause for regrtet, uer thés. for iisdain.-Ru8kirt. DIEÂTH os. NATIIAN Apr.o-Hn Nathan- Appleton,' of Boston, à idein e It- cil>' on Satan tIhe age o! sigil>"0%e' years. Re ai Nov, Ipsvicht N. H, October 6, 1779 1 -,eeered Darlmýoîli Collîejr 1lIio day. before te deati o(flier fat1îpr. AnoLiier augh et <if te.-samre, - mariage becarne te wife of a son of te tleieSr JIet" Macintosh.-New, York Jlera/4. Ç(oisczcNc.--There irrtiolbing in te witole trame of mani which seerna lu be -satinao- ountlable ai uhat îhîrxg enle ostee. Hadtheîrublsue ye ing cur powerB efflicieut îlu preven .t a miscitief, ha might be f oe' é ; but ailte beni nin<g of the bu leà j ie eeble eftorts are ltalthe workitig "of Passion as lte in faut froulaif an autum nal monunýg b lthe ,uneloncled' f6rvor of thei ising éun ; alié na soutier are te iomuli uons doîangs of lte wicked deed over, itan, amidet lte bittei aiv>consequences of foll7 in te very vortex of our butrron, up sur-ta OQscie tce anîd barrass.es us wiih tite feelings ofthie dam ned.-Robert Burns. Tne NEDFIYL COURAE.-WhateVer yoU be in tank fortune, orabilities, bo not a ecoward. Courage il the Armoûr of lte hearttand the saféguard ôt al ltai in good ini ihis wod.- Nul tite vulor that laces thte cannon, or bnsxveste perils of te Wildernèes antd 'wae. Thatini a useltil qualiiy, and macht Io ha respecteri, yet only afier ilsq kind as n tlhing which a min may sitare %with his dogy. But courage lu i.peak lte Irutit, thooghit ilbe oui of favour andi faahien ; tlu tand by ltae rightittde when it is neltlite winning sida; ta give lte wrong ils tria natie, ni, malter wltat otliter peuple thinkor sav- ltat is ltae bravery most wanted iltese days o! mucb 'profession and litile practice. There in a mutuel relation existing beîween ilitîiepa1the, latter would nul be exciîad -,à oi h u lorer, lte, former wudbe inoperalive without lte latter., C.ompauy books,.ihabitatîion, purtititii.,miust ail leava Item irupresupon us; but reaou, aualogy Cbrist, .11 teach us lu look chiefly. within 'for thelchracl;er of lte pimnOut o! lte iearî proceedi% lititfe.-If zeurder, aduJtty, .&c., dewllg.titere.,.whîalsver out exiertial oieum- à bacesw11 .înpen imb 4 cvils;and,,if laith 1o1reý 4id hopeaffl,,wilbisi whlever out p4ths -w- mature imb angels-Dr. TAŽmp- THE AMERICAN CIVILIWAR. tThaXazis*aalattis. SJUitel (iorrpondic of LUi. Y.:Z me. -Wà ,$ÊiiGNoow Jly 22. brltra roa-C à de of titis section. After goiîîg out about'titrea' miles, you comae t a point Juývn wh eh lte rcad, leading ttrougit a foressi descetidu ; titan it.proceeds by a succession o! nasing and falliug knolis for a quarter of a mile,- witen it crosses a atone bridge arîd titan ascends by a sleady alope tualte heigis bayond. At ltae top of ltai alope, the rebats itad plauîedl heavy batterie', and the woods below wera illled ivith iheir troopa and wiih concealed cannon. Wa -poceeded dlown lte roaid tlthefinît of the @maiknolls rnenîionad, witeî lte whole columu h ited. Thte 30-pounder Parrot gun, whict ibas a longer range tbart any ollter in ltae army, was planted-dinettiy in lte road. Capt. Ayres' baîtery was slaîioaed'tri lie 'woodà a little ta the ighti. The Final Ohio and Second New Yvîk Regiruenta were ttt@wtt int tite woods in advance o! tite left. ' Thze Sixty-aintit Net; Yorkc, lthe Fint, Second and in 1794-ube m4g; lois poor b continus- bis ftotke i 'séwfItl stutiieitmhre in 175. engaged in tse dr-Y te us, andti athe goti&tý,nisîisîo jBrnw uvii iarohe jitshs-ôii way.- iSamuel aid'son establiaieti an oxtFeivsin uthe, distance .l buisues.. He vas - on.e! lteproprietoral azomen,-eariti ots~ mo + * *1 NO2 At haif-past Il we heard Hanîer's guns on tae opposite heightit over a utilie ot t. iglit. He was ant4w ered b>' baîlenies tlitere, anti titan folluwed tiie sharp, raitliug, volleys of musketny, as temi t!anlry, bacate an- gaged. The firing was uow incessant.- Hunier had corne upor them suddenly, andi fbrmet isi line of baille iu an open field, te the riglit o!fltae noad. The enaut>y draw up *te oppose hixm, biît ha speadul>' diova tuentr lu rainait anti followed tem up withthlie greateal vigur sud napitlit>'. Meanitirne, for sutee hreti hours previon., vs bad uoîiced- lon'g hunes o! dust rîsitig from ltae roida leading front Manassas., ai, vilo lteglass, we cou laiverycdean>' perreive ltaI iitywena raisadit y theaonustaul and ateady sîreant o! rein forcements, wiîiclx contmnued le pour iu neariy tlie wtola day. The Sutxly-niutit, Seveuty-nitxth,- Second 'anti Eitth, New Yorkîlxe Fin.sl, Second and Third, Cou. necticut, and lte Second Wisconsin, Wera brou-lit or4îard in advance of -tae wocd and utarcited actasbs th ield luolte iglt, lu go te Col. Hunten's sui)pont. They crosà ad tae inîerveniug sîream and drew Up in a amati upen field, aepanated train Col. Hon- tWk columu b>' a dense wood, w ticit was tillied witli batýteries andi inîfaulry. Our guns continued te payl upon lte wooda which tus concealedth ie' enaut>, andi aidati ra-, lerially in clearing temn for lte ativac.- Goiug down, hoelite extrema front cf ltae côlumit, 1 cotti 'ti acit'lieprogréso! Col- Hunier, mankati by the conatat roar cf aà rlillen>', andtihte' roll o! muakeln>', as ha jiustét ie rnuls haek frein point to point. At 1 u'clovk lie hati dniven lten ont o!flte woods and actasltae roar wiici was a prolongation o!fltai on vhtiet veataod.- 1lera, by lteaida o!flteir baiteries, ita rebeis rmade a stand. Tley plantedti e fiag îireçtly iunlte roai, and lwice chargeti acroas il upon our maxi, but witout m-oving ltant an incit. Tite> were met by a tles- inuctive fine., anti wera compelleui. te fi mtli farthten back. Gradualiy lte poit bo! ite passeti futitarer way, unhil lte dense ciontis o! amuie viticit marked lte prognes cf te combat were ai 1 asihlai a utile 'lu te tcýfi of 'vialt ad beaulte- centrai pposiion e! te rabais. Il was' îow 2A o'clockî 1 vas'at thte advanced' point cf ltefroit L cf eut columu,i vitici lte few lumps ben 'ttae vere drawn uprf'"hen I déided ta drive backIo the tiowç, for the. pw'poseofetaestdîrg on My mor-i titan nîouah napidit>. 1I d ol ae lte. poin [i ront viict lte>'camne ;but meeting CapI. Ayr" es, liesd bu vas about Iu bning up liii battery, supporbeti by tite Ohio Bri- grade, under Gent. SchiîkIo repei a ramoeat antempt of cavala>' to outfank -titis celamn. As I waul forvard ite pressed dtowvn.' Gai. Sftank's- Brigade vas ai "once drive up acrosa the roati, anti CapI. Ayrea guxîs vire pianîtà ou, a inul itai lite heft, vitxt a puy. enfuI betdy of rebats vilt a heavy baller>', carne down frornthlit direction cf Bulh'a Ruon, And etîgagedt lis force %vîtiht Inmndous af!ecb. I wet t 1 Centrevitha, mtetxl,off My dispat, yantistarttdvitit ai peadto,1 reluru,-itîlauditîg te go wiîit aur Iroopa upon'-vitl ad beau ste tîy coxîested field, neyer t'oubtiig fer a morflent that lI vould renain iiteir bands., I bad goneý but a quarter o!faà umile vion e 'v ma- great combat of !ngibitesr, antiour'canriaga soou bacame entan glietn ua mass, cf b897 -gage-vaggens, théi -fficer in Citargeao! viiotitoit me-il vas useleue a ~go'-in liaI direcic,as oun roopa viretreaîiug. Not cradting t. -, sory, viticih ,was s ,'ÉIir-ly incontiseent vitbi viwhtt I tatisein : -but -a lutlhle tis baforeI cointiup ui' oun. 1 cc sôn-milQuartenà stubr SIetson cf the Fn Zouaes, vi t -ld, nue, buratittg-iilo -tiardia, bis Ragimant vas Uttènly cul leI piecetie ttat tie Colonel asîd Lieutenant- Colonel bat bot,bîan killed, and ti tat our- lnoops -iti acleahiy heai' repulset. lb stiliý tniasl Io préeedi but the advà ncing coiiimiw réntiaeti i t ipossible ' ;sud 1 tutuet abouit. Leavitug nu>Y carniage, 1'%veut to-a Iighlapoint et ground'.and saw,-bysthe dense 'Cloud of- dut whiol rose-drer eacf the-tbree-oads resenves aI Cetitîrevillo ?ý whiilte enemnt' rn;ust havae nuthbereciaui eidt 60,000. Tite Fin te - ZOuuvei befôie lhaýhad faini>' got imfaaction, 'eià .îertibl y p p iý by a baller>' aud b>'muaketry; iticbl epééd an -otlicera anti mac. Col.i. inter, wtto lici uné elmuof' lack, necaivati a eare voui in btis titroal ; ha eas brougit le Ibis city, but 1 underatauti ha canot recovar, if indeetiha is uoba sready deati. -ibatJé hfatdtihe a nmeg- of min>' otins rapoaild kIlléd îitd' wotided,' but daimn il beet flot tnreûii'r-hem nov,- as lte runtote utay prova to e ýUuif&ù,iuied. About a mile tiis&aMecf Cenîraeville Ji atampede look place amno-ng !il réa rslarg andi otixars, wiitthrew aeîi g bi t lta h ulmuel confution, andtinlflicteisonie vany serions inijuries. -Mn. Eaton,;o! 'Mieligau tn lrying btu arnest fiha fligit o! sonne-6f tes men, vas sitot by oneaoft tem,.z.îhita balr taking affect in bis baud Quiîaa i nombef o! Senalors anad membera cf te Bouse werte prisent at tae batieè. 1 shahl be able lu adceMnlj îu-mrrovw titi -cause tif the rehreal o! Col . IIunter'îr adaumn aftee lte splendid succens itaacitiava- id. 1 wuud gltîdly, titougit-4in-' ut face o! avideuce unable, Italieva vItlis, rumured' han, ltai titis ccluutn di,îîed odi grouud, andti heat ite ereat vas cenfluedte u te alter 'oiumxs.- 1 fear Ibis wii noi provre ho a lite facI. IL J. IL Editorià 4 Correspô-tdènaceof tA. N. Y.iTmer- Public feeling- grows urelssmr settîiad ursolute 'in regaý a t e ieat of Sonda>'. Tita finît. reports 'brough'ÃŽ b>' ltse shraggianrs andi fugitives froni lte Atm>',. miii manketi hy al lb.h e a'of ýrolen in a panica, creaida'efèeIiinýtifcozstetna-a lion andtiitlenseaiatm.Mo vee IJooking for the.a instant appeamaneof lte rabot. ar-uy aginsi Woshiugton - for air irnmediate7 upnisiug 'o! IlleaSecassionists of Bà tiixuore- and for tae mmediate cvertrow'oflte- Govîtnent.- Râfectionu, and moresjwcmr. rate intelligence$ ha. medifiedtbls foslin-t very asauîialiy.>;-aul4lthe -'Wasbintolù public -begintolerealiiethat -the- Auarica- 'Goverrumait is' ait so imar is' aend as bbc> ïver-eaiffirittîcliiuet to-asîppobo, ncd prtfaPis ta topa. 1Th. eariiest répoitaept:§4à ted the <tfaat as an aubtine and diagraceful r-ouý whioh hîti îompletely brokeit up lii. Union wag-onis anti eqaipagi of ever>' kund cul- lecteata suait an enarmuas ceaI, lad fà lled int bite bauds o!flte extety, and thai lb. rear o!flte Armny vas iaft*itbont piotectiti cf mxi>'kixîti. -lb' nov appeans Ibat ont Atmny ratireti in very gooti ondes an- tir as Centie- ville, viere it via protectedlýfrom; pffsti by tae nîsarvîs, ioder Col. âMil>es ; Altinik attasuph vas uiatia taca-ire the bagp&er va-gons wbich bat nalati- lbesi -Jefi heiveen Ceunevulle anti Fuirtirà , an*d-à 'vnt back te ti. Arm>' t îlie-laites' p1âcý, and ltailite uni>'mAter-uT whicb. feu Uo interý bands of tbe rabela vuasuacah. a-baan basili>, and not.ry- creditahIy.-.mbandohect on the road hetweealldanâk'fn -t in apnaîtty eviduat -hat- Ibeesl> s ini no condition, 'for pur-sit, Ai îùWOfa Cdil. IicJ iiaîceê bons'o! tbe Cituroit c)f Englaid loYE If Queen 'anduti onr>'int ei h anii deoîion loIe i itibns. of Great: andi vte th# Ãnifety- ailteisaiinsiut ist WnagrdîsCbureii of:Eýnglatdot *etfioMwi ai lemaintaistata. -et Ha vouiti extendthe1k. aune nenarkar Kirk of -&btlà tde -tbe sui4mbéri of'ii (Cheers) -uwesa ' #ù *èlta l'o~ ~ ~~~~~t M tt héa'tii1I h I p