TRLE WITBY PRES Sb 4 JELY 31. AGRICULTURE, CHEESE-MAKING IN SWITZERLAND. FOR SIXtE TO 111E IIIGIE-ST OFF Ril ON aM.,mIx.< QWTH OF RE~D CLOVgR, Tii. mnarner in which the Swîiss peasanis ý UpS GOPl i - -- scoo. comhbine tr carry on 0chee-inaking by their RDVICOW'N ,PrtrWhy promthe onadan grùuidrit. nnited efforts dbiserves to be noted. E ai:h R AI OI"Erttr li Fren <. Cnaaar ih <isiici<i Ctttyre o he 'aI M W.$W., W il fsccept te lkîtrst offesr wtiîclî ý-C fe %ith Timnothy, will,-in ali-proba- parish in S'wizetlandl hi iii a mari, gelierp 11Y wÀii'beîmade Lii lîbiteALBoVl $ 1()0(, CASH, bilty, continue tu conatilute ini Canada, the, frointhdircto we.iiil (noi for that vrîîy dtsirstle Principal tnaeri4 for r«iting c-ttU, orfor oFebr 0ttk cr fîe cdfdStn rckb tC ttage, Ihu making of hav. The-te twvc grasses aae it ]Lot. Pli-iti.ii il-,s<uati<-don 1Byrton Street, therefure ate of me g.reaéstaiînîiortatteb pil îlîlor .<istaf '.ati01 nlrae«id.reLytitit l )..(UisEq on s-semo aritîfus, rt wmaeconsideîed' necessa;ry tfoi eery fi. t~~ on~:î De:.bî,n tîotîeBed t q i r n % v s i g l î l o i l î i r ; î p r o v e d c e n t î î n vý , - r i q s I e o v t ý - f t l l < «"o w ( y t e t < et <a < i - I l i w i ' o i l i r sl i l e d a i l i ia d i l lb îegarJdd with iteret by Our fat'ilerd I .1thein iii an l-k d<l y fori- he qiantîlyt hiîî , tow It i ePlÀti Ct , . Ttoi e 11 pe t i r I y . k îh'l e r c u i r e s v . u ro p e m il if-e n b ). a v h w . ' li e c t e e n t d j, iiiin g th e p ro , e ly o f I, j . M lle d o l t l i, ÃŽti le-a. coîintcoinplaiîi iat clover i-4nditbs a-sisIt.i îlk tilt-cows, pui imifk L.ýeThe Swicrli att ve a elear deed. detiiatîig bthsu u oaîat at' quet4y aftiigether andm ake cuiceic m il, aiid ai tie Il. 1. RICHlARDS, Propetr sud snob nUs are sad te b01o111 f Iill he at'Sf)o .iil WiiHer Jî N' le\arch 2A,, IS61. f r;mq, ouîly efItvîuaireueîty is 10, e \tetil tule iegt 4cit- rpr tatk oileiîH ___- ioat»i U ropig o l triî mov i til111ts -ol u kit s <<us p ait, iiiI rt'l. Tis the Reacly Money Does it! lm sflîeq4teiltl*?y, a l Itittel valS U ofIISeî-peittv elîiut- alof jf, ie s ;îi six yeîîrs, insteadti f thitce «r lotit, andi u ci i ît 1ce iiuflt tu-ao o apply arîîfieiaîf nîaiieas pec imliy Suited tii iiws' 5 i i4 k- lie ifia, th.ftp rie wei!!F iti *tîî t1i lcal! 1 1-eI-5ii2 n' I lai , i itik i;i le C1vewýL tiptIo]il]lis f rtttetit>si th w fs t 'eii I*l.-n ii t <t to li X t11, i dus utbaiî f I ie i<< ~ < i, Ilik1 ii fe it p<tir iii .11ilOfIli: na cI f'1". atî i~ lît - 8,d l u m e a nîk-a tl Ie t ni tilles is- itij 1, becatîie tmale by ropIe uio al- pn *niItetule sle- < ttl() iller mto i eî.lTo iF30"ta BOO TS A N D SHIIO E S fticts, thet- douer crop alilletars<iof-lale 3 COPs a titi l ib .1-a-ti re î:i! pii«t.1111r~aico i i fn aob a thave beettniî.ler former avet- ;and h-f1i li- >os< mi-c ilihe-laer. A arilelt islnecrib hl situeolîiîîget <' hum H eriuci 3 ,r1.îî d' tti t -,0:1 - i-ii i ie f î chitfi jîA. 41ati itletcasese <leper pltugli <îu-F, Wfi îi o ger j N'o!î s 1-il Tî Jrîi'l r. jiervals betwetiult e onierre-Oe of I lue natie srupe, ulnd tnquî'sîuétatuy btî faun u1 N. iti ;îa t u-rr.-f Fr of rei bues. dCpe %vLid, av mer and Sfi urdî îbrsys t--l iti le un-a Celtsadnmdà ge of i i îg thle pliant ntre ibI <Io W~-pti (iit,!<r. o, hc"itivetl Syruly hiithe soif, and tmcoetituu:y oiilail-,c iMJti -amgu.f t ih tenu att-ltb< ticItuiîwo i'i< t Op iti2 <Yt 1 ls olefIii!li lno-ts- deiigroatest iîjui y iperlîaîs, W , jCV i-~ i it-iapije tedIoi-]b u-xurLy lîo tîeloftvr plantmatt-î<-c]eetd lu C< of if«'e. A celui I ret., ftîsseinaflp a53 net- i califoril ocff biuiit]-, -A c:reC14î!vpre- claînale. tryt, 1U. iiiuii ouitilc sîuaer twigiz, but r.Vueleker, cohemist tu t Ile Roy alAg- 1 enviq tie p¼rarm mia-t] 51< tpe pi'iîit-Ml - rioîluMi f Wiily cfaiiuAanilm( MWalo le f A Wt p s itifaà a sw..kiraitdl Miheui eed )e-ah umce a u1<0<1< LerfVery aci- c aIenbd WilhVne bifhi oiaiîn i ivet fas tîigiîal exp iinenîi' 011Il lîe gui ol f Il-df fîiiiîî a :r- ii iii it j i for the rape. A feluper ;- andth um lthemelt-ats if lic <e"he> iMW (vif i fit- î seeii liii i a d - yalec fas the byvci at mt ih- ~ Toiroto iii! & Sfm-îi Sln<e Wfkieo mlii lîig, lrock SiOct, lýifîiu TltIOS. W'IJlKINSON. P. S ml~it ItS~tuade aii t-'epaîîed< oi 11- ilto i <Ie l' t I- K Elt'SENE Qiil i, k 0(li, Aibertin t l ail vi £un-,-i fttI -latet--tia b-. goýt. GI'oY17LEY JR., :0 %ID rp -rf sr puhiliiuheî iin thee ocieîr's juirial, ce -o f liiii aWi î:lp icetir N 1 1 V I Y k S . ooniue ~ the fufluuvi ftvîÎr <ie cmiuiide ii iiii T<-E»<HTBYPa S. Wu meaie far froua ner le ttk-lus 'TO K n-ni' l]t riuSV% tIiT-- Xmorres. ntntlefl file wain of aî Jiutrîuk i byjtlý, xvhicf tV0iiiýtl ititt'-<ii s-îîi plilcifile-u, and bt Illeit ro .41 s-c~eoi- - - ~ ' - ---- - - -- - - Q Hiure i U»% ull miUol /Liil'iiiIliit,#-ir:a', it tifrj-< IcicV-1/ite eeuhali tui how that te fuiticre cit- -<fimme tIMWiig liii d lm iiput-set vtmg uileri wrhent grovînton hfiequeîil ivoni lie came 1 eoil 'l n fni av lt-nzlr luohi np. Inii tiiu4cihms lig been iilutitn i 'neoxM"i andm lini, is altoiettie- tue lu dle %vaut i f a Niai- i PrJmAii. x - lph edr ic pbev. ix-til l ouil -iiil y 0S Ii it amu iai liie auulient- supîîly of eeiilaîti lrgaw<iC <-Ul- 1îîeîuAxiy iuooaotiliiet<l-iine t1 udîa;:m ii-cmuebctt-di mutu' i iii ilCithe t1eIlles potiids i Illte eui. Atl te snie <jnse, wxc therlin lî.ii ah am o" rmin of sailpeirepUituilic<ieitf-lii:s I-himr-ilîn thle facîs cf a<ii ccuiaf ad attlii ai<'a tiepmiiiof -I p:teii î, o itumfniiar te T~Ii-fii!tt I il lii bci iliberal. - 'eciiduucî of imiel"te iitt f;utitm< iî Fteutlfnraf priclii, as c-ci iw; ime e% tt.- tý aîlipi it J if -i:vi . l îak i li--l:il v un ile i-ientiîs ttue i l, i tie. Publmc Dclii, ,uf .direct t-peri«teiditntrs t-ail tu 01:-'lune j us 1inxvi lumi'rinics of C tp,.1:1Illie îxiiilî.lo'i [lie ci-itîtir fiiposeb Ot<iiqsULi< iint s mt,-w iiaî <iic - - 1. - - . - and fil Ille riI-iiiiimu .r ilace w-titisiromio iC ivuiuîeal, and i inte bîmdemu cf l'x- ctimpounds of the soiftire orîly valuabie toiifi e. Covet- tho jars liiglily, andi bury theým planîtîsne-a source ut carbcîîic lacid, rttl<ires , i-1 te<luectar botiorn, viere ie butter wilt keep u1à lurt jlot-a ioî'2 tiune. 110%V Mt-cuCORiN TJ t i-n LiL.-A ccir s- pondnt oit f thetu0Ohio Cullivulor ulate@ itiat -li expenuimeiu:ed vilît courn tart veart- u je- termMine 'unmher cf siulk s foi a fIill e plan1eh ni o-, w il h u «-o - - lieepfûi,,and tfvl nnodi ficatîion.- 14 is, iuiiieed, probtable, thal somripants dérýve a consifct-able amount of ilîoir SLubstance fram <-<rbuncompoLniuîs other tliac carbaic acdt, and îht aietters tlepoutd Ur their carborm maliil>-, Il nom ex- clasively, upon cziu'taîii acitt-" Such ct-eps as, ic- flie courte of culavalri . ...------rie,1itfurdnutifeeic iiIaiefd.W are subjected te pt-etty îa:<ral coîidliiitiis ot fiat wtiihu Iwx~o cîaîk ias Il e lieavest and~ growth, atmd wfich aciît-nuate <fie gîealc ri ptiou of their substanuce during Illeîei- oti peiicd il e bd ai which the sun'a t-y9 are knexa-u tobe Sowii-îoSORRLL.-fhýle N.H.Journ<-d c Ag- -rniet powveîfîtl in Lflueiuciiîg tihe dLcollîipo- riulure says "'6 We hamve kuo'xtt a N'aikee,1 sition oi carbotiic acil by plantîs, appear to farmeî tu seed deîvîî niiia-y bat-rit !ail,, fo- u'ept-id>chiefly crn that source fur their car- pasture, cnîirty euth sort-el seeit, beiievi1mug bm-. Titose, on 1the other band, wijuh are Ihat sut-t-l xtculd cihamîae te white clover- - gretm uner smeushar nual coidiimouia, lut the reçsoît pioeeilite man usas laborini aund whictb store up a lat-ge anunt cf surc-,entier a gre a! mistake2* culeult producta cf a ctimRarat-vcfy bus LEYFOieR aî.Acoît-cspoîideut ci -de-r« .C-elabet-ation, at-e Frobatily 'parîl iy oiol.1ikLrcrrs5ti;sta --depertaton the carloîîccmpcuumds, yîeiderd theordî 1rkLae'cestiîk ha Sy lis -oil. Thelegminuspiatit -barleyfed ta sheep is a ftleveuîtie cf tha b ygilhe thoil. T h eîne Je-aiyore usîtin rot-a dîsease %which, ewing te the celd xvtt .ae Jerme>t tJan the fatter categcy, 81111 tht-lai af1,h- a iten very fatal iin 3eem-ebe-tiepcnmat, for luxuriaint growuh, jEgad 1a! vur _4nüre ailea t iipen a suppîy xvtîin bte cili Cccucmnaa ToÂii.-Sctect >-ont-cucumn- '6f voirqte'm ergaiiiecempenîilfs. bars-ft-sîîct-uap, meuiiîu si-ie - juucî t-uci lb ouf. £noa, bweertîmt wîaîa-e 'as yotî xouId prefer if servedul np in the -usual mariner. l'are, alid isttce %)p leuîgtuî- ýmu>' be the preciso result ta wfmiczh inivestii- wiiso ini cuts a quarier tif an iutch th-ck. igalion mrsyi -ead, in regardilul the questions i Rine un colt waler, dtp ench mlice singl>- bers invlved :ilrntay,*-at any raie, Se in fleur, anud huit-y tfîemtin îl the dri ppitig- prty-ahe -afrmt htie taintpari, usmîug for materjil - ilt-y thfem]là i, tlle prety s f!y affrme, 1at e sa,1 no gravy n vhacu beefsteak, vent cutlets or W.Miie-at ihelîtie expfauatiuîn of ts p.ort mutton chopa usere cduked ; or butter may cuoirenla Upen which idepeîiîtsûrne oh the'I be usett ; but be suré tlutr), bîiskiy util te -uno etrikig avanageaof roalio ohunhces are liý-ht brcxvn oui iu<h sihes. H-ave -ropat -îi we dare botter abletatiposn ofycur bread toasie-t, bttere-I or 'dipped, as ..crptun ti we re ottr ale iiý% a jpre 0<t)ouprefer, titi close at bandl. Slip 'ie te define thse relaticus oU the diflerent crîpa fisfc UcoctSmbi-r hot from t-be pan betuseoi Ioi the ciîfferent, sources oU carbuu anad cf - ilese lce f Ilowt, atidi serve at onîce. Auuy eue foitexxing t<hase dir-ectiontsampli- *Qroge.s. - cîtly uil îl ncorber toast îcaily gooul tc The ptacbkcal conclusiens frem liis li- 1 eat.-An. Farcîer. terehing enq¶iry rnay be vemy briefly eta'- When land is not what la îermed "1cluver GonIAi5-htaaefnýoJhbt tjck,» the crop of ciloier maY frequetîlybe 1-punctuaf il>, irccuîmcy tteainess andl increaeedhy top-sirffsings of nanre con- ldispabch. Wîiîà outtihie4fb-st oUbesautîme as taiin ptag, ndguephspat of lime - 1 asteil; aithout tlle secondi ym istakes th1e bthe inghoîaibcat o tepolate md hétost htirtfan lurt-own credil and inlerent, Sut ho igh ric oU-Ihepotsh, imdiheacnd<thaï,ofotheî-s, may hc cemmi ted; With- uncertainiy tif action of mass-nes upon the jont bthe third, nothingeant bcSelsd dne ; aiîd crolp, rentier the applicationt oU artiflcial usaîhioutt ie iourtli o pportuuities oU great manrimes fr oyrapractîce o du te recd af ý, ae os ch it is impossible econo'uy. Whon land îe what je called "4cloarer Chatrles Bantister, coming front à coflee- <j' -anres wîe- ouse one colt1anduit abruîn i antt, raid Ia* sick," fnonte of the erditary bnrsw e nye ayvschtawi %ber artificial or tiatulial, can b. relied opo e n " rStiaw uc !arepied.aUieà ..Wa te secure a crop - wna ilatindV rltoia<?"d dWa Se fan as our pt-eent knowladge goees, a -thse enly sueans of eecurinig a gtied crop of red edorer ii to allow soine yeara le eh apse befire repeat îng tise crop on tes aine. land. B owîr-aG SotoHum Szus.-A writer in »0 rar.~<re says, froni expérlments mà ade lait spring, lie lear-ued that t1e aeed sbooldbIe sciuhJd before prlanting. Oue of 'the greatest ditftculties in the ottltivation o! the cane, bas been thse faci tisai il requit-et thr-ee or tour weeko after planting belote il waa large on oughi' tub. reidity.distingnished frein grass, deîtiug w hià h lie tise weeds genierally bear-cueose large as te reilder- its cultivatïon difficult. Titis difficulîy oan be obriabed ln a great -measunebi scaldin, Ubeoesqd With bol watori leig h standý in tise waier teon oir ve hôoris, tiem pour tise water off aad leoitil tand irra 1gb: vesset -in a warm ,ý1Wel tht. - t- oui ys, tilt >ft bua pronted;1 then planton newly prepared -land, fléfi wiltl 4,01*1, p a mon s acorna, or 4 06" e ýdy&s won'êt Ihait ià ould:il DO~ soalded. it ssouI&dbtyP pastect! attise coin- Ms.taMot Ofthtetcorn-p1uiatWg anion, oni arS # a ndmu q ýi- andy 6ile and sbiould b. well cultivated witis tis ovely "Like !" answerdChariot, "like to blow' my hat offll" Wbeu Casher once usenitot visit BOOl1i, andl kneusIbat he was at i nea férnale do- mnes!je deniod hi rij> CibLer teoknnotice:o! this at the timne but when in a few days af- lei-warùe Booth paid him a visit in-rettirn, he~ called out from ilie flîst floor he was mut ai home. BOOK ANDI JO7B : P~RIET1NG ESTA BL1SHMENT, CALDWELL'S BUILDINGS,-' BRqCK -STREET, -'WHITuYï From. b. exte sitefacilitJes the, A4#v :eo labtiaisment pomsmses for tlhe oectutioiot aili sille' tut-r îlven1Ioiipoix ir; aî:diit- tîcactîci vandi coi rtilpioiit ho> lha veresorici Io Io retain Iheit fiuld cf ttice, ciearly fttîv, o cir I 11it1, tiab]my aie 1u:1%wiîly cf Itle ctiileîice cf fie peuple. î\lI.iCti of Itietn ex-uts w-c adtmî, ruîay Lhe aiiblu<e-ltu îlie posaliiltan Vlincti I[fie (auu saie pliti b>- I pleictîl Liifve l(tîî, ; uuît<î îhou-h tlîis i5 ro JuslîCiatî.lotifuir Ille îvrouig- ultuga i neti îm poxe r, rimpinuis 1o tlle lue- COt-siiy cf seeiilg il some mtîd.ii-atior-s or eut- poIliucaf <lail îîitcaninof hoehiecteul, wliili winli place it. beyonkd the power of 'ail met; w-heuti ey force itiîejr vaý Imilo office, te julfici i-och seîjous iîjury on lle subsetauniai lu-tel- ee;ts of the coulitr-. ie shail ho prepareul io give eut- be-st atteuition to al selierne pct-poaed tri î'fhî'r.l îhis desirahie endi, and t, aslvocaue tltit'viich inermes be,;l adampte., b ccornpiiishil I. 111 tteaiint, witilîpaf <ici t iîîs iowe ver, wuvelatîtîl iaim -1( dea] laîuly aîud cauîdidîy, unoir seek te acitieve a leutuporary triuritp>i by'a resort to diýsiteioî-able expediet:ts. Tu the inîcrestsofoU Whiibyandtheflcocunty oil Ontario, xve shah devo'te !epecimil attentior, aud do what lttile ae eau 10 secuî-e a heaf:lu- fui progr-ess. Inlofcal matters vve have rie cliîque tI oteve?, or tieltisti imuerests -te pro- motoe;an'di hahl, thierefore, be prep ared Ie 5Ive nubau eî oim i<poîî alil ilerIonue we deeru il neces-ry to diacues. Il staîl bho ur aiiu te yualie itie PiIEsS a -ood Famiiy Paper. Iite ne efîîrt wiii be spaîed ta give a luilonîfîîue of generai. îIewVs, both foreigîî onmu domnest je, thue faste of those who look for uifferent itiîus aili be consultet Liy devoting as tnucth ,space as. possibfe to the cnnreinetfiteramure of <lie day, Sulici atteutionl viibe paud 10 the chat-acter o'f the matîer putl iiaotilie tauiis of oui- readl- ers. Articles objectionable from their style and sentimnît usil L e ri-zidiy eicluded, vhie Ille lte boue andt-o ac!uingîô f he PRxESS, we are detcrmmîîed, suailf tend te pro-' mole moraliiy and teîttipet-ance. Matters pt-ritaiiirug laIoeducation 'hall e- celve carefef attention ; uer ixilI ,use fot-get the înteremrs of the 'Fmrmer. A potion cf oct- space wifllie regulat-ly ttevod tw Aori- calititral malfera a<amd any informtaiotn liteiy ta be usefiite that importantl clasa of eut- conimunizy, shahi have a first cdaim upon ocr.cocnmiîa< Amoog oethey hiugji tbe Mar- kets of Wtiitby antd othor places, will Le t-cgclarly publiatmed. A disliugisirigfealurie of the PREss aili be thoeluiire exclusione of evel-yttiinmr like )lcrsmfzi lander, or roba: ing îopriva!e nmat- tars. Ve bave no peisonal or pt-ivate piqu:i of. our ousu le gralify ;.ad we r>halbe care-- fui Itiat cthers du nol tnake onr co luîmns thie mediumn for veîîtiuî tbeit-n;peetm againsaithoise uitît whoin îhey may-chýoose toe-quarte.- Ptivate rmalters, and peî1tôna1 blekeringa if they muest exist ai ail, shonild be leit In pti- vale circles. Thea comrnunhity ut largeTl no iîîîerest in sncb things, ansd a publie jounu aliat bas rio business te meddle. withm thern. Il is teLe -Iamenteid, indeedi hat parties>. contt-oll'tug papers ailI somatimes descend froîntmeir high mià 4âeta,»o behl4aste g asî - nasa ï sandering îheï it eiti«r ad'5es ining Ibte mirtds ai Iheir readeris. -1y sucob ,t-ent-m lheyma stcea tngoîÈ miachief in a community, but theyý-è aûet posaýibly-c.oufora>y advaauges, i-pMt or ici- agi nary. i'ic/s s7îal( -jo! i e le'CoUrse oJ 1U~ ýWitlT jià Qass. -Il wîvilleruas- 'ont- ings ef animnosity thai may exist in thei corn- mutitny, kîiowingthet-re can Le ne substantiral pmsperity i#hile suis base passions ar-etise ruling elemenfa lrmong tns. - -1f - or of publie meetings, are Irespectfuly s- ieited, and promeae azI;cy1 ie99 i--- The ffubsct-ipf ion price oif Ibo Wtitrsr Pasts-wi l~ $1 Q ~tr armuisiable ie ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ - I nn~~i~' flilial~I TlIE SCOTTI II[1Ef\X JO[fRNAL1 G 0 d ey s' L a di e s'B o ok Iil'ttT D T t-f «*irtt- nt-k li n the 'Qîtai d, Id f.,r tiirti INEfStS(I' F (Isi1 IN AMEPR1CA i3ia- Wtr ninitatiouls ac Ai-D TO TUEit IISSEMIiNATtoN ÙF Itemp1ted, itlibas faited. It ts SCOTT1ISII LITERAlThe&NWS 113otily Lailie&' Bock-uti Anneiica. ruusxa IL..Ne-r feastures, Renewed Vigor, Brîliat En-ra- r IlkSIu'Chuif- 01iva i ttî'Paprr il ýf itis f a'Scuittistfu mrnal,- colllinj îîg îîoice§ cf every ci eut occuring in Scutlami tt an biL> regardu-u01ol tIi-lesî l ite-reît 10 the natives cf that ccii- îry testdiug on Ibis cintUneci. The noesof i< hohle co'înty îs Ca<eiiuty ccltated aîîd coiidacsed, ne(ft D o avant uhicl It con- ceinsa Scotscêto eknow is eca-romtied front <ha Corutuimus o!f<the, S4»TrtRîa Aasa.ICAN JoUiit-- aisv- Articles relatinsg (o Scettish Paitljects, originelait.à n. 5'i'kDJ- auih roip. lieue to tinta, andt ha litote sîteciai chat-acter of the liaper is sustaineid by literai-y fealures et naliouili ntcra5t in the feint o! tales, hîstori- rui an i5ccfeltCouIs ketchest, anecdotes auti por t-y. WVhj!a tisesnationtal lu ils char&ter se mm. t hase epecit leai tues Occupy contpacatively fimited spaca iii the aiglut la; ge pages of vhicli <ha -apet- camîists, lhrar-fourths ef utihieiare -davotedti o nos and etiior gane-ral malter cal- culated -to be tf i«iterest tri ail clasesaof réauders anîd cot to e coismti<alo- A carefmilly ccotn- plie<t epitonte cf intelli!tenceiiloti England, Ire- land, the Coutinient of Europp. and ali parts oU the wotd, ie given il) avery number, with oztract fjem the las.ding aititite! oftise B ttîulijouiunais onr the mati intcr-esting ptublic tOpieof 1the day. TtÉoe eitors au<d Pioîrietoil lat-m 110gi0tise utmosl éompletence sttibis imtpotnt ylion tif the JOUaiNAL, Wit]î a gii eI suppty ushat la geti. e-tally fait te ha a dasideraium in ifis country, namely, a fuît atnd accurate record cf oyants cunuacned with Fîilgn, European. andi more especialty -Britisish tte edcr--n sssr. This ibo comnn of tise SerîU4Eet JOUasA.% wif i be feihefficiently te suppî. A concise weekly suimmmnry is-also gien of th1e princiipal iteis tcf Ametican De'1 s, and a - tîmilai noirr4liva or evenits transp'rifl ln thse a-ion iiisb Prov inces -ithe latter featuýte cep-. varions ri- i 5le< aSCelc .AIuylg ti v .fe;nvtrij r-,"- - - --tinsveal otyc tniaî o pleaae the Latdies. Antoig i e n'a-alites wtt!l be G Ci rîleili i_,for Lit1 es - a set-ta,ilial x'iIl ve k n-w. l'e np1reciatatt by ladit-si Most aofuvhom haie a (aste lusi tis htua'tiit seiei-- A set-mss f articnle5 upeti l)ueîs wilI <tIsao b ounîi, with illusîrations, showfng wbeu a lady js elat dessd, and the The usual contentseof thtoLady'is B-teks are- llouvto duess with tatte. Chiflren'a clotbes, - tew 10eut anti eoftitve tUn-m. Ptchl4tuietd. Thte dressm iker and the niliner. - Dt-awinig in ati ils vmriety, useful te the be- ginn.'r andth fe proficiauît. Fastiits f the establishmnct of tie cela- brat-d t,Prodie," will be lu çVet-y cîîrber. Poiuat, - Brusseis, l4d VeiiLieriLace of evot-y Onu htîndreti pagea cf readtng wtt] ho given mon thly. Godey's splendid angrarings ou aleel.- London, Paris and Philadelphia Fasiions- Goday's fout-, Ive, and six figured celored <fashions. Mode] Cumfage-W. ahi I'ContiiîuOthse publi- cation eof<liese beautifî,t 4sgn. Dmessnuaker -With ' )iagminxs te crul by. Dieu Patierný;.--t,<fant's 1tend chatdren's dress- es, with descriptionts liow to naka tîtem .Att kinds tof Crotebet andi Netting work. TÃe Nurse eantitte p e -u' excellent arlielts upeni this sutejett w-lI ofien be givon. Gatley',s lovalualfe Rieeipts upon overy year. tise Prorinces oi illîeneftowiatigti - lu the varieuls numberit fer 1861 wiilt butfeunul t-p rng u os-empa.tscf lt l3itsisposeSO .the newiest designs for Windew Curlaiuîs, Brol- Ocuyiîîg, as il dffl, imneotiie pcrtioft near-ly P lrie AgasSipr,~mft;CpCleaks, equi-dîstant from the different Colonries, and al- Elroning. Dresses, 1iaucyÃ-Àticle'i, Ele îddres4es, raady cireulating kirgely lue all oU them the j Fli-ressing, Robes de Chambre, Carnaâge ScoTrisa AmBaNca JOURNtAL wýitt aîd in affbrd- Dress"s Bridé-'& Dresses, Wrteaths, tbantil4a, tng that mesos o! inter-comnmunicattion on publie.,Wd>lking r»t-458îlLidîn Hb4tanbttisg aff.4ra, uhe want of wbicis is greately felt as an Dressesý. .- ýimpedinuent in the way of as cleti'poliîical Drse oIfatndYugMsBys uno.Drestes, Capes and Çli)&s of Fur- le seain ,- le plittestis &orylt-t u ruc~s JustALPatterns for- Nèefdl-wtiri of, ati-kinds, suýtti t- là as neither party coaetien uer Party bias. J IL er411 CiiD1 '1by aO ie gl n llbYe tâkes usatandl ou the-broaaprimctVle of pratial.îîca-tchet aati-N e',rrkla eers reforîn,tmeaing therehy tue ppli.tiO ti f - . isonesty, eèfflciency. and ecOnom y (o thework ôf îlP~~C~r.i-- pepuluit goa-arGmeîut. Ait ether- political ques- Send in ytr ~les50,a eoxpecî. oui In se far a îias s > tatngau, acitive ibesi plain seqbhsciibitug ; esutoiyôur opey part in cuit-eut political -discus ions, il ishecatise diret-cito. lte ta b)i -u.,:4hos ios a this ail important consideratiion i-l left eut or suntitints #ied better , eid dgft,libut notes w- vi slgltf. Iuî ncb cases ies-n ouiyentqr- apro1est, -bu wèr"df. anipass ou to otiter à ubjects. 'tut *bere an < - ~ a - î isse apeas 1 ho seii it isiis ls d-icac - Terme, Cash ie Advance. o! ~ ~ ~ ' tiergii au On.osuoYstaet e cemty a yesrt - Ihri.'wo copies, 000, le ta ke ils pia- t he sam titn eWith ea,-CIrs -Turee--eoPies olîe yoar, 6 dol- judiciasu mao i <s'a' re it'a-ibas a-.-re - adopteti aithisie aè e t 1e'ullic qusiomn tisai bayelterisen sirte the ce<tuttaufilelit of ils- Fin e t0iissî6luyerfuuùdanetao"o career. Theabaiiity -of llis eÃŽlitominis, and the e pereon sexîdiug thse club, malking 6 copies,: ierxee1kn ,,tentg,, ivei n f*'V r 0555 orl'dof> Qllars.- - > _j -f llanai euar and widely resd Ou 5-O",ifc4- -Eghtwpieeo 6yefir, ÀdtAn extra, c ô7 laodlatieuntl utsan rlisPo ea 9*lu, W>ýith a riew tb lncrÀe thGtuliterY5t Eleveta copies oite yoar, and an eoçtrq ctipy3tot cf~- tine w1 lhe beran sndins tht -club, makl'ua 12 comnfes. -to its -V fouutieç1 Oue 'cop The Whitby Press .BOD%-K & JOB wm t~5 a ees wm U È%pem oosî n'tfrosi rEeHt K, 1lbe Coffee's. They . re' dul»bee Migh flour. i a - -,al bith a.Try th em once,arn! 'owf.ilf o! fa il Whiiby, Mai 14 1843 JQIQtMOWEI4A. I. EXPRESS, _EXPRESS.ý ESTABISHMET, British and Arnerician IIxprei OVLIR GAMSBY & Co.'s DRY GOODS t SCmpyailfoarisecs STOR*E, 551g4nstr Trainim -charg r lapcit seni rgr-- C(JALI)W ELL'S J3LOCh Brook Street, Wbitby. F rom tlhe extensive faeilitiiea ithe abeve estabz lsie posseeses for thue execution of JOB -l'RINTING, IMarchante tend others eau bave ilisir Printing dono at tlîie Office prernptly, in Ume neatest style. EVERYi'IIING EN THE LUNE SUCUI AS Address Cards, WýVhat it is, auïd who should-learu it. =hnor rh la a pbilosophlcal method of wring the English lagagwith an alphabet comnposed of the Mlnplest seomrickîal sina,.,wich accurately represent the sou nds of apokiiiâword& It may be writn six timesa as last as tii. ordinary long- ead, "à and equafly legible, and- very easily learned. T'h. Yon5g should itan i Clergymen ihoxitl bari t Il Yoeths et echeet thoulil h. taugbt tht. art. Thom e,?Ai serminare wrltten esrely ln phonog tnténded for the learned trofaelefs voutl save lia-o- raph,tend 1 have no mnora trouble lu, reading wba:I sithe of the Urne tand labor attendant on the nieeof bave -written lu <bat hand,, <han>I bava la reading Uia the teilons tenghan4.'-Spiaited cpuUwia. Oue yulch 1Lan nov eniPtoYng.l-Rtv. J. T. COos'Ea, 4c4Thore <e not au heurIn the day, tuer taclamIfic lu ).~D. P, Philadelpha a. t boJiol, out of divisioîn il, in vhich 1 do net @eethe Ilkiow lmore (han o ee nit«erho lu students ualng tht. art, antwi th practîcat ailvantage.1" write a sermon about no quickly as a sermon la delta- joins S. MHurt,Pt-<cipatof Ot isegi.dchaol, Phiadei etrd, tand be 18thn len tbes<oread t tjat as e.etly as pha, l'a frein equally good tnhn.-tv D. D. WUONtio, Studets shu; . 1D., Jamai n, L 1. - ude earniii l. «-I1can write lu fontur ois a iscours.that voutl I t rniahe* -emo-otittng thie accurate pro- othervlse orrupy the whote woftiug day;-,sad I eau nunnelation of o! b both k tr own tend othar lean- <hin rnd tend memoriza t in Iasa«ünie, tend with far guaga.. tand tsef1Wý= t eais the student te a nmore case, ban if t vere vrltteu lu <ha ardinuîry more carafut tnd coe t eef eoeaklng."-People's v-y'-lttv. T. H. BZVaKDGE, Pldladrlphia, Pat. Journal, Londau. 1 -I use rlhonograpby for reportlng the lectures of Lawyera ahonldI taru 1<. the professorie, he o tndenti took on wth'won- -1 In giaket-hing business papera0 agreemients, der, possibly with enay.-E. B. BitÂDHVILT, Aiid$ttxi-.eticsePhenograpiy ; tend m Y derk copies (hi-n ta Calleve. longhand. 1 thus arcoinplisb au amnnt of tabor Editors and Authora abodiltearu lt tliat 1 ahoun fot otherwishabal t tget tbrough IlPmofossor Agassiz t! id e ynsterday, titat Plîonng- Bil< IsL at-n kn a oty yasa. 1 o raphy bailenabtilhlm <o do more ln ona eer <han he ii hxatbe nw ot er gi ol coul have doue lu <brari years without bt"Eeî ava naved ne tweuty years of bard tabor."-floz#. Lxteu, Baon.Tnoxs eIl. Bsaýoiî. 1We may bc thonght «etravagAnt, but va arecrn- ftyaliia ahonli l ea Il. actons ef peaktug the trnth wlien vs say, <bat we would net itve up the use of t'honegraphy fur thea «,For inaking hiaty niemoranda In hi. note-book addtition oet lz e pr anunin te our incone.l-ldiir or dlary, or un hie tabletâ, 1'hnnography le maxtt h. ChritianiiPki1uathia-opZ ling. Whather ha wisbes <o keep a record of eaub LadIesshotuil <qru Ivdaye praclica, or oîîy of epecial cas"s, 1< mnst ba te Ladis abuld çarnit<ha PhYsician a tabor-saviig md time-savmn- art.,, , Oe0rraapondenoa tatven t<ire oilug frtendS de- -ei.LL~cx rves luew lutaret tfromn (he myabertrtus artIn wtîieh 1< trk hudisI. lu cellehedY-Rtev. DLa.Wu taoxi, Jaesaien, L. 1. c hudlaai "INne ont of (lhe tan daye' verlîttm report of <hIe "Im ediately up(M leavlng Achool, I gaineil an t-il were vritten eut hy an anuannenela (a ladin lultgillesituation, fofrlcb my outy ra'roimendatlen tht. essai vho ililnet beer a Word orte' a rlsi2'- aloca thar apÉplicaà nte, vas <- bepesesôi nftbls aiÃL" BvrYbodlY ehould learu it, because of ito, Universal Avaiilbixily Thse KÂNUAL OP PHONOGRAPIIY, and thse PHfONOGRÂPI COPY-BOOK, juetupublished by thie Suliscriber, ara thea works frein which te acqUire thîs rapid and beautiful systein of writing, by which 75 to 100 îoerd8e-r rninute may be written, affer only a few weeks' practice. No teacher is rcquired, fuil directions and illustrations- being gi#ea tn the Manuat, whiý1i ray bc uztderstoctd and applied 1q, any boy oi girl ovr s ix yýears of age- Both booke are oent by mLail, to any addreili, p"atae feOn reGeipt Of .tthe price-OME ruD<ýtA1 ota Address, (post paid,) WILIAM HCORR, OBHÂWA POST 07710E, C0. W. Bank Cheques. - BI. Bill'HeadBs, Bil Bail Tickets Bills of Fare, Business Cards, Catalogues, ch~cks, 1Girculars, Deed, ýD rafts, Funeral Letters, HRaudbills,- Invoices, 1Lables, Papler pas- Me - MOEPARCELS and PIGHIT> cfevryd-crniiowith t ie greatealpossible' dispatch, t'i ali parti of tise Canadas, ltaed S tales anmd Europfe. Orte receiveti forthe purchase of Lotie1, Drafts -and Bills coltecîed. AÂI&Se agets -fer the C. DBPR MESSRS. S.1,1 ET~ILr o -NIWSPAPElt ADVERTISII4G AGEZ4T, 119, NSS&USRET TW UZ A RE authorise oo.recoivo advertisemenîa foi- th <is pajier at the rate&, reqîire by-us. Wbilby, May 14, 1861. 12-t OF IIARTFORDCON. CASHCAÂPITAL, 'lauk <torms, ASSETTS JULY lât, 1860. .$16333 - - - THE PH(fiENIX INSIIRAN.CEIgo. AVING COXPLIED avitt lshe OA1IIDA Is~NSRN of La g !rn j~DÃ"onfinue îteius - m ost avorable iermns. 13'- Policies issueti, atit- Loýss eqîlilably - -djîîstei, autid premplly paid byl]RiteÃŽdeIýl id. - I -i Whitby, Mat-ch 271h, 1861. if TIIE WIIIY IES'- - by ?r. Beach torumerof .1 hiù'J:iWg< ma.- Cinaa isfisnit A<h"e- ay Iii. ,7 eatt pInd< utdb bi~Ut. oon tis4 Isi--itl Pia -eU sendthe- ie editer sud proprietrMI qu , o, ansd talentoal umomber et the Relorm ranks, aud ve hop wil MieL with the large aliaro of auceesa wbich ho - isrti - umbeu<' of, theW«Miby Fie ieso Corné-e Oauda. -Il lin à Reforn à pei -pub-:. lisbed by Mr. Bemuh;aà ù ohd baim* a1ltbýefftor-. Â.] bollo*wa< From lb;- gooah itoerâuyYiÃbitee of the Editor, as Weil I hliouth tics5 is,êfeol safrinwloumiugc sa Brigghloa 1c-Zaesga 0. W.-$2a year. [$1 50in Our '414 frioî4 -o! tise dex" andWhiîby "Wflobmaiý at ahe héeç, of thia neut-adjui 'diaurPrea. -It.profess-otoir uer- e! te WInitby, neruajiépa they stand very much Ù3 needio A INzw Pprj-ý-WeI p"opoec'ue oca, nev fPa. preu., hfiliug ftois iÉetla 4, Mr,Beaebtb'i bu' posaeem'uporirtlent a& ter, is au heves~mt i h 'sentiments largely: rdôi nu mnber- of!he ' eiLb. bfjý, pisical appesrancit" is Èbes at clear, snd pitd W wpbeartity wiskb lema' and ituseditoi'ai pmpôii Lue.- - 1- -- - uceipt Bos - -en WayB, tetlated JOB -PRINTJýNG5 Matrchnt. ud othors iihaïe Pintbn dtue ~ atb ts eOfmOproitptly, int <h. iaà ee orders fby pét.> f attended to DB1ACH 3WIhitbyr, Fabisuax Assurance Policies,i - t: 1 . 1 Euuiirlî ILAU. -1 ý 1, "-l -" - "-lr"ý'Cýý"