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Whitby Reporter, 4 May 1850, p. 1

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7 ~'i a ~aD.aa~ tMnk a.thiug humai WIIITBY, CANADA WEST, MA:Y 'ê, -18ý ey *THOMAS NILLza. dywidiprntea dieu, gmae dîîwu YOD antroddeu aky, it locks as clèar nd«,blue *ýhen il 6maI nuas bang ou higis oituing am, thse darkening clou, t drew the. hghtuing ii ia maiar, tunder,trmnping deep and tond, ve iaft ne fbotuiark Iheroe. ~vLàeieUa vwil eiver chine, e çofimuad oer tise'distant aboe, &WI h ave beard th;- many a ine, silence resta upen tise bit!,4 A liateaing awe. pervadse the air, vaYflowers are shut nd iMM!, AMi iseed as if insprayer. And inu liii he&d breelisiesa lam, O'os atO sand airili e sy, maa, A tili 1ev voici in silence goto, SWlich apeshtiataones' gréet GaI, ef Thee, thèlàWiipemlnàg'.louves, tise 1eri-oS' brook, Tli îVbcuboueeo, tise homeweri rok, ise deepemimg voods, the fading treos, Thse grasssbopper'a lait feeble aeund, -Tise lovera j Ir aee'y h-ree illeàve tisÏefailimess more profg.înd., TUs twilight takos a deeper shade, Tise 4uakypethws deaper grev, .&ndsile oelleiuimgeâ'nd gladç, - MWlite &ai umute belOw. Wllleloao upon au ceins a de>'; The inkim'g clownîedeep ebyam, ami, Uk Sb at e svapt ave>', ?Ytiétercity isgained- The. bounutlea sas,*itbout e shore, TIsat wiihnat lime forever reignad, XowaaturQiuki in sont repoae, A living semblarecf tise grave; Is dew teais noismt on tise rose, .,I e bougisa bave amoat ceased -ta vave: ThIsileni h>,1h lepng eartb, Taié,,,nouataià, steem, tise humble aod-. Ail-tell f«rulî n osthey lied uheir birtis, Aicry" Belsold a-Godll" Tell me,ys -wimged winda, Tl it mu4 aipatbway rmu, Po ye fiot kuew noespot Where mortels weep no more? Soèma loue and pleaeentdellï, Wiseme, f'b ues (itoitmad pins Tis ear>' sulinay retit lhJoid ridlded toc aisisper 1ev. Aid slgwe for piS>' as it mansere, No.>; m~lne,ïtbon inighty deep,. *Wjimebiltows round ime pley, KnEv'st thon sma fevoui spot, Borne bIlaim for viiishesiisi Whare sortait neyer lva Andfaadhpaevr dies 1 Itout! aivss, mllisg lu perpeluel flow, &O o rpa w nhile, and asai laommaer, "N."l AM Ihm, srnmm, _DoMtlook upen te emh, AsItie n cgbt'm embfgcey,- TaIl mse,au & t Llirpna., H att<u ôamn mmtpot WVlee miebie ma Mislrt am s Ippier lotI -8ba elmil tha muses wlir.vw, a v Amia-vest 'oka, lInMad, traapa NOaU ." Taite ue, Hpe asnd y, no samwutisg-pkee îrom &e.w in, man!demi* 1 W* t au n, mWy taluylebei-. Imaih, Bop ad lv»-ieu boem wtaiagiv W"ead tisait et viapan md vhiserei"Tés, ÀA0 -1eu LTIJUIE. POTAÂWO PLÂNTING. From tlm Dupidaa Wsrder. MR. Ere,~stise eason-for po- tuaopanting M fit approachig, 1beg leave to oo" nic>ste b the pubi through your uneful journal, thse mode adoptedl by memthe attwo sonnons, wik gretnt'compltéesucen.. 1Iwfll promise tbhrt 1Iplant alItoge«Iiite"'- in dll1made wl--th e$poia à thse usual distane, lua tise drilla, insteadl of barn manure, I put a sprînkling.of lime. (ait lacked,) and plant Upouthée lime, covorîng thse drill ivith-tise plougis. So sous an, the shaws are fairly above- ground, a liglit harrow is run over them, which I'find.- to prouloto tiseir. growtis wonderfully, and if even a few are tpom ont, it doesn o isarni. A, littie .lime la then 9,prinkled over the shaws, and wiseu ready for, their, let drening- alwgys witli the plongh-a litho more lime la sprinhled on thse ridges; but be- fore doing whicis, they ar etaefu-lly gone over witlr'tis hand lîoe, and sûch, stes a s are covered by tise jloàgh,, placed uprightand tse wedn efu taken ont. Thse result in an abusidant crop of fine large potatoçs, ftee froua disease.'ànd sb sneall y that yon can hard- ly li.ft the nu with afr. Last year, 1 put, lime on the ridgeo only once--tsu.yçar beforetwie: -but found last. year'n practice quite as good asthe one before. As a profof the utiity of cultivating poao ythssmode,1 May,.nsention thet, the year before last, my noitl noighbior had his planted in an adjoin- iug-flcld, with 'onf-wo"rrnfonce be- tween, rnanured in thse unuial way witis stable dung, and gathering, one-third, aades!ttOyed by diseuse, and anotiser- third in course of the winter ; wherçns only a barrel or two wasR the arnount of my 1cme after being storod. Some tume since 1 read in an Englis work on Agriculture', br in a newspaper 1 don'It recollect whichs, a pla dopted théo f aêw,'i ng alternate ridges witls tlso Potato sud ruts baga (Swedish tur- nip,) which 1Itrioýd and fonndquite suc- coanfut, owng, porhape to the potaloos havisig more room iiW the early stage of their çrowth titan the yotherw'ise would have Lad andtiseruts buga bing a hardy plant, remarned lu tise ground' for moine rime after the potatoos were taken up, and tisrove wonderfnlly, I used stable mnuure tvith thse tutassipa, patting it ln the, drills, snd sowiag on, thse tqp cf.tise ridgos .fortned by the ploagla, lna oovering it up. Tise,,potatoe plantod were of no c hoie. or particular hind; seed wun scàansd I took what I conld catch. I ams, Mr. Editôr, Your very obod't sorv't,. JAMES CROOKS. Weatý Fambore'> AprilI, 80 HOW TO GWErNEW VARIETIES 0OF POTATOES. Wheùn thr vipes are done growing aad turning. brwn, the seed la ripe; tie ake thre balleansd string with a large needI. and strouk thread; hasng theata ln s, dry place, viser. isey '.111 çradually dry snd mature, -vitirot. danger of injury [reim froSt. la 'ti montis of Api, sosk thebellefor$eve'- rai hom inlawater, tisnqe " p...tiscu ta îSparate thse usd -froua tise p l property te cornus labo thein if ÏlUs tbld. turaed tc 'orropodent But - weuldyèùünt 0 nil glasdly quit yonr pronent çourse, of life ? (yes, yes.) ' Then 'whr neflt have uiso thse lodgin g-hsmasystern, tié rincipal )If iirt caise cf aIl your miaîry, éxp6I)sed?'il 5 thifs -A. Voice : If th'y ssut ip tise Iodg- îlý in-hisuse, uliceeare we to go? If a thesmibon poer boy goetise e #rkbiss(lie atch-_ s&ud th& osr.afever, sud -sstarvodi.ato tise bar- uomnimg gan. m ,on1ey. Correspondent: Aentynal tired Most bre oftise.livès yeun ucleadi [vociferQ'aht oi crie" cf "ye yeaiAwe wLsis te btter large a.. oursevea,» frons ailparta cf tiseroonsi] gresteb llewever mnucis ycn-dreas tise expomure- heweTýem as.well1 as I do, tisat in' tisn you uneet deliihtC _your tompaalons,ûnd itaini if not begun again ast îi~ol a ouIcmplee l cl fapplit place. ý If a boy tusaway from home, aniidst t he'o nenwaedtisre and Lept cet. ois, au( ed'fmM ns itparents> Audd q net tise rih aionyourdegradation sud,,youvgperi! tonîd cries of *ey-es, yes. Tison. wisy don't; yeU. al corne fomward o and: A by expoeiag thei te tish pbnie Of 'arefqxn know sitiihg eft tie ihiquities andivice widR 'SOMh dmtrý4îeaatone.? , put an end'to"yP tbf irthon nce Tireola nuL ne calte ptta here;,n neo, ut leant, cf Lise eIder boys;- , - &uo.a~ Mnd out tise mistaise of lus go p qsn O, wlioewould. net, I veriiy Aitlouts believe, becons o hneat, sud cah is ~ces livlagb-Irisýs sdustry, if lie COUILd..Yoa mi" qpj aevig-IfU( Pa on o saut tiingenougisat firat, -bat Yeulçno.w pweo tisst s, vagbond.'s 111ifuAIl of Sug'er- ing,.Mie, and privation; .yenae e dns1 hsappy asyen .thouglit yen ý,wonld be,,cuîy sund are tireil sud disgusted nitivyopu inc present ourse., Tiis la *htîIheàrand inc frou yen, ail. Am I not ssttýiagthe ato fact I Ilewed -crica t "esyes, tsi i of tise 4ize of a wahsiut, ,a'foa ia to.a.pes. ru tiefollowing springthýey sisould be planted iu hlDý*laçing lte large ones together; the$v will iin tise -second seano attain their fàli size, andi will ixhibit neyeral vu rltie »f Ibrm, snd may thon Le :helected to suit thse cultivator.. i would prefist gttheniug 0thse balla froua jR4atoes of às ood lsn d. The firat cropa ru sceds thsus obtsiued till bevéry .productive, and wil CM--> tindeý-eo for many .yeurn, graduially dle. 1teiorsriug, until ltheywill, gaiane ra renewal ly tise Mmne proess.-4mr. Protection to herk of Tree.-Twist- cd hsy or strsw*.bands bound round-tise stemas of fruit tit e* an(! slsghtly coâ-ted with gas-tir, will prev ent shéep' or cattleieïuin le.Pitn h isark with- -any kind of .mixture. May close up tise pores of -tise oeter, akinp and thun retard the growth of tise tree. Bi thse above plan tise air hus ftee -c cons te thse boîl. IM A N 1TY. icia, bformhig ice by, Lois.. A meetingocfau unpre ,cedenpted c racler was held at tise, British 'Union Scisool-moora, Siaskpere-walk,- Shsd- well,,on'Monday eùei ng. twaa àwcon-. vened 4y tse 7metropolitan Corepc dent of thse Càriëicle, for thse purponi of annensblin'toçgletier soine cf'tise loetclancfm al ueno hiat vagabonde wiso infeat tise unetropolis privately clled, at ouly twodays' no-' tice, by tise disttibution of tickets, of ad- mLiuj»among tiseclans lin question, at tise' varions isauàts aud.dons.,cf iufiasy, te which m o esrt, no fewer thian 150 cof tisem 'attended. ou tise occasion.. At first tiseir beisavitoum wus very noiny and dinorderly, bât béeÏho ie close they ho- camne peucesble,sand even rea'pectfsi, in tir densea5çnr. 19 had fathers and mothers stijl living;- 39 liad' only eue parent; sud 80 were. orpsaits -lutise fuilent .sonne of tiseyrord, basingni- tiser fatiser for motsor alivo. 0f pro- feised beggars 'tiere were, 50, sud 66 who acknowle dged theinsely 1es te be habitual tisieves. Thse announcement tist tisegreteýr umber cf thons preg- ,eut waoe thieves pleascd thons txceed- lngly, snd wus mceived with three rouinds cf applause. Wheu il asasnuounced tisaIone,i thougSh ouly nineteen yesrs cf age bail been in, prison asmaey as twenty-mine timons, thse clapping of bauds, tise t enlia, shaoutsePbmayve,»-Jasted fori several minutes; and the wisole çf tise boys rose. te look at sois a distisigniis- ed'idividual. Soeu.chalked on tiseirm hala tise figures which deaignated tise1 suns e! tise.everal times tisey had beeni Tise boys were iutqrrogated ns te thioirmauner cf ife,À&o, and thiran-. smer nheld 'be read by a!l wiso are enit gaged la tise work'ofllsàged -Sehoola.z Our limited spece wlîl net-admit. of suucis extract.9 À lad about twenty wus aboutte vol-t unteer a statement - onCemnlng the ledgingiseusa, by-uhiais ho declarèd h« Wadiee& liroangit to is uims;baIt0 ho wua. lnat&y sslld vith cries of Cerne dowas11 "BRad your tonga. 11" sud tises bee&me se goaeralî snd *ere.t ad gave up1 CTS F91 ahI look toi her ils wî ahes. TI lrlty nul Le jndi à tis i'ntet> aws; and, insfiots a lairge maýjemity eft-tthe Bill of Mr.-ît -ainial, Ui re-construction. Reps.. Le based upos population a ecled and wissal ,ýTise great evil cf thse pi la toDbe fonnd iitsie stnalîneis pf tise number constituting tise HeumAe .e ueo, iiin'nu-meuaps1 two tiosuaasdamsfully rt fomly tisetsaaud, and lith. roughais hlding as greiit cf offectlag tiseir deliverance frontUU W their present diEgrned poitiçn. sots. n<>w - y tisoutgist migration tise best-anoans; for ofe-b if.thee started afreas in a nenu colony r.ura i tise> said theyawould leave bohinti theonsThis therbeoisraceîrnuicsclsed'mrery m-a of avenue te employanont eganst thersat Idnc6tso honte.. Others tioughit tl4ere wonid Le l-, er lllculties in obtaiulag work in.thse o-I Loeng siiven to supprt bioneives by tltèir 'ùld jracticea. Many agalis tieglt tise, totpatieus *hiCh -sur- round tin n u glan ttirdotieir refbrsnatioes impossible; wist -auuy sue. oanaidered hat tise mne teaupta- tiens woul4 saiit tient thiSil hicis exted ut homne. Dring tàe meff rs.cthie proeediaig eSe oa tise rncst desperate ebsumoers prmeot, a Lol who hadLeeu tsenty-si sonet dm104, the>' are -ft Il la a Led well -pue- wm ; tiéy Win aproat en y must b. attesideet I y" lçls. -Wbeabut Othe 'ES. :zmccztm= yen 3*13 sud a voie, ':The ,fact of lt la, Sir, nue dca't ueo our folly till it's too laIeO." Now 1 sd mauy hundr.edusun 1,d thisouaude, rosît>' nusis yon rîl wouldgladl>' do .anythimg nue could te gelyuu-teesm suisoontliving.- il ornoarl>' ll,-yorns ry, Ilcnewpro- ceedsfrom tise.ow lodgit-isomde,< yen, yes, it dme, masiter, iL d oeil"'aud I ams deterriued, ultis yur bll, t eoffect; tieiutter destruction, . yl."lu glati cf it, Sir;- you are quit. igit, aud 1 pma>' Cod tb amsist yen.»] tise>' thovigist nuult Le tise Lest inade-

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