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Whitby Reporter, 4 May 1850, p. 3

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et.,ta uudersaénd, that the in the NiagaraDistrict bas ~lieeathy.4ppesrance, from r evere.fross. bya tèlegraphec deapatcbh, ire FIY" arrived aI Pliree Montreal vesterday, at one ke St. Peter is therefore )t safflôjent le aliow large pea through. l i r- irewill remsin in thelÊ'kê hei oôdtîdes, -wbicb tàkea 25th instaÛt. t: of a Suppored .l¶urderer.- iansweringte I he discription Patrick Doyle, ose cf the ' iorSlàti Who commritted a dia- 44udr la Msripclsa laFebrusry "'4rrestted ai St. Thomes yes- 'É.cokveyed ta eut jail., where Sý,Louis Daily. Times learna a gentleman wh O bas becs, travel- thogh the Upper -Mississippi tisa, ltatl.ho,, wheatcroç9 lu intatI onhbavre nover bc esnknown lo odk tepromissing aI Ibis sesson oethIe 'With neu'nfortunale calamity, e farmer will reap as abundant bar- The0 steamer MTlont real, left Moatreal rQuebec yesberday, at, noce, sud the er Lady Elgin,. 1dbfer the same il £tà P. M., on Iheir first trips titis The Jiontreet iay _at Three Fivèrealal niglil. Emtipation fromt/Me Western States go. Oalsornia.--WeIeairafrem western papera tisaI tboussnds ef mon, wreou -wId -hidren, are preporîng toleivo )y *the overland route bo Caifornîs: snd that. iii Detroit alose 6000 men have ussked te leave that state for the gold Canada- Trrde.-Thc ./llbany Even- ine Journal, says this trade premîiss le bue lrge titis spring, sud by semne it is iaasrted thal it wili b. larg'er ltai th.e WesteWnainess. There ta mach grain int-store on tbe aorth. shere of lako On- OagipriI 19.-Tho am<aant of Aiekycarryiug trade wibh Canada, titis sprheg, bas incresised te an -nupre.. eedented exteul. There bas aIready -bes .more doue njeb, way of fur ivard- ieg bonded nierchatadize, than was ac- eompliuhied durin g the wltole eftIlite ast'f -At thlailet meeting et the Moutreai City Coascil, a ltter was read froni 'Géore Brown, Esq. Arclaibect, oWeIring to rebuild St.;Aas arsket Houe f1-r £4,0OW. Aiter seaconversation, the flimîber cos*ioraÏio.-pfthlie stîbjeot was postposed. Atlte conclusiôionfethIe course et Iect>reoa thé','Insitutes of Medicine,, in MçGill Cohkýgp, by Diý .Frazer, we mnderatnd >tbat lte, prise for genenal proficieisey, -atlte weekly examina- tts, 4wawwudredte Mm.Enocb G. Dorlaud, of the.Mîdland DPiatict, U. C. -JIrea.4Gaz. eudge 3y,et 'New 'York, President of te Âaerieuan Peso. Seciety,audiho rasa ot the Execative Conimitiee, hbave. been chose,,te represeal lb. -Society la te Péme* Congreso, te, be _h ed in Au- gust at'Fmskfort-on..-Maiee, t Ger- Cosw.e<OM Of a,-*agutrate forDe- aiîoD stae, tisaI aa spetty session eldreeetly in Guelpht, Richard Ha&~ « leq,, (one oef Ueir Majeatl'a r.- Stl7 a'pointed Jusiccmof et hePeso. 9 e outYof Waterloo,) vas cou- %:ainformaiona of James Eqthe Coanly Reventue U slla piwtuou tquors ~~~îtieaithitt licae, and~ The real.fitets of'the compromise w eannot-make pnblijor thie reass)s;but a compromsejhassbeen,affcted.-Ib. T/le Weather.-For the past wveek the weather-has becu sowewhat raw sud cola, wltli occesionai, gleama tiof sua- ase; snd- on Monday morniag last s hesvy thunderorarieu4ûed. It la uoi# moegsal snd spriug ,like.-Lmon Tasses. Trigsl of James Russeli for Arson.- Thistrial, hasocbu Eied the Assize Court at Hatuilton for the ]Mles three .or four days1 -Ilt wascclaàueedyesterday, bùft the Jury were unabie te sgee'u pon a7 We notie -vitls pleasiretéhlat the sliipfqames Titceneb, Capt. Hil, was clea.red.on the l8th ait., from Boston, by Benjamin Bruce for St. George, N. B., to load - 'witb ,doals for Liverpo. This is -lhê ftir-st vessel froma the United States that bas avniled itself in Ibis axanuer of flhc British NavigationAct. SALARIES 0F PUBLIC OFFICRRS. *WC uaderstaud that t.wo Petitionis te te Legisiature are in circula tion, oe of wbich prays ltat al tees.paid teo ufi- cexs-et tho Govemument, or et the Couts et Law snd other public departments, May ini future ho fiinded, sud lte offi- ciais ho psitt by statcd, salaries in lieu et tees;. tid te other that a law auay' ho îassed by whieh. the salaries, or a certain potion.thoreof, ef public officers May be, attaohed' by their creditors efter ebtuiuing jtîdgmntuinlacptions for debt. 0f tbe first et thesePetitions, we vnry, hesrtily asîprov ; lte practiceof etpr- îiltaing puiblic*officers to psy them. selves by focs, hoLda te- lte niost ahomii- nshle abuses, as ýevry eue knews whe is acquainted wvithitie in famous practi- ces ltaI have gene. on for years lu cer- tain departmentaet the Courts etf Law and Police in 1his eity - Tue graling the prayer et.bite second Petition re- qijires mtacb more consideration, for il is possible btat were te object of lte petitioners cerriedd eut, il miglit pro- dace great incopy 1enience othe pubico service. We ûae- rather ..tniined -le tbink tbat the preseat syslem is the boat. If il la generaily known flitat ne eue casn bave recourse against lte saiary et a Geveru meut qfllciah, ne eure in hua senses Iill give tio officiaI credit, and titis wiih ind uce s cash systen1 et fdQing business, utuch tethe ndvanta.-C, et Iradesmeti and oethlIe oficiaist hteni- selves, who wiiI thon ho cotr pcl ld te live vithin tîteir ineomes, wiiî tw of tbeta do aI present. eMontreat Courier NOVA SCOTIA.~ The fol.heing Ilas copy of the Lawv Bill iatroduccil by the e Poic core- tary:- 1/hz 4c1t toautkorize Her .Afjety's .SubjeoMtâ tWpeàd <md Reasone for themaeLSse or otkervil&ai lier ,Mu- jesty'rses e/i /iFrvn. WURRE4s,, That tnenopoly now efijoy- ed byà limited numberof persons of pri- vilegcd seats lin Her Majestls' Courts, and of the righït tecad asud> fese thereia, la i «jurious t tlî-at-periviieged class, by lwïthdrawipg- themù from the free competition eft their fchlow supJeets, is unjuist to thie Judgeswho would uPeu' bc instrticted by rmes ef genius andc learning alquired in other pursuita, sud deprives the great body eo f'-iepeople, os the" eue baud, et the privibegu. of se- hetig dvctâese; anud, oa the other, ef ail inducememta te study and coin- prehend the Laws. lie 'if terefore exacted by t/l& Lieu- LcamLsand m,1 A t51., Ç Frointand after thte jassing oetbtis Act tuy of Mer Majesl'susbjecta who sitali have votad at any aecetion, or Pad, paon and cooety rates, rnay plead and- aesseu iaany of Uer Msjesty'e CollaI of Judiýàture -wititin tiiproviace, en_- joyieag all rightsaud'Ipnliflegesltere»>, in s fll "d mpl 4mattaer as Iheese are flow emJoyed by Barri&tet, ,precors] apd àd.eS'tp Uoart oif i1usa. Jenny's signifiat hegatîve toe b oir was 1 Jasgary.' Gr eat is th triuinjh ôfëêii-s, when the aïightingale i§ too mach fur flic eagheà. Nsiw-Yex, May 1, 1850. llfsx-osyWoaGdav> which port sho le«Agt 6 Pé. M. on lte same daty, snd wilI pro,. babiy arva.e-okeugl~ LiVERPOOI. MA'IK -Cot 1torh axieanl- ced 18d. Cora lower. Flouir-steady. FRANCE. The politiosi neîvs from lte conàtiC. t hrotighôut, France. The violence' of fa ction, snd the nesr approaeh of tlita election, give tise te fears for continu- suce et the preseut calim. GREE CE..1 jThe Greek questiort lias r.ot been Ud. justed. lu the event of the failure or the friendly offices of France, thaère is every reason to appreliend ' a siou' difficuliy between 'Engiaad and Rusa, as the -former, -in the event stated, bas Lgiven Ad mirai Parker orders foenpe. a comiplete blockadc of.the const. lh iEmperor of ].usaia bas given assutrance' of bis intention te advance te, the sup- port of King OL'ho. ATHEN& - No authentic adicea of a inter date than March28th have beea rcccived from Atitens, at which lime the resuit of te meeting held two days previôns- ly bot-Scen flaron Gros and Mr. Wysô, had net transpired; the meptiug la aaid to have been of a veryamcbec- Wete ; but, if'a tlograph- deapatch dated Athens, April 2ud, pabiaahed in te Dresdeu Zeituag, can b? credAted, the good offices of France have failed to effleet a satisactory settlemen t of the difficulty.-Toronto Glob.' MAY 4, 1850. Wbeat, per.bush. 49. : Oata, la. 3d. : Pease, la. 9d. a 29.: FIour, 20s. : Grass Sed, 7s. 6d. à 80. Pork, 17e. 6d. a 20.: Blutter, 7d. a 8d.: Lard 4d. a 51d.- Cheese, M<. Potatoes, la. 6d. a 2.: Tut- nipe 7d. a 8d.: Ega, 8<.:. Ray, 40.. Pot and Per, Asb, 25s. a 211é. 6<. There has been a aiglit advance on the foregoing prices. BIRTH. iu Wbitby, ou Suuelay the 28tb ultimo, Mrs. J. Il. Gerrie, of a danghter. LT~'06r 1MO TEL. TI-lHE Subrqriber, baviug takeer tih Tavygriitforucerhy hejil hy'ReasT IIuN;TER, On thte Plank Rond, fiYst Cou- ceonfet each; hopesi froni, sfriMt sitenîton-t. buisiness, te menit as hane ot Public patronage. C. C. COVE Y. '*Reachi, May 5, 1850. TuJE STE4MER AMERtICA.1 CAPTrAIK ROBERT KERR, WILL, IotrIlée remainer et he Seeson, leave -T tofo RersstÊr, sery Tuesda, p11j«aZ7y, ëd wiil1 .utlstPol oeadCobouN, otnd intérmediet Ports [wssliaer lamuin<. Roturning, vil! leave Roehesturfor Toronto, ealiulg.t. Cobourg aud interusdiate Portà,y-r~ Mooday, Wedoesdy sand y Moresg, et hall- Pau 8 o'tioek. Royal Maîtl00"., FIV'E and a Ilaif Acres of Uend, with a Dweiliag Ilouse, in the Village of NORWOOD, fith, Çoa0em'1 of Pick- arisg. Àpyt DR.. GfNN, April l9th, 1850. h4b. Nl B. P/INTfNG TRINGdoneoorder., Reopairiug lu ail ils varions Ira.uplas neally exeeuted.on short notice. 4': INATUANILRAY W R: ý-Whitby, April -19, 1850. PRO'CLAMATION..! RETRENC MEXTci WV, ý'èd tenite one-of Ier Maje styia Ieige sujjct of the Province &Vicaada, Ibat a !pV,.jesir pre aiuçIog the Inbabitants of It 1 url'owshi ofWbitt iat'liioroagb-'AM extensive, Roloeuhset,Je made ie tbe Pà4fTic .trpenditure'ot the Jrovitxce. Au4 ,wercas;,-certain, indivicluals, &ôwýùs,'aos&.e., have beç enolairg tb&kt ,le iliblaeutact4ipJt ýot$ t'.,u~te 3eit.thereforte knewnu le al wbesu :!t Msay ecteD, sud o0àt'se lbsaul fWfb pr arltt tb1at fothIis day ortS, IwiII g 15e-M -~Al. Qgý' " lit acal l trehm ent~ 3ane, cîurin< BOTSand S IEof t e very Set mfate'i , aetfié5e foIIoing iow p. ices, vas: la'ainI ewd o ta239 ta 6-, "'Pëggre1itoos18 9t? a, -'StrongBoo-t'a -'12 610130à o*beIarticIrs iii 15e Ioot and Shoe liasii rpI- tion. Asthe. Subsibor, is deterininied'te, baealwàiy" on band, a o ÙdSaortmtent '-f. ail. kinda o01 LAISAND G(i.NTLEiMPqlg aîdd neçiploy nnutit he ,st -f IW.orkaten, and .8<15 leeti. 1IIlre thanfitnte2mli on, Se therefjreý soliît a 3aats'of pu~blic patronage. GIVIEs roder my Hand end Seal, tliis'FÊigh1*h' day ýof ýApril, in te hyear of nitrLord one, thouaanrl eigbt bàumlred and 814. WbtbOFîaT, EW« . -ýFRETR TH M - CO AGE£NT,ý S ow>prepared-to- nav .the -Ilighéit 1-'Piein CAS!!éan TRÂ-DE;, for "ny qmsiffity of TALLOW, LARD' SOAF (GREASE, and,.ASHES !l 1 HoAluse-Keepere, Wilv ido w Itl io ave their Ashea. Teama wlJregulatly cati and gîve Trado lfbr thora wben takenT aWay. Whitby, Msreh 26, i950. 8'C Hi00OL B 00K S, 4e, PaPe lainflgi, nid Wlndow Blëinda, FORSALE ÏCHEA? AT alo P DEG& NO T1 ivIIITY VLLL4I E. Aprill9th,,1850L. Who 'wil LOlU GI0 for Goldt1 TH E setth hlaif 0f Tag No. 34,--8th Ç,nession Whitby,inaopen fk bidders, for a teriniof not.lesm thas five yeurs. There aeFfyAra~e~ç und he wolu urinla Plentjfttlly Watered. Go and, ace il. r]Posaio given in, good time for FALL PLOUGHING. * B. FR.eY BALL, April l9th, 1850. lNarrduter a Sprlng and Suimer huimlons for :Whitby; Apil .19, 1850. - T8ho ALEX. PRtINGLE. Ail ord'erin jablaline promptly executt The4e tet F0iwg(ps atayà on kaad Whitby, April 19, 15o. BE 0 Ã"iè r fate' in Treet, OSHAWA,ic. , w here hla ïsprepareo4toext è. o'rders iii bislune on thet sboeteat neUqé, etnd at niodemr -earges. 2"â aw snfJiieom Tuw02 lu imi. Ca mdom S tabling and~ 1850. . ~ I M t WOON, eda attâched1 PaIcked, to4 Srê s&de m ' Toronto, Apnil,18 SLATEST1 Of Me f.U.wing ÀÉVe j "TlIJ«EIVED by the saubscrib,-r FOR SALE. asplendid.*saortmnst o.w l ÀËossetg, Flovérr, Ribhos., Woot.sam jd4,Wilgtsm]WI Leghorn flai, 'l 8;GQ.>Qq- dýIl pkl-ý * PuNe. ~ ~ 5b.Ca -~n su onvil sMe or ttgoEg Boer CLb V4-aàR.UR7. l'. 4 1 ,

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