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Whitby Reporter, 8 Jun 1850, p. 3

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WC hold. The 1rotlbts e or Cenada bclicyv-l the- true 1iomage to religio;i to býthat of the willitig,~ devoit Soul- Ilot tlao adjournmen t of a d ebate,' or 'the alutloritativoly giving aholiday bankêrse lbrks. We are- happy to ho ribLe to stato, for the in forma ti n of the n ümerour'frienÎds of Mris. Pcrry, that hi$ licaftlt 18 go far improvedl as to shlow -cf his taking a dcaily drive. - Ve *hope $00o1. to Iavel the tisatisfaiction of annoiîhcing bliis ut- \_ýtçndîncn e i rliameiit.- rod and Ninéeh, A lsip munb.r of "0 pr vemsoh, beautifufly engravcd, hav4 beeii fonnd ln the former, and from the- latter a large aoflctmntf fine àIalis, ilitistrative oftthe rule;eiion- qt1ests, domestie life, anid arts of the anejcDt. Assyrianis, are 4aily cuming bu- lighte, and aire commritted to paper b$r the hbeartisç,Mr Cooper, one ut' the expedition. MINr. Layard , inends tu niake a t rip to Chaboor, the Chaborns uof tht 0rkomans, and to visit Reish Ainnl thec Reain of Scripturc, wlierc lie hIopcs, to -fuid a trensure of' A&syrian -romitins. rftiOO..n I., lided t h e s cfrffif il e; .stea 1enr (tre (ie-,-'li»t %vv c, auJ11 il 'lock, uwf bhc iorîîiing of{11c'.e iutf 4.1i f~~iùl~y).At't.ra lrt tugcvLi li r ops .sîIaî cII hlire, ths-ev buak vale Ii TW itisus. -Iles L '4vt(t miotr (ovo'rror, aîîd uýJ(e uj two fc-rs -Ae sîdes t e ony 41ley 1llis!rolb.d froi hpublic; %reâsurv. '11 e vfi rd atseod mixetinfar - týII Il us i>fjr -te-irgus ud (ay, e ali w , ; kîlIcdu the '-rîclii- ut-'tiî -r - ceîircy toolia -îflsgèsioil of lite î,ý1i roaids, carq -antdi tll«ng, and jýt issaidfcI, s Men ; c- ip fhie cotinlcq bo Icar 111)thec rails. - The lu- vactors did tin uloest teihbtn .iltho:îgh"1 neariy elrcry imne touk refuge on buard of lte shîjfjîing ilwîiac harlbor. WVc tru-st tliat by to-murruw cevenint* tIrarnjiiity v ill. horestoredu.-ndlte business ut' flic lotin gvnasil$tlul. - '- -Vo pen otîr leVIer to advise you of lte.safle arriva[,ounr Govérnor, with te twvu officers cap)ttred 1) LIopez. Eive, of Lbpez' gairg are »otiý'in te stocks. e - - - *Charleston, 9.,A. M. - Lcpê',as-feached KeyWe.f. D41e is now Ain'Savtutnnsal. - Tizuty;oro FLooD,'-We klearn mthe i ViiandI Fane>' I)~<l>'nt - - .0,12 G1.l:i awtfuil('st Pnt 'ô f- 7 6 teo 015 A larz r. oc'ku f ;ai l si4 q of ,Sunif-t'Patils, - 0--2 Cfta ( 7 Amueric'an, F o-îh nd * -0 -' '-O7 6 te 1 5 Iis . a nd'rCran C.li- C4,011 lali! r at-i 44ii 0 teO L'-rt.hru lats-alarge F'OeIc:"k fp'atterns O3 9 ta O 8 Colo ed .3 t(> 01r;e5 -e 9 o 1 'lIe s oi ,rn.4 bis frienda ami the pulic ibat hf ié s- rce'ntI gdded to hid Ciothii'andi Furnsuîîgl3~~i.s-~a lai-go and uel1-Zcte.csd sta')-k 9Ç J)IY tOI),al smpoited from the EnJsh renv'h, alid Amercant Markcets itiii Sptiiuge, lie ollaitï attention ta bbc Prices cf a (etkýi articles inj the -DRY <h>ODS DEI AMENT. Frerneh al](U Engiish l3raad ClatI, - ---- - 0'00 5 0 French, FnWh&Amer- ican Doesk-iis- 0 -O3 9 IoO010 O Caniadian, Eniglitsi, Amer- - 'ican & Fretici Twe-edsi, S;ai1eus,&. -- - - 0 2 e 1o00 7c Sumsner, Drlls, in greal t &triied Siirtijgs 0O0O6Oto 0 O09 Pvinrted Caficoesralwi4thî 0 0, 4 W10O 10 -MulilaDeLanez, ?4erinos,, j »alzarines o,.tisew*ud Mnharo4veryvariety 0 I o b O2 6 EVAINS &UHAliILItON, Cio.kbina Store* JJAVE REMOVED to the igtore lately oeeupied by Messrs. Lyman Knee- 511 aaw&connd next door fo J. R. .Mounijoy1,s Dry Good Store, (Sign of KID. 5.. CIrvBUILDINGSf KING STREET tAST, where their Ctistomners and Frietids will 'alw.ays Und a )à rge auortinxet of seasuible. and Consist nu of fine eloth PDrcss and Frocek Çoats, Shlooting Rnd-Snck Contsi;ni great vuricty, voit$ axnd Pantaloons, cf every Natorlîal and Style, Promn the extra fàcihity ýfor making tup Stock Ai ih eirstallis!inwni, Mo- trcal, àud iurclasing -i ie wlioles.ale AMurketls fur éCA1Il oly, bley ciui and !do seil CIIEýL'EIt tlîatÏ'othrli ioilseCý in thie m-ime lîné .)lfc CiiiStreet, .,llrontreul. Z-- King Stred, Toront Toroto,"Iav24. ~50., 3-6 Clothin.g alid -Dry Ods! CORNER 0F KING &CIIURCIH STnEIETS, ÂDJOINI!<G TH1E COURT.11OULSE, BTATS, CAPS- FUIIS, CLOAK'S, AIN!) ONNETî&. - .IL .SCUOlýFIELI) & Co., j THE PROPOSED .RAILRO AD. - MIPORTERS 0F Tlc itznsut Trn' lav'd~la-BRITISHR NANUFAO'gURES, ic - t'bi ic nioIoy tu ~c gaipst vutiIîg 41 1)pilcmn~ o~~- assist thep Toronto, Smc n lru -WIL~L N)-EAL -~~~~~~~~oG R-ludtehieb 13 a16.wc wldthy villag, Joîuî, 18»0. tïndoïstaâd fiat au rsdtein'pit will bv .------e-- îihito raise thq tnecdhîl l- iWhiLby - WIl ITBY uud tlite sîrrotindi»gtonsîisa dWSDhLÎDII CLAR %ITRUNK =a4 titis thUictnl us ut a railway to beh o nîtIee fo 1c Stibsrîber 'las, erin~ritl on hand t11w viz-Ito cotnnecttheiioý Lake oài- aoealcC,"1ic ~ e h~r arowiîthmoscfthle Ihrotn Lake,. _r~orcedt GNRSQW iwhIiçý, il s cx çh ,wili attratci.a-tity ue t. 85. .- 1aý hig~portionuoft îh<1 w_1stjrn trtifflc ir ff înmnslImporitture tt ublit, wl'vl as b1)-p of iîcýe isbnit tu tihe cl itry tlîrotugh Ivl il lse. .IG1T'T R E TR TJY C 1.4Ffr:.RXT, E ST1BAMs. fl94T 1J'~ ST. NOIing 2 l7rgc and ) wdI-absortsrd Ycw Sock of X Q iSM4y 28. Oohn r o d looktl,ertrîhc The.te~at ;i"dîde t it, 9njf prîce Chap (IIh ClotIîin' k~~~~~~~ t1kplc f.11d; .'li tcîne Dry GCoudS 1lri, ~'bt. OUIS" vlld~"~< twfliîîe., t1hreid O? ,st. Lâtiis . 11,I;nihrtîdeof King Styect, a ftw Ol ides IbOIê>%wîIccîv, ut Aqîî i- ta11i in.- of Ille Nwatt ddcx-aid dvian ,WM c i t T~ raS AWS 1?~nî I nÇrmaia1 G cî4 DR Y GO0ODS )ÇERCHALNT, 1UMMLII CLOjniiNG, Maa'le 1rom the ~wet3tfiu lies <'r Zo au f y pr- ,<q 1ywe4 of Mawxl <4 M.rpnéh, Arnerican, -0 pesou)s swaldo'%viid [le su- rk;,n îr'hlt Iis nvri uperiu'îefC. i I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~o aît ~ 5.)' ,. '~55~(1 <~l~l Ioe 1Illeg s flisinof thiae ta s t ;0)1,el~~t htI ~ 1. t,&oVe_-f<l iid inid A£ s, . J . li eliliý icre cithyr h r)- r miihird rt hB-i î 0 -1 0I ~ ' trie f,oa.;5 1. r 1 _AN' 1 X P14' 1u)l T 10 N . 11 efolihwing is fanextract 4 a let- tnDossl UVegso- - (0 7 6 0.(12 fi .1er ceei:y* aite IsitbeI1 ddfïA C( tr Frilieh a(d Enciis~h Plain * kîîiMny 020., . - wl Fanrv S'dtin Vests Qbfato -O10 O n. Loîwz a Srnmer Xces* large Whitby Village, 71b Jâme, 1850.8 fso ap'Can»dit? SiIJv' OF T B"IEE-HIVE." THIOMAS Br:OCOBYV',AG£NT, Sowprelpat!l e, y q !e theHYhest au-y ~ o quîltyo ALLOW , jLAUD, SOAP' GflE!Asud 'and ASIlES1! -! iloseKeeerswill do weIl tosave theirAshes. Teamiins- vili -rcgu1ar1y eaUl and give Trade e{,r îilc'mi wlien taken W1litby, marcW 126, 1850. 1 . C. S T ER'IN G, ltoensed Au;tîoucor, WJJ I TBY. Orders R<eeived a LsOflice, MalohStoc-k ofl B tels anti is. BuW?%Vý & CILJ.D AT V E recciv'ed their 'Spriig Stock of Boots and S4 oes from tbt.ir nantifactory at Moti- treai, and wîiItself at flhir usual lowv rate.'- . 3 & C. tmplQoy six birndred opeatives, and nrôiie mm W in bIOUO pairs dailyv.Th*ir Whieh lie cftn seil Cheaper fortCs] than any other, Estatbishtinitil, Wbi býy or stirrotindin eoutry. For stipe rior Style and - »rability, lho (ei conifdent of giving fulhl satisfaction t pu rchasers. NB. PAINTING&TBIl3lING dont to ordt] Repairiüin lual its varioili branche ncatly exececd un short notice. ?NATIHANIEL IRAY. Whlitb)y, Aprîl- 19, 1850. ,POCLAMATION! RE TR EXCHXEXT! t '1IEBtEAS, if lias bliurcpresen TV cd to me, onu'of Ber Majesty Ici~ ;stsbjeut3 of the Province nf Canada- thti str )n, <tsire prevaî anionç the Inhabîtants th!s eoui Towluvhip ni Whithy4 MinI horouh i 'eý enâive Retrenshmcnt, lie madee fa the Flui ,'~,nditure oetIhe Province. And wheieas, certain indi-vicial ry tVîll Manufuctule Boot$ nt "Jhniexali B(-»il thcereforc lçnown, to ail wlio itmrayconcern, and to the Johabitants of Whit ini partiriilar, that Iromn this day forth, 1 wili- the ', W7&O>ls og '11 in practicat i<etrenchment, Mannificturing IBOOTS and 5MMEOSof the ýy hemi inaterial, aIth1e followviing loy'prices., srz - A L _eJ~ ,R, O)! E VER Y DESCRIPTION. - 14zus Fine stc'd NOotE, 23 9 b 2 a, Di P ElfCrE. Ç " "Pegedl ootâ, 18 9 t 21 3 SLrOg BOtS 126to 13( i, E -M O V A L. other articles iii theBot ami .Ehoe Une in propc t SIE8sbscribers have*renved to the Corner AM tle Subserilier, is determine d T of'tho- NEW DUFLLI'NG IN FRONT 0OP eawy o ad od.asraoto -Tf~MtRLknown as the St. Lawrer.U. e a yso bn,<. - mrzenýo *LYMAN, RZNEFS$HAW & Co. LADIES ANtI GENTLEMPNS Toronto, April f, 1850. 7 0 9D #19ý a~sndiîoempluy none butthebea-t of Wrkrmen, M DR (IHANgT T AILOR, t'O sei ceapr than any oiher pet 1son in the trai - !.98, King Stieet, Troronto, and a leetle lwero titan .Aimexalion, he theref. Ce e solicila a sisare of public pa1ronage. 8 1 G N0F THE wOOJ) EN MA N. Grvuder yH dIldd Sti, thisEigt 11E tîberier egstIl 14 -attention nfi the day of -April, in the year of out Lord c T pîbl c h hi lage mi i'aed toCh o - howusand c4ht hundreclanid ftty. R II.Z1 Y-1./DE ~L0TJJX , - (Sigz,). WM. Ký FORSYTII WhiUbyl Apîl,9, 1850, WW4b, as iiisAltmadc<pl#tdY hidown suiçper- DrMgs -W ./Pediciiu inteitd£nce, he flatterahimeelf wili-be found 2tipe- rôr t.)anÏyin thé eity, anwili be sold -on etiap S 0 Il O012 'B O 0 K . 4-c. andi reasiabte tewn.T.ODA - - . . - -ap--- Toronto, if ay 029, 1850.7 GEO. B. WYLLh]E, IMPORTER cil BailTISII IMI' IFOREIGN DRY ODM, Wiaol.saI. a-itti aeLe 189 King St. East, .$IeIaide-Buildings, X~exfý dm tao fcobie & Balfour. - Toronto, May, 1850, - 7 N.5,yO.NGE STREET, TORONTO. TIin, Lineet Iron, and Coýper Smith, tram Fountier and '1,3cr ThMP lalkerf Japarni Caél, De4d,<nid ofller ýBoxpg. fllP. aIlQWER. ANI> OTREU ItBATRSg Toronto, 3Mlay, 185M,7 CARY k DROWN, 119, JIYG STREET EAST, fryo ad wlt4landz If'QUORS, whih àoy ofer talite TraLeupon literal telrm3of cireJt: - -50 ithdo Porto--Ric,» Sagr, bu i hLcnon Citibt%14o. M -à-- - - 1 1 1 ý - , ,1ilrMRNTs .3L9DE10 TO ODE] N 0NO'SE CO0N CLIFY & DATE, ~1' Pofers'n ai ,.wuice nt Ille Steamb)oafs. Miy,1850 -~ 8-iy c ARPl.. , O 0N L'Y N D,, WIIOLES,-'AJZ ,AIND ITAIL MANUFACTURPE R COF-OLE:. 1PPLERANz!) l1ARNS LEATIIER, &c.' C'ashz paid for ilides ûn-d Skins, Wheat, Outs9, Potisand Pearl ./shés. Paper 1

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