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Whitby Reporter, 22 Jun 1850, p. 3

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0HT ,. Wu- V R1G E SS & L E1.SIR L. IL SCROFIELD -& C089 UO ESA E AN UIPORTRS 0FCORN<ER OF KIKG & CifWRCII STREETS, ADJOINING TRI Tihe Largos, I .OopuStad the Eéat À IViOLEÂLIMl»IAI. EADYmMADE CL OTHING.& J) Wilv fa. Inn. 18504 , 8,Y 1A-4 CANAXDA lWEST, WIfLIAK JEFF'REY, AGE1T ]FOR.TUE -~R.B. FIIEY BALL, RAS aMO#v DTo. mrock Sret cit door 0téBronls Tin Pp WHiiTBY, C. W. ýTjj, Slwrberbascouxtantly on handi the aboe aticeswhavh lie m iliisel cheap for csorcredt. 3BI.NNJIN BRIAN. B i * i a e J n , 1 1 0 ion Prince .fbei, ore thi: un Salb~e or Io Lel,) 'I SF exl1iea leerniiui: knowvn as the luteVla>of 3rokfin, zud liely o rpu 4 b e't styles------- ga lao, aid wide-awake. J'e!t lats - - - - 6. tock, ail stylet, -0 Arueician a11A Cd"namlimti î cloth & ai Cîula iPs ( wlàtît. Sirlui - a large $Fk-îewc>~tpattetrnas ( n etSiîîâ-a large ,-îutl.-reuStpantterns, 0 "6 to l O 61ao 9 0o $tao Otao 3 ta (0 lirlera Si~m irerri"1uesirue 0 r 'i tt "lue 2ai forrru Mbisfiiiumd.4 niiithe pùblid rnot fouaisuçî~ vtlirenuCaiiatiaWcst.'tht' same j ti:at bc ha'.receutl>' adild i hie l ,othini. anti being7 oly >ix rnites lu-ti, tof Port W'hitby, at ithe £iirmîliiu)îg Biusitieas - a laand %au wLl-sciectedI plank Iloati leai i:; to Srugo)-Lakne, stock ufi»DRY GOODS> aùil iuoî from the f orparticularil as ta tenfni, ,&c., a îply to Eutilii, Freù'h, aaAnd iuui.Markosts thiio k l . J. CIONELL', Esqý, Sp'i;.-"solacits attentini vu Uic Prlicýfs of a &iieito, fecliC âte e1 o in îhè -Whithîy Village. __DRY GOODS DEIVRTMEJNT0 Whitbye lOtit June, 18". ' Fi nch anti Englisit Jroadto O Disiolutigu of Partuershlp. French, F.ulgth Amer- ~~9~î rrnp. artncrthip heîetotore existmgi betw~ CauaJiat), Englishý, Amer- ML 3. B. Warren aud Georg Cuiue, undpr the ican & Freiicb Tweeds, style of Gr.o. Cetlr. E&,Co., is thlî éday dis-. Satiileus, &c. ' - O2 6 t6 7- 6 linived by waldai -confient,AUl dehis dute -1 the Summer' Drills, -in great finm will lie culeýe Let y George Crrrie, who cou- - variely--------- O7 tao 0 i1 tinues the busïnm' iii the saune place.FatyCooas " (O 34OOG JB. W ARREN', Stîiped Sbiitirag5e - - - 00-8 teGO U 9. eEo. CURulE. PrihitedCaIicoes, tlkWidtbs- 0 0. 4 Io Q 0 10 Iteach, Ma?'y lut, lm5. ',- Muslini 1eLales, Mrns Baizarines, Orteans, and- - blIER E TR t ohair,o veWyvariety 0 1 Ota' Ã" 2 6 li -thtlI -fts owTicking, Engliuit surd - i NN,%OI1ÇES. îo,the putbha atte e o rerima - - - - o OS t O 1I:3e .tiîaaidahi5t0lf 'Straw Tusean Bonnets 0 i 3 toO1 O F81Nc1B ALERT. Patato'Foj iglish and. - American 0 1-- I3 to0-12 6 U u 1.mbrellas, aâsSteti, -o. 3 9 to 0 12 6 ASS RT EN OF 860 00 D$9Wihha flltstock ofGoodvsuu41y founin lauch 0f every tiesri ption requiîetian te con<ry, Establizhments, aud at cheuper ri-tes ~than the at iow prieus for Cash or Ftodute,,oktag ébd psy- sanie gootiu can b. puçchasued in any oîrlta stblé ing qristomere on credit until airer harvest, when 'in Western Canada. la. will cosider ail ýaccounts due unies. au'ar- e- The reasn why we- eii- && zhws<p idsal rangemnt h as been mnade for longer tic*. follows --iWe are determiifld tel, se4 W. Iad CASH F411 L O Mouey, tkterefooe bave usd bad ddbts to'mike ul Black SaIts aind al kinis ofOtGni. by RIting on. large profits, Our goàêare n1e« h bve ooput<netra pr>1ltb.toaBVIfor Prince lb.it, juae st, 1850. 9-3m nnseadt io -slatO upu nt, etew Oshawa Reformer in opy for tire. nontb. ljaveaibs0Zaue,,, irr409cd>PdUl ifyM't __ _ _ _ _ONEZ »w ,Tbispii~pte,taitlfg"âi G- but t l acto î; ,ù pIj f AND gro?,~» u> r:1 74 OTSCAISSIMER S Es NS AD ENRALDRY GdiODS, F9IE1N ~SR~~b$ IMRTDDIET RM DRIT1AI,*Lp BY OtRSELVES Whidh ie eau. seli Cheaper fot GasÉ - than ýriy/other BE abi1slhment iiWbit- G1RIE;NTS MtADE TU ORDER OF IÉVERY DESCRIPTiX-1b or surroundigcuty o ue ýgjr Style and Durability, he feels PARTS, LONDON,AND WVEW YORK FASUIONS 1RECEIVE» 5go1qTRLt. confident of ,givinig 'fui satisfaletion te THE MOST ./PPROVFD STYLE ./DOPTJ.D. rhar. - ------~------~--- ~ ~-~--- -N. B PANTIG &TRIINO'donc 10oider. IN THE READY-MADE CLOTIING DEPARTMENT WILL E YVIÇ Upiin n.lits arosbnce m's Lrnaî ~ummrUoa1I squl .aen's aairin'.iuu, avia,*t.i(xv .i. uà.'-an-, - à- A.1, %4-9- PWL Voulu Nlnl"kin.TroUft a. 7â6dahi'J n ile de (o Muleskili dô 10 0 " i a!by 410 8 9 do FauneyDf1 îý do 49 £Black Alpaca do Il 3 64 Linen do 3 4 41 Tweed Jo Russell Cord do 13 9 0, ancy do 4 41-i Casuirrnere do 'Gambroon, Jo 11l3 Vivet <fun j Do>eâkiii Jo l>rine»'sCord di) 15 O le Pilisth do-:: uckskan du d'Tweed ,do 17 6 .Marcelles do Sýattine1t dd 4. iroati Cloth du 32 6 Bai athea ilo Clotit Jo 46Casosimrere du 17 (; Toilemett do Cassinictt Jo 'd (hila Percha 'd(o 30.0 Cabsimcire and Tweed do fi Cashtrierettè dc Vhile Shirts, Linen Fronts 4s 5(1 tLoh a2s bd IRedi Flatnel Shirti; 494d ripeti C tton Sirtoi 2 6 jCiptIas and Braces' Cotton Utider Shirts 2s6d& 4eti'? Fieech 511k Ilats cechdGloves, llosiery. j1 Faricy Caps DRY G OODS DEP.4RTM4ENT. 00%lu'.linllresfftisfnm.3s lldi.Factory cottara, frort' 21d Cotton, Yart.-froni 4sfidl bat' 000 Parasols, 211l mhite Coîlon, 4 Stay i6 Mar 500 ýýtraw Bonnets 16 Stiîped Shirtîia 5 luis ast-olr,\ 6 'îl)etdid.Scaifs ami Shawls RibboffsanJ Laces 14rti fidial Fi ,erW aollai and Neck Ticsi. Lace Veils anJ Fallu - 'losieîy auJ Glove~ 31aterials for Ladids Dressecvery Variety in Orleans, Alpacas, Ldstrei, Coboii gsjLe. C. =M TEM OWEST WIWEOLSA&LD TDR8. N î 0.NOSECOND PliIt1CIC. .ç. J3uLnRG 4.1.s & L E 1SII MAÀ'., PlOIL O WEGO tWhitby, Jui~e uu»iuîiM T1 ER7t, M .0._- - &""eamïer Mee" i %IVL ,TILL coimence her reular trips (tinti fur- r lEsulscribeis hâve removed ta the CornetI V îhr notice) 1onhtti&y iext, nekiing 1w» T nc îh,-WIFV BUILDING IN FRONT F tnp a week tetweeuî 'roronbto andi Oswegoaiid ' j MjjRKE j", ktiown as, the 81. Lawrence connectint; with the Mortni and Evening traiîns utirý of Raiiioad -car# betwcen O0owegor Syracuse, and tKN~INEESIAW& Co. Abn.Toronto, 1,ril 29, 18-5. 7 'WIUL LAv.e TORONTO FOR1 OSWVEGO WVh tlv, O>Ihawa, Dýr1ligton, Bond Ilead.-Pur1 Jt WII~I 1r Port 1>ti1opce Cobourg, Gra'tu, u bre, .L-1 3T lrqISIe 11 and %% elltnîzton. rrreos M Wili'by, .Junll*sh, 1l8.à>U.10 ~-------~---- ~ lôrteîs in i.l a i the Sicumboats. VIIiugc o01NtOWne TowtSiiîp 1V lhitiby. May, 18..8-ly lu on wÃ"rh f-iMu1Cfliportance lu the, PUlifi. QNj Quaer Of an acre Of Lalld, on Ci X rere d a gôod arial, onrnodi A Twelî Il .ube, conitiiig.four rooltin on the glould floor, RTEYILI X1N PRICES. M-wit ia ti'fui prehâaid uJ=alen attachedto irte ' lrreÃŽuase,ç, Ihîie, the corner Villa-,te lt,onthe rmain u3 po1 ,c roadl, of i.41 u. ,oti tire 91hr 'cSiit, lead- 1 A arge and wtIPam.oriid Nù,n $tock Of ii,,toI1î,rd"< Mili ýlc1' -ilis e&fy. Ai Clot lez. Iq rr) Illeowriel, un thebing &, Dry Goods i ýrJ'sn uw5oni, ConveyalrCCib, Lot 21, 711h ConAtîi.té 0ne l'rire Uhea 1 Cash lotbing lNe1-%townf, i7th Julie, l8i0. 10-3 A m )yGu%~Ot Y WJf2RL~VOL!c.~i 01- Tu No1 l, North égide f Kiig Stree, a fLw dors, OI[~A~ ST TOVDEaxifYline Sire, Tûruoid'. À 0 NI' !A S L A W 8ON1y 'IG Ti an>~~ ' 0012M EWCLdT <t 11,$l I(i tvet 1.5p r ce'nt 1lwi r thani I'Eî'T_'.o r ' 14gt i'ia'îlti asunifntut. 'l( yerq pic' i'iitematie a raimnt '«is: ~çî neof -,he lai cest f r 'tl l~( ofIIN(, riat' rrithi, p;vfnn.lIn has iu"ît r.'cei*t !plr s1e4r lzv'n. î-î,'îrî, bd 1ia.::m -~i uni of Son 110fi'utaýh ic., Cooier% ' ae.undrhmn. 'ptitadi< I 4 *, êe,4e ~ '.a!l he atten1tioli fni .l 10tothe 1*0110 las u i *i e n tW e l itt n i t h i u hm a nd FP ariîi h n Wvhlp ou rainl ae 'Vounr &rtlfp n y olgr <~" ilUký,and a, apiece wt:re yuu eau b('l yolir dC . J. à . d. S.qIVE 1THE L IM(bUý 17-S 'rXPESE I 5-0.-, 2) 10 0 Thal thé Pun< o~have t1izpy th14 dInsv~ie :rIu J':.Xo"- -$3 pr u l: tr . l CItear of tea. r.îavillIin" .r '. ao, a ra â a r t : Doe- uruit,tièeiue. &x, whi'.h tllu'v nake you 1'ay à;kminfi1weetd. W sal ieutt foi. 11 'v cmil ple1)Ia u a nu'-ô d -r, 'an'd t.4k hini SIjintiî.g colitb alid Ffl:!- t~ 1 i>-1 tif f i s hi j t'tt i hlie a i ' u e I 1 0 Ù0 15 '0 'lhm larc-.»r r:tov ýibtutàtk es three f-xt %v.oyl, Fec ,,iî~ 10Jl thnmes 1$4,bf. Jryan '0i11 eme lÏtirr S'lc, ilt!Cat 5Qt irith n U- ap n ems r$3>j; No. 4 Fr..i. 'ES l'S. illis for $2 1. Box ani dl i 'ovri îIi gret'i Ch':hýhCas'smere,', Tveed v.ailetýj, Csuki1mg S of ù Il ait zt'5and Jeuýcrip- andi £oc'.îhu lVu'm1t - -'0. 7 6 >to (J 10 . 1 uios, 1% àÀî fiewili sell in propoflion Io îhibot v llwîich uni E:"limil Plait! li ice. ;0. afiJ Favey Sail ji ~s 0 à C)to' O10 0 flus lock oif POtas 1 1 4,C'ueu &, 'ing sumr Nici èlat- a lairte oif a Auperlior qiuality. c' st iathl h' 10toms dmwn, s*&ock-etery v'auu'.'y -Oi3tu (d 10 1. - arrîow 'J10o t'Vr1wo ~~rhkettles,PAN1. a md teru' will b' a wuI¶¶iM .u.îm:îl~'.i". I tlhi Ie'Ih Trexi h. & Atrer- -V w ll T ol iitel(Itakinir u cuv rll tn f1. Thu' Suiii bti %ilb tenu c; Plain zïiml F.u.cv 1;ur, iirgnt', &. I lubien 1ù)jlease hic4 ' to.u'.l-s r~he DCaî -nîtagu naen'afl. 5nr of Puîirlant2,--O2 6 tao 7 6 Lumbert, alI lf ior1 f ,l'roducc, l'ork, bc, SIR ,4c4. Il EM.0 V A L0 EVÂAN S--q HA &kMILTO0N Clol~flgstore. ILAVE REMOVED 1 0thie !Store lintely occupied by Mesr.Lý,man Knee- sha4w & Co., -.nd iet dour tu J. R. JIfountj Oy's Dry, G',od St re, (Sigi 0f the, Golden FletCc.,) - NO. 5, CITY BUILDINGS; KING SJET~AT wliere tlicir Cul,-toiners and Frictuts will always fin d iarge asrortment of atcmsonablc and I Wliitby', April 19,iSO PROCLAMATION!!! RÈTJIE.4CHXEK<T! f 0d~ rbet tt Prcý née df Canada thai à ,sro n desire'prèë.rals a htngthe lnbabifaits of ibis Our Townhip Of Withy, tbàtlhoràugla and extendive Rteinctrnti, b8 mai t he Puiblk ..qr.t.nditumirpaithh Province.-1 The. Steamer nisheti *ltlin. boats ona Laki CabIn extenékl deek, the Oace grçQîty inueim4 she bas 2tatt v itb 4pbje -f. Royal Mail Stel Crowiiç Snobs, *c., have lien Pri:*laiming.that Snay tley 1 mil Manufacture Ëodiïi at si nne:tâiýn a - about ball Bc' it thélfetore knoWrt, u àllwliàm triV vntir it mnay oncern-, andi là the làhabitats of- Whitby t al T in particular, ihat from this day forth, I Will go CaÙèk ý tho 11k+ in,"lupractical Retrenchment, b y a M .Manufactuning BOOTS and SHOES of the veryI -hest inaterial, at the Itellng 10w pireëîy tz-~. MErt'5 Fine gewed Boots, t3 9 té' 261 T H E " 'Pegged-Bdbts, .18 9 Io213 à Strong Boots - 12 6 ta 13(a other articles inI the Boot anÙl Shoe linelth propdr VV(W tioti. ~Thurida -As tlle Sn'bsdtlber, is détetiined'tô Precil have always dn'hand à xgtiÀ !IWrtîUbJit ô ala n dinte 1 lands ti C.tu Sandta 1 emppluy noate but the be.t of Workmen, to seil cheaper thari any oather person in the Urade, antd a keie lw'eio thau IjîdnexWit , 1he elutre sicits a stiare of public patronage.. Giv!r.» under my Band aid Qeal, thas Eigthh day of Aprl, -i thet year of our Lord obe thousauitieight hrandred and fi fty. # W?À I r PtIRYT'Li 43Wbitby, Apuil 199 18le Consisting of fiue cloth I)rLss anad'rock Coatsi: Skooting and Stick Coats in »' g 1reat variety9 Vests andi Pantaloonc every Naterlal "d 4style,, g C il 'o oL B o o i s, .. OJ17 p I'Q llaugitigs and Window Blind#, Froni thce xira faclitv , frIlakitg tUp ~at i ~estýbI.iinet O AEC~ P treal, and purchasing inIll'ie w4lolcale Alarkets for CASH ý'nIy, they can and' ~ doý ell Cl-EAPE11 tian otlher botuses n the same hue. ID U & 1 -ÉST X EDWAltD EVANS, -SV. B. HAMILTON,'R G IOZTO B Me1Gil1 Street, Montreal. iz King Street, Toronto,. WJTYYL4 Toronto, MNay 2-1, 18-50. <3M-6 .kpriI i9th, 1850. C.ALEÉTON L Y'ND F, T. ýO 91) E,&19'Who wil' PLOUGI! for G6ld4! MDR3CHMA1rT TAILOR, H Souh -laif of'Lot; No. i th WI{OESÀE AD 11 r11-.7Mo. 98, King Street, Tpo n6 Concession Whitby, is 'open-foi DEAE~ N EA% TILW0$ UiEPAPft SIGN 0F THE IWO0DE ?N.-, bidders, for a tetm of not ess t4s1flv( RNlNINlS,&c., ..THE Sabsriher begs tàraîî thcen ofThr aeFîttheç~eea~ Tp4blic b bis lare and varied sw ~of a.4tewueFrmi 1niut le i. O - Xatered. Go and sée it. MAi~AiùPCtU1I Vil ()V SýýOL,UPPER, AND READY-MTI'ADE CLOTHIXG, <e' ~e i oatm ' IIA1NESS LEATIIER, &ac.VsoPnalos &. c. ÂPosssson UJvn G Cash 7xîddfor Ifides and Skiru' Wkeat, hich, as it is ai ade tep wder -)ds ose sup er-. y ~ 's Qats, Pots und Pearl 115/Les. jnte»d£nce,-he ltter. hirnell wili bc fouiad supe- pp î(qi uy 'pot1 Whitby Village, 7th June, 1850.. 8 r iartaan>' inthe cRI>', andi wili. be solti on cheap B. FI.EY IB.LL, - and reasoable ternis. 'T' l>fL'A - 6'Candie SIX FTHE "-BEE-EIIVE."1 TIIOM'S IESCOBY, ÂAzGNý!, [1S now prep)a;e~d ti pay theç Highest - i'ice ini t~A SHand TRAIIE, for any quap:tity 0or qAt.LOW9 LAWD, SOAI? GREASE, and AIE ! and give Trade -fur theni wbn taken j.a C. SWERLING, WJJI TB ~Y" Oiders Receive4à at t1hisOfce GEËO. B. MrYL LI Et IMPORTER 0P BRLTISII AND F0IUEIGN DRY GOOIJSq 1WJaoloemand za L 1 18, King St. .FZast, ddelaide Buildingsg Wndx door to Scobie & Balfour, No. 50, YONGE STREET, TORONTO. Tit Sht Iton, andGoppor, SItli, STE é A T' JW 0 IT B. RilflR. IANEI. OLLIIAND -TU1NE oit0 TEôMBOT NOTIOE0 t - 1 1 1-ly May 04850.-. Toronto? Julie 10, 1850.

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