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Whitby Reporter, 29 Jun 1850, p. 2

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vind ordared to bu read a second titiee retier te a to--WfloW. J 'c' thre or IBOUSE 0F AS"BMBLY. ~o>4i1 than -T4ùrsda#f 13h Ji~ e- e&t dMr13'tt li4tc d-for leçsve oid *l-~ -..i todu ~Bt te sdtliprizîithebâslins 4 hle Cr Oti1Ind t, q e~strdmentNwaîidrag is L h liol ithç, gi rBkî1ayCit)s&Hn-sMr e Daitt uîoved for leava to hii --"~ trodUcea aBill to reguna tisae a lainescfthe 1larboti ý"ÈOtilrà J MIE NT. -fwdyas tha G.ovcrîsmeunt lid re- l 9utoii [Norfok] îoped 4 y caived information fLom tise Coranss wvould à1lew the Bibi to fix time and siouee of tise haribour of Montre,, o fuor fer ctingof Perliament to ha the subject. rea seç.isd tiaie., Eveey proposition On ico cfM Nerni*ts i6'yOts n'd iÃŽ bill învolvcdtli0 4ues- . li, euse 'i în bComnittea of the tie ofpraogaiv. Tî~ îre6gtiv whole an regiliting Fees to Justices of.tIse Crowîu isa-trusst,,foritbleufsit of 1eecjaUîuCtidL of theiOpeople,,- i-e, Lpprovéeti7of IWs.ý TleBill t)e spÇltlubç srpea- 1sesibl' Givérùm1eit, but'not snch'nr> ing -the me'asuraenit nf'Tiubér., wns -we hile t )s - lie -i>ala-cf -1jctd'by ,32 egninst 21. parliamesvt iustbnd 0f being lqedt a ,TheP, ilitoi reilave Wesiayan minis- * tW»e; tlittWo541d sut i1al parties, -was tees, freuI, the obligation to ebtain Li- arranged ui ~sit tha convarienca of censas for keeping Registrias of Bnp- -heedIestratien, andst f:h-isns n'fi celbrbatiag -Mtsrriag(e.a, counatry'. These weré -net ot n ri-was rend,a second tima.e, mi efr cipliin-üd* he4'awished tse'have .'rheeî ho a, select..eonînittea, iii oree aWis- _rçcu4prd. i Meuty îîailàrsof ith3 cartaits whetliserClergymen cf ciie lieuse had lîad to, teatve ,tonatçnd té Dissiting Cîshurches Were notsuîffcriagr thýjr ewa private bsies;ihiW tuisder similar grievanc.es, so* that al oteier-ltdýsîôt réonse t-sl. luEg mightz ha raliae1ýd lyisie preseat Bill. lgnd, 4he country is suris almi o f the Along debate arose, on a nmotion of dae,- when. Parliament wotd4,,,'e4, tise lÉon Il J>1Bolton'13, for the eecoîsd aý>,i fl ot s'it s1A u le re. There reàding cf -a Bill to abol ish iraprison- W" Ià#lsb îalother pro Lhiýn his Bill, tuent for dalît.: The motion %,es pass- au ua w ;au ueîuna raaw..,l-"- j - --a-- ' I. i Il i s i made iLi less than tan days. Iier,itd bb" 0wironoi e tieati vices area a evck later thaaa thse ce- 1 itîiaieàfsOf the apcieprish cas ed bytha Cambria. ss'ot ,hi ep chtievs wTis Cotton, al below faiè*(Itclilled 1-"3 a ÙsinCMOgth 0 14 ; iarket duli ; sales, C25,000 a Os, e5tOf, mngth&,.chnesasl sp1ccuiators took 6000. r c speakj l er,î al -i l . -oe11i Illteieled- e d 1 'o 1 3 d .- 2 s « , 1 o r c1 h i 'fa l d d ; o e a d n t h nter a n d Pr<nvsîols-BCfan Pck ed 0' tîsird colou'r, thea1 ne 1almiOSt thae ppo- srodéae,,.business. Bacon ruied. 54,«htlv; --ehouders KI, on demnatd. site of thieother. 7 M. 1 dutland. receded.' Sigar.-, rALA ENl'-R LEW.. The fashtire -of ,thie Cýibàji Naditien rl;IMN- stejpedthe8(lftftMfg~tfldeWy..rme 3i11 cfw'din so, Rist nowy on tise at- ket in, goildeniaadl, at sabotut 6dI de- tenine heLgsatre as if ta chine sitnce lest week. Coffleeýnatîve I atta Ce~on atarredhng4isha eeedd.nînke 'W for les t tineiii thiC U-'.ha Toa eotireisan y~ddnînit i i Iejit 10 lapossb fru. iiiPo: prices very fa*t. Ar.hes--rates dubb. imitad spaca to notice alLcv.en,ofefthPppe Mouey market, aasicr rates;l conosiSwlii are of imlportanice. e shall closed oun Tuesday the, 11h, 97 1-4. Front tmie'mantilactntring- districtý§, 1Jiowecvr giance at als mitiiyIls WC can. tIse accounits are stilli inpro% in g. The njC%, AssessrLitiit Bill semnis ta --Tlîe-Britisli min istry have l)eca defeat- nîjcat general favor. Tîhe grent dîffi- ed by a'snajority ôf 32, on aqîiestionnIi y as to duty on1liome-made spiîrits. cslylias itherto been in. assessiiig <Sir George Grcy anniotînces lhin - personiai 1roperty. , This difficulty. Mr "teticîs cf Gtvermaent ta stop ail Poit lliîîcks secks tovit_..by iatrednCIiflg Offices and miaits on StInday, il at -a1ila practicable. Tihis lias met withi ne fa- " taxation hbr certacin scales-a perseti ver. -werth £125-per antlm leiîsg înxed se M Thîiers iîad arrifed in Londont, nch, and anc witit £250 proportiolin- and %vas veli received lîy tish tts M ir.I i te icotosc 1tmeati at Sj.anics's. It is çsaid is.isi oett slf t h Ptoo lbas deap lsoliticab changes in viîv Mnicipal Corporations te, tax persýo1al Th ô pe sdsg difficulty with -France, property. la regard ta incoines, no, par- 'Iyas espeeted to ha scttied by the 5thso nyig one of £ 125 a ycar wvill >la' France the Comniittee hava re- Le assessed for a Jesssani as the portcd against the increase cf the Pre§_ tmotnt tof bis persoîîal pruierty; luit ideuit's sailary ; oitsau g a sharp) in coanection with tîsis is a clause tIsat .contest is consenîplated. TIe Bill for lies causcd cosîsiderabJa debatc, name- suppressing cus and political1 bodies 4lias been Voted for anotîser year. Buis ly tliat se niticli of thea ae,înt cf nny 1. r L«rantinz spensions te fansilias of otlier personal prolicrty of a pnrty, Mnny, tlseads- mlovan tc atrong epeè l, md many ars tînitinginakea a ce fer that eue uiia bo enipowerad te Pur for the boefit cf thai îîçs. .Werae ue ,C -Rload as pass63,tkciu it wsotsb4 -ive lns _r enable 1- .s to haeve l: lera wa .nsnst co A ent. Frein timna te Stmne Otir revieW o lsave passcd or nia 0t-î.otrý,.e~b6d c (,11 Ale 10i1 ~Cr inak'le a PE~TER PERUT, Eso . p. P.-The ,1sharebîod rsa-td meinber fWr.t1w eldngf arn abe ha~lippy to announcepia fast recOver- ,t% veer, pro - . 1 0ocils shald ing bis health, asd hopeW8a d tSIIUI ilies, wvrks ed that hae will'be abl* e tk juhise9 ,1,tiý,e leali- iii Prliamnist i.m ten-ýertweVO'dgy.a il the GEATID S leoW ah WEHIBTIONOF1851.: y is Whity te do UU ilù&lAre our ~iùj )jrûve- Council5lS te ha 1'aft ta "ii~ià t t é .are Dot autlsorized ta *ake ay,,sis,,ia for tlstt prcs- thsgea'ok ttea shah a-ltqs iigë ~ - b ills îv ilic h w h e re l r u h e a C a i d ,a n d shlt slionld weha idia. T~TlOili~ istof flIc cotai tries wliere preparatiOfl eutsltelare inaking, 'hlbu1l wa net take a les- U. is ex-I son rohatIsraK 1îrsse lîis rivte s 5Pretty stren g îy,itî%vifihe sean difrut p iîs bunt je'd ila f coursoe, indè- penliitiy -of n1sI, uWC' tîjst eithsa pint lus letter a 110ole, or ]ose the excellent imfor Clau(ltemu illst se itin cîts C h t s AcCID ENT.- a ýoday lait, as"M r. Meotna ds' rife Waris procced- ing along tuali n agoa le tu.veen Me.-0Tùonls residatsca and Lynde's CreÃ"k,)Ïh"'Orses took fright, and 5jddouly aerilhg froini tlie rond into the ditais, thwlsrn' 1%r. ansd Mes. M. vieleiitly nlii tIe fenca. Me. Me. mecGwt,,,st3eped viti a sanie- whbat severe . ina)CCy irthebs brenst, freni wliicbli e willt.,,,,n ricovcr but Mes. M. uC resoryto add. lsnving been M., C ar 84 frsi taxtin a ie0tipojete. Ddet'&tJW Wli9tlit lO5 fi; he Gté o -.er he in e u iratd a Second time, nnd ireferred te a tiose kileti in' tii-ilaffairs f Fabeîîary shallho cxemj oiI txtoinssa' pojce iaO t i -~ -- ni kf . 'e 1 kels tf e d 1 n .t ei è l îe m tjfc ton k i g Of N s d J u ae, ivas e.jected by a . Jarge ina- ho equal toi lus ju t , delîts. I itas ar- g,>-,reIie a sav ere isiits o n tise i n, ~is te~i.~t~h Isét jtst ~[IKngston,J Cameroai, [Kent,] Carrier- - li oe vseîgosd iii reiiîens ged 1>y soveralnailers tîsat IliiiJro- hcad and lneet, and stili lies danger- îul »hi tmcn)i~eYOîao n, (Corisutabi.) and BotiltonjNoelbbk.] ceeemonias, tteexaclusion cf temspo- visions w'oîld Jead 10 fratuds by induec- osîslyilJI.W learii so-,ld uQIbilltssoied. Th, * 'e he ad I t. al oeri .--fTic eupeeviîîccd iug parties to indue delîts or dehay pay- tii ho.~~~~~~Ci-r«toa a b~Te-iueto njtre.it pul PaHoa en M rfl ld t ; lfoe ds o ve d gO.~ iE C AlBR . re a rastios fr totlii onin e nihts il] aticipatiotsn i' the vîisit of Profcsso r1i e 9oftîic Fîre ai i a h3Mt the w - - - lha exptstîged, -' ..1.'usn.a .gttscabe ini Prussia. Sevare Ilîn assesiiir. idhttsgs aleà-TicJ :b1îsitte ootowi îad~ t4atý1tqtow ,"ýbe read Ibisxday -Ts abi abdrm Liverpool î&ws -w're 8istc ga ttIhe press. turras. Munaiciplal Coiîîcilstire tu nîs- prJiC in 11101--11o-rgaio a CîtPel cr il - utsNorflk, aid l tanjdîionFeiIyllvniaglest w-h& e~~~~seh~~~sted.- - - ~~w i - i Th ye h i g a W tre i Eu o e s o _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ T he cointry ie be iev e %il] fitel tiesan n lit iO CJ Ck aî iitî c 'ci-or iM:lmlo"oýïsi d t- ha caun- ittbe inteest. Tise Englisit, press have Bili anis niproveîient. It %vil] tic away 1119 a( six gaî~i ,r~wotld ho-lie'i flivorof ,it. "...l-e wasted ais immense ansatît of iîsk nd TUIlE -RE PORTI'E R. %witii the aioniaiv'(if taxiig fîtritis il) A Pîuli eetcing ho iffuse iiîforrnîa- do tio elit 'great *- 'wubd remilt froflI papar, relative to the invaài6tn of Cubia, h é tini e f m e e tin g o f P* a rl iaà m a t lie- hy, L op ez ; lit Ie sg iv e n ris o t e o n g d is- ii l am a m an, sd hi îk nothi g ier as i idif - mîcîVly setiled T otv i si pi s i i ea v ily ns ion îî resp!ihcîig th c ast îisto ry , lire s- ke ngfièêi -- -- cUssiomi. .ferent te ae.',-:Ierene. ltosa on longe St ot is Scarboru~, and cul stt nid fîîllîrc prospeictof tIsanil ,-, -iîherrou, Toronto, , wald vote T-lia news froi France anud the cou- ssill reasove otiier eviJs*ato unotieinsstitîlte, utilIlibc lîeid ii i te Congre- of e~~~~ heuedas.--t t'samon- tinenit is generaiby more pacifie, anîd ils WIfY AIRA,.tN vihw îv irtkrtlioic. gtoa lae.05Moîday. oeusg, iii troè- le, idbofsruc th 1 th eeoa-cman dtfer aspecgti'oe sat siloc- Thîe Lais eitating tu Libltatnd Sitt- -it lialf-piat sevcîs o'eleck. Profossor ti' sae e i'ièlo <arhrfoûta fraln it iýt ieEe- CLERGY ItESEIIVE DEBATE. nh Norfolkbk -h': àd t erctf oraboal,ii pessad the 4suenihly by a (ter is a greatinîirovcuielit L ton iîc ldiîc vil (eciver ami addecss. Ii Blw*stoue ,la supprt pfi hjs viqws; là're majority, aentdsvithuuît leadiisg tO Ti lssÃŽbso long and aIitsYwih is pe'lres'iottulyinfreo' bat ho,- Mr S, betteved it frtsfie d bis, any traarked dénioîsstra'tmou froas tlsé OP- boenortr oi0v over, and bas It allosth ie 1Party rs tdfrL- The Nvetîtbcr, utiiclilisas isec cx-el lim og a Terjh-ban -,'Ise 7Pâcsic ece iepo t6rsulted in tise adoptiomi of Me. Pricc's bei te 1îiead a svritters aliology ini litremeiy dry for tise hast tisece ssecks, ti( thé- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ii oiir p .îaPrlsna &ic~~ u ,»sOFriday, June 7.' A prt- cesolutieus, witlsout endment Or, ex- gatioin cf titma,,es, or te 1iiead tise th hne i -nsaylsa g~lirtniseuneaeabl bueaujvte"jstc syl suc.vs hitenception. Variotîs parties. ef' cousrse, rîîtlîof the aitegedJ IiieJ, norithatte refrcihéc tise country aoid~'tîat tisai wvquld hoeqtîivabant tu a voeocf mileâ frein Livertoi i l oo ttîs c ftieLgsîtr aobetcu eulte >ailoni Jîcisift tgratefît(il f fraja tisat wiJJ rova cf' A Ws"t ut fcodnce.'Hatîsoughtit utday enight. lo tti c fteLgsarr nol'e fi -steibi )ttft 0110of thust mnstretsé propusitilis 1- he. London Timsessiys it appearg difibrent lights and with diffèrent feel- Nvitl give nmore libîety te jouitiaiisti inieli'- boeifit to ttlîcicops, wiîicithn that e îl 1h tf.Iï ddo0îb. t th qEu1 is inisbry feeling itslf ings.- By saine tise rsolutions arc anti thetYs tii expose corrupltionus anid svereeltoîinglestiffer froni tisem[ hadl esahrte C ;itotleatý abluses, and 1teventitt tu revetugefim- droîsglit. think tIser. was 'a snge -oe .who hadtrse atesniiot tti tougbt no t to go far cîsongîs becameieso 'sestt e gh îîî t __ _- 'woîld vote for il. Haebd 'inubtlatuda- ef FraneAi bythe orergetinc e- hypoietitrscthal]eadns fgiewhdvi« obutal the. bil ilefi[x the. tlie for liligtha nstrances cf otfiçe poîvers, and by ta rms ia epc hhhep eîîîn limte deCrti, tiolllJeiîsg ii cas- r10 R ~EEHt. itl AWiseo4 and he Èôwreègrbttedit. an inapeading vole cf censure i iet se ibl anny re-djstribiitianis iy gralified îîy nîtîîiîiîîg iaverdict fur C Mc us rsdsvaeicluse fon l ous f trs covd uay sac-, of the Raierves, and that tlîey îoidsadrorlJc gittiîîu aeha i'tne iaisoiy dulty luis Nwcck 1 re-r tise Utnion Act, taovetsIta ifle-o inty nd coisistency, tuo ' eev ar h igtt hecit e lakets to i.iiîtaini ltesacrcdness cord fbirdeathof Mr. Wetctshaii, wiilug( coul otsi netuss aay siob et. H id toî 5p .tise disphite wibiî France. Ac- Ofrrt eev kuergtbsbsi f ti'l fhr Jycîttti ouetok 'tce in bîucProvîicial Ltisatic t net bai0veý thay' had a rigitî te dseuss' cordin gly an acce t 0cac 0 îcts-sfrina Britai, on nny conditions whiicIi tif tise eestricftotii iitlîerto ini force. suhblti-icigînally dtemaullldd y (lt-aLalsita tisaBencîs cf flisbsops nay secft 0 Tliose eiudleavoiriiittg toarI Morley Asyliii:, at Toronto, on Friaythue 2lst i Mr Baldwin wesof, opinion, that ti vs-dsece oPrs the stmp-i maka, lis re1relseîsded as sveak atsxit tir]- by ttîreatcaing tu pttblisb msy na4ris.MsA. cîmdrtttdc biIf 'éould netbeetebindby tisa Ulations agraad oainlaLondon î-era Io are 10 be fined iii utl'sneJ xcetý"Iag frosilste affect of wounds iaflictet omsn .Hoise- If it pmîsséthe theee branches hoe cared inmb affect as fur as it mighitwohy £100, or imîiriut>acdfor a terni nose x- asa- h Àt cf the j.e "latssro, and'weitthome and suit tise Frencis goves-ansert amnd King lu Our opiuion tise firsl Objection lu ceeîliusg tsiu Ytar abaîyo a sv- ,iîn ,viltich te hsadthîe e r ysti elas. c ro Rvdtaoya sa "t Iduilnet Otho to accédé lu thera. T-ha itest toc srahî ho ha et aay great 's'els.It n p itthisling a ibel is Sublijett 10Da Wc--atri rn. mtîse Exesmiaer tisaInosl a ven then beconse-law. - nuvices frein Paris eave *no reason to ate e -ltl I aaa l.afitie îîif £50, os imspisoamcîst fornet svf'igatioîî juto lIse afi'iir lias takiti Coi Prince Optsbdnot sèea how liseAt- doubit that tise repby cf GaisLabile witl w' mattriveylîd eÇîa, lamore iitiiiotna year. 'gise Billhliu a pli,-,setIsaI sbthîer ansy blameata-r torjsy Gateiia West, couhd racenciha ha satis[gctory, and ttsat diplomatie ra- feNv Epiîdopalinn and PresluYteni-1ms stcp in tise riglit diîiction. the iq of g tihe hb.i 1te g, th roiugihliý,ûons batwcbçn tise tu-o govctnraetsininisters should receive Ilîcir alry TIse Bili to eîo1snver Municipal and la' 4to tlite atiioritici in the asyluo ils ir4c raing, "nd thon make a moi, wvil haie imediâteiy re-established. £60 or £70 for a fout yeers. Tîsat tJie obiser Coirporationstts 10 sibile for rer i..is to Jue scen. Tite followimig tien to have it' postponed for brëea -Tisera is noîhiaig-iissporiaust ffion i- poot hy *esîud erse tock tf the Great Westenu laiîroad ut--a cf tIse teceased utc copy fronti mopts wh.n h. ea it eouîd noW dia. 'c Compansy amidul tter PRail roadusvwas ~lanlosJura xrs: -b"ppa.IaSl4,ÂND.-Tlue agitation for temnnlt tthe country at tîtair deabhu, and tIsaI ,Mtclieaiited.il.Wt1 e ccaîsîsît flnd . B ontlon, ormi, wa.wiling te rigis, or fixity of Icatîre ltisa eagri- nun aw grant bha givemu forever is boomis sufficiant large CuJitaliissto (do, the "Ir «WVteiihiai1 died raliser suddi*îý .,hîdoew his motion. cuiterai .poulation, is fnist gainmng encughis inaka us qaitcla kfît. As. pieJpîlation of a Townshsip or if 'Townu- kb1 'oronto lit Fridaymnsoriig. Wte Trhe motionsi saiswvr efefecd -1nd i;ses îd1sttcs lcuhip îi-lit (do hy thea ayasient of a s drstih isat on 'r unrsdav lie waq te the decieion of tisa Speaker,. wow va-yg adtae ai t he niedb e is scod bjclonsv Is îsei vti tiinu ts.W ie aCe uilacs n cusidrcJ iiiemdiae anais decided ttq4tise ibitll o ar lrsdIiamvmn.anticannet isclp sâiig tisaI t w 5oi- tise rnvisions tif th is lauîvitis Il e11- a chsangego ok place dueing lise t cpîived in ils presexit shape, bhacauso itl'FiRÂNic.-Abiýai bsbeen lid1 a.der utiera Me. Price's mauliness Wases crrreacecf tliscir constittieabs, it Is, asd his alîpcafanciebaraîcul 'bb was répusgnant 10 the prov8ious c f lise foc. tisa Assembl y r lIte Finance Min- certain tisai in a great usauy caSI Iulnant, svho caîheitin.ta PDoctor.i JluaiOp.6Act. Soeaof the memnisrs de-lé' as-es, incraasissg tiesa sany cf tiehe n ade itusîi eaascu 'ry rttbeiveîictfrtIse p h. Wî etcaiiali ssas l inbd,'amid 10 the8 siredIo appemi toteI -- Hom.frosa btise PceSident frora ouaermittion tuto und. cession tt hea igbi Ciurch party.Is- lic wotsid hea etsn 'É ime dividenàcudê' sini i 'l us an i itnt Speaker'a decisiosn ;ase having doua e 7541 êdtboand .to îhree million francs. justice eanougli lias niready heca dote crîiing froin a Irîrge nîtiîler tif sisiles ,r uniwftd LN îTo sonie titler an- tise-pin ion of the Speaker was suppot-4Special craission is coîsidering it. ay ilsat faction seitsosu leu vag ti tuts tak-en wotid Uc a îîsateriah bal p teunires lie coîsld not reply, and ili a faw -rd ys~mjs of 37 l*pisst là. M Tir u tdlhu aoen l f le improveincal cf tise Jecaiity tisaI Cistes lha ceascd tu exSt. *Mr. We- An eén g&"Bifto cm power Muni- -ract a reconciliation belten te lder, Province open te thse in fiction cf iratte, nsvsied tisc-. - sihhlsas vcry popiuiae la te colin.- alps1"an otiier Corporations to is- and yotingar branches cf tise Bourbon iiclt migist hava been avoiuled svitie- Me. Slersveed's Usury Bill scerns h ry, ansd svs for saverai years Wardemî "ribe for -stousk e sGreat Westrn & lhnly. Tise Gazette de France lis cut auydifficuly. Tise Bislsnps in tae iîvoistticontradictionts. .11propes 8tif tIsa Gos' District. Te lii aiîihiby and1 Rýailoe ompwny and cuber Raileoad Openly iddiug fur populnnity furIlien- Bouse cf Lords, anti Me. G-Idst.einahicu parties to take any anitint Ce ttenIieîs liç District owves mucit Of itS. otlieritipe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ toe ninteremt tisaI mie gcdoes?'tnuca n-gnripoprb.H Cet1saiies, or b rWte aid la ceas- ry tis,and promises ie wiîhitra iaBuecfCsnossvi ttbktslsr I a six e c ent x ny a oIholçt presadd.ver tise coqi wîlîuHe- pI uscis undas-akings, ws ai ise býuniverial Suffrage. 0 Private letters teHueo outoswl obl toeta i e et-fa eclOW rsddoe h oni ihjde tidlme sand pumsd. f - ntons etallude tn tiserscemnts cf uhauk Mr. Puce iartil y for h in liharal To lny dowuta a rituciîile i 01195sç- ment amsd iatpartiality, aud eaened frr .The a mtse isn adjourned. the Austrian army ic Italy, and of thei~ ty, andi wiîî, wiîiuont fait,.set bii in a tance, and au naliti in tisa next4 tasï inseif tise respect and emboira of air. issaclicf rinfeeeneuss.- a l saii lera donc, seeras aveu more unre[Wt- As an ngrictslttînist, Mtý, Watîsslaii bahk I~..GISA&TE CUNC L. thositie inforrat .- Ion f as ied 'fOnt niche ini tisagailery of egsmeut manhika than ustial.Moncv roaC: a eadiug part, and sves Vice PtasiderU - - cdcitngbai ben eceve auViein, spprters of tiseir ecolestasticasiip<uitY certainly bie as frac as any otIter #- olôthe P oica giutia ssoea ~ j5. ~ aad uhat it *ws deteeminad te cip it in in the colonie. lie certstinly bas bail cf prepeety, and if su, il weusl1y* ionl last year, and appeinted l4esicent tisa bcd.- ais face one Way and jowe arçtiser in sonfl01 l an eî, n~ for tlsis. Bis deathis i.ragrttîed hy ail Thé SpefteiqW sordp-eu ras cco PRUiSUs -Tise Kwg'ig tPW<IY e- n n enous o gi eth on o beiag-k*pI far aboya il hy laws Îý4 tl Who knew im as a 1asblic ud privale lie f -- ovrisg dre uilay ej..ioaw ~make loanîng on profitable: leio,P -lois. Ou Sunday hie ramains utare ce- 'l~~ ~i a theTmilitytliuseeweaith),ver tise wuearsof strife tu a creditabla, an&- leave lit, froin thât-à_caivedôn on ard ths* temr 0ya TiQ. Uft W'-inj the iiinoya teuiîar oe d tohae i rlreso soz ra- to inter- eacfltharm.Te ra1atik sn nts sad fio-fcd ,0cata -r at ionâme. itf- th e , giad tise facemttf the oor -e sh oreR of theE q., arden cf W a t - ont~ iei~;ioe fthiser aieitsateeienldxcie. -afltr.e ortion. Tise la et pisent ry Worths sud Ballon, Ad tbemut lo. Masûgi. river S sazssUjusd hRtinl' A , ruA-LaIeaudvicesfrum Vienna Tise speeches lunlte long delnte cte li tke, J4 ,tFrien ,Aiî. hseaa(se ls logegive assurance1bist tera is net tise Aw~ wax 1¶0W4 15011 thse slightest prospect cf a rupture'hetwen wr,0ot iobut same gond. Me. xmen, wiekae nIe a afss ii)arseda Vligtou ~M ~ Ui stÃŽzsti~ bI~l &Os5ii. a4 Pîuea~ isaEjaertr apeadaspéach was, we think, bisa once break Ibrougs. IL is, *ec, Sqssace,, at 1l o'clock, wherm e~a rgp Rdl m d ab l nttld A fIuss iahs daclineil ta intertitre ha- fnesi dalivered. it was celly eloquent. o a e'ts teiaus1 a h ibuusa fts ra dso Ielm stu auswr.~itîtuwu "si c by .çtf Parhtiant - va antimenW'era inattandance, who ex- gitweabtlltiLtu-We aetc fa arssc ssret bi ô saerui ate ou iî iegreatesi urespezt andl Sympa.. -t_î cieA IVA I I NA AA. rvnsagvnaa poi<f'ubemîn 'hich had better ail bha 10 Iotby. At one'ocbock'the PeOC Ssiotipfo.. M m s h i N i ff a r a a ri v eii ntM . H in c k 's a c t 1 0lis - ta u b a nra l p la c . T ih ae m r rr a g e s e x te n e & 4 bill te aath<rizej. Thesa hoeveethae tWm s fl s Meblv:: - cadd:re i Iili a Muiepsi Cbu=eiL.» Each Ot'j o9chock- SIx. left Liverisoc* on the next Week.I th a tri til ýdleen ulcy cks t -P 1y r nsoîheciss ronsaiois thseNu vxerod s i rst iznaq 15th iusaI, sethat lber 1posage bas beeu a future article, which we shah periaspi ew in thée market sea ee. >prts cf the ICounties. ived ri abeoad, by wlýiç is Per- ivcd p. ntes 'aei b'y foreigmi )tntries Ita the îîbijer.t ftIî yle c iss. -o tOnii~cominitteed avo bean -forraîed sn Fraence' Russia, wedea, Norrav,, Dcnimayk, Central srmauty, Ps-ussO-,i11aHaý RHanovar; ,xony.ndalIs m orftteý,Sivit-' rhind, liland, Belgiir, -SpainST inia, and tIsa United Statas.ý CAPITAL PcNI5HMENqT.-:Mr.'±ih rds, M. P. P. for Leeds, bats brotneht ihl bill to ameîsd t.loaw rbii -ecaîï- al punisiiment. lie proposes tenîsake. ec time clapsiiig bet.Wcfl SeuteîweO iid exectîtion eue year nt ns-h -isoîmer to ha confineci at hardl Iàbbfrt ýo excetiein wiIl take place until the. biiole record cf proceediiige bas lueeis ewarded 10 tise Governor, an . Sie. varrant receivad'inrtir omlai- açr tisa sentence'of tieatlî te he carriet L, u effec , after th e ue arae a lk stý . . c CGUanaa ia ftî ACDNîA gnra 'bOir short dwsistne abûe ipe hore o iCda ie te' ï1x i gt, rakeIposr shr sotacent latÇhped ý&It rds wete" ls.Thrltet,,ere sevpra q soniers w on t, ad whoate fr- LwtirdtIlithgail.tlioxrtis y the, ,l>sip(3Wti ole;dart, h ebot, ëhg-; aed amitail, cntiîiued on sayh IIipw theo rii1Iid.tranthe toa, it- ;agt ond its cos nuo, aon id rocks îd ti brears ich n otesuiat :etlie, ilsdcourseived ath vry dge th beahors.she lino whenbatpparen at likî, nd thoJee efra t t dery y.g judto the los-'c al ren, ad rni n lo ige thek aoup sity rds from thedén red Outofle entwremn, an khonjea igrocabut s tatheyadcurio,. nd huepidty t sow enlemnfauom the lieiglboning ret teblic. wo have an'o lrîvîng vsoidenlmen tomrcthe ieigpropcrty nbr, t beaprorateciè ,tirvogwaespecad senstb esnet -h prrat whichae o ap hrla hed aougeiron s yae, asedanhd bte fra- raents longhefcoe iehdha palhr- LIS Jeu p.-Patriot. CIIOLrRA.-iNiflC deaths from Choie- r, oeccnrred in Newt Orleans last week.. B3i. Lubip.-Il. B. Williams has or- rved lit Newt Orleans, with a chunk of' Qld wciglsimîg 2Obs. -4,. lucky fpllow TEMPLr 0F NAuvoo.-ThiS great éd- ice, constructcd by tihe Mormnoni,, avl .sist purclîedl'y a bond of-Icarlii, has been destroyed, by a fierce hutrri. atio, which swept over Illinois, doing incaculable tdamnage. AIIVAL FROM IIALIFx.-The Pro- peller Western Miller, arrivcd .at To-, ronto, front J1alifax, on the l9th î4ftl witli a cargo ofsgr and fishi. She se emlarked in a triide coaiparativély new, bilt promising ta becuaie a veryý important oe. ler voyage haip beOi onger tisais xpccted, in conseq;ience ofan accident tu lier imachinery, whiî n the Gulf of St Lawýrenca-. WELLAND CANAL.-!S.ixty-seven vas- aiùs pnsscd through "this LJatial in ix. iays of lait week. GREAT 1IUIRICANE.-NOw Ybrk- State %vas visited by ta violent thuad«I& stormi on thse 201 h i nst., aù4ý severwl lives wcre lest lit New York, by, the TîIlsetting or a beat. Tha steè me tnickeirbocker4 was severely dttdaged- by rtpnng upon a rock in the hudson., It injnrd tIse shipîpig very rnuh. Ie tItis village, an. Wed*Wa 26t4 'aLSi t Iel Wifecf the Red. J. C. Gukie oladau 'tr.' iN&DyGouds Store or other eetabâabb"ft by a respectable youag* ras, of CoM eduça-* tion, who would be willing ta aake hiasif .gw- erally limelul. Apply ait tItis office, if by l#pwi "ot-paid. Whitby, Jane2,1O. - V Excellent accommoodations lise travelus@. - Stablinc fori kor. . WIL LI1A M J EF FR IEYf ALEXAMDER SMITH,~ . X0~. 3, Li ll iiigy ý rA. . may, ItU. TGGWO Col ha sm Ge Sa dit a1 ita aI. ltr iin N( l 'v s S(),, from tiiem:-

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