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Whitby Reporter, 29 Jun 1850, p. 4

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he t fhqi94 n hensha of th hppy dim~1r gzh i u cei4o 4 e1 t 1 t P MJa t iu u su . li , t - fiwIp 4ert until, dbysdit ôreo t4 XM êpeuof thsud gre i tet lur tlof , M w. Th siediamoend op rued ise -u f uiity ko n îtiheist o as? i a w iOffl oesi mnlec uc iii- *1 tlve the ui c owopa î76 P*~i's GÂsli'usml ,uetrCaiupapers ssfmrt nut èsil ebled to 1 water a coustMflt cr light but that 535ls le anid motivepower toal ýthat. Mr* lPaine l rodlce (rom Pure ýd most briîiaîitý c aiulo Itce lheat ay desi;red extent,. thus superseding t- demcsity of. l - use uc' the odiMâry unterial8 l"ibu Burrit the leurned *-,Blcksmitiî,I tays.-"Tbee i is non ly a saviug of expense, but of work, and fthe incon- venience snd care of. wood, coal and *ibs1o,m*id Ihe danger from fire aimant cqsi*IY oniiltd hsl o sWiqxof; we uaw the 1Iights. fol lowéd thue rips<o tho e lar, and Saw thie ap- _.paa iu c pl0)'d ni or fie decomnioniticun of the. ws*er, and niustay -woceau irilly fige, wvrds tu e.xpress .our astlit- is'mnt at tfhe sim»Plicity cof the m-a- chinery, wheiv at the, sanie tJime, wtt t1iq f tle, ptneaand grandeuîr cf -di4jgoveqy. Wctd, ,ild emoi,ndi oil, and fIuid xnay ail lie dispensedl .with, by' thiee f Mt. Paitieit appata- tue. Tmo jets, goch, as -wcioe btrniiuîg i 1b i blisewould lie suffice'ent to light ainioderate sized hall eyery îîigiît, at an expense of the interest cn the mg-, chine, (about six dollars per atnnumt,) with only'lhe Iitt ýroubl e uf ucesioîî- ally illiqg up the w'ater cîusferu." ci his rigbtrfur the Unitfed States to, fhcý Gas Comjah"e cf Boston e l'hdadeiphia, Baltiièire, and New York fo r ftve mil- lion~s of dolais The ,&stor lIeouse ln New Yor13-istho e lit up by YMr l'aine, -l'w4r the truth-of bis discô'very wiiI lie ltepd __ __ _ fflcXIÈIFrC.WîO.NDEaf$l Ttiz ELECTRICITY or A TzAR.'-We> tremnble bç, thethuuder-eioud burfss mn fury above ouir heads ;\iepoeiv Se MeS ou ýthe. 1érrois,,of the form t hoadd ho ftue iastWemt,.t pi 48verse.-- Fancy'paiuts-na #gr -in&and the genitis of romanc~e cl«àm plui d4mwons in lightningqi, anîd -tlxey are 'i.ratded by thundem. These wid ùuaginusýgs havé,beçu Lthecllight of m)jJi4* d:..ithere jÈ s4jeet for won- dem in b4there yhingleu n tdhff a li.weU i uîtenticatedI 4tWý 4uiç teu, w1hich trembles on lbCY4id't holdo loeked ini its trauspa- Tout tiqlg n am, punt -cf eletrio 1fAre. - wb iàeh ib4i~lélarged du. rmg,torm ifroni a hhunder-cloud.. daÂf -Scencebasdevelop- ed the grad truth,ýthW it is by the esx- cal1 structure. Thus throughc0tthe Uiverse the baanu uf ritn of the rnodt tek»cotË of those gems of lighjt, whiela flickèi nt midniglit in&the dark distance of'the staury. vaÏùltw, !)y auy power, removcd from it& lawCe, 11w distutbance ofrihese dlelicately'lia-e anced nybterics riil icféittrogl ael) the created systems 4of yworIs. Robert Hunt. Whbo wili li01 IlfrUJ -TîW $South Irif ai' Lot No. 34j,$111 'ConcessiônWit., is openi for bid1ders, fur a term of ntot les$ tian live years. TJîcre~ are Fifty Acres cleuîred, iand thewhoe Yrrnis 1lenihilly WVatered. Go itnd see il. Pot-.cssion gvnin g& ii u FALL IOIJGIII N<;.: .A pj4y(paidif by post) to Il. F11EY .BA49, Whlitby, :April 19th, 1850. Pameis Protoctioa i 0OG JÉNeR V7RGfil 1NI. NUNE NILJ4IONIIV SRAC The Ilion. IL Vanraflsiler, ('gden;&burr9i, N. 11 Sidney Smih, Eýq., ('bw O)irmn Jones, }sj.. 1r'orkriilc, £ Farewell, f !arîrn*aay. il. erry. iiilby. Bryce, MMrre Lo. 'loot.- IL. R. Camphell, fr ookliii. - IL1I.*Danieil,, . John $eldler, Pieker7ing. Joh Riliand Colush. Lewis 1touck, *I.frk/jurn kýydney Smith, Eq, Cob>u raz, Charles Liser, Esq., 1;0"isn vIl Prosper A .Hurd, Ieack. x.B r~menibers <of' ths Companîy rerrm- rmend parils i sihilicgIo efleet insfunce Io rrîdke ppfaohin ail cases, Io the local agents of the CÀsnpany, when such exist, and 116,t to ivo'liîlg Whitby La&ia e~ir OPP(»WITL THE GRA31M1AT1SCHjOOL. ýA Ene w içh rsu1 png'Pplioe wbich willei b.fulid ver), comploteti both (le- partmerts, anid wbich they are c>iabled to. offýr t1 the counltry <fradle-nt low prices for casîh or al).- pioveil credit. The Strek comprid'es *290 boxu of Fi esh Teas, varjous cargoes, thjig year's importation1. 1 40 bh4s ver>' tright Vortn Rien sugar, 5 hbds refil dLoaf ugr 72 lags green Laguîra :te, 14 lia;. oldt Java Colite. (Roaeteid Coffle re>h e ery dtay', 30 baçqé dnulài witdlclr 10 bags Atispice -5 <ales Cloveti, &J boxes Rlaisiins, 200 boxe*, rôbacro. varinus lrarx14 an 1sozet, Wî it plerrai aâýoM men t of article$ li 1 e 'fine,. ALO Cut Nails;, assorted i,, B, lfop, alidBUn<le lion, Spring-. 5hear, and Bhster ISteet, 8pade Shove.Ia, Goil Chsas, -Spikeâ, Grasu and Cern scythesi Sickles, Cde s, Bay'Rakee, Siot,. Gun- POwdeMt.r, &C., wîacotoplete awirttrnent of 5hbleif and lieavy Hardware. No 6 HAYES I;ROTIIERS, No e 6 7, $1. Jamaes liJui4ioti,,K1ing r st., onol5th May, M10.,-1 NOeWP o4 A J- lA L L '$e Imuporter of Britlihand Foreign Dry Good, King Street, corner of Ckurcli, 1 ORQ1NT<I 1 I7IG 7.téDry odsembiariojr thetle- 818 IIENILY ILF'ORIUS IIP CII ORDIAL F OR îhs-rtreof RemtsrfhuiaeGout, andr<euralgia. . Tais ceraordiùïry and poilent eompjý.und ii snade aeeording -to a favOUrite pre- icri ptiOn of the aboVi!eem-inent. Pýymlîean. Sir .Aslley Cooper an, feueujrérerred hi, *tu!- fleilts 111the Compoîn a inently calculated far th cre or llheumaîganotheriseases or that ,cas, isireitsrentel'roiheVetre- tale Kndm and! if any medieiîw < oiild !eà'zg- timate. lle u'nmnbttaSpecifir, thiç renm(dy ihle proprietor idOs not boin Ib nfalliIble Si,- cifics for fihecure or any Ji"caqe ; yetcl ls 'oirw in this medicine lx such as tasîîpply lb linc"îbmiîî ca"es onthe condition of ."raienre -foiin "lis surceasoin tho ,ca4qt's where il lias h-0 a fair t:itrl inttllim City, lbas î,en perètctlv ,'at.iirv.'111 follovin; Caset are plublisfied by peinmiieion or Oie Sir - foinr r ottsdurahbe î i'nrý ,,i:Frel s.'- vercly rô-1 in aitaek ofor h iîm~ n rsn ny n;bt arm an'!d' I upIod Onc n o o Nîe pluy>icitwi but tfins lr01,reî! ri4ot'îPr.- mar ent itrit la j-n. 1 was ilh"refre nne .i prortire ail'ottiecni' t~ricpru oda1x. wwhlas cornpleely .-u ure'diiu uaiîcrow been perftrcbýly ". froin any ki.îdl of jraia tom weiNve rtil,. 1yoiu ritn' iuCbis coram"nnr"atuort aïyoil tltiKlk proppr, anîd u'-fer Votnr e lo.ien 4.'i ours, VCr¶'<1rtittîEst. I Tomorbo. Starcl A. JÇ949. 1 ht1n -ersîrv, ftlati 1have licou affli ir1'l %'il 1 bat 1 ime 1 could uîot miv,' yf; somre or mny. jir1w %vere conrpletely i iiti. roy k n cs "r i- - -- verf .1A. tf.tlcl -',. 11<Proprieto jirictfr for" 4the pilc tiobiOr the raiies ofan>'IulvlasWho .ray b.e ured or benefiuecl by tfrýw medicine, îînless f h part>' A. 1Agents wanted in eery Ctty,,Town, and 14lIt pi: lihrlîh America, Appýication'% post-iyaid. tel'e addressed t'> S. F. URQUIART9 G01~nge 91.,Gnrld/geait fur Jiritùqh ./Imerief. V I OF BTU WHITeBy PO RTLRBO - 'II'O 1WPUBI Tlîc'Propric-î.îor of the Reporter.- fvel- ii sa 4#i i d 11 t a r arie r, i 1 w (,'lIc conl- tlttedl. wo lifeet wtitll 'nrt lp pýort ilWhIitby and thecalon n om try. Iiiid froni a ecsc lit f ibecg<ii wvieul ils viist resources, antd excellett lncjcc.oi,lti1ry, ba~s lerîîîîî Io bpur-,- forliî tç,pulllu it de B1Jf-or.TErninila fou4tt f tllc Frcv-mrn. - 1I1e Rporter vill . beonfit 1 ad bl Atlts wo t lis d l i-m le terer 5aIl lie %'nt iI r otlrdslsicr if tlj paî~per i-S lto)tre uuedLuibis . oee rrec'eipt (if the 2wni miffer. e O r xlînnge e s w il leasilo~1- li e u' 'Iapg< 41 i19,' arduM rY joluiig M'etvuvi-iy iîu, ., 1.. . the .'ft at îbrreé-leî -,vas sa-ryaIdetudubir) eI OXEI'IiG BIY' W14LViS! ain pans Iw ' cilmd iiI;flJ'( ltr"v'r î i au ) ru o i fief! lu ~ îrrîF-~- i4 .'filijitiliirIo10lîifiin the' homit fliu- ~iliyit'imu~ l r' iiZIPSt rrace Wih wblich lie d~siltria%, wlmu h'ir bvîm îlon aç s we!lliî , tun lut'Pre' unre."1 I w4aliio rive ~cTwo motive's illii îb "iît nir ftsIntom tncirttlî i tlw 'J'orti<îIIciiitttft ii îîlîsi'id- thloit),-nuniiy ai tarzr', vîluamluortfcuns' inmaaIit th -e oa m-414rtol I ciaid nul wt mtirescl-always ti; l'p.amuIa,,, s sa ,.'ît-cict-nat- conpî.uii.irt"fd Iw~.' cii 1:, ilv.ry c~ieta-ter thé hait vains and hllIt' slsi thnîg id î1 r hIe~~~ îlviantaI ivr-oIl' mû, l hat haps ihe style rmy show is qualiby ant ifii doiozýr at 1iî Ittet.tnyuitiori %vas direct.'d lai your 5 rnay Çrure hlm n welcoom". Il i 0Cri Ise'lV ~ir leîy Jalfod1 lmPp.rîal t iii tlfar bhet eis e a'liardU riîrb ~,1uou! uîbouriifm' c '4 Ruemunauuîn a t teimali" iîî,at Jr ace; ii s tryinu; il)one's mnîî(ldttyit bopr euî ours flloes 'li.wa'i tIepiiitlZof "eer aetting eu artîandti ryîun 10 ;oiîb 'tt, n l c Wif)i red7t; when I < 1 alleutni tinVt, I w-as liartify ablideb -iilmylirve,' .hiirwtual'n walk, and wtwla.sanos rim.u in 4 Iii lre crnnusr'orwt dill' er'ad,>ut us'ek fon m yconm'îcîm~icilateyor ~idii >aiî'fort-cî l te'mmyt ai aaudin msteadol te riue, l' i"dpoien iuii ni rî î;mn>y iuteamdui îindly rratùv, Il 5 eu-eu, wors.r' i ieths uM")re " 'I 110%rî iiaiculîlm" uivon-ua pepr; nci e hais ntbt 'v n t clhein.- wers mre u> JUeumrmtis Wît'conlî>lt'tely s.'eci al luICinL j!ltzefl of; the CoId lshonutler friay mage andi ry heaîbcnIllrI micrr Inow ir',ni iny'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~hv Teclî la.-.wak-dtnyfi-)irsinmm'îî> fi);.P1Yîiuît,Ç miiriad .111~.I, a havm take me in nefoizrmfinie [,asel-s u l'tie ()ne- inowm. wh.mb,'r or day %v'iilupPrfet (rt!cirn, amutil 1 .iuîrr'youiur, 1Dot>ît>if im; it l'eiviikiltly, We fh-el tit is; litat 1 ted tnlybakfu. 1ocan mrah-Cany muse everti iesO55we -wouuld i i-uke our bow and ruow oif Ibiis ycium dvs; rease is Ikuôwu th suvrial tma Le if. iudivîrluuats of n .sjîectaleiitin ici 115r'viic uur usr or, we e'oîi low it uP hy îii, naines prmîu kuow and Ca30re sfer Ithrbtm ii',neremr- siuîm ifn' it r4petinîg ciliî> seq bm-uwett; sau-'. - rîma sun.' ii ce i i lie woii4 hat %ve'nue Youiitmty nt ~at'iîIyTiiM >1 ma&ii'.w-orlib br'nq na:.c ricnds (if" 1t i4 lýadbfor a nir I'au'tirs rvfrred t> itiim rod harru, XiI- m lu lu il îs r-wmab: tupet ui ete, but yV e'le iiam Oibornc andmuiSrrtel 41aw, * "ftiesqm .May lie allowed run u ti thartaie on -ii, if ni xi play l>rice, 2:. 6d1, and .. er bottie. 'l'ie âbîove Connectéti flouisbr'. If the' separaat, notes lue Medicine is fr sle luy cooi, what, nay not the, pubilic expeetuwfierth#t, Gc-aerrtl ~ F. URQUHAI r nis' fcornes. W.' weme aîways ae-, ebmul .f>'t.(9I'-ugeNIi--) ayin" ihuîdmand îtcpdrallier se ntré-c aros aeof grPeT1 if Ihere w#tre rudtifrit, ~>0'~ O - * Ibasi have an irivitation fu'om a diehatice liy a ltiir ghl r f Ica' Wtocone ntar. ýand i lirthue (i iii auanllne. Let tue, tftrolkee, hurr>' hhurughhî - .4 ~ te'iu wiat w-e ,m;xose t.10 do, that yýomu, Our leaet.s1rMay Iiav.e a chafice of camnpari ig Io, u-ý V-I"eswîh ontr performnue. - *,. c ~ ~,Ylitc W/iitby Reprter, b i tile ble ed oni 1h, as is fuîudanieptal pninnciple, that, as tbras w iîif~ i. i hl darre ~Publie 4goduti. Wý wriiîd fakete al cti but tnob(les4,ntimnetit as oulrs,; O IE 19-T A L B A L S A iverëmuen. ani iioîblin; lutimuan is indifférent icls11-01 ve seek te fserVe otulir geimeraiotu -e ofrr hzI1 Idiii as. for maniv ycams.'u uisged lieSi alilil>'. Whahfveur shah sè,éem ikely to niake *J.ele.auiîl atfreel>' irimani>'CriliclC»IMr'airar-.c uurltitou free, or >.iser, or bîîrand c.t-ose- dîsease, andi wuîh Ihernm-t ihappy resi.iu, in eevçtvaî qurtntly hajipier, shIaIJfii lii it atn aruocite-ý pa1 fEroe tlt riate pnâltire niémienlut b1J eusrornu ht rcld for ait lu ot"n pyiaswhci have np pprovin.-Iy adioteti1),,. fcan do1, andth îeT )me henîj i o rom i or auy tut lIop~s inglarforrt)ila. The juuuiy w>ltr iÃŽ,4 w f eIlçe. WC rend foritii ouir pape>, as a iiiisersai ins)trumental ii1 in iroýliucing the mei r'dcine t0 P'uhîIc î fr ieni.prposin; 11-tintidaweekliy bu'fillcdA wilh ntic.-e ir, ienot daîm, înuerhuramt pow.er orvu e flitshi hew lt ho les'>; iîotlii ohylei bei>' if; for hi. kriows t ha: 1: la naiuraily imnfrusible: keptaont, and notiLhag unwortlîy Iiti;Jitg a place i ihat an>' lrfallitile s câ'fc<n lho.-ini'rl ornidi; t'i, tcolisrunLv i o0'-ered f0 cure al bbhe alimere te b wiieh frail OujIbtis foumdatîrua we hope I lelie le1 iea hiumanuhy is lialle; lut hoes know t titiomi- « nsîes1ucueellaid out anid melilighter table ineia tiîdustry andiprevin-i, I in ail its partsq. Te frillowini arte the 'Iivisinilx abe r. IHope. to orm a compouind. sa ujîLy j uîut,iiluduthe matur cf fithe àparier M'ill gen-l flenrîed la the 'îlls andi Balsaîru, for bfi lre e iyledtittr .Ail points rnaytnot fllliao mitigab io nicfmai>' cn il diPase, ii -ilit:l in euwh tnurtiuber, luug bakirig the yeàr throtîghIQUI wa-s ofteu ri nadermi btuyond 1fie îiawtmfrueiete th' >vhle, we trust, %vilIl e flotnit b have lied a to yielrl and nid or re;ieve Ihue nirlicimue h-fascI- ita>ur of attention pîop)ortioiia:e 10t their respee- red nuniberlers vssa". fi iseage antdcumni sa i-iporftnce. ges 11-epçrtaily PC) ines, o oma p lamorz Wc shail have filht), rsi, a s5pgre jfor i0oillies if itis. wvhe oc(-upation;, agli qîlmers wif6se dispo- ilere mir motta will iehIl the igrealest goal aof the ~!ltw ia&f taa sdenarylaluî. 4.atso, Dow-great est ritimiier ; anti Gou-errtmrent maude for ii. mine"i, Faine la the sioumauh, oprresion)and i latii- lpuroîîl, tuot 11theapeo)le for LtheGoveromentis We IeneV after tmeals, DisinelIinatiori if> metal nl nd hbave neticvour lfor partizanship, sud %hallmnetlbe a luodily e<rfu--iiiesor i1î,w oui blond t'> hue -fcoýtman te waîk beliiad uny rîunisry. .cl upenr heati, P.sin in flie bret, lack.humle or tide, but rneasiirtts eblaît have auirbsupport. ' Wtt shaiU frequentiy',cauxiul 1»' indig-PÇtioti or a iuirîidred lie in thlarIeru eti ferai,, hnî ralt'ienaI te liver> £yiuiions of the skin', Cmî nliélae, eiclutsion of ail that ix theoretkc. wMld, nd vision- I3lteJ ijlys and I'fiples,proeediaggneal Y ' aIuvays th~miin le ftact i 1w: ailt1'tu paru, M0 i or one bi l 1 ar[e;DI"yjO promises not bêleIied by the disb, or ils cookery whemn it in Servel vp. One Word lbefore WC close, We -wopId Dow nt osir openinç warn ail correspondersts that nothing immoral can bç alIowed entrince f0 01W coliuJfl. W. dlaim the rii4ït ci euuting ouf any thing in <,ommî,inications sent us Ibat is eoritranj Io tbope bigh principleiz ail men sbonu!#4 uppnrt. We woltil tynthe ian, to our friendi the avi(IJs. WC a*halîf course aiways h. glad Io have theix favours; btit nevt.rthele" if there he any thing like piarody of what îs uarred ini hem, or any tflinur whicb Conscence tells m inc 5 vonwe wo,tl ratlher <ecline their patronagie itan inaert il e t do that whjchéi it coat wiat imay. - Thusmucehfor ourbow introductory. Ti'usting if Masy si-cure us smne friends and that thp Palier iteeif inay secie us more, Wf> Wonld noW, wilh kind. lovinir, wishes Io ail, tur» off the lights andi drptlî.c urtailn.- PR OSPE ,CT (8 ÙV TUE CA NA PlAN AGRICTLTURIST: 7Yte Be.st (Ind Cheapest 1Farmer's Papr puI.li.-hdiù Crnado«,andtc 4rmI!,'one nowrpubli*hed in lTpper Canada(. 'lie second Volume ofth te ./gTcul- Iuiniluit.s lpr's('lt foîrdi co.mmienc'es .ialiiiary, 1850.e It is issuiec monthl%, and oi'~lctavo. Duirin"'r-tlhé' resen1-t vear bule adlvert isirg shoo-t WiIl I>('dispncl wvit1i. It w'iil contain 11um1ermus ilînis- trationms t' (4 cui a Farm Impie- inonts, Yarm fluscs-and Cofttagear Plans for Seltool 1lses, fliagramns ini exphination oif (j -estions in miecha-nicail siernce, andil atiralphoshy Great carce wil le taken in flie selc- 1 ion of -motter, whecther relatingt g riicîtltm re, Ilorticu-l-tnre, Meais iest ie c um or gellerul 'iec garden orteha.ve prom iset -ce.rres. pon- dencelîtîc the bdtr o ilha inppy to rc.'v'cofilni il Ilicatieus frein aI t teir s~isrlier. bîclî are., iliterest m'.i 1 ho frcélyptiblikied. Twvo or ihree -cTie n of*higrî~ienii lni One mice Cviab, Two de, do, NI B~. dueed tM tionX~ramps, Agujei sad4le-Lgalis, &c. &c. Crk., IPeuiry, %Wl 7th Janiuary, Under the rai (141.Pni FknrJ>Isiinto th Cocupeuai4 $yrui jýOT 0x! Poçilive blot (f Wrr(n.p<J of Vie Ln cral Faui-t>', by fle ann Hlastinigs' dimicoyrry oi'f lefr Naptba, hia3 spttted doun ln dlence fiat bis u-Crrpound Sy p(mitive and sewedy cure loi mnavfe the Wsi>~away. cf by excveaaive svaiis xe etfects of a C;otulneent flatill admaitted tn lie itmrreaxsàrah)lyu cou-h medlirinc, as% li a relieves Ille lhtukinesi; of the. co.ugli andI rerrosrem the hacki The activit>' of its natur, e rS' àt is taken il pervade- the fri e-ver>' fibre cf thle bOdy-di$il' lhmÃ";hnut~seuresa fit-e cil -nigivpes u1rtlversai eereg _wbirh eriLaeruder in th&'sysru * i-'el ingsonfintuesty. fi) sa>'j k[f kuoLiuscvr acq *4-pre n nfot tha, ti1wÇ1-jbjer*i is iii ýitlance t' fle pulietao b reou'd im Naiba Sy nîj cil -t' r4faluls il b'> ac purîtv uti-hi-' warrants il as a Mr eci f ver, uiebieaq plint, pain ,ili fliec hest a ivarran!is il bn arrecsir!w lana 1te ga anmi tri lieat ILlose al peroî~ 0 onuripio Mnayi pri> i'~ fis-rcof' a Cure aious tht ui , uhi direction, nriyrtîhexn of c ini its poress, iand Vs'iief, if~ irections., ià anmot l'ail. 1 lw-111hy conditr.n, Tt,,'mosiamt exiperienrd testimrony cf tbbc ablegt anc milical pracîliainerg of the a ;îrielar lu speakiuîg thus conif %ery; and he uasthe laïs lie P0o5itive liWcamuse of the Sneg 1,fel -, I. th Le Ih ivt-rs;t v.] Lave art-If e- t rîlliailIte Oltitis Ol' Im.lt gricvl- Farîners, su leriî, ilnmd pay f4or ctir 1 pajiernt~d Ilcu wrtefer f* I llertc v.l hus lutady b'lbsdotnc bl Iî'îehh'. antd ' lgricîitli rd i-s dvote. telic ,, re.iillý ît is arut? Cas at * .V m l 1 goo F I'rojirietors cf Ille CUltive to,-r, "111lîeii- olurpaliers allnided 10,slTr' ge. Ioss: uncî flic Prnprietors of the .4gri- rulturLst hv,- far, be out of' 'ket. hi'i.ste -ime, labour mnd xiy ip n 4tiùs publication. Is the ronucli fliat f lie fitrriîers 9lf Czànada, wili uaL -upot ài vgfricl ltirit.ipajer icf'.anvi k-iîîd te Coîuhuîî:,e? X bope net. Let thîîsem,1'lî love tîeîr coîîn:îry, îld (Li- ir iLsir,emecnt, nakie a litUle * more efff9rt î,~year. ahd lihereproechi may ho e d Out forever. Àesan ju;ctemiet Io extra exrrtioru, -we ofl'-r Illîeflowg Prc-mnins: ONE 1lUNREmîuD, io, LAasR - IFTY Doti,,%s:! ]Cv ry rson vlîe ivili procuîre 200 cusribers for lie .lrcduit the subscripîtion price of' ONz 1oLLA11, and remit flie nonev' nt tht, lin-1ce <if ordering tlîe Pn1ier will lie paid-*W for 16Ostiîirncwrilucrs, $7.5;for 1120 dto $,70; fui 17.5 ditta, $30; for 60 ditto, A grieiiltrîrai Soeietic's, anid those per- 1

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