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Whitby Reporter, 6 Jul 1850, p. 1

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18 PUBLJIλD Bvr atorday fErz~ .'eitAh O>ice, in Iat$ (COac 'V acto ry) ~ulunon the Plank Road. bye -T.ELMS--Ten &ihingsper asnj, tf pin 3 »Son&3224nkug -and nSuenc ut. tAe.dio*eof jjike ea Ml '7s addresised to this Office, A liberal Discount. allowed -tu per-r SOfs becorin-g Agents for the Répoter. J.S. SÉROWE -~ '-g- t . - - 9 M r. VOL'. I Tueeday, June 18. aId, a million _pounds - CndAADbl jAs, ~t, S T RDYtheL flOU E 0F ÀSSE ]3LY woud ha e,~fom the and w aenali _Upo - C n d A srrîy w s hitt e sing oI the Act'of '184 1; ho -lid"bee a dub Iplé. it good & i T epowei~ ~ u and hen ~l Woleproperty should hc devoted te 'opnon , tatthey sôudbeiqtdthtcrae, a e T he aboutdng~hj5 The Co~ miteeOn-the Industrial te ads ee iped othe pro- education. AUl the funds derived from t .eira dcation.h T his howeve, tliât 'the people ardof opi i n~ ia-nct la* tror. The6Y recom1mend tËe holding large sum .of two millions. If they tures of the Province ; and, therefore, ProPèrty hMiâ1 h ciïposed ai &N& ~ e a tlhe ÜL *p~tt~ II o f a P o i c a ~ j j i ~ a o t e l l a - d a h o u aio n O f C t tn d a in ath o Ü g li it w a s fi mp o rta n t fo i th e - P t e a c V : m t p ç a Ç e g P o . i to t h t lle , L W Io l G T1 1"&êb tWf' . s 'on-to oe~~MK~'~O ôg4~asects,-they Wo 1-d-' taavr spiâi l ýtar ha h u stio hold tioti. "e fôiso e- X 1 n ay th ùam f i * 0 U dq thé twO fallowilig days; and lifter- proportion of the PppUlation wéré in- Wi tettled, it wàà nlot for thé preserva- Act diffrpd go n1Wterially from ^the *ectolnoed tçp thë CrOwn. ý-I 4en j.*IÈ dý foi*d 7arda. sending to London such articles tended ta ho beneflted b1y'tharge tien Of the property. It- hatlbeen re- pmsed hero, ta tctl lth ad tnI 8fo iea W t~th5e a s n a r o s i e t e i i c a r e f t 0 u m O t o t e 3 0 0 0 0 p e o p le th e p e s e n t éd t a h i t t a t li h u t no t ýt a t h a t t h e v o i c e a ' t h h e e b p l e o f U p r g s i a a s l t e o y i T 6 é g h à ý,î 'ersOns ta be appointed by the Gover- 1Church ai' England had-171.751, and Providâ for continuing the paynients tao Canada had. been. given: ia f avour etl' jgâý at the Crôwn -ÇFiÉè! 'nd G n0 Y l; and th tth G ver m e t t e hur h f S aî and 6790 0, mrk- the p fesen t reb ipients for lif ; b u t lho the ex istin g settlem e t. A s a hurch and s of the people -o f C afiad a ~; thé 'cotrhtte£200to~ars heabec ofin atoalof23,641, and these twra ias onvicefl hat. the course that lho-.manti,hoiold hïopposiedtue epro ,C 'Uwaslxe~hi *t~;al gpd îhé eXhibitjon. churches were ta get the lion's share, wvns taking watt the arisest, and lie. was sent Act a afinlai-setlqaxent4-Thesas lot tli18beoedfisqiWýtet#eed ad 1,82 ! On 'rütib -of aMr Baldwin a eall of leaving camparatively littIe týtahIe prepared ta stand by the resolutionis. priniciple Of the ýb1 ' 1 4U Was'valu-akolegdyaigl*iMjç - the fouse was-rdered for Friday, the 483,781 w lich remained. f these As hoe was desirous of seeiug cOtenlt-:able. as distributing the re e usyo n è <r éotfl h%~ îi 28th instant. there were two churches, each orwihom ruent anugaldnmniosa xogtsvrjohrcuce.i orttl- CLElGYREERVs.Crowa landsa1 do aré not seilite *bord poses- CLERY ISERES. Ot smll sm-te Rman athliè chrstinshe wasan2iaus temakeé ucb as as ube-s- igaLgl s , b i g a L g~ a t i v e p e a s e' ? d o W e s o t r e h o g t o i n 4 e t e î ý Mr Price raid the suhject o £70ane.rfrthi pplain i stîenut swauld give satisfatdtion négative o Lieasumnption that'1h. good- the pledge a-mnd promiise aven o ItUO > ~ i he123,707, and the Wesieyans nîso a thraughout-'lite lcngth and breud'th -of Cuc fEgadorn te church the Ife was abou,.tae move was oie o me heCroôwn, t4lirado utmot iporance itvusunethat isemable pittance for their 90,363; the land, and he would sk lion gen- aras domiinant. He heldtater . h l. hadbee aitaedeve sncehevasinbut allowving these as provided for, tiemen iraom Eastera Canadata si t wsnu Church estabihdl pe eftot~teAtre-eea tho c9untry; aud ~~there woudnvrh hr ere stilli-269,611 who were lit- himin e stablishing« pouce in WVeàtern Canada. fly the- treay~ihFaô,Ws tusto r~ata*~Té1g9,a paei-tecutytttiqusinterly excîuded from al participation in Canada, adt ephml akn h usddthat EngIand vas pr- Rfnersc aaaosoItl f h iW*1 is settîed. It had been said that Iis£200,00,estalsig Cuc ~ ~ "~torftfij~4e~I~t ptc n'hecutytlt'hsqetin the proceeds. The sum ai -o *,()) plain ta overy man that hijlveà ndnder cluided fr ablet any Cuc wrsaqeinias hal le aenuiwben realized, would, at 6 pet cent, a truîy patornal gaverumient, tht inlaCanada. lie was ai opinion t rqtldtity-vatuablâ thçingh theybe, qtiestiYtheatshenominationa htve . .dEtheiÎ , by tho gavera -ient, a.d tilso that te give uetosncegmn£20 knows nothing about ,hîs religiaus the basf «'ay ta proced a'o- e q u s t o n s l o u d o d a t t y b t o a n e u sa d le y m~o î e £ 1 r e , n u r s n o u a b s r e i i u e n l b s q est i n o l d h a e i b e e n aj c r e u t t o é r e ; i o r s o b a e i bn e j , I l charge of only 720 men, women and opinions, but afibrds hlm Ithat cure an te go ait once ta the Horne Gver 'ment.ho, ter20ace;6t-i atecrVee.4 o ha t ke LIa co r e v h c ho h - children each, à tax ai 7S 7d p er bod , Protectio n Lae hich ol is en tit ed , a ' w ii lth Le rep r sen ta tio n ai th o n ited Èiof à ec o f a a I. V e v s o a t aî u i t e t i d u e T ih is %v o u ld le th e r ic h e st e d o w mi e n t 0 a11Y s k s lu re t ira t a I h oe sh a li liv e i u C a n a d i s u G o v e rn m e n t. i e w o tild j h a i s c u p a rine d la f - t h ée at oing w o d ; b '-tik Ia thse Home gavernimeat te give tis ttide otavored. gatdepparlaicencar thhistfllow en, word;ngte reiretP llaI entire contrai of these lands- IM the ts vrd usdrn h oul-pnesîhbsflo oand that silugl -etr ram Parlianrnt gend s be liîî 'tl, tb 1 covenme'Lthadheenunai5nîîs tion and compniarative weaIth aif the lie sheuîd deal wvth tbem nshoondfopblcletmroai lie ould lb. -country: thev migh ako h rih300 htteysol éi it ii e hs usipjcpétht h âityde ec!ttei- the question, iL would have been-nmore ~tl ils rs xetta hysoi elvLhhm usqeton flnslly Settied. Picpetht canr Igeal L eling'%hL orey Euglish Establishmnent, but thsHe vould move tIse adoption ai' bisTArd Jé . This iwhat -18 feît, because an in. or - ble o hi feeingsphattecuîiondt tb Jg- Moth 11Idied . icu1 shtod orhavetenhéqu:esadiontcp nd- ol rece lie.Hoapaed resolutions. M se Rn~ tihdf a lumtan.pit mouiont 'er3otor. h ; Wlled l shold avelakn tse uesionup ndta theIflouse visether ilwas not desir- Mr Sberwaod l(Toronto) raid tIse ed ta tere vnu ue M,1an lf wb.oiationshe. MrSeé, mt heivbve k I*~ ed that at any rate Lthe une seventh él iaI~irie'n iesion cnes- greator part ai thé resoluius did.nat bn ie tdpndnet iifeihethe &reat question af Chureh uld 8tatd éL ai' Province s~e d Y tIbis great question Sbouid ho set amaunttl u Ything; the tiva îast reso- c our t hnde~berfo t eté in cneino oeain abdée par ofbe le a nofthte rliineset d test for ever, that we sbouid no lutions svere the .inly unes that propos- corse tÈaiofhsu canirlîy adopktd' . uviowenoretaind Hrcad * nominations inth Ie 1Province. It bnd lne~hv ain eosntosc nîig oIa lry iogtWilat- ut's the causie o1'itll feif,iW taoconxinça uritigated av.ij been urged tisaI that portion a'hclmoif o taopysdtesrhetIeyrs"rtetn lr ~ias, bard feelings,,asdbitter, aspétities; I1ieilthït ondorments ara remuaion opoigthent.. as i condueiî'e ta tie caustitutionai act, ine'îuded nl pro- aogls esl i aaa fi a fknlr~î rota rtyr euantsén cabinet tat desired te settiement. i ievî-eiga'ofgo ta Iry eta s ihui lecssne aon g t tedpferoe o non On ite as f4gei «Ëismih thapdiawYu and lope l n*L thse question, faiiing ta obtain te s o tudle danti neath cantbating ofdivision ai' tthhe Reserves, lie would -qè <luIe sen ~ tie thessisuîmreig; bt oi'a-disioni Lie 5pc>ii, Tiusednversonso >e ta dvetsei ra ie ialqetina CuehadStt l gordb aduprttln ÈGw<p important as buie cansidered Ibiâ qiies citirelies sviicis îîad nostate s- ý purpsefor w itey wroiii tl 1 oflIction 1 WiiI -any hon -e4tlbmannlbtIiienrpisa~rd~,h tian opxli as uaL propared La say thaL iL ance, supporteti their tuinisters with given. -nvsytsI a ieqetootrie'iic it '~iatn vas tse met imprtantCaundan qus. fu tiar liheaiiL~titanLisos of tte MrD Ilisky cuidtlotugnetaeuentesetgyReseres, lteépepie atiftiehTuehan plearne-Geu6aJ E'Jfèthiiiiti WS wouid >sistisetHans. of'ornree Mord sitiiar v esutakiet vowed alsie erThtoilion AaseJundu b>néff4ah 4o tien. But lh o udakte]OS.C4iurcis ai'Engîand, eeon uiîis their vote. L a ared oiozt ht i e nlspecthls rn ieiasîtt'daa, ong aliriièatodiietftrhes aa, TI. b u wheîiser tho3e ruombers ai' tise 11111s- nppropriqýian. ItL had been raid that resoltiobswould' he oppesed by tsvo a cik-o b0isc vrebjugi snonv ,é' tywodesired tise settiernent ai' lise te members feàr Loarer Canada mvere classes ini tise os.Hdei(e question, tailing te get tiseir colen-trusnitre s l tintis qe hon leexistencote a ose. f eneu ie d ae nuL, tiseuhuit gon-oman-aysetaIo r- fatà.it a .-h tlaresvtstse0 uhi arsiuaordeo itLtmer4v.u u î pitsse~ d 1sud bteaL inerested uestion ite anaigytehal sd bee trent Acta aif Parlamient as waslipn er i fotfo ftStht re- soedT Ho leldlist tosevis vee aî po- tléy vel ery. deeply sattempted te bhoinstituted- bettreen i tet. Mtr Speaker, îoo veli vo knov, ehiuid doubtmy ovu UaLuh by' .fl"In l1* pérd vsismonLbfoîo anovca i nterested, because a large qusntity ai' Reserves and lire property ai' certain ,sud tise peoplos rigists hatwo tot, that 1h uotrrborated by tii. Vomniiûoaer of'~ land isaden beenn setnewcabnethe fotesl tha wold ary ot tse ies o tie Ponce for Linset aparL-in ite Lower carlioratiouin luLo*QFCanada. lie did 1tlieso nets are not taste paper. lTesL. CrownLandé. The béamamber i' tht,uulrysd -arigot he lvures cis Prvnc fr hsuipport fasProestant nul me aow il cuuld ho atide ta appear je iiîiPaet mrpryo--tise Firat-iding énys b em nôt <or ii ons atin coure. t' îsi qustin vre .~clergy, aitisoug i il as part a Catisulii i taI the lîresent settientent 18 just, - tained aind unwarrantablày!apprarit.Cntlst lst isoivit figt--,dÎd leAft.eth" whic tis fredatoai tse Cntr de- ry. Tihe number ai' acres set when al protestant churches, except ed; liteo reclleti v 'esîdrgssfo-laaf"m tpewcpreaalh ain g. ani ~tl penedho toud ndertan vuy eeryapart vas 934,052, and lise quanLity tise cisurcs ofa Engiand and ScotlaLnd,, soi ia r ie6 a h 1 at e 62,699,eeoldanertaleavinryW - ae he ra wonty land e ýae@lar nre -ofEhçiat'a tbig ls sîaldhosarilcd a L.soid 32,9,B aig 574,333 unsold. irnýdeprived ofaiv sisare. JI ausi hoeigtrsininèjulaîin- ei lgon;lta &paidndéco f-ibe 8îte *ha diose ene ould ilnak-ûed if li'el on.Mrk-4 - The antounit ai manoy receive4ýon tise'pe;fectly cdent ta 'lery membehof its bsr ivt esaderced nga n or ils propagoand5 DWbi nMrPié sen hmo bh o a ada'ss sknoestles vas £74,226 2, lId; rensaining legal profession, tisat, vocouîd uaoth of4e - 18. tpodg . anùd hv leartiqth', ho tiui% fa ,W b duee i bllo a £e pi s helth is iiatt r ha,, auhiredc. - Esland ta do isat siso vuld stili hodue 16,703 18s 5d. Tise people ai' peal un impérial statutte. On the u na pratoct vesîted intorests -for foar,-tise sak lte parties w in' inutty vteiaii<oIkadh" rauiedtado i hlIva snt TeLower Canadaliadt hberefaro as goud hand tisey twrd biamad for prapasing ben i ihp hudfrp iedsubd~épnelrtity yéa.... KltI4* oaawond h a efincoai mp ria ssoart lu visitise question setUled b-n Lu continue usyments taelte parties a lmu iiometdo-îls hvisa bd - ought for every caxël ýàM dela ~uîoriy. iteIsa ofîces a' i and équitable prineiples as thhse present in reipt ai the moitiesï and rridda htduyb h iioaadvaiitago and te aupraq o f, hç4 wai 're'â Crev- i----n-ganilof- d -110tarCaenadahr incieiiuuslY on tise ot er.hand, tlie mrer iorLTo-_ _hereg, in '- tise position-aifaa nîni8te of t'Oieh ttwhlie adtyled themsel$aes g4 $idgeg, had docided tisat a-bill passed rouitetei dtsanIbs alertrutaaad isy er lsicee raoro-ltthe a.I nsoîsry afapnia ayaiaIunama yaeChro,»aa tttit'ut Hevished tisaI tu ho borne in minA, posing lu prosetve ise-ýrigists of lise t- in- ar uh a olgaae ffched thse couty_ terlands, dm!' uWd y ae e r w o l o n c n t u t n a , n d t i a t it w a s a u p a r t y - q u e s t i o n i n t i o s e c u n s le n t . T i e f a i t s a if L is e C ' o a f g s l-, s d h o e a r a t a I u c o t m ai r "u l 2 t E W1as1ho, a simple attorney, -retired Ay;tecdnew oate LiOn )tat ity a.bill brough asdspott -ioipott atIb~ttl2ttt tiont, business, te set up bis; opinion -ts hneva dase yEngiaad vas, pledged La these parties -by., tisefuýliinfluence ea.. tt;ie ge v > ,oosidored vesLod uigb*aTs If a,1 fear The . 9th tér agisnia iIetiev ugs u ien of al parties; anîang tison, Mr for litoir lives; atnd -England %vouid - heb yttolani h cvld M agnthe laof herstaiele Crou? e re-dSampsoni a strong conservative, naw nover consent ta break fsttvL-hnment, Lu -ho sent home, accota anied relgios het oosàntl Whariil Md a' enàiûe"ý péte tati lseChrcsaiEnladdead, bsd moved a resolution teuappru.. -bu iteo honerositionst, .me tébil4 d aate Miedta fteCuc fEgadWedaea4yi June 19. feeling in1lie co4rW o aa flia rot 111t bail undérstoad lisoir owa 'aterest pit hn eusion adMa R- Mt'Baldwin Ioaked upon Ibis queis'. ni, and -if nocessar>, aceotàgakilad ieab *The. &trne-Gwnd amst tiis - è1 ibvwonld havq takeon ue mua îZkettonofm -fthnoe, tien -as ntbi ish, if ho difl'eted by a nidttber ai' tie :Goverateat toihsatbaa la'WltIw tiuu enduwent. ise cnsîitîîona acîontetai'hlis rongeat supporters ai'<hoe inasti entdpo t ne Tevenati a te nl ad o nil

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