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Whitby Reporter, 3 Aug 1850, p. 3

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Sm# of miVO vtinet.nr scgeit 1»s.yrthat w. bel.ve therwill be lawl « lateor15S. ltheise hg otte- debatau* attck ot fa mal os sjmi6a t « u a- ma& au xMrpbr 3fti Gugy, the member wbom a" majority of b4 contu~erib have Iately iequcsted te resigru. Wh~o bein e Ado >not knoW, except (rom sucbi disp: aY a thb, which proe bhum at least ,deficiCut in som e jubtlea a u,If uotastCandiatiM'P.> 1 wem happy taOwe that Col Prince icid mm o- om~by on the occasion, tlving IMr G tue. tmtuoc. îng h. so ricbly desérved. 31r Perry's <onduct Io him *wus becomin; a sengble and respectable inao,, but w. hope thai iu future, if sucb assultâ b. aga m adek, lb iwillnot rua the ri.sk of degrad- ig4usfbyetskiulg aiy notice lVhiiWver cf £0 mm àuu foc. lie Icotuld liot du lettr, we think, th"n take -a bizt fi',ont se $tory of 1)Oru Quixuite aid lbe Lien, wtti4i the.'Don ba&vng seen in a cage, .<oulw4 bis laitue agalint aud -souiglt tr sh&aY. Twice 414 th~e v4liauz: kniglit put bis wcalt- OttinluMe1, and run a ît ilaI bis Shagy etucmly, withott o much as anakipg hlm pay evezu the 14iîghtest intetion..»eirm-ined not Iolbc %woiàt- * ens thsus, Rosuant ýs hcad ws uried agaiuu loi tise third lime, anti lie lance agatui levelewberi, as lie caime clatteritîç on. th iu'l.nqu, 1l.oluuu; con- temiptuo#sslly at hi. *ssaiuîlIoiwIy rose. and Iuavff uuigtuîuuedinss.eli, £ wly~x owvruwith blis prrtQriotiS towardi, luui, at thse iglit tf wicl inu- * ,,lîibe hDon*sheart failetI lir, andi wi.1 tlu snry maedictiou* be reitted ap at euuçe, u.drpartedt» secismore bonlouring ad%'erîtuues I "ceh 'e. 'M 171 'ESAND> TII) I 'E0 11LY There ieeml ti e on, Plospect (f a nv inuîutliu'£c Y recocitiatimu bctweent Ie wo poi-erful au ta. * :gonists. Thie Piessià generully aubtained tl'yIlle peopi.., ant, with tboiuuugle exceptionio he w Mon- tran! Goz-ele, dairbs te bc zdnuîAttedlreport ftue tiebateai u on suff<'ramc, but ?i- a rig4t, T'11 * liuse cf Asserbiy, lu> a îuuijrity of.51 tu 7. ina discussion wbiich t lc- place,.-,wath c1csed doors, on a motion Idy NM Czttri-to t( lu aut pt. saî.sew d eteiintid tahold riut it .1azu;~ 7u40t il ~e Resiad-That -A bite it »u>,c ~ary for the -iud.enIdelt dus rlmai getof the ii usluun cf tue Lq~lat u hua u uie g.-'r;fý 1, v .i aa- nient ashoull uett;aiài euiesauJA ulject tinîh soeadjuii ticn fi ic 1Rqiruuut4î hhu Pcole, in wihose bêhiw UuoL(eepuiteg Lave 441- slfonl4be aI1L)rded inthepublic, îuuud lîtilyu thuuie couuaecbcd wîllu Uitit1uebss, lu lie îreaeut t thuer dlibîatoîis zud î-siî.tucet, aLt ýr ata pr~ecsb1, Ui wel-knwn 4uu.es i,tLe f'etu- ple litithu.i.pd .iabauJ euuueuuii'u ttl.nu îuudlu ei i qnh rvd d uJuel u LC icctiutu ut M. rsp)eakerr, la 'bucb liuit of ibis 1II'>ýC as ~.l 1 e t ree.th rom auders làpziou Ior t u<45e VL > 1W r b.e uîpljoyed by UI c rê t t't ut1 ilicte vi ile 1h. tlous are uopeus uu:, fie-' cut s, buIo it aie. fthsiou-uc. A meeting of 1the~~~tvn wdi lurau on Tueuuday fast., wl$n, ceîusmdrtzin S**existing in -111v pulic tauzuacl ,ioathe- grolluulsrut timns were adopted, us the ehfrcî thar t i î1theri-lt ch' ue poplet~î c adzîît4 muwut e 1pt- ceedingt li the PtovincialAsscru-uhly, andtI uar ut us cqnailyltise z-ight ofîike ýcrfl*t.'r telL'eto mi- nuitd,, accoasm,.odàted a-ad lrotected heluahu 1 4âmeiccla bp" d èr.tè#Mj i bett, lu stantly killing oO fth gnesand tvro other persons, as well a$ dreadfully sc%tligse'Vral twen- ty-iWe of them moiniàly, 'The- As- isatEUÉiuer's l1UIy was fonnid odrthé.-cra4 . Te'decks ,he îll fate4 veuc! arc 1 ittéra1 Y trilu p and otherwik, injured. IShe was towed int u rrië Iq the 4ti44t»4a. As neuj as caui bc nsertaixwd, 27 are "e4d, of whoin 9 are dead, 6 to 8 badIy, perhaps rnortally wotinded."- «lobe, .tug. 1 -BREAK RI: N~CNL- steiday afýeiouax a break oceurrcd in-, se canali, by which na-igation.-wiUl Le for a short ti me stuspcndcd. TheWod 4,f Kingston, wuas ciflç!rin ]2 ]oek N o. 4, l.y the Ied M i -w1 h ea haway, and licr stsubbing Une blreuking, she struck coue cf th pe gate..This ptsrtittlly opeuline:ga11owýd the othecr te swing t.ack tdu'ehrtsd the rUs1h of water drose 1c-vesw'lout of Ille ock Stern irst. (h i, cftIu4 kuer gae waus aise ca;rritilu~ auîd dt-tiîuulîed. deuîly dieiur!ted froîi s.buve the The grt'ut i chu te f sfit, sud- loch, swept uveLcci-No. 3 and its elu1ninklnuttsi eurryâl .g' soluc cf Uic -BrtuTVor $sLvret.-The f'liowiiug ila ken inateritli; binthe Canal. Tliree dayàf, frum :1w Ch«rleiton L'ourir pubisled iii May t welart ~'I1rpirte arug, ~hn /t taevsh ni.-ee-LUi, a Slave Io tralicwtylivrcsînwl. ~ek ruruacy-h priboner wa4 aislububuai trafir ilay )(-tise pro&jjf eccul indileat c that lue wax ruit/cr areý kejît un liant!, ready for stielu ticMe k ingiîlnwli t hauu the instigaUur of the slave. lents ,-ancè 1,114 dredgingy infichille will 'fueuy ud recomneuded th*e defeudant te nmer- iinnvlatiely bc, emiplovyed iliireinuvin« >. JtIceutmulic hutigon l' I iY, bbe 13 h el' w Iudintt fi'c C.mnul.-V4 Nt * Cit/terinev -VtIî,4T VKOI1Til fS uIZF'J<s op 13(ITALO.- Journol. Ie coqaîxution ail piuacîl i tiîzeiu t 4 i uffilo Jornl.-are Ibu'viâut 'roroîsto oit bbc tb Asucuât, un bàîciuul - ~l-ivituiluu c f tlu! City Cozîucil. Thul -act oh' couri- Nr!w SIA t"t r ~~té'y la um zetuiti for a euriiar act oit 'Isupatt 0f - clbý'IL>4z obligcto <,the, xiîzens >,o' Buff4io, ou thle traîiu he Stute Ihîst the ' hiuuut4Li c, t Oti . d C ulJsuuou ie1tatou iehîu hue ô( $team ~~r111('19 1 e fcn l<iadc h<r icezuubztut.urut,îuhi3 *0 ia u'ue oùf 1týllbe ai.Iî,; tlu of ÃŽ*tgu*f.- . Sorne 200 pcrutu,, luoj4 wnul li vecorniaude îu:vur- c behievt,are îîî)iîd-Eaami,,ier. sal uR ppourt .1t1(t aroun'ge1 s abcut 1, bu"îîcoutn Iternd the fftne- cwsI -------------- * Tphe! ii(r'-t- la rsthua village, on the 201h 'lMus E. Wý: IitutaCIt1' ~ -î'~,uu 'Fue rtud-1 adge, cf twists, a soutaand dasher, u to 11>ttv, hlte-s iait fuil 1riee; anud aller miature t'leh9 lx-t on atid dui- ccii ~id raî~m, bt ! tI,oat uîvîIc'Irs lhave dcterîîîin(ed to ýn puie lhue. Ctrnse- (qtieuîtly the I*ranârport udNwEn %t'Ilin l(nzr «t. mu ~ r uakc'thetjrsvrekiy trip*, Ut](,& lte <cmt vil<rumç. a reguiar r feghit steaui'ituit iutsi os f îMac- 1leron & Crne. "lw River Maui] L Lii W2ansd bblicLk 1al, M nui Ln" vil1 con- taîflie ilieir 'ait>' rips~.zas blýbr(ýewith thisdif~truue tat l lu-a 1i!%' davis thie îum~v Ji,'/lafur t'secié o' îihe finest ~'s~- tuvawuhl t pth iîrtofithe (fffU1'Liaî1l1er Rivur Mail LUne ; te 1dt-c'r f~~<5 " i' itu tlwe freighIt. bu:- .L44,' Mestur.ý4 1louki(r V&,it ,Cap- bout capaiuu out1 tise Ctu-uudiiuîfi Waters, wil esi i tiecuini ,eaiud fi' 111v new lilirleltwde it al)t.api. 'onnri irwil Iluvc tRie ,ýCqal'i fer iUic Lord iin . ; 9 M i -'RRyV - ai aithat tise gruutîd on Whucfst1w >e r i -1 maw..ruî antd uorne othç-f efuîrecs 1t-ectly pue alwruucd thmuelve, ~vIL tilisitu oh t t3. u tztul arà* 1611iihtr wza tjÀOM n. iugchts, and tht t 10avoid ru a e nnoi ial ihe-above .tfect, be liretetited -I'te hchtueý 13y the (ollown;iii ithe clamulto!n J-ru"mdiae e luk vthorcueuplrI EFresr, out' reder* wll Lie happy 10 Icarnin îb there ta a prospeçt of Canada ut lubt J i!.Ctimuug a - fli dollar znd cent sybf#ttrm wi uh be- mnett ocmaltdy accept"ble, azd woild Lie P1eùvrrC'd loy theitw polte fi lithe facility and quicknet.* wul1 C~i~ alcua- tionh cati 1,*,- ade un ii, as wcell uast'r the couve- Thé wz4t or a coinage and thisamit~ ocf the currengt oe uber Stei iru or federal, haài long been 4eited. The rcO'cuieand lues te bninest,'lie teen aa crie us evC. it. Ji'rczp ClSe and Constant iltercourabe Mil h je $Ïïaïes, we thiUk thola~ eIbr and c.ent curieiicy would PIe ibe most acceptable. At present we baive a turrency or iii muqst ridiculoils d>aracter, aal dthe sooliel it il ahiered the beltter. We, : Tdr, r e- jjiçed Io fiid »bat ilncibs4'uected hi* vili- otrous mi1 to te sobjiect, iaa4 altlhoigh lh bas# neot referrwd 'lp a drcînial cutretjcy, yeî »i$'tBih wÏll b. of incalculable. bene-fit to tiade.lelias gi%.en notice ofI a motion ' T.e ser --Ibe ex~pedimncy o1 apwnding tue CuseyAct, 4 auJ fàVie., cal) 99, so ibat ibe Dollard of certain nations and date, whieh riow pau current under thes aid Act, fer Vive Sbàltlis itnd Urie ?ewuy, Crreuzcv, x=Y pasa foi ive Shuhiigsi, ami PQ ore, the parts cf srige harLis ben edueed in curretnZ value in the sa prç- ixtijon ,- and §0 ihatthe U;overnor lu- Uncit ébaîllibe, enpowered to 'eau"e Provincial fWver (>ùus îo b. stm k wuc SPI ep e e pas Current for 5d, 2. 6d; ii 3d, ýan d sd Cu en in suu n IexCedlng '. o, csjrreilc , intrîinsicve êwteeot shall boa li.ae pro- porti«on tu theur nominal value; and also cause Provinç laI l tld Cu;pis to bhcstruck, wtui h latl ruopétivcly pe correot to any sincnt for; £2: a.n JO', Çurreicy, ap4thse ijtrinàmc value where- Of es epçuvely. a ltbear the sanie pi portion tote ciitkirsiucvalue cf the ,Britiish Sov z, as the.$us sfor which thcy arc rc.PeCtjVel 1te pa #hall bear te £1444 Crr.cy.' We cordially agi'.. with the Pieïs gnerahi, that' >Mr llusks dcserves the thanklcf te who ife coMUujt _fi!01 isoevnent l inti. tu>tter,»1 PR93Lr.AT Olf r PAt&.sàszT.-It id tise intdn et.1Goveruiuwut to poogue Paîliarneet eu ot ârù. À SIC*Or oTlitTuizr.-The Globe of Tue0- %Vt, have sena. Vet'y go'îi* -p-Cciane'iroin tlu~ ~ ~~i Gtuvtl-ti hujricotil>'. Il Ucthe cc 1;v s.¶Cottly, tLauý iusveîutiolisî"ftmuu5iCapable oh' beiîn ttuf:e~ t t s-yvaru4 -co~u ii .Cric Exuner! A4 puumner cont. wei'ghuas.u uni>' ix ounces, ausd %y-hiei cati be zoilu-,t up ' fi a strit elescape casýe auJ eartied inîthe jîck t, hliai lin îveuieJ Iviceuufi le ritiiu ui Scuî~ trietcti, by wiluich the foi nji la uîuid V) prolect thic snvér. ei;su:iy 01th ltte cr over lier Wesl tudîall pobes- 1r hqite iei'-n Very' lin- Inal lu1woîbly mrat- ters," Say$ Mr DI>ickens, iu the ast -nunîer oh' ýDasvid Cf~p-eu i ed," '-uuar.y nietuhave worked uu.ucb bai è, atud et îUéceede<J batlac Owell ; bsut I isever cotlld have done wb;r I have donc wittsouit die habits eh' puncîualîxy, cîdee, ati diligrnce; %vithcui thue deîerauiuauon fi) cneentrale misch on lOoe cet ai a luiec, nd mater how.quickli its sxiccessor abould i~maie trqouuils' hlds, whil X. Ledru Roilia, -in bis remittt Deadeauce cJ Engtcad, iy,<auugotbet woliidertuui thiiga>, tha:t tii- sernuoiu la réad in Eoctisb î;lîuircbe.g , iii o rder îltt te pris-seat ay alwa.7ys b'alcto platco b isudiscouise hefofeue le u ataeif he àhOumi4br gspecled of iaviuig lîît)oujuuiatc4 doctrineu con- ta uy te la-w."7 Pasoen eisaare ni a takea froulu Pnblin taLivhr- poo au beai. Lit erpool i., iii conseqiient'e, arueaetibyga uuvagrats lwluQihave came evr for ths* purpoeecf bgg Uî L d a capmi thru< Tus ArrsîcÀri 5qu»*Dto----Frth nn 1.uWsr ci siis oieîcd to lie iougt burau-4for seui.ice o >n the coast of Afilca, it woiiid appeau Ihat thse gveruuuent kba%,e esolvcd upon itreuied axer.- tiens te suppresa the slave trade..,.rUaitt-*ervioe banquetsl tndà 1b 11h a is os atti - ltb.> do uhot patake 9J spectàlors of th brilli A rsolution has bee apïuiprofound silence, jety tc gîve directions tuent in Westminster. te deceaseu Sir Bobe order.id to e b. ried à ln îii illage, on %turolay, Ju ly 27, by theý fl.'V Mr 'X&,%Ir Jolin riîîison, Sixoniaker, 10 !4Mi Mlelnda!Smîttli, both of Ii. place. W.ild Land toLc . T ME Subscriter az A FEW TOSN iACRES of. Wîld Land tb Ieaîw-, i' tle Mlow- ing Townîships, Reaeh, Uzxridge, Nortk illim- bury, Vîerah, Mara, Orillia, Tiny, Tdyi, Noitar- wasaga, 0ollfrgwood, Maripôtsa, 1Eldox, .Veiitoa, anid (ps. TVhé most of theaoe lands aré of the beit quality, andl will W eleaxed for a îerm of (rom five to ibever, y#ars, 4ependirngriin 1-He situation, in lots of f ;om 20 te1Q0 acres eachj 10 any ime. who wsi Chop, <rfar, ami foce, iu a gooàI and *JOrk- Dianlike iuatner. w*thiru îtW sated lime, a quantiîy n liigxhati 20 aeres on ea ei Iot#i Ail letter., pod~-paid, dexsiig-inform'lioh ýcun- Ce-rtnnz any of' îiuc particular lets in tier bi the atàuve î'jwffihi .m, will lic an ýwertd -wit1'ot deI'4y. J,. T. BUSH. Whittby, July, 1850. 16 I JECEIVED., anîd for salv at Low Pricti, alarge variety of F Ily, k Pockst BbeIi1rri b A ongtthem are the OIlîo%0ngt- Lynch's "Deâd Séatl"and Ithe Jorrii."1 Cottofn's Public Econoru!y. l Fartibaim's 1'uctorLal Catufoettia and Ot,,eno. Jiwlib ks I'daiiS Und Mechanici. Tlhe ;Nlecrhaisuco' 0w» BOk. , Frenioat'o Exploring Exl*diticiis, Wahingtor aud his Uenerals, by Hfeadley. Napoleonand bis Marshalâ, by do. ife of Crornmi.4,'do. .y apI Practire of Teaching,, by Pagre. Waylaad'., Moral Science. Lîfc.of Joiepl2ine. Lifé of Lafayette, jJjne's.Travel!s in thfrEaet .MÙoore's Latta I4»kN ýCariyWes l'est alid preeent, êe Tnited SIasExploring Eýçpeditîôui. ,Sfourhev's Policat Workls, illutraied With n1e Erugravingfs. 'Female Poets of Great Britain, il' ustrateef. Willigla 1oeieal Works, illustrated. L Grinigos. by Lieui. %Wu*se. JA-NME H. GERILIE. ýWhîthy Village-,-lot Augut,,185, 16%. WIUfTBI GÉAMAR:BOOO PAZ TSESSINofthe WbitbyOrm- whitby,JoMY 30th, 1850. 1 t. e»- raved ou te saine, v he for their1 - i Goergey alW iing *t Jlayenprèt li 'peat cmi- fort ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g' Jpug i. t14upqijhis Thbero &Ti n tism, ASt Naples, tpeet no " t han '44)(»0 political pruon.?;su the *pini%.Lis;the-1orntue rewd.d state di the beom idiots, or dis. t.j.~i 3Og A4 lveetariah" cov ioiOSbeen heid in Ne* York., Pr Sylvester Grabum and Dr W4atlng bail an pnirnated and net v"sy oo-tec "e d d'O thtteeçt ef the vegetable diet waste Iaise mnen as nwek and genti. as "abu, but it wotuld seerni, rom thé proceedings, that fluere i. soine of the old 'Adain left êu'en i bzown bîead and sweet appicuL"y Hop£ zvosiaEltý,rp,-.-The BriuliBauuuer sees il in the working of the New 1oor L~aw. On the 301bhntfNlareb~, l19, the nuimber of juoor le- ceivitig outdoor relief wza 59,2,635; il 1I850, il was 128,76-a falling off-43,$6, or 78.per cent. The ssunu xpended linfthe quarter lljuit £182,324 to £35,750,e a redotueiuru f 60 per celui. The expenu- of in-door ;lict' 11w lot yca, wat £182246; the ecvond year £161 ,822, At a meeting of somre gentle'men connfeted w-iUu the l'rebs, lulcly biel in i iBu ington, M r :axe, of Ilise Burit'gtun &nfiuel, .uked leave vs prelent a toa*t, remarking that il was a dry toaut, eut somre prefecd tht k:dé ' lere's to the unanl, wlitre- Jever he rnay k- fouuud, who rlever zuld au editor ,)w lié coufd rnprtuve Iu<u puper." Thiis wa.s rtcs- potndt4 i moît vocîleruusly by the whole corn- EN 1i~ tt2ADY-MAb£ý CL fHI*G PPRTMLIÇT WILL 1EFt?1 eni Sursrertoats 4s 44 Ïp'tblà Cloîhs Vé%t'ý" 7eM i,~en's Mole shin Trouses, V& ï-keti iantdo4-6 3 " hui aj du 8 t) *4zeu Drill do 6 3 Nl~oleskin uc1 i " fîuncy do 8 9'" Fancy Drill dé 4 9 k Alriaca dlu Il 3 Linieu do 3 4 ' Tweed dà 4eII 1 111 do le 9 " F4'néy do *-4 4, ' dsi er o î~îo,~ oIl 3 " Velvet d6 P oakin do iceas Cord do 1,50 " Pi444 do ' Buu% iau do cd i.o 17 6 :M~arcQIlu* -do " Sattinett do ul iloth Jo 32 6 "'Barattéa u-do Cih do umacule < do 17 6G di Toitencit do as.net do - L I>etba 1Ou 30 0 " Caâuimete uud T*eed dti, i Cashnerette do ivhie hrs Liner sîruped ,l otîuSiu Mtei1'a f'ierch!silký n rns4s.d i Cîstuhucap$ * 2s ed-nu FIaneéi. Sirtf rIs 2 6 Carpet Bu-os and -Brar.ex* Cýttôn Usuder Shirt$- rDR G à àD S'D P. -eT. EL , I. î 00i0 Mui Pa e raaol,,* 'il i c Cîoa.i,-fo 1 O00StPrasoes 11, G tedClt$,,i Spleitdid 'Sca rfeii d hîlawis Rîibon# ausi Luu.P Colli 1ud ecl 'res. Laice ,l'sud Falls à - lfinis, fast ccbori; 'Artificial FlowLii, 4.j4di 1,.6 pai .la1ufiali for Ladies' hresirs, cvery varicty fii Olt-ansi Alpacuus, Lustres,- Coboiui &, C ON El LO Z$ WELmatin TZDDu4 - OYN(0 S ECON D -PPi, iC Eý.- Bu-WHE 'uih ône 0; 15 Tengs DONYT Tturimnlo, âmuue 10*9 1850. lJ Tisat à lIE O A . dut of1 Cletk'ng iiere. lIA E MOVED to the Store lutely occupied by M,4ess.rsl. Lyia Knee-! in,$ i-I.çaw t&' (o., and » ext door foJ. R. AMountjy'si>zDy Gocd Store, (Sig'n 0~f'l' Ih ~~~~ ~ ~ o Guuc leî, ~asui -O. 51 CITY BIPNS KIYG STRLEET E4ST, .*asre acki wh-ere their Cuttomers an4 FriendsM wjlt -always 11usd a- large amsotthent of1bey wi ~cM3'aua4teudrnd1 Ceitiîng cf fine cloUs Dress and Freek C oats, Slîouting and Saek Cçdig in- gre'4t vauru-cty, l --LhÉl - Vt et a l4pgite4consi. of OVOy XaterIa1and Style1 Frcn tse xtr faiiîy _r ipaking upl Stock ut tisair establiahinent, in Mon treal,- and pautchasing inu the sholesaie AMaikets fur CASH OUIç,tle aaatu ~pj do séi1 CIiEAPEI - thîan otbier hoinsee in the saine linC. EPWAlI> E VA NS, W.~ B. HÂAMfLJTG - ýIcGill Street, Môziýtreal-. ~King' Street, 'ordîo. . roronto, i'4ày 24, 1850. 3M- having dqioedi i t oc~k YfgOOdI, b n of returning riànks tii ibos;e ;who kmnly gave him'n herliberal pàtrùinage 4Jur»ijg thceepe "uz ye,:Am, Rie ais', begs te, stte tfiat. âil ndies and accqlznts are expected lo be setle earW, in Septerbber aext, uxleiss other arranigemnts have boen made. Coharnbis, JuIy 2, 185Q. 32 OPOSITY, THE 01 Dimslutiozi 0 phen 1style or G»; CvUuuzI *oW ed lbf uîuUtleo«er 4irm %011 be.enilèeted>b tunud tkéb bsiaff la ïhd Bt r ay * O p*w emisesol Mir, &ai. inthe ]&ventb ecnceSsiim: hhItlbe,aA». LIGBT GR~EY M j4ny pesd*gvýg- lrration, ln pw ubscber, of filc wherteabouls of t& a rhall be êuitf.hly fe*a#iëd.' NOUTH -A1MERICAN H1tEL at t3-,Trusty Porte!s as1¶VSiu,1tendance at-tb. boats.' PsssngrandJ iheur uiggpge'conveyed to auJ from the bcs ree-o? tip Port Hope, juy4 I8. ' 14 F V.I ÉEXP1 CORNERI 9F MC 1 1 The Lm tUre. t! 3" READY-MA1.LQTH1INQG4-,DRY- GOQPS CIýQens, CA.SSÉIMtÊES, VESTX!8, ÂAND GgXËU ÂÀIR -OD I1~1PORIJQ, ILhEC'»V FJWM BLITA1J, BY Ã"UlPTE NS, pAltl;, IOMfDOÇ, Awr'EW lrç»U& nASIs It CU~VED MIýNTWY. VIE MOIIT 4.1PÉ'O VÈD SrrLY"-DoPTED). Gami "Priac Gui:

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