Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Reporter, 24 Aug 1850, p. 3

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for the people and public opinion, gay - wore aboùt'to close-but bof ore $opg 0,WC rMust noticonc fact-a patiulox. faet, couueced wîth this transaction, which goes far to show, that -the Groverumcni-t and J3eatv, or Rinchs and l3caty,- wcre in tro.a(y for the sale of these » roads, whe itihie fi rst ofi.br of theM~ was madee 10 the col2ily Counuil, nîid that fticanis ere use(1l I dissuade thtïCouràty Cucl rmplr- Chasing tlietm. r. ]leaty put hii-n.seif in communication %Vitii oe eor îmore of the inflîîècriat1k meinhers of the Cut Councîl on tteý ref)rxn side, and uvi th em by no mcank te agrcc te »;urclirisc - tese' roads at the~ price? dsked hy the' Government,.fer £h.a t the Goern ment would lie comp<'rlrIo hand tk<nii orer te Mhe ('ounty, -u'itheut c/,,r 're !. ue -known intivuacy cf 'Ileaty 1 îlfI ineks pýrodnccd ils cffct in thiis csfrom. whieh arosothie chief opposition ini thst côunity Coluncil le Lite urcfhaSe c(AIle 'oas itah that-time ! Beaty & C'o. lfve since purchased tlrm nt the sa nie prîce,l £75,000! Morcî an1On.- Colon iSI.' i I another article we 1-have trgeîl lte history of thisgigntie plorcÇof corrnlp- tîin. *Altitugt li te laLabas hed4nl ruade audtire <ti(cts drawiî, the seculri tics are flQt ratîlitic. \lr. Beaty lias gnto .Nt.w '(.)riz see Mr.Ilol and get the fitislii;, tourli 1înt on. Ji) the Mean ititýî1~('*' It ue a ccterninrd It dihi n <xlta Sesi on the 21Sth ininnt. bt aku i11w,,îmtater on the Goverum'tenitto > "uspenul Itherat- ificatioxuo-f the Salc. 'lIte roaxis lave been put in a otl f îhroîreir, before heiug hlandictiover te îcBflic laty> CompaMnv. Ncxt veât il will c~ en £31000- lcse « Io paiir liîel ihali.n îs been -expede ltirll,the 1rs'l WC efind bv a public ruî;rî nit M 1848 thcy 1ctcd 710dl ih. fliv, in cont e of th e roti ds. w .11, i I ~il the expense of' anabngthem and tho iriterest on thei uîîpaid insinlileîîls, be stflicient te pav tho whl urulîas iuoncy iil stitan eiQlItidn v<ar>or, iu uther wurts, vit Uie (end of 01itA i lu the Beatj' Cornilltuîy wi!1l have lieureauls for nothing.-Xertk i1m'ri»raiîn. FIr.,E I-N 1,()N 1)D0N. About a quarter paIt~rettltko .Thursda'y' roring làist a ire bl;ïut, eut in the block west tcf Rrctt tru'et 1bu- tween Lawrence & ('ot' Stlïre ,and tite '1estern Ilt)telt$.' wilihua onti'l dcstroyed Ilie 'wiuilc 1u)'utkic roît a' NVesteru Iloe]', eut Iuttda!t -I., te I-'Ir. Gunu's Slitue-Store ttm~i-R'uî(-t Stde- stroying lte fine ranrîtet'(A'.bmîWk il~td - ings belmîtgi n g lii'Et tV. JM r. B1uiy. pcuupied 1uy' the Frr' ,'-, \r.1', Biootîuîaier, aîîîl eimera, %*i'ii hst'vvî'ul su-iller ilng, !aidigI>:îrî -Street; a dse 'rangte on Doidas diugs- thi est'uî.('<u M l-oîe Book Store e'c .J-iee ttilt Messrs. Colvin's Stort'e iitgalhîtrut, tte rromitt. Asý far an (luii be asrer-j taniue dite grc*,1iler îpart iinuired, aludi Alie gelc'ral opionith at i 'slte(> work of' auitîeîirv.- d' COR I l 0V N 'X C[E DIVISION OF THIE ('WNTY C DLrulrS,-l tbs-ît Mi putît- îni., bliat after givîu.ia- scr ittt îin tire Aâe1îthiy', <uni Le st ifii Count>' of>Ytrk, yot go on toexcv <' fidieuce in the suiccesa of'f ite n 1-tuu New, 'wfiile 1 am rntet.te aditul la, what, te al outwarnlippaatctrati Houise or itatit4tubkct, y-nuituveaJ,1s -rive-at such a concluzoni, ypt, îaplu pre3ent 410e~' thet.lai', ah each tirnt wax under consideruu'iont, 1 taIze thre 1i vising you net to-b e tee) cottfidrnt fî Ir YORbK. tu n u tte t îext portion. -, in vir-'w frf q,îltd in lih' t 1 iglît teoir- ieuîng leal>e the subjcrct tertiy idu atd on)i% ward appearances, andt le remnber that a41l i! iut o rd titi gliUters.r It la iluite true, as yritt stale, that ilMr Hiuwks anti Ahe Minâtlry gen4t aity (indup- ding MY Baldwin) aduitt4eoi the,' pro ieit.ty, andi exp.ressed thern,elves i tavout-01 tiiviitg the. Ceunty OCYork, as4 W"i sE-11 . IAtb-I- ailt that they (panlic'iiarîy Mr BP tlwin) wet stihi further, anti wihdr4,w ail opp iIiouî toe L forni of the Eastern Cmitîy of Oui ri",-priteti ils shape was agretable ho the reoiuîpueret yetiît wa.z but tee eay, ltn au>' mati 1witàh hali anî eye lu bis heati, te perceive (aïti I us ot atone ia percetving il, for sevem-al perI'ons Itin; b>' sa1v it au plain as Ir titi, anti- remîrketl it at the lime) that the tieclaration -w'wuik wiusbg litherutsorel>' againsî their inclintietlsthattirere, as, notuithi- standing, a secret mental res-vatilra and stroni desire to ope.,toothranti naiî,the --proposed d<ivi- *ion, providedth ie>' coulti conjurt up thre least ex- cum or pretelu for se doing, and voùn iay ihlere- fore prepar for ever>' obstacle 1leiug îbrown in lmo 'way1in fulure'lbat tire.gelu can lby papi. bility devise, aidedsti, p li IIli e by scores of iaterestet i ndividuals in Tom-ente. Although frmunw-bat I observaditi was ver evident t tu e that thre Torontenians amrost despair Of bei lm ah. aylonger 10 prevent sO-ie 'division or the. Cpunty ofYork, yet Ibeir wits %,il( now beh t&ed tnteutme*t extent ini devisoingsuh a divi- &ion as wil 1 hast secure andi serve their (w inter- egts, vit., the interesti of Toronto, In 'bort, the murder is out, andt ieir plan aiready tiseloseti, tbat is, toform aColintyIo the North, oit of the F'ourth Ridizmg, aM, e -eownship of Knig andi sàuîh part of West Gwillir4nhury, fiig thêeouny town at Newmarluet or avurdtowsr, by w-*bichl atratagem tluey hope to induce.tire înakiri anti iiùproving>-t roadl eading (rom the easten sec- ljm o >lÏ e mt OutyhUe ceunIDtelto , gi o draw ,mote or lmssof the. business andtrad olUha ,'.gio to Yonge Street at least, if not down to ieir luîavaeitv. Be murid the .net la aireadyv,e. 1 Ciriîuu"iîî'r, loir Itht J'%u)inittn ui J.'Cl, ai ,-r il attiIsîterî , ia in pau l) tiltte rpro- uuuut l>siwe Albert applyinîi e) litn mfor his opii, W' ii<'t 1Àt.L; rai hiaint-s i ti-cerved. 'I îtîu .4 Ti. e1ha ori, Ud toi'1îeuc i wa- kiîiwî-it i' ue (iiilt' i't-si i reîadiu- <'si cf wriiers, matie ~vrilit-îî'iicltl lterripts, ani -ai ltjlilie pli 1li' a'utduwuî andI oitIrle- Unit un lte ci Mr ttlay, tutia. I-as ie tvout y-eu.' Cal iitrn -('nie îh'on ',tîist %,iiu asi rrt'a rît ofiiv ui l 1iî'. but itluhs îiiti-îIat itatîi ap"ua feli-rtIle rite Tu-t'lu î'e clil it'r î. 11 t, tîl te <'rufir ru t l<ui'io -1 iuit Suir d.ert l'1l luitui i. lorube iii a lit. lPrto ,'t u tit- rr Pvbe -uu rl, uffirni.sthur1t'i L e [l eithler rlied Vrnrm; C'tN '. Sî" m: i.. ii -ia (hr-e its'i-tjue1 he artival lit hit rii:. bu' ralial tuf L %V0u'eu.ît'r, Su-a utotu r;îtu- a açnîdby clie io tfic' il vu . M r. t;. 1Pal]' tr. 'llirbit hit 'umut' w i i't elu tittré. 'J'ir ' pmsji uit-t iutielu e st-ch au lIoe <osître firîn riit tquiet acitnin iulite ~vîu.A iîrut %itlit wru huils lardI a v Itiru tiL, ci-aire »'vtîs Latînît t h1 lucîtv ',<rt-nitlozren vears liur, uîtlprevcd -a cortplete a!tr.-trîse The cîrrr'u"y ef the' woei tztaied by Themrp- boiuIis l lo' ùtal ie,- raarly art. iuluuws Piattu curreti'y, 4L- ,91; speuue ir îît e $555 otrLOif; pecte -Iti bututks, $lS,~lJf. Fr;ru'Trs' uvu.~ Lm'r-Ontlie lSth iliuut., t weotjyf-e >u-sens4, lt.attïc-te Ilite first (lirxs- liaî îuzî'y ttLynn, tere proeeettirîg ini a flai- lewitered îcit lot, yîîifielul, on ala ue Xt'uf- !4ien, aurtwlient abeat eufe liiutlîed yard!ï fr<uîu î-le shoet.the t ue.upwl, ari n-l rtt ofIllie ;uaby weeî iueuel. Ali lit(,> hodîc's, exeirpî iWchaveI *bet- erverena-Hi wuu th. ~litiui ui'a gn<'aî lr-- fîf or uity lIte Gvei'îtui-Gen 'raul Wioncru catti <ie 3Mhtu.k -t Poart dtntv l'rit in t)y st-ui' oi weurlieî. Crul. Pruce Ira.; irnt. ,Net-L mhue11 îeiVia l'ee- farg'usht'r'. Mr ]Jaltlwic, 1Mr 21.lrritb, atnI d - ciurGeea )rurntneeti îu'e.s611lu intwn. Mr Prir' e s ibis Merusiuti fer. Avonnlpringf'. IWlr Ln-uiuedn anti'Mr Phiicks arc nt lte Falls, frît the lte a exjuecbed home Irst eveniuc. Mr -Li i~l u ive'r de Liii j). Mr ourr4tis tla Mcub i. u'Solicit î-Ge'.netiaIMcl)oraatd.bas oene. te urî'aIen route iiur the States.-6'lobe, Tht. SeasUcn bas, for iume lime rait, Iteen unu- stially cool for the nuetth e Auut The n4ghts iu particuiar, are chilI>', ai wartm clotliing Ys c-ol- sidered cmctal.Ire batq fornted lu several p laces, et laie,-ilut<he country parts. On 'Monda>' last, u hec itlonly rained sîightly in the citi , con- siderable havoc was doue i'n <orne of ilié neigh- -bourin g-par e.qlus. At St. Raym'ond, 10 the nothi the grctund '<ikas covered int the depili cf scycrai loches4 with ice. ii lie shape of large bailsbones, ses-ei et which were found.o)f aný ounce weight;, At St. Anloine, on the south ide of hie river, a nu Mber ot buirna and bouses were blown down- twenty, it la saidi' Since Monda y heweather has been renirkably fieand elear, b ut the teumpéra- ture continues about the same.-Quebec .M&écurtj. 'The population of -Califrnia la' estimeateti by tihe California Courier, at 121,"0, of whuch numi ber 15.000 are n ativ", andi îcsidents belore Jun-e 1, 184v6); 35,0 àde foreigners; andi 71000 are Ameuicans. The iilnber of perâôns who retuir- rieti by Placifie mail stezmera, fromn April 1, 1849,ý to June 1, 1850, -wak $3j73. - AIiRzST-COUNTERFFIT NOTls. - A few days ago sotus cof car Montreal coiitempora'ries' cautioned i te publie againat oine counU,4i Sit .Notes that irere in circulation. Yestierday we B E R KýSIlIIR'S MlutuBi Ilealth Aoipciatlon- ILTTSFJELD, MOIS. C A PI TA L9--$1i00, 000, RATESýOF YEÀRLY PAYMENVS. PEITWF.'Y VTI Now if luth a format obfa otern Coiniv andi eonnetctdon suîIs the interesta andi feetingis c1 the geod péole of )icach, UxZrid$e, Scott, Jiroc1f, hraJ n Mara, ne one bas a right tn complain os s, wI y' do y ou do se'1 -But if otberwise, it stands ther<, ndividuaily and collectivel y, Iolbc widc awak en lte subjeet, and ebqerve the strt - est carc, n ither -l>y word nor deeti, 1o gave their eneièdes lJeast encouragement or excus~e for fercing4, then against their interests and -inclination mbanun iuraI,vitreasonable, a tud nnjust con- nertion m reIy if)serve Teontoite seifighnes. Ad word tethie wisc iisufent Yourà taithfulty, A LOOKflR-ON. 1'ickcîing, I Ph Anjgist, I18.. DI)ring 1hfr storni vesif-rîtay r-nornin4r, ýr6 of hie 'r'igahpol.'s tinti he Klintn réai. abcut fivt. Mniles east f this City, wî're strtuck hy fhi,-efeetrie flnid, naIoli'evdlujiecr'<. Wc have' been shoivu sortie cf ic'le wlîlch w'er.' spltras ;eïr- îlras fluthing, intu' rsut bout! citeaûti a1lia11. i IIIIL' ~4U.Jt 0 uabit.t twitiy fcat lintenetht. li'wiie wa tnt bioken, but i bs on the grued-. <7loribl, * Amn~t~hevariniv; atrartiong cf ihe roming j 'u~ ncalShwwe ltaritthat a gnl"nnfronm ihiuvi w~t ac,'îd in t bllu'îi, onIlle laýýt day. 'lThi> w ii i lnovel ils thv!'se pari s. aai <'anl ir i t tu abract tiîi Ist o r deligbtiîily bitutett towin and uixbufiul-\tgara Mil. Fas ý ( . tar 0) u si. t'en Si ti î<u'tx.- iew f1rops ,c)f uit ct* aridat wood<. w'bîîch, thoU-"IlIoct ini ý.nrval iu' 111.1y ue easul'y ctiu.<,wlbiidroppi ti a lici iîvel , will iilse u .1 bacî;i.îe'aue la- 'auilu priutTtvthîa h ie ai ýptwîc' of sick 'fl AloxuyLrr(,s>; a:.s :-We are ijob ajou-t a e~îù-.îuîîteî h;iit1w ifi of a c frm-i 1-1,1 P -i,> rsebitiig nuar iffle 11be F i' s onr NI,îi:,Iuty22,satl'y îltiveuei ut flua cîid i t-ic'Ili _aILi#r 'iuç. tlihat iliey % wli ti t moliffir are' ail dcing wAli. :d.Gibsuuo. of Roame. îclo n bnd as rme- iov ian cuot- r aî'Imtoa eî:11 .1llie it$- r ii -i t t) onfc til i i uigh 1. a n i t i ! ide fîi ' a 'trifo'it. TIhis irupvtilt occupy a place iii the 1;a-w boî<es of pas liattmit. C-as0f(3týîeîa;h, îlait;blur oithettp arl di Rît!î', ;ra<î-nust<rof the (ratuzî'rtlen. ,Inul v.sate cf tht snonf bihe . Mrquis cf ut1tttt. "It omuran Cfie C <hurt-h. aitO a ibrie tu-i'u-î-: If-)luthe L1--4401i)txtof' EXC AND FIFTY. draws $2,00 per wck.' Il .3,00 il< di 4,00 " di -5,00 " aF.TWFEN IFTY AND» XTY-VIV.. $2J"5O pet year, draws $2,00 per week. 7,40 4 1 " 6,00 OiF F I r R, $s Mcnrcic IRngç. r 1e't F. . 1mi mtz-e.Sec'v. P MPIILET'S, é,'ýîil-auuutcry cf the. prinripb'<ug of this A'eêrîiatinn. %wîîh fiurms cof Ajînliea- tinti, tnuuv le cîiîa'uîliIV aitlî t ht' iue- ,,urnîbnfîcis aîlcin l upay -aI1 Mwcekly lien- efits ruiîîwant-i.,tiuer lolicicq içsiec 1 îroîuLh the ir ,%ireticv. liv paying inu advacce $1,50 .aItmiOin te. tut1il u :-.firsi year's putyment .w-ittliiulirt<av, -l seceure a Certifucate cf Mm ebusîic Ii fe. R. W. MiLT . .11enut for IVhitby. 19 'CodLh,îer OU.: CO) ('))LIVI'U 01-IL, wichie 1will seit at a leawmaul. iC afc. Au.-r. 2,1,1 50 JAMFS il. ;En l 1: New Lino of Stages WHITIBY TO PORT PERRY J EAVI\(> W'hitby' Village -.runrtig h~~~~~j.v Port~lN1'( :WiI c l'e erry ni Ttuar 'cec 1. .,catling aittw abe-ve-niimei Air a r an goa i ortî vli vte t ela îixt îîierning. Ertras furnisl:cd tq rdron flhe T.-N. S('RIPTURE & Co. Wiîbtl. 171ih A luzist. I150. 1 Id the village of Newcastle, CLAJRK E,'i. J. E'- TENlNEIIW, P'ILOIIE¶'OR. AIIuIuýI 12, 18.50, '18 ilvt-rires o o nsgn?-tsof Ashcxs to ~~H Sulî.<'iiuur ii preparedillea ake T'L ATuçVEiI ("'Il aum POl' ANI) l'l-A IIL AS:lES cîsirie e ot-cpa]. JtOBIEJT I.L.XWI)ER1. PettWhlby, lat Atugust; îSSt'. 17 .WiId Land to loase T Ir,' SuîbFcrîbeu' has A JFW 'I bOlUSAND 'ACRES ef Wuld Litlle oasti bite fnllcW- irn- Towîtuhlpu. Reaclt. Uxbrîrlt-e. Nerl/r GUvu/lm - buijq ilrork-, T/ueralu, Mamora rilla, Tiruy, Ta'y, N"lwsgCet hngweood, Melriposa. E/don, Fene- ton, anud Ops. The mrost of thîîse landls are of the. 'l't uîuiality, anti wilIl)C léasiet for a <erm et from five te seven ytarq,dIependlini, uîpoc the. situation, lu Iot« ef item Z20 te 100 actes each, te any nee whe will chop~, <lear, anti fence, in a gtuôd and wcrlc- manlike mtirner, witiiu ht<' 'aatetl timte, a <juanîtit>' [lot Il,$.;than 20 ac'reiu on carfu lot, All leffers, pesb-Ipaidl. d>uninformiion con- uurnnfr atîy cf the pbuii'icular lls ilu cither oet he above bow nshtips, will lue answered witbeîut delay. J.- T. BUSH. Whilby, JuIy, 15.16 ~Vw-Jiooks,0 TUST RECEIVEID, anti for sale at Low Priccg, a large variety of graphitai, and. Miste11aneousWorks. Amongast theun are te fllewing- 'Ilie'» H4iste1r 'of Englandi, 6 vols..- M'dcafflay's I" "di 2vo. Lynoih's "d atiSea," and id"the Jerdan.'0 cotton's 1IlI)ic Economy. Farnham's. Pictoriat Caifornia anti Oregon. l'w'ba k's Hvtlranllics anti medlanics, TIle Mechanics, Qwn 1Bokl. Fremnont's Exploiinutr Expmditi-ons., Waghington. andl bis Generals, l'y Headie>'. Napoleon anti bis Marshalâ, by do. Life of Cromnwt'lli, do, Theory anti Practlce cf 'leaching, b>' Page, Wayiand's Moral Science. Life nf Josephine. Life-cf Lafayette., Hawe's Trele in. the East. 'Moore0s Lalia Reokh. Reders cietiieAgricuîue Carlyle'. ,Past antdi Present, &c. TlIniied States Exploring Expeditien . s Sigourney's Poetical Works, ilirustrateti wilh steel Engravîngs. Female Poets of Great Britain, ilustrated. Wiîliis'o Poeticul Works, illustrateti. Los Gringos, by Lieut. Wise. Weld's new Englisli Gramnmar, &C, &C. lVhitby Village, lot Ag,1&;EWG RR1 BUIGES &LKEISIIMAN, N WHOE SLEAND RETAIL, CORNE 0F RNG & CIURCII SVREETS, ý ADJOINING TIIE COURT liOUSE,- GE' HAVE ON IIAND .Th~ Lrojstý the Cheapèst, and the Beast Assortmnent of REAJY-MADE -CLOTHING & DRY GOODS P.~ im C qXjj WEST.' CLOTTS~ ASSM~ÃŽsVESTINOS. AND G N RA PRY iGÃ"ODS, i1IPOIVM DDIRECT FItOM I3RIiMN, 11WOuB.sELLS. GARMENTS DIADE TU ORDEIL 0F EVEIY fDESCRIIPTION. -PAR LONDON, AND NE~W YORK FASUI10M RECEIVED 1IÉONiTilLY. MHE MOST .APPJOVED STYLE A.RPI'JJD. IlN TIJF ItEAI)Y-lÀNI u CLOTHING D}PAflT£NINT WILL liE. Pou'N Men'u Lit iSuîmi'rCens is-b~eii' hlck CithVest, 7fi; uleî'S clekin rouera,7s6 Chef keil Lirtin (lo6 3 b<ltack $Stidn'(lu St) "Lineti DillIoi d 6 3 al~~XlItk 10 l 11f (i 'î rucy ' da 89 ù aney I)rilt do 4 9 Bec. A lpuaa loIl 3 1" licn (I-ole 3Z4 ' Tweed dg) 111i1*9 !11 cord fin 13 !) ' lancy do 4 4 "l Caeisirnere (la G(an n'eol, (Io Il 31" Velvct (d0 "9I)e.kiln d1 I>rin ess Cord (Io 1.) 0 ' i'111 do <'il3ucksluiàiile Tw xd (!c 17 6 " IarrelIis t(laSattiniett i do B '0re1 Clotb doi 3 i 6 B"Ara 1 i, 4 do t'Cloîi. <le1. Cas doe t 17 î I 'i'uilenett deo" Cassinett do " ut PeLrcha -do 30)0 f" Cassimerc and Tieved l îl Cashmecretic do Whit, S t h:aLiricii Fienrta '4.5d Clciih Caps 28(ki JZud Fta-nnet Shirts 44 id si> upei C( til I. Sirt 2 6 I Ca;rpeî lipags andi Braces Cotton Iltnder shirts 296(1 MeWt i ilè tsnc'h 11 ats j Neckcrchie'ý, lG e liery Fjaiey Capg I000'%I lukire Die.sges4uut3î 1bldFactnry Cettcna, from 2jd Coton Yarn, fretn', 4,- d hndl 100la aes 2 Il Wlîlîie Cottn, 4 :Stays 1 r) pair 500 straw Ifll.îrîî l i 6Sbuipeui Shisling 5 liitlt4, fast colorie, 06 sphrttîýîll Sc.trfs ni tal tlci u<ILcsA iiilF î Cettar ai Neck TI!s. lare Veiis arnd paIlti RJosier>' and GlevI38, rnaterialq for Ladles' Brcscs, crery Taricty luIrl»nîîs, 4l1pacas, Lustrcý, Coboutgs,&C',,kt, OZIJ T=IfLOWLSU' W13LESALM! TMlM. In.the immeliate 'viciuit Oilice, and afil the -S 3. Toronto, April, 1850. WILLIAM AGENT Fi enuranre Bu w IRE 11Y'OI wILL w!I utovc-g 25 per ci TVyear'8 price, having will nue oif the larirest ftoundu ply hirn. Me bas Just receive 2ti Tonls of Stoves, lotami NO S ECO0N D ]Ilf CJE *.-Ç DONT BUY B . ViTRGESS k, JYISIEMÂN J 1While youcan leave flue (jf-"y" , arkei, anti have a pli Ciug <amd L'/urcl< SIrects, joining 14 teCourt J-1ousa.Iibrit'dpetct 10,> 18.50ki. 1<iy 1&SAVI!,THE EN ~. ~ ~~ v A$30 per month, wear REM 0 L&cïxpenses,License, &r dut of tea dllars -bero EVÂ S IAIVTL ON The large Blrr "10O S which yotn bîiyf c 10.v1riett- etkgng Sre doorfr $2J.B x. 4We Cd.,and nî' ext,) - o .tI ontjoy', Dry Good* Store, (Sigîi çtonsrwhich he wiWe' NO. f5, CITY BUILDINGS, lyiLÇ STP~EET -I E»sok fots ~vh NIrCtocraîdiiid i1EAT'- of a superior 9uniY, ivhclo-t1wr Cstoicrsanc 17rieds illalwvays find a large assornent cf aacknosslez, to( andi there wilI - a Nv seasoîtable and t :ey wiIl stand, Tu pariititlar care i itiî furniturPe.&c. Inord 'Ceîsisting of' fine cloth Press and Frcckoa, letgadSakCtsn -greait variety,L Vests au-d Pantaloons, of every Naterial andi Style. F-rein tlie extra) fariiity for makingtp Stock ah tlîeir establishmnent, îin Mon treal, antid îchsf$li iewIîelc Ale arkets for CA$1H enly, îhieY eau and tic seil CIiPRtitan other Itouses in tlie same lime. EDWARD EVANS,?V ' 3HAITN - c Ciii Street, 3lontreai. King tStreet, Toronto. To'ronto,M -y21, 1S50. 3M-6 ~ Whitby -Ladies' Seminary SCARLBORLO' OPPOSITY, THE. G(RAMMAR SÇHOOL. ALEXANDER.I[ T1PSfflNFrPrictOr. DI.sslutflon of PartnersMip. Excelnt accommodtioins for travellers. GoMd' -_ T JE Prfneehiphere-tofore existing ewe -i stabting for Morses. il ,]B. Warren and George Currie, 2undo-r the style cf Grue. (hruuir & Co,, is f iis day dius- sol veti h, niîjual co-nient. Ai l ta sdue 10 lthe .7Yère G/W tVs,<. irto wil I le colleëteti by GeorgreCurrie, wocn - - '. tinues the business in the saune place. T ulISbscribcr becs Iea've most respectiully Io T ulDntîile Io tire-ptî.hlie andti xis ustomers, that, J_. B WARREN, hilving dispeoscfhis stock of gomis, ire inteuuts '. - __GEOI CUJIRIE. to retire from buiiinesz, and takes this>opportuniUy of returning thanks to, îho.e ivho kindly gave himn their IiberiI patronage during' these past years. Hie aise begs le >iîate tbat lil notes and accounts are expectecdintebc>esettieti early in $tpemI>er next, tiîuteis other arrangements batre been imade, ANDREW 8MITH. Colsnnjus, July 2, 1850, i3-3tn, C A RLETON LYN D)L, W-10L1ESALE AND) RETAIL DEAL1U IN TBAl%, TPIACORICE, PAPER AL SO MANUFACTURER 0F SOLE. UPPEU, AND IIARNfSS LEATHER, &c. Cash paîd for Hlides and Skins, WIheat, -Oats, Pots and Pearl ./1les. Wvhitby viI4are, 7îb June, 1850.-1 iteacu, ïMa>' lut, 1850. GEOUGE CUIIRIEr, ANNOUNS eFs I be publie that hl i ha on band at bis store in PRINCE ALBERT', -A FXIJKST PBAý- CR Whitby Villac lhets' .Bai int lrince .A Whitby, lui flUi ing eustomers n C' he wilj conyie rangement bas lbea C-Ai fllack Salt& i Prince Albert, j OoJtawa Reform' AV. West ,bas $2.O0perycar, ~,00 Lt 4,0<) 't 5,00 "' 6,0<) t' 1 1

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