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Whitby Reporter, 14 Sep 1850, p. 1

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18 PUBLISHED F017 8.twr1ay moaneu V-Offce, in Ray's < Coack. Factory) Builing, oii 1kg Plan/t Road. ýRMS-Ten &Jllîsgsper antsum, id in 3 months ; Twelne s)dlinsgs sioepence a1tAh close of the year. 1. Letters addresse d ta this Office be Post-paid.. iberal ýDiscaunt allawed ta par- iecosing Agents forise ,Reporter. - J. S. ÉPROWLE, Preopret or. RIT Z arn a ~ssaP,.Ofl4 ttwsk no~bingiausaaj~. ~ WIIITBY, PANADA WEST, SATIJRtDAY, SEJ>TelBE ER 14 8 50 TIAL LON FUND E .SBU.ANE SClETY. £5 0 010 00 SterlIng. Exeainerr-R. W. CLARK, 1%1. D. phlets, BIsous, auidat requisite informe.- W . a on application o -' ~?z,,JOHN HAM PERRY, Atgent for WHITBEY 14 LAW or II . AMEUON MACDONELL9 &ttorni«an sd Co=nlors-at-Law, SOLICITORS-IN-CHANCERY, C.-CAIbIERON, H. J. MACDONELL, Cîty of Toronato. W7liy Village. ï CANADA WEST. DFPOffice i Whitby opposite the residence od BeterPerr)r, Esq. HUG.U FRASER, WJFIXBY VJLLAGE. Sprlng and.Sumuner Ftshions toT 1850. Whrtby, April 19,1850. ALEX,. PRLINGLE.. WITII Y VIJLL.IlE. Aillorders in-his ine pramptly execitted. Thte latest Fashios raiwayB os ai ad. î Whitby, April 19, 1850. Narîter and Attornrey at Law, BROCK..STREET, WHITBY. RICHARD WOON, OSH.AW4, C. W Superior accommodration afforded to Travelters. Capacious Stabliag and Shedsatatacbed ta tIhe prernlses., Oshawa, Apit, 185t0. WHITDY, C. w» L. H. SCHOFIELD & C., IMPORTERS 0F ISRIISHNMANUFACTURES, AND DEALERS IN WVIOLESILE ANDU I.I Wbitby Village, June, 1850. 8 TEETH! TEETII!! TERTH!! tSuEGiON DN'IST, OS8,IqW.,V. W. HENRtY WEBBER, Oppo*te Mtr. Bettes', King Street, OSHAWA, C. W., 'Whero lie is prepared ta execute arders in bis lino an the sirarteat natice, and at tnaderate charges. 2b. leest Fer/riensregrlrrly recewcd. Oswa, April 19, 1850. J. C. S TERLING, luoen.d Auct4ono.r, WHITBY. Orders Received iýt ttUs Office. M.B. FREY BALL, lIAS gSMOVXD TO 1us, er4att durr la Bryen's Tin Shop, WHIiTB Y, C. W. &EI AR .BATE, POETRY. From aHuuseiaold Words. THE ORPHAN'S VOYAGE HOME. The men could hardly keepthe <eck, So bitter was the night ; Kega norbeïst winds sang through the attrOes, The <eck was froty wite; 'Wbile overbead the gistening stars Put forth their points of hight. On deck beid a bale of gooods, Two orphrans crouch'd to sleep; But 'twas se cold the youngest boy In vain tried nt to weep: They were su poor tbey had no rigbt Near cabin doors to creep. The eider round the younger wrapt His littie ragged cloak, To ahield him f,6om the freezing steet, And surf that u'er tbem broke; Then drew hirn dloser ta is aide,4 Andsofly to him sapoke: The niglt wil nt ha long," he said, IlAnd if the cold winds bmow, We shall the sonner reach our home, And see the peat-fire gow ; But notv the stars are beautifu- Oh, do net tremble so! "Corne loser-sleep-f'orget the.frst- Think of the morning red- Our father and aur mother soon Will take us to their bed; And in their waim arma we shall sleep.» Hie knew net they were dead. For them no father ta th e ship Shahl with the morring cene; For them au mother's losing arma Are spread te take themn home: Meanwhile, the cabin paFsengera ln drearos of pleasure rmain. At length the arphana sank lealeep, Att ou the freezing <eck; Close huddled aide te ide-est-b arril Clasp'd rouad the other'a neck. With beads bent dowu, they dreamed the eath ITas fading to s speck. The teerage passengera have ail Been taken down betow, And round the stove they warm their titmba Into a drowsy glow; And anon within their bertha forget The iry wind sud anow. New- moring dawna: the land in ight! Silhea ban os every fai!e! The pale sud quamy parsengers Begin thse<eck to pare, Seeking atong the sun-lit cliffi Sorne wefl-known spot ta trace. Only the orphana do net tir, Of ahI this bsatling train: Tbey reaetsed thrir hume thia tarry night! They will not stir again! The 'niiter's breahh proved kiad te thest, And ended ail their pain. But in their deep sud freezinrr aeep, Ctasped ricid lu eart, other, lu dreusathey cried, 4'The hright mn reatks, Home! homne! is here , my brother! The Auget Death bas beeu our -frieni-- We corne! dear Father ! Motîser !11 GREA T EXHIBITION 0F 1851. On Tuesday last a meeting af an in- teresting characher wus held in the Town-hall, Bakewell, in support of thse National Exhibition fan 1851. Tise nacessnry. lu so far as meit was con-' meeting wns rendered more tisa or- c....d, in his (Mr. 1'axlos) opinion presenco «èf bis Grace tisa Drîke of Devanshire and tise Enri ai' Burlinglon, and tise iteresting details givea by Mr. P'axton, iviti tisa aid ai' drawiugs, ai' tise gig-aulie structuro which tisa in- ventivegfius of tisaI gentleman so oppartuuoly desi gned. Tise ail ai' Burlinglan pieaidod arr -tise occasian; and baving opeued tise praceedin gs hy a speech explanatary ai' tisa oijects ai'tise exhiîbition, calied upan Mr. PAXTON, irisaias received witis louaI appIate. After a fewin mtrdue- tory remarks. Ho said tisatamnil tisere sans s great squabble in tise newspapers about tha site sud plan -f tise '% peset! enhîitlou, ho neveu tuiret!bÎ attentiou te it. He auarly tiseugisi that, us three of eurs teenean- gineers and oeus ba suteels sare tisa plan occupiad a sacandary position ira comparisan uts tisa execttion ef il, and whlicis would spesis vo liares ira fa- vaur oft(haeiýGaoeuty, parsaverince, and indutsry af Engliasmna hear, isoar]., Tise plan, -as ho isad sisown theru ras simple enaugis; butt thiai surprise, if they coubd faim any raien- lation pf tise gigantie ize of tlie structure, iroult! hc grant indeed uhen lue told (hem that tise ubole would ho covercd in by tisa leato Jannaiy next, and ho us as firruly persusded tisaIt it would beaccomplised to the day ns ho wma sure ho iras addressin- that* meeting [cheers]. TisaIt act abone would show thse skill snd lidustry et ~Engbfishraen [ciseers]. lie proceedet! s th IaItisbe galîery efthUe building dbe 54 footide, and wuald ex- eu a.distance et aearly six miles. NXow if, aler tise purpom e f h ui- bitian are answerec,t ivus <liauigit de- sirable te loet ibe buildî, in mraain, sud lie sincarély isopod that it wauld nat ho pulled dewas nor shipîsed te ,&neria if they chose ta lt it rerain, sec ta. upa onthse btuildinig cummittea, saine. de- qiu would ha praducad woxtisv of this grant cou ntry, and tIse purpase for wlîicl it %vais interided. It iras flot until disputes and complaints -arasa tisaI hae (Miv. Paxton) directed lis at- tention ta the suljeet, but .the maoment hoe did ha resalved, withnrtt bnawing0 anything of any otlier Ilan, ar aveu obtaininr ga-.prospectus, ta attetnpt sometlîiîg wlîicla lie tisaitglt suilable Por tIse accaisian. * Il iras ualfor bina ta speais af tisa marits of' h i designs; ha îvouldjbave tise uraîimaus selectiars af tIse six well.qualifled gentlemsen irbo acîod ns tIse domnmittee ta speai fori ilseif [lîcar]. Ho would confina 'hlm- self tu a feNw particulars regarding tIse dimensions and canstructiaon. TIse building wvould bue 2,100 fel long by 400 braad. Tise centre aislo woutld ho 120 foot broad, or 10 foot tvidar bian thie Caonservatory ai Cisatairortîs. WVien lin cansrenced dcsigning Ibis building, lie kruex that sa vasl a structure ns this inust nocessttrily ba ruade as simple as possible- in ils de- tails, aise il wauld be impassible ta carry il eut. Ile thoref4r- endea.- vaured ta moka it Up %vitli ns fewv detauls as possible. The glass and ils iran -supports camprised t-e haviolu structure. Tise columus tvore pra- cisely the saine throrgliaut tho building, suad svosld fit every part; tise anme mi ght bu said of cdi af tho bars; and ovory lpieca isof 'theîainme size, namiely, 4 foot lonig. No nun- Isering or markirsg wostld bo required, anud theso ale svould ho put togeliser like a perrect piece oft mnchiuery. Mr. P'axton exllaiued tisaithe ba vter is hrougbt dawn -;alleys an tIse roof, and lisoîce om the tsacoltims ; iriaI the watar in no instance bas fartber (lînu 12 fe ootra nbalaie il is delivered int tIse valleys or gurters; and thaI thsa shale is an constructed as ta carry the wnter outsida, and tIhe ,candnsed wator iiiside. Theistsalding is divided ino broad sud narrow caacprtaseuts, and by tyiug thesc oetber there is litIle Ir iIe crosatisosfi'tIse centra ta carry. Tisa building is entirely divi- dod ino 24 places-ins AoI everytising ruos ta 24, sa tîsat tise work is muade ta square and fit, witbaut auy stuall de- laul being IcIlto carry oui. Tise nuru- ber aof clamarn 15 foot laong is 6,024; tIserearae 3,000 gallery bearers; 1,245 wvrought.iron girders; 45 mises of saab bars; andodnaermillian, seversty-tisree lhousnnd, savon bssndred and sixty feat af gInss ta caver tîso irîole. Tise silo will statnd upan uîswards of 20 acres of grauind; but by an arrangement aof lis (Mi. Paxton's), tIse available space irnicis may ho afforded by grlleries eau ha extended te abouat 30 acres, if - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - xliat- a puipoea itarsigsuht ea pplied. Tisare iist be ùmade an excellent car- niage: drive round lte intanior, ns well as a road for aquestrirans, tv-itia tise con- tre trtstafally laid ont and planted, sud1 t lien thora tvotdd 1 uearaty six tmiles af roam n the grller ies for a promenade fur tise publice(ciseers.) Witb reg-ard, ta tisa ventilation ard lise rmys of lilist, ha would say that tise former rais s very pecaliar part of tise plan. Tisaý ilsole building, four foot round tise bot- tom, wili. be fllled wits botver, or -me uffer" boards, se pissced ns ta admit air but exoluda nain. On tise inside af tisait tisere wili hean cauvus ta move up and dou, aud in vary bsot ireather it mray b a taered, sud tisainteriar Sept cool. The. top part of tisa contre build- ing is put up almoat antirely for the purposas of ventilation ; and ho tisaught it would lue found tliat if ho hrad errcd ut alil i respect aof tîs menus of venti- laition, tisaee vuld bc fond tan mach, nather Ibsan 800 lithie. By-cavering tise grealer puartis te building wuts esu- vas, a gontlaligight woli! be tisoun aver tira wholebifldisg; and tae.wbole, ai' tise glosa at tIhe naîtisero aide of the burildinug vauld give a' direct light la tise intarior. If mrealigits wnstantcd, th(se mesns of afoidirs g ilt %ere prouided. Ttirais, li sioilAruipossibia ta devise a plan btter clculated for the pttrpores of' iglît and ventilnatian. Sinea tIse contracl isad -been taken by 'Messrs. Fox and Henderson (tisa liraI named na Derby gentlemnan), ho iad suggested ta tîreru a plan by ilsicîs tiey raigisu effeot soea ving of axpansa, sud also pranom tisteir canvenience. Ho ne- eommended tiserata ereet scafold psles -liv the side ai' tise caluruns ta support tisa can vasa, and tisas tise vorkmoen tvould hoe nabled tis cansntr1e seir, ding under ils sibelter [bear, heur]. In coud asion, ho maved tise appoint-, ruent aof a central conrrittee tfi Bskowell ta co-aperote its lise sur- nouundiug districts ini promoling n projoot îu'iich lu ils effect upon tisa intarest of Ibis country sud upon tise world se large iras aeaeaof tnexans pIed usagnitude sud importance, anad ugbt to bava tise iearty co-penation sud support ef every friend la isumuxu ir- pravemensanî sd every lover ai' bis ltind. -'(Mr. Paxtons resuied isis seat aruidst 100(1 ciee*.) Tisa f<llewing are tise speeches aof the lion. H. J. Baultos, anud Peter Perry, Esq., at tise Pickeriug dionei, for wirbci me-a re iudebted teathe Patriot- Hfôils.,- H. J. Boultoua felt iimseif btnd te aurcîer Ibis toast, whi con- ferred s double boueutr on hlm, nlisaugi tisera tvna a geastielunan pies- ent sahom, tise people of thse Tisird Riding had a tucis baller tille -t eaes. Ho alladed laetise independent, striaght- forirard, up-ýta-tise-mark mua Peter Parry. Hisad no isesilation ila my- ing (bat -ha sas indepeudent, strihtig- fanuard, Peler Perry; fer ho had knowu.i hm for yeazs, in Parliament ano ut aof Parlamaut, sud ho sans alwnys tiese me. (cheers.) ,Ho dit! nat saiss ilteoho understood- tbat is saying tiat, ho bsd sny deaie te pay a compliment te iiseif; but hose n »tii tisaI gentleman isat, on all cme-> .si=.%ahosan hianseif te ho s frieudt t tise - li. nersa (hA 1esty birusaîf, lie w.s unlike sorte. of thoseq ini whom the peoplo of Uppeà Canad" had faîmerly repoeed (ho Iargest sharel of -Sanfdenc. Reo eanat tosay thatj lio did flot believe PRospon-sibte GOV-1 es'sment ta Le a finglity; hie believeci that it ought ta b te.sod es g means ta, attal nand. (cheérs.) It aught ta' bo used ais n anus tlancoMplisis, that greant olitical abject iu whicta. le was confident tlsey ail fait a sincere in- terest. That abject tvas ta, maire tisa Governmeat bow te thse ishes efthtie people, xustead of 'mnlkiug th ise plpe - bow ta tise wisaes of tise Goverument ; tu malte tise mirlistors eof the, Crown- thse servania tise people, as thety are in his A&s caintty, instat of be- ing tiseir masters. (Cheers.) That was tîseir abject a 'il tlae trne; but what wns te fact 'IThse Goverument fait tîserselves at perfect liberty te carry oat thoir awa viows and principles, wvietiseî thcy suited tise à terests of tise Province at large orradaaa thons, a muan of isigis standing, and beretofore laoked an as tise 1Higi Priest of Reform, had dectared, in bis-pros- osch, au tise laar af tise Hause, that holi did apt cansidorr lie was bound 'ta carry ouit tise wishes of tise mjarity," bacause hie behieved tise majority very information, af which na daubt, ho considered iuiseif tise sale recipient. But lho beliuved tisere was nat s man listening ta hlm tIsat moment wlao -us fot quits as well acquaiaîted witb tise lutereists of tise Province ns the haon .gentleman ta whom hoe allu. dad, & there are msny far mare capable of carrying tisem ont, frar tise mare ful tisait thoy were practical mon. He liad slready observed tbat lie looked on Responsib1e Goverument merely as a maos toanauend, and lie wouldtlal tlsem tise rerisan why itfailed. Il was because thse Goverunent duriug ils terru af office got mbilt s owa hands tise atiro contrai of the public chest, asnd tise entire officiai patronage of tise Province. They could do wbatever they cisore-tiscy cesld carry oui their own viaws ais every point, end if any one weîo hardy enougi tua appose them Sho was cisarged at once witis beiug an enemy ta tise Admninistration. Sucis a charge bas been miade against him..1 Ho wotsld givo tisent an instance. Tise1 wlsale province wore anions ftor je- troncisient, aud asked for il. HoebaW irtraduced soversi rasolutions mb to te Hause, for tise parpose. et oA-rying eout tise pepular wisises.' They rejeoed every one,, but hae wotid be botîsid ta -sny, that if hoe propased thetu irs Clin 1meetiang, thora wenld netbo a single dissantin g voice. Tisa Cornrsmittee waicis tisey had sppointed, and lho would uts- *dily admit, tisat it was a veqy fuir Com- Smille., was a moe blind te imapose on sud hood-wink tise people as to tiseir real initentions, Thoy wisised te make (il appear tbat. tiey weîe disposod tu . grstify tise wisises of tise peopile, when . hey hsd frll ry elved *te defest hie »whalo tising;. Thcy nover gave tise 1Comasittao tise slightest assistance, .their adfiserents abseuteil theinselves& t ram thse discussion, and wseu tise Coin- ruittea 1usd comae te adeaision, founded, .On tise meagre information pIaeilwsitis- ['ina bhi reseis, (bey came dewn ina* bondy aad veted sway tise enlire repact: co»sé . Ifc f the ybe. e.j9i i î but Zisat 80ft18 retenums, wltieis-aaW Mai, Whig, Radical or to#y witdbè* pgerectly wilLaug to gante, tpeç4«b cause tlaerycoStti&Wgý nlm-tbeflîl part of the spritig, lie. pre ta intruduce a billI- ta reuèù egnment fram spendiug s»y o af -the publie ieeveuue, without aspaéï fieappropriation:by tise J1oei80, al3o, ý W prevent them'frolÙ @lXwting a pù,W ta -auy'publiëe ervant» tsuitil tise p.wt6ii.' -siens of sucispublic sesatnt Wld,,qA disçus4s' eovLmybI~- Itwas scarScly credible1Otiti1~ç~~ faut thà:tthey vonld fO RO-i read ai first tinte, fur fear the puMIýt9D'. of tise verynanme ssuddaa$u. They knew Pei<octly well tisat wero safe, beesuse tise Houscas 1tp them iînto Offie ewould aeve o CI( toO pass a vote of wt0f cn1ideucetv UIe therefore thoy acted with ut1Oà diÈW~ gard, net onlir te pglAîç gopiniers, IV,I>I the sentiments sud views they theïam% selves expressadet 'tise huatinge*. :lt any mua toolc (hem ta -tàds, IeOh, 'lie wss a traitor ta tise Farty."T yt4 llve or sixmon whô fçrnsed the-oehPilsî seemed to consider'thbat tisey vevo-Ih party," 11and that tise Iuse ILL te carry 'out tiseir vioWSwj 8q aq raality they wes' putt. iu to c&q *V flot their owhl, but thse wisl4es'cif' mnjority of thse People. iavingq4*~ much - rospecting-tise ýMiistq, m- -mmuld next- tjî svna atenteimsw question £espetig thoMght <'. Press. la his opinion, next to fme uts stitutius, the greatst e leing co0iseý red on any country Wea tise O$%* of a frepress, Thse1tpr oe fle ruade a Ilittle toc froe,-it _Wi trué,'WItJi otiser people's chaxate0, an& dbu"& theru ratjter more than ±hleyighiuld4; iut stili ho could net refuse it tisaI M wbich it was.justly entitjed' . Tise fw was that notising kept sUiba-check, On ýL publie <ia au tise knowledge" tho* a1omne dcvii of a jprifiter was consteWutlj ou the watch, sud if ie ewuld dçkwA thse sightest slip, instead etofchsitfly, eorucauingt, w nldiutasitly tckit in lis paper. Asa afftter of coUMs"9 it were a tising of any conaeqastCoj-it Played thle rveýry.devil; but _he forgýtVe theru, sost heartili, as long as the# confiaed tisexselves to tise'tratis, ad dîdn't go Put of their wsy to sl4de et calumniate. A ree N'0,18% Wh4MPtlr perly governed, was eft tAe gest#MiM*- partance, flot amerelY te t&0epeopl. ,bit also te -tise (ov4ýrnmout. It wtu >as i mportant ", an indePop nt is..- of great impartnce, but whea hhu*Y iwent together, it was hDPÇssibIG Df« Sm isgavrnment iong te o)unoheolïIa If any oe e anied onerntions1644 1 ok at FraunS, wlaer e Ise ?:bU upset Cliaries X, had apset rlotiw lut. lippe,and would very pessib1yu1lPÇ Louis Wlissparte. -Theiuuenee t Presa -being. se gzel, lie tisugi eliM espedient tbat Llsey ahefld110001tM within tise 'MIoflseParliseýt ù'~~t~ port lbe proceeading% but MthO Mfss# lime 'ie was boand 1te.11lisem ' a lswyer,, that they huadno legal riOL thora. The lawof the idWU1 o sud distinct on (bat point, &n& il WOOM be impossible tô Change t b ý0 - àtd iii itfr. CsWumof &'# *àwt% to the 1 [djnarilý attractive, owing

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