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Whitby Reporter, 14 Sep 1850, p. 3

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v 1~ throwfl suddenly to one aide, and 1lni. pash wve are sorry to say was projectedl fromf her seattb 1jý4c groutid, with sueli geeiy 1as to cause lier left arm tu, be broken. BUILDING SOCIETY. At a mèetinlg leld ýat IbIdc, in this village, on Thuirsdu y evý-- ving iast, furthlie jnîrpose of fortimng 4 $oiety, untder the naitie and style dlf the Whitby-Bufilding -Socicty., B. Freyl Bail, Esq., wvas called to the 'Chair, and Mr John I., PerIy was njî,oilàtcd ise cretary, when thte following gentie- ,Mfenl werc -uinatiitnottsly ehciü i) ircc- tora, v iz : Peter Perry, Jaînecs Xala ýjane$ owc, iRobert E. 'Pcrrv, IL1. V Danies, Z.Butrîliatiî,. nn Itil. J, u- dônell,.Esq's. By-Laws we're stirniît- ted and à'provcd of,;and will be prli- -liehd for the inibraiatiun aand bueit of' -nenxlnrs, and otlîvrsi w-ho iiiay. y Svll to j011 te Éociety. The shares will le £50 eaeitî; nid îîîcnthy istalinenli, )s ; giving tif, oý ,meclianies, fCrnièr, ,and ut lip rs-,ait casy mode ofire-Ijizîïg '- arg tîîi ment-y at the terniimiatioîof- the, sucict v. The- 1trujîLCtLi ttiiI y-Lws ~il1appe-Qar Ii THE JENNY LIND MANIA. The mania ini regard to the great singer rages bigber titan ever ein New York and -other easter i duites. The Telegraph repoitof Saturday evening announced thatait aucÛ.on &ale of ticket» for Jenrîy Linrdes tlrst Concert took place that înorn'ing, and creatod greal excîttnnt. 'L'he finit was knocked dowun tu Mr Gertin, the hattep' in due -Idst of Ioud cheers, ai the extraoiditiaiy surit f $2;tlîey %ýfre aitcrWard» sokilat prices varyirigfront $18 Io $2,dependiflg cil courre upon Iheir -titualiti.- ;lobc. TJIL STARS AND STRIVES IN Tit lVST.- Information bas been reccived héi4, hy-telegraih Jtor charlestont, staîing that IîL epleu cf tiiat cil y aie furiuus at pasin; the Terr itorilibuIs. On re-- veipt of lte news, a public dernuonstration was gut up, un.d the tlag o f our unitonttranip!ed urder 1;ý;4i. M. eriigs have be-nci alle-i in a itutriber ut d!Sti:ict.4 of S. Cauýoliiua, bo take action on Ille lires- Cpt State 0ef allhiiiuu. Th'e steamer Y. u1, which le-l itiii tpbt'e Iwo 11;Itl;st ine-e, or tuoie-, 1cr Calitjit. ut, a%11,1 gui Eq~rasliuadh.», svas obîi4ed lu te-ituti arti coîisetl iltulec Of a bai l uai, cauiseul hy a Se-i ius (A vcly leavy galcS. Nl 1ie Icîtcuiat:dtaan andî 13t, îxuda. ht iA j, iaied, oni the in d Muî:iînity, ihat il i3 thuPý itlteitîti i i nny Lînid l give tur sluare ef ibe- rin 'ilts oflie-r ft coer-ut tluts ng i anotitut- to-g v;) CIte'-ushrty ntie 11thai $e50QOt t< Ille vurlî- e-us e-la1ric i- t, Illue oii f'Ne-w Yui k, a a ile- iuul ttaie-u eAluie-iO . Cuitî'î~-Tbee-xis nc e <if coJpu4r "me-, lbt.e-y ii) y te-OI a liigii ptr ottge f In-tai. his bit-u utu tlt~ a tétv 1ay'q..la te ititati t , c- Ãœ 'crv -e1 -- . fuiu xls s ilu u1e. 4~u te- informiation NýviJllube tIi" 'îîly uc-tii tti:iit u-i- - isa4tîen.~e t f seeretar' ut' tue i t iî art uIàs & c- utd t x.'ieeiiuvf-v-it lu thiose whio înty w: tu be-'uAic" ttUu a mlinemb rsf trePi i spar k avey fitit! yu:c, t em - g.e-nase.Thîî'e Ëi a! ut-,groiiwu~m, iare x \Ve hav rî-ee~-c-d uit-th-r 1&;ltr uîtly 'a lat. - Il aseiw t-neai.s orimuuuue-ut 1 f ition iii -I)tblishtitg w1int w e s:uid 4we c luui 'ajse ' ace uii-uou Iu iuut i my îîîtderstuod tu- lw the suere-ts cf aiî's 1clii a - "ig ia uïp ttjlcu tuiuui L isety. Ab Otur spa~ce î vin iii.t.C>li] lo u-' --i ' fuiailcç Iiie luy.i - harq tcr te-ia h r±tu 111 t îr ut' nr 1iii t'Lb:-u I it 'Lhi iatite 'kLu c .Je i'u-i lie rt'aders, n-e canît t givec It a jîlaee î'il o'01lu -ii ': u etfu.uî' ici Vi a;d lîa u . iit»i uîpoi,ît 'dîty lu thIî t illie," ' tîd:a I As i;--tu ft'(iell- ît'î lue1eiea f say3-ý llbi rteriofi'the $uîîs,ïAf 'Ikîlij- perance -ace buîînid tu b il 1111 fi 11t lu w.- i o iun galt£5Iii' t nut li nother oiîlin cirrying , tut tuie ri- Cuitai tloiuiù ;î;tîut il, 10 [je- ofito m.e- lu the - . ileCs Cuttained iii tiei r ctîsb.tttiti 'îttUtuT',a tu u:; a tlt g<st11utlc l and by-law's %wlïîih tht-y lhave jtlA istil v. ii-escst i t'or siiji;t-ritte-. -bu 'the world, but just su suon aW4ts tt)Stl~tt.,ta itu>!X sv -u n.iltt r p ri uciples -tire violat il by anu bfrOv of-~ aty-im u uci.lyioi ua - - hi Soiet, bue -îîînolityara 4-luî1-ul i.i-£37,7W) iau ti: sha pe t (,t4:tonuis te-"eutue. J'rontthi-ir chintuu'su>111r ais thi le ~ '1cte i v itli titat li.artletllar tThiiii 1-tjttu-)u"uuisduy lati, Jatte- e-ca jr- s cmcrtd Thtis c-Ž.raet, %we. thliink, o!e1 hesui.sttul- er tort, a boy c(ÀuX e- icui ilressîuîus ttt iiay bave UbetD <J - fQrmed frcun ou r rcmtruai of iA' nuai 'u tO L~AD.Vuw-f u yorige- Sticttual icl uît5le-yseil i l flue u 'a tii a lub!,:-bliti -Igurt , diilu i ad e-tii!wa 0 IIlR RE s il 0 S.,1D E N C bpo'iutd l tu -ntetrEi iil lib TO tteEd!itu'r ù ( u Il;8y uj-rr kdl;yUiIuuutîd ytail?( euu du i - -$a,-l fi i h ttiry nine 1is u'e-d e-iaUnlutàu ly' - nconrretion vwiia Iet»:cn foutu Mm. r-nte gwtc ppeartdinu your la.st we-Qu Iapn u - ; Iis village-. I trai at--n il dcf' b(ýei t11-w mIre- pUller auJdus aiînî ,ad Mr. K; n111-ode-Jde Puppet lu hu charire-sag inst tlue 1iN istiuatial that iciter mah-res, auniaaat ed tlu bc vîlituýe -oitIheso gi ou ltdig AIlow.-me tu .,ont-e fi.a!1, rt nuoue'-m,- mlr e'ue t louglut itin e utlt;ni-tuim i i any other, Came, freri imur. S;> lai a~iîtu Mr, K. ada ou i$ is aturoe-senziblly; ait e-e-4 1 'b-ave noue whatever ii1>1 -utra ul:finwitîu hinu cm bhat hébias dunq. M y opinioni of the ge-neral tout <t c th'c proc-e-l ingut taken junthé ~paht by ihue I isiFiouu, , 'a dlict- pertable exceptions ji ilie case-s èf sortie tri>- beràý, is sue-b, that' but fo'r the- haut ltai 1me- pe-c -te pbl1' would have taken tuic notieof thi6 înatter, but have truéate-Jil ns a'4-he i my att'entioni. .I1do flotlthink it %%îurth rny wule-, fhu -even necessary Were 1 i ilîu, tu apeair or mite boultIbetti, conviuiccd that teir own COurýs anid lte $taie of-lieir bîe-mbe-n-dtip aie thebe-st cvi- ences of tb.a aouni of' their claiuýun lthe cut- unxty. Whilby, Sepl.'nber 12, 1850. To te Edit t- of thte W'itb Repurter.- $aai-By reflue-st 1 tran-smit to you tbe foUlowin Wulutions for insertion -in your papei-, uhicit res- nitions, were utaarimously adopteti by the wWby iviion Sons of Temptrance, on te evening ot e f11h -miiit. Resoled-That an article itavirig been pub. shedl iii thu'WhilbyM Rporter of lte 71h .nt.,] Inpeaehing the motilves sindl msrepresou[tin thein me.oeinçs of tItis-Division. Ir is witit feelitugu f deep regret taI WC bave dioçene-i an ilidivill- al ainong the brottierbooul ni the Sons of 'mperance, sa l1tonour as tb'%,%rite, mue-h mm s ' lih sncba tiuue of misrèprebeittttion 7ved-TtatIbis Division has 110 dispoui- @yven theug.h il were deemed palitic Io enter Suty iSwSpaper diseuits'uni but if any brolter him.elf aggrleved, an ap)peal to bhe Grand t onofout Order, i. te ordy'legiîumaje p sid iviio' bengc*,>npuaed ot Rep tâtLes ftom eact suboidiriatel Divisidrin l Ite viceo Canada West. W. ROBINSQNÏ ILR.; Whitby, 12th Sept.# 18w) 8 Và mà RyJ- *hIIYSOALÂCOMITTD.-The pTtonetri, ,TalbostanSa xloa, were brSae up on theo MORE .Làw RrEFQXI.-Last week the Court of Qiieen', BDenebt granfed wflat is called'a rule nisi against Adam, Henry Myezs, NL P. P., tb show cause aI lthe firit day of next Michaelmas Term wby ho should flot he struck off the Roll of, Attoitteyiî of that Coust. We Iearn that the cause of the attove rule hein- granted wais the ap. plicatiori of MNr William Ràbertson, of BIelleville, fur wburi i Myeri kad acted as Atiorliîey. It is said a veiy seriotts suit bai a uhoît time agao hceui de-vlded a-ainsit tie latter, an.d ibat foi tiome reasoiï béiti kriuwii lu theJudiciaiye il ducs fhot appfetir ini the 1l.ports cil Queerîs iEîi-xmnr S uii Eit '.v i xLe1N 1IN DIA X,%.-Ntéar 1he town c-i WilliarnsbiUg, Jtehî;sen Co, is %%hat triighl bo caIIed a subterraneaui lake. A gentlc-m4nî tht-je lurin a %%edI, au about tbe dcýp1rt of thifi y led, afier pa-.n- iri îouugh ie or bix le-- of blui; h cartit, ltlîeuht it soulidcà iuolloV as the nî;itie-c.k wwi drivît ib ili. A snalal stick was t'orced dewNvi- warul;i ~ei -ght i:itlics, uii>itih itlî aa stîcani(A' %wabe-r gî;sled toîtti fie or zix le-etIIi 'ueai ely -i aid h' e e-e-cd Iun- sui face'm h-jii the- but- loint-ý 'Ihlt e-I bord upaiJdý, and a volumte Wc v.~~~ ai, Th- c4' u.e-bt~e he wat'±r lbas a diagrcuile dor au., utis crififor arly puxrpo.ýe-. Se-u'iaI~, ofc s I't t aeod 'ae-te tj uwri oiit. -BURGESýS & -LEISHMAN, W0O L & 1- AN» R DT AILy CORNER 0F KING& CHURCII STREETS, AD3OINING THE COURT llQU$E, p j BAVE ON IIAND The Largcs¶, the Chtspeatid th9e 13!t Assortment bf READY-MADE- CLOTHTING & DRY GOODS IM C.X.idWEST. CLOTIHIýý, CASSIMELIES, METNs ~DGNRLDY GOODS, lMIoPLrEu DIRECT FItOM BRITAIN, 13V OURSELVES. GARMENTS 3ADILTJ ORDER tiF EVEIiY DESCRIPTION. P41118, LONDO X. AND NE W ORK FASUlONS IIECEIVED 1MONT1IILYU TIIE JJS T ./PPRO0VED S TYLE AD OP TED. IN ltEfF READY-.IADE CLOTIJING DEP,4RTMFNT WI!L 1BE FOUND Met' ineii SummnerCoats 4s 4;NIeWsllack Cloih Vests, 7à r), 'teedLinenl do d,6 3 blaclk Satin lu 8 9 di) Icleskin (du100 i (3 " ancy do 8 B4ae-k A'iau-a 41u l Liuucui do 3 4 Busrîlmî do 13,9 " uny do, A*44 (~irboo, do il3 a Velvet di luifici cCum l in-1 4 u Plt di) (!0d d 17 6 'i laele du liruau Cîoth (k) 32 6 Baraîhea fil c-<assinteie do .17 6 ' Toilenett do Gutta Percha dé 3j 0 u Cassintere and Tlweed dô S'lt'IllShirts, Lirien ercyu.ý;1)ii>w.N :ný-An ir>qlte5-t 'acs lit-ila .bnijued coîtolu shirti lie-Cure (coerone-r Il>in.g;, au Snaudiy e-vemmmuci .*e-u i çnh SiIk1 tfleî fiud l a von;,a.1, tily-five Yeats ouC age. lit Mlaim n. oui t iho 9!}1iistalit, tht. U!y of Izev. L1*!Io;I ln plakatrn oit !, -7,4 ic% le(AMc Ijy. pr h~-u. , - - >41 2 4, (Xu~, o;d - i a1 7 1 ' i; ( ".) i ýw-x -r rr Ci a jni - -f Lnd-ia- "1' I]t1>blic aie uPuduy cal i gaifor Fpur- VeiiiîIa k Chairs aîud 1w> odoî oîckirg C Ilails, On(! Meib air L' ate, as baid ILote %%as gve-n 1fur .to!en Ipreiq;efty. JOHN N. UOULI). For uu-da ui ofhrc o i jiye yeais, Iliat lara an',] on two riurùs ef Laîîd Auoitthe: Southi %V% of t- ; Lot No. 212, 711j Cî,îî., Whîibv. 1leiýe are e-lienut slud ani] a largo barti attached to %%litL lîuuyu i;ithu Fu i bb' t; out-Luatil. le Iju-m îije-e;1ii(1tuoIt«C-.iuis;'f iuqîe-tcu lIe sitilori t> tu~i :tîimîe e bugum For'mfu lbe-r 1Itftictl'tts npçtiy to the subseriber, Ill I- Oloti u kluuepn tu. Ce-w rxumneuuit e tutnled nuitl uuiked for t, ~(f(.CIF 'ai; ,ut;t-ileou.i lie bande-JIo tri nt, dmew .; Wîib,Žcp , i21 pîstrl and iuleel d tue- a. ;ukeeen auutdiît4 hi ti liuly 4îtlte si-Je-. N oî0%Ocaioli w as j Educational Lloetlng, Vlhltby, ~iî-n eruulia wut îîau il- ws -.t ' j EtorJihh -l'lACIIEI'S ASSOC1ATiON of lte e-ustudu, but 'aileii luiUe- Cotit Abu!e- e-aititi'u e-J1A Twnshuip cul %Vluiitly tbaie-,de-iued uluol to -befte' i~cti he- Ci,~al~e- :us ie a 1 mi ilhifii, lte-atievu! tiaulfu'4 ic illnugt!ci tu scbe fioll te ol;tulle!Aà ileMils Mili b-i),Jlil, ite-Muthe .h5 Ciipeil,) onThumrsday oi iiue1jUeIît-ule!:!iii iS-up sudLe- w-. te-ut- du' 2jt i lisftuut I10> 'eAo-It, . ~I pouuiv e-uiug;'.Nrtt e-e;cj,. 1,Cilidie-ti, Tcacriuu, auuu nd trFriendut -of Etluc'attoii geneically an-. etct-d1 ted IltuL-I! e>- nîuu LIy-r Cotncu.-lis Ex andul thuse -Se-ioQ1s wluie-li cui.t urIboi oui as a C,îei('uey idue- L-ie.a e -tînt iîsijuWfor îtbouti v. oIt, vill do su iin luait, àill ope-J. Me'srE. tut-e-trtiiîsbe-ii e-ifiutdtu ui~l;t î' fic uiiu jWuddel, Pituulç, Ormaisiun, Thomnua, Geilcje, A. 1' lÀnida las h~ -lxcet]e-te-yt 1Farewell autel11. Pei-niy, l-sq, as -wu-l 'utssevetaî suIs--ne iIuucu.OuiTe-actuers, art,- cupeete- to adilmessufi-ifMeeting. lift- vwas de-sp;-ire f V'rte iune lui i-es As rurfestmuii twîll ^be prîa)sidudoun the Uit'l hIolmsue atuy -iourishitug foo;1 'a alce- -i retîil, i a' ie1;-ýIl fur childmeil tc btiig EduardfslaadLxuuuui;uer c.ike, Li , luiveir jioe-kets, as they du upuon 1iri.u dadln xunz r.guiuig luScliooîl, suieelthe' m<e inun wîUcoetiue Tlhei gi.hiv aie towe'l aivtuuced autd 21ectill L'ortt twuIo lu lre fo'kP.: ýYie-Id iitus îuîy e-uai to iecenî expe-clationi .' . scM' . 'The cîcps li'i- ri are saiel tu bc abutudautt, and te potato -Iigbl, it elieve-d, will Le lt-si getitali lItit was auîicipated. Roçuutuv.-Om'icu.day riglil, Mr Jackson, wluu ba;s eceilly takeat the Aitue-ican liotel, ai the.,corner of Yonge anîd Front $ireets, was robbed of -a large amouuil of mroney iui gôtd andtitotùsu,' whiile ie- '.aut ableep.'rTe booty, consiste-J oft1lou ongtes 4 goldi'lua bag stuffédi wiîh balting ;- 67 .ovrm§4n ina another orali]buig ; thue dollar note-s in a &umaîl rîocket boo-k, andi a unote for $310 draWt in bis favQr, by Davidi Colvin,î payable Ott the 31 t, of Nov., 15.-Thete. were baken honni tder bâis -pu iow. aaddition, the tluluf haïd ideléti Mn. JacWksn's pocktts,trnd carnieticff-a goiti pentul case andi the amal ilv.er they eontiiid. Te' bedioom J dour bad leen Iocked over niglslandi it ,'as found . iocked in* the nuoriiirug, so ltaut Ieref wyao every rea- to beieve thiat ara eitr-ance -bail heeti ehijctedi'by thec window, whkhti could ho ea- ily'raiuuet by any person standing on the shed in the - rear. -i' Intis, as - in lte oîJer casesot rpob- beu-y, wbich hbave octiehe1e-nlythe wus no appearance- of 1bwîglîng twork; nor Was anay trace left wiih would Iea4 1 lte detectionI of thecrcumiaI. TOZONTÃ" INDUSTIAuL EXHIBJITIOi.-Therai wili but ite iun ibis cifr, on Ithe 23rd iatI, an- In-, dostria1 Exhibition, witb a vien, tlte eolle<lip of specimens of Natural,}Ii.tory, and te Arts and Manufactures of Canada, for transiuion btote world's exhibitýion la 1gand. ,lIneonnectioit with tbis the third aa$ ,W xlbitiosi of (bc To- Wbilby, thlSept., WO Cod ILdver'(JU4. iýavc 'st recciveul a tresQi supply tof PURE CO)LVER OIL, wbiclîI 1 wilI seil at a neauuoaablcu rate. Aug. 24, 1850. JAMES Hi. GERRIE, Dr-agg-it, W/subi, Village. New LUneo-of Stages TlIROUGH Pnom W HlT.BY 'TO' PORT PERRY T EAINGWhitby Village every morlitig- U4(Ssindays exciped) at Eigkt o'clock. catlinic at BJWOKLIN, PRINCE, .ALBERT, and, CR.iNDLE'S CORNERS. RETtVRNING:-Wil lea ve Port Perry a t Three o'4lock, P.31., calling aI the aboe;-nagied ?tý IÈasiengere comfng off the steamboat 4mnerka <'an go àcrth by the stage next moriting. Eoetrùs furn'8ked to order on Mhe Sh<rtest notice. - T. Nq, SCRIPTURE & Co, Whiîhy, l7th .&ugust, 1850. 18 Nlins àMole-skip 'Inotijers, LiuinDîlîl de OFatiey Drill do t -eedJ do Cassimere do D)ocukiii do O Buckskiiu du f Sattineti du -'Cloili <do uuCîmsinetî do, u~Cashrnerette do lFronts 4id Iciotit Caps 2s6d i Red I'lanîn-l Shirts sm C)6 Carpet Bairs anil-Braces ICatton jjixlr Sfiirts fIais Neckerchiefil, Gloves, Hosielîy.- J Fancy Caps DRY GOODS DEiV1RT¶IENT, 48 4s4î1 29 61J 1000 i))Musliii I)rcss*5 from 3s lAId Fartory Cottonts, front 21d Cation Yarn, fmom 4e 6d bndl îuur I.1utol11 i WhlitîeCotton, 4 slays i 6 pair Sou trav Iuorels 1 6 Stiripeil Shiiîtg S Ptilis, fas.t colors Sjie'uli;l Scalfs and shîawls Ribbouià and Lacets tie'aFiwn Collar aiid Necl.kîTiu. Lace Veils atiJ Fall,; llouiery arid Gkuve-s. acrials fur Ladid D rcesus, Ccry v'driely in ÙrleanlÇg Aparas, Luxtrcs, t'obourgp, &e. 1&c. ON TRD LOWMST WEC.DU.&LM WfMaZ. o!N 0 8E C0N D PRfZ' CI Corncr of Kinc; andi (JIurch t reda, joinin; the Court ffouse. âm.rî b Jîe 10, I80 "fi] S i»,rîb.becs i-ave ninst repectlully Io Tiîtýiriae lu iwheplibdie amî ihi& customerà. Ihat, Iîavin1g dit.püd (if lus ç!oek of -00d , he iutenids Io îe-tu'e fhui busiîiem, and takes this oppoituuiiîy oft iehiim iing tlîaîucs ui îhose imo k'srdly gave Ihrn thf if liberai patiuncmgediuing theute hastyea rs. lie abso lbegs b -tatu tlîat a1 i otestanud accorints aie tî:xrecîed t holieettled Car yin Sepîem ber ncext-, iiesut other arrang lnt ave beeuîrnde.j ANDREW SMITH. Coltimbus, JuIy 2, 1850'. 13-3m. -CAFLLETON LYNDIZ, WI1OLESALE )AND IIETAIL MýtANUFACTIJRFII 0F SOL£. UPPER, AND HAR1NEýSS LEATLILR, &c. Cas/h pfid for Il-ides and Skins, Wkeaty (Jats, Pots andý Pearl4/lshes. Whitby V]ar,7th Jue, 1I&30.18 WYest Sf dc of .lfarke.tSquare, T O-IlO NTO. WHîITBY-GRADINA SOHOOL, lIE NEXT SE iothie Whfly -Urarn rxarschoi wi' cômrnmehîce on Monday, tte 26tlî of Auigust, 1850, . ý AMESS UOD(GSON. WîIld Land to Lcaso., T HE %tbscriber bas A FEW THOUSANi) ACRES of Wilit Land to Jeas- in the fa Ilow- ing Townships, Riicli, Uxbridge, Vorthk GWii- bury. Jirock, l7aoridx, Jlfara, Ènli4 rsy-, e4, Notusêa, Collingwoudtria m,,e logi, a114 Ops. Thet most of thèse lands are of lte beu tuality, and Will ýe Ieased fora term 01 (rom' five bo ueven yn~rs,depending, upon 4he situation, in lots of Lrom 2o t Qý ac res each, Io any nue who will c4op, clear, and fence, ini a good and work- nuaailike trnannèr, withirx the stated time,.aquantity- flot Itý.3sthjari-20>acres ont eaclî loi'1. Ail letters, pos±.paid, deuiing ,inïformation con- e'ninq any or ithe jartjcular lots in eiîher.oflte' 'diove towouhips, will bsquâiwered witliout deiay., J. T. BUSHI.: Wbitby, Jlyýt,1[850, 1 L1dvanes en Consignments41 iles Io J-iy ALEXANDER- TIJIflINSON,- Proprtir- Excellent accoirmodlabioni for bravellens. Good $tinu *or Il orses. 'DIISOlU!Ion cf Fartnershlp., Patehpheretofure exîsting ,be wulen style.of Gauo. (cutuzi & Co., àa tii day dis.-; soîveil by m'utual con>enî. AIl dets due. to Ibeý firm wiIl be ' cullîee-ed by George Currie, Who cou- tinîues the business ii bbc samne place. JB, XWARREN, GLU. CURRIE. Ree, a st, 1850. GEORGECUItRI-E A N~ONCESto lte public tiuuîî he tas now A on hanil aI b-is Store in PRINCE ALBERT, ,Of every deictiptiWx required in lte coiitry, at Iow prie-es for Ca-oh or Produsce, ut-ta god pay- ingr customneruton cejt4. rulil afler barvesbt, when ho witi consider ait gccounts due unie" an ar- rangement bhas -been mpaclé for longer tdîne. CA9JI' P4ID FORU - BIaeIý Salls and ait kinîds of Grain, Prince AIhert, June It, 18-10. -93 Oshawua Reformer la eopy ,for îhre.- rionths.- Fe. 09D Edl DIEIBC1AIVT TAILON,; Xc. 98, King Street, Toronto, 1IN OF rTE- I, 0D E N AN. lESuthicriber begs Io Ca'aI the attention of thé THpubtlic- to- bis large andl vanied stock of .RE./DY-MADL' CLOTIXG, G E N E vA L 8LTA IE' O F e:ý Tiiiaty Porteria1ways in attendu boais. Pas3eligrsu anad their lugpge coi and from the boals free of chai;g.,o Pàrt Hope, July, 1W~. la tlhe inrmediale vilitiy of thft Baa Ofiiee, anid al l te Steaniboat landir i , MURPHY, Pro) W IlLLIA M J E FF1? AIGENT FtO, TUJE BUY WHIERE YQU CAN2VCBT OHEjAPIIST STQI lTILL oeIl slomes 27>per cent lower -W year's price, hiiving macleairr willl ône of the largest fôtsndries in Cane ONI1T BUY FROId PEI WVhile you. cari leave your money ini Market, and have a place where youz<ai lurrîiber, andil pnuuce.- 1 &-LVe TIL EX,ýORMýo Us EX 'rbaî the Pi-ui.rieîors have bo pay tbu t$30-pen tonuith, %ear antI te-at-ait -&a tx ess ,iccuisu-, , w hie-h t y fQr. Tbe-y come UJiplu ian - «Of tc telu dluar!i before lie Lhaut t'unî T 'he. arLm 3ari~o' httk- 'ahie-hyou bly firal'ediar# for cA - unies $45,jIB. Bryan will usd1 te gai, udt/t nSw fmpïcvigaittz. for $31), -viun? for $2-() Box andI Partour Si val iety, Cookldng Slost<S of ail size lions$, w)lich bhe wil i el in lapopox-tic Hjis stock of Polasi Ketbles. Coole of a supenior quality, cast witb h&le arc acknowIedged to outwear Iwo E and titere will bc a wvrittfn guaiminb (bey w1alI stand. The Subseriber c atenaiae in f&ting uip bis sto# f ontr,&c. lItorderto pleasebiù bast Iately employed ait expe4enrced uILtend b ,ail ordrs,- Terrns-C9sk or Çre, Lumbere ail sorts- of Produce, Wiiby iI~, BENJAMIM WhiipyVilag, une, 1850-.- eu- B B. will openaStove and tueuwx Ar- - 4- l ne in -Prince .dlbert,wsmet SIDDLE, HARESS; TI H Subàint-iber tai T above articles, whr cash or credil. 110, Whilby, June 7th, il CoaitVeSti, Pantalons, &c, &C, - toronto, April Wfich miltis allma* up -under Aù s o urnper- intraadlence, ho tiatters himpeilwilî be founi stipe- - 0 rior t-iýany in tL it iy, andI wiiî be soîd on citeap andi z'easouable teri. IVE and a1 P. O'DEA.. a wFl Toronto, May 2'9, 1 850. of NOItWOOI GEO0. B. W YL L IE, eïring. Apply - IMPORTER 02O? BIIIISH~NDFOIEJOND~Y000hZ, Ap;ril l9thi Whot.sanard ItetaiL 1$ King St. East, Adelaide Bildiree Un Nexl door la Se-obie & Balfour, , ,Pronlo, May, 1850. TtvrI 1tNo. 50e TONGE STREET, TOII.NTO. ~ ~ f -~[cession (f RE T 'fiptwed -zake P'EAUL ASIlES ionsigned X£ Montrent. -ROBERT B. LAWDER. port Whilby, lit AugusI, lm5. 17 BE misai I ,-K. S Il I RATESE 1 .- -ý -f - * , 1 1 1 ý 1

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