LtPew 1 Best Blill, rîor~s. 2deÃŽ"ea, 'IsacAnderson,,.West. - Flamboro. 1Best,li lof Flomîr, Coward& Park, aTliorod. - 2nd* do' Iasse -11derson; WatFlam-* 'Jwo- busiels of Wiater Wlieat, lIt -bltvid Christie, Dumfries. Qnd do Isaac Aadersoa, West * 1lamboro'. QW 1do *Clarksoa Fyeemman,'West TWN)t i*he1ï Whiat, B- . Wèese, ~2nd, do James Cov-am, Waterloo. ~tnm~-Ry, s, mc 'Anderson, West A mo * dptaini Shaw, Toronto., ?s-.Jesepli Pienson, Wlsitby. OatÃ-- Aimmea Patton, Searbor'., Iüdina Cora-.LJb Cubsck, Queen- 2asd do'. Dtuiçi Secord, Tomante. Tiimpthy Seed-l. Captain.Sbaw, Tu- linil do Js Thowassoi, Stamtord. .ChWer Seed lItE JonesStamford. '2h4. do;,-S. Parker, Niagara. 'Hýtasp Seedi1sI. Jas. Fewvster Ohawe. A à o. A. Ferrie & Ca., Dmmîvile Finý Seed ùt. A. Ferrie & Cu., do 2isd, de Captaa $haw, Toontao. H" a lt S. S, Barton, SRopsisabungli. 2ndý do George Bento, Londom, Potà éeslaf .'Willams, Niagara. Swidisl Tms-rail 1t Mrs. S. A. RotaI- 2ad' du Chas. Torey, E. Camdea. Civrret, James Hisicot, Niagara. * Mangel %Wortzsj lsL W. H. Coxweli, Torbnlo. 2asd du J W Rase, Willieihrb 2ne do Captaiia w, Taronto. - DAIRY P$tODUYCE. C4 C 'è~s latIH Rane , Dere.iam. ilnq-R Wade Jar., Cobourg. i'ir~û cfButter W lgeson, Hamil- 2 do;,Thompson, Stuniford. ïffi' 'de It MeNair, Vsughais. Majls$tgr let W. Weess, Anselias. bi rb 2nd' do C Torréy, Camdemn Eat. ard do "Rý Wade Jar., Cobourg. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Wo6den Pleugh--Isasse Maiidland, Etobicoke. *2nd do Arcli. Browa, Bnsdford. 3rd. do E. McTavisli, Darlington. 2e91*do Jas. mcSherr. Niagara. 3rd. do John Smith, Toronto. SUlSaIllplongls G. *Haveuis, Grntham. Pair cf Uarrows, J. Sasithi Toronto. 2nit do ,G. T. l*veà isBradford, d:do o<le do Faaniing Ml 1, lewis Hoîîck,-Mark. 2imd*de. M %WFouler, do - *, .3r4 deLBotterfieldp Oshawa. -Bône uP fo4r Threslser and Sèparator, 'i aBneekiia & Ca., Brantford. de $~tewart & Ce., Hamilton. do, ?4eQneenaon & Co., do C- D 4lot Wm, Nixon. Grimsby. 2u . , a* cwd8.abnéel& Ce, Brant-' Seed Dri, sud Barrow, i Jahn Dnn- 2nd do A, Swîatoa, Niagara. & Ross', D!imnsond ville. 2nd Geo. Snsitb, St. Catharines. 3rd IlBand, Stanirord. Two Hlorse Plestimre Carriags, 1 Pew *Uoss, Dr ùu meo,-dil vtle. '21ldfI 1,Jolie, Belleville. Fe-rni Harmsess, VWni.Stewa4 ýTpraslîô. 21,d ,o WEIL. <4ibson, do Carniage Harneâ, Wi. Gibson, dô 2md Win. Stewart. do saddie anad l3idle, 'MeGiveia & Sulli- îvan, Himiton. ýSole- Leatbei .Maclalia & Cumaîungs, 2nd 1U. Hlarvey', St Davida. atrd do do Upper Leartîer, P. McKay, Dîaduas. 21sd lJ gHrvey, St. Davids. 3rd~do d Caîf Skas res,-ed, Ursea Harvey, St.1 Davids., 3rid. ,.do-, P. B'Kay, Dads. Pair et .-lankets, J Pattersois, Dundas. 2mddo ~do (do grd. do *Wun Gamnlle, Etohicoke. Wouen Carpet W Gamble, Etobicoke«. 2nd do do do 3rd.,.do Barir& Brothers, Esqîse- sang. Coin1èipae, David FielI,. Niagara. 2ud do do do 3rd. do Thomias Dicksoa, Toronto. Fiannel 12 yumd-, Wm Ganable, Etobi- cokre. 2nd do do' do Satiaett, Jas RaSsei, Anviaster. 2nd do Jobn Gibson, St. Cetbarines. 3rd do Wns Gembie, Etalsicake. Home Made Flanel, John Gilbert Sydniey.. 2d do, Jacoba Baxter, Bertie. Fionie Made Sliawis, iMrs H McTavisli, Darlington. 2d do R MêlNair, Vhumghisn. 3d- do do do Futled Cloîli, Philip Gregory, Lotb. 2nd Jacobi Bà iter, Bertie. Flax and Hemji Cordage, Jas Fewster,l Oshaewa. 2à do' do do 3d do À Ferrie & Co., Duanville. Flax Jas. F'ewster, Oqbawa. 2d . do À Ferrie & Co,, Dunaville. 3d do Peter Davy, Bath. Linen Bags, R Me Nain, Vauaghan. 2d do Jacob Baxter, Bertie. * HORNE» CATTLE. ]DURHAM. John Howitt, Guelph. 2d do Geo. Milier,Markbem. 3d do Wrn Atkinson, Wellington Sqmsare. 3 year aid Durham Bull, M Jumias Dar- Sigton. do fo A Fergaîsson East Flaniboro. 3d do W H Dicksen, Niegaura. 2 year oId Biill, E Joues, Stamford. Yearling emli, R Wade Jnr. Coboîurg. 2d do G Millier, Yoirk. Best Bull CaIr, M Joaes, Darliagton. 2d do Hon A Fergmun. 3d do J Cade, Oshawa. Besît Duîrhama Cow, M Jonas, Darling- toni. 2d do Hon A Fergussan, East Fianibaro'. 3d do ýdo do Best Cev, 'RI C Gapper, Msajkham. 2d1 do J B Ewirt Dundas. 2 iltr Cýefe ,J B aCbr. I eold IleifeJraJ=' Coborg. 2d de do d 2d do J B. Ewant, Dundas, Bimil Caît, A Oamoran, Garden lalp 2d do D Stuellie, Vaaughan. Best Cq,i J B4ým'art D1nasa. 2d du «I do 2year oldki ejferdo do Yearlissg'1Ueifer <t-0 -do 2<1de do do d Heifer Cal!', * 4.10o -o GRADE CA17LE. Beat Cow, F llodskin, Guelphi. 2d do 3 Cade, York, 3d do A Oameran, Garden Islanid, Tîréee iear old Cow. T Davis, Toronto. 2d do Jas Wiliamns, Niagara.. 3d Jas MlcFarlamd do 2 year aId Heifer, T Hodskiu, Guelpîh. 2nd do J Shamrp, Stamfard. 3d do J Williamas, Niagara. Yearliag Heii'er, M Jonas, Dar!ingbon. 2d do J Cade, York. 3d do T Hodgkin, Guelphs. HeirerrCalf do do 2d M Joar.; 3d R Woodrufi Niaîr:-r;î. * To be cosinued. * NOTICE..- WE bg toinfrm aur Friends throamehout thse .Coîmtrv.mand mmii oiher persans whn mmmy wias tu SuIsribe for or Ateivertise in the Whitby Reporter, thatitM. R. 1V.IHAMILTOi h <r T'racelliri< .8ceet, llroisgh whom ne>' Orders or Canwmunicaions wili rereive asmteiomm. Wlity, Aumamat SI, 1850. THlE REPOIRTER I c1mam -isme. and! hink aemhing hîmmen ledif- ferent lu nie."ý-7eresce. WHITY, SATIJ1DAY, SEPTEMbREt28,1850. THE FAIR. AIl naccoants ngrree in stating that th( Pair tîsis vear, taken as a s-hsole, tai texcceeied amy ofthIe pneviams ones ii the 4isplay and vlie af the verioni uîrodamctsof ut r coun try. TIseroa ssm disorder or dissipation dmsing tise Show and ail eppeer ta Iseve retssrned lîrmt muore Iban even cons'iumced of ils utilily and of tbe vasi benefits whicls accrut ta lIse country fmont these mnnumal exhi. bitions. The seconid dayw~as decidedl 3 thse day o!' thé Fatar. At tara o'cloc], the amimimal address %vas rend by à . tp Wells, Esq., o!' Torontho, attse reqasesi of the Presidemît. Aftei su'iiich th( Secreben>' .ned the liat o!' prizffs award. ed, part cf svhicii sill bha tmnd la anotîsen columm. TIhe dimmer was wcli got up, and about twa hundred und twemty sat dowm ta il. Ail the usuiai rounds et toasts and replies wcre gonE tbrouagi, ss'itîshabtit le variationi froua whal la s sual on saîclioccasions. On Fnida>', the annual maectimsg for thie election of officena touk place initIse Comnaittee Room, on tise grounids, whrea the folluwing genstlemen were elected:- Presidem - J. B. Slnrks; First ie President-Thus; C. Street; Seconad Vice Pruieet-WVm. Nlttliie"; Treausrer-R. L. Denison, Secretry- George Bucklaad. At the requesi of the Provimcial Industniai Coranision comapéet genlemen wëne apiîoiuîed lu nct as judges ait tise approaciimmg e-,t baibition ai Mountreai. A resoluation ex- pressive ot comdoience witb the aifflicted fiamil>' of the late President o!' the As- sociation, Join Weteîbail, Esq., %svais îsassed, witls numerous others; andit was decided. that the next exhibitioa sbouid becimeid aI Brockvilie dnnisg lime third sveek in September, 1851. A ver>' hummarous aceount orthtie bal- loon asem t wbicb book place is given. b>' the s.Aiagara Milail, fruitswiîich %ve lettrn tbat haseended ta the -4dizzý heighteof twu or tuiree feet, and tAm Came douas«gaina," match te tîe anaoy- sace cf a large' comîcourse a!' people, who lied paid the Étim uof 25 cenits ton admission te the place f rom wiaich il was ta atart, and waited aigiatt or aime heurs, and somte cf wliem hsd aveu corne a distance ut lweusty and tbirty, miîlese ta ses it Mustza.-It la aur îsaiaful dutJ th*s week te record the perpetnutlb0" .'one c f these swml crimes. It ttok place ia thie early part cf this week, at a legging bée in tise toewmship oft Opa about twvo -miles fros-the tewn cf Limdsey. It appeans tisat a qearrel c- umned between a man ofthtie naine cf Pinnigm anad tise decetased O'Bayle, which, through tise intervent.ion et &ÃŽends, vus appureutly settted, with tise imual formaiity ofaà shake otisandas. -%me timeas fes'this, vieilier tsom ,some other prGv=ct eu or flot we have j îegoaiid and ti lve<ly tIsaI déal Finnià .n, we -tndersaaxd, Ioded ini Peterboeroug~h Jaîl iistriai ant the nglé-titiizes. UNITEDi STATES By -aconipromise billIoft1V wh ich lias passed -buth ]tots Uîîited States Legisiatitre, E ;roibited lseimig brq-a6litot trict ot Çoltiasbîa fursirale. ma(tt nsolislîed, oily the sh This is guod su fir ns IL guoes nienstire wlich accompamiieési it iniperative oms aIl tise free assst ii Ise causîmre (if tmmgiti is msore tliami eqiivalent for au taiSes gaiaidtri tise cause off JENNY LINDý Tise lateà t accqas ts rom 2 stahelliat thic pruprielors ofteve ho)at aind 1eairoad Linosetws York and Boston lhave jilaced t aiid cars at thre disposi ot Jet ini view ot lier approaclin iii lest named cit'm. Boston lxi York ia the adorationi îvlicl ii tiss gifled 1"clsild o!' aomg." ticket soid ini tlîat eily hrommgçhl aiura o!' $250. The total au wh.licliatise tickets xvere sotdi b. less tsaun $20,000. To CORRESPoONNTS. - is ratlier leugtisv, huit if sime mo wiih te the comîrar>' altert sol o!' ùme tortmer artss tsf lier of' thse irtnly noble htLd gesiermas somîgster wlsich eppear iin thi Ppier, wse ss'll insert lier col tion in ohm mext. ycaéued. lias been lI ta stand Ur Clay%;, ses ofi tIse slaves are 3 tse Dis- lve-trade. ;-baît tise t, auaksmsig States ho ive slaves ny advaui- ýt..w York ery steamîs- veen 'L4N heir imtah smmy Lind, ,isit to the cats New t paysate TIse firit tishe tlarge nioîtitir woîtd aut Frinces" ex ircsses tise permu- nevolemîce qSwed ish la week's mussnica- a We hsmve beca mqîcestcd to mnotice 0tIsa sssellod o!' isamkili. îlsemutuical charta proctisedl ly Dm J. Nmttiaîg, whio is mow deiivemimsg a ctîrse ut tectummes on plismnologv in the meighbimriisg -vil- lage o!' Brook]l.n. Dr N. mot mîaly nink4ms bbe size lof'tise varionisoris - vbrat they are, hatit als» svhmut mise> Yomglit ho be, by wviicls tissas svlo nssy kdesire 1, mwiii be nîadenqmîitctd witis etiscirftiîli& ,gsand biscrefome hetter ablie lin regulate tiscir condamet, anl etiîitivntc their tailemts toadvammînge. Tleicotires in Bookîin comsmence on Moonday eve- CORR LE SPONDE XlCE. Ta thme Edltor of th lhimehby Reporter. Si,-In one o!' yoîmnImilte papers 1 observed willî lleasmme, a notice ut a *Buiding Society' ims tiis place, and jaadgimag ftçom tise asasber ut Suaires aw.ner b>' parties in lîsis vicinit', ilas the diffememat Sucicties in T1oronto, 1 haeve not the siiglitstadronît haut tisai asie in thIs towsip wil' prove profit- able lhtu t» orrosver and lender. Su- claties uft tîis description tuasve stood tise test lis Englamd, wlseme nomey is coaiparatively clîeap, for the Iast 7twety-fî.e yeers, and in Canada tise> have beîs sanctiomed by> a generai taw,umnder wlsicli, wberevcr tise at- I empt lias been mode, as fan as my> knowiedge extends, success lias Javari- abi>' !olowcd, and. pantictitami>, as in lime casa ufthtie Wbitby Building So- ciety, wlien the Siseres are msaide £50 payable by tasysthly imstaiments ut5sa., as tuîey are ucih better calculated ho benefil tliaî.elass toinwhich the>' were more especieiiy dasigned, vis.: Fur- mers, Budera, Mechaiîc, Labourera, and Cierks in commercial and other eat.biisbnfsnts ut unali but reguter lincarnes, wiîe are dasiromîs of saving mone>', and jsiacing thenss,ýelves lnaa Isoition ta take edvaintage ut amy gond 01 sPortunîity o u mircasimg treelsold propent>', ut improving propemt>' already in their possession, or freeing it froua incunubramice b>' borrowimg outhIle Sa. ciety oan easy terras; those are thea par- ties who are chi<tdy imtended la Lbe bcnefited, anmd te, their serions conside. rationa these -Socipties panticularl>' recoramend tienscives. ht la but a short Lime since 1 umder- slesod the prnmciples cf Building Sucie- ties, anad 1 find b>' conversation main>' occupyino tihe semle position 1 did ai few months hack. qome stsppo,,e tha wvhule Share et £50 is paid ou the calmmencereai ut the :Sucietyad "L~ neitlser the Principal non profits are neceived tli the expiration, say sevea or1 eigbt years, alliera; agiaiiisk the metbly pes-remta ut 5s. uer Share coutinue 1111 tise whole amloamut isý paid, aire equaliy divided, accOrdmng to the nunibec of Shaures, l>etweea the Stock. haJders; and many other viowas, qDite asi errafleotis, are held by differeatià di- vidtîals., For ilimstratiofl I willi uppe youn hue ona, Slare l ~Wi~ flsildiasg Society, yoll-uy ons shilling anmd teb pence" half-leflny éhtiauce fee, five sililingss per moaia on- yomîr Share, and toutr pence pet Suaire aagemaen 1l tee.Assoasasîfiri outa- çtiniulates, a m-eeting ufttie Sharc- *holdlers'tîmtýesa Pla.ce, and*tha souey l olered iiLots o!'£50 to the Iigisa bitder, wlio paygstsicli Bonuises asle iuîks IL s wortli, it is repeatcd as tre- qucmstly as the fands %vill allowr, tilt froluaise acniîîlalioi of profits, on the aiaaonmt on tise diffluremît sales, thuere is saifficicaît to pay altishe Shares tisaI were sabscrihed for ; eoaîseqniently, thîe Society' closes, aad cach. Stocilsolder ; eceivcs bis £50, £100, or £150, for . lie omne, two, or tîsmec ,zares, as thme 1case mnay bitisat he has sil sscribcd for, Sapposing the Society wiil mrn omit in 1eigt years, wiiich, is ami outside calcul- laiota, as tisere are many ini Canada thai iili ternimnte mise soomer, yoîî Pay 96 mioatiily imstairsenls (8 years) .-£24 O 0 ; musgemant ee £j1t5 0; entramîce te h. 10d. 1-2 ; Total £25 13 10 1-2 ; and receive aIthe 1close £50. tIse amomînt of yotmr Sianre, Or £24 6 1 1-2 miore [hlami [aint, svlicli wonid bc yoamr Iîroflts.. Sîipîpe- -sisgr lthe saine sumn £25 %vus ]et ut 6 per cenit inlerest, thiegain in ciglit years wvould be £12, ws'len by mines- ting the same asolney ini a Buildinsg So- i iety, tIhe profils woild lbc iiîmwar.s (nI' £214, giv in - belter thisan£ 12 ons tat sasali sains ii] Iu-VOîir()flise Socjelt'- And lisemuantluer Yery impsjortanat .cols'Iderutimsi, isyWesî You lend £e5 1you lay cuit i((tise suhole «moment dam. erinîgltse su/sile ciglit ycars; bumt if :yoti takie one shmare in tise Buiîlding 1S0ciets', yutoul Y lay <oit o!' tiseise t'f £3 tise flrst yeaîr, £6 tle seconsd ycar, £9 'lie tiaird yeair, and isu)oua tiii ftue Sti yeaf, uit iVlaCl Ani.yo.m sill bave paid £24 îy lIse nîontlsly instaInmeuls, and yet receive doubile tise amnat .I« P~rofit tîsat, the w/sole sum w %olsid brin" for lise saille leumnîi of tinse*i3at 6 per cent iitercst. It is not te ise esîîsalist viontîsese Societies are îriscilimali y imtended. bo bemieit, but mcii o!'ssalit lascomes- insduîstriomis tradsoin-F-armcr,, Me- cîmamiea, anid Lahîoumcms sbo are dmsi- rouis o!' saviîsg nsoliev, anid ila-es- tiig il, as tue>' smve msore pimifilaily tIsanin m a Snviasgs bataik, ansd ai thbe saisie time tise>' have the powercm ti vilsuimassilii Ilmeaimaouit t li>' i-aid imu, amy himîse tusey cisuose, an' Ill he 1ris-i- -ee o!' borrowimg tu the exteamt o!' the number of Sîsarea tomur sîicis tisey stîhsribed. TIse Toromibo Buîildinig Socie-ty MiiIls Prospetus, slîoivima gtbelacmdsuas inses (if stîch Societis-s, uses tise tolIotiimg ian- 14 1. Emablinszîpesons ratsnaal hait regular amcoise.,;toamppiy a portion ut tiseir savinga towards ie acquisition ut îaroîserty and imdeiseademsce, svitia greiater mltirnsta profit than eauispossi- bi>' accrue frons a :Savin-a Bank ;and svitbhishis additlonal advantage, that the>' are ait aitlimaes inu u situation lu taike advamsmagc o!' aijmv deu1, îîurcisase of' lamded uropera>' huait isu>'present itseîf, b>' bormoviug tram tise societ>' oms the casiestpssiable terras. 2. Merclianîs, bulders, mecls.anics, labomern, anmd clerks a n. opsmercialt han kiîg ead riher estabishinaemsîs, are araong ,the classes Muaslikel>'thobLe benetsted, mare or less, b>'tise imstiu- "3. Prolînietors 01 Ibuilding lots Wilt amabied tu dispose a!' jropert>'1 wlsicb wotiid othemwlse reasaai on their1 isends for Yeairs, wihhout lsrodacing any ent on intereat wbatever. "4. The sheres being tramiferable, raemberq wimo, trra varionîs circuns. ataruiew,,cannot allow their depeits lu1 rernain the nequisite temgth ut time, mai> asaiga or dispose efthieir sires at any lime; and tise plircliase mav ometitneq L e amade ta advaatage b>' thse societ>' itseit, fur the gemerailbene- fit ut ihe 'merbers. 115- Tic facilities ia tise wa>' of ban are o!' sucb a maturel, tsait a pensum Jiossessed oetae amali sura, se>' trans£50 ta£100 (probabi y useless telsisa for Most lîracticai puirposes,) May', b>'meansa cfC an advance tram tise suce>,A fc acqatire a property cf five or six ies tise amouuit, or es-en upss-arli. 666. As institutions oft tis naturet have stood the lest ot a quarter of aC cetury's exenlreace in Eanglaed1 (wbere abusîidante ut moue>' ceuld pubic andt tu> int.laumUu ls a future communication, wlt] pecrmiission, I wilI show thepas*itic bo.rrower stands in, amnd by figuvi tactsprove the Bonnower, ina man stance, dces nat actuali>' payba terest fur bias xnaeyJlet atone 120 or -'So per cgePt,,as nhanyalîppos1- ASSAULT UPON RAYNAIJ, TEK AUSTRIAN BUTCHIER. Frisathe Lamdonlma u. Yesterday mornùag,- abortly'befoie twelve o'ciock, three furegneu, ou. « wlîom wore tlsemfselves et the brewery f Me,.,g, Barclay & Co. for thepu.rpose of ian specting the estabîishmen. Acordiong to the regular practice of visitenu tlaey were reqtîe%led to aigu their mamaaaa 1a book in the office, after which'they crossed the yard with. one ofth lra On1 18n81-Ctilig the visiter's *inook, the cierks discovercd that oui 'cf tise visitersa was no other than, Geâ eral H1avnuamathie lite commande0é thie Anstrian forces dliiring'tisa Huaija- jian war. lh becanie knoxi 'n al lover the >cstabisi mnîmt inI Ics Ihar twu Minutew; anmd seflire the General and his campe. nionUfs iad cressedth te yard, îieauiy ail tlle lhurers and dravaiemi were out iwitlî lronq and dirt, shouting omt Dowvn with the Austrian batlelier,' and titier epilliîets of atiier ai) elarming lnature tu Ille (eneral. lHe as suan tcoveri.d viths dîrt, and, pereciving sone of' the irien alout tu attack him, rami iito the.mtreet tu Bankside, fullowed t hy Iaimrte mi>A. coaasmsting of the brtw- ers' men, criai hieavers, and others, armier! illah ail sorts of seepons, witli % wliia à tlmy beiabored the General. He ran, an a ftmmmiic mariner., aiong Ban kside, mamîtîl lie came to tihe George f i'nblic-iioîse, whenîc, forcing itie duore nîmeam, lie rusiied iin, and proceeded ai) stairs into (one of tlie bed-rooms, to the ltter astonisiient it*f Mrs. Benfieid thie landiady, %vbo soon discovered lais naine, aa.d Ille reasoui ot lais eaiterimag lier liouse. 'Vise lirlouis nol>rusbed lun sufer lîim, tbreatening 10t do for the Ammaltiriaaitcam,"bat, furtunmatély_ r f-rIiii, thie ismse le very nid feshiinedf, -" andi comitaimîs a vast aumbher (if doorso u-ii icîs were al turred oipen cxcept that of Ilrimiii i î iiehe General wits ceilieaied. 'l'ial oi) îmmremsel et tisai tmnie tu sesveral Iiiindreds, muid Mrs. Beifie 1<1 ii-caaie aiaramîcd abiout lier Uvn iiï(biiwrt1y is weillès tie Geaeaui's lite. Site arc4rdîingiy desjiatched a ilesse:iger tu tise Sotlswe.%rk piolice sta- mÀila for thse assistanaceofu the ilice. andîin amimshort Ijinme Insilector Squires isrris'ç4l at the Geoirge wth a mimimber or' pulme ,Ãïùill aiireat difficuity dim. persemi ith iianad got thse Generai out of' Ilme hiîiit. A iwîliie galiey wasat tise wiiarf'at thie ime, inb whieh lie was lakemianîd rowed tewards Somer- set lloîmse. mnidsîtue slîiaîis anid exe. eratti.s oi'tIlle mi. sr. Barclay arc s'ery indignant at the cîmudliet the maca uid aîo doîmbt a strict inqsmiry %vili lie emtcrvd iitu rcsjiecting the or- galai of' the attatek. MU RDEROtTSIOT AT, SACRA. MENTO CFTY, AND RIJMOURED DEST[tTCTION 0OF THE TOWN. BY teleglra1îbi we ieeriî that a riot c.- cnrred on lime l4îi Aukust, occasmoned 1)v HIle attenmplt ho relieve sonie persans wVho iiasd ieen irnpris4oned fur "iquat. img"Ami arnier body of about 60 squatters proceeded to the prison sbip 10 release two of the paty who coaifiaied ami board. They' were eca- franted by Mayor Iiigelow audaumsa' bers et the Corporation. Au aflmay moon ecrmeaaced, and the city -wu aroîîsêd t10 mas. Mayor Bigslov was abat la three places, and died laà fifleen minutes aller. J. W. Wood- land., City Assessor, waa abat dead, and several other cihizeau were killed »id wounded. Dr. Robinson ansd a man amed Ma- lîomy, two: leaders of the ,aq tl&ti werle sliot dead, as were seveza otcibs of the pimxîy.