mn a 101qe thern. The tilove suapsance6 of the news as published inl thp 'San Fmosisco papers. lIai a the steamer %wnsf get1inuun- ier,wayt M 4 As M., a ý desîp.tch was 1 eceived o n -booird from %the, Petcîfic -N'ews o1fie,,sta ting thnt an express had just arrîved with the intelligence lat !ashes, and that jke squattcrs were re- 'coiving reiniforcerticnts frurn the Mines. Wc î,ndcrstand tlîat n1'osel Lind, in -taddition te lier nWInificent dntof oW~ednesday flight, lins al- tra<ly expentiedt pwnards of $i50iii >t.vate cliaritie-s silice her 'irr ival ini Ils S.-.sinc'c writing die labove we Ilaçveo'larned that MINTdd1p. Lind lins .1.pprt4riated bhe entire nect resuits of eier- visit te ýAnCra, '4îove'ver larg'e 'îhey May lie, ho the csta1llîrlneuot and vindowMent of' a system oÊF'rec chools ii Nürway and -Swedeti. Sehoc4 Sys-1 About five tliousarid ickets lix fthc second concert of ' Miss Liutd wedis-' posed of ut the aLlCtiofl vsterdav The ligluest lîriecerealisied.was tune idollairs, F and the lowest tlure-thle av cra-à e eng à boîutfouir dollars eacl ti(-ket; Tli osntfr wliieh $,22-5 %wre 1uîi 1the dojrst concert, ibrotiglit oml y 4-fi.olla rs Tlîee i nievilence, livever. that 4lucere is hs aîn t'juoI Ile tirs îîrevio.,4101wltr irt Mi"'-aîîn, l iluere i efi s iia <i>11 i iî'able ?ot 1lucar lier, if li-'ti îidt îtat. Vvu . .ic Aitiv l'oPi IloY.. P11111r 'ORT -4itOA l1t>t 11w lbwI teRe. A. d.Curot el Ille newl y a; t t'tiiil tI bnt.nt itl MontcsL, ati s.-tustar ul' 11Y lrii tu llii new vresisj e jct! tur4' sre' 'thut lie waus curtr'dliv ai11frv. 0111v' Thl'lxEfrIxbelleeis Lord aid ud; FItriin retuirù1ta ,>TnutontStrdv * rh ' To l'.rotot ~1iisf~trî.f lilîi t0redcl ýu Venem1av('velliiY2 luasI, in, 'hi City 1hall, aumid is 'or t WVe Ict&rtui llat ait ouranuisi$Ang 4(rse tliuves lihâve ~'bi ifor soilue tinue 'tnQr y tlte < Xre :111,idNiag;s.îas. I)u'riec,, iii I îfolbr.- .Patria NIar. :î . f'iti 'a rf*o1f i tmrin cf t.ii î nde r ind Ititi ;~aréhpsîî iriii is iîcar tIJL' Pv. M r cetstueva tnîck lfi thut-ec'm ind t hcil t trecetu the~ gale. F.mOrtun.utely lio more the"~gte-;oiL :nîl ts'-,sî'te &tu t'is, uuî~ ttirîug.ui. ac troîl .tck, staîtie, atd iea. Almlit p it&cijalles ocI gass îft 'ie helIuvr. %v~cere brokein 'at Iliesani uuu ain, l'tire ciiiie-ioil of ilir.- l nca/rjot M41eat, petr lieêl, Bye, peu tusîl- Bafl'ey, rer bîttlel,. Oalso, (oId) çwPn usîtal- Oats, (new) i bsbt;ei PaOw, ver bîellel-1 1îUialoezu per b'ustuai Pork, per cwt. - etrlb l1Iumg, pet~, Butter, per lIt. cheese, pat lb. Igspr dzé (j; 8'a 4a tla t) a '3ft 0cr Oa 6a 4e 4< A QUANTITY OFTIMOTH HA* Appi>' - H. J.MACDONELL. Whibhy, Sept. 27, 18u). 27 J. FOSTERe LADIES, AxD GENTLIMN;s- - NO. 4, CII>Buildings1, Kitig, Street, 'tROTO. 2-y C}iA RLI-E 8 B AK ER, XNo. 37t Kinqg St,'eet West, -1'oronto. 0- Ail kinds of Ship Flag. oS bnd,or mode to of«R4. 24-y' ý$D &'CO.,. OroterUé, gr£. 08te fl y -JOHN TUCKERP Ilaîrt NaIl, Tootiandot9her ,u"i; 8hUU, Bof-, falo, liRm and I o1Coms; Freather Outer.; Jeuuery; Ctey i ne;Prucey. Cologne, EsseneHair Gil, Tollet ecaps; Fans Facq BasketsPut-Maires, S,'gar CseNote uuvdl)ack BU!-look;, Pocketand Mënr&mandum Do., Gold anud WteZ eni, Meere &aan esld oth/tr. Pipes, Topj, Fancy G""d, 4c.,sIfc., 4-C., 51,Wellington Buîldings, KING STRE ET, TORONTO.. 24-y Opposite the Mlà rktKRing Street, Toronto. THOMAS TROu S'ON, DRY GOODS & CLO)TMIKCG B(JhNNE7'S, CL O.AKS. JLTS,.41APS. FURS, BOOTS ANI) 51101fS, 4c, 4c. WiIpLE.SALFî. & RE'VAIL. Toronto, Septcrnbcr, 1830. 24-y SUR ENPNIT H. AS Uihelionouir of anaounucin- his arrivai in ilToronto, with thein rtenfion of eistabliâsing himsel!i in the cily as aç Drsa-tci Dr F. teels counfident that Irm many ycars' .t'tdy under sorne ci the nioet cett-brated Surgeonl Dentisîs in E nglail and 8caîiand, and (raoi a sub- séqen.ît profesciorial practice af twelve yaars Ilit BrijiT-n, hae will be able-ta ;ive ample $,tisfaà ctiOn tu ail' who masy honior him with îhéir confidience. Di F. lias, tor tie îprescrit, rerîled the pr7enifes, No 40, Kin- Stit-et Wi-st, adjoiriitg the Cabinet warchouse of Ylc-Omrs. . îcqtt-s & lay, Mlucri ie' wil ii le found at alit houias rtf the ciay, devoliutg hirnsprf .xeisiveiy lu the, sevea!lravtchos 4ol 'l'o Onl. 18<>.21-y S T IR A Y El), >iLot No. 29, th Cfnces';sim1t, WIil"'Y I uit the 7th itmt.. a LirrI BAY'l<iSi tiv i,-',,are o!uf -4 j-t iudshiadu, two tiuid (ce.t auud "iiimut ls Jou i les, ani hnv'irîZ a whiite star in 15îY t'u'- 2~ttç.um.uretsiruunuigitch.' amm, or e n irilt ria tutt a t t'îd Ilu ili s .'o.eîy.wilil te re-. X'lr!S1A. .It 0l 14" F.i:(1 Barrister and AUorney, p)IZAC'rlISEIS îis profe'smutin, ail the Cotuts ai, eeqt Ile etlrh. 1 île w. ilpliicluashly attentd t'm arty ituu exi en- ~iU'M.-e toilu-,s are -nut he ('mtit',t1'eas' chtaun < ' m o u u : , î o l v e n t , ti r D i ,i ti ( j i t . a lb o o(JFICE - f)ur Y. 1"(l t hin'igSac 'ajipo i1e the N'w JIî's. uu/dintis. Tototîto, Se-p. 12, 1850- 23-1ly Do avorton. Tho rah. ItleREAND, BROTHERS C o. <Lie 3McA'eand Paterson ,- ('u.)* IMI()RFER OF'E tlly (;oor)s, Yo. «,s, 'K.rgý.1'Sthtree dours zetctof <Viir/t I. X71À V C L)r';-'t aIct the'- uttetioli ni 10tst-<is m li usually tiar ;einptlrautions lor ilit. s-naii,îîg l'ai ~s McKEAI BJIOTIII-RS & Ca..tire de- î<ro texteluidung:h.'ir w'hotcsale trudt-, :hey Wi t etihs jtrcl ije tîccms.-uisIruthat îis Impu teus, t4h)t, ngIleatteuition of percuitalourd faniiy plîcates Cobutil',tr RIE 71.11L S 10 cKÃŽ tfia <-u cnfisdenît thaI in poit t ut'juîaiity, 'variety. unft4eftl-ta. tw'ill ha fouid umsr,.e.aiby art5 +.Ouse ijilthe Isatie. lu 0. 66; Kiftg fste ,Toronito. -'.l-ilir13. 185<) 23-4 FOR -SALE. OR -lu LASE., For a îerm of titree or five years, that large and' weil ki,îawm as lte IALF-WAY HiOISE,,situale Mn twto acres ofI Land ain the Southi Wat t-om'er "É lot NK:22, 7tb Çqon'.'; Whitbv. There are exeplilentî sheds aadi a large barnatatac}ied ln the stand, ao¶d îwo navet failinrg epringe eof good 'waler risc aet the premiias. for fürruier particutis oppi>' tec Subseriber, un the prcmu5sfs. -Whithy, Sep. 6,. 1850. (GEO. CLIFF. 21 NowJin. -of 8tikg0* TUROUG4 1PROM W-HITBY .TO.pOB 8T PERRY T AVING Whiîhy Viti e vey oriiiiig 1- <Sndays excapted) at Eight o'doek, tallirug at JROOKLIN, PRINCÉ MA4LBEJqT, and £ 9UNLE'ICORNERS. RETURNING:-=Wilil bave Port Porty Bt Tbree o'lIoek P. M, ealling at the above*'amed places, -uJ- ipaimnrgers aoming off -thbe strbÃ"at .-Imerieà a ce g uorth b>' the stagenext n141ning. Extrici fgrished Wo order. on the - short est notice. T. N, $CRIPTURE & Co. Whuîtby', lTth Aagust, 1850. 1 M1eit'c-Lineuu Sumuatilnr Cduic 44t. 'É M&1)b1aek CInfh Vests, 7s6, déChe'-ked Linen do) 6 3 -1 black Satiun i.. 8 9 44 do iloleskin doIo o0 ) " Iiuey (do 8 9' id Black Alpaca do Il 3 "' Lirîcti du 3 4 Russell C.mrd do 13 9 1 Fancy do 4 4 Gambroon, (do 11 3 vl.-s. do Prifucess i2ord do là (0 Pilii 'do Tweed* do 17 6 M'~ aicelips (do Braad Cioth dou'3*2 6 " Barathea do Cassimnere do 17 6 ' Toilt-uett do0 " Guîia Percha do 3()j1>0 Casitnere andi Tweed'do WVhiîe Shurîs, Linen Front m Slriped Cotton Shirts MeneîFrèeth $iUa Iafs cil 'tlen'e 1-' r O i 'i r o 'Lu~siiiido Fitsy liiill <lo TWeed do Cascitnere <lu i)oeskiuî do Suttifittt du (2loth du Ccbirletl do Caishmecrette do Ctth capsc 2s fid Red Flannel Shirtis 1C*ret 'Baus aumi Brac-s Cotton Viider Shirts NCk.rhctGluies, Il hiery. jFau-y bta ps 78s6d 6 3 4 9 4s 41l 2,; 6,1 1000 MuItcliru Dresses fuom 3-411141 Frttory . Ç>01 tus, fiorti 2ttl Cotton Yýqrn, from i 4ts6d bndl IoOt) Pa1rastuls,- 2 Il WhIne (otom 4 Say 6 pair 5(x) Struw Ponnets I1 6 Striped Stiistiti'r futcau. )( Siîleisdid Krarfs atu -ru's Iihos, îud Lut-es Ariiicial Ituowerif Collr ati et- Ti-~.Lace (Jeac n FalI4 Ilosics'y anud (ilcveff. ifl'ilfur LaIics' ressrs, eVery %,ariely in (lrens, Alpartas, Llistrcs,$ Cotbourg kt&., &r. 01,1 THI I tW»StbTWIMOLESA&LZI TZRZRB. OwN-t) SEC0ON 1) PlI C , BECS ~L EISMAN, <'rer of Kicu; ant(; Chtrch Strts,julaing IltCt BîiJouse. 1-.1y Cod LAver 01,1.09 Ibave 'iet reu-civesl a Ie CO I> VR 011., wlirh .sipply <of PURE1 1 wtilii s-IL at al Aug. 2-1,1850.1 '5ti ,biqeril[)r tee~s ièave mo.%t respucti uily Io Tuitti mat e luthe puliic anrd iii.. eîitonîeî s, that, 1Jaý'if1îg diÉp(Metj of hics stock u$ gods, lie iitends ta 'r t-orn vMlirîe4, *'n<itakt'h this uppiouîuntiîy grf reîurining îhankc b(0îhn>etiwho kùidly gave ihlmr théir libera"! p1atronîageoil;itîg thee lifasyearf4. lie aio be'ýq bt st.±te that ait notcS,'.îîîd aveoîinti aeexp.'cteci o he eue!cr i etme <ieXt e4if i'other urrg*eishve la-tc,, ruade. UimhaJuly 2, 1850>.- 1 -3m CA l'elETON 1,LYN .1)E, WIiOLE$ALE AND) Ri-7rAIlf DÉILEI1 EN TATOCAIU)S JUGIEPAPER AMiIw'rîd:ROF SOL E, UPPER,ANI) 1IARNESS LEATIIER, &c. CVizs/t paid for If des and Skias, W/îeat, 'Ouits, M8 anad Penn ./Is/u's. ,Whitby Village; 7th ilune, 185(r. flyJohn Dbaker, JVest Side of M1arket eludr.e, T OR N TO; WTBY GAMNAR SOHIÃ"OL. 'T HF.NEXT SESSION ni the Whà i½r tram:ý m-rar Schnoi i1ii commence on Moilday, the 20th of Autgust, 1850. JAMES IÃODMSON.ï Whitby, Juiy 30th, 1850.1 Wfild Land to Lease T I ,;iscie a A kEWIfOSN ing 'rowiîsbÃŽps, Reacit, Uxtqud e, Nort1' (Jwii- burij. lrock, ',7Worah, Mara, iltid, ZTi, Tay, NAottà awa oCollingwoud, Muripusa; ÈlNuwr, Fene- Ion,, and Opu.- The niait 1f these ilds e of thP hast qualsty. anîd will bc NatËî for a tL-!r4 'ofl7 (rom ive to sevnyasdpîdt~io h iuto, lots of f romn 20 to 100 aces édect, ta ertnjnne Who ,Wili chop, clear, and fetwe, in a ood atud work- manlike mander, within the sted ltime,* -'quant not leu thafn 20 acres on' eael lot Ail letters, post-paid, de#iring inflmation, cnd-.. cérling aà y of the particular idts'in eltiier'pi the utbove townships, wili bc answered withut delay. J. T. 35H Whitby! July, 1&50. 1 SCAISIOLI. ALEXINDER TIIO3IPSOUN, Iroprietor ExcclIent accoinm<><IaIikns for travellers.. Gunod blosoiution. of Fartnership.- r~ ~~~~~~~~n- p JE1ateaîphrîlr xsi;bte sgtyle of G~.('VRRI, & en., id ttig day dits- mcilvedly tîn'uual consent. AU i ebNsdue b Ithe firrii wilii 1w oliected by Georze Currna, who con- Liinues the business in the ý,taie place. Gli>. URR lE. Beachi, May isi, i810J. A NNONCES o the public that he bat now or, aîu uthisstore in. PRINCE ALBERT, A YIUT R~ A1SBTMNT 0F GOODS- Of cveîy description required mn the coujntr at iow pricVs for Caeh or Produce, or tagoodpay intr rustnmeri! on credit urîtil after harvest, w1 pftn hê wiIl corieider ail accoutits dug unless agi dr- rari.dernent has been madie for lonfer turne. CJSH JID FOli Ilack Sait%. md al[ kiîidor Grain. Ptince Albert, June lot, 1850. 9-3m 0slîawa Refurmer tu copy for tbree months. Fe.0O'DEdq MI3RCHANT ,TAILON1, Xo. 98S, Kinrg Street, Toronto, 9 IN OF THE W00D E N bWAN., T IlE Suîlscrulabe Mgrt tcali thet attention of te public ta bis large and varied stock cf' RýEID Y-.;I1 vDE CLOTHIJVG, Contxt, Vei, -Pantalons, e5 C r Which, a15 ibtis ail made -rp ucîdr Ais owaci sper- iruheulence, ha latters hiuthseit will be fouad stipe- <rior taî an>' inuthe cil>', amd iili ha soisiosu cbuigp and reasonable tèrtru. - Toronto, May 29,18-50; niO'D-FA. 7 eO.-B. WYILIE, IMPORTER, op BRII'isiI AND, FDREIGN DRY GOOD9, wh"WlW d. aItdtaiL* Ise É<r&g St. Eas4 ddelùide Duii4itgt; Naxt dbor ta Sliobie& Balf.cir; Torbno, May, 1850.T NO. 50j Y0NGJE ST REET; tORON'T0; TIii'Shet frOa, ýâtÙ OOêst UMIthi DAN HOTEi 7-1 'W ý%ff ~y mo. - - O'ENERAL STAiGE OFFICE. trI Tu's.îy Portes always li à ttittauiae aitte %ut$l. ?1saenge-ro and titeir luiggagce rnyeyed.te tfid 1rom tue boots fi-ce of charge. -PoriNimpe, July, 1850. BURlGESS & -LEISHMÂN, WHOLE9A*LE -AND» KZTAILà CORNU1 O F KING & CHURCH STREETSt ADJOINING THE COURT BOUSE, HAVE ON' MAND Iri. -Lmrgest, the Cheapest, and thes eit Auiortmeiat of READY-MADE CLOTHING & DRY GOOD8 IX C.,qK.D.d WÉST. CLOTTI1sy CAssimEiRES, VESTINGMg AND) GENEILAL DRY GOODS9 1.MIPOPTEliDIDJECT 2 ROM BLUTAiN, BY OULUSELVEiS. 6GlR.lIE;TS MJADE TJ ORDEIL OF EYEIIV DESCIPIÉb. PARIS, LONDON. AND NEW YORK FASIlIONIýs RÉ~ICIvEDXWONTIJY. M E MOS?' .PPROVIiD STYLE .4DOP~TED. EN THE RFADP-MADý, CLflTHING 1)E"PAflTMýNT *ILL' BEP, OUND TEF~nÃŽI>c ie lias coist 11fL9a n ûd eontinues mte Mu Waggonb Iuggzes, Rockiyà tees, and Yam:iiy (iarria OF DIj;'p1MtF'çT 1,gCRI] Whieh lie ;cnseil Clicaper thaln any otiier 'Etab1ibhmen1 Dy or surrqîîncing cou.ntry. ricý Style and Durnability. N.- B. PAINTING & TRIMIMIGd& Repaiiirfrin atit i ruriou, neatly ei.xeutedl on short notii ' NATHANIEL Whftbýy. Apri le. 1'850.~ srpiLL, 1'EPR &TOWNý uILL ,i e tr t s u i a fue, on tibm $aturday lielo eombininr lte cbaratei iâtics of MIt1 zette, ttiC ReVieW, the JOisUM4 1'f & cavery, and rîhp Librauy of RoÃŽiuhE under the'hitie of thé' RWDSIRY OW Wellingion Street, Toroto, iii the immediate viciniuy of Ibo, Bankâu, Post- oltce, aad alil-the Steamboat landings. J. ÀMURPHY, Pnqriet or. Toronto, April, 18W0. W IL LI A M TEPF'R E Y AGENT F011TH1E2 BUY WJJERE YOU VA.N, GET THE, CHE,]APnuT STOVES w7 ILL sil stovéx 25 per cent iower tfian iat VVyer's pricce, hilin (lae rauÃŽeu with OIIée'f the lartavst foundtuiesin Carsadta lnp~ piy him., Rle haî jliqt rteceived persteatmer.Daw, 25 'Iul or kN0f St%, PouaIî lel, ooier§, DON'T B0Y FROM -PELAIS bMy the Whil y uCanleà v you hiééhCen enade Vé Qhi o a cv ynr loney in ordnothmot market, and have a place wheré you cati ccli »> Mosare0n 1 lumitér and %,-uè.e e owtp l m lVE !wYIE 14_.WORMOUS EXPJiNSÉ DeenJa That tha Proprietors have Io pay the Pediars, i:- r i;,a $30 pr mmt w1r and tear of teas. tavellîing . ontemp0rar;r for. o treY Cou)(-.up tu a rnan'adrý,and tnik hi eVlJir.s o 1 cftndollars lueftfre hli as tlme lu think.v, yWe à w iens, wchrf w'hich You bly frori Peiai.4 for $40, aud- soiiw.. the gotvérhune limes $45,-B. Bryà n will m>ll the lame Burr St1or, Inlaiisicus 'uit/towJnrrieîs for $30; Nu. 4 Frenri- ante iens umç fAr $20. Box au.d Plarlour StOytt» igreat uieierr výariey, booklng Stovt's ni ail si7Us and desscrip- uhLir coM0iluj tions, whiclîha ewiil sali lna-proportion Io the aboya clhapters 1_ li price. braiti anid the Hies stock or Potasti Ketties, C ri', »&C,, 4 in ntant of th of a sqW"rior uatiiî, tant i i esos o ig yfLsh froi are ackuuowledfged to outwear two Envgilî'eucsfiacion. and there, wiil be a written guataittea given that Tlhe Intertu they wili staund.The Subiieriber inleuetaii îeulofelo particular cara in fi!ltig up bis steve.'ib xtra cies. it 'v0 furîitue, c.ln eider bu pleass bis cuotorners e aontemp)rary hais iateiy ampioyed an expeu ianced workmanti tehbdptculiur 10 attendtu ail ordcqs. A leadin 7'erms- (as/n lieCreditthe t possible rate, Lumbnter, ai1lWortf ProduCe, pork, &C. Lit eratiire iWh BENJAMIN BRYAN. tiens dl the i Whitby Village, June, 185.. 10 c~ourse aIpu -ei" -LB. -will oPeà a aStove and Tin &h<&p jlt litder the i thie, Nef» .ùldittt, nez-t door (o AMr.lBurd ',sstore, autiior ot' tt ini Prince .dlbert, somtirlimenljttj/, in Elh ilrNi fineitisly, as, WIIIBYof i§iiffletentfi SADL, i REi', OLAIAN> N I D iTe fr i uovelettes tdarà , whieh-ý 'T'E uit>ribr uçnetantly on band -tÉý 9dre rarplyj L abQve articles, whi'ho ie eil licbeap for Of itese the cash or credil. j Whiby Jne IIOB ERT GARTSHOR E. I ll. 0f the Whty ue7th,1850. 8 -fable riapers - .~ . .wrks iliin FilE MO0V-A . such valuabt likel te inte rnulE Soià cribers hâvremnoveil te the Corner iunattractive. x f tJf TB LDING lIN FRONT OFI V. Thé 111E KE, , knon asthe St. Lawrcence _$ciantic, nj ~BaiAdigs. _ ulteil for Nw' LY1 - KNEESIIAW & Cd>. ter eaà Torntô Aril29 , - 7 lin the greatlji iehd Art, 14-h3 roi, Sale:* 1nAmneia', 4eeanin suc PIVE dnd laIIffAcreý ()f Ltind, jit play t he sori à Dwelling 1Hoiîse, inié 1iblila~eol~C1 of NORLWOOJ), 6«ii icteg't i c ýkg V. Blit the uuor a: mepe ering. Apply to irwl~ 24 DE. GUNN, upost inter4l Affl .190, 150.Whiby.a'n nia lsboïr 1f0NAL WEEKLY' relutioný of the age; tsi impbrtaîtt le lthat 'anms of Lilerature on. 4.iricete site t geview die llaast in) avemoed rîeailv al cars ixibhave gîszilnes iand savieü isayâ bhave unifoirmi r an e uans, i-hi 'hicies alsu for the5 rînhurate antd brillia 'hi Eulapa, irustain béy, Lever, Reydi rid iticled isttMy aill y 11ocelisîs. Su i iii miadya*xcept îb.' Jike'y ta flow liera ily, M'lôuitly. or Qt cô!éewilthu u banilibraries, f enl df *inuakind. aItr> iVe must kas abroad. lb will net .proillt-iiotîs a nd 0 lion. Tbc impatial Chaptèrs, as bte>' ai ,e bedtiFof the auttfi ï:hueir disenvery ; an om lle contact of il uahtiof*ét Weekly>u )rs tii letiïfy a plait xli Cdni'iitG e M y prndicic- with ig olbs*ct will lie ta uîtmoet rapidit>', arl the baut of thosu' bueh sure appearing ;cbapters. Wiîh Mdantes oh Cý onslgnients df Aaheg te î'1~I1E ubeciber i tsPuured ib moka J-ADANCE INCA611titi POT AND PZRL ASilES consigned ttc Monitreai. ROBERI! A. LAWDER.. Port Whitby, lot Augtut, l8m. ~17 IMPOrtationS 01 Spring IJoodi for 181. lu the ý. M. EsuiJ of tlle jrç interpetinj ai place ini the fi itg puîbl'teatic Edinburgi4R %vérld hav.p Broughafo.à Macaulay, ha Torf)t,,I(), jilliv 104 1 1 1 é., 1