3üsé r'fYoiinavo t'ri' ts i8arrîcie y'ôA lWC ookod- over, arid ncknoved*d U curBelves the. auttior. It w ias 'à few , ) lhà és referring to. thie great. imitrove_- er tItis sugAppf4rnuqIIing woud one- day sup~esedé every oter."oIlev ri £kt . us yonir popair t" 'ýYë3,sW i.' '1t WeI, den, 'Sair, stop yoit ruscullieD twwir.Y1 have devote ail my iWe Su,, rie de ausUom"! 1I slbgll'look to find ýiè*Y ouwidÉ bi tile beaLloon-t-r' ride hOrsebackin i cart go rotind F dJe-woýIdÂn one ~umiud mn1e e rýoh 4tk# 4t1on8ierIIr.1tails wid debig« hùoÃŽi\' Well, Monsieur,- nowv yon put ~ieceýiia4uWe)tpgppir te say dat de rail- kod,p.Nofliur, de luttle ruii.-road su- elerseî~r ve q hjeuà e iIforre you dat d& apdd Mo eurst qyuu vi!e 5x&paj" 4' Lii~r ~ut~,& -t.-7-3 P. M. te thp,1.4th lest. TI'.'aimost every'depaurtmet Siiet' -âïig%1 and clobial lirodttc, ý-to aý'.Sèbextçnt .CunsIierullod»e- I )lrewii>n;'IA ctnj. o mterialb changge in graiu ttisde. Bile#-:4Gooc and fineý is somnewimt iS- floatng cargries of Indhin corn.- Tho:avtau -Illeîb.set cf wa inShl g xupu eport any fcrther âkirciiiL%È4 bewéee te oppoin!g or- ~Icà . !z IliteinDirt -lted'heii opieiteCok'.'le of Niel. ýO BerlinCabinet have resoivred t- t allv ây4ustriitc Ur Bavearian t iis l in eýri«'iptht spri# ielecto- 'ilico siteutuc-o lmehhecspro- viasnl;~tê'satçof l»eae8 g-t~<c emil uefqopm evsve be.isuppreseedt 'We Iemrir'fmm ÂIt*'walhtWtthe chu)- cra'ham eeed eM luneaod tiroken out et -Viata wiuoeit atlaaked d.gs, f«uFls, peg4 thpr, airnalý,,wib th ndueîug .,s~F P~tî* tu,' a tteluîiv te clfect ae reeunliutitun htm enohim- sla brother, -the King _uf Nopkes. Shudayarrangeîueut be (.ffiýte(1 tuse minue, i l it*Vé.wl ein the,' egltitnacy or bis eh'ldren .-teha' Tý!E 'REKPOR TE R.- 44 -f kl a man, antbthnk notbing humnan indif- fevst te us"lrac WHITmy, $.tTJRIAY, OCTOBER 5, 1850. T[EPUBLIC ROADS. fTe iCvernment, our readers %viii pefeive, have adverized for sale' by 'auetim na unier of th«.Peb.ice Works and rm&deboougiug to- the Province. Ansoutgthevu are > te.Wh ithy .ne rbor -Ind Sao Plank R"ed. As this sale taites plae ou sa ite I . inst., jt is. ihynoesmytlmt somtliugshbould 1*edune, aed'that quicki ly, i it're- îlly the iqteapticu q f tihe, inhsbiîtaets of_*hîseectIo .eflrm * 4Jint Stock Compansy, rtht - IMrjseor etlyiug5 tb eworka.> w luititis viewv, a nim- beror gent!emen met etSCî.îe' MUidý in titis vilinge, the other cven- ing, and a dep!ttaticon tvles appoi nted tu jit the, hock coitry, ud ewxkeu the bnhuiitaîîts te the imîportanice of titis .tnsd harbor being possessed hy a Comranr'wvho9e interest and benefit il wtildhcboto complote the rond, keep -îl la gond'i-epiir, and charge as lev an - -amouat cfrSdI an possiible. We trust th4st tiis propauilîon ivîili meei with te ordial support auci approbation of ti t uerp-hiuî g fimers in te umri. Wé'u -rsîan &î t a meeing ouhese e ~rablo le il tai;esJlace t iisday .al Hloock's Taverii, 7tlt Con, Beach>,. Ws have hearU hi 'rnm'ouued Suai a private Cttml*iy,, .01 pa-oiis wheily- uuietersened in tte proa-it.y ofibrtis seotico ofr.coittry, han'- bteu furîed 'vitltheSintentleion-a of . "ruciasinsr titene workenosltaiï;titi-frseals 'vili me tte aeeuily terae sfur i*nrnedîste actiauou oit ir part, if titey 'viaitul recoosuo'the ýadvan lages of 'P good rS&c lo e itanmd incceaed i-iipei-ity.ue Wêlbavebeen regntestarýdIo ecull et- tmê'tiae Griand IndW'ià l Exitibi- mmttee, VieIotevôluie of $6000 wiIi )ea-ardd frýileýbest:speciatetls of' li Nctura-f Pioduicts and Indtistrial 1esiereà t f,'Ibe ýCwttry, iînclutdingz le varains Llu~ iir1 Aii tilture, IlIaa . îreieý t, byC ~Extcnsi-ve î'l&"' sltave'beun hi&iwýin:theCi~tor bMontreante ogive tsE)biiot, anid aBnl eary;ÇOOa £10 i nt0f ised (excitîsive: )f t~e 'Gov'rnmëit5çinta) lu - e atllOtaicsrnts asnd accommuodations for visitor5, n ivteuf4ctiitM. -- gTueh uiovn is a piogramme of bu io- ceedings tuf te tti-ec days: Ttiuaxan,K-A Regaptanad Public liceer ffivei by thte-Mayor acd Coi-pc- ratiomn cf lite City' of MonStreal. )?ftDAri-v-Firictatatts E-ci-cises ali<l 'oi-ahtigitt Pi-cceshon, uîsd a Grand Fotncy tad Plain Dress Bal,aitIshe daataHall. ---: SAtý)'unv:AMechanhes Dinuser and grand 'dis1tlny' of Firexvorks. tAîistin etbe.,Ek11ibitioù, for ,diîhts 1s., B4;.ý-Cltiidfep 7 1-2d.. C-0R'R 51 ON B C.- uerancc enlise htasi bçen uî doitait, olive but sciondiv eseep, 1in'tiis tiîrivieg vil- oage, and' 'it'nigt vsesored -uwav otit4 SIte:sîLuL1qwsrkci' Totai -Absti- tanUce priLctiples,' Whi.ch -iy 'cencemiet organized. Thhsiis ionbas een is exi stence- siacelte latter part cf Mai-cii last, andl iosv'-ucmit-snbrb- ut Ilýtyniruen- bers. .There lu jusf opposilicu eî.ouglt tô agittlote priciplas cf thé Order kiud- exerc. ise a bee'ficialiaifluience-. Friands cf the. be.,l description assist in llglîviig oct buttlesttc aieribers of lime 'rotaIlhtnic society, and te ladies uitiveriaiuy. 0. -Thie yauuing ladies et' Mar-kinut andl ,tectn'ty, pi-snte) Ite Division ai Mdtikitv,ýuselegant copy,'of the Hui> Seriptureson te 31st tilt. Tue Stouif, ville ttnal Sparta mat lthe Ma-kitam Division at ltae divisicoin Mat 2-P M and havimg cloilsed tîteaselves inbullo rogalianccocnpauiied bv te-Stou,'fville antI Markhum Cudetu, prvreeded tuSthe Wesqlevun Mctiiodist cltitlci; whei-e ie a..nuiblthiea larg7e;utcdiýiîae. 'rheRas'. Mi- Keri-, %Wesiay *Minister beirug voteul Su tise ciair, cite' uft tIsaladv -cuutribil- tors supportad by Swvu otisers,rtee antd lireenled tîtae bible lo flie W. P. isa WON sxiîi'irted.iîy' tbe' W, A. ccd thé Chaplîsit iith te-following addreM: - "&WOs'tTv lrPaTItÂAti,-Tlie ladies of Matrikutoin epltrëeialting Itue Sons of ~emli-noa ce li endetidùriti,,tg teapý kin), are dsrnifci1rbti~ttc 'natte unud endin tlIeur ejtblic aid'lu 1colii-tenancirg Ist oisuing teSons iin Siiei- r Mi.swothv, exortions in thte pri-otuito'>f so groodîaîtd hîly a -caese. With titis vieîv 1.amrn, h onourec inhapro- sentiîg ycu itnIte nam sndQu Ste bho hall if lise ycaîng ladies cf te Villiage of' Markhoun ait) vicinils.to te Dîvi., aluin of ch4e Sous.' cf Tenîperance, ovp! wticlt ycu su würtily ,'reside, a Biblt .as a tokzen cf cii ur robation of tis pinip iîscf te sccîety: ttitstiutg tsal te 1.rcepbs lterelit cîîtaiîîed moy lx . eut r gaUlde thri-cgîth ile, os we kno-t t-t4et' lie or cocnl'ort hit deuth ; an we ladîtige te pleasing holie, Sura tlisle whist 1 ccxv bava 'ie pletismi 1of addrasutîg mnay nover ity snworthij 1cotîduct ta rnish tep beautifcli notto in 3sc*riited nc tfitir Bant-er-Pnrity, Fi deliy. an) Trrat/-thse . ina fae ton ;stiîtting te gemtiamon an)d Ciristian Yoaîr iotives' hoing pitre, fideiity i limhe couse anthSie bi'ctlerltecd becoc Sa saci'ed duty;- Truth is iitilabie ai 1 nyncaverWb-oIrsken.- Be pure, faiti Ciai anal true, und oauriiiiamst cocu-se i befre you. Tlte. Iady coutribute: N uiite x'th me ho wiiiking te you r Divi k stonunhintited success? aud the lidivia. Cuni m embers Suai-ouf a long and tusefi hife, prcispiii-Ivnd limepinass, and lth i'asing cf te Ali.PÈos'eri hoevei 1%i'cseu isth Vilyoc"1 'rue W. P. iaviuîg reeeived teBi. bic i-au4id - ILAnunz,-We hit-ghiy appreciate tii pietaspi-hy stanid vonî ihave titis day takon nla sullîportinir tae Sous cf Tem.t peance of titis Division anda the Ocdes uin çenerl, hoin teir exertiecîs io su pi-ssthe ttc acatar vil iciteniperaatce 'viic derriades mon and placés ii on an equal footinig we< ite brutesthut pe-isit. Ve prise iialti«h deguetit aid yocu onEr us lvt-s oInenncing Onr order. ,We desire'in a stueia nisuisger te hn y<u mî,Ldies.fouritespiendid gift Of te Bible f- out bava thîts presea- ted to c'Ir divisin, a hock se invahua- le tin ai el ud entaffced id our i- mation lîy te hind fIrecerOUS and ho itvoen apressien h-eatite) lowrd u.Ispeok; Ladies, te sentimnts of the division vben ISate tai this "ginf will b ho lua an) ftar generaîhons a Be.ý cois bu igit itts ceu noui- pali of etny. e), 1 trust, a gourd spainuflti' na' worthiy disltoiiedng lise eîasse. Theu molltoo f oui-roccer,'yeuseW teeliogldy n voke is iudeed approprà lte. Citeere unnl oui- rdtuoti.% y0voiualary pi by ltee tre la tborlgbtactd 'îrMcwu 'vo ft-4arao evih-dread neorluty'Ith* may i maposed IIepounus, rel yinaa i-ntsne ltaS Sthe ni-avla aof mit me tiptit@<t Oteo vaea~çu uippreciated becatise' Cfass 6--Gr îite~ oiyonrsPO aÂI ~Untc d thl cnuoticed because'our yolîr lot ls inli bc happýueas e igri- ete biludeci by te g o f P*VPI- 'Iu uhl irW ediy desire and xnaty -1o0wWAii- larity and weaitht. Tha e cèihd 2nd -best do Wise meriful uuj~sî pr ~ttid ro a lire lime may have been 3d, hest do guide yot and shower <lewis fl'Yo iftigue;- and the heart's; fondestr lest 2 bishels Spring Wheat lits choicest blessilngs- 1 topegsznished, aS She béheà s of duty; 2d hest do Ilhe, Bev Messrîý Wes W Andthe-vlearued lunsel-oresi lcu 3a1beyStdo art ~ ~ ~ ~ 1Eý Lu ]cia<rseltReadevc < ive for others sako." Yeî .titat ' 2 ies BaIe'le, appropriateIy, sfter wlloin Xhov L. igit sacrifice b niode-inknotvn te the. 2d hesi do Kribbs lu6idly illiisfrtedtiuciples world; or if-kuown, ile.iirriug' i s les't 2 bituhels Oà tà , ~ruxc hsnieers or ccenre ; and ýpedutps...iuprii- 2d bP-st bo flaoertbc.vow ofhe q5 lfie .4eyl ail. cîae'9i.-t 2 bjushels eas Rev S, Kribbswa hon ca e h chir acia ot o ttuc1 0 b Upborne b>' promptingu 1h01 édivine.» 2(1 test do Chuirman for tïïà effieie rvices. ' eyflO lt expect Praise or sym- as7- prdt., The Rev r Stem-at pro,-eD 'hry prod rom Th 1e r twatpr ~ ie ttb rin lie world; lieur--do they 13est Cheese nut less than 2 0 ]ls, t) bôaqdliction, aler w~hie.h tercu-t. need h . Tîteir reword is là îigber. 21letd ing ussembly d!sperzed. Tar levhv u ppo'l(1tîeir lict Bnitter eut Jets than 25 ILs,O A. 01COR1S1R oneclscienîce, and Jîerhuaps.the îî1ead 2d hest do 0 1 A.R CRO . Of loVe- besluwed by some tey 1h s 3 eid 1 1 , _ _ _4. &!nit e'en amonOir t artyrs tl<ee3 td TRUE GREATNESS-JE »ND. Wtt» spilled their blond for jes' s> ke, Class 8-- Roots. > 1 ~~Thei r hetds a eoOwn or' jny shait w1eur - 13YFACF'4~ Their iips a sn of tiimptil, '. B'thelf acre Turnips, 01 Tt is not ai vt o icîrcl fi)r Wlaere lie whutjuidg,,etii t n accordîinv 2d hest (do -A 10 almogivit'ig-for -noble auÇ henev- 1lte hetpeUan ,ce~s; bit Mi.jo rendeth 34 hastl do 0o5 niene whom'itnîth (cee j1_preat. tht inulard ifer tir analr i' lln tcBe-sf haîf acre Maeegold Wîîrtzel, O 15 Tbere Pii-eother'tnmotivau ýs dshn- secrOis of -ail bieurta; 1 douthnetltaS 2d liest do oî erestei sodns.'wIe -itent omv,'fl whta 'hve Iived and- died un- 3d1 best dg 0 ô acts of chaii .A1tdoi. - M sdatd atnknrtwo, wiJl shine forth Bauhîfar Crosoî ces. somtimes mae ~:an, 'ta ncrînsdbrïglitSum, whie 2dhat o15 Oilen luIllteuttlini 1 i-cimmaiiy wtl aeDcvrckiednl 2n d tesS do ole 1M flic good <md gi-ea cf 'the'rh te hai-îri'or"cpi-uenisse., %vl Ca the~ horei- aiî ii bu- weighei1in the, balance and foued cls 9-Dbmeg,* MaUsfaeô<ge, tionq'itf benevolence i1jen fctlv Wati~ îdefo codrrl ls ice filied CIaîh notles titan endoWed, hflme Siiose Canînm appeer.ances; but'jtdgfe righteccîs jtîdg- 20 yards o1 avarice bt as ede ceo iîmç ie nt.2(1 bosS do O 10 1tRie ror -,defi-cîtrer i lb ' iho r rOkîje, Sele. 24, 1850. ?dbhRt (1-1t0 5 of bis hirea and ilrivetiretched tIciBosS pire Fiait ciel flot ies thon tcrime. NT2EL PENs.-.1'cr prcdîîilg- steel 20 yards. 0 15 iiens te iest Daîtîtaîttra ( eil <1hs oO1 s eh p if i ba r ( « ni f-n r 'oôp irn las %leced. Ltis 3d hast do 0 5 '[P'si s aSr 4< suspect %orked 411to sheets or slips abouît ltreea q oe!d or judze, lesqt " jii ? výwrong Iet ogac oi rtv uhe >. aSCvi'd . soebxethat ý~iný udur.the îiikness varving« withIte de.%ired AatdoO10 r niants eo ronet'çll. fiht m 1bi ft p 3(for estst do O 5 isbte osovithan censurffe;sad it Bliy 'tepu o eSpecinien of Domestic Car- is~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~i betrIi vîi!h t--~'u iespee iSt eii-t "~ petintr not e3s titan 20 yds, 0O 10 f tPausse andii-fee te re pi< at o'O merits of the ohiaeriýehci the eutJit , 11 Pit inîlenedifotr the 2(d bastd aIpplittise Of lhprllfillttn n ~ieicdi 0 a cigatged hole. 't o0 1 wnii-d, whieh, 1uire filme -or <vuixaiiejrssdjba seiici- AISDPR E nlents of tht , a iiî,flene - riutshalte. 11,iIle saite EN - v ýlneh it is l erced 'tthretit Bs Vof tegift. reetr" 1oiesstci -s.T haqauurdBetsecimen (cf Geutlemea's tht rmpei ' Voolîo Ppees are cleaiied h i iteigefacttdriten 0 s O10 Smv bear tebis Y01,i- plans cih iî,u ittilct 2d best doin 1eosowing, at ie ie., cc ad 1Site eyliîtder, a,îd k'mpîerad, as in Best pair or Wooiac or Cuon 5 1 ni-vof superitrîanDe. where.b th e ut' 1, litle teel ate, l'y )>in., Scku cor Sluckings, o 5 IaihusIlldnr S bruuglt 'tu Sie raqaîl red cuiccîr by lient. 2<(1 hstdon 29 (ita. finr utIe b dfli V(", 8 Sme idea of lte e xleittrcftis l," ait- Best Ixci-ivoltor Cotton ffaiettîe tviitbri adrmi f oît tite stUoe 'tiWof teir iiah PoIl'Umthe lflt ilb oini ru jcrtý ores Or Mittens, 0 coo su ne<lvflo , n serf- mitnt,thsi ceaiv 150to l cf teal a«ra Q2d hit'-sî<i fi.à &ad e, to . ectglv plcia nîîiîiyf 1tti'l lrls. B-t liai ofcilacadiaui Stnia, 0101 fbies aamugifthl for v ircdcicig lîlaards cf 250,000,(000 at. 2i1 hrst <doO b -8 iaiîit itthîlcî osirrite IT(Xýo SE,&BTE.iýBest Biniit tof Canad ion Straw O 10 seif-deniai. S lStr'pTtitîlle N'Ellt5-tVlit a vie%- of* elevaiittg Itle 2<1 hast do esud filme in re t'plits I~ath char.acter cf' Suaiirot 1»,c hyrisi12 Best Ifeain cil'Wocien or 0 5 - hheit If hoar lit( e of it!ie te stni,,rnîci f t, iî'sr ;él tai u flialificatîolt, îîith Cottî-c Netting,< .friotthe tiiir'miw tSmtbut iteers of Cîilîtî iaî i liera Q2d îest (ci o 10 er vic e d pt< ilî i trrnt'(l aOssociutioi ider a stii'aiiîe B a"t s'are of F ncy NeSîing O 15 P., te a st tý ri-af costitultion and lty-iuaws. Thte chier 2-ili estut o -fil)tect of the Society 'vii ____ Seieno edQijt,0I ir eeive'l t ae,"ciothe 5wheur cunipetcttcy, sci ti:ý tn' c ae-- thavilîr j ea&,rl,, te icaun l is triîsled aillit uncoffice xrhîu 2) at o îpufiae astitouîe'ht involvs 0 urgehy uîufidboier, 1.1 the o ritîns <of lte sefetycf ilfe.acitîlpi-perly. Tii o'e- ihatO1 opuen ~ tochtitv e-ment is a "ory eîxcelet oit e,aid 2'Ici 0 10 ci sei aigie cornfort. shouid ba hasititted ishai-avex te ie- butai- -w~i-~ suine d cessity fori exista. Notiting could Bs r..inu<l aadWr bl',t ,sted Wci-k, O 15 or the w <nlnyIanblnioi-ecerlaiiy tend lu lessen tise nuins- Od ast O 10 jf t,'voe~îSPSse ber of destructive occdents on miri tail- 'i fr0I~leÊ' sihi ons n înistaîa iclis. Wue hope 3 hest 0 5 liaut prii in fle 1)%lvto see suchaion AssouehÂtiota amung tish aIsahw c xFuto Ectrates ii teLees I to n îî Flowers, O 15 té wltiior i Ei cf r o h Lie. fn-l )10i t Thae J< bitps nill really coraspetest anid rarafei elgiieris 9«d hast )e foi-lis v tWdtiltici. witichi ivere aînpluyed., ere hi-haeve it wocild 3d1 hest0 5 s'~~~~~~ lieptth i-e th nt avoic tw'o-tlsîrds cf tise exphiotl'()s <c shIi c epee tatseat idte shriin, " dSvdhsac ieto îwtk lc aiPreî'uii<s vill ahorit ail 'lle fcinds nscfiatv- year.- Detroit ./dveutisr iser aloc ae lanice, thie - A isa ltejicve, i-a (oi- alîv oltaer ituefti or fanas' article Y a mcnvel ill-leet A -'tuanen - THE FAlt O F THiE WIITBY utot spreeified ini the lis,nand wiiicii niex- timre, tletf lite'immense AGItICULTURAL SOCIETY- ho îlscuglst i"oithv hy tise judres. i- sutis whioaicbier it is WVill 1 li heu)ai Oshanwat. Medllesday Also env tîsefill or fauay fitinoemeniti- t- cîghlly Wint t Ot< t~-ittired 1w' aPuy arizan ori-Macitenic iii 1-ilntis'witraentsci' ti-Octber l6t, wan lte foilowiasg lre-tefirsi.Alatce ttb n lu h II-)t. e 'oane n -"' atuma a'ihh bc awarded:bet-tii'.Al rilsms oat tu dedt. Se W itemn ls /epo ned. toi-ad hiNr ltWe1lingti haffitrelte Ilensai-oug Sitte. re xhibtio id touiands, %w jmania itos £ 1<1epofay red. dv of the Show, te give lima to pi-op- 1- ~ ~ Bs sinea uhtaye a' -tend Mi nt, 1 0 r<îcm ill ho open ic te public frein 18 serve$ b i'< w il'f lar Odhast ade O10 12 ici 3 c'clock. Adithtance, 7 1-2. «trn anv2 1wetxi' taeoiS d lest (In 0 5 e-,eopt ladies, and sîthcribeors teSite 'i auiden tid î>it idin -t peu cif Ewes, O 15 fands. id Aoiest .0arn I, ier i-d DeS <p- Tite Proprielor of "'Olci Clyde" e A g A-. "aruodua-is_-.Ba-S1RamLamb, o oi-se 'vii envoi £2 10m. te Mare ci ~ itii I. otst_10~ c )J give notice bto Seeretary at 1 - ingr. Vw icl rd hast do 5mee ek proviens S lteSh, d ir i I Cln5Hre. -COMMITEE OP ARRANGEMENtm. boy "fi 14- flic 5- -MB-S ONE, i-esi- <iBoit IlIaise Colt, 0 O Mr PR WELLINGTON, 2ad hast (ho 0 10> 'M HA, weda d~ do 0 5-o. ,Mr JQORI1TT9 G BRNS r m