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Whitby Reporter, 2 Nov 1850, p. 1

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il.. R*~1~ITE i n% Ã"AulliIgpqannula, t/Ag; TioélvvAilltgs m/e 4o.l eý1f the ye'ar. adre"ù& - to tbis Office ,'enïts for the Report er.~ S. SI>ROWLE, Propriet or. IL WH I TYB IEPOB otr kiads of 'Printin'gi "I n er an nd tmz/ o hin man ilsimut toi male-:t,c W II T-BY, CANADA WEST, SATURDAY, ",O0VEMIBER' ATIGNAI.,LOAN, FUND E .4SSUR.&NOB SOCIETY, AI 5 0 0 10OO sterling. BZcmierr-R. W. CLARK, NI. D. Wheta, Blenks, and ail rýequihite informa- ba had on application to JOHN IRAbl ERRY, .*gent for WHITBS' 14 an sd commnoflrat-Law. qOLICITORS-IN-CHAiVCERY, CAMERON, Il. J. MACD0NELL, «ty qf oJTrou/o. lW/oodby Volage. Whîtbry, Apîle 9 150 ALEXý fRINGLE. WqlITBY VILLAiGE. ore s i halino promptly exeeated. kAe lateat Pas/siams ottay£ -on kaosd. .hitby, April 1, 1850. flatriatr ana 4&ItornoY at Law, IIROCKSTREET, WHITBY. FtICII.AIlD WOOÃŽN, OSHAd1, C. W uperior aceeufueeodation afforded to Traveiers. apatejots Stabiug ai Sheds atiached !@ tihe hisa%, ýApl, 58. L.I. COFIELD & Co.,, IJ4PORTERS 0F ITISH MANUFACTURES, AXI) DEALEeS ONN WIIESALE AND RETIIL Z 4TH! TrB'TH!! TEEPH !!! SRGON DDTISTLO, erel lis jeprepired ta ecctteaorders and at moderate charges. % iâtW alait la&os replarlgreoeie'ed. UW8n4 Arit19,1850 Orders Receiveci at thUs Office. hl R. B 11, Y < A L, bAtS IEEOVZ» TO JVHIT.f Y, C. W. May, 1880. i-l CARLE:T-ON LYNDE, IVHOLESALE AIND -RETAIL DEALER IN MSA, TOtAUC, RICE, PIPER ILINGING, &C., &. blANUFiACTURER 0F SOLE. IMPER, ANDI HARNESS LEATHER, &c. Cash jid for ilides and Skia.s, W/eat, Oats, Pots and Pearl .Askes. '%Vhitby Viliagc, 7tb June, 1850. 8 By John Baker, WVest Side of JlarIcet Square, TO RON TO. NORTH 1AMERICAN ilOTEL M'Z'f0 Wo â5ulzti PORT HOPE, 0. W. GENEItAL STAGE OFFICE. D-? Trusty Porters aiways ina ttendooice et the boots. Passengfer> a kd their liigggage conveyed ta and froot the bots fie utcharge. Port HpeJuly, 1850. 12-ly WESTILIV HOTEL, etett4ngtoos Street, Toronto, lai -he imseioale wiccaty of tre Banks, l5st- 1 OiIae, and dlt the Steonîboat landings. w J. MURPHY, Proprietor. K'reate, Aprili, 850. WILLIAM J EFFIIE Y, AUENT PoK TUIE 31urn .raitce qompanLo, SCARBORO'. ALEXIMDEII TiOiIPSDN, Prq~itor. Excellent accommodations for traveliers. Good Stabiing Iôr Horses. il CBO. B. WYLLIE, imposilrER or BRITI IAND FOREIN ýDRY 600D%~ 1Whoîasal sd Rtail. 18, King St, Ea.t~, ...delaide Buildings, Next deor to Scobie & Baifaur. Toroto, May, 1850. K. VL. SUTHIER.LAND & Co., inisco. 0piritG. QIao, Q0roccrito, . MI2NG S7REET, TORONTO. 24-y M it. W OO D-1 Nortd 1ecqfKing .Street, TiPt of Bay Street, ~ 24-y J. FOSTEPi, LADIES' AXDGELMN' KO. 4, cï/y Builings, Riing Sre!, TORONTO. 24-y CHAILLES JiAKELt, Noa. 37, Kispg Stre et 1I'est, Torontoa. rm1 Ait kinds of Sbip Flags on haud, or made ta order. 24-y Nôa. 5o, YON(IE STREET, TORONTO. HIIANi PIPE I, Tbn, Shoot Iron, aid Coppet Smith, trous Fenuder andi lir iPnsnp iaker. Jopamwed Cas*, lDe* ,anod o*er Borns. RIP. SaOWER. AN!> OTRI IATHN Toronto, May, 1850. 7 ,Briss andi la t&e VtUiuge or NewcmStI, CLAItKE. 31 . TI-EtEII, PROPIRIETOR. Augst 12, 18150. 1 ALEXANDER fSMITH, Rloyal mmehaa&e Saloon., .No. 3, Lsddl'#.Bsidisa/s, CAsrcà se., May, 185. TRI 5-3mn Opplilt ahi rklanUg Lat, luisulO.0 -mr 0O@UB &,GLoTEINgas MR. PEUr.Y's ËLE'i TEIt THE G(LOBE. Prom the Globeof Oct. 24. Sm :--On reference to yùur print of the l7tIs inst., it %viIl be observed that, under the head of I"The Republi- can Faction,"' yen bave most adriotly, and facticiously managed to wvrite Il Pete-r Perry"' over and oyer agaiu, in coînection with the sîibject of IlMr. Ba!d%%,in's hVopy ant effecitve letter;" i e sale of thie harbors'and ronds, andi the prospect of a nelu côunty/, cotsuty town, &c.&c. es folksws: elPeter Perry bass not is Harbor andi Rtond na1l"1rgu 1in, WIlîiclo uillgo u gr Ooc1 lea'gls ; but we ect '~ ioenoce in tisat qularter unlil Parry's Corîars aXe lte site cf a uauv Coualyv Town."ý Ncw, sir,uvithoutl stopping to a caisn tise I lhappy eflècts" cf 2Mlr. Baldsvin'e ltter, (being perfuctly silirsg ta bcava lte decicion of 'that mati er 10 more iiu- partial jmdge thain either ycss or I can ba sssppsecd to ha.) anti witbtost uttering tîte least complairsl agrnilout tiseJ1-pant mode loractiseci by yots la conspictotsy puradiag my naine (of wlticis I may say nov. osoce for ail, I feel nc tensono tus ie ashitsd) aither fu o ir sr uvaor flise publifc ammsemnot, or any other ur)ose yoccoose , or, il may boa,^fur atigisI I knoi-, witisflisc viewi anti iople of poslpcaiag if net defeating, by ridi- cille, tise projeat et' forming a ssew - cî'tuuy eut of tieseansera secticn cf tIse mamtmth cotsty of York, and îlereby etahe Toronto tu conliause te make ail ô'scr ections cf tisis vasl couatv con- lribmteto ils a i-randizeaent. If ycssr cbjecl la mierely ltget top su bit cf fiti at my expenso. and put tis aimgh on Peter Ferry," I1au'il say. maugisaway ii you are liseci of it, btt late gooci carc' not te latîgis outIor tise srong cer- ner cf lise moud/s, and, hesides tisose on- ly wlsc sein ssoulil latgls at ait. but on lise oter Isanci, if ycn have a par- ticular object te gain, is rfesernce te tlit t prorosed ncw ccumty, whîch yomt q.rsusssi yconicrupiate effèceting by te aid cf a liscrsa'.asb, aud poking funn mml Oil Pete, 1I will jîsst lisaok ytoisci . t Ba'dwin or any bociv cisc, tostop latiglo- in-g and hlsld on a bit, tilesorre of you are able te expiains o iscw, if yen catis, uipos wisal priariple cfrtenseo, com- meos sauce, andi accu baaded jusstice, Mn. Ba]duin's 1bill, uviicîs ho presea- ted aItishe second sassios ocf tise preseut Parlianctmt, for lise general division cf districts liet cotties, completeiy cde- priveci the Home District cf certain important priviieges, Which hae hy saici bill, proposeci se freeiy tb grumut t ot, far ies antitiedinla very respect tb te- ceive tisen. Itena'li hc borneain mnid tîsat tise bsil l isqustions îuriorter te b bots a public andi get'erai omoe, ambra- cirtg several uew and ipratpriaci- pies for tise futre final divisions antI permanent formation of new clsatirs. andci ilproceededC tonce oln iy tise foun- dation for suais final divisiots Kv dlvi- ding rucet of tise ristricts-intcî,sting secue of tise vcry snomllest, pooreet, andi ieat populors-into from txv e fior cossties, (daaigsatîng tise one is whicit tise jail and coatrt-icuose %vus situiatrd se lieseneicor sud tise etier as tIse junior cuty or)JCotmntiea,) unitissg tisam for judal sud one otiser phrposes But ecdisceuuly waLu have its registry fur daeds, &e. astabilslieW immsediately, sud la addition ecan sd every junior couniy ana inveated with pcwvern, wisereby bey tnuy at theiron wili suad plesaur.an sd la tieir o-w.gcod litme sud muse motionl dissove tise union aiti hseieioeerity wheneve«r tisey deem i ais, expedient, sud deul- sable tedo- s wîtonot.&ny rererenSe wviatever te. îewill, vv-ia or oeset of thse 3muor thier con«ssainiithe i 2, 1 85-0. NO. ~9, 1 mattcr. For.instance, the ýNiagara and Western' Distrigts- with a population of less thau haf the -Home District, wera c#bt- divided into three ceunlties, and llihesevèyral junior ceanties, formned1 eut cf, thoea-npistricts have aiaready availectithenelvas -cf thse privilege abovc olluded te, and arc now aotively engtsged in erecting Ihe netessary Pub- lie Buildings, praparatery te selting up for thensselves. WVell, stnittge and un- accomnable as it mayýapper tc: every iimp.irtial minci, notwithstanding" IlHan- est Robertl"by lis Honeaà Bill, c nl-t y divided into twc or more cotucties every ditiricfynjoining tIhe Home District, in- cluding tisa ccssinîsrtti vely pee'r &thita- ly settledDistricts of Simco andi Col- borne, cutitaining coch n pepuilation of, eusiy abont 20,000,- but intrusted those scatterac i ibabitacts îvihh tisa nsst im' portant privilega cf thiusking and ac- ting. as they thougbt best for them- salves. in thse malter aboie',refarreci te, andi ntlte sane8 lima withheld from anti ptteriy denied similar privileges te lte ; 120,000 intelligent inhebitatsofsO the Home District, ansd thereby ina bis great iisdons, virtualiy in effeet pro- ncnincad tlisoni utfit te bc intrusteci ivith tihe free exorcisaef susal thctsght assd,ctiont in n tmalter pareiy local anti affectirog theruselves, and in his gredt gaadness kimdly tindertcok the task of thinkimsg fer titans, consequientiy4 lha msade ne provision.for the ever-grown florte District, but left il as forniarlv in oe coaomty, wvitls ane court baise antd jail, and otne ceunty re gistry, <nd' othér cossity offices, nil cf course concentra. ted and tu e h led, kepti andi conduea- ted in the city cf Toronto, te the great cemfort, joy, benefi, antd deig/st ef the owners cf brick wails, lasoyers, tasoyers' clerks. pettifoggers, as also ail cemnty officers of every siape, size, and diiuen- siots, front a Sheriff down te1thIhl car- pon ter wlho saws toood sometines," not 110rgcetfiug a host cf counter-juimpers, &c,&,&c, &c, &c, &c. Tise Regis-_ try Office, by tise by, descrves rather msore notie-e titan a mare castoal nitan- tioso in tise generai catalogue, innsnucb as iit apc-ýns te bc presided over by an aid dotrsrd, wlsm, iL accrus, le not only attleriy incapable cf condmcting the af- fairs of thse office, but cf treatimtg civiliy thoso uvio go thera to, trausact public bt-,imess; nay, more, it appears lic fan- ,dces hiiscif aI 1trfect liberty to insuît snd attempt te hrowbaat la a pubtic, office amsy 0150 wls nmay hava dared lu propose a redmction it the feesanocipar- qisbiics cftIsaI office, aud te make il elective, &C. Query-Is il for tite purpmosef an- ,scyiog and inisulting te Clear Grits tisat-ssncb ats incampetent, testy old inl- ctsnssent is retainad la Ibat office I %V, at sort cf a chanoce do yoen think hae a-d bave cf remninia g, if the office were nsnde eleclive?1 I nself, and I lolievo a largo asa-_ jorily cf the peoVsie cf Canada, bolci te- tihe doctrine tbat al true andc juet lagis. lotion is based on the principle ce doing; the graahesi oi~l te tihe greateettintre- bar; andi, tbterefora, ail are interested andl dasirouse of knewing bow or upoa wyhat principie iL can be made to ap- pear Ihat whdillei good, vise, safe, and exspedieut, in intrust, or rather tbrap-witbcUt boamsgssked orraquiid tu do nunosthse scatterad In habitants double the average revenue, wealtk and T'AÀ RI1E T S, resaurce: cf a l tbe cotnties ia westernt Canada, and that toc, in absotinte rouis- A Rgmit-Fr.yîscF/omui.v7-1arOGTQ lance, and ina direct opposition to.-tise is te takeenny. Linci tu Loadon oiext 1etitioa cf. thou$ands , ipon thoueaù.nds eaar, tesing during tise cocisnansc f cf the inhabslants prsying te hae formed tt ra uus:~lSo;li en intos separae ad indepéadentcohtnty. 4iùod herself promises to ha elesofra Nýow, if any god cause'orreason real- qlriassily on that occasion tissu lie us- iy dues, axist, for opposing tise cft-re- ident cf ae. mothear and ber. aevea dagit- pcalad wiises (and rejaatissg lime aflet 4ers, ln a. bsi1ço--a ýpiece o-f "-derring time) the resDectfui paitica cf a large e a" wbick-îl eafcresaid mother ittendi' .aud ovetwhelrain g majoriy--a5mout-l4 enacta at ltIiRâe anidplace. Mri.' i ng nearly, if net entireiy, tlu nasity~aatieEgihucaî,acn. --ftetneastara townuthips cf tise d ini ber balcon à shor-t lime-ag, (r/sm- County of York, praying lôbeh set off layswater, wvith lhree of ber dseîghteraý into a separale andirdependent cousnty, ýud hersou,,aud. descersded sofa and> ansd why the ealould notbê epetnitited T6sdi-ihnrt~k~headvens ta fax tupon Ibal site forthtie cetuty nrut iu ae , ina ter teoone, of ' the toîva, uhich uill hast accousmodnsto a aisers, sa"s Ibis uvastise flrsh aitem1pt pmsjoritv cf Ihose interested, witisout cf fuqmales to mttuge a ballon aI nigist.ý auy. reference le "'Peter Parry" or Èi1è prniied lte narve cf r4ir of ..ba ,Pry's Coreras'BSrnie iaupîi , and jill who have venîusred auto cilOu4dý tise -(Cla/e aispears ta be aouong tise ând liopes thé titrep otber .8 witt have number, really appear te ts.Ik sud atttae apitit onouigis l actoaip anuy1 . isee in h 'etý lhoasgh il vould be a crime tu bave tise piýoed ascent is 1à5, sipitt ceînty towu ioeated at -"Perry's Cota- 5ho* - are," lest it sisould inlasoeaWay or' Fauhy eà lady'- and her fbsmily pFa other benafi l "Peler Ferry" or incieols Jaughtarsswimlging and ahbootidà, thue' the valuse of bus preperty. I alwaLys tisaawfnil firMamtsou, irtse silgistia. cspposada11 ccunty -tewus àrèlodated- pue Èaboya thse pintiacle..cf SL PauPu soeawisere, andi, in consequeace, soe-thie, stars brigbler ,tbau oser aave themi body's property alvéays lncrease ned l 14al tise oorînctis City., with *1li il value. Is that the ca se, Mr. Editot, or lighls, s-abWng dimo andc1dwidléd-by ara ail other county tes.vns ioçated la: the precipitons prospocti*us! :Tise 've tise si/oaa? Il la aartaioly amusingte tiso-ght cf ilpat l-s"cyu o-depeÏationl" observe what rid icuilcuafiguras Ind -ca. lancusitsheadias wa at in thisftzedchair pers noea people do c l, ?4 1wiat cf ours,.thitgklhg for a sàeeqnd that it abominable asses they make of- tisams- ecliit.Aadyel, we b*ve soidoobt' salves. Bat tu eurn. I ay again if 1tise Courageons mth«rwijl ha imuidimç cassea or reasen axiale, il can ba very caallas in tise air for ber atsghlers,<' At' eaiiy pointed ouI, and tise wisys sud a&R avents, should tiss famiiy usàake the'i wh-erefores claariy mnadet kaown; sudl' asceml. îhey uill deserve -groat praise vary mach wish lu see wbal .sud aIll for their istrapidity, and s' riais rew that can ha ýsaid inl the premitas. Se ý in their posase. Thair builuen wiIt pro-' n0W ha so goad so kid, aud se bably contilute oeeof thse mas in 1ter- ciever as le ont with it-yes, outI with est ing fadas coauactad with the4nsdu- lise whole merder, if yeaa please; and trial Exhibiioa. le praveut mistakas, let us bave il lu back and white, or forever after boid ITt5ECTICIDE ATIVXsUIsCIsuC-- your peace, andc asa any more le-deai anuel Lyon ia tols ay MesanJy gom in ridicule, ftsa-pakiiig, or side-wlud faer mm wo-knov, whc bas' beaaisbe tl jekes aItihe expease ef poor Pilgoulila. nlice inseci sud- vermin to s comamit, IL may, and doubssuesc answer tise self-destruictieim without aI lise çme purposa exaaedingiy weli, cf many re- lime jeo1ardisinq tise lives cf hsstan' iding at Taorante, sud deapiy iateresled beiugs. Hig magnetie .powdèr briagi in sud about Ihat City, la deal ina jibes forth from thei r nuokesud casn àies, and jekes ln refarence leuIisQ proposeci cockroacis, badisugs, fOcamsi ta, &., naw county, tîpon the principlô tisaI a sud its cffac oa leavea them dead os chance - holt may kililishe d-1, sud tisa fluor. *Yç an infant osigbt: est it isaving uoising te ]ose, bust avarytinig wîthouî lise, s4Zbitest pcesibily cf !q gala by the least acivantage which isarm; sud lte rame may ha usid o-f may, by 1ok or by crook, hae gainad lunlisé Magnetia Pill féri tise destruction tise ins(tr; su altisotgli théra are :of rtasud imica. Snch la, in substanace mauyisonorabie exceptions ta tise gen- tise récent daclaration cof Dr. Chiltssu, erul rule, il wonld seeusi mauy of them oue of tish Ite mui t h is cctlii- are raady fur almeel anyliig whicb try, published over ýhic o-oaa signature; promises thee beast hope cf retardiogtise and wo flnd Professr Raid, ansd màosy increaeimsg prospect, I1unay saycertain- other sabaulifle mens exptssng thse ty, of a succassfai issue aItisae next Ses- saune opinion. -Mr. Lyo-n has, we 'oh-. sion of Parliameut, la spile of tise serve, a cenàpicactîs stand at thse Fair sisamefi tincise of certain gentlemen tsf tise Attrican Insîitete,aud if mnent wlte shall eha nelasa bnc.A nd reueives its jutIreward, witi obtalus a 1tiserafdre, theaV may aàs wall, sudsa great pramism for. bis uteuul iavenlioss&.. ul eal hatter, mccl thair lae itis appa- Strangers.visiting aur cit Y,ad parti-. rent goclgreacn ud -preitare' îisem- culariy those frem 'tise -Souths, whre selves ssaufuiiy te endure wiaî îhey insecîs swarmn, salto- n scI ave toku 1canuot cure; for depamîci pea it, tise withetit pustasitig a.sttppiy cftise dia la cast, oud faîther resiclauca teulise Powdersud. PUlL bMr. Lyona place wiii cf the people interested--i.der tOf businss is 420, Brotadway.-Xj. Y. .tise circnatslaucea, and in tise face and Trib&une. ,eyes cf ev'ery pincipie efreamon, etjtaii- A lai gni1saesi~at 1ly, sud justice-la mail veid sud fuitile, sud wiiloniy hriagdisppi tmntsud aduige, eutered thoiti ot5P5 cf tawin In, ilion.aut IL grave friund bj -t IpeMiation orover

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