- g i i ~ ~ - tise Lods, -in ber Mfajesty's bea plaeasîîrc-susît, -uvimi ras roc-rd t stUrdY -IHÎigmtaudrs. Hec iisajtst a 'fisieng-rcd, anti casgliît a gît trotît. His Royal Higbsmass %vasf most cf tise twc days ansong, Msors, jdJoiiag Lochus Mssick, brou gbt downh a great maîsy gl anti whsilis reftsrcing te Bsslmosr Tisucstay, IjieRoyal Iliglinces t-a-e lie. dccc. Tise Royal pari rived aS Balsaurai on Tlstrsdssy ev abouit six o'clook. Rer ROYal Higliness tisa Dis Kent je scareely as day wiblsost t a drive thirougstisle country. NEWS i3Y THE ASei. FRANqCE dues nef seent setflad. ' je an efernal restlosgness anti a ci CraViag afler ncvelty sud -disot htstie aaifeetei front day tu wb-ieh wtotsid bc very diverfiiig 'vasa cet tee 'vehi racogniseti a becsId cf iitere confusie-nstrife bloodâbed. Thé late revolnticia fi nîider cura thata 'as fscagist poa Unliketfiegcca± lovoltien, ce in deat 'vom-an 'vas pîtradati as tise dess cf liberty-the dungeon and ecaffoiti were net paS in daiy req tion esi, ut ie.festiva gobiet vas pOIlustet by warinbioti expressectif a sltil1 paljitating isart; but tisei bas bpea- laugisttu execrate to-day idols of 1 yesterday; tise chamnpion the peuple, li ke Lamartine, Ladria 1 lin, &c. soon acoompiislisthia brie( ceai', and front beicg tise aposties, came in tise estimation cf tise mais, esiemniescf liberty. The Presiidetit is ocoospied in revig in' Manti astng -tise 1soldiers,whilst us jieers are busy, ia prosecutîg, editurs cf tise neatapapers for inef tios oC thse sew Iaw. M .-Moctai bas *ssblîabed an acconntoffthe moni ded by fhl aSe King7 of1 -which c etely exoper e" ih charge of itlgratt ete aad-,Ohers, wu*s-, F,QYL FAMeY- AT 1BAL S-iicà ber Malesty's ascesil una- Bourd 1e-t-v-greatstc have lbee ber visifs te Loc ansd tisa Loch' cf Lonhînanis sailissg iaotifur sevëral isea - leigaflt opens hast on thie d&in r her Maljesfy tud Piic- 4AIbe nieatderiyby fwe or, thre eërs, retîred terthe aiglt to ti tisongha tsssxfortabe fhatched. frtiseir cocvenieaee asimois tis hore-' Next coraing, 'at heu1r, they retrtsced tlisir step noral, avidenfiy iighîy deugl fbéit à somewhat romauti ecxci la v.Yisifmc% the "Loch cf Le « hec Myajcstvy ascentieti hyGI, thejbiraocf wlsicis liows direi tise lochs, and, after a steep cI coup le of miles (afler Iaving niages), raacededfs base cf tbq cf Lochnagssr ' tise-loch cof, simply a emnalilhigiband tarai corupieteiy esurroaaded by tI mense yawning precipices, Wl perpendicnlart-y te tise heigbt fuet, aed so enstirely overbacg t tarnoans tbreec sides as te appes moment ready te as-seiliafe iL Altogetiser, tise " Loch cf Loc is a scene cf terrifie grandeurý wrei kncwa.- te tise nunmrous thet Visit fiis far-famseti mottf On Saturday xveek tise Quai ap11te " Ati Wearer Anda abotta mile sud a baf absîve rai, on tise oppsosite sida cf the te se tise tartana weaviîig, and cf levamsiion wlich tf lcuiHi ers wcve the ciao farban cftfli hegs-aa impiesuent tîisoe im isandreti sud fifty yeacs are cepx h&ve mado bat comparativeiy I feratice or improvemeuf. AftE ing a censiderahie time examiu Werksuttiop, sud eeei-sg tise pru weaving, bier Pfajsty teckliser turc, and wbee hidciag flic WIVeas-er" gsîod bye, left hies ai foc a tartan plaid, 'viicliswc là doubt thea old mfans 'ili ho very te fulifll.-P&.e Couru-r. QîOn Monday, liser Majesty ai Ro yRIal iiné,%qdrove ont te IB htti Forest- Bie Royal Iliglises a deer-stalkiujg,, viie Hec Mssýjjcj turnied te the castîe. On Tiesday, Uer Majesty ansd Albert, acempituied by tIse Ma: ess ofU-Douro, and a fcîv cf tisei t'Cs aiÙt thflic astle, prcceeded Issut. The Royal party cemnaiiet, htit fer tu-o siglits. Lier AMujest ccmiauîed by tise Macbiossess ci ru, %vas est gsgeui tho greaber r W~edriesday and Thuirsday, saili r. -After- ir io. lier rt, accont- te Cuirios bat huihi ft c!ose fto s te Bl- engelder, CUly fccm lamh cf c Sthe car- e0 " rocksk îvbioh ije s,ý ainsosi t fiese im- t 'hicii rise tbc smail ar eîery5ti fisc eser. s huagur' rand iý tourist> hb ýails. SR ersoî's,'i Dee,- b =ýf hhe soni otoci.- lasme,,and ia isyeled a rettîra u t ra 111 tCeSLLMil 1 hesot o icunvel.ijt tiserate snotic es.s tîan tiirty-tîsree cornisauders, Isotis of ancient ansd mSd it7land- Tise States Generai cfZ)IIu1ll:sd w-as and a third per cent. tipson tise cutlay. ersi time-s, ascribe their sticcesses pria- ir phila- openefl at tihe Hagsue,îy ftice Kinsg in The rond bas se fis ccost £1680 Per cipstlly, te tiseir isaving liaiui parficutar ,clicb P persou, on tise 7tlis iist. Tiesee mlbuch ircos x ttecn-attention te tise discipliine cf ail thic spec plete tise reasiainder for £300 a uile- )orted te was of a very favonrahic character. Patriot. stuherdinate officers. Tise reasonahie- ittie ai- Auistria, Bavaria, Saxony, and Wir- îsess ef so tlcitsg w-ill be evident wvise, ,er sty- teisiiurg have eutered in ait offeisive We have snuch pleasure ils callisg ve ecusider .thit these offleers ncted is iug the aînd delonsive alliassce. flavaria is te attetiofict the astvertisemeist cf Ar. isumiediate connîexion îvith tisosa wlsî oCess of assist tlise Elector tof Hesse Cassel wifh Ray's Omsnibus. If speaks w-cil fejr tise ~ere tu do tlise actual figlsting, uant depar- troops, by order cf tise Frasnkfort As- ,pirit and enterprise cf or iownsmass etis tiss lad if ints ieir power te trants Il od e v.Ths Priissia iucans te resist. that bis veliskte is neot exceiicd, eitiser mit-tise sanie thsrotigls sdisciplinse te cadi iprobable tisat titis affir will brissg for elegance or acmumodafions, hy atsv Irivate soitiier. Mflticse siailttinsitg ae thc ie Germsan questioni tea erisis. ils the eity cf Rochsester. hcing ii tiis marinter set rioisf flie ped Anotiser grand reviewv teck place ou la rg e mass ceaipeseti cf tisese smali Tbuirsday tise lOth ilîtt. it Versailles, at ERRATUM.- Ii tise lis"t-of prizcs tisings wotildaise he riglit. id bis whlscis the Presideiît cf tise French Re- aw'arded at tise Whitby Agricrîltirai eiîp ts1raerf ie eore "'%Vent- public anti a nuanercîîs and fasiionabie Fair, givei ils oir isaper cfftise 19thi, vilatqiiliaftishe applications cf fuis cs tev npn er %ent. Whîen tise iustead cf Mr. Don, fur the beat IlOcae picp There is a great msoral w-ar- sf wY- alary appearec ini fronst cf tise Presi- Colt, rair. Dca'. ihrc aiready cessmensea, bteween liglit Praedent, tliey erièd ve'ciferously, "Vive and larltess, ietv Yisrglst andi wrcsg, rehicu- Napoleon 1"" Vive 'Emîîereur r'- RI - SPON b C ~ lefwvern liberty and oppresýicn, asnd dotesth To the Editer 0f Ille 1V/à i!by Reporter-. tise ite ocf sr inoble citizets is net te t at tise rTHfE RE ~PO()RTE1 ~R Ss-In vosîr mst palier, thbcIlBoard lie dteisicd by Iha expsloits cf a titiMl y, ac- huoa f Directors cf te WVitby BîildengSe day. r[be victcry or defeat, tise tri- fDots- a a ma, nuIthiinqnaîh n indur- eiety," tibroniy tîscir Secretrr, state, tmph or disgrncc, bbc frecdim or tise 'art 011 rutom.-7re tlisnt Building Societies Il are stot only siavery inta tserase, Nviii tltinîately rc- safiul VH1TYSTIJDAt'~,'VE3IER , ~ anspiy reniserative tu tise ersde,,"luit tit fronlcs bbctaîrai svorkii-orcftise iy fouir -- ______also, "ljprofitabile assîtativattgeeîts toelmcns-ts wvliclsare nucvwhlvîssîyitliiîs y uised A press ofother butsissess buis iveek tise bcrroiver," amii te îsrove the trtbh ofIsle costrol ofiftise eomnsandiag'C officers. mayhsprev-ented lis frein îsticiîg lis a tiesenstaienf seme ealciîlatiosstare 15 iL net therefore necessary tflist cspo- et tisemnore tborcsgls marnncr tise rssny sar- made foatnded uipcss wisat is termtd tlise cml aiteteiet sholscd becîsaid te ltote and ià sâýié insinuations aisicis]lave lately '5.ettremc snmtci"tîat tlecsociety sil).tlterns xvis are te caa in con tact rcstse; aîspeared in tlin Globe, toacisng tise woaltl irsfat iin eighlt yeirs. As Isle %ith tlise masses, and 'viso ara to train rfil on kiidmotives cf Ar. Perry iii agitatissg for puîblie aras inviteal te maka tisaecffLithe tse niasses us tise factics of' tise great rty ar- tilt' formation or~ a eel coussty te cons- abuya nseitioncd socicty as a îaseas o f' battle field. I thi fintst none will eîing prise the teul ensterc townshlipssOCf theisanprovisg fbise village ans ivishutip questions Its bein.g as isccssary noix et flinige Couinf of York-. The lcttfcr svich geceraily, as 'ù-el a b ilae nts as theia usecfCvrtsorlpoet, .%Iu Mr. Perry addressed ta tlitthaper, anti adjoîîsieg townshsips establishsing sirnji- as îseceesaryiiaosIs in a n atota ivbichs siii bW fosîud iiaohrcaltînsu arsecicties for the sanie plîrposes, if is xaar. cf the Rcesorter, is rcpreseeted afs an isiglly proper tc ascertain as far as Auseatgftise stalserrs whis arc te 4eiectionceriug maîsife>to." Thsis is possible, wvlsatier the prqoscd utivan- aet aits important. part usflisc ceaîstest1 There net tise case, MNr. Glotte. A divisioa cf -ts- s lie isttial ; tir, iin othier wvords,artieticsesfcosms îoos hsdssh tbss cclinty lisfur esansy years ocetipieti wviether flscy are alike profitîsble te the a Iaitsfsml hantd, rcatty andi eveis auxiet-us rderly bbcesmisdi of flic people, antI is sosv leader andtha ie ôorrowcr, or wlsctier tautic ttseir part, anti to.do1 it w'ell. day, most strougly desired by uearty every tiîey are not clsefly, if isot altogeî lier 15 may h -1 qsiestioîsetl eitetîser it be if it ihabitastitcf this sectlion, ancd iMr. Per- costlà setd to tise leader. jssst to place-tîsein iin tise ranskcf s the ry, as ifs represcîstafive, is looket iiîson 1sýdmittin.., fien, for the -,ake cf ar- sittîssterais but the préjuîdices of so-n b and as the fitfest person te carry that desire g ment, SIsaLtise society w'culd couse te. ciety nf [resent asake fienistsicb, and s uok a îutoelefeet. Tise siîsisfer ibtoives 'vitîs a closa attfise exisirist ion cf cidi yenrs, tlsey iststst bececotent fobear if, Mags ijkie.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~_ wbcïts lb vud'iht ocî ~lencr voaid have îs:id in tssouîbly fi1 tîteir cilice aud makissg it as heu- Umô- tise lasîdable exerticits cf A-c. Perry, instalmeets tise stîii cf £24 in finsttlie- orsîble as tisey casi. god- doî'tiîeioug fttis sebool; fbey are ried, for svhiihlbe would receive fifv.- Theso teacisers -are cf tIse opinion 1the faxght octy ie theeprcsaat rabinét, frocs To tealize this arrovnt, cither thele-tstft otefcet'epi nfi nuisi- 'vbicis the Giobse bas reccived se ma ny rewer or somebody cisc muîst havé paid iaîtlxrtaat ver je a fhicking, sharp, t p-,ot profitable lassons. Long associution more tisa thirty pet cent. at simple i»O sussa sc.Tiypooetstfi from wif hi systematia dapiicity teacîtes tise terest, and above twecfy per cenf. com- sveapon tsait be forged over, anîd sba- moh mind te look tapon every îîîevemeîît puid iaferest. ~.-ped aller tise cîct appreviles odel, b rthe cf oChers as self-iuferested, and..fo Af the enîd cf thse ilrst 'yetur, tise arn- tempeced, sharpeced, bigbteîsed sud h is cf weigis their every action hy is owa otset offthe mocfisly inefalmects of one eveîî crtuatiicted, and that ail the ec ROI- audard. Nofsvithstauding tho Globe, share would ha fhbree potnnds, wviichin i- yoaîth sîsali ho fraiecd te ise ift klfally of R- oivever, and Mr. Bahdwitiss desire tuvested for seven years at tlsîrfy per anti if îoib!.e te suds, an etTect tisat w he- bhave a"Ilurge rural dsstrict" in immie- cent. simple iterest, 'voulic reaiize tneavery hlow dotait ut slial teli spoa the j-( tise diate cesseection with the Capital (?) interrest aloce £6 6 '0 fale cf the battle. w city cf the Proviuce-notivitbstanding, £3 for 2nsdy'r invesfed 6 y'rs 5 8 0 To deliherate ipon tise best meane cf du iew- thas cbjetË 1 weiglied hegyviy witishim' " -'3r5" 4 10 0 deieg this they have formed an asso- L bis in bis eneral dissedtîjea mesîse, yet tirts " 4 3 12 0 Ciation te ruTeet qsarserly. The cexf t he tisebieavv expense in tinte aadnsoisey, 5 th 3f-1 l0ncteing te te ha helt iai« Colusabus ou 'Me. and tise greaf incocvec iejee te, 25,000 U 651s 2 1 16 )tise third Satureday ie -Nov. at 1 oqclock Jn vet irsiabitants se remofe Irons tisat city, " 'th ',0 " O'8O P. NI. No doub~.tise loyal people ofSi ep ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mkn totalie t uvltea, fotif.iam 't of iterest that village wihl by furciner oct te t ha ci atai sasn c te eaonbuîsess at 3Q pet cent. £25, 4 0 meeting and takirig an active part in* no ste tht mghtswal a t'aiaaced ernerMoattbiy i*stal men ts, 8-y'rs,24 0O0O its prcceeditigs, austainstisereptatiea c ade home, "weigis heaviif' ailç»--on - -tbeY acqtîlired at tise geaeral ma Oh t Ib= f~Z~ Ot~4~4 BVte2t1$pcc~c Lnstr is 7 th sisted himn-t 1830. TItis documsent offise isrtisen îilî netflho.sightèd, let is cnnsed a gra sensation ia Paris. if conte fronthie Corners" or -aay- If appears tis aîtâM. do Persigny visited whero aise. So .,vo muet ho set offats London ots amfiiiil xtri an Intiepeudent Ccutnty', fell yur rend-, bain; about t nscrr- te dangifer, -of ers, oty Qrtf. the P'rince de Canine. PM. Thiers %%,as et laemostcotsefusiat.JOINT STOCK COiNPAiNIUS.ýý Tie grand afrcnsjs cfthe ehlesîig Tie followiqg article \viiclsuvo clip oIiste i m -o a r ehoînt-. Tito itù ose ia th e intose io, i legetat, c s ure t80isis 500toe ,as t tîMst w-co 1sir fic hio easd i fmsis o the eariosîsfuts CaselxSIsaise akian imtck-insse «Its a'isiaste s-ad riHavuat je it, andcstinhesis isoseLukes atttl iste e, an,'iHcusont fi fisc ctorn is f a. i, L fristeandtRndcoîîi ray 'a. Te fhrateisn'ro- itsernai ritaurciatiti, ccusabuct fJoc inpdti oc mcis fots love pr- bry sto ie cre et te iforrsattise nioet aruiug ithmsy rof isseCaada, lions r. mure 'vas se00 n.tiuitscîsisrcc lie im ree eutsïvicmathe lis in batis opean flic isdow, han ridacariany liy aeens capame, iteisrec ~Hai tis cficer tescpt fis ocffsc oîtS of niiuletepispie aand Nviclib1gie. 01sr, thave ritii fortsed Geuteasnanticountr eally itwfaatscsre afelivs- liene E ir pîaisGeiid, tc tiseaent fisc' hoepaiet or ilcirune*Seric irst suirateiet s ent i te oice i thient orvieeid n miiti fi lkpoati. Geaeit Slierrast s m e pisltownissid e mroveasîaîy duiicui %ejji.Io e perhoeivetietîattsle dtakeianca- d we a e etll s cpale andmIn arep sreasote carry ontthejesîtiroen, e.cf rth firs nuttaleot isc our. Aonsisei e usped aifuthse pfecee i îi ntitokenui Pank en Crn Blisars hae iforedsen.v instîo a ' , focs icise avariears. that otI- sgsy fuillhaybati receid u uleè;vitstnenttufc l.ucrea dfctics sstl tcas Efr Xiits uhed. t ticS tsema îssifc rtpiîuls-fb sera*ti lins eu rcak Ituarrest. imtuis Gencrl eait hencomeso li fral lite tsf e st ttela iii Lnsure a good and honsisome aticle. S u4il Ai iR y ,Siaits IhRoes af evaîry osher Lied, o-nmbde ta FIPL. orer.JOHN SALT, FIRE. Fnrr, 4rc., Tbowat. Osi Tutestlny siisf l hoîboisl o'eci, n Saîpentiar 2-1th, tt850. 29 Su-c stoty iboutse osi Yongc-sfrect, tear Arcîsiteot, us tise City, w-as discovretm LIATTER AND FURIRIER, Su o csonfire. TIse charns w-usgiveis VICT-ORIA aewd, TORONTO. anthbe firenîca uu'erc is attetîdance,J NFOR à 1S the Ladies and Gentlmen of Wbif- lîst mse laîseseprailse ssuituy li f1sy andit sicinity-, tisas hobe h hw eceiving [bis thle boiise was thIsrai igis mv lest royeti-- EUROPEAIN M.ANUIP.8CTURED FURS, if was a ls-w fsaîtrie oiste, oui a brick -w-tictis ether a'ith Canadian Fuis et hie own basera nt. an5d xws reatiy fer 1îisterii sg. Stnaitactarve will farm a tansptete and splendid assorme, , oastainin4 es-ry fashiaisabte article, No tire lheu ever beeun aiit i, antI îleand itscasotssc îtideiunvetiies for abs cnming Wiîîter. )haun-'Ladies and Cbildrenls Fac sets, in atier octpiad ibotse w-ns tea- te0if, se trasivaripty. tia, tise tire is eiaerally bhtlicveil so J. S. res1îertrîitty soliits their pabroltuge. hasve mîc eis bcuvri cf au iîîessidiacy. Septpnuh)er 211h. 18M. 28 f5 was rssssîtred amisg tIsa crew-ti tlstsi N Et5V Mr. Frazer mh5i dilirl ss'ali sosis FPull and l W ier Dry Goodsi1 if tiert i s Goe. lsd eîs17oiig~- . 3, St. Lawrence Duilding, )55 if- Glob. Xct daar la Ifcssrs. Lyiiua, Kieeans 4r Co. jTisé salrte-instalmnr4ephaced out an- nually ai 20,per cent. comPoutd in- iterest, wessid amounit, in:. 8 yearsy tf0 £499il 14. isaoe oitted the eaicuiations lit coaîpoluid-iisferest'ns, -tl-ey %votil-occsspyeeaeiderdble- SPace,~ -anti mnifgistnef bo icterestieg ttttemtissy o fy c a r r e d e r s . T i e y î% v i l , t h ù sL k _ sîpîsa exansinafiiaMhafosîud te be cor-. rect. Frociflicheaitovo if je clear, tlat if a builtinîg societv wouhd ferminato in eigist ycars, thte (entiers, ise vosdld oh- taisn mnoretthas 30 per cent. for tise use of iseir tssoney, wonid îvithuitt doubf, fisi d if te ho a most amply remtineratiusg isssttsieiit; isat flicborierr vuid, iL is to ts isatfsreul, fisî ti t te is ctst, fisss lie lsad 1îaitl very dccc for ii is istle. Befura coisciting 1 voatld observe, tisaS tIse situiercf -ve ars in 'suusa blsidinsg Society v -ctlsiterusinate, is very tuccctaiis, depiendiug aifogefiser osi tise ansosînt cf gzt whieh tisa sîsares are ssild, dsîigif-is coasitiîsunca. Tt esiglît ho is sev-eti, eight, nina, tee, ta-cive, or fosirfean years. Oaso thsing us saiqtigestiisiv certaisn, Llîat tise .ehortcr tie pericti, thse msore profitabîle if wsili ho te tise leader ; nîti tise isora prtofitable toet esnder tise greaternmuet ho tise iîîfercsf itaid biy tise boî-rowei. Yoîîrs, &C. SCRUTATOIL. Wiit by, Oef. 30, 1850. Totse Editor cf tlsc W/rit/à 8Rep)orte-. St,-It is pcobaly weii knowu fueL tl'ise schsoonser t larissa, fr-oas ('meve,- ]andl ttirfllo, ilets willî stiers l'or St. JatasCîstrcls, ws n et ondala' l terieoit, pickedtisp lis'tflicsteasîser Amas- oce ehuoust IsaIf wa-e atll't-ess Nia gai-a assd Toronto, andl taw-esl jute lies re, liavissg beets dissîsasteudliii fle sss-ris- Wcu-s -SACACITY tir A Itor.se. FOR CASUI ONLY. 'lttirs lits/ios ta) Pnrchasc tîiacfind it te the!r -Aiss fiise igo Sfic-re us-es :1 sSer'Y adraan/îitze I laci isdeeiiscfcerhemaiseesbefeca clîrreaf cf a hittié le'î îIssf ve Pl'ruiis iîs-s-e liseu a, g-od lit tic isiy-w uc liz( ai u tsi- 'Nî O î$~ SECO -ND PRICE . C da-emi frcatsh is 'uns', e adsis ai gf ___________________________ cd lind jast given Isiissef taIl)ia ide- FY LN N W JD patLr, -icna a irefts' litma- Iu-i t- )ile kise-leuitl downisseeh ir aaidtîsue-1 îvistfsiily in lus face as il' inviîissg Iiiut te s-ioiat. 'Tie litile bus' tiîf 51-asti sliscdiiy, as if est flic «Vln.-q cfIsle- wusai Il(ew-as carricîl te tis iost ihome. - __ Tise story is clseckmsaîcdl by ute fuicsv ing inîcirdent from thse Lon- Peint 'ldvo- cote cf hast iuclt:-Globae. ",A fwccaig sicce, as we w'ere B. B IR Y 4N îeaving xsttr resitîcace oii esîr îsîîau 1AS been tately sppeisted Agsenf,t.y the. Msan asiSî-cînreis, fcr the dispaeel of sen'eral ew nîcrniug visit te the Atuvocata cffice, a pattera stores, whirh wece pstented thte. meubla sorrel hotrse, hteîonguutg to us, gailejiei ago, sud eSok thse prize ut the iste îî1s anti cauîsgifetr amsi, aisin naie jan NIAGARA' FAIR. tfa1t rte 1h1u lis, ic hedirection lia - f is oncbanhuaitagenerab smorment of Tict JOHiN -i[C E ,Jux'a R[1:SI'PECTFULLY asi Itnce& lbat he ilao sas- pesiiitoust, ili aiîl îy receîvnn a barge as- ,STAPLE (e FANCY DRY GOODS, Saiitie for tise ait and Wicter Trade, ail of wvhivieh in gIeen puircisaseat tsy ,c fissienceil isiyî-r iniSteaicapst an-i cdBiitis% 'ndAni-- ean matkets. ise tan witi ceistiabence recomasenal lse wsjeette o. le tiseuslefS and weusf off at a tquiok gait tcwnrds naîaas- tire on cur farnas abolt a quiarter cf a mile distant front Our residance.a a fcuv minutes hea auproacisatiuts agaîn, makicg anunususîs noise, assadsssetie îy lais actiouts te riesice as t f'ollcw him ; tisis Iveotui, anti wben Ive reacîs- ed tIse ' zsw-e ebseruredth ie mata f tIs e caagedi la abridge sbicb. hati brokea tijwn 'vitisiîn.- Afier su- bail cxtricateti bis cempanacu rrosa bis daîsgaccns usozitioutise herse wbicis isat given us tisa notice cf bis as-sîpanion'e danger, came umi anti roi- nd bis beati nganst uts, shewing cvi- le-t sigiiscf grassatisfaction." A oonsi'etahle sensation w-as causeti a tisa Court lieuse ycstertisy,*isy tise titaen indisposition cf Jmdae Susllivan vhile on tise Bancb . Tlsc"issrcl wock ftise past week, titring wiih ha bas aot spared isimseif, Sogether Viti the ose afmoshisere, of tise toomi, breugist sufaintuess, whic,however, t~e row open, anti ha proceeciesi 'iths Air, Pns-5curand CoigSoePtsete, sri ron ts, Do- Irans, Duer Sarapeca, Paient Cia atesr Pumpi, &C., &C.- Tise ne%%- psîeiîed etoeehsnsade onite OLD IPRINCJpLE OFp)MKJiNG 21,I£ pL-1E$ -VER>! IîICV, and thse lire plates are eston- stucted that tise tire cannas injure bhin. Itis stave ii tise ane whicb, ini tweln'e monti", or s, accu as it becoases generaliy kaown,. - Farmers wililbave m10 otie sii. Tise adnace it possesses oft taking usini stick ef un-cd, -and isavinq a targe aM c Dmcau oven, holdiuug two fiers of bresut juasa, a hdteiag - nott-d faoran exeitaint baking oves, are far supe- riar te any Stove lie bat sotd ieetofore, Friends! Dcn't bauy etsewbere seithout caliiis and examicing, as tise salu taoses are maIl 0 ftecd et Bs-yaat's Stove Room, abliat toittihhlg vitlageof Whithy, ebee gundaoftait mota ère put douvetle honeet psices, and tesmif lite tisa,. Trisî.-Att sorts of prodae, fat csttte, lesa ber, coelwood, &c, &c, taken ia ecauige. Thse Sabsccihcc .bas albrinsM titi e <lpened 1a Store Shop l PrInce llait, Seideusr te ~Mr u-cPs Stev, Wbece lie alma>keepsen b and a generli at..at af Boota, toc wisicls ont auts nd rdawlb "suen ta payasent X. B. -Don't pv&ronist Ped1ars, for t&7y sah ke opcuy proflt adto- -Whitby aut Prince Alitent? Probnbly sorneo excellenitbrotlser offi- cers rnay not bc, aware of-the çxistence and, objeets of titis associationj not hav- ing attessdedasy of tise previous ineet- ings.- It isADte ho hoped tisat .sow, tiss depailnseîst of the, service 'v.ii ha there ttbroken by a~ sinsgle exceriotin4 .The sulierintendeiil tegether witIsoreoth- ers, is to add rems the nieetingip relation te the proper systern of'driliiii and: training, Those superior oficers cuiiçd Triis- tsilhowelimeto thiseeting, and nsay take a part in tise discussion, buit our geeci. brother 'Teachiers say they must isot vote. They iiindoubltedly feci deeplvy interested la the suiccess or' the tindertaking and miglît do good, service ini tihe cause by providing a cônveyance for their tencisers four timcs a vear. Salaries are general.iy too smail to juis- tify mucbl expense. Finaliy, [lise Teacliers nieed the coumn- tenance and encouragement cf ail who arc fricndiy te the objeet they have in view. To suspect themn of any treason- able designs, as somne have (toue is a litfle uncharitahie, but rio matter for tîsat so, long as Ibere is no mssre faunt fouund-thiar is harely suifficient 'te alite off tise curse.' Tsev sisouid be sustained how'ever in cousin g forward te tise service oft tîeir eoun* ry in these lieriiosis finies. I unm Sir yotrs truiy APPRENTICE WANED WANTED an this3 Office, a smart açtlve yoqtk 16 or 17 years ofssge, as un appreiie4o the Plt ing business., Octeber 25, 1850. OMNIÊÙUS NOTICE. T HESuhacriber siiIcontinues fo tan en TOmnibus frem Whithy là mMethetteamboat A.dmirai at Wlsitby Harheur. Passengers ,soing north by, the -Scugog Sage WilI have ]Po extra fare 1 pa IV. RAY. Octeer 30, 18,30. 29 Lanid'4genI, .Iccoiihtiit, Coni- veyancer and Dratsghtamwm,- Suv'oof Roinds for the Townships ofWhitby atnd Reaciý. OFFICE-LOT 21, 7Tni CON., WHITBY. Whitby, Ortober, 1$50. 2 Buffalo Robes! Bualo Robes!1 r IIE Sublscriher ssffirs for sale ,000O 17-Ilerth-West Buffalo Robua, al .y ui r lo s t tise bussiness bef ojets Cou-.O s qisiyassiglt,vo e - tron èn7 bis Lorisbip faIt no bad ects, allawas navet hetter.-B.ia, frAï, Ot 6 -KPUFF AS 19 A. U - - - ýïj des-seeJournal aliudes te a-ce uîSpoaaejnt cf fisc .N, Y. Courier andEl wislo urites avoo..c an-ew lion safe , w hioh w s exposed te a t ri - copefely tiestroyed i »5optjo~l frdn iiis 'qvae taken, alter the triai alive'rooster and la ump of 8týmp~ butter. Thse hutter 'vas barder tiias whvisa t wns patin, tise ssufl i Yétesé icg perfect, andt ie'rooster carne oçuts alive anti %vehi, ny snfferieg ftotsatfesa