PROSPECýTUS 1I.ncorporaled under the ICI of 1Ibo 9th Vic., chap. 908 tua 8U-£50 DAOM. s. D. - Emtrane Fe -- ---I101per share. Nlonthly Sliscription, --5 O Monthly >Management Fee 0 4 J>iRDOTOEU 70K Tac *insuZNGTu=R PETrER IîERRY, Eiq.t, PîesidenL, JA MC1S iiOWi, Q.l 'e-rsdn. Zi. . [ilI% N1, )-fit. JA MIS WALLACE. &t-retary and) Tretisrjr-, n.,.IO.HN HIAM PERRY. S'ulcior-B. 1.'IE¾ I3ALL, Esq. or li it ot more advsantageous for us te raise money on ordinary mortgagé at 6 Per cent.,j thlun to borrow money f rom a Building 8oceiaty 1 A lew sim- ple statemlents-wlll serve to explain titis. Let us bqitt, theit, ly supposing abuilding society .will run out in seven vears from't is commencement, and tbat a per»onbasý borrowed oneC ahareo £50 on te fiat sole day ut 30 per Icot bonus, thus re'eving £35 in cash- Iiere titis borrowed on common mortgage at six.per cent. interest for sev- eny1 a iepyet ol le- ,$even years' interesb at 6 per cent. - - £14 14 0 C rincipal to be paid Mi the close, - - . - 35 (Y 0 49 14 O Wiere titis borrowed from tite Building Society, the payments would l'e- ISeven yeara' iistalmnents aI fi6e shil-ings per mentit, £21 O0(0 llnterest the sanie,----------------21 o o Entrar.cir anmd Management Fees, about 1 - I5 -O £43 5 O 49 14 fi Thus sbowing a. gain l'y borrowing froni the Society o1 £6 9 Very few persons have however an opporttunîby of lurrowing moncy fromn the Society aI itî commencemen-sa y that the Shai e wax hori owed onle year allter, the !Socieîy cloîjing in seven yeara, the ban will then lue onily for siix years. If borrowcd on otdinary mort gage- Si-x yeilsî'ilnlereâit, - - - £12 12 <0 1'iiiieipai suri, - - - 3 à (I ) ( If borrowed from 1he Society Seven years' irsîlametits Six yearb' iriterett, Fie., W&., uay £47 12 0J - - £21 (0t Builing~o uesbavilig bren foi so oigî, a tinj~e Ceablished. and in guc- £1 q1estdut opeî ariof in valjoi parts ci' ibis country, and theïr advarîtges holjiSlowîing a gain lJy borrowing frurn thbe Socieby of £7 7 f)£1). * frJr;neaWns of ,roitable mvestrîeit andi as;graltin; 1..cilities for Ille $boîîld we Mupoeiat the Soeiety iwuutd take eizh'brysin uruit Out, aui&iuofRitt î-:sraî iîng ow x-) weiI utîalortmld ackîîlowiedgid, lit Illh Itan"extienie ashuin )ticn $rijnula z ul b",l iobtained.,llut in uuîueci~a1y oulayîu; elue bb pulie l'rosjctuts ut iinibhed ratef ; îhuu, lenugth 1110 îhf. plIcpe t peaot i utîAscaivs lt ils noiev a cmueîalelue i mnceIllte îeuject of tiilihtg uldn UyaS bieest onf, £- x16 $ýcictY in %Wfîiiby %vas tir s mriuusi*y ent' rtioled ; but ieîiîîje fà wl rnia un, - '1- 5 asodiatuli5were a uit Wlime m m lci ec¶ynde uby the i'eîeraIitY (A pepl bîe ha. hd natiy oaier piaccs îlihe euriurundiru courU,na-£5 11 ifieia spirit anîd zeal fur beyond l olciku or illîglt havel)lrnt* pebed1If laken fron Ille soeit, - hepeople ut %Vhitb)y. cijuvlytoltfor Lbeïr ealîb andi!iiiellicîe ize1 e ýÎJV Eîhhiveaiî;' liritalbmegîîs, . - - £2 jubt ilow beginling tu niove ý itil byaîiw-l nuiilt, ilîî 1î4.aîuV uiltîîycalb' îîîîeieil, -- 21-- roin Itheir wet l kuun eil'and <iterpt'ievit ns coiidtil;y exlxwebcd b1tý1j Fées, &C, a ew %poullu vii '-rv e t'7«lnile It hry bai e uulv ectia utile lardy 114j iheir ii trifmettlin urter dueiivtlu iibrve ihe wo, iof utirîui.îir 1 .e- tiùs elfewhere, tîrjf % fliar iiiv uîîdeî:stand andi appeientMei, îhey ati Tbî i holving a gain by borrowillg fîonî î1 Me) deenme li t i Y bu lud Iheir ueîiiQllrs in avaiing îbemteW OPt Soey, of - £ bti e eiat nu.niubral.jiy~~ i'ni iing pht h e 4tAAliand s uttil1u;the tinrabion Of ithé-ocit A hli . ihich, unire eial ilo voenie-.t lm aIV 'iiiyîugat îugpae lk tîbyat U~iefîe il nuntîsualig tc rl4 lothoan bel-cri eait. AI hiîî;'-îIepulws-,mwlebteAll yi-li lngi ji-ieY fr 'nî lr'quîOfing Uîin Mquw liiîLeiînît uliio e, l Hhedebt nuliîunoîu. a itt iiq'îent 1 .oyrruueiuîî lýiîult'd <uf ait le thei luaiu%' friafna1gtirlent 01 , A' iii îtyu d.'end îlcdhein; ii hliiiiî¶,i fm'ii l(Iwh, vr uçrdmi bbc~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~gi Pal xets' i:euli uetunt dîrny 'Iwt i>a-nia *'L.aiî riIrt .bi, ni. I bs c ainr,';ilrgo- Hîà ail Jiii'y >11i anregnlqa cd ail he oil.n' li pi f leCounw iy>hau t irij, (au.vvry îWîtîsu andi in Muu' a a uuer os nmIobu1)e stnl4hIyliv~msti ta i'%m;i unî o) 1(urînî4*11 fitivm :e upuuuutint MAlbwiîub extouHcd usetuPilîilu unonil Iibli e expian ai hbe t'i i, m hleu lhe suriu b adri nes%. Bus! bu'. e. -0 "r "iohumlhe olpeur We am a hi'lui~u4t fle worikiîi;s utfbeIIWCCE*t~ildy h e îy larg. 101noiuîrstole Toïulo iiill.dij'hr 1places , inî;hi bave liteil, anduît sil1i - '%re.gibîr ""M'îhY ue'in fti eSlîaîcboldprsiVilble held iw len the ar, lî~îît bîîrutîw tt lvlbj uîeîi aîîd 1Maîzîî <i l l>il Pnsîy n an wmi 1 +oan<'î.i by connpeîtiori, id a40 aor) u-a m'îju Ahait it ai ea;l sh w as tire toliarui te,. as l5 pai"sbea lt iai i-J lo hiu ieeîn', and bMe rubber u1ficenuh fui Le vrai, will il-d oulte nu;îbtl t ba 'uuîiu-tuttiîsib duuitî;and 1t uiia UDI itand i:i<$lecoid 1M<iiîay iiievery Orluber, ut whi<'b te;ir tîoîiCsH be ge. aliiCi7'ihe hueiler î.usî Piuutiaple an(' advalur. ouU) lulte luuit-wer ais-0. hc ovan 12e Utnd the ei'neider it poluîatandti seti'îol, t)ilttlllkîiîiitly a invealîs<1ï o îirliand . teSeieti 1 pnoing tht' Villge aiutiîunehip gvîaWy~, a 1a% H tanuruesnmi .t *bur hernebîa hsi ithi îiîe WY ia"2 ) nsouieIlonudaibe Our 1xaîubd. 11v order ot the Bo'aril of )ircblors, (MîeV'.cry ;iezrt atutaletii1, oelé-ty ~oe tau lcsin bte «amnjltry. ,-;. huai uiche lîae i> turd vçà O11 clandtî1he îîîuiuîbbv- , avp"ner éounsequehtly oiuiy fivee shiiitug1-1pci 'te. The e tciit ielleel ux îii*s~~t, îtîlaî ONlAN1IJ it lewl-uýIËey lmue and pal: juai îî,îaîtîîin-by tie wur kit; eîaumanud mà pîbjuc'rtî'ry N, *'reaslrr. of limiiruf~n'ailà , lîui wh lwîsas. Ile main quieston uîîîduuîb)teiblv -niî . rNu. 30]1 (miUE' HUMLII<fi, AND) PROU'SIONS. flu!rpu' DUTIoa'Puuont IIT AN7I)ur-.Eu!Nh I paûtQlirt fý,t By-Lr'w -5. Ll f -f Lie l, 130 it 'I l le 'l e mîîel-i-;lity ctdj iC, 'O à 3. Uf rituOD 26i-Y ~imc- uwiîss i MîIl itiv'. "Illît nuj - l1 lia t 1mir t iof 1By- 1L N* Vî. ',.ii?4CtiiNEW CIIEAP HIAT STORE!, first vvihîeh <rri té!) pttig'a coibir (,il a îît~s iu v SIr-h it 1 txtsr-nt .Net!,oppJoifte tie (oe fie is b'r'b uiodlUsi 1,4 lIed t tiu irtyI'ng Street, Trutu. lit (~I llt-.111V uit sili t*ýth e b'iuiîsrsiebul îuumi~st h liun~c uîi-,i;itîitt w~b.î tlî-~ -cqm um'î~ 1it puîblic Iliat 1w b"sopenu;îltiuiiiabie preruises wïth 4(q, FaitI B",-L:ta 'l41 tîîi l la tttter tfial- 1 aumiexcitlent assorîment oï nAT'r .aui albi su tIIttit lti'Is'ut i' 13u I3v.Lwt £Ur LQopo. Buffalo uobre, ,,hnil li'cj -ti141lu, <xii1 the b' t~'f~)~}Xm 'î~3n:~ thit tt'Stht'ttt s't' 1411sîtillierîtieu-Lidire Ff e very dr.srrjipion tulways ~l~ -1u' r'juî tl-mi tt itst ceiaîivt; uîf'4 onf lad. stn se'tuuî whie rul'mrsicidues îuî- ji~The bighest price paiti in cash for 1lating; tin-2 rd ag, tetits t o* I i dae.. fr<uîiî nt it, jit3 '1 ~f 1î 3 is ~ se or utlier tîîwviithcr:s orn 180 Oci., - Jatter anid Furrier. - (Si~~îtd. :.ANNLE . T. R. t-.___- - - . 1assed, i 1 .-A. ~'>WOIIKMAN BRIOTHfERS &Co 11.'l. IIABL i )SN, ('1er/i. DRt. A. . 'ST1ACI11AN, D0averto]m, Thorah. JOHN TTUCKER, (Lntr cof Mntreal) flair, Nu il, Tootall d ctùur -Wnuifie; Melt, - Juta I n iat leIory Cuub; FeaMper Dusters; .ksolry; eliî1lcrl,'; fluy (Catit; Perfuerj- cotegque. £&Çeneo Iair OU, 2lk Sorupt; Farns, Fa"m&s, Put-Moi'ttjs, &'q'ar Cases, Note aînd Bonk Bit) Buok, J>ocket eand Nemorandumu Du., GoId and SSt estl Peluf t, ere (Chlaîm tand)at/mr .PIpes, Tcèys, Jancy Goutis, 4rc., -le. 4-c. 54, Wellington Bîiin'gs,, KING STREET, TORO ÇTO. 24-y 13 E R K H I t E IUuuel Hoalth Assoia"ion RATES 0F YEAItLY-?AYMEN*tTS. 6,00 " -$2,50 peryear,--- 3,75 Id 1 5,QO'u -draws $2,0 per week- - 9 " 3,00 Ai 4»0 AND» 51XTY-rlVi.ý slraws $2»0 per week. 44 3,0» * di 41AÀ» OF FPICERS: aazicx: ROM, Preedt. B. P. Joupioxr, sey. L Aoê,V. Pres't. P .P4o, Treurter. lvo 36, King Street, Toronto, FFET- FOR SALE AT -LOW PEIICES -Im 31)-)Totits &oiclnBar lion, 6 "Swed-s (do 10 ' 1100h andiBaud lt-on 6 "Cast anti oth'r Sitels 6 îPlou;b Shares 13"WaggonsBoxes 5"Patenît Shot B ulrighitlrn tW ire 1 de iAuneaIet Wire 6 u Iutty f 2 Sheet L-ad 1 "Leaml Pupe 2 H Iollows-WarIe 1-2 sheet Zinc 1-2 'RtileSheet Iren 300 Crmkas CultNails 100 44 Wvoilght do 4o 41 Patent (.Cut do 100 " DevI* Spikes 50 u4 PreIed Spikes 5o di C , nu, asrted sizes, 20 4 Flur Barre! Nais 20 O.Steel ýSpades 6 ' Scotch do 6 Iish do 150) boizes Canada.Plates 200 4< .TinJC IX and C 50 ~Axes - m Winmdow Glass lsaws ied amSotuent osf CI4c. t' e .1dian*'es 01i ('ousnh til s I or! MIiî'% b Molt rral n-Nl; umisçrbt, uspri-pare to b make i AVÀN ixs '. ('StIon POT'I' ND J. F. I A LSTI)D, Trave//in-g /%eitfut-Ite Wa-higocn Count y IYutua1 Insurance Company. - BOOKL IN, C. W~ BriijOct. 10), 1,850 2 6-3m LAW OFFICE. Barrister andi Attorney PRACTISES bis profesbion ilu ail file Courts ai' .ustial, excuiht the isieens benth. H-e %villi rttrcuabiy attendtl u auny lutiliness en- Il ustedti l bis <'are i lte Ciiîtnirtaoi Pleas, Chatt- cerv, County, Insolceuit, <>r Divîiti Couirts, also 1, Aogency anti Convoyauiciiîg. OFFiCE, - Orer O'Neill'* Clothilig Store, oPPOsite te Newe M ik-t BJiirinîgs. Toronto, Sep, 12,ii$S1 f23-I SUR GÉOX DE),NTISIy TAS the boueuir etannommnicing bit arrivai in H lTorott, with the intention et' estab>iiing bimeif in the'> city as a Suitç;nor< DENTlsT. Dr F. feels confident ibat from many years' study mnder 4ome ei the inost eelebraied Surgeoi Dentists lu England andi Scotlamîd, andi t-n- om lisu- scqus'ni prefessiorial practice of tweîv.î years lu Brilain, tée wil be able to give ample satibfaction -tri ait wo may houer him with their confidence. Dr P. bas, for. tire prescrit, rented thse premise, Ne 40, Kin; Street W«est, adjoininq the Cabinet Warehouse of Messrs. Jacquses & Hay, wberu he wiiI be founti ai ail boum-s of the day, devoing biniself ex 'clusivcly ho the several branches ci Dental Surgery. Tt>rente, 1850. 24-y FIOriodicallaiteraturo. T' HE folîowing Magazines andi Periadicale will hLle deiivered ait Publisher's Pricuts t., S'uhscri- bers- in Oshtawa and its ictnity, by G. ]Iuus, ]Esq., Petmaster. Godey'a Ladys Bok, -£0 15o Per ann. Samtain's Union Magazine,- £015 di Graharr's Magazine, a O15ý Litteili'.Living Age, - I10 Harper'a Magazine, - O015 " lnteriatienal Magazine - (0 15 ' 1.COSOROVE, Getteratl Fook andi Periodieal Agent, Wholesale and Retail, e ýWellingio Buildings, Kinsg Stre£et, Toronto. Toronito, Oeber, 1850, 27 Po O'BDEa*l ALL A N D WI1NT E-R e L-O rT H-1 N G5 .Mo 5 t- ~ AT EVANS & AMIILT--ON-'S. City Buildingsv, Kin'g Street East, neoet door, ta J. R. MTuountjoy",y Pry Goods St0re, sign .of the T~ HE Subscribers have niow on band, and are daily rccivig a very exten- E.sîve stock of cheap and fashionabte IIEADY-MADE C LOTEHIN-G, Ali well eut, witi 8îîpc'rior trimmings, anîd -made Up Îin the best style, at their establishrncîîî in Mcînîreal, by firqt-;rate workmen. .T0bu y in ite best and cetpest wholesale -markets, and seli, for C A-O 0N L Y, Citeaper titan any other vsiabiishmcint. 0110 trial i ! convince thç, most i tt rct(lllous. tha-t. E. & IF., stok or' CIthing is muclu better mnale and tîiied, and cutisec'cjucî;îly chcieaper thian any other trading bouse in Toronto. LiEMEMBER AT EV ANS & HAMILTON'S NO.* 5, CITY B UlLDIN;,r" KING S TRIET Ji.S'IT, TOR ONTO. 27-10 Fulland MlPiler lmportaiongI RING Ti1E'JA.ST, Oi'iosimTITIIF :T. L-AWiENCE HALL, JUST 11ECVIViiD, via M2ONTREAL AND QUEBEC, 20 Cases of Superior London REcady.MmdO c fi 0)il H I NIG, r j'IE Ie and Clieape.ït evi.r impoied inoBrllrîîsb orth Arnerica, ail of which wiII be sold 'ery 'Eli tIf- enver 1he 1, NGCuov. in order lu înake mrn for a vety rg ron5i4flmeft of LON'DON CLO'IJING, (1ow on iut way oi) the îIeibrhinhenapoedSeAgt for one ol the 1 n 1 )t e-xierisive fiouïe-4 in Lowdorin I be "Ex'wr'RAPE." Ile tberefore wili be able tosupplty the (eîî;tîy .111,L1Iîhabi.îarits uf Toronto wi-tii Uil>ER1-olt GOOI)S, for litile more than one-halfthe I nrci- -11l"é-i ic iihi-rlimié-e ic i J. 1i T HE subseriber » bas constantly. f b'7and aud continues to Manufact.ure Waggcms, Bugis, Rockwtqys, Chairiot- teesY, and Fan&iJy Carriages, 0)F DIFFERENT DESCRIPTIONS, Whieh lie cati sel Cheaper for Cash thian. any other Establishmerin l'biht-. by or surrounding counitry. For .s(pe-7,, rior Style and flurabilityl lie feels confident of giving fûIl satisfaction to purehasers N. B. -PAINU TRIUIMING done to ordtr- JI"epairing in ail jts varjous branchéès neatly executed on short notice. -NATILANJIEL ILAY. Whitby, April 19, 18150. Nogw Lino of Stages TMROUGH PROM WHITBY TO PORT PERRY T EAYING Whiiby Village every marnîing -'i-(Sundaym excepteti) nt Eig*t o'clock, calling at JJRQOKLIN PRINCLi 4LBJRT, and CILlNDLE,'S CORNERS. UETUR-'NJNG:-Wili leave Port Perry at Treocilock 1'. IM., callinig at the abo-re-named places. - .Il-3 .Passengers commn; off C .dmerica cari go north >y the stage n Extras, furniskeed t', orde T. 'N,SCRIPTt WhiLby, l17th Aug.ust, 1850O. 111E & Cc>. 18 -'nIl:m Ai(ieT floilicriCm î'AIN- l,,DONALD M1NlProprif Kif)Fi- an4 N iuler ut. frein $3 1-2 to $7 eacb. .[ WHITBY GRAMMAR SI S;: 'ieîrFroek aitl>e '. ,ti $5 1-21hi0 $9.t 1 Oîp' paie ot auhhehijor l Iurr )oesiii atid (C asaitucre Trouseru, fronr $2 1-2 to $4 3-4 each. 'jpiEN EXT SESSION of the iSu-it0 lUie IlFait s'rid %Wititer Ve'ls, <rm$1 1l).$1 3-1 cars. ,mat Sebool willcommence on 25t) % eiy 1icb Frinci $ilk Cut V ciet Vests, frotrs $2 1-2 ho $3 3.4 each. 6t of August, 1850., *'our Cases Superfine Saxoniv Clothoand au ssimerea. Doositis&e jJAMES Il AT VERY LOW I'RICES, -j Wbiîby, Jîîly -301h, 1850O, Being, seieted particubamly for the Subîcriber, by a compteelt persol wbo avaîlis iiself of th e, w vî ~ , . opporîsnify u of îbaiî;GuoulS when îthe -markfbs rire iotw." TIhe ,lu1srriber, iberetore, éan with 1 LU Lâd and 1to L pu:if'rt oîiiuLî 111;11îyli I"psite bc i,lismîd ctillot lue u1itiunrsOAby anly ther reepectable eutîui<iiithîi4Kje ftit i he Atlantic. . TlE Slisriber hbas A FEW cati i. â iiîi.4t a single tFau wili nîiviiueof the reality ofthie advarutages prefferedto 1te -CESo 1i at t es 1'ubfic urndurthtie 1)E.DY MOYEY PRINCII'LE! in -,Tojwinhips, Reachi, Lxtridlgp, No JO0 i N P. O'NE 1IL L, bury. RBrock, T/wrah, Mara, Orillia, 'IXurunto, Septl. 28, 1850. - ___ 27-1() "iRT I Zon, and ()pLi The most of thesze lai - - besi qualiîy. and Nwill 1w leaseti for a N E ýG0 1iufivete eeuyruependn i i N E WG O OS !lots et' from 2 te 100 acres each, to -Witt chop, clear, anti fence, in a goo r nanlike mariner, withiru the siaeIiri MESSIIS. BURlGESS & 'LEI SIM AN. neHisathan20)aeresoneacilot. HEfx bu anncuîmnce to the illlmabîtints of Canada West that thcy have reeeived crpnin; aýny of the particrilar lots in tircr N W G ODS cousisiuî ofabeve trewýnships, wili 'e answered'-v Clothes, Cassimeres, Vesf in,«. a nd a general assort-menît of Dr-y Goods, purchtased, inu the br,'t British .41 ark-ets,for Cash, w/nch qzvzbles-teMé to dIispose. of tMes ut pi ices much lower thixu etier before offered to Met'Canfidian Public. 1'Iheif RIEADYmM ADEM-CL]OTHIN G, M.îtîtc*tl:r d mln this City, t'romntGvo rd n morted direct frcm I3ritain, by themn- selves, and CanadmtIan Clotlis, fronu 'tue!,là c ores în Canada, defy CýompetitIOn for du Men's1 Do. lied tli Fuir Ca Mies; arability, sltle, an-d chcapness r- E toff' (ver Coats, fsom M 5 i Men's Casimet'e Treusersi frem' " -1 Buaver là i - - 1-') O do M lsi " " - - 7 1.14Joo tirm"n u dé 1 0 do" Etoif - - - 10 Bîa~iît ' " - - - 3f) O0 tdix Ctsnada "'laid-O - - - 10 tiniel ~ ~ ~ ~ . Whti,- - - 4 5 'hite ebiis, 14inen. fronts, i - - 4 alus - - 3 9 Clotb Capsi , " - - - 2 'Ily Bont-ets, id - O G Boy' i , di - - - 3 *ove Uisdp.r S i d - - oJTrouserý, - b- , Vesi, dé - - 4 5 tiCas id - - MJ3'S P.IS $.-427N TS, BDL4CK .tYD DJL4B. GRY0GODS,p Coii.sistiti Sr ever-y artiele nîec essary to corm plete a large and %'vell-assorted stoe - of t buse Guds requtrcd liy THE PEOP'LE. ever3 5<14)Saxony Wool Sean' Sbawla, fret-n 13%9d Factory Cettons, froni - 034ig 30,00() yaruîs Lood bonniet Riblons .O,05IWhite coîberi, -04 etieni 3,000 yards Gala Plaids 09t j tripetishintirig'.- Ot Prifits, las! coloure, " 06IFineltd anti white, ' 1 3 w Ladies' Cloaks, (neieest styles) -- 8 9 B Iati.kets. per pair,126Ga Velvet Bonnets,-" 3 9i Linens of ail ksrîds. fl Sitot, Checked, Striped and Plain, AlpacasCug, and Orleans, DeLaines, - Cashmneres, and otirer Fiashionable-Goods for Ladies' Dresses, Gloves, FJoisiery, Fringes, Artificial Flowers, Malinis, Coiiars, Veivets, Silks,_ - Shawis, I-Iandkerehiefs,, Mufi and 1Boas5, mip rrNO -SECOND PVICE. -ç -BURLGESS & LE Churcli Stretts, jcinuurgdthe Court IHomse. *-Whitby, JuIy, 1850. STEAMBOAT F oO OS tout< ISH~AN, Ced I - tTeraitek i Corner of -Kiîr;and) Toronto, .september, 1850. Importqlions of Sprlng Goods for 18;0. j 'AI1 No, 6, C Ileece, King * 5 bâtreIs Boileti Plasâter 100> coîils C-ordage, 1 teo Oakuîn 3f) A 1 warranted, 30,B ~ksmnith's Vieea- 2 Ci~e Rowlmnd'a Mili Tigelber ikl a large andi vit Ub.jJffl -D . js. u ý 1- ,-,l mua