-'--v j Act Sîecotd-Scene First.' Tus RuN- T IE E RTER ecceinlrtisl p-du'tiôný 'cf the 1 oeà WHITBY, SATURDAY, NOVEIMBER19, 1850. Fiçpp Stage <'surmot 1'erijsh a ~si' lo tIîis9 -boW d Coriginal transition! ,It ausp)earsthai tlise firm of> bohn M. Th~id~îUti~ue..tlkstcccsof 'Woýod & Co. have, withdrawîs tlieir citer the; doiiIst Cliri.smas pantoine sat 41:to enlu, t~Oîro~h6c n iJf'sorru1tyýLiiiio',Jntfaii-voutst alod wioia e ff o1(Aumskl esiitugcUtC unctHuron 13. mcnc seqelr.Iâ te %VI itl s aciiukiei ./I cm' OW ilflrdnt attitutde atssuii4Y tihe Cor-- Wsbieifor tlie. XBungariern!1' and wîîitploration of Toronlio, asnd their uttur re- tise cxl beath~dÃng-" .qud<z Ot LXial ce tdsth e £ 100,0P0required. par Pf ..... .frtA Thratos sg-'îîis fUlse.step o'tlie Toroîtonîats lbas :W8: c~ etsil' pctue tse rcisoiî' i a annr icked up the cgrictîltuirai, 'wik,.wîl ~-hj1s c~ îvult iaV'eMc- eath of lise' interior couttis amnd copaid, iis exquisite bit f bür- ueî-cîe usubp rn tue esu!Even fluhl Bare couil d îîot nwl-stldowhisfé a rié s% dn~Jiiscfteraelxuyonittet* anid .viiii for ra tinte, ceut a«cocm -of a horse, laugîs e t the ocvervlbelniegn- over thueliopes cf tise ne%' and e'nter- huttiu f tise joke!pii-ilaiat ftoe e*us But w. "Must lie grave-for aies! il rsiginîbtat c hsesc-us eg~r :~n ~eswere on-But tbis stata of thimsgs will lie but of s~çw ite~s~ tse (!!),.States ut 24,000 iniluabitants, will nul be slattcut ,,Doà liardum, are. cnutgis bu nake thei frons a muarket; and Iic question is, 'blg od of rituis ma coid xviîis bath- wliere i li se look for a convenient liold the siakci Africanssis rgged fromn outhet for, the suîrpluîs prodtîce cf lier )iWXqativQ1 deserts lu 8s.lave and toil, ricis fieids, olscl' thamu Toronto 1 By e ,0444içess,amnd tinretv'asdcC, fus- is nier- ghance sst the mal), it wiil lie secui thtat cofiîary tgesk master. .But it -j. 'IVOrsp a ePr fWlib fosgrao aii ni llion fl&dtto ortio WhetysotIse grater adini ciie fa-cailed cittn add-ties te tIhe vnst country arotind Lake iliu -d- 19ei-t nfruesl.,Ibis svite, aind Simeocetian aiiy othmer uuthet, content- freds, aed hurricd ln bonds Lu iie platcd bols as regards distsmnco, as w'cl llot-Sotitiý--hT hsu man, liai! of nusery and deapair !1 as its centrai situation on tisc lake, siod Tiîank God ! that thiers'. ils aà .isavenofils grcauî seciiby and ssfty uf access refuge for these eîcst furloru mand herse- in ahi sîeatlsers. 1Tise Bai-rie llmnt cute d of H1is great family!1 Tiunk aller dénouneing tise citizens OfiRoreu- God! tisat on thes Or shores the gho- zuuuus;:Fiag cüf deur oUi Enghand -stilhltu for tîseir seifishusess la not tirijisiuig w9vesu in the nmorning en(! evening breée, I~a fia hsneehi wosuau-pr'ojected railroad, cnys- sust ýand talisinatuje sheidovîthe, iipas 0nce(t'ta.oîtitos f2.0 .1reç cf sluvery wilhers mb iistist nio ithaIltl-toiof21,0 dmst h iliiiuhsiuntss) dcteriuted und unierguetie, '4'o this briglit-objeet are tise eV$ ut*'s'ill sIltrlzanmd usd asl outiet for ilsolf litaadreds mmcd thousands onftue otlier -utot Tlotou. ',No, l %votuld 11osW'1lc skie cf Lak«, Ouultio, aiow, directed ,abuuring sisarnaand disgraee tu e iun withs longisg en g er *iid lhireing gazec1'1Y a v s-sycouiiseeled svith sit eaptisih- ~ jsaey~ -qeieriSgsabl p lmr an Oios set, lus race se ck'gemerate tisat prayets iacetding fgr 'thse ostability of ça" sssarce belies'c therns lubecof that majestic thrdtie,,Isetore xviii lu e Aisû_1-.axuji origiiî. \'m'c would naaî' chaitus, -4rop front-tise fettcrcd ssrists uf' rcusmnvni ththe CUnsiter Coin-l .iýWeary trnespled on boudsmiais commniucatinsîhte13stdCtn Af i ç resuca s neus.atou sut Dsi.irbssaud Northiumsbrand, iss. tilreis, e u-oul hsechuItb uz thic Cussmty iof Puterboro' (Port ,cist stileit wefiielrd hel th h-hittie andi PuttrborutugLt,,I) slicitinid e.)r in letaa mam.--Stretsville gewcs. and assistance iinte construaction tf a - iusb froîn Lake Huiron 10 sotise point or 1TU1f FUGITIVE SLAýrE LAW pitss in Iliosu cou înties. Bv luokýiinget IN -BOSTON. the bnal)iti.411 i Ie secn lioîv casiîy a rond comld be mede te Femclon Faits; At abolitlituIf-pest funtr o'elvck yesthe country Ibreuigh is iil vould texciay Korusng, W. J. KMiight, whbo is pass us ricbi, and the peo1ie sell alsIe to o 1 easaecthrfotGo-stupî,orl il. Or, eveis, 10open icottmniti- atiegedf.b b, lv ace ru e niualioî w'ilb NIr Peter Perry, to seeuîre4 ïà wà su'arrësted 'by Deputy Slieriff a brs7ncb mci oad tjutersect lis. 'fli Rtugg, on a sirit for sisuer. ThIs eorpie out Siacue lareab sile and wi'lhîîsg avrit alleges tisat Keiglî t cltargcnl Wm. to guve auy rnsuneytîtat nay i. 'easoîi 01 M. le required fron t hicm, for anl milet, Cra1ls, a citizen of 1'dsschusetts, with and tley rmust hiave it. Tiforomîlu's ipse beimig a slave, lu lte damsage of his bins- dixit s itot guim rde its." iness amnd detrinicol cf b hi uacter, Thue iarbouir ut PortI W'itby-, andt in lise'eta cf $10,000- Knighst mvas Lake Seu-og rosmd, mosv lapîily trans- tiRkor u tMr. Uugg's office, %vlecre tafroiu the lbamds ut a sltiggisliCuvern- great Craisvd.soon nsinldeoho e ntîstu tîsose cf an esergebie aiu1sd en- ~f ~ylte isud'bicts. bue iasterpribiisg Company, wil bc speed- ýw 'upon tise prisoner, bit no vio-iiy extended thsroughu Lise townships ce Iebèà Soflered. Knighl aftdi'reniaining h- . . tur mur t aeSnuot us cu- odÀ butbit m honrolstimîc C-lster (coomssionlv known atm Sturgeon)i ï-uih Q0~,and-was s$etaa& liberty. ]Bay esu Lake Ilutrot, asud pusiedrspid- s "Tisis somid tu eonceomoveamant of e îy ho cumnplctoss, ujîssog ost lu its a suries, -by lise oppoiuunts of tise Fmîgyi- coursie tîme resottrees out'as fine a trual t tii-e Slave Law, le reruder ils executioneoîtyacaiefundnCnahad -ms obno-xiouîs as jsossilie. The. Cunt- affurdimsg to tIse lowsvumlmiis outhie inte- muae ai Vigi!tice have lied sevemi -seâsions, and bave il lasaid, resohvcd le levite ltse suspecteat fugitive slave seek- ,erl ho leavo tise eiby fsrtmwitliu. Sui fer ne attespt lbas Seesemade te arresî su (tiive. Tise warrants lie dead mnîtlimé Marshal'à office- Tha exciternn s1 great. ?Macy aay ltaelaw siouid Se enforec, whle others say tiat it shahl net. & nuaniser -of fugitives, feuring they caneot bce protecîcat, hava fled toe Canada-Rock4eter .dmericejs.1 THE SHURIEVÂLTY 0F PRINCE EDWARD.- We liaderauhanc tisat Janes MeDon- ms1d, Ifsq. of Picton tsiment Counts' Sperissîeusdejsî of Schoais, Sas receiv- ,tI , tiseappoiatnumueit'fShseriEf els Cot»inof Prince Edward. Mr. Mc- Donald la a native cf tIse counitry, 5e- iu>g a son ofef if ut te uid U. lE. Loala- io'whu iffi. sietticat lure- is a mens- ber o ua large and respectable tamiiy <soaectut- ulislong Sean known as a ire supporter of those uliira1 pîri n- eipies of Colonial *govertitusnt witis which the present -iistyryce ideati- £4 lýud tise estaalislineut cf wisichî xelWin sstiseir ac'cesson te înswr.- Nf tbtadding lue nsay ave atade a 1%,w ene ses nformer years wisen t-hoe p -ma Oara -con- "itliel vt;mmhsuu1e bail- -Lion J,- litet great t558- 1.1>1. 1iuclvilhy regret ar his tr'asltiou fm rior a tefo auats seed y accecss Lu ou cf thie best sIjjpjeIn- pouts cos Lakc Ostita- rue. Ths e ilc utofSinsee snimd (o wiclleoai-ail tItcntselu'es cf ils advssî- teg-es. Any rond tlattliey miglih make te suty Ipoimt oui Lake Omta rio, eastssard of tItis, scoalai liaie ho cross lbit; tîsun îvly bot aail llacmisli'es efthtie su- parier adu-anlages ivii ea glauco aI lte mep wilh ssui'LIeniiare a-mIierva-l ly e junctice svi-lis Ise rPort, Vlsitby andmu Segog road? 'lhis rossd iau evislantly destiaed tueSceome tise great bisrougis- tare of tIse iusreesieg traffle Ibetweee lte ti-o grcab lakes cf 1Husron aud On- taxio, aud -the llscitiies u- t ,fî'erb te hhosc wvho se long dcpendiua- ou the sisionary prospets of lise Toronto anud Huron Itailroad are svorthyeof c'arnesîcousi- derabion. Fmau.-We reg ret le state tusd the &dvelling-hoe of Mr etMuRichard Woifen. den, near this village, was buseily cou- suhnted by fire, on tise nigbt et Wed(- aesday last. Neeuhy al ihhe bcmseold ftureîuwaes svedî. The lSarisand hay-stsaks of Mr W. were. for set lime in imms-inent dariger, -aitt oîi-,s l tise favorable direction sf lte wiusd, us-re forttnaateiy savad Tise tire wsas wOssueucated bya atravepupe in tise ksitc. We have muets pieasuu-e in ntocing Lthe appmituent cf m. W. Powrsonl as Ronmd Surveyor for the Toweship of V15itl r,. by tisa- Wtauîb~s Municipal aml'55'il. - - I It alucarsthat tixo- rcPL)rtý( ,the--ir siýIlntio ron , fli$. seatfor thse County of iCent, is too tue. The IIc'n.ýgentcUiflf l ss- cdtbirolutdb TorouÃtoi]pst Mouday,.on bis way easýqtwti. » tco4Qace', cular tss s î~Lucrand w L ~caszîa ba adressed a latter lroutise hèExaminer to thse El- ecturs of thée Ccunty of yorkz, cefRriug in serve- agaIn in Parlianient for tuie nintis time, if it bx- desired. Thie .Xia- gara .lail is aIreadý ont warmni ii favouir- To CoitREspoNDENÇTs,&-T. C. M., Fonelon. llis naine bas been reinoved tu Fennlue Falls ist. 'fiscpaliers fur Eldon lhave beei aled regn!larIv' ev weetz, aud if tliey dIo not arrive, it mnuisi be throtigh sume irn'gXitssî,ity ili tht' Post Office. If thse grievance contiiilnes with ther sîîbscribers ini Eltloi, %ve beopc tbley xvill notify lis, andi se wiU i endoavour' to set theu antter r2t M'e ihave receive'ctlith first n nînhler uof tiuBnnjle .17 SSCiî-gCr, pub- lislied by McMihbîn &- 1Bee7,jllst started in die ilirivin, village ut'BwsmsvI' IL proftusses tu bu o; cn l i lrt: iliflhîuctby isonu."',lime shut t s neatly gut nP. \Vu wish tiie enter- prîsing 1tihlisb('rs sucecess. COUNTY OF OKSSZ. Tlîu .Assizes fur this ('onnty openedl un Mondas' belbre tlieIlIon. M'lr. Jus- tice Burns. Tflec honorable Attoriiev Geneiai Baldivin 'sas in attendeuco a s Crown phresecumtor. Tliere are 25 crin- inai cases for trial, vis. muitrdcer, 2; Mosn, 1 ; rape, 1 ; iîsrglary, 2 ; fuorpery 2 ; shlootiug e h inteîst 'w lil, I ; aujd- ingo in ditto, i ; violenit assasill,1 ineiming cattle, 1 ; andI 12 cases of lar ceny. Tlie nurber of civil cases u. tie t!ockcet is about £,00. 1 1 Th'eacCourt setteticesIltu fourîmîr I!ssIt insprisonnient inu the Couity h'uaul timel Bei-. Mr. Deais, of *'ie Nletllipist us copal chîsrcli, ftiisd gsuity, lsîst A-.smzes et pert'orising Gin îsarrissgecr'mua for paerties, mima1m tif -u't'liun elu'kiscs'tu te hiave a ltus'sm muaiosn Jiii: Elizbhi S1rim g, iares'iutisI y tima-iý guîiity of bignnsy, sias seeteises tu, already lmeeu cuiiet l mr imutîts ium Snosv tulI itsii Dflalo mIsedutl sof seî'cral imclues; ou -suatarday mil ,auns rentaincd supon IlIse arsuttud musumul umurum- in-. Alcutg lime Valleuy setioîn, is1us said, snoîv ful dturimsg S&usday umuglat sad Snday.-Ro'aestt Du acraat. Is'sry. Jai isuis, trit'd susli tressi, ons 'fioesday tIse 23rtl tilt., uts a est' af lîeviîsg huejuî esaumcut'msu'm u ts îm ' il u- ng oft hue haanlhamsstient walls uas SasooTiNe AT A CtL, IA i .-A L île Kimgstil ssiesJamoes I5urlis, e'Cuu den suas llacua oit lis triaul, tirshoiu Wcsse, sie ofaitipnrty si-lueItasmi guise te chsarivari lime haisomer. 'lise .lir- aller Lasîîiusgimuee eletial ua nl iiglut comîl i att agree. NusEW E TERSIt'as-Ami Aimericssms gentleman sesus in i lttwn lest isecta witl imheohjet utfesalahshinig a glasý, feclory. ThteILien. 'i'îos. i'dKay, ufi- ered mail lte necessstrv bsti!lîusng ii'.i, &C., ansd if te ishabisits 0S1itautm 1b lake stock to thse ansuuat ut y 1000, tise un-.ut'lttire ut' gîlssa sel l'ec furtit- iviths conînsunceti. Tuas ROE I>t'os()L AxiS LEATItEI.- Thte Qurllec .llsrcscry -,tates rt'sjsctissg tbe oil, lIant the AMoutreai Trimsty iltausu conrctcd, on 'Ttcsday lest, îvsth Mr. Te, uof River 'Oslc, fer 2000 gallou:; a yaat." Otur cotamjsorary admis, suitlu refeeuce to-lis e themr: Il Perbapa ise tlicf bthe exshiitionu, et lest se ive were luforasset], -as tise dreqed orpose skin hualîser Iroint lîms isturicst, uicis, ini addition lu excessive sîue-eth anud finenesa cf textuire ai-or tise best French sealf, posseses themu ality, ut heine- waterproot; whomsgreens ut 'can Se dis'ided unIe bre -layent. Par- ties froie ail parts cf the conlitient havaetssketi nwav spccinsenst Ibipes c il, patents fur lu liai-v me n v-olèred by Frt'nctmen, Acuerucansanaumi suisrs. Wtaat h i as gmtifyiug la, LiatmSir George iituwî lins oablnnd sureaof it, atnd cf lise porpeise vit, for traunsmuis- sîlitn lu Ifnglsasl uh, 1 A jeternorator lrnrauingili l hs aut- dîce niithse ovcrwhllmiig ju IOI)laà tion of.theý Aniericaîs leptubic, exclainis by way of Climuax, I Faunentil Hall11, vas its cradie. but whar, -%vla!, sliait wc find tim ber cog~fà r itus colit 17>~ days ,lzù a imaîf'wïas îti7-dered by' bis w i fu . alot it- t'V-im->.s lclack 'of MIUarkhurn. Thse only 1artieffiars whieh caîsi as yçt be-gaitberetdare, tiat 11.1eman rettiriied home ini a state of initoxicatîin, and thant t1m- %vonan bc:st inu su thiat lus lîeadl was cntirely sbAapeless. She %vas de- clared to bu insane, anti was imine- disttel y reimoveil to the Luina.tic isvlumi v-iero slie still reninis. Wlîctblertibis w~as the lirst tinue the iman badsos ap- pcared, oir %,letier thte lreiltîency of suicli a lhuart-renid itng :;ieturc bact dc- thrunemd theu reason ut lus puartiier in lite, runiumis yet to lue kusoss'm. luere- us, liuw'ever, ne douilt as lu tise umain t l-AUFCTRES-PU'BLiC 'ýEFTi.NG. 1*1c*,s 11 he as.--Gloe.-A nseetiîsg isliselt ils tise'Town fites it tlc cac.- G!ce. all. on Wednesdnay cvening last, te At time late session of these Municipsl-k nissîder ltaeIîruhîriety otf formnîg a Cutascl t hlbi atd Velw'rth, hseJMit stock corrqlany fur tise mausutie-- luire cf' seauliesi goods.- Jus lte asencce sal.ry ut' hIleTmeasirer wsat iucascd eof lis svorsliip lime Ms'%-or, lte Reeve â0, smaking il t 0pur autmns. w'tahhaled oui le lresiale. Tlhue chair- mussabuu eiycxjilaine< thue objects cf lihe A S0QLDitEitTo BE hIANGE.-il 1m iiasîseiiiis, nus! ulelt autssusie lengîh ici 'iittîs;, a 1rls'sttu in te 2ths re"iiî,j1 the tdu'msmtizç,s tîsat ivouululresmit frouus waIlue s's umlmiusltiss the outexitilisivu naimi- isust rid usm \'t'hîtualsy ;smat 'ilmushi t mrt's iii tlisetom-xim, mîstrs'iîg thîaî has for Ilme mîsirdar ut Jamses Csî bi5ss, Nstmure sceieul uI asc e isinçd C Dîme- a jîriatCuil)Imle amsuregemimt taisthe tiis 'or t'lu e nt uof susiieuris pr 17tt âtmluie iast. A huea t'riisaiily suluuums, bmi'isg hsssesci of' sti1eriur seat- 'tus pi lt.wsU Frle yIlle ter priv'leges, aid vit tise 'samne lime 'mmtlut.~. sssuvtrruuud ~. ime moylmme lime sîamiatages utfîî'tîesîcon: Jumugu (Avwiim). lie' sens seniteisusd utmmscstou.'l. J. Spencer - tîlso zul- te bu lsssîum1 outîmI 1t.Dm'cenilmcr tru thelime ut'tt',r'uakmztiî usexî.-~Icamtrctlm t- i y a1tts! iomt 'tets, suheliier il Ta'cmmsm'mnt.wuili li e amlvisable)u' lu rus a eai-liiv. LsDEL-Mr. Kiuicar, Editor cf Ime or s i' lt fOr tihe tîiam'atiuims tot' ralut Moîsîrusi leradlmssfis thîreatleiucd Ille csatais's. Ol'thie SLmesý; otai' s maltuii- fuclori- establishmcd min correct primtiim's mibislat'r utIsle Pslot svitili ais action for lie thiîlîtLmr*t'îh i cauîb libel, lt uoiseqItetuce u îriof isea I- sudini pruuf ou't' tie t;ty otf stehu iii- ter, signudl" (itizeii," n lu shiilMr. sustiascuits, le S;md liv e hue1ud ehreaty Kiusmuaris cessud fautuexalium tit- a'seii sillir ta-mremlim e îsuîtr iii t usiîhi le 'tesssmout io aretl, oms um'ai- demuclus, aatI mmsittlu Cmsmi.AS h- tiuzeuîs lertsss. 8t"terah gelatis'iu(I imel sulis trvailtlu In isuionl, ss ' s!atatîmd i ruaatoul as su cmliliittu.e Ita ii1i - ilt bu at ait smrprisem iIf lthe TlîOls.cîSi Irslle mo mssaitçr.,;tutti 'Su report lI nant- catIla pa tt wtIt' muthet'sthcsl tasissms il(d inetin, Io be lield ss»tt Ilue tu tlueido uvietlser thelu t' I'ol! las îîmît imx.Dmtjel'-~ islatul bu t ruca usmcofuthemimeusîrolicm-s CAi'TIxE LADY .iSiiNtiTHE CAMAIA- cts as .-Tmc Van Btiraà iaitIa-s-" A'i.trasde'r suimîg tlI as' ummeise A il 1! :11 . (IF lTil E '"LA N . " N'FW X'oaîý, Oct. 29. Thse Canadi uarrive'tlat IEîu ti a qtîaorts'r îast 'l'e n sest t rt!z'in lot iii jIii iîtts. iuss discoov.ered li in 1 lt5di5'-ti'uiî ist'ivrmtil daitm's lu tlle19 ha. ht î ationî, au ss'itu ss'simusu, !air uu .î lss1hrcasutllith sacall h edn eeuuatc'Ie itnsshmîeraîse, ssislu is usutmr mu 'a i'.s ier.al imtierht.-31lect. smu'r-mmtlsmîtumgIbet.umai st~s ue As f 'tiraîuutmms o tfisssauus mdonce lu tise- s.ster s(i' Liesut. Love or Lti- ett, %li î d siIsuii 'ami mu tut îiiiitrsasiîm sulmo coisssardetl a traint ss'lcl la-lt Ilis a-uîuadntabotut titre i-cars n-0~, for rts ,( r1.i ' silvl rcr sItili atS oma sita'uimr. Stttaa 1', andm miat aime 'tsab Iis tilila. TeIllil fTriit uemt lv xiu s l palut 'imy î't'ism'i tà S s i ttitmel is5t1 mt'ialmtats mi u issu. ;a-l y su sut'sle, asu isse imunbei 'l ruclks abouittliurtyisules ea.st ofal'ihflmx. insI isult ii s uhv ts s lai us-u sued ia-lcuî utisite 'tidi l tai gldu sliiis sasiulsts tibuscss lituussuhr ut' meni îîere csrried tt u rus-5amtln ein mjsy ossers livI-lIse lnstîlams. 'hue ssiis shis IThue îte'u steviîssar Frank'?in zarri'm'mi Ilu, i eieI liier lu usltauti, limt Ille off Couvs'u'ons1tlie 1Il ti aust, andîprai- sosetarc craiiltu her; tlimtellie ia-r ades lu lilas-ru iti t'uuýs tu reltutîs lier tnbessls, tanti Tise genirul nis.'a ils, r i,, tissus he.ua r -' iî'e gîou l iis trsj' imll 't i a-f tlle lvist it iuIt'as. lutusa sa it]îlut trocure tam-r rsuaksuîmu. 1Oiitutisll litiliofa-st' uît i'i I at'SOîlia usIla'i gtstitsisul Irelmmltiisutyt'u r. Is ýSUcIlSth iat Ihutte I litceeIllatîs une 1 Seil~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~B tu' esmaI (irstu apl WissimtiNlmat susve avices feues asumua' su-sus s L'rretl i Latuiut(el't1tilla îî: of Th"ursklauy tise Mltlueitic-i sutme ci~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 tîs-,sumi Iius!t'mmttenahti n g fr ssflca rmst'buat imut- Portasnt msscetuum nmjumirttiIlis saisI A xnwii' 5"i'iE5 s' eF uzxEs. tlussl t ta-s iess' f utlte îmsiy cf (rder 'rie ssarnummnio Trcu.uua-"rapt,iluspeak- Isave ssrm'es tote mequtesîimuutfu-roîonsg- mus gouf a soîrece gveuu iy lIme Mayor, iî IePciec.lrvds uIts asss -' I'se 'sayr st iteCiy, is lte mnîarehieul deisoussraîjots tarc la1es, &c., i-are cpprop)rittely aeti -c!.usut rcletd tî 's eotd ...L .- qn uh .i r. 1 .,i h - d.L s 'o thorei ia '-i cat"fi< a,aa ahMepuiity 5itpatflteu mn filte elteer."1 PmALLOo, sa'rIe a.sstam FILLY'-O1 il ndtIV, an saSCr_-jjI' "w4ljicl axeerssins lalauisss, snythuiug hlsat lias Iitiîmrto hecut atleuaîpted, toek hplace na-qui the iipedromse, Paris. 'T'he l- ramisus, thme balcuen beioutgigto M. Poil- a-vius, ra-sOi in the air, carrying b inamdi- liemu laithie ernuismt, Ilîre 5'tltag %vo- msens buhasai-i: um ethat ushahhuahiuieitt, us'hîi 'tuern-smshueusshm'frontite.car- 'l'Iey lisa-I sings alixedti tetheir Suoumi- -der nt, aitlupearemi ns if flyiuig ian LIme air. "lIsur ssent wsa Itiled 'th sisotts lay thc insmenuse canceuirse os îsu'somms a'a'alch uimt a feeling ut ter- rur scensuti toe îonîusate at secsiug lte wimana stusjsended iintMid air ss'ilu- cuit anybting cppareiuliy ho -supiport tisent. Aller Isin-ahat u n luur lna tise air tiha iirepid icrunanîs ahuited in satev cih a plain siear Villejuiif In Dindon, uînder tli itronaue ut tise Lady Mayoress, a carpel le in course of preîueraîion for tise reat Exhibition. it is ho be 30 fr.set is leegths andi 26 fet in 'w-isth.,tud-tuc-esist of t50 squares. Tlie circulation of lbnris papers tsar 10ai ' t0lY 59ttiplsl IyrcSnt ian-s. towarda lise cutI )mitie presidenî<s re- mmes-ca-I hennitil hl ho riglît te ask lse ca-utntry lu siscide bebî'eus e ussoitarcfty aund a repmîulic. Hea liais proastiseul te blansmîs'lit ubSIsscle tIilte î-,'Y of thjuil hreeed iisgs. .Nutllng aii'Iliasoecsarresl relative le Isle pttiuasuoft liteDanisliaussiSubies- su-mg aruies siice tIse sIssaailtoni Fresi- ersckshssdt, asa-Iit la asoîvaseerhtuiitt-t Ilimat siîlouncay st'ill bu caîhoa il, lu set- lelitele iflieuiltie-s. Euugisnd m'itu Frane arecunae as thesu uediatint' pou-ors. APPRENTICE WANTED. WANTED at this Office, a smtat cir"auJ ing business. October 25, 18Sit. OM NIB US, NOTI-C E. THlehn~nbussn tlon iue-- to ruan .4dmtiral ah Whitby Hanbour. Pansuigers gaing nrti" ly the SasugagsStage wili have Dosextra fare ho jay. IN. RAY. Mr. laOcocks PULMONIC WAFEIRS! Forlise cuire utf COLDS, COURKS, .dsTJima. BROINcHIITIS, PIILMON. .1qRY VONSUMPTIORN aid ail mulecicisoi the Baa-ait end Lumags. -ilaniiI'satiîred by E. Taylor, Rocshester, N. 1'.'. tise aîly uine amd euue lire- priea-tnd tiManact'urer oiii the Coatinenut of An!iitii, Ilay asà iPinieiil of ri-htmu iesJAMEIS Thislma ccla-sta-tl n'iîi. f'o-r saile bys W. Se?- 'ris 5rugasst. Olas; "ao SerTN, and D 'A'nsx &Ca-., Iim-îmasi'm;R. lAtLile- TON, Ba'ammtb'/im; LumsiiNa, Jtaffiau's Creekan id J'manmi',md Relauld.gaiaI, MlAIN' 5TILET, %Vliluty. W tuib>, 8th Nuv. , 1&5. 30> LEA's IERt& 'z GSTORE. \Xlih.t e I o ii10iîîiarm he has <mammi ad.ai î'.tîi itcontiu' ta km'ep a til- 1-5edtaC5 ezt-' 1-t i tll,'sa ll t i îumae'Final- ilitss, Nth cata- litat is,,il mt T'r ittattîulaities. îs e ia-nl Stacia'its t <'pI ut'r. l.lit,'.lump aal cal' visitah alitt Ii iuitii iii Cl'amiSkitma, IlsimdamatIli ILealiar t'ata-'lo i'-toansid iGuas ofaitl linds tutt aatI Lt ît eSi iii Itttgs s5 'ib"eatj. Boit 'eb2 aud Liniitgs, liaiT 'S'as -l.eu, Pimceas, tieaainenua, c. liaaaddiion ln ta la- alias,'lau tas caimnîed B<uOf AIS tati: MtA liii mnail its branchils, 't'. ia-lt ha' is tltatosy 'c-l umi'--l us'i-ry Oit te ilIme siastatmt mrtait utho nimay laver fhintwith mhIsa-jr e-îers. I Il"t~leaîaiîi pal tpa-tmof lisi sioa-k nizuauuteluriiaa'umilsi lits a.11'. inispeteion.. and ion,, of* thIi, -t %%ork1iu Muie coiaîiy cii pin- li tmae . t'iiuliît 1 tintma ie t uta, la ii ' .mi amat hotila sih y oi ittatt'it.tI mai tal a i'u':j .-Su-'-.tm'a- (-f Lîît.' îîd Ga-Itla'atn'î BmotIS 'Psriirilar e Cîiiîg 'lh uîn o W'hiiay, No. 8th, 1 15te. 1 Lanîd .(e . ieo1tntt, Con-. î'cyarnccr n4 1r gt.sa, of rssu R omi' (!ums t-i' 'IeTusiisil- CFFIL'E-LOT 2t1,m CON., WHITBY. NItlitly. <iatomia-r. iu:.29 P, Wlio .R be,'r! Bufii lo Robes! - Milorth-West 'Bnfiao Robes, ail ca-w riteandutIaipriameai tiy ti't-il'nie l'eus'. armitus îiîa',r muadems i 'thomut deIaN il'l'a-tetitie a canduthandasomne article. Risutiti-ais aif eveîy other hiuutd, or mamde ta JOHIN SALT, Sepiemsben 24th, 1 Râ). 29 flATTERjAND -FURRIER V'ICTORIA 15W, TOROIITO. INFOR NS the Ladies aid lGentleenuof Wbit, by and vieimsmy, liait hishi 0W reedviiug li importations if EUROPEIN M.NUFICTLURED FURgs s'.'iei iauîeuher %u'thltCannOise FPui;of bis oWit Manufîacture seul faai-c a momplete aid apleuidii asuontnie'itl, cititiniisievent tashiseable putils, anasit maoe dasaideatoie'ltiÃŽeisuforte ceeu"Iui Winlîr. > a-aaîg Ladies and Clmilmren's Fuirosa ~rat t'srety. J. S. retpecti'nlly snliitt ieîr patronage. Septesamber 2-1mb, 1,950. 9 N E W Fal und FWinter D]ry2j'Gooda 1 NVO. 3, St La'wreucae ulldlnM Nc4t d» oms' Mesara.Lyma, Kuueeà awm h JOIIN rIITCIIEY, Juigai R ESPCTFULY âiniounc sith e i M sorltenet of,. STAI'LE& FANCY DRY GOODSs Saiîaile for thet FaU and NWitr Trade, .11 O 'trliash livin.- beea purebaced by an edei5iU bayer in liithe etdaîad-best British an Amui1 can umkets, hi ciii witi confidueeasoîiami hbemnta hsfrienà anud mhe poblie geaussqhly1ui10 us dterausned ho aeht at a aunaît advaS FOR C.ASH ONLY. UjNO SECOND P#ICE. .a Tonfloas, bilh eptemuber, tim -7 I Ts SE~ RPENIT ~~a~s~~E. PLrI.-'%ED.--A siîfiok fairnuer relpoits that .li lias discovreuth ie serpent in'the Englisi Cenuelc. The eppenranceés ursitdentircîy co rrespiond- witbu those deqcrilicdt by Capt. M'Qubaeô f ~ùthr~t~s-ullongiiï0 of blackisis <k DtisléycolorCi olbjeetssiiith ec breakîing uîjon and-i ver tiieni. -On à njnmte .amjuuation it %veas found lIeut' fli e "s4e serpient" in thIs case, we-s neî- thier more, nor hess than a shoul of pur- poiesfolloiwing caci îber in Indîan AlUe? TIhis simple diseovcry wvill pro- baluasI'accountî'or ailtthe anusing fie- tiunis Nitb svbiel heb.public Lave late- Iv becu entertainiec. EXtIntîTION 0F 1851,z-*The proposai to carry an nuniber ut s'visiters to thie Wo(rltdss Exhibition, at the rate o'$100 esehi, is likeiy to bu uarriî'd imb cifuet. tke packet sIhIIipars' pleasant is to commSienIce lier trips uo the h ul M reiî. Messrs. E. Al. 1M'lenrv & Co. inteuti tu issute the pissage tickets. JENNY LIND ECLIPSED !! Anal GROCERY, li ilt op for-mer ccopial by Mr. George Wallace, wheie hi 't-ilrbe aile las supply lhua fnîeîuds usisîl Ibm public e nià lhUy. wjii Frebh Oyalers, Cofil, Herfin, Gnou-estes of al kinds, Tîet'arci -Stae- Puia Côetau Brisai, Ttmpera]i ri nkc,&e ~ ~~ soîshie tera. W. K. FORSYTH. %ltbitby v illage, Nov. 4t4, 185. '3 WH1BY BUILDING SOGET.> T IIE Directors eftleIVAithMIy Rtsald. cuaf iSaudy eneby gi'te notice tîntt îe te monubiy instalmntu t Fise Shillings pur Saraî is dec-lasesudue and Payatble n'ouiru-Liera Masîmlaya tbhe 2ud of Da-emtnber, su the Setressey's Ollice. fly oraler, JOIIN IIAM PERRY, &éct'etau-ij4 u'ee'r. Wthitby, 7mb Naît., 1S15. 30 RiiilinTen ilinules-tre il a Few IJay Iursurud he Ga reat .Foreint Reeuedy» 1 1