4 -,- - A*t tAs Offie, iim Rhy -Coaà ÀFectosy -PU<WiIIg, 4*1 tks Flash Road.. endAs en» Al1 Âujéri ueseaito tiI.office. A lib4*,Vrifllscouh allo*ed tu paie. sot * 4hig'Aguefutt eot J. S. SPROWLE, Propriet&o. 't -WR Kam a aot.mal tlma mamlug ums ialruste. o"-h'ac vol.1. WHITBY,, CANADA WEST, SATUB. DAY, NOYEMBE. 3, las b.32 Jem 5Meiugra tMaul. .'THE PHILOSOPHY 0F ADVERTISIG. If a chap was to fallinto a Nveli, up -to -hie neck, I kinder reckon lie miglit %hiver 1theruM11 hebu hook his luethoult, withoutl af ne nucoming to bis aid, iwe-j leslie sangaont murder, or eomethisgý else eo's ho alarra hi wit'e and biià - ber te, rescue. Just su it is inregard to merchandise. A gnan inay bey his shop full of goods, Ubat'if'.no une knows it, what good doua it do him 1 Hé- mây bave two or three or a dozen local euis- tomers, but to fetch a crowd he must 'call a crowd, and the oniy way to cal 'uns is to eoand the nuws ie Ihat etarnal t rampel, theX.ewspaper! Advertising goods is jest like inorin' or takin a cry. in baby to Chnirch! If yon sleep in îchttrcb, and dont snore, liow's folks in 'the back seate or on die gailery, lu know thnt yoit area thereland in ru- ,gard tothie buiîy, folks woiîd'nt neyer lb now yon eould mise otne, if wlien nurstie takes him tochurchi, bu did'nt begin te leit _fýiem. But wben[lie yeils out good and slrong, cvery body, 'pareon axnd ail, féeci nity good, they look at hu"m anad say to tlenisel ves, "fin e baby thal, by hokey! rg* a ung rhinosercow, by glîn!" The more lie belhers thie more poouple knuw it, and the more tley know it they tiin k abouît it ! And on tlie samne principle, execiy, thie more noise yuu make in a news- îpnuer's cluimns, tie more people 'think about vot; lhey reat, nmark, lvarn anti -and Iwvo i k Mardl1y digetvra.t yot rsj, âsA. dieut ley go utnd seuyeu. Spesue rm cals n'as haie' a touitîtattul cii tnssei uuder yeîtr bcd noces 'in. dler, Ilîow'd yot and your 'vite, if Yoti aealutcky eeoîtgli te levaeue, keese ltent cale vein biser unieseblicy nicd it kdowii ! You'd lie ns iguierel t the faut as na i )d siîoa, boltbbceimone liîey vau, anîd yalI, anti yuwl, the muore setistici youi le tiîet,lhîeuî tînt. Tiiey uîdvanise, and at lest yir wifu itegias te tuir iniilte lied, and youi cxîwcthsle's goin lu give longue ton, anttul r ivent ltae comitu cal.ns-trop.by, yen geLtilt etisein alilnanîtar et cats, andtI eenintg tle 'vinden quilu shy, youî seuid yir (id Loojack aI Ibue rtIers, and yort are acre you 'vinged oane andl wounde-l te otier, frorn thc way tley %-euh flzziîî' and siittin' anîd yeiit' aecrosthue yard, Then yin uita saz «Igoud ton Duby !%" and youî hurn into lied agie and anc eooit test aslecp, dream in' of cals, liooh- johns anîd baujtt'e. 'ou if a ijiti aulvertisiti froin a pair of Tout cala coucid do all thtt. telat influece muet a wideiy circuiited xnewsjsspun lhuve?1 Youu can hll by the oldd ie etfIlre- if ene pair et tomeats esûr uit onuetian and i wite, how mmany men and wiveii wriaid fivuthbouîand pull throngh? That's the way th ovrb il. Ho'v doue ire-hongued, devil-divani, virtne-hahin' scandrul mengert- do busi- items? If thley %vaut le spot a mon on gaVa cliractur do thuy tlk ho thuat- selves, or le thuir adeder or je their siuep i No, bbey gel on thee Isebopa ot iiirne,"anul stick Ilium luge aven t etuve Iroif, ani talk il on tili the very almospheru sticks of isuiphun. 'They bélime aii that cornes ùeer 'cm.' --Andl in regard le back-bihin, 1 always1 consider tMs rectier sreas AMetA Mâif! If yen huai a whited sepiiltt'O tryia te besinear a gond uman's name, juI puL yin linger -ho youtr carsad wlk mW'aY. If eue hears a vile stary aud tell e uis heipin lbhesadéerr tô à jt"rtWs, andllte eider amstory gels ffle a bahelor,'., he'u gIter it gSws. The-wtandie hiteher asivertimos. If Yen are au bossaImmmm-and have goouto le l and vants ho oel them,0 tIm is mor lte otb in ad 0« ad'W- iia wili, have to bu did. Thé iret in tui advertisu in a pajier that is popalar sud dithal olm teaI, get a teh of co- tomera, selI low and gel naw goode of- hun, and thun yçtî bave a ei,,t tuhapq 'up4*'"jt .*ît*Aké g.sr puy . Mea Y1Fuir teaf9' ataiehiontlthe la. diç, îhey aree bbo, dont felget Ihat. For instance in y9q! a etised cati.oï, youlstrve br adcioîis;' 'wie1l a.lady euez il. "i*ow they'are mote particular about thtir lînsband tbu.n oa'd opine. She'l ay b lier ma ahbrkfiîsh, "ny dean, yqar Stinday go-to-urýecin' coît is gettiti very shabby and seanîy, I'm eeliamed 10 bu seen with yoa i it, blii you, bnow je a granit thing awd ai de- pends on making a good shosê. exter- ,wally, for yon know the cent mitres the mari, and want of cet the nouikey, and tîtene je Ginij & Bobbin lies just got Iheir new goods, I se heir adven- isement in the sausy .Mail, lest niglit, and tlîcy lîev splendiferouus ncw Btonld- ciotb' ,anthey are sechie low.tur cash or epproved credit; I lad better go dowmt and pick you tit a liece, yotn kuaow liow 'vei liadit invisible greta lias îvorn huat I toughit yo two years ég. WelII 1dama c, 1 apoe ue knuw Lest, honey-lnck," sez lteumati- kind. Saa u ble w-îîrsgu & geta blie new caent ct off. Isthere anylhingalse bo-dy,"saysGCinipas buis hyin up the yancei. -"Wlct's the p:ce of, tMat 8haîol," enmpires the lady, '4ix Ibat tihe new Jeîîny Lied s1auwi tuat you edvartise? Weli site loois itlhrae didfirent weys, nit sez 4- lie wili tiink of i," and she baits heci thinkin o? it ever silice the advertise- nient nppcnrcd, but youî sec it uouldn't do forliter ho sey su tili uhue iglil timu. So hiomsitae gous luinking umozingly ut lte sealueu; han her anecone trnunthie uonsliop sitelins ao ncsu- ally suce euipier ncady. and aihogethler site seeme li a 'vuaderfuti good humour. hElen ttppei seeshtowsathie cktb, and te lushimid thinkesithe hies tîtau a good bergejut, and gels imb e good hutour too, -for tithinat eks hum fonget hie canes, su cootu ns lufind bis uuifu ccii- lintg, andtu-#gtod-tiatere(l, etuin itkes hîjit feci su ike driuîking gin ns for beY bo ba in thie sulA,. Su adis 1 msssutyje lio is lu e gooti litnrmottr andlite usitxil siue lin e ci enotliît i lut site waild uviue ite wa's otut a shioplini. Tutu site taiks ofthetue artlV cf iîney,aîîd la atmaid hesy can't a(Ë%M tuhosi'cud any muroe mocc', t'o a guoul while, anud wuiutds up by seyin't ItIGimp tract1 bard lu msue siter take onuetflitent spleaaleclnete shauvîs lIaIare su tusbuî>n- able-but she's atu-it tiy cnet affurd it. Weil tiesebslanddassiel aay licans agie tthu shauv ton baint le jto-ut Ia cof cfthe el ice lce et cluth'je Town; sud bue repuies--" if yen like thaebatel my dean, yocnîmust bava il, I doe'h bu- fieve la lettie my wito go shahby, and you beowth iat 1'vant tolesec yoo ac wecli dresseul as yoar nuigbbors." Nutff' ejiobe, the chauvi is advertised, and the shawl is soid. Wlien youî adventice, altenys give thinge% in dulai. Suyia yeîî have receivud a genural assormtit &c., oaint tlie iglit way, Sposin yir 'vite breaks lber chinas Iapal, se.int- mudiately lekes np thIe aueepaper tri sec whbais any Air mie. (MIen peu- ple sucessurnu osefil hbiag se"anusa fine toili comb or a lot et mages adl- verhised, and ushen thuy go b ithe shore, lhuy sue aornelbiig ebe that they dida't lbiiub ot bufore, ami tliat hey 'vani: it is thua iliat a trille idyerti- sud, allfen drawsa m cermer Who boye amlot of tbiug beliumnirte gels througia. lwïys mentiona Ikinladétail if yen are a retaiIer. T'he stAr liasi ef adverl lu edem» iby the-- Sheruiff! 1 lhev been youing rand now I amn gruwing old, and I nev- er keew a ruerchant yet, wlho did nt do his owa advertisin- wbo didn't git the Sherif to turc s.desmrnfur hiax at the l«st. And-' whee ucaJneS dowÃntode £boont's lke agallopin ceunrtloýn Moon cold Coffie witli a covey. Wbiea >âe iL-ele bdont stop tb lok at the warks to sue if the article ie goin un~- der cost, bc cant dwell but kucheil down and the marchant uip in nmotter OC nine Imours hy the %watcb. Oà n would imagine that a chap who nieyer advertised bis goods, Aad atale 'e s osie wlere and was sfraid the ovîîer would usý suon as lie seea theni advrîsed, coame anid caim Aie propert, there nay be seh a thing. A mnan wbo is afrid to udvertise, is ofraid en lookc on Aonest Péblie in the face, tliat*s verse- ity: and thcy are just as feered of ite. l'i always suispicionis Lbl*ae hal' t1int hecs a store (uIl of goutds anîd iever sieaidâa Icenitje ciaking dtue heîle eware of if, bu is allber a big (a-à ur naebig slave Wlien ~ech a cSioti s iuckv eîîouîgb tu get a GOO I ISiekInen, hied uont uiake a daggrytypie uf ttt sure, for il ciel likte- ly hel'i ne bflai gî in a liunry yeîî sac thc clatidittdon't adventice caver selie gouda --twice houlite samu lien- sun, lie sella su litle that lie uns tii charge ike thuinder tu lic able ho ive. le le su etingy t1lat lues'oid let lais iieby out tu a beggiîr nt a leuniy a tlay, and if lue ever, gave a blnd tit a ceit à tisselul beuîre toe audoune. Hi store staeuils su muet y witta is darned ujId six year uld îîîuth culeai fly e1ecked old fashiuued guoud, [liaI it's enuiitgh ho kiiock a negrotlu-i tte go ato ahi, let alone a lady. Yutt ave, gooda is like galle, tbey muet go svhîen tltey are ini the feehtion, and good ldnor ecisc c yuke ut oxetivutid'iit dniw 'ent cff uf- terwards. TVte manti ttut adverti-,Às nt dues mostiblusiness, hecause Ae don't uuake one atoclc leistone'* lifetime. 1 know a nueretit cf tii deè!!triet vhto ba impor teu titree ditreretit baheles of go-ode withti uta year, ft'nm Eîtî'a-ed atoneu of youît sanahIl sehuouter Ited(s citlier eci limen-and îtow hte's ieurly sold nul agin i ýIIcw dues lie and lais lutrt. lier gel nid of su etaîiv gueule? Thay advcrlise more Iben cil thte oiliers pi togathor, tbut's lte hou,, I (un prove i4- If yen xvaîît ho liurrnîilîîtîey, if yut w-vst t u lcud îîîotîy, if yeutituant a futret tu retît,i yen ]lave uotlu se-Adver- tise. If yuur lioss, pi-, con', colt, slieepî oxen, or hîîshitnd go asloey, ndvertise tliem right uff, aiid nt ruathie chance of losin tia1tlogethtror havie bu puy as mach as lliay are worlh in charges fortIlimkeup. If youî area ehoeinker, hailor, biacksmitli, waggon niaber, or amy kinul of use ful niechanie, show peo. rie Ihat yon are nut ashitteed of icing a mechanc, by advertisieg. If yoa keep a liohel, makre il known. WVhen people sue a man advertise, lliey bnow lie is a businessman. The world te full of foîbe who Wirur. Somte wach ho bulI, mre want te bty,and the oaly sway te, meut Ihes. ante and maku money iw te ad. vurtare. Advertisiuîg us like hoeslty', il pays well if fAlowed up. Meruhants lbink nohing of payim forly dollars fori mes aigu witb nolhing bul Iheir mre orsit. Well 'vitdo yenthiebothavin twe tA.sund .,gs.a suer ina £ lb apes. la it yon mao show your wbitle ealabiithh iôte cotttry uvery wuuk. If y051 ae 'visejuuh rab your eyes mandgo le work »aimivertie. YANKEE DOODLE. SnoTm à un Hmvul-A (C"p if Gent Hope Iper' gises thei. acsit Ofofhetuug liainwomderfiiaia î O4Ibo ierPMoe* flevwkilb4 ie tfie oô Uîiy was siiot by -Lieutenant' Macplýes.o, 9lst Regiment, on thie l'onks ,of the Kieskamma, buot far froin thue couel'i. MMopherà on and gStaft AssîsttîntlStrgeon Barclay hitd gone on tbe4exçtMeitu chielly 'with the iusten auiilsdajer.%iarious teempaip billi nanthe 1iver, th attrnal des- troyecV w¶ss hacked lîy M' .witi the assisance.of a Kufir for nome dis- tance ini the ýbush on riglit iiuk ut the struar n util til length lÃe was lescried reeiining in a (ry ravinie.* Appîroacb. ingthe slpot stealtbiiy whcn withia a- bout a dozemi oh yards of' hum, INr M. fircd, Iodging a rifle hall bebiod the cir. This sagguered llitinge creature for the monment, dntrinag which ie as- saihnt lied, lime lu roiood, bis second bail penetrtîing Ibe beà d above the eyu. A third bail 'vais lred witii like sitcee, by whiclà turne Dr. B. guided by tueé repurorfuthie îiece,.reaceiîed the spot. At tbhs moment theu wonnded an- iiiiul , suiddeniy rousing ýiînself, mode u clierge upona bis assailant. 'vhuouoly es- ci dl by ichng iîead furemost.into the"ravine.* Deepite bissevere vounds lie nînide lus ay, lhleeditg î'roftsely, thiruligh the tluac bush umnd m tte river,' vhere after some lime licesvas dusqtvered sund dragged ashore quite Jd.The careüe s estinînted le weiagh 5000 Ilis. The jaws %ben ex- î'amîdul, aire aI their extrewîitios, fo~ur- ttet a*h -The Leuweille Ibeidkà rat lise agocul anecdote et jenny. At Sremen, à Rëi a pérforMuance. it appeari,. >he a'varu <a ittte4on on le!h As seuc ired teoi4,îhe onciy. acu, site rquueste lte .mcnager., wlio 'vas a corpul"lat,,uitwiu)dly, buufilç tl. nianity, le preqç4e lier je ler qwnair- niage tehich uvot iI waihieg, whîiloechu WGuld slP ipof in rorne prival0 von vuy- anca. Jenny's carriegu lied, ecreI. mnoveul wbua il 'as in veseeu by a band et stîdeute, usho, jinepite o e .ueremuas stranceuftbIt. driver, inhitched-tii. bonmace nulattuching themneves tii tha vçWlemnged l -alotg iilaboita eftiriuiphi. - The cnnplisnt. big gus'itloera lan ihu inside, bulieveul I'tis dcmoneïtiî>n bo bu inhended tae a cueuplimeqt>to hua. self, for hieving secutrcd île- services. of iMise Liiutd. Whitue ongrahulaing humn- self ou thiseavudence et liesimense populariîy, lte. carniage dreîv uap lifere thet Hotel, andlte manager, deâcecdud bowing and sîniliîîg-uunder an immense showai et elagant bouquets, 'vhiei -rttîed utpot ins m-front ail directions. TIE FUGITIVE $LAVE LAW. -Wiinthe bloodesco80verud glti, in- At no purionu heh histtory of -Oie stu ft iiithed Shttesevmtereevlersu natck c of 0te riel tom utofMies L ied, neal excitçntent among hîîl jtpeope.- ieyledbtnhîie buIire Titeru are doutitiese iteriodicul eupheav- huedtd aud tifty potînde of solid nis- ilîgsa eong the. tiasses, cuîtsequieiîl uap. cuuine flash Ilîrouigl the muddy streete,' î 0I sote urty political É.naereet, illim rage neuw ne 'boad. Their luit blese souut subside and aIl te s quiet ne if thaecmuse of exciheetent! shotîs ef adýiirurbion soottturneul into liid neyer cxietçd. -But ihe pr .,lR"(~pe.Te thdupm commarotionti le ut'& ohhy ifhrenî lte oily gentleman ho nob liai, but, bu natur e, lu is second ho' nono etuve s b è.i odin notehtl bhe grenu revoitttion ils-elf. It MOaS up- scce ahdhrg11 h ibl pressiont whiieb drove tae old etata coi- nearly dead 'vibl fright, juiL ina luté ttisehou reheilion and the ducleation, ho sauve his bacon. ut iuîdeîueudatcu. Ih je oppre.ssion. in. (lite hresent instance uu'iclî will causa 1A GREAT' CHANCE FRnBARtNut.-- titi cciored poptulation, uided l'y lte.-Sonîeliody lice amived uin Boston frotti fr4îl u nî aî etuii ileh-SouthlisAmenica, u'illihto siaihicli- atù% God lie thaiuked. lied aic hhiigs are deafwice nhagt vlin ini Iiat migiîty reiauuhblic, tiiene are tei-e- ,alwichsinlegt ihu nv sîuch, mntand uvomnen tue, vhto'viii fitrelieude, viflIiong nosea, and uxhib- .Shed their lifeas biiiud for a gioniasis itiug [lie lineamnet' flie Arîe ce. freedit. The crisis then le reptdly -X.HS,.Idd. uppronching wlien ltait h'eckeued aud hîorrid damn muset bu wipe-d uweu frorn TE PAPAL STATES. tha Attierican came anîd naiit.- The Ri.uorgiaueuto et Turitn ot thu 'l'htreahtetiit« ithou-ven as ilium social anid pikliticai iturizon uiey lie, ue setrnce- l ultime, cee aiais the .olowing ly îhaink tk il i lie possible ho break uîp inden date, Reine the 9tli: I have te Untion. Thînt fartcuhy exista, ah- liee assuined that iii bis allocution te iaîîugli socially it ny lic. Thuene are [lie consisuony on tlie 3OItlîutirno, lth uhiotuande oftarned muen ii[lue Unîitede Sttsat1r'edyu Iebdigu Pope apokeufu the very serionse qutustiou aîîy î'oitieit deutegoguse tun nuise Ihe of Pi.:dmonb, but the press will cot pub- uttîtaket eguiesl lte tyi'int de.%Iabts cf lieu that document, tlie tenor of whîich thte southt, and veriiy lliey utîli eut lie lies beau kept ment accret. I conse- slow t lenutund lte cutnîhimeul vill inii- heresth Sootier or Inter ikîmd ilii bu qtîeutly praferncoi utoticiiug lte tudgu- shîed antongal them, and terhiaps tItis tiatien relative te lte allait, rabhaur titan litie ilodetting ntay cuire Ihein uf induilge in conjecture ced danganuts u greant moral distuimper 'duelime precit feerslit vey vtal "1 A ie -testateents. The nicastres con- ic i ntiuîulity. and presses dîren ike hempleted by. the Holy Sea for ihe re- a ied ho t etubits upon ilium social and, novattion ot the Egl htîrcbl, are comtmercîi being. net to -bu confleed nione lu the foueda- WrLL. WIIT ivN&xT 1-onieh'lbas lion O et'IlArclibishoprie of Westmn e inventil a machine urtonimingco-.sre. Bish opi are aIse ltu bu oppoinbad WViîcn te firelste a nticeofut i. we fur Liverpool, Birm'ituianad e îiaîglà i i 's a juke, btut tlie Boches- hmanote tcer Anican refera lu il us foliow:-. popouscieetEgan an So- MAitkiusg Core-. iA n J*tstod.- land. The new Cardinal, Dr. Wise- The ttuw inethoul etfîîtikiug 'vîich our iman, Inte Anchbisbep of Westminster,t reudere nîay bave accui sorncîtiuîg of will leave Rime ie a fortnigbt, te laku in the peprs, is ne jobe but a hracical 1 rea-ily.* Ait informant of oura wiîces-ý possssion of his e ce. -1ý-----ý' ed ti bm opertien in tle trs yard of The Unise. bha% the following da- Joep e1tl uws Es. of Genecua, huila le mulBre the' lth: Iu appeare [bal few days ince. Itidia rtbuer bgte Frenchi Goveotment lis sent a 'venu dre'vn over lie cow's tuais whiich cul clou enougli le uxcindu air, in the French cecommiesiorter le côrnme oan . iower end of whieli metlmlhclohe were nadensadiag wutli tle Papal gavern- imeerteu, l, iseul by taPgw - Whua lte rent on thuequetiontofet hu arry, foeur suerea djusteul tle-latan'eeu 'ithb- '.hîieh ttouep garrisun at -Borne. dria, mmd te mik istreamed front eacli beau labo the pail, ezbautlimg lte la sveral cenfereucès it appears ttsy 'vIole quatamity Mire leoesliaitlulaibave bendeuded tbthelbeffetive1 1h. lime il 'ooul linl rik nthu sth t~shal bu 00M0muan., Wttkno* ordioary way.- It s a tmtfimvenlo, ~ i . rdn etê saimat ubiel me valid abecilieu Dt Ib.arit aY b rdn or. exie, mnd meuhl e iikeiy t oseeintel dulbthetaree ina aforéiga country, tu gemura! ame. T'lirle cosl of a msl,. a aumber striutiy indiupMnmble. Il hg fouar raikem ese"tIi bave te ssii tj tat eluIgOf ewtomy, andi the LIeus, qflo xeduififty tests. They 'yo M fléýa ùoËmw ame zsiqe4he" anmd eemly manu- Jptnymx, lO itiah vr cfit.- iï I 4iSi t7- ' 9 1 viith d*' roistaO, soeoehîch ma . -4fue 1loug,..esod 45 iaiqbeé rolina1! 1 The; at te Motutr ii t sllw, all The faou 8iÇr,î n l>ig.Dté m an, l,'as' lieüesold to fkrin(bemewrr tonfor$700. ets 14otiniteudoci-Tu> the ~ ~ ~ Wii tuf gin adwî[ pt fobý breeiug purpoe. Prou tMe Tpfbto P4,to. THE #SSLZES.; On 'the opeang ôfè-thý'Cbîiî';cGeorge Lay 'vas-plRact Ithe, bu 16Ù- he -tblr n iditet aaij't ;'i~l binlgCol. Antrobue.,M.Skk.,ia Addretd thé Couktton' ei ie.ifofï Lb. plenddt not ,giikty to tbà à arge; 'ýbeL as theru had hit fývb in'1estIà atti6et atreaR-dy on hi'h'ha hadSeè~'o~~h ail, liii oneidered il would bte oùîy aj kinx 4tp thepuie ëtinu i Lbufut' any huope sucems weré'etlu onted b cae, and oblige the Attorne), Gëent to pfove [le chaïge. Mr.. Lo, tbîre-z fore w~li&i 1d irw hlW fAr.%' piea and pliugd"'gaiIty.>' The. j ddge seke Lay it4wlat lieas e là èiècf'gtied wïï correct 1. On hiitndkéi tie affiv alit.e,, the Çcîurt, brde'zed tlj4oe guiltyh.p bu iaeîded., To theIfurît asud 1'let iâdiciment, ïhat of cba5rg!ûgIlm ilîh "the rébbéëry of Mr, Cc 'ý4 3W4s - w .pluaded guilîy ,-".-Ly is, ;WC. boeivej the moist during' bdrg1à r libtIevl, graccil wilb hie rreséendu the shorte ,t* Canada. He je aboutthe-nbiddle lieigbt. of a poweff&4muselar tfme, o figuire, very'expandëuil eheht,endcr ries hiimtelf extremèly Lllprigibt. Risý countenance is by no naias Ipreposess-ý ing; b i eattôtes are, lIard andsueeJ, hie keen grey eyu ritmarkebly, qic and intelligcnt, and bu has deteiùna- Lion strongly markud, in :every litiçaz Hent R alileatçd at ,the trials dress- ed ie -rathér an exëess ofibs;hibu black tlecravat, blùu fiowered w .a ,ltcoa1t; Und a coat laviâbiy en4brgidcred witiu hhid aud cord; DurinÈg the trials, h6 mânifese tg ood deal of inteet ýi te proceedfnge. Whou [butjury*ru uuried mb aiourthe irat-day, a shade oifanxiuîy vroed hià featttres, -whiab instantiy gavepjlhucu lua conemtî tnîileon iîea ring 'tlté veidict <gaii'ty 'i and, lie stupped iily, anld evaiýn ,gilyl irom (lie dock. DtitîLngîhe latter part üÉf the se6ond day, Éha ap)peaud faïwgu Und %vort out, congiuntlyresting bis hiead on the edge of the dock. As 4osn lîowevet, aÈ ho iieafëd Ile wii4u of thé jury that Taîbot sliud bu, ptton b- id nuil, it eêmed ho, in viËorate him, a lie quitted týie dockç laitieig Lenrtily. On the trial of Saxon the jeweihllr, fÃ"r receiviagatolea ýgodkwhi eh èoù-. inued llrouitoigtlite WÈholu -day, Lay t'es prodnced as a wvitneus for, lbé de- o' Canaidian by bîrth, reâiding na-r îN1mWoatiéJ nîj abo»ut tu» yeares go; Durinâ the robe]liôh heo ejed in Vst. ?lset'icompny of ProvincW Cà sti- ryb atià wae engsged na he .two beigeçs of Ode1lo*n. O*ing to Imil'y qur- re ie oft boume. Havinor no prorés- mi.u tv whieh te gaea li vlilood, xxd 'aln innth mibe ompsstyo<thisvss-î