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Whitby Reporter, 7 Dec 1850, p. 1

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IMM WITBy REPO T R IS PtIBLISHED EveryStrdylorig Atthe 1Office, in Witliy Villa0ge. < TE Wms,... af ~d an3 moths;Twelvesltillisg coe ofMeyear. Air "Latters addres'sed to, thaOfc itsePot-paid. * libarai. Discount allQswed ta per- aon6 becniag Agen ts for thje Raietar. J. ~S. SPRWjE Prcq»-'ietos. ,VOL . 1. WITBY, C. DIV1&OCf 0F THE COUNÇTY 0F YORK. R~om t le NoriA ./lnerican. T-'o he nhubiaWte o liten ca aterasTow'nshipsn of lI dOasatipOf Yorkls, prtlpsseal ta bcfaermed ftit a Mnets> nEdependeat pcltny. bontalle tho elbty of directinq your atten- 'tIo t mytwolaterapulislied in the Globe newspaper on the 24t1a Octôher and 1I th N'ovem-. ber, humblY trstn; you wii fi tke th- trouble earefully ta examine themn with ait. their defects ia styl e, composition, orthography &c., together with Broaoa'n resqarks,.on the sane. Aware that ow- ighsé the àbWCddàtment of former profeesel princi- pes fibbing propensities, thé Globe han heen comn- Ieiliod of laie 10 mlce itelf scarce lu'ost parts of te cou .ntry, .1 appreheind yoiu may experiencee sodute difficilty in obtainia; a sight of the thing, aill 1 hope you will make an extraoreinary effort in btàèrthtnt Peppaj Brown or Browen Pippaj, (jnusa )a 'q pleases ta have it) may have the fuit behiefit aithg capitalhe cao make outoaihis "pup- py-'n'qualiaes for attemptina ocasUolj'îm andc 'fldCise on the " Per*ry-annstyle of céutp>aion," &ç, The tarmara and otheroperatives vwho ena tin ioneat living by the avent of their hrow, but 'Who like "lPeter Perry"l did net happea to ha bora Mvith ilverrçpm ia theie moutbs, nt have nt 1been lavoreal,' with a littoral or classical edication, 'aili'001 lait ta diacovei that %vile the taaplry t pretending to ha snarling lt IlPeter" onjyse is zîthe satnmeinie, toaitU intenta anal parpaises, ac- ieailyyeliping ait each anad everyone of tthemselves ana 8ahait miss tyi zuessaazingly if sch con- tinue longer ta fefarrnt their bard eaninpo,s nnffl.lefut and inaaltsng a cur. As ta the matter of edûcation Il appears toýme, as 1 have littie aisubt it Wilîlta you and ait other common tanne people alth. ugb ( not heing lcaracal in lettars), we rnay bqz.t down hy the Gae;y or Browt rhool a pou athritv, that any map ahatever (ashetîter a Ty-epa 8cpaaaigr or liraaliess andl briefless Pelti- foggep) who la terrnalyl ading is rbaul lboy po-uini with avet orown jea breakers anal frta; therri>off eit thase wlss rnake ns preteasions 0a secolastie learning, nt oniy show bad tste, but is aura ta tose tis powdar and shot in the harimain; ana&l I toy Jeli. shem once for atl, tl1t as fare re- gara. myseli, if lhev will but let me alune 1i l nckr.owledge double nataithey ran brin; aziainst me in titis regard, andal%,bat is mare if thcy Or their employers hope ta ilence mny bsllery. or altalorîrre me front my positions in lavor of either local or- ,«erai improrements hy sticb a enelens doalge, they will final thetsaîres harking up the wrong, trac. The game la i;ht is alittia tasbi-, anal im- portant. I amn a lcelte O Nda casatabh a nueasiiy whiqtleal off tba right trick as tbey may imarie. -Havis; la view 'angreit and important abject, 'ir., the atmetîoýrtion of the present condition anal the avanrement of the fttarcJro3perity und bap- pine3s of my native land!. y priteipie, 1 may sasy my onty dostre anal airo ia speakin2 ntr writtn±t, s tomaze rmyself perfertly anaerstooîl, n which if t amo iort'taîatCea otigh ta sarcceal, the heE!ht of uay nmiitlanain gaiaed,1 nad 1 ana perfactly contanteai. %,n rire nwny, Caney, il ynaa rhoose, astit yoaa -et ticeri of it, for il 1 care. Another restau for msikinz the requant is abat ysn may perfectlv tmaaerstana tihe reanian(: trie case oa nl the fueiînias opposition wich has bitb- cria manifesteal itteif arnonyt ia certain cansaof Critinty officlîn or wnild tseOeficiras o ni oe tort ner other) Lwvers, Bailiffsa, îaaacs&c-, &.-, &c. lnand J atasaTloronto, as asancertain honor- able M.p.Pn,not oaîy ta theaivision of the dis. trit. lsut In siber important mlreaa ofariani uprOi'e- mient aquaafls necessary anal jîrt ta thae estrrn na'- lion of the Couty af Yrk. Altbssgh mot of is have lopz known, as weilian 'ae nsw know, tiae trati and truc cause ai sach Opposition,, yctasi %%,asnOt openly avowea, it could iont pasiively hc chargel, hat fsrtuanîly fr tihe case nfîrath itd tattice. Browna in hisovcrhnsýted zeat bas ait langti alazasaid 'forrth, aed abere it 9rianîta lebliwIt and 'white tae attier at record,, aad the beauty of the tttlugisaheaaarha.qysIllea morgthe claves fottpeapa att, nalf ail others sith hall sa eye cati etaitiperceivetbat tbe la.'ainninir, middle and end o ail theC opposition allualtas, inss ils orîrrma in a attermiaation, right or wroerr, tei frce a - inopoly ni a big husiness (County anal Mercantile) assaei behysee igla renta andalloier tabialvan- tages ta the i; "lCapital City"', as veit nls big- ftairealandit taffie ovar Toarge Stîset road and nother lsk Iaveatuas tasling therato. ta acsmplish 'avlich (secoising ta Brwn) ait other growitue places 0f Iblidaess ln lis viinity, which show the lanst sig-na x.ejibiintriubeaomecomletiturstatothe "Cap- S ita 'tye Muit ha ccu.abea, anal as a matter of course, ait . &aat roailla or thorsaaehfares leading ta sacacompaetatiig markets. Yea u ill aie)11Y .nadigBmown'seffaions. aee tiat hatracal ban hatrv a lan; tinet a figlt shy, nnd if possible to*smte latirai givine lany rcasotn ahatevr, for .'whah pwrpona hie deantia -t eeals ands-meearound, ,assstiis oily dîWasieng beantifutty. (lu bis owa .Uastiition) on 4' the avantegen of haviag a large Ralditrict an direct and profitable cnuectiàl w" atIheCapital, Ciy» k., &c.. bhait asa; er -bard pasbnslaamiedey ha unwnaaily and unltsrkiiy orbi. parpose saisdenly tant hie balance, and acte- .aUly' veatareal ta neslga aorenon, nndharo it s n l4faslien1. Tha larger themsarkPtlist-nhich pna soIt ynar prodanea the mare fillv yons are ta xai -the laie valainofyoar article. 'ootamar- liet t siow a flrt raie on, for esecyspecita a ufnis produce, but eut it lntofour ocfiae alles andl plaint tbtiis vec thae coanty. anal avery stm ai ibe 4ligbt WOsitd-.t the fail on prices. taae te ar- 41<1.01 Wbeat.aa -., let thevbhatof tiCosOtYhe sece ta fivelar 4ax market@ inteal ai one andl the prk iewi b. bawe," &c. Tbnre yaan'have it iaat- ars, = ottesalt toxether and vhat do you tbîak afift, astimom only yoU but att. othar portiuona thi e #btieTgaWin COUntY. Yeu wlt observe that th e fllaw disceunalwith att the coul impudence imagisabzie,.I*Ot as toho<athaevhet of tiincOuntY was soldt the presttent Cfi, in tha" Capital City" "hilete fut ie (wbih bo Rrm'nWell knows) tbtt aMtme ln & thôoaiad avec thlnk inowe.-daY5 af cral cule are on adataggebtat a Innyer aund sel- vea mont tec -nut hongevair aiways on the groondal etegea,, liiapi b>' Brown thAil to>' maure, ta tiese lleraà bigger vos-id nw price, for ifithut mece tIse rase, thre couktn h 1d u i a mtalanantage la bth. t 'voattlbe ait otnaroutidlnai ide, but thIbi cncslpal bi nat oritytaadnatege af proapemi a " i;" oackeit i, tat; lbgenecal>' ins e ca eai- analtriai al> sal tise s-n.Qe, anas ertain nuppila be thar. 511lh>' mi Thae e us -éver a tintit ta trais ailte ail oathar ha-bhasuliful ma afltt,'tnd et allia tht calyý-"ettieut ai a stores. A nav country' coula toetplace themeselvea vithiti a aaît h censonate anai profitable altatanca aifta rkets And no-s ai the pa>' vbether l111e or big, e portion aI the prurulçgu commuait>' hau te1 commence caperations on thir ta reiteq ovn book, (onoa ailaietiselaeatirati) ai ther va du uit paois, anal b>'j degrean ballai np markets, for tiherai- fteid,ýfai selves, wic na>'anal ofteo do ilaftime outtrip questaon tise frst or aier markets. But if Bt'icaa'a posi- botahnlu aiun of tavin; but ana i; marial ho coaceci,ah> ahîng un stop ai the bounaay lina, ai the dstrtr aiti'restait ani other partucular point If it lho gond for Whithy 'oat ta ,wia the oliser tan Eastern Townships ta ho forret]al!aIlet os '5sert thir vheat, bu>' thir necossaries anal do ait battu; t othar business ta the Il Capital Cit>"' la 'voulai be ora 1 equal>' sa for Nclson, Brasai/ard, îl'iarlaa,, Luia-uhe niat dosa,ûsutlson West, oatisajumping off)iece r:u in ftunt co fart there are rensons lurifliar aitIsa West comia;, Weil, lu Tarants ta Markel vhirta du nal oriy nt etiet Qeens bu are actlîali>' raverse a t thse east vi r tise liant Chances matket for ear exporte, it for for East of tise Niai Prii ul Capital City" therefore vhite abat ta the Wast, Ditruict 'aoud lie gan- tuvarals, t4atIo thIe East nxout't fuit>' ovd ha gin; ' isinaltdestination. 'eableta Tise Br'own idesai but "lana i;"Ilmatapoiing stance1 market (andalt inlthe al Capital it>"' Il fcourse, vbatdal lor tahera aise coutlIt laib) la cectein>lte most ineanlh absard aan iairnoua aven broacfaerila>'living rua, litrwais1, anal noanelaut e brainlesnstnuira, or llitd, salfkit1610 civi ntaaaplisl, n'ouilavec narlousl>' tbiuk eai su:aa tvisla turlesquean cotimon sensuaet te preseal de>.- 'ae> n No, rio, trade like tvater, mueit ansallvi final ite parties, navaravri un ptte af iila, lnavas, or nnadssen, anal at a fart tise>' laigItI jasa as oeil attenspattuuattIse ourrant expensa of the Niagaras river up the a Ilis 'aih a pitcifork, lu; attas as ta force tise larmers aatalnother produrcera aof tbe au amrny tan Tovwnsips in question, ta go ta tisafi Capital ln aftit,'1 Cily>I" ta srti heir vheat, &c. Even auppoaling oi buale ties aanpalsls coutil nueusanage Ibele cardaseta creasnau pravent tisa divisiotn for' a tev >eas longer (vbirb, ait vIso tbanka ta kluîd fbanane, la uuuv ramptetel>' le>ond crr, W ttaitr power-aao ffet) ilb vulalnul caexor farce aabia grait singie ane oaitiset theme 'antisa rond aif'aheat lor six p'aae sasie. Ithe di Capital Cil>' "afdues rasal>' anal înly itlela aure passess e icanir atrsntages oves allothar pointàsenatt cf j for doli; hasiasa, ita ailcommandl the rada oi ha kepl tlise caunt>'tau tht exientof tisase ndvantitges,wha- yesr, ai tlier it lac for osas or anceJandrcd mies, îaotn'itIs- ail tise h standing ailtise divilelot or - l>et-r-f'Corner,' auct a s hat eanabs narea tpaitdoosdaa'Eultt en te anaver ther tanna, if thare ar paittai otier !îaf or Wieeb, the ina,: uvhich posoesseqtal oraupealodartnastageaineîsru>' diately t respects, ileun ti<nattait traide aithe Caiut l>tria elIacotin flow thiher, divison or nu aitvîaoWn itpot ai al a tate'aho tise Bron', rinag, slteaked, or spcdaled paupica thati la, ibal P ris b h vstiéd tageitter i0 n a og's fige. lbit 1,asi, a seens Browaira asehtort memur>' anal lorgete ara but t visat tise present IlCapItal C il>' " once wan. 1 anal anal leg ais pardon fr acrusia; hlaire forgettliess!mtest u ha bin; a mere passage bird ai' yesiardtay, nerettica hala knev unts lin eabout ilus east i>'âttaa', but tiera anr, tba are maa'y otisars visa do kîov afiàaheuti, anal yet position hare tise assanoce tas taraia taetr tosesat the raBista» mention ol isitbui r tler business places in tise thausa 'na Cosuat>', andl art anud taik i; as thugis ail tIse a pponar ^vtorliuIbesiles tise 14 Capital (City>Ilus a amtre portars a itisnk. if he>', bowtevar, are su ver>' fargettul, 'aaysîr etiacas are aat, and remamiter as atoll asl ilsoagis a it itise L, trere ycsterday taiseau dirlrj 1111 ot'k iafloitu alf Seaion, 1the rrspactali o ppearatuce, îaoir aid litais issu tise tara,th iusncaîs ahicis the Village ai W'hitby anal maaay comptar ataaers in sviciait>' arc onm;at thaie preteutu day, oalibis I anal tahen bth Kigston ait ci Niagaca nare mach tant it greter placet i' business nal ressort tisan Oaa tise for the a srel" Captal City"' laemhryu. la farttetuuaae othar dii tran, that staat astv campeise the Iotae, Neeccafle, reastauIf ('s!hinne.Silucer, Gore, (saditeieva ana ttc ibnds t% Nootiuu'r) DistricCa 'vetae part aaad parceofth[tIre- airt-cahi sent Niasgsart Distriaa, and nhich, corrinag taested li Browai's adactrnte. sas-hi eser tri hava beaulntalv- Ior collai rai or aticeui up lits laveaon six aditrcts oruars i evanr tau Non' nothinur rscat e more certaintai l ail that ties" na fano. tract aI coutrr>haut beeai tarreal ta,,sal ithaix a nabsef proituace anduudo al abeta district anduathtir biainess, a toaba: nt Nias-ara, la votl ib is day hava heen ntI ni>' a Poition big- irtt-ate tarkeat, but aàsrasai; igCilty, "sa-Certain ati;g al the sdrnta;o set Iathin lutisaBrownajirea- providel sonti. Bast the bis- qustion s, vassil tha t coutntry btandes i generauiy have hean hall visai lb la nov undair tisaanar>'ra aucna; praces'i Tise anarer ta NO. Andl vIt al u>'di ta mre, I vuti rentartetuaS>, niat in tise case ai avec>' anea tise iayvet y necassar>' altisiosa nal nuitbaiivisiona, nahics have from irsa ta isat beau eI- liseteut, numra'c i sallaIt monapoliste bava heen Wii founad, tranucutsy toiappm toe bas evealndiviss, p.SN an the samne greuanda, andl fr tIsa saineasoneaSit, se, ha ii vbieh oaira oow urgeai ia oppaosiionab tIse 13,ouat divistouDdnaer caaalaernton.lai fart 1Iew Isi lu bave lançaliae rase lun eyeraI instances, ironst>'y owa knoavilga. .Paîan tier. vwa. a a ima viso the rent trina;cit>'91 i lsiton vas n ail-- dornnons, tand annîbar aubissquant tiea arb it lie- Belut caurse, a vilUages but aI that ime 'nsaa in it everOne cf aleaneal ai its hcoming a tutilas a,lise grant sr- -for mzo patin; suéit>'for tbe West, and ano mtterai tood, long aitar ahea uaCapitat Citl"dai haavy bas.inens la tisatirtîe. But nov itlia matter of disptataie- Dat tiser t or Tarantods e i s a tise the s i»;car vi traite. iVist ax bappeneal at the West vilitnn e a ho vWonlanfaiiy shortapae ai tinte, as rnueyal>' baça- pen t tis aEst. WhitsY asalý the other cnatero whu towtsir, vit il at teicsuprriarnalucal avanta- ltae ru g 6n vilualanal coanot ha Rapt as lers aifuaoad and jha asal draatesvof outer tlathete Capital Cil"'for - ' li avec. lInstiaiteinyesra (andal I amntaltone i lu beiaiagit votiat ha pefittly anlhtaniaine balf W5Od, Ibal number of yesrs,) mure produace nilJ ba te- wardti portad frinsabe tsoras ai* Wbitlayl dasafirotheba ment ut Capital City.,, Ithe liaulIt ere tansru, libiÃŽs Instar net se ver7 far bebtil sit J ouwintatI>ea me anal wbalise>c,ltheaverage rice plad<C a heant Cam duringtibat fiaisyears (lak ing aU te iesteil, aW iE bath ich andl low. iaaltdlag ahe ipriaime vroathaeîaafr fiimçil lthba oetnal aitainiatian, ta hava haena -tlh 1- -Wsihyaia a2 arnt,-il dtIs a iisaa lsy a a a ai a a a a 'J~' iI*~~i:tÃŽ~ s îtes elc*&o* 'Wýj4A, a a. - ~ v~ii.. MaiiL~ "i amn a rnlan, and thl n otIais unnü a1hadtW"aa. , î., A'NADA WEST, SÂTVRDAY, DEÉCEMBW,ÉE-L' ri 4h Oî -~'.',k'al am hearilydat iseaend denounce the no o I f ctldary osant t1hv iîE7ot aa l a ~ t'~ Ivrel ts vengeance (if itaha the pawaer t gye y'tternofaUç ~a a i nal ~ ~ ~ ~ t c0e noavtltliangnta h ioe o ace. but tur ipaie. alaa a11 baviC saut ii, yot va heartity rejaice liteungrena In Jesà thau, one aminutte allertbp ok AAtNSFLO.JIeW~op tle~ fIrti iO t a ity "asai nin; greanttass nsbvervrepect, tae boy out, hss l'tle boat dimppearéd nay, h coiviert ja thse: NeýV: Ht1iim NXn dsÉa.adreaind udhole tola a ean and ariving city, with th ~ ig)5Pi' TIsay ddnaaîmîsaepiomd i saeî~r.;'ig the0 sevçnih ea b il trets, plenisaint aide walks, nal elaegant tu- s~ it treara but wnsely heade4 on SatUrda y. 1>H. workel zini te bthofrest laithin s,~g~U u a,w lo 'ag se au wihno.caisish ir, al Idaakr i fend loioff n, i putteatdafltnum rnta tt.her ne ha yrd theNor walPatdilt pluai ee 1'o t1i1W îg ? ,, ti canale otl anlci1t d o untaot de - of r m l oswer e o el Lhà ay n , Geo rge 1 h o ,e isÃ"e avecuagojt : 8 ept thIisi jr lann1g o be bîneal oruWliual thesfarn teto uif ad Dansi e arnod tita ndseerfiigtl dotio l' tiaioa ra einpotataQp fclite wo19' et s w, a a 11 1mmnent tekeegance st tan oe te youngetisnya wnne iselvgîtad ledt tieoop 4act trIissfI rinilel wm il ii we .e ta~ ~ ~ ~ u the andnga aeameocu altp f the' vén arqa býiNta jO l îit-laiw f~i ie t a axt- ~na« drpy, and hiete C off;ean 1 ana A - nSe Co'evr-anl sianteliberalinianvord y Te ne araddnta h mrstjGzleae ild o kdson, I -d U-Jhice sevs iu eae ,the or nne aath b hetear it t e i a at-ctas tan:-I av aà nio-nli nne .- ljitis nù i ti byour,#,astelyrdel s- fih,a' eopdrauiodç m et, 4 a acest tr u gh aoat te busnd e s Fchle- meirnt tamake T ai he narnesa ai th eletrio. m » - tot bis Ptk la l mte onfisîtI Wy, aflar iteyuin; ote. faitta ues eamuucalo etwaa'n;s, Geoarge inal th- goangaa n& jsaCOCtt-r piolshi g lycabeet~DtC tak ti iheder atauior o rt hll nltlecihaeatthltd lthe efa mti ontaattlta îap tîaa u ie ontu i n e- ta nt cif-sr ies ev Pe ,,seaitafltà¶t otca, na prtftalrn'aita'asaiga.1m alaacthi l sa avna ibe eH.ceaantiesèW t flm efil pey;aia vsidfopsssinofhsctsy"a il suliv ue a b an incomopariaalbuleoat ntj steaiItauia dscveis asfala sIe'nia hsb.nîn fîûr5he » th dciehyo aaworbipmabryke tai t a lIt rd ,i di 1 t eîcat t b yt e oa ' ýtbod f w sty of hui, ti e y a maon ath in Othiee çnld; a ail oregainutarea wocegorioun~nedwbcbifiaa~ypati they a1 ard fuimgeBtntiaviog aI ta ite to xip »i e» meaevqtan1me »*~>? Lti nîmndy foreta mn tanaayy ane- cang ie the fac e îhc w rld t" An limiso ie 0tli ero af0i Q e ' f airel iae eg. ans phepublic, hutiners mae vslctl Ia h ttn al;saî, a n d oewte' da,,ger ilad lias uc-.itea netl)i eitaço u e Ihety taasocsoelb theêit, c c 71»aoin nîs glnsc oirtitei>lec! Aut en har d of. tse a wlîo dijt-tioi r aiid cetlîraljç,or yep f a e ; lu ay analta ino s t ia oas u ule n ta ai the Presse bat I aponta, aa ai the suesa ipora- a OCCUmon haenthi mn t daatu Court -pa Jai. tnt ewlau aganofEa19,l5e0. hrc-sa yanshe fçnn h wr5bawsbybaaTyb nias, orSth fata, analts, i thebsinessai o nlcauaits ui fo oa hia e out a bc, 1wIa gudarrout toý set, areçedt eidaht~~ atAI conycumTat nrnafo ieo uhaamit'aLd ls p rtaPan iaueanlprarsocra go la wolist aîs.sbç ntefnyi-cýaqç iý,ýir4,d au barasse ac rSeorsraslo- etha nThe arsirreodse 21,a ntoLierattunteoe il.. fwakdàrmit id peroce sThicair, h WMnsrfla&6l rraice 'atsali in the abene a it a bi iaiin) iteimo,8thara ar e aaeoisnig nonadhMJaes EAT thNE,0ertl'l, fi e la olînstonMal p:seisc aalt vet frong t the bg i snlultea be Al ie, o. .tu e Ricý heliu' o udyfrsal, 0 10 l b ea you iawo d d u pimshî-edeeavoahly i o dine ee ht ,a en i - aninSn ntifncFroy.iin.yhae !t ie tntan t a mmns o wagrel of the as c olr th ae ooleeatei lt te i r t las u lnerioanothaendtîrand Ih e a re a anaent ly vu ndtheut canittofia nes- m na a itebi aytdegren cf A Be com le Sal ool Ha e attev1aeif ceut l Whayo aiit 20 outereait torio;ne s c eu iatou ltef tmnid a a¶sn, t e -nfe te t fa lçe eoima ie uare, uôt i t e à rntM -sa ai" ltedIs eftan au iet wt h a oie ael, 00 in qtonls a tian nna asovr ttthe 2 .a-ome ady;> gua cf A. 111 co rsa lotidca ythalaediaintamestedvialisrnaiof teuie atatsittal n alt st i d !ate s, the latt aa es ottè en , erar. d, aîd 14 enaittïaïV il sean theiro Ssndits>Sc frandsadpt a Aericaof tui dtbtis werebsn oc haliy atppn al tie getilgo iubaç»»» tise 'rhree ir a- pa au4y halvtereeiunizauaaip uiteacan etio naaateeu lsthfin bgtraiment ev.iiT a i is it awlueaton rs atea nttrengtasd aux-bs ado i com-il,,,t i t- 3tdjanttce,'ioneidorla; aal thloethii he rid , vert àft e a gedm n e a tisonnns:! lte }a, Ï ci frth e o n t l ou rea. Orîa o - ri oru aan nerlv ortanal aet an auo ut oe i e oraru a wi h erut,if n ti a M.Ble, i i1 asosar,, M che _M .d - tii ile vii h exa e t oi applil. tcu t h e ua eItseh n istiof is eth eyatlnsareilt, ha ire- ap4laor. boter 'dpi sIlss ta aM ikf s; p#dveru, rs ue l pr evai b lone-e chanceatn e fa tceta isdescrpions1 IAnd thepseas athe h hwe't erne a , ses obpairn rm t itt u l-a i Mcea te curethwe ta foermwe llar y r parullar prap ear sui thi s, tinsse au e tufeai rigist rou ilstihe ara rcsaslved Fourq is dit Levile, lmgPaP f Pb lan tesiiy gi &r.,nvayno ae h a thever. lar e net, no ante t tagàel@alerdiatauice ia e- a nter.,liteasanotla - nnta i e 4 s e ool uj']e id n .' " thie deapsoaed b huualredst may y ha, b rIteaa eunan,eor lc nincsiaula oia .triht CunycfYa -sk;'u 1) nct e kard f h wo eation grand selse atç i ater uta, aediganwhroma gre nalatryIen n tikeuaen1 a cd agu xe i t eonhe aqvtIsI mr ifeîl merrn ian LviuSht etnbiney.a aiae tviin Fcintn e, vanatu f halasstahs eak, on&aitai paticalseI î e s tsp a, itt,ü vio -n vs lt i n it-ataod iiitaeor, s Lnteiî M de is toasiaitu lie a ma rev ui a i a ofea bthaacrln ot'lam l e anlb A iveict _ __ ___ __ ___ _ eitine orAata dilthe btter ss f te(sc)anal sIuIai Alsaarri i o asba lin; h whib Aiti-,it he Am aeïj da - osahaits e hnae.t l a tio (Jo mrasi»rIashea"- utd aushicontisesmaIiner p raiey or-sribort ma-elu Ise bsek uoa itunorIta aceuntntstycvst a'k-mte seiac' o b Ã"ew le lic. Iatalin nan a ilerter tinel nal 'aen alsrs ai Airida e eathé2ta n kir id sthoas for VOiji ,,a Rar a jtin;li (pin eCasnce aDivision ulevre ltimterae sreqofuial wo d T h.naiesul ; lFie Atreeil, neanan erald vbaie wl g aia h aoa faîaltrte. bversaitofferhe his cnrneu tucthe ber boteherb.-h ANooYA92,HouReeu -rat Vcsi, &a.Jo.tis.*a'la à reraratiayt te situ;able he dllse8ofU, maielunarn ist tese et o aItt gi -- citua, wsp[asact et one ù s hemde su foth busnessa iîao to otatac ima ees aif t aena usmmnc ation' rather - - ilt h s- h cte. ABry compicaaal mu - h 1a1k.. acl; hmrrundanvrat relsbave g itheMerey4ê1ateétt& their strits la the Povisne. tr ee n avl;te fc>' abo c onrs e suanl it uotin ns sall irIte ï « ruhthw usl aovi ~ vac itlaeii ataa *al 4e as sp nean c b vao s ln t can buln aîtnh ea uta nt byael rtri er a osa ugactir ffîîid, carda i q i gbIy ir et o . . ed t eSse. H ü e ai h aisth ontr a vo ast u, e0xpcrteally but it ; a ycnth moe, li ntr etina ryrpd otit na l ana tn- a bcn s Ii i f. a , vitn g â a , and loel a t pee n l esrpw - - ty nurprinetd t o he hlm oely e r 0in ne iiflo ake ithe w si ,litle la- a oT- wo'TheHnnscr$ s fiss e - tv 4 £- i-, atadid theay e n or tci ot vhat thireet' at nsil oaa teha r alh rclb* gad i cardý tayiiTl, . h ard tIse steai- G in vh s hnec ,tite up b 4*ëîs ________________ etlapocazi gond eT;and 7 als ll o Ieaemnaaiac snoish nge nina usbi lvJlbtarua-u;th te 11; il a ai tat ha,"vre - Maslyni- fmlanwî s eet- iaaent aseialua ripntait a le fcïm nm , b h ermenanal other a' heinvnj i si ppe l .é Ae e diflcalîye sJ jIýim % m iy an utc-Çfrisi; and hr ta ,ifw.or disbak ersofehe al bis ast, anaetrme al as-oit. C'a-se lithew tbo giaie-srrse.oto Wn o f ortt eelas'1a'aeà t os ai th o or veranmeone rec e, oîthy arent otre, vent, a isarsarntn. Tsaiiaapta11Â.tstefa-reioftdtite Josdephvbo s gaieat auiatsa,. aneal~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ halpeeaelixmhtqatr--~îu i t b oîva isn atr cts o -vthe îi mkn;avygaronltf tlold'aot .d ,r tc fo t héreed urz, a iein)A eia fe ayrà bvtm nd ex-to e s-nar,tand.- Mtihlrs a-iyteulM1 ana apedynerasaava t b andj s aaeaanoa e it is enae, i "e ilvit- toty ale, ieIOm t tPls Ttev-'4esîl ,itadai att e d Ca apaid perl, ItcI Iiaa a t a ios. e pueceaiuueef y' ca nasn ope i noet v a dast e, nal , triletat pcrin desaAcritinsosavab iasea', o iat ilar diectite qitrrasx i ma e i ra-aaadrnensaayIsgae~aCi -rfm w reveta, h ome iryo-pcrtan' cohs vitb ora ciai eb, a aice ausveat newa, and lits e etil va itI Coie tIeprfec t jo eull ; M.,aeaIs'sJIItW ý isai. ,nvynvrhadnhs titIscrisaIse, no teurlaa borha ii" e, tannt icd eaa a oI m th' a redy cf Wl»». lnthy ofae nlt cmasc 'y aae t thedienetaisa hangcuigageat ath hbew ao atesbutora -1 a. e te aise sesaton oi: J at e teiclna bn acs,!o 'al eI ieha ICbr.adWo Ieh Mr Commisseonaa a qd lds-- ho, to yers liol, ere tRY. tsoniata cea a ocontea la ae alls aa! norë Ine -'m hy hae nd r Iss aesov.,cone185 ad ctie gungflu e.sal . in vItae vaIn etvtaeiw v a y di, edtacm dare ahfr e tahui retae n IaeauchaS h lsCoýi sovey nap - b>' 27h Satete Boaleaut Clabis, botte i hse St L o -std, uc F l rinstnb avreandnuusn, r ac o a ofL IeGliecp' thoristamnic oit a l.una.gttocd,n teraustato ai glaeoiean ol lta, astbiy rse f e waacr -thesiaftItmnfi ba a I er et ilpt y lo tmef alkfingabist e5t dy Wtrln cis ît vntuprmantai héAiieokcklaradtbetthtnîî idpuppy-ea the a tt er 's onent. Isefior- uala piny.sd eahtae al av =gofKÏ e la ita ieaîrnttotoha od ofW iad faeadpauerabvzand'I4O i.dltn H E R O C F E T. gry e, but ofba rgo uala eac haod. accoerIn.a ef t , iscea t ai r o!a bu w os wa ir aa n thé e a éf vti be, d a ?nd,,, lâ tt ai Imiin opoien 1 Inydivsin mCevrtÃŽusy e p u n ensilamue a- atiTs.entpped jus u ddrn ler,1 - : District;Jand1judWog trous thetunttst anat- Ofkcoursehanv sImpfatried eIna-Heglantreal ter4id uw we in p nisbitise narieof 49, ao, aits, iîna sb, tgb «lté aie ncdiam bheLgiltet~sope~ne. iecp tesridvsinuy ýtii. ms of day-e wch steillrd 10 ltd, nuât e ntti btinwtm tycrnàalsa mThencad cec¶a'rran9atOo Tauti.s iw ercu e> yoI/. EeiiarqfLit. îlsê. e enng lubo eetl, ba.,i!t a y e e elta . shAft he at h Il ouando s a a î iet1 ttleî,« "dëd-ýélè wiai- stcs Snthe-Oneeay t t istat fle.ver:snvo ade sp tt tsn, rdieacafiel es-lte " pea itt$'si t e oig w' trla vtn c c atisit an afcriiorîfa det oiid rievîsa un. es, e f inellyear, least iýta bnion-*. edbrt»srya"g supos gcig asrtheiseFti, ltbStetel 1 iaabanrodrwh avs mn, ndltarI iabnu f hI wim,"Bcussi,' asbere of the mesure wruhe tuexplite haak efutth at itwestrnpar apiyainew in Y mant î ' ý0is- Goteras ls e tae ma ia indat, "w dtr dtt'v I t lti i~lae ?1 uier, ana éere eaaopeh a sass ai se kned, u ma;Itis b l- oar&ty ste isrtinisue bsaralfoThea e am als isifin ecnlettwns Ilyiatn hbefra iq*fta and eainn __________-RTmrosa chgent]tas&wtamLy doi ls ptntn sarMYtlu raPy, iathoshe woa nd avg ieu, AIel iaTçutiiCtsitahv iip od sli o flt ik'a. i glie a n huilisca or Objttitnsul at- fris seeigabsrd e s tn ot ba fiam' be riaa ee 9 asr iiiybcfarties, fo. rattiite tebl e fited R icneilètte Wê ba h pie ashen i; itre yc>tag nea teplssg asgrt iiasi l, . Lao«.. cetaînd. la7.4in thae Ms, ylvessasor te atoefbeu ~ " andy whacsuxed ie iatbatleauotite Idyivie substance a 11e ypvs.Th noronatan ampoe il'.l 1 on topem f ieq os e4 te, nel ~Ih b. aeedaef a et-adjoaingchemser as aakend b>bas Aaùs del ualbo aipand dclha *obes en o ('~wnM qunicsion rev eeaifred lowùands ber A aNHtins artial on sTeste tesc vadlt LrdGog etak at ukbr îs f thi-ravesen tndb ie ieromt setheiaa are casa, loinçiha Tise bfpruswlll tkeesuitie ericdesM ci tieir pTrasher e oer p-a ared itbia sothandlietr aet tn.f- frtta m trn s =ihpel---Xa riLwfpasct Iita myotay'ld earveal qrd îl i pemuedetiret einteretauranmore fa-c ie.'T eitain fActa ssdfd.th e Aoli s.e b Happ tesbe ve b fit rer.li- t edM . Garrr hesefesyrgel lite dreasast"* is iand peeysucsaati theal ose ftis sriand aie tMole w.r ag t. oang UTe l e y op' atrv tLes ~pth'mkig&a upaoa' W n eIt o 44 M"r< >d the popli teth at niteei hava lady streceea spa laien ieg t o kd itch vllesttse2tJfo w Orimes ea, atio ubsisi Iom usr eeg itXI àtht- aiedt b iamîng l jin, wbut thelayidantaSttnis a itae bee w th be, amMr W.. Stu ateirp 19li et lemIe anet h jic fAv r.- bevéý wii àI ,e aI tfile i siatîs esIoue and îefet- d alle o ri l ise a ea ena cas it ine te nteloige 6f e frbsothe q sarseuir e i. - odr ere eeyh ir Joli. afp a renIt i cpds ks' m b i t a us lfcrba illhN.of Ï l a ee vaslad tËe r4 cp lt .Vs mtatri eteýr4t sjyseto r asi , bave thnoe , ivit.e hiyavrt it at4 aie»t o vnuceaelarintefJy n ied our c, Pti 41?i lugeath e d s. îý lneh vr n i oisaddb.CpR Pd ir aisatdEw RY tIatsoes na aredn hlt enealad iland nlseCrne -f héba tCio n rgintà'nl RV ile Gb o py fe liseournatioAn f çie ets <ia S a-yaetseg - rginaip' c g e - n leei si numerou amall gloiez of brn- bis frindis may avedmns- w ko o ls li -n -'

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