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Whitby Reporter, 7 Dec 1850, p. 2

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ET EFFTi e2amuiine mbitethe, expediency of contin- Cayley4 SoI. Gen. Macdonald, bMemsrs ltp0lyýwbû0h actue e u oIt hiug a cunnection sv1îh Lower -Canada, Xiorrîsom-, ULcisards, Viger. NATS 9..- iých as the Globe sudothersi,- 8gei TI oïï te Xweh- lb unmhteq s1ich, among other evils, permsits hrMsrs olon, fBoutillier, Canleronoto ae n o.bt hr '~a tospnd bepubicnsoeyas she p1eo-, Couàhouj Christie, Holme, 'Hupkiusi Inow devoted teothe Civil Listt the firsi s --a oNN.rxvlikishehba no delicacy- Merr-iti,, Papinenu. heads svould pretend teoobstruct th( item of whieh is thsuatry ('t ié GCov- in ssiîîg, ttterly regardiess of iefc LCyeytsnmv ia they be ergies> and oward progress of the erndsGetsi~i'7,0O sturiiîgeqai 1 ilsu soqt thUrçe fourtba.-of tbis fixed ut £900, wbich was lest 'on a di- Ie uow-ady. £7,rni3i4Cyrt3cy--mise( akja. Vwson-ofia8 agaîst- 3,- Mr. Badglé * ir CyêsIoeaeoddbJr fIis1~et~r-B~gno &sisn~dM.IiiSo M~a adoad S. ANDREW'S DIJINER IN WIJ Hop~~ns.-5 lu tok(eip in xi) fd flic action of the Cous- being bis"oIy uupjx*tes Beétien pro> On SaturdaYr the3tINvs.bati â t 1'tCs'eXt.edienî that the sqalitry rniîîee un lb. GovernoorGenel F a- ee ht yb ed aI£850wltîeitcis,te ,ono(0 ' i,iti q ~oU.tlie overtsor. Generni. if de'raye'd eye i rSee~d wjlithe bR]eport. %,ss lotton tbe saTàël i "1eshn e a cAIn' nn t i. a, eera ontof ise Pi~vi ell cesî, shbutd he ÃŽThe clçrk inu~W fs'i eroî1iCum- trièd £M0, whieis w"s 104 by a Ybte.of Id d etnnerwas preparedi. The viand#%ntllexte mde4~od 1th i resoùirces. jIoul sîontu, niIee a retturu front MNr. Price, Coin- 1il against 5. variety ofwines and liquors, wereoftMatdîe adMinilcondition -of litaProv- niiue of Crowu- Lands,, fttriiiuheel Tise mernberfor Ballon, Mi.Hopkius, tien'whiit chwouh(:ixve dotie honor t greail t 'in coniiuncewtitlt its order offlico 4tb tieu lit the nail ont li enel. -Ha pro- casion Man the oe, although important,1 Thtis reasonabi, propositiun 'nas cor- .âmîe. Let lnsttra te Ibi- -_douuet. Ipoed £750, Wh'iurh wa1Is çarnaed untisa'notice. It bas aeldoem allen -to our lot Ito ried by a vote of tmrelve tu oue, and wre If aapears Iluat thse office hours uf the& following divisionr-A vxrs 9.--Me'tisre cb splendeur nt a dinner table, as tMat pro' consideiL.oirdisty 10 mntion Ilit Depnrtnsetit tire frous 10 A. M. tu 4 P.ý Boulton, Botiîitlîar, Carneron, Cauchon, hy Mdr. mcAlan. At 5 o'clock, Wm. Go thaobo tbought lise salury slsonld M.: tîsere are a casisier anud account- Christie, l-olmeaHopkins. Mlerritt,Pall- Esq.,wtas c" alcted te the Chair.Jas bbe bô diur resources unr populutiolus nî,-îlscre nre îwo assistant" necutnut- menu. 'NÀvs7.-M.Ners.Bad FCs-4E ,enonileceaVc-Presi and oui meùs, was Mî.- Cunicho-. the anis, a'nd the very modst aff eeWS- tier, Cayle1, Sl. Ge. 'dn dll, AhrmeSig ae y .Dew, Esq., i mear frQee h dioIo lc YSVEN Clesks, Drajtmsei, and Extra Mesurs. Morrison, Richards, Viger. asnen ieCalî,le.msypo JIOH"i e QuÏ6ec, ud te oxp[,otnudër Cerki,!! Mr. ýPricee' Delliartineul - -- t once te diactia the table ornanientu aprea in. iissiieeueOfTITRbna tteEPO RTS.ER meahheile nsnch graat profusion. After the forin I-ýrthe mujrty thure were (exclut- £,1 j *728 It is antiun 1 wsseth'e, Cananroaetn dbs Ma. Ppinatu lut wcuFreeisgo verlit Ihiaar lalruats f IisWHITBY,SATURDAY, Dcaa a7, 185 siemn, lie accustomet loyal sud standing tc geritiarsien. Tié tisto sinffiritied refotti.'rTe Cumissioner vas in- spchsTe toasetiyrspofdethe ingsee in efet dt te presesut usalnry la e- atricted ti mv oppéitle tise naineo VSOjn 0F THRE COUNTY. nt speehecheasteina leev niweart& se4<m ~urcm es.boitd ôirp;îîaèW encis j't'r whether or înot bis services On u otirirraI puge '"-ii l ne l a lalet- gan rmliecai n inly nheI r ,it luand b yoa orfinamcial condi- coiel ed spe seK vith,. The ans wçer terof P Perry,Esq.,M .P.P-puidishedin il, eel c Ttiste naiatet, sdawln ktu rith ai tieio. laff ' ii efiret, tisai re are 10 tisis querry lu invariably couclsed i els ..lsrcat ushc ebv nra ctiiGelses'sru rtt li igb.,oioirti n', und we nil]lise strotig, terse, and indignant words thhatM nrcnt hc ebv onore. The uext toast vras -iThe çisler Seci liudersîatn'd that rl pivat. life bc wlsu --"* Certauusly notl"! To another que- great pleassura lu directing tise attention of St.Georgeandt .Patrickc.7» John Wetui.1 iives beyôndl hlis menu ns ii'dgtiiu r r ry, tise iuverialile replîsl, tisatIl"ikeir of ont renders, ns wehi ns bose of tise heing calledkupouu le rature ltanks sid-" ti lat~ rech n'tiveuy snd tti-in ir'eiaull orcepid."To is, ues Glliend rapraenteftiveoftte St. Patriek Society, hec pubi lie tie ssnê andmcut filow, tie. .f lyeîiser tiseadhes f u o- ohawReformer. ill b.e ottdo eth"ettian congratulale lie sons à til"in n sse3itutab. pluied l pon the cer mightl iot ttdr-stageoilsIy b. Irans. fonnd te ha a complet. and satifactory Andraw, on lMe happy rature of another anh *peý lorom time t» tfiniete u iske iiii ferred to'any nîher deparmeurt," the aswaerto t isse lu-o gentlemsen's oee ay lalddti iehgta rtlc tisdtiicincis. hiais sreî~ey lso nsîer lwus i--- I lcik at ; sied otin f a IlGone big aar»fd» na b eing panuitteetlobe presenetatsurit a sumpt thel.'v isici& Ti speiyfic ase las ss 1Ithn o "sie oinoentertaitiment, mnieaespecially ns il is givu. poiýwihbas cîsrsed Canada lever and tue t he enqii ry, 41wlsatier or net d"one big Dùittirt."* For otîrseives, %va~ the noSi S. Auurew; ha hope t ual lhe ki sinc it"ansa Povtne,-nxnlon.di-titn'y reduction usay "r May net isp inada raq~ <d. tîdret, insbec stenhiylu-itutie slur 0fanyofice," iset- niay say, isat w, neither entIer into the feeling wiich initdes-er ciaracterizad the lwo cr"*Ùp,uad tise âbîlity of Mr. Hin1cks retîtypeel repIy in" .1'Co redwctioa carsi~ feelings, uer do we sympath ize with tise cieties, would never Se impaired-Scotcitmen as a,,fiuaciar, ii simpiy tise nbiliîy of ilu made."2 gheslly lears of ont eoutemportries liuer Irishmen badl for ecr otiter, uSe warmast friE rankieça landowber wiso eupplies li Tihis is altegetiser irrespeclive of tise do ive .halieve, for a momenit, thal liese iip, sud trusted Miat iltvnsuld long continui yearly deficienaies by ycnrly lorluus aîsd saluries tir enoinmnts recaived hy the (Great applause.) Thte lexI was "1The Agi yery mrgges. -ho long Ras-credit Crowrn Land Agents tbrocugbotîis e opea~cldoatir 1'e trIedCnuritlnertolaaaV easjbooîtindunà 'logallt'le Poine ise office in Terouto thoen ipon il as an outrage upon consmon de- was responded tenby Peter Perry, Eaq., M. P. pie are content tolsamy flse consslantly in- is coimflosed or aboeut lhirtv gentlemen, eency, for anv eue to charge tise people ie bis usuel glowing« and ulctorîus style, and t crefliusç 'btrdens of direct undl indirect wilo cul us nl 3,0 e ariigariy iî eu esri l t ecv lutied b>'proposing 4-Raciproral Friee TruieY taxtation, every lhîug skeesis tu'go on] salaries'almeise-wisose servies, accord- tbe Unitedi States." Thinfo.uiua'tha "Bai w,ýll., i)tt day cf recimoniîsg nisitcorneliugtoluMr. Price., eau "oertaiiiy sot" ; mindedasale ha csapable of iseiug brihed Canada," wmidi ias tirank mt atblle ta aspia asietavagant Guvertunî-ien îuycaeb * ead ~ts-îjo.nudcorrupted by apaltry Cou nîy office but me regret teosey, Mhat owing te thteabsenc as an aetîrvagant individusl. Wc cal'tiviern- us fsîZly occ'tped,-uoue of and yet no olber coustrîttion wlsatevar, tSe lawvers, no reply was made. The Vie-Pn tisitasanluridat s-h ketisbisexîen-icios dîtie cai b trtiferred luteiity cena hapultupou tisa remarksàf tise Ostia- dent nazI propeel ita,'afleming buti diture seitîtin lis meuns,-we admuire uttîer deiittmet,andiivhocce salariesi eshaotuld Se deticatet Iolhe elMembers ofthe ME Ili'sfruealurduiglselbiî- I"no reducteas con bletadel'!P 0 1 wa Reformurqon Ibis sutb etî;and leest clprofetelon," rho,with the lewyers, ha ronsid ment w[felus bses ovërtakeflint, und Tisis is vary like. hMr. Hineits' Report if luis wera tise case, what,sin lb.enine ati«seeceesary evils. The1taurapliedte wvitbpreciéely hie sanie troîi siiotile we on bis Deparîmnat. Ha suw ne mode of wouder, bas lise trutî-wôzking of Res.. Dr. Allian, wmnsatas neessry eviln th citaracterizea a Guveruneni os etrava- of raduetioîî lu tie Inspecter Gene a'aionsible Goverameat te do but apply a wr nrdrt bsce> ea nipn gant, sud serioiusly injitious4t t a coun- Office, sud lItI. Price.is quite ns blind ue l celtocet nycrup--modty, ndliereiore.bhe weld sav, il ira Iry-wiich ssoid retain a systeni o!' ex- in h is owîti. Tliat neilber of tiese gen- Pome eeya net n orl uuexpactei houer conierred uponetitcpas penditure hayoud -ils iuîconie, and we Ilenten wislied for ecotînmy laes'idcut ingisabnses o!'tise kind ii question?1 Il ieca'te, ienseusme cause or anotier, tihe matig aloldeondauuil as erimittal if il-ere from Ibis, tlisantiîey offer net a single 'is ail s maîfer of deinsione s pisittous of profession et publie dinners, rare overlooked. le-malta u p tise, ensîuuitly recttrriug ie- binl by wlsici tise systens miglut haclus- inoonsisine; sud, besidas, w. bave But vice i.consudleredlieutlte meniera afil ficiasucîes,,by adelitionil luxation. But trovcd. 'l'isysaem te take if for grant- -.yfrtu etp MieCacion-nseiticrof Puirlinment, cd tuaI lserdiîet araisel ust enotîgisof ltae tincînre of clear Socit, a temotprt,were nativesofSceîll eir eputrnets ave eaced -and isas urit,fromntbeir auperier intelliger, --ieconduetor of a ieuîiing journali t ipittut' perfection iu systeus sud gritisu, sud souind rlianceaoui thaeits- mera ftly eble to appraciae te v.atue.ofni t suds .-wiiiing 0olof!M lui ics enter- ee.ocotiiv'l)ieyoiid wisicis il is impossible ntttsbility of trîtths, telook furward %with -services-te titat clrcunatauce atone, tl it tains >diiRrent viesvs---ttc liîinks flittlu-o. They sait ne menus by 5ihicish cnidne e iaedian ia hnsent honote aattribuîubla. Tie>'form a, ceu neltier ot resnMeeonfidentce, ta. rethueionosdiystanteetee, au bou ieten, ouront finnsia cndious ltotd rcitîptionn iuay tteffraseted orked.-.- ail local offleera, sucis as Cennty Regis. partlofanciel> as an>' in it, andtheutareasen, ite fion no ou finncil cnditon licild onilai t1lat heyare verorkd.opinion, for tliu being left ao muet je ottcrt bave sny tbing te do wuitliutur axpendi- We ntoe ttis now nuerci>' for lie pur- loair, Clark of tise Pease., Slseriff, Cote- 1é)pbi inr u a hi ed eems tunca, suad; astisis idela s a uî'el oee 'epose cof draviusg parlicilur nttention lu lier, &c., wil aittuer bc aiacîad directlY in 15e derk (ieugbtar) but antilon tItlaceunt, Iiink il rigist to give j itli te îiîbiciîy il. MWe si-tilflid, us we tîrecee, tisat by tIhe peopie, or is lisit Cuaty Couna-lmtasvalueble. Tht nazI tot s" i at in ourpjower, in,.order tisaI iti btitliant cachu headfd e!'îh rtmeust eauisec no pes-clPnst .dfiY, w oakmu uIlr n"Dr etiaca i aTo appdopr athole;ilsay res p til thlieapplise dse te lusubie mode of' ueducina tise expeudlitîîte ytý oehantu tlveiý'D. oti acniean prpi bilaitagsutty. u Js ofice;--ue ci i fu u'Lfnreset nw etscbîpîiînpsspeech, returused Muasls. Dr. GunitMen. i l hià, iugniùl'ty in lit office--%usuellljoculMi.rUund pieppy. Aadnert prhapoyetiumlil Wswaeo wpîubie attention tu taine, Atlurney-General Eat, nable t» ,of clear gril princiîsles shall obîtu, as uoslnbocu d ppynepropritaiteehtLds" at h o th ie re,9obuion, beenise, ansaitggcr-st auy insprovemeust in Ais officee t anrely ivili, su'at iitibecoma of lise tinse,the Doloraluletiprticularlyloî tuelr ve will afterwatds b.diaicovered, ils pria-. we iilflusel Mr. Baldwiui Attorney-Ceun- butgiearaf corrîîltiggantl.Governnteit in sociealunde t a ler teuptestsmnan ii cipe, hies l seresenniè uîdsemI, rat~N'stpreisey ef tsuaiavessinfluences set forth ty' unr contampora- out them. Ir. John H. Part>' Ie reply sii, asu wsss 'subs.qtuently denied by Himueksans te /àas; ive witi ba deligbted te eee and bios-Frieei tdeuls un poilicai tisa reniarknble coincidensce of tise Soti-. ries? Pensalis tisey disapprove oethtie mes yet eIba,-helo,She couti ent a>' uite se mut ecnm.Tisavote slooed lina-- otr-eeiFs n et nieyintrodution of thse etectis'. au ci li hee miebutinoe.experienre on thte suàbje &xzs 2--Ho. iuessrs. fladgley, agraaissn ih ni ore tsItis r- even in locàI affaira, and si'aare nota aitthmeeprenerta tecktinereuvepaeethim floultes, Cameron, Messrs. Carier, vinca suut i cllaIlIlî itedecay witis îlueaxieus le kuow if tbat be tisa case asie CsyieYî'Christie, Hotmes, Hopkinsi, out luo Soiieitor's Generni, sud w. sitii 1 and mey oher teohelor prasent, Matî abuter ai M4pm*tt, Hou. Mr. Ppineau, Mr. Suer- fiud every officer of tise Governineut or net.- verser>' ainulti not Se aitometi te pans iihout t wW n. to Mr. Viger. Nas 1---Mr- (except 'MuI. Merrit) eerdialty agreeing Ait1 parties uow-s-days are iu tise Seinq an experinental tnewlatige of iinei Carnhoi.wiîis evar>'officer tisaI tisepreseut sys- practico of taking a peep at Ibeir sharp tmltevPre ofCheanad teealatilie.TUo Tise' neeeaaity of a reeluction baving leus e axpettetitreilaperfect--tisaItisera thigIlPresslobCanaduserons tisa binehe 45w beenï'estaiiisad by sas'cry large nmajor- eau Se ne redoet ion sud no change-tha isaI suneRgrs arosth net, hP fWhiiby ae perticutar," Sbeing proposetitn ily-Mt,. Boutton, secouîdeelby Mr.it. iev aealwrkdaai tdsi, nd u iy ookiug attieir maflesund cei- ttilentitsai o.alt-lailte i Christie,, nosed- pourilv psae,'ad that tallogetiser tise Go- paring tise axtenî of territer>' snd popu. lire endunine tintesniine. 4r.Sprouleheingci di That tieseaary of lIse Guveruor vernuaientcf flise Province, as regards latiotu of tise savaral stalles witis Canada, lad opon to repiy, ssit he faîl gretefut fomîthe heur General lie iimited le £3,000 ctîrteucy, rxpamdidture, ie asitear complteaperfac. nent nhusiasîic1 meener lun 'iici lhe toast hi parasutîm." But lon ns ~ eut lue.wafiadîiîtsat ebava abetfouvr Coun- rS earcceet. 1iconcîemilua Mcr. Papineatu moved, seconded DN Tise Cucinitta, now dirced ts aI- lias te otîr eue, lua lie Stata oflowa, iteenuno recen, titat ecould bave wsnad some o Mr'TI s- ehoh ie salarias cf tise Jîdges. wisere tise flrsîwhite nman tooipie.3 etin1kup bie of greaier expamience hati Sean presetltenuepi't " TsaI£2,00 a sthsilttcdfor£3, MrCI3ultuen usved, secouded by Mr. reaideusce mn 1836, wils n population of the sentiment. As il wa,hewever, Se ruldioni 00à.» isieu,- 300,000 in 1848, bas no esstIsait ses-an- rature tha i sm liants, sud conrînde miihotferip' - Tîis wa lst on tise flbowinig divis- "TisaIin tisa opinion cf Ithe Cousin y outniwhî UpeCnaa, s- abis toast IlScotlâ-tautili-.o.1,o -mur.r nmàpmtMd Itl*t£3,5h00 mus a renua- da lia £1000 pet auir.'t---------------------- . li ~plîedtmIpro osafo'generajlusm- bl. mmm . "esai suon se. " ounr --Whicis s-as carried ui tise folowiug u-Dwcotn>'etof .trio, net oeaof îis,Ù provamesst, in airetti>'ccpying tise a .,,gau" ,Mr. Hiucka," am lis divisou,--Aivs 9.-des. Butîon, muud, sndet an>' inducament, bha i pulic mÃŽnd ugatextent. Ina nemi Ii uyhn> iin, euinBfoutillier, Causcron, Caticisah om' nie noled DWsIuiC& This ho- cetttry ikeocis, miseraec> ani ~j é, 4ji'gewuis lie daisio of isitie, Ilokit$, Mertitt, Pissesu. irg an establithad fuet, me aubuit t bl-t 0uabshvliodb'ts lh4tzjt.a4uaso tsFrrsàNâ-ys 7.--Mesms. ladgley, Cachet, inteblit tbs' ellboo byth SI" Vi"; 4i'uat Ai lddigCayley, Sol. Gets. Macdonsald, Meurs eedo«ta Ri moil t 50 dut econolî>, diigence, and labeur, a*,diwt'i f" o etrva Motti-obu, Richardsi, Vyeg.ani argment 5alisouamsD limas stSget ansd shecr m>'ypenny c f availabie We aq W .o Ad thse llier Caau- Mr. Cayley tises movead,- tisa asytbsi, a tisI o ei taxite Mrvenue that ea b. aqueeem ont of the disù meabeW who eir Memal>'dis- *IThat tli sies et ltse Puisîse ctay orte-rmtc r poedtospprtny-est a l aeaoc-Jtlgesoftthse Province b. fixed mi £1- -t y o i.foetoîc b u.people% indusin>', lu requiroti for coda tew.Iyoueauued yuieP.ecla000 lpeurau,"' mihul u et. Yêittu"bleSutdomlieietCas. bridges, barboN,&C-,, su ofder te keap imjoity. ud wv. s$1 uke msng.s Aima 7 Memm a.mle>', Cartier, lies. Thatuamv-indedspiui- ._ pecç milIs, and aid-lusn &vebeping tsel stting he en-I e peo- TBY, ieusat junrter, .p-- * resonrces of thie country, 1h. "iprece- EROIC FEÂT. dent" of pampering and encoliraging 'On our 'fi' I page, will b. fÃ"und"ià lidleness, and feeding drones ut the pub- accounit or theiost doring...and heroiér fic expense, eau and must ha dîspensed feat ever pcrforsned in thse diuinteget« with.. There are'many fat offices in tihe and 3elf-eaoriflin g cause of hum anity.- Province, the incumbents of vhichl, if Sone distinguislted rrk of public ap- allowed rtî-',thé people-to-bjI i.e d r'itunsol .e-tendedlt tJbe off nt their expense, _xvotld malte com.n rocs of a featthie paallel Of wbichy per-ý fortable hirtbs for ministers to retire hâps, tanuot b. prodtuced in the hisîor upon one afterthe other, or funiish am- of'any-otbercountry.ý The Chpa "cea pue e turds miros letaitulinsuUpporters. 1 ecrip- 1h w as esoen rn1o'Oted tisaI Chief Justice atolc- under tridei 'ordon, Bure's, dent. Robinson mas te b. pensioneel off lu fa- vor cf Mr. Baldwvin. Scucis polilicai trieker>' uniglisia nswe'r in tisa day. e! tisa eid fusmily-conîmict, bîst net iies.-- On ise aubjeet ef pensions, or taleuteel coin témpetine gatefutisencExaminerratopsakul tutus -bha avardeel b>'tise cilisaînse'f Cisippa. mid lm luIt. B incta feela ne more impeteative dtin>, in Wn, ciltier by psublic demonatration or theoî hhtlope. tiough tisa Ceuccil.. -,Pecuiniat>'ce icces- beu grnlt; ne maller liaI lie.aubsequent ttir- ivnrd cau neert ecom pensa Ibis sel, for toauls, camalancas of tte party meytie se improreti as le noua m'i s m it wotîîd bava take ti rentier lie peunionn o0 onçtge lite e eitly. place cf tisose iu tise puru .-kflr caepi- )n titis instase, lie msic Qtlte le utin dmra-nsigsif r rthen ble stringsBriB ish pracetient" andIl" steuonour lte si-ailis f tise worid. Thisaludist".çe rageti of the creva" ia dismatl i>tiscorntl On ttc ac- frem tIse shoere misaislise> reaed tise ,itr, cession of Hem Illajesty ia Commulîre ofthaeIEnlise -bey, %Itsa muets grenier tisa' ths iie of Comment, .on pensions, r.-sareilou lthe aboli- isetîs-e fi ens nîselinevitabl :e eaI'î ailIllte lion otrerîsin pensions andtihIe suspeuiuu of oll- al- -ht. ocattas art. Eight pensionsa rare suspendeil ounthe grotinti ivrds wîsici et-amy inîstant m'as iurtyt9 sqytisaI the circumulancas of tie mripienîs ne longer ing tiseus--- tiey could nuot isreast -the su sraquirad tem; anti the goverrimattma s ettientrent, sdmteainuselbyIsi mhta ilS porer le ret- tten eialthe fuure r- decios e reis tisebjee t f iai rcoulti crmetuncasofthe poulies mander suri a -îlep ne- eetost ec:teojc fter of t. ss. rasn>. In avar>initantethe racipenhats rme pursîit, ss'lseu il becomue a qîsestio cf- tie-marrisI ladies ant ustpensioan mente continue hife or detis iits tie elses,nnd sen- therug ilie lime of their hmitants. Tie im- ed front tise -shu-ore tisaI t-ithfrash-'iuel i tu mediale abolitin of fourteen pensions su-ra reset -utleet lins ted iupont; ant iniisix oîhar resapeusions vrama a lious e chances ivere ah àâgaiuiis uti îy rut short of ltae periet for wirbirthtic>' mre o thoraet. Tue>' 'dil, Iomavet, racia tise naît>' -rauleet. Titis is British praclica ; tint rule aseore, andi are nom ansong isiing lie-, kdi>' 1t>' lrt ont Canadien atateamen proless lIoteceres ef eue of tise greateat faîs e b. i.S0_ guiei. -Y-at lie>' prenaunre a violation ai th e-rln u ýnadhonour ai the Cros-ut lut rat-tire ofinmte - Ilerne nes- r ît t siwiult pensions once. granltfd. Adrbia leceînsi!forai ed. -Neced wa urge tise casea upeas tend- ecr> t e tarit on the Canaduan Pension lisî,in- lte .'tttitmde of tise cenamnil>'11 iua- ditiuis--ona -ut laast-enjoying a large anlar>' rirai- for active servires.iin addition tn an annîtin - OTAT 0 s.B L Wc-r whuit sian. In lu ance et surit n prectic aIagtuaga u PRRATOnE.BLflI.14. prostiluleti, andtihle otitunof lthe su-on.- tirome Hulaie itsus tlgel ct a Lithsograpiie P. P., o aultIcoîtrenteel tsapacat I"lie honuntoaithe- lt-an- Craint." ler mulI tacht s usent languaieatend purmnul of.lise Attorney Ganeasifuc sth to bring the Cramu juloin tnJtp 1Wileonen Upper Canada. Il la saiel b>'tise Col*.. ur of nolita, me laktehle oppornni>' ofprotestmg uit, lu ba a ver>' correctblikenesu. 'W'. Oirs; agsiesl ,the systein ce upon in Mr lk svotid 11ke. te sue a portrait ofet i lon, me Ci Oancmy 1Bill. Retiring penions, as a Pisterai etea-aesctrtlsa lc pres. parlce, hnud le nnnow. Py ait classes gnlmn tknatrtenx lc reu-nptlltrc serrants fait, literai, sud adequate saIer. tuper tes 21nrthlie periui of tiair active enplo>'nenî: mIei but gira ne pansions, excepl ie special Cassm wieS Taiz MONTRsAL Hss.u .-Te HeaM lia ti- ment suci a mark of graitude et lie tendu efîthe Lantisntura. Aratiringpensionpermmannlysl.t- onetIo usltisimeet, mitS n otiengnsvjeg et te>' pramaîomei ho abaamon lieu rpi oymenîs, ant tetien fl51 Ptsienica lo v e tsdu t izhii- - %able press lor-writoasislte ofltixurious aesupporteit.Teegal;creans-hetsr t se h e publie axpanse. ,Nariàîthe ambition wmiritoieapage. It is oseetoflie meet epledand b ust lsa emplesmn aspiîre Ite ies offices ith1e lexcutati v nr sem ef the kiati, anti is ae r"dt aon; Stale aufliit, afer tiat objettSeis beau entaindlth tepingubsesofhelr« %- trot lto cotintararlt te groenig desre of reposa ta e lt tîr îenenî inmthe'cls or active fle. 8osîritin!- scriti'rainatte IW£ekigHekrald canuomenaucewits iis > aia stact d cul teiintae tsual vert-in; et' ttenumnber conlaieiug uhe enmmvuie.tgby aaifyia ibsusemna, lthaI ire liera tare are nite nttEn;g- the p8ublisters'ho tint efferi. tudlant irea retiîatt Lard Ciancelars,. mug>' r epo- ina g on tiair Seau-> pensient. Wcebail ne doubtt Wc ha va reecivcd fromntishe pubiliar, irai cAp> iireah exacitasnun tit r.ilernof Bî i suru-a copy of' tisa eea ed curtroversial pre- te te ho preaaurl>' superanisuateti; nupposte- fi a hi@la lents la have ever littet i ts for ttcelofire. letters o!'tise Ras'. Daniel M'AiTke, a lubis Iflte irai caver qualifiei for the dulies ie tal-- Wesleyan Meiluodial lubinisîer, et Corki loo btoeditritargeisaappoînîmani iras s franttion 'ri' tha puliclu anti in surIcasesa panaietuis a tuiha to lise ]aie Dan iei O'Counall, ne-pnilb- tl>' la tanpt driveiling itnapacil> t taecntran rn' isecb>JCrserin ilsvu iss the 'iturpeti andiuhuacti station.ts . laktse tan>' foi- ile byJ rhrnBto .Te , ira lo sut. 1The presatlgovemnemet h are adaptei tiraelthe phucts of n vigumoua mid ande ste l la tut ueittc pracîtrceof pensiente, sa >'s- ' ~ ri > ÃŽaelm;a Ste>' tare carriedti lai pracre uta t>' ryetcrtrtînîng. Frsae Iy'V.K lis quarlere tiera il neveu axitei belote, aveu ttt the Forsylhin lulis villae. e eav S pslnieat days of lthe Funsil>' Compact. To Mt. O Seavu Blake anthe prasenut coerrmeul lMr. Jamitno0n tisemant. ime wili Sie intet ir lthe meette of future idlanesa- inea apension. The Enperor -of Brati tbas nioppe th laiare- 15t- lisE LVE. tata Snubs domnions, anti prerteine th tIsral t le FU IIF SA E. Ptrary. it Tise grat infltux off!uitiv'e slaves le Lt ' titis contry, isa ir to luecense a niai- ORIE PONilINC£- the ter of a vety dangeroue and serionua uua- Tc,1te Editor oif the ltby Repata. cli ture. as sî'cIl as a lseas's'chaarge on tise Sua"Iest orlt r"massr irt o- adminuistrastion uof justi-e in tlise i-ami vieci>' niaIlong açoasd camingiron lte enti auir of O'Connel aboiutlia timaeof lta Tura Hallamt- les Couisties, lasrticnlariy int h e Ws.- inu; îattly seaineet la meen sonethinir. We, ton, pon This nets pecies cf insnuigraîiouî silt have bal1asort aiftiathemunc nota, afient lie lima- tt'han lthe olicompact mes ita tueast gasp>-ie lise Xn. soon raqîtire tisa urgett tenstions ut lise îayî ai Brtisit-Csttdiainewsepper-vitatity,ad tha Govemu tuent lu soute mas'etorisaer, cisc respineible roarae-Cgaglatefor lhe Cenadiana, tee hurrah! But iteseltuegs belon¶ teothezehy-- ra. lise good i ieges ef tisese parti ss',ilt l lite>' are. as Ossian sa-s, Il a tle eoet otier tims, tuta demis ef ltae tIs of olter yeanIu Wewmli L1>' uverrîîînlîy a ihorde e!'fui appýy crealtturas cl otitan h up, laItii.deati it. W. mii haslen hati mso stillI havene otiser cmpioymenî or ou te keep paraemihlte limas va livi n.e,sand t ait tu-y et tian a îytem o! i tits te the birtsofet nothar gathesmag *-e ia lyo ivinîg la ytn froisherV wmurS more near>' concernaetu.-lIia.c"ia y ne nd lîl tundar. It appears, from tis an- thatast Yoratomenu, im n.at micK lrss r> mo rstburg Couri.er, tisat tîvo colouned eatels lure il eva m hoot ent it si mt t;g men svera armesteel ou the 281s, uand laî'wsee at t îeyli mae out ofiïiL Toia. suiti McKenzie, Baldwin anti Comnpîa, Wȕt îti- cemmiteel te Sandu-ichs gaol, chsarged lad the su-en overour eyae long ameugti>u s>' wiîis ireakiug snd roisbiag tise store o etcf ngorbedtaerotow iz wo- me Messrs. Eherta Of Chanthams. Man>' et chuectid atte aimbnes01auomah» C.tise stolon geoda weme,!'ond ou tiseas, aeeetgac eîonomastut or. beaides nuan> tisinga b.touging le Mr. :ail tiuslingutksheMdus lia eist.-siri~a asieep perlati; but e nam ars hu a»oetdusi - wn Salmoni cf Auslsetstburgaftetiiastore [us, amidire isne mi isbtw li>' eilw 1f iselbeau coishd. A gratdeai efthis unminutuiof il-It'lth lb. ioteeua e t behunireati sudeo-esui. 110%t Pdiesisa et plundar, besidea tise proceads o!'selves eitleusen, cil'ty ftsese le Bank reisar>', was tomneluon mourntlaenkse, yofficiuiuue.k.harci. F t ýd po h fdies eof pelilrtictoay ak Thus naipcas a le ave beau tisaou te n e.itiunnifiltg hc no-r mh6w, a t - -b e bnrgisry committed linlise Western lteblonothe iapeople, dn'dsuv Wii en District, wmulhlus am mweeka. Thougs me araswake, broutalaakb-yo«.bavte 1w ci enation and ti lhu tom~i. the 'Assizes mena liut recauta- iseden, liati ol chn-lk on s »au,>' ler, i sud tisa Quarter Sessions sviiia t opetn nom ils 5 a $»P.W. han. balis strifs ge ot;ennogi7m ee lsMr~ Lswcek, lisera ara now ne lesa lisais cigis- Charge, maea-ip..pool, m à** - 9&W YOU yo cn fgjouar licuatlau.& N*,ulf ,O teais ptisener is gul, seuveieen c!' uhom Lbav vou (une for MusI PuMNe lapa$4 iara coienired pensons. Ttsere are nom roedsbld<u eaqi Oufla u t OMO*> eovset tuo t hotmaand fugitives lu Canada. Wa atat'mmsbM4 ~sibot 1PM i misw ne-ar t1.ev >Iuuusr s , /Icte,-saye:.- «,We trust ugr i- lg Faers w-lit, net ferget or negiect te Inat6 erc fèat ef tesctiung tisa bey frborgiug overtise Fails. Tisa youg men wbo ppuformati titis neteof dring and self-!'orgaîtiuigise- toisus slmetîldlia-re a free ticket isuonugi tîsis sverld --- the deed ilsaîf wiiI reo-

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