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Whitby Reporter, 7 Dec 1850, p. 3

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M<.o~,b~*U tht Amuoc *akero,,Selbie; and ee vedail, tiarnttabI u tu ot ca man th worid bu asdd with the. title Of bmn, yo'i wish us to continue thé connee- tios, yom do, You a re casting round and round fororneboy <o whoseçirdlà we are to be rnad'e fist. suppoei< we cet eleur 0ofou ptesqnt con- nexion wi<Ii thamin of the dangerocs cognomefl you thnk eMeLnzi lgon enush fur us, and ;jereis no IdSUletb tinks saohumsef. Well, We must .xSSD8MlàSattlibtesa Utie, alwaylà bear" in; in mind ththe ha aa h-i of à lut Of them; and as sore ofttemi are eailed g"u, sorne bad atnd ,_îrdi&aiut, mnd others or thre charlicter of the Dutehmnns. sktrnk. "that furty mon cuul4n't ne,"we propose, in oxamining hi. fines» la seny,,us, tb fsirly hand;e thse goodt tîch eh bcbad ind indifférent; and point-î.itfa a pole nt the lttler Brck ndDc.,180 IIY TEL1ECRlU Newv York, Der. î141 NicmtAGVA.-TItc aivices -fromn jSân Juàn de Nicaragtîa, "ive :îccoltIit$' or the ciffictity ietwen ise ,Comuin,.ti- dee of the iBritishi Brig uof war I>rsian, uind the Amerîcan Stcanwr Direct or; Swhife the latter ve.ssel waspropomifil-tu oseena the river, itls officers, wene ut fil- aIliy iriformcdît by ile Captain oft'ihe P ersian, that if,.tbey atteînpted tu movi' withoutt*first obtaiting 1w)rxlsssstnfrom -the autlioritiea utofthe townl, IlroShoti Id -firo ot h cbem, und iniicotsformity withi 'Ibis tbreat, lie movcd bis vessel to iwithin une liîîndred yards ufttise Diree- tt rsu as to hring lm completcly tinder bhis gtins. The. officers uft tisec ircs Were obiigtedtou subm itl'~ihe Aniicrtcanst :are-,very' indignant nt what îli(vre m e a Iiih hadcd otrag, andtlsr';d 14r11) Salle :hoepita1 tl ofA1îgîst& Xe. au stroycd l>y fire l-Iv,îdit i,-,' îrs. tuin200 u f tlî'I' u flortlnati liatis habve pe;srd f bth lni S. Sîefthre 'lunatc av'ethe îal.atr a s soontî aIti lire 'îts tssCOi'neu 11dblilUi su p cs ng lliir cries vfi lie, w ('r e, lit 4h- I nu attenition t li trm, lui Sonî'of 1t1ti' htîl1ditugs %v'crc iivùresl obc, o nr jr"', and i shuntly :îfter eussstd lP,1PT.TEer ofiit.liiii Malcîre îsustatil at tiese«I'.îs sîzr.s for lin'îttlî ty uf York, lradisihs scitstococi itsi îîriud to seyeti Iyé'rrs in tlire I>esite'rtiaryt, oiîd ilf tu' r is îtîStllatîoîî 011 'I*ti('sday evenl- 26ts tit., a uli;îente j'&t thse l'a'<' wth ciosîs iý at MansI. Il provectito b hi'ue G -of cNe'w li.îv"i. (:apt. JaunesSîrsil. Mie liati licen Icatin u t AI- rien, andiwlth a rar-go of Pes'ivai al'k, vaîn'-d the mrc'aim cf Stept. iiM. ai 2 îs'tock. ('<pb. &>tnal ~ wâ itd va 9iui'eon ib-c'k i sdth' reot tda a mosket. As. lic atticaipltl -ts)i (ocit. rM a w tolsl ly ite mnin,.%ho lsrd als"'ady kiîled the »iontlir1101h, andiiil Wi lite in i titttt'i. trned, le gt ba'k. "iiy fired il l tle ruta uin..ay;, the braIl pasr4edultlv bis hiett. fît' thilt titeppeti isîck, lItem bis rilssandil Wc:tt tipoîs deok titosuglr bthe sideo ligt of t1fbI'-caîsi, t knowinghow rnany wes'e ~,t'l it thsc uistitiv. He wou'ndMiltv'.' nien wiîh a dltti titscbt filtt mate wlro bad bei-n beiow- wlc istaliC db;'srlancie be--auCtîliis'silo~ sw o is ased 1wtîe'. li t'i'îa- ,bleil t1 f;i'CiirP ibheni. ('a je. sa3 ît utg tci rnake iis portb, îvet' rl e ited iii diii. aflerlycîve dîys. 'l'ite nsî'n are î-piI'tîs 'iii3 txltdie PIiebýlo, ant',wilIl'a enSItîti'. 1'> illie UJnited Sbaîps cînsl, Coi. 1Po1ici, fin t Iins1. T'he 1Sbip wîl 1 pro'eed il Pott lier voyge ily. 'ThIe mate was severely wottrnded it crs i e iadsuarititi ,su cf beIl1 i.4 hlîs. with sotie %weaporr, scritgva - hi'.ltr't ; buiw îseau ttl bes 4sitîtit; weil. 'The iTstittetir5-Who %ere Sa'a'issed oi dc'Ir.ue : I>iî1sThoniati Benottit,Ai, in rit il - liama.s boy. '1b'cy chatrgti e orite t w!so 'sas, low aI lI;t imi>?wsb t'.s îkd %ats 5l iu The retraitiler ofite crcw ase th u tisa1tl 1<b',ts, o cent with rezard îo utraniottn îî. - Vie arn thalu n riideratbon of thi' lisatves'y attt ;htse!ity 1 dis1tayed b>'the captîtil On i ts'j'i'(,*ii, it.e'ei-; tlemclti si-p isad liàst'reddItle t'ilî fOr the' s y as-'or Iti New 'York, baske preecri'i itin wiiii a bsc so"me golul waîch. as a.lokti of titeis' ui1ptccr'atli uorbi$ services. "leisn ef.ic s'xostti at ýwhng wss mntfrdes'ed wari A,.a A.iis't-'lpu ai*u Nei4'*btir, Oc. 19.'- - Two gentlemen fs'om Ille'Sothr auived in Chi. ç ag0 iýniday lafit, ib pus'ilsit cf Iwo I*Fnmalie <u t ive slaves. VîsbortunanelY for îbtti i 1oswe%-ci. 1114 two colourtul ladies- had, a <c v b crs rvt. loiltthe City IÎ th ise staer Nhaa.Nçthis dauuted, tire Souliseuneri iook Ilete ilst butil NewBulTsul, atidthence by llailwayite Detroil --'Tise riends ut the fugitives, isaiîing cf the uepari une ut the gentlemen for brut city itius'idaiel, 'telegraphed Ici gpme tr'iittitherIi e cia onIte bu omîôtt sink protee.t thse women. -Provision wax un nnefdlately made by sorie uf the coioured lxopula 'tion and yestertlay n iteanier, was eF4rtereil an, -,sont u p the river to e mctishe Niaïrarai, laie off th~ fugitives, andI ]abd thei in ber Majestyls domniî «usin Cagada.,.-8aidWi1 paper. FOitElGr4ZR8 M.49NIG FUEE WITU E M ÎgÂKng,---Pio Nono havîng-divided thi .country into Qatholic biz6hopric5, it be, .. gwtes absoutely necessry, that if Brit tannia' is reàIiy to eontinue to rmie thi waves, she most. rulo the Sees aisc S We bhalt have to say - No-no very pet - ,mfpt.oriiy to Pio, with ýreference btlt arranigemnt h. bas mad'o for ýpantin the crosier, or crook-whiel hiewi . eallowed t»g do wvith1 a honk--in th soil of England. If the sort. of tlii ,wnftetn1plateOd'by the Pope of Ro>me ,to be.toierated hoe, we must exr&e 1other alien potenttitefé to amuse then selves by eut.tin g up the United Kim dom into iîttle bits, after their ou. heavts ending the dignitaries of a -L-r ,,ana. ta smnrsede the mnin usroîena religjion, i sake of ot of a vaw or ýra. A man in Liverpool etaetnitled bunianty, sud aaionished i' the <cuty 'by statingiain u Ch ut the sickn est of the town la, occasioned by bad Xr. Paine, who 'aseeib tat he can extract gas froniW aler .spoken of a " the gentlemnan Who bas disZuved thse 1roceus by 'wvhicliyou nay light Youîrpipe ut the pm. Thre attemnptto lght'F aisley %with ýud-haired girls has been a1bondoned, but thse girls have flot. A Ditilin 'aper contains thse foilewing; 1'Yes- t.erday, Mr. keny, rcturning te îown, féli down and broke h it nec, but happily iseceL.vei aofur- ther damagés. It lu stated that Pi ince Albért intend3joining the ntIer of >Manchesie-r Unily of l[adppenideit Otidfa'i- Iowa. sfinuld lie tormeiitcd ly another. A few dayîf ato a yoitnut lady laj Net%' ork st-ited, that irphe wax a froai l ee wonld speild lier wholre fortiunofil lilkwnir b *knntily Lii, ait] %vould theri go and fibang herseelf. 0'thc'"lienulest votung ladyv wlio re- fused tim-0 li' a rifle mnîlct,rle- Caus4e soincurothe gins hai d r~de is spcîîding n a 2w ays ait Nalîdnt. TiriTronto, on dt eveîîitg of Sninday, ili.' 1i1 inst. , Mary, th4 %vire cf Sattane1. lLHarrison, Eq afier a short i1lres. BOOKS! BOOKS! J ;rst arrivi'1 frorrIlle ('ipitui ('itil,t few tcnpiî'ýàcf the 11ev tl. 1), M'A fer s LeIttor1 I J)anit- O'C'oItlIl Etq., INI,1. P, witich aiecver) A1tIFcn ennv Lindloma.,a fov 'Jeranv Lin( Minstri~. jr'1 nr t1cg l1olcsâof Ile lu.t(- tî lication. fu a t îbslote cf IUiinry,Ù~Straw Bonnet I1Iaking 1 .-1 and$ M. mmefitLI1V A hur flo ~ dteiut4't<'e1lsi, in t s ite isbové ilf u n'.10ii b "ii* a' sb~t'tlv) ii' Ladies wito ina>'honloq S -i'Ni'wosb ,binaîwaîst n ltand. NWhitbiv Via'e c.6.1gr0. 3-f is-liti l b ies', autil ofers to i' uiî'n4lS afidti tii'pub-. lirt' llir;s cas h ])<own fouasy qutai fo tilt wlin l:ve bî.o is'lbtiti ilteir cies-os'itfor Illte peust yi'as. tirsi ie ssii1lit tî'etys I o t bgive jst<tlIif) ball slit) rs'a3 "tiIl)as Otr hii2n. j fi.S ai svo i:usnu' c4sný'àtlIy Otitd-sltctni ut n' for wut'îlie m-0i1tty ;ini S1ap orcter h b!t/'e . l'or Sale@ "\î,,with 14. Au'res of Ltnolht'tr r cf Lot D o S s btSl Citsinof Fi 'et he .1'cSavr 'Ml ih 1hitii itItfitsCreck, tht' m)'51 duurable sirs'mt ii coîun's'i', alss'avs baissc'a sfficiei cf*stb's t <lune 41 ite 'ic iht ti1day I., ssrrourded isil b ab<iistai<e cf'Piste 1's'ir Aiso,-St) Acres cf]1 AND~. witb a larre Framet flouse and Bansi, op.a 't No. 9. te <tolt ci ttise 91bs <"on.-cf tbe unun Tmwnship. "ibe ahotve prcp'rty ,Ibl bclfie uio1<!etisr or gtejartit ly to suit pucisas- r or~'s f'îs'ter 1asticul'ais appîy lu the proprie- PtkunDec. 4, I$,jÇ. '4 ment ias ie- ver b-en known Io ~ ,0n' 0%. e -ililiiF irugle iii- -P 4;k stancecwverecitlsas - lcori ti. roungIlî P. '! L11. t'e. ec'c v'erte t ase .May bave been, or cf O 1f,. ~ lowlong standing. ~ T '~" Puce 50 cens Wýrlritby, Dec. 7, INIRE ACH-. IEStîb)seriber offcenr for Sale, ut Treasiinale prceg ant] upon moderate tenais, tie followina ads n eTr.wnsbip cfRac, Lot 16 in 8ur Concession, 200 Awesri. " 5 ssi3uh " 200 " t22 131h 5' 200 '21"lotis t' 20<) e 3 lo](5 th 200J On the Iagtinentioned Lot (Iying withmn about Iwo miles of Uibrid>ie Village) 60 Aires are dlean- ed ,of whicil 25 aresown wiîh Fail Wlreat, 5 Acreo te MùeadOw, and 302- Mires plourhed for Spring _Cnop. Tirere se.also, Ldog uidingo enectéd ou the' Lot, andI a fine streaun acrosa the arne. Whitby, Nov. 301, 1850. - 33tf. LOST Wbiby-, about ,July,t Two EWS ed with a Scallop 'Fails. Any init)rai be thankfiillY réeei June or int of » Sail mark- it Fur, and short ard to then, wUlI ~ Il 1-1- MON TO( Sic 1V d .1 fil Kic IIGSTIMIET ATTOS$O t o i l ) f 4 ' n '1 1 t h e r e a l r s o f t h lt e W / i t b 1 R pp o it r , ei s d i bl i l i e t e r a llY . t i s a i t 11115, si Uli rpai. âed l is ii ms' (il ', loi ipi1îIitv ,.t t ltt c ii Au YflnEpceto11is Ynv*-tCd. RE;AD T1HE, I'OLLOWING - Blali )searisCJolîh fi oi< B l aic k -'U l>os g l i 1 ('oiotredl I .2 d 1 id 1 ' t :ýtssslin 1 Lao" " J I to l'rints I yd. widc " 1) 7à i l G nithans" (lleav y) " t 's. ',%Iiitiî"2 t jw !tijdtjirliîîg Mui n ttin il an e "'* H mdit S ck f 1'a cl:,< nab le I)1 IE U"S t(0 )I S, ISO, ioo0-ifH'oo/ Scuî/ Slawls, i?1tlI!/ f i î I ul \Vnl raili i îei i C.tssînîet "t, (~.î:~ S: J)ss~kîits '1' ;vt's't.s ut" Fi i ey ) j \\li'tare a (<,Ils I>;îid. 4.Vtiii'lA'I, flls 1 iîlc fi i 0' el t4 7l. O )7 1-2,1 1 3 "ij I !ii 3 y eje,ýr- tt Pl lnts . 1 i/sy uou'I diportitultr <ttei'i.in t< ther assortm't tof FA4LL AN-Dl C L T I Xo 5, City BJuildings, Kin-'Siet atnext doot to DrJGoo(iLv Store, sign o u ry oftD~. LOTIN &D1IY 'GOODS'a CREBAPEIR THAN, ieR. W ALKER & HIJTCHINS ON, WHOLESALE & IIETAIL. Ulot hiers, outitters anid(Jeiteral Dry- Gaod. .Tverchants, SAmC TS ODE IN CLOIHXG. ( ,w cis ltwy ci) t »lb îu,4eritcs' hiviiig heen appon dSôe gnt for one of thre m'osl !'X1ensive ihosisês ini London in the Il Expi't1T ~r. Ie îherefre wil be able tosPply the GmffliV and onasai. f Toronto w i ,suP'EROR <;OOi)S, for l1:11e more than one-halfif' lb ptice chas'ted in cuber hotues in this civ. -TEATOVE PACKCAGES CONTAIN- 807> )Fr11 and w inter Ccats. Ç-c'n $3 1-2 tb $7 cacis. .59> tîprir Fccitiîd Deist ct' t'r 1-2 lu S9, 100) pa i t cf sfi pért'rra'rt- e( kio arsd (2rssirs'ere 'lrowsens, frorri $2 1-2 Io $4 3-4 each, 1.)Ii)h i l nd Wsrter Vécsis. <rmSI te $1 3-4-each., ,2.ý4 -es'y tUtti French 511k Cnt \eIvét lest-s, frcm $2 1-2 to $3 3-,4 enris. rVour Catzos Suprine 5azen~r Oloths; )nd asies osil C Ai'T IVERY oWPRICES. T1he %vltie cf wlàh'i s bo n ale 11)îs p l he ir o'.4 l i'pTb.0 . l e th bIet cf w'orknien.arc nul cppori initv (A p e. l~G o sw eîflc ' aIcsa e w " 'is îh crbrndeeee e u w t nî-'s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~y 10 liewast( <f Le rop". >arîecabnt on rci:îe' (-nd li iis ac îrootldn dîau s' stalihmctt bissid cftis Attînir Ov r cas ro t 7 ie SîininCp(natti" '> t * Jo h N F . O 'e advnie IL L ,fee t 1b ,ýýjjs pfi27-la'esabut1( h:rPa ond3 n 1i.; ln( FItaiiti ~ " Il 3 ' Vat v1)0 i'itî "II 6 Toronto, Sept. 28, 1850.. B etvt Ji 2.-) I "Salinelt 6 Lionikin 'P' l < ~ark Satin V St, - ' 7 6 W i t ey i 64 44oI i~ i t 5 Fie k Ttr"22: 'r<<t* : M ESsS .SeB UIIG ESSS & L EISIIM AN Btuvs' C ioti jsî il oeal var lety.- Ta ris Vek'1-sî i 1 l1tt, I'îir &k Clsli Catris, &c, &c. toI-aLG b ttlt>ier <to tlite mnhabtîa'rt'> ocanlada XSt that t1hcy have reeeived I Garmrnts mode tIo Areofld u'rzrnted toit. - hi r NE %V (,yOODS", oaisttîicgcf. !?Fîrersar! cie,' ,'tlit;in tbheliai s. ai i ot acquuaifitt'cI wtis îriCi<S pua tised on urari- Cloths, Cassimeres. Vestin-s. aàd(te' rr7'-fl ssortmelt .of Dry floods, purcUsed "t'ss b mntny cf-e,'. '.o ond Ic Wsll If) caai titii tiitItitttniiy Ihavebit une sia in thehit Brtivh ifarketsr lfor Cask., warc/ erabLes tirer to dispose 1<51MW - -, c~f theralt prices mulalwer truteerbforofed ~'. ad itndutcf dorug uuîsiitss Arioît;theis i i1s'~aiPU tihti 1u sî AiN;imasuîtsa sIrND RlaICEd. A Al(ls Gnaiwtrmns'tdrot e iti os' so ihrsn A l tiece G ouda, eut i l' I t & i e - ', e l;Itar tt'il '1oroctbc. Novesnbes' 132-5y) FCo1. NE> E: "O .V4o 2, St. Lawrenfce Buwaf#, oono Mlark' ,f. artdi i , niversally rtid by all 11#ronûii f, Î r;"anidlite Eree 'frwle of the' present day. by IprOIDitnr.r whole.-otrlecornpetiou.. t.Ioeil 1 '! hePblic the ' ,reitîtt iiI7lf,;tllltnSi " Jroprtint" i, he, rnott rigi 1Economniàt can drsire; u bi -sl io fa 10UEODI 1AW,"it shioulil hi-Iborne in mind that "lALT is thie trile test of CIAINiS2 lavilig purchamed principally fior CA$Il,4rnm th.e iifctr~5i BItTAIN and the UNITED) STATrES, and izsWrt on SELLING at the LOWEST IE U RAl PRlOFlIT, far CASH ONLY, ROB E R T7"RAIT C O., Ofié ter, bcPlidliecof Toronrto, and iihomnniigcolnntry ait EXTENSIVE AND Wl!',LLAS$0RTE» STOCK 0F AU o wci ch ws1l ho fosxnd fully equal in quality to uIC frst London and New York EstablIshmerits.- and at a considterably lo-,vj prtr ictiaan ry lBousin l tthi.Lorality. The prenet syster o f IlPîsfinti alias Lying" 15 hf:re repstdiaied;and XPL S. & Co. (in kieepiag tn the old adag~e, 64 ilonesty is thee heu Policy'.) 1,it'.e cvery confideince in giin- tn;,vi-snal- saiifacf ion 10 îhcse who may favour them with their Patronsage. hee givin#pr great#,r vpssblicity- Io teir icala- bilîifis for promotitgl the best interests (the Pockeliq) 01,il-e Peupfle. 1Their Stock compriâès agi 'EXTENSIVE AND) CAREFULLY SELECTE!) ASS0RTMfBNT 0r- STAPLIE AND- FANCY DRY GOODS,- Ladies' Cloaks, Bonet# g, Uîfffs, -Boats, &ýc., E AD Y -11A DE-Vj C I4O 0THUIIN G, HTCAPS3, & Together with a large lot of Ladi.'s' nnd Gnl~î' Boo0tsand ehsiOf vcry descriptic, TIIJT -0 'CK01F'GROEI Tbey can with confideneei-ecme0ITfd, as hein-- cntitrly fre froni nny datzedoil .Articlest and art of the purest Qualities andîjest Brandq. Aiso a large Aï-orfmef 1Ineluding a large lot of John Wilson's '<I3ITCH Il Kîv ss of a âuperior quality. and and R. S. & Ca., being determined to cul exceeýdingty fine, rteIy upon making great slaug hgh prices in then 4I;ggini. R. S, & Col&ailSplendid Establiohmeft" ila nuw open, and r-ady for inspwetion; and particularty invite their Country Friends not tlu purelac -,e where,1bcfbrc gihring thema of proviig <the truth of their pretenaions. No S&con Priae! Gàminnt made Io meas,& uelqt style, un the shorest notice. 0[ý Remembèr 1the FREE TRADE HOUSE fis No. 2, S', LAwnzwcz BUILDING wm f Nelàon Strt, in the New Stonie Block on the Ol(MarJ~ke$ Ste, ,djoiniug t:ew Ai inférior selIves, and lCatiadituaiCillis. f'r letba'Ittr(5s aad co'l Do Do Re'd flt Fisi Ca G leniza MNenmS BI'aver ' "---3 ) d'yMoe6kfl é Broim t h s i - - 1) (i i > hstda Plaid " muet~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 shrs, "- 4mi h -iii, Linen fronts, 1PS~~ 9t--- Clebs Caps, iv Bonnets,. - 3 o 6 Bos fis WvtnerShirts, " -- - 3~ j uoToiea Veus, î -- - 4 J O Ca ME N4S, PA I .~TNILI TS, pis S icK ..qND D£W1 -sr r.« e 600 Sacony Woot SartihwJ 3 <om 2sd Factory Cotton5i 30,000 ad oo Bonnet ffibhons ' 0 5 White Cotton, 3MO0 yards Gala Plaids " 09 SrpdSitn Pumos, fst ilour), rO)6 Flanneis, red ant Ladies' Clbuk,ý, (tiewest Styleà> 8 9 Blankots. per pa Velvet I3orifýeut 3 9 Linenis of ailit Sllot. 1 C«Lxeoed. Stripced IL'tn I npcas, Cbboutigs CashmIercs, and other Fa-shiojable Gooils Élu GlvsIOsie ry, cFintres,. Artilicial Flowers, Mîîtslin rShiwls, IUantdkerchIefS M ýtiifs. ai NoY 0 E cGON D PWJ, Torontto, Septembler, i85O. ~~dv~nccs 0 1 ont pol 1li o 10 e'?- lot Ibm- ,ird RIÉADY-MADE 'CLOT1î1NG, Ail weil cntt, with superior trimmilgsy, and mnade up in the best style, al ti r establijshnîcrrt i n Moutre-al, byý ftr$t-rate oknei We buy in tihe best andaji eypeN tnwoe aierlkéts, and sdil, for C A S IL .OXN y, Clicaper'than any other cesablish ment. one ierial vl convince the Most incredfflons til,ît E. I ý F. stOckj,_f()rCl)tking ýsnic muebetter mrade and trimtý tid ai uscqîietitly chwiîper th!ain iiny othier trading bolise ini Toronto. RBEMEMIBEUI ATK EV AN S HIA t1 çL T-0 'S9 NYO. 5, (CITY' )3ULIIN(G'X ICIJ,'JTREEJTE STTOR OYTO. 27410 FaIl and MWlinfer 1mporitlion KI NG STELEET E AST, OlPO.-DIlill TuF' ESIr. LAWRPEIN\CE HALL, Ji*.sI;t ECEIVED) i MONTREAL A'N])QUEBEC, 20 Cases of Superïor London Roady4lBde C L ()i1! 1_l,1 N - G, ý. 1 'r-si 1 e-;.- t'Arm'tav( w, 1 1 11

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