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Whitby Reporter, 7 Dec 1850, p. 4

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PULMONIO W.AFBaRS! Fo tt ure cf OOL»S, OOUGHS,9 41STIIM.*' BRONCI1'JS.PULAION- $1R y-CONS UXP ION, mand aI il rctioasuel the Breath andi Lunga. %Maàtifactured by E alr Rochester, N. Y., the Only truc and genuiue Pro- prietor auid 3aesoui t-re thn e Contiunent ni America, tw asignruîent nf right froni JAMES Thitcelebrai.drenîetiy is for salte bv W. SuVr- TO<Diuggist. Osk.awe; THes. S'-ýTTI)N-, amîi flvij)sot<& C. itwnn If: .. l)AntîNc.- TOBro)ctis: Lumsuo , Duffin's Crpruk; andi JAN¶LESMP. ERRJFP, * lVhoJal4and lêttit.Igrnt, - MAIN T8TiÉr, WiîTrru. Withy, 81h INov., 1850. . 30 CAUTION. DQ.Iîerèlby catiCijpn thepubolic rîirs isIfla sipuriias article cailetilDr Los-ock's Puitnonic W'afl, rn mnufaciiuiad ly E. P.Green. Hiamilton. Canada Ws.asalthte infornm h o eveuraceived ti fr mntfctarug lî e utrwas l.by beîifii j»mes lIry;tll's Dru.g Store, Rochfe.-îe-r, for tu-o motilhi. ,iuire's ryoainrl-o is a ecottuîr- felter'ei lnrock's Waters, whirh lie cails.JIryitî,,ls P11dmesnic Witfrs, 1 aim psepareltn i tle mopt satitau-ory eV ieaure Iîy moat reipectable lîhysitias auuul A-ériu4. p- pointed i fr tbe isale n( 1he suboe coiuanîerl,ït%. oM the pernicums ellacîs i bhey bave' luai upon ltluos- Who have lias the misfotuue ln use them. - Pleue refer ln third page of my patîplulcu 'for * cerftfcates arus'en lîy lîenry Plmér latp Stir :Ptott o f tIhe 13î Reuriurent niIlier Maietsuys L2111u Iîufainry, (Port T)OVer, C. %W.) Noluu ceuuuuue .111leu asiz-ned hy E. Taylor. Roduvster. N. Y. JAMNE!S JOIEN T},RdarN~ PolyslI xcIuwgo salooni. May,1850. TRNO.i3r ' OTICE IS II-AEE iY M~VEN hurt' applucatien iilil lemariet f0 he Legi6liuîuurp, nt ifs iîaxt session, for lto foumnatiora of a nr ucî uu inepandeënt Coluusy oui of theliel-n eaàîerui i oi- -ships cf the- Cotunty. of Y'onl, ani for attachiraç th-at part ef Cartwraght iaying north of Lake Sru,- uoz in the township "of M~arîpes.nd ire b1~forrrua- lion.0f a naw township cnt cf Iluose portiolis ou Cartwrigjhanti Reacis ,whic-h collîsosu.SP u.s Islaind, anti Ibat the saiti uuw township be attrîchei 1o the Propcuuad new ccufitv. LEATHER £& FINDINO STORE. JAMES WALLIACE Iwgs to' inforn $bwniakerà, fairnffls Makers, anuloihcrs, ilit houn bauldarud wilI eoliîîuî&îon -keep a wvil- asso,'ad Stck of Leather and '4emksFilld- l'gwhich lie will &tai aITuroito pictu',. Hi& prasant Stock consiiis nic Solie Le-athor, Spanisb and Siaî*glier. 'Upper Lpather, Cow lilde, Kip and Caif Fr-ench and Philadelphia Caif Skîns, l a nd m Band L!athpr CirdMorecco auid J1eau% of aIl kinds Goat andi L=btUikiu Biuudugîcs, Shcm 'lhiread, Boot Wehs andi Liuings, Bo0t Treex, Laits, Pitoicers, Ham rîeusi, &c, Ina ddlitiotate s.abioslue ias couuunsenc..d BOOT AND SHI IO 4AICIN ,, iiailli s bai1 whieh he î particuiarly weil pi pared Io carry onit Ithie uatstactuon cf 21l who mýy tavor hlm w-ith their orders, havinig îh< principal part 01 Fis stor 'k manuifacturet i urder Fis own inspecti,. and azm, nf th,- but workrnen the couitry ci pro- ueenaubling him at once te wat ratt oti qualify of nia taialandi workmanrslip. A ksr;e Stock ef lAdies' and Gorattemen's Boots and$luoes ceustantly kept. Particular attention igivmnIo Eustom lVork. n-Cash peaifo& Ilidée, TalIow, and Cef 8S4118. Whitby, Nov. th, 185. ' 3o JOHN TUOKClElt, (Late of Mentreal) Fair, NagI,, olk a"n'i her I.ruîties; thell, Buf- falo, liao nd 1!07J njCorbs; b'eat/ler Dusters, Colpgp, Essence Heir Oil, Toilet Sea1ps; pans, Fanq Ba&ketg, Put-Monfys, &gar Cases,, Note and Bask NBQ Books, Pocket ««id -Memorrandium Do., <ioUdand SteelPans, )feere Cluisaui anda tier Pipas, Toyst, FancyGod,4, c,4r. 5j, Wellington Buildingo, t KtING STREET, TORONTO. '24-y HATTIER AND FURRIER, TOTAROWqTORONqTO. thse Ladtes andi (h.ntlemen cf Whit- 'uinty, tsai ha is now receiving his of LIN JUNUFAC2'URZD PURS,, ber with Canadisn Purs cfbishi. on sWil form a eomplete'anti splendid eponainievery fasbfenable article, me decldod novelties for tise cominj; ong Lades and Cidrena'sizr sels, inu étfmlly aoici t Ieir pmtronge1, , *Ah ý 1~ft - B3. BIRIYA-N 1 $bc-co l lqely appoiuieci A-ent, liy the Main- Ft~.fiicturterb, for the di4ffisal of* Yeveral ncw- jiatteria ,iîveuç, lvielu were pg'iaented llurec uuuiiths agp. anud tocuk thae prize ut !the late NIAGAItA FAUt%, 1li as on hlard a caerai assortîiruw of Tighit Air, 1'aulo,îr. andl Cookii, Stoves, Polash Kt!tllis, GmtId rans, ]>OL' Ironse, Df01-N.raprs,J'aitent CWs terti flumps, t.&c The rew paîéele ove i iie mi fthe OLD PINCIPLE OF 31MKING 771JE )'I'lITES J"ERY 'J'ICII, and the fluei! plaies are so ront- 'Stracîed t1hrt the flice canruuolijure lhemn. Thuis slove is the otme whielî, in i îwielvc ruouuîs, or a,; sQiat becorries u4eu'erally Lkuc'wn, iFanrmer% il[4îIIt -n iir her orr;. The ailva rtt i os is f tkinif)una 10114 sfick of %woû.xli rd l4>i. 'nelrge and capicious ~overn, holdiiiçtwo 0 of bt'o p<rns,Dgiitbi liu iielkxl for aun excellentakg4eio re flir supc- rior t any stove he bas *çol1 Fuieruds! Dn'î ly CI.-c e etwifholuî clllirîrz andi tahiu as the SMid st6ve'a re-onlyin1-t: vitl4#ty.' if Wrlu.W114»1#. Is il ul saty,'are îlt I ulwîbloicsi furit'<'s, anud tb suiit liteu? hi". '1ru:me.-Al sort.. f otuf r 14 alte Iu, ber, coldwood, &c, &C, îak<'uul iii etlje "iue lus~ i a, alïleluî iI,' Stu! time;* SÃŽuuue N"j t tlu<Jr luMr Jurd',e Store,- Whbere h- lesio Iepso baud a -centeral ariotuoirirt of fin %. l,r uh oats aiud other ,)icwîu>et-. %%it be îak iipayrruert. L IFE A i 97j - 7T Y, Médical Extuminer,-R. W. CLARK NI D. Pamphlets, Blanks, and ail requlsite 'informa- tiouu uray be had on qiicpation te ' - JOlH Am LPERRY .ôged fo WHIjBY.14 CAMBRON &m ACDOàNELL, Attornes anid ConslorsatUW, SOLiCII OJ,1s-I--CHANCILY, (! 1 00Y- e M. C. CAMERON, Cii y of "ruitu. Il. .1. MACDONELL, 11hitby VJillage. CA NADnAW E ST. urOilifcc ui iin iby ojqosife flle rc.,idjeuie o peteu 'et 1 Y, L'il. CA 11L E T 0N L YN-1)E, WIJOLESALE ANDR '.IT. DEALERII N TEAS Tt)Blllt**tisl I, PER À LM 0O 1AINtjFACTt'RER OF SOLE. UPPi'R, ANI), Cash jxid for lidh's -and .SIznv. JV/,cst, ýOuils, P<,ts tili'1 tIshf,,s By John Baker, -ie%t ef f irket .Squa ne, - ýfor th-y muîkc iyo'u 11(1 i/ profit t'i/ ;d NlI1J XEIUCN I 'TL1 %Vlufliy and Pl'rîutu X llut-u1, i., G; u-1-1 11 ILA s -: UiId Sprlng anîd îîîîmar lusioîîs for K0~. A L E N. 1> R I NG J~1-.;. JUHIBY ILL.IGE. Thie lt -çtI'av/t ions (u/iway* n/Wli \VhibAjril 19, 15i.-O D3airkielrr d &lcirey nat Zaw. ItI.CIJARD WOON PORT H~OPE, C. W. !" T*sîy fotrs arlways in ath.ndauucé atIlle Iîoîs l.aset±cusand' their luîggage couuveyed bo amti faons Illeu bual-S Jia0,u-cinut'die. 10,1 hlope, .buîv. N0 12-Iy1 WESTERIV HOTIL,ý ili'/u-~rtiS t; ert, Toronto, lui the % 1 riul* euuutist f 11i1pBanks, I'est- Ojffice, atida ail lî 'SI'arl.bctlya unhlimj'S. Toi mil 0.-, I>A oriitlr 1ILJ1, 1 A M J EFF1%J.-EIYy ÏC ENT 'FOR 1TUE tu.aeIintîan Qanntp 11iftuai Jîi.rurtilcce eolfl-ntfW Excellentacmîuuuios for travellers. Good Suprio aessuîuuodaiou afosl-l uTuavellt.ri. ' "______ Capairicus $tabling anti Slietis attactut-ti to prerraisus. t Aptul lSfJ ~ ÇC4~W% .THO~tAH. TIONALI) ~lrINNI~, ProprIttor. Wid >and4 to Lease rj¶J.'Sb~ ho rs A I 1W iHOUSAND AC.UES of %Wld Larnltl b luew souIbu o!14liow- ing Towu4 Ip,(Zec/î. zbi4/cc. North GuilIiu- bury. Rrock,1 Th/-erat, Mirif. Onic, 'in y, Tay, Ion, an"d Ops. 'The flosiof lhu'clanuds ae-fthé bust qiiîy. and wil 1w hJast'dl Jor a tem rnol fion) five to,4even ymara.depeuudingr uponu ie ituation, lin lots ot'i iU)n) >to 0>are h 10Ioamy "rie Who .wuli chop, cienr. andi fetiee, ilu a Lood 'ud woîk. ru4l)liikc mauiler, %wiîluiru lue si t l 'irre, a quatitty tuot leut Ihain 20 aereg on- carli lot, AliI lett,st, pcst-paid, dexi iug informaiion cn c#rtisîg ,,any of the iarticular lots iuu cillier of the aimve twuiîpwili be aîieelw'ithOiut dlxY. WiilibY, July, 18P'50. J T 1BS6 SADDLE,1 1IAiNES, COLLAIt, jND' TRUNK T lIE Suhseruber bas congiani on hand theP labya articles, Which h l iffll d cheap for cash or credit. RO0BERT GARTSHORE. Whitb)y, Jone 7th, 1850. 8 .E M 0 V, A L.- T HlE Sub¶criberx have remo-ved Io the Corner o( th#- j1VBVILDMINC I RONT 011 THE)4R9~, 'now* as the' St.- Lawrence LXMAN, KNEHAW &C. -'Toronto, . pril 29e,1850, 7 --SURGEON DENTJSýT, tIAS the honomîr'oni arunosuuiang bus arrivai an J.Toronlo, wutb -the- intention or eslkl>lisitaag himself il tise city as a8Suzazo, DENTsr.' Dr F. fls. confident that Ia-manany years' stujutr under om < e - m a&'rt-wleIwutpilRA oyn UcTE E TH!TEIESTHI!!TIE TII!! SU!ÈGEIVN DDNTIST, ios W/, V. W. OSJJWA.C. W., TaE MESSRS. IIAHPJR BRQ(,TnIER$t; Of -Ntew York, have discover éid a - ichier place t/an any in Cal «ornlia TUlîir' Edition of thse Fifth Nuanber cf their uew Meusithly Magazine having reacheti the extraerdinary circulation of Frty-fve thousand Copief, and sti11 thedemnand continues, whue* can euly be aceountat fer. by the fact of ils presentiuig, in handsome style, andi at a cheap.ur rata iban any other periodicuit publisheti in the World, the choicest portion et that vast intellectual wealtt w.hich oblains currency through the peiodical pren at the présenit day. Thé present number contains iiards of thirty artieles frosru the first corptributors ef the aireNo-* ti=esof New Werks, a Monthly Record of Cor- reuat £vents, J'oet' y, Fashions for Autumnn, with Engravingâ, &c.. For sale at the BOSTON BOO0K STORE, 1rice la3d. Back numnberssupplîedinanyqllaf- 1 tity. Geucra'IllBook a'ad Periodical Agenat, W110LESAL}E & ET.AiL. Toronto, Ocleber, 18-50., 26' TBE S ,EAIER S-0L"E RE1 G.eV CAPTAIN WILKINSON,* w ILL leave Tororuto for Niagara, Lewistcut, and sticuen!?ten EVI-RY AFTERINOON, Surulays excepited, at Onîe o'clocIc. W ili lt-ave Lewiston anti Queutiston for Toronto albout half-past ectit he ninrning, andi will ar- rive in aflie i10 muet ~he Mâail Steamers for Kings§, bruru TAtIv, oon. ('aliuu l'a'sage t,%eals extra], one dollar. Deck l>auuage, Ilurca quarters ol"a dollar. Royal Mail stearn Packet Office,? To*crotilo, May 22rund, 11850., 6 llda'nmoth Stock orfliots and Shots. BROWN & CITILUS HJ AVE receive theiair Sprint; Stock of Boots 1.-andl Shoem from their mxanufactery at Moua- tru'al, auuu will "-li ai ihr'ir iîsual low raie. B. & C. smu;lov u'ix. 1uratIre1 ope-rafives. atud produice fuomn 50(i la 1000 pairs dailv. Their pue-seot stock hap lueenu arade wiulu special rafèeurce Io the Nvatuî of Caîaada Wes-,t,annl wit i compensate, i udi viiltuals or farrail h-s for eîiagea distaunce, 13y seaiding the requsireti lengîlu, a fit will tue guar-. .?,Ierclîarts Whe have flot patronisedthebbcabove establishment shofîlt lose no lime, as they caas ha furniiheri for oe- Ialf-the cost of country prodiuc- taon. ,ilizy unreatonelule failure repaired uitlaeut N. B. BlowN & CiarLos, 88, King Street, nearly ojp-ite the Englirda Church. L23 CA'SII PAIfl F01RLE/ITJEJL. Toronto, MNay 1M150. -5- 1y WIow Il ( L Gifor GoId Tl' Sîttl haif of Lol NO. 3-1. 8th Concession liy, is open for bidders,, fo-r a tcrm of flot I than.-live years. Lucre are J?îfly Acrés cleured, aud tbe wibele IF,-rm is plentiftîll'v Watered. Go anti sec je. 1>sseSsiOn giveti in grood lime fr FALL -PLOU GI'IJNG, A ppJy (p1aidl if. by Post) te B. FREY BALL, April l9th, 1850.Wkt. mRI. w oO-D, Non/ai Side of Kin; Street, WM.io Beqy Street, ~ 247y JFOSTERe LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S Xe. 4, City-Buildi-ngs, King Street, TORONTO. 24-y CIAL ES1;A K ER> Whec ln i pr~uaed exeut orersb ~ 37, Kiing Street West, , Toronto. ii 1ý3i-noie Ali kin luof 'Ship Flags on h aasd, or made eidder. - . 12.4- 77ie tt! mnons regulely reciveai. Osîsawa,-Ap)ril 19, 18-50. Il. W. cu FFI Dealer in GlICERESLilMiJUAiND PIIUI'ISIoxs. I>RODUCE BOUGHUT AND SOLD. Bdtwc StroudIs and Platt's Tavera, EaàS! ide of t4 aitl 99 C 0 -, 26-Y M R.' B. FtD B LL lIASIi5OVICP TO Ilrock$ treet, Boit dodr Io Uryau's Tin ~WJlÇU3.Yy 'C..W. mlop,1 'AREANKS'S WJJE.4T, lPZ4TFORM? 4' OTH.ÇR For Sale liy WOIIKMA'N DROTH ERS &CPl 4gerst4, No 36, ing Street £4, Tùrozýto. Tolronto, 27th Sept, 185. CAPTAJN HENRY IWOIIY, WiLt leave Toronto for Kiuf«ston, callin- at VY ort Hlope and Cobourg, weatber pr»t- ting, every WEDNESDY and $ATURD AY at Noon. Will Jeave Kingston fot',Toronto, aid intermeý, diate- Ports, every- MONDAYand TIIURSDAY Afierneon, at Three o'clocek.1 Witt leave Toronto for. Hamiltoni, evryTUJES DAY and FRIDAYmnortninuç,at Eighbt clovk1 ,Will leave Hamilton for Toronto, every TI&S DAY and-FRiDA-Y'Afiernoon, ait Three o'clork. The Steamer lWrncss Royal baviiig been flur- nished wîth new J3cileis, is now-oýpe of the fastest boats on Lake Ontario, and hayÃŽng . her Upper' Cabiru extended nearly the 'whoie length, of ber deck, the accommodations for 'passngers are greatly increased. She has State-Ronmà for uipwards et ifhy Câbin Passengers; and- several of ihem are fittcd tp witb double French bedsteads. She hais long beent known as oe eof the best sea- boats upon the lake; ind is now one et the fasteat and meet cemmodious. Royal Mail Steam Packet Office, 1 IT 1B1t CARL&cEAND UGUT ,BUGGY TR'- sibe.-l)r- asconstanty onT W(iggwzns, Biuggies,- Rockways, Chariot. tees, a aiyCarriag", Or- ])IFFERENT DESCRIPTIONS? Which lie catu sellCheapor for Caslh thati any other Establ ish ment -in Whit- by or stirro;iiding country. . For stipe- rir $ty1e 'and Jiurability, lie feels confident of giving -full 'satisfaction to N. B.lPANTING k-TftING dont Io otder. Re pairing i al its variotus branches nicatl y execttted on short notice. NATIIANJEL RAY. Wititby, April 19, 1850. iNow Lino. of Stages 'WHITBY TO PORT PERRY L EAVING Whitby Village ,erprymrdn J (Siîudays cccepted) et EBigh leck, calling at RROOA7ÂN, PRINCE' 4LERT, d ItPETURNING -Wili leava Port Perry ai rt Tmmea o'clock P. M., calling at the ab>ove-nametian places. R ~ Pssngrscerin;off, the steanuboat j0j Jmnericaeauri go inorth by fhe stage next mortng.- pat E.rtras furnished to ordkr on t/te n For a terai commcdou weil Juomas lthe HALE-W) oni two. acres of Landi en corner et Lot No, 22, 7'th Con.ý aire excellent shetisanti a laje the stand, anti two nel'er faila ,water rmeron the prensîses. For fiurther partzeular. appty ons the premases. Whathy, sep. r6,Sme. Cod Lireim Jhava ytist receiwed a freila COD LIVER 01k, whieh reasonabl, rate. JAMES HW GEO(. B. wVy' IMPORTER og IIIITISiIAND FOREIGN 1 i0ng ye. Eas8t, 4de41a 1Naxt door te Scebie &a Teronto, Mlay, 1850. K.M. ,SIJTIERLA! J(JNGa SIREJiT, TC, TIIE STEA. CAPTAIN TXT'ILL, for tua re T. N. SCRIPTURE C o. Whitby, 1 l lthAgS: 80 WHITBY, GRANNAR SOHOOL. I 1- Tl' ýÇE.;TSESSION o te Wbthy tram- 2Ohof August, 185Ã". JAMES IIODGSON. Wh-itby, Juiy 3th, 1850. 1 Farmcrs' Protection!s Zbe t. î.£amrcniu t onnij altnal JnGuranirc LP., OGJ)ENSBURGH, M 1 NYINE JIULLIONN IN14URÂNCE- Thea Hon. Il. Vasuranifer, <)gzdensburgk, N. Y. u11, Vankou---hnet, lJormoal, £C. W. 'Sidney smlitb, Eýjsq., -Coborg. Ormes, Joru1es' Esq., BrodcvtLfr. .A. Farewell, Efsi., 'Jlaruny. P. Verrye wt - y Bryce,MrcM)urrich & Ce.'2orono. Dr. Alieaon. d ýiJ, £- wl'ork edme rtcai EDWMARID.. IATE, I Propriel or. O:-Porters ini atwridance at the Steamboats. May, 1850. 8l - .NWw'Y IL CO.SGRO'VF,, ekorteet notice. 1 jui

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