1~ 4'1 4~4 s.ttt'- p 4 't; I - ~ 41 t f -'4 .4 i ,i~Ii 4i, *~i ~ -4-"A4 > 1" 4. 1% -'4 4.-I t 4 44..It .4 .4.. 44'~4i~.44.4'44444 - icyto rèaoW1v tsiycpirasa told p<,s tudicrotis. cehe fiat, aecurt'cd' iü - 1L n Lat c tv.. 5 hanld iâ = 1hat' ë"ckl'ti'As a of 8s1gihtis"Wiýrried tu au extraaordinryi --hqýighlht 't~r iédi' arc «very-amati- huM hè eiismeltýêd ôf aditiretes ~~tlthoe on~ the wian'a, and two or ýJ ,arghtéWeson thse tuil, they pre- .omsaver diminutive and nakedap- penuce hey.%irteneyer liowed té* fijht w-iÃh 4 eftN,' bt uee their-n t- p 'ilç sstré *aharpoeci b ~dcoty;-~~I they filît Wta Cuuiness and mare ik. itlçse i carclïuliy ý,thh1a.vçbelen tau~ ,Aj I n.sneiçm Caîl&in c f a vessel, MâteIt e taogo, l ' :, itou *Gl t t.itIl.nL~~iutim tlsyain' ~o 'i~~rtison n tom-titi .gjpuiu>e é "r miseraeblQi C uback4, 1 Us *.,laoo1ié -Yà nkea ird. îlsat'ii liek aiy three or flur of tôur mikrabIe coèwber Vit saybens- "A4br f ltoin't*-ès(8'0)was inatuIy offèedu n lImé ap c irop-w. à itioan,,Ywho Wotiwitstandîegthe renýop* atiînaéetci' i is frJiiru- pot npthe r"sous- eybau4 sLdhe VôtîId hb.-thar, trre,. amuýivwcaltouch bmalIry c*ësik saaîdý Nowy, b- iLt ùnclirstîod Ithe' 'ûeptîiiî h.dîà uIl'aid grey engle' on lx Sd lus et.ip,Rnd the first order wns not Io give il alîytlîiug 10 cet for the next twventy-ftilir loir,. lRe alsostripped tise coude t1 if l iiut -lumie. causing the oid lliwIqtu1 fuoel-detidedty ashaned fif Iniself. STho day oftrial arrived, tihe eock-pit C rs« owà es. lsec tise great trial <f olie bird'iinÃt, Lirees! Tihe Caltain ar- ryds>tnwitls las bird utider lus 'Who pita your coek,CÇaptain ?' aas tend tol¶ie.t lsusiieu sëlf.' said lie, andsteppiisg,#ovs into ti ring-. "a oMIeemed- 1 edùf li Le a n ~~d di'i 'Dot look ~u'teos~gs n u~tîey examined qee miouokiz>y werie the %inks, sidç1g4eeu, 'utnd soda exliuanged umaaÃ' tk i aitsaUefur, excc;iiing veryo'sdotwak'eg sen WÊi nd en gle'sal- ptamise.i HÃ" vawt-ëwrtehedly puai.r aWà >bet i" m' diaeo*red tbat ho isad% !WW!Captain 'uiidthey,'ouri l NéI Ãt tisefirst épor#'ii e,'1 huit ho!. ~wplt~o.wa4~Wbte Ieseatch- tibe,]ukà game ehielkena, e S#itbtuught i., snd the betstin coorncsco. Eor~tlsugoirered ly i thse Cuptain orl1tdFs tère eagerly i -The Calstain,v t 1h. bat hfft c mii uld, and #vb m~ip ausrestored, a ffie guntIy 1u .i ieol ale, aud as ie put t itot e,,tiagw'%bers lte gîme cmo awer am'ung~cib id.- X~c> o gitolidLhtýrko4j tthe houai ,of yeur catie ~'ei*blaies!' ritoi 1 r~seid *oeaide, ansidii .eénsesl ta bèey>euathe .litti. game Ib <i sîtht' wýeevp sâvnttiug toi-ar"sY sot tenul At lengli thsev 44"b t humai.Jnddotîht-c au L haijibiv. for. antisa a 7flanthe old bird sarted, v 7 4atâïiaen,ponSoe uposiandvwih itisadwtand hooktidî bitoe.iWto iOeié5ac, toLic hor- au th,fa isfH" ârt; imd o wId te'v tubnlâ64t a.be., vhdatwu by th, e eomu 4M jSà " SMaird, alo & wa si 109two'Mtalble bjrds by n Au~ mu asb the ïi4mtwbed winmner, bip a exiiiied his suuey, wlich cuIiitcd ut ue god coin, .une large silver ibieco, and thse test ini Batik Balla., On his' là rni, and inu the saine holute with biliiisl there lived'a nman-iamed Johin Woud, Who was iils Bary's eniplbymcnt in thse a wife id twoea nil nhdreni-à .liuf Wlaoe .reidçd su> i 'orne &Mëliçtisp.ýOn Sanuda evening b1r. Botr' vas seçn b sutae orbis-nei'ghbulws in-lIsuwn huusc with WIod aînd iifeand ramîly.. Ilktt s'as tininarried, and lied, io, relative« residiaag witbhum. On Munday mort- a;gun onuf the neiglibours wçeSt ioIarya bousU for thse vir.ia>t chÃ"IpÃŽUg W"o, whben hie fuxisd the doar fas't.ý There s'as tio Stir Bor appearanco ol an y living. creature being about thee place. This appeared 'an remartable thit thse mans s'eut t ansuther cei Slbour and îinlhr ' - s'd him of it. 'the twu mmuediately s'eat, teArch"Iad Patenon!. Eaq., ?tt- s'sater, Aimesto, pwl lived a-illis n mile af Bary.3 hoitai,«à O ated tbir apprehesoi nthat umethiug nsiht bc wroeg. Mr.'Psttermia st once pr'ieod. ed with Lth ta men to Bry' hbouas, and ftading the. door Simiand haviag rcsaI e eva ist t Itary Milpot léft bis hous, Ihey Siascd the doot. Os mktriag the. haà m,tIby fuand the. body- of Bar i gonta ed uuh the race the ie le" of ibskuil am.hd ia, âMit W eu*' bis bresi, sand bihu1.gWai*"m4w. at tauleu , s %Uff o", îienies lctf tbËsu gr4veIfy reginva eom tutka'irgipi Ici sees., sousuisasard t -tse 4 tsmnr itise issets - Tise charge -fuarExtriNutiu hWc'sp, wllie.iLt.lerusced. Vinevatrds rusuli. ing tise-atemuiuin ofifesaE4eçuitiveCt Iiet! iajisiv î;villutgesand batulets rose mittee. Nu efmittitsnarrantgemtent bas tui tiver tsresqmune ite ia..yet -bees-aecimela ialni vEp4 larqiriet omrflie sisuatlà s- Titecrsa uucei'olanugd vorect Uaia'oflaul Ltddeui thse c.stsî tte tetai o4+A,OQuquueale ~vih'tae.r slste hit e)eîausnsd *à stLa soaer ut f4r extra exltiliiîiue, siulsma1l inierlriaigiaadduvelui luuthtie 2rtIqes of!T:Frellîî,mastlic. etas. Nituiesoita blssssiaen s t ab- luue for tise Ixbiibititu.,. Jiar y iadatry -fulloacd tihe isarel cut v.Fuatuell, atlink B Iil toit, ase" viss-yaurd. Cuuoiuena îuored iota is truiatrttctiâs-ix aaai aýnslle;r bs'cfr 1 iedÀ>, esuabiaii nsaacturiu, inucuwrme Iinatirewul ~tafr' everyý buMIieî4whsiite lecuuiag, sas- tire ceIshiLiaia ut01851, - iiag, and uèîo its lvsdevýoseu l Oaetsdssy tssruipg theqis e Mm Su, 1suin:the ëtiâsa s r 9 ulamu jreca- mun. aasy irers 'e iîaIuyed aJuOs the sa:1ets itit, tVirtiïhçJsd t tut ru b ui sldinug strmck JIhaiss stauëe ainwL imdstty. '/Ip. liicliaiky clilà by LIse Ères. On a diîmlucaitiou lie.uga evificed 1p rive!. -oass, cllar aree d tg-ssilatcreie a d-i-utmrhaittee. uilice w4.i fmvuiebil' oints ufthtie baci, tisers sud caiîedinit. Tie già iers essestiuisid jd tiesl- wsiresrectesi, Ibosu._abic tu Ii.ôd uttisery elt 29@ jes~ssr weck tise barges aiais caped ric- elstlb iypiéprr. ïOnIthe labusrers tete tui tise a1ives ulut B detgus-asd Me- tusat tla e boseoly blat as hour £&r duo grà s1uaily beoae wlst ir la-onus iaer. af tise,- ut'L hsons, iidûuaritts.,Md rnI be -aeomassfromas&Il parleaof tle, PupkS44 rct o Io. Csamtatry ieu.tinttheIspdes".oun[t4 jplato<f tise -oking e4us etu 'atylecuas A late,»' ~berof the &ikerboceboi the zMâ'biIJohist ao&beeu causieraii.i 1Stinssagoas#meedite, goiiag te êw N ewe t awa'klsgnuaaseaitu De hts it is mt aofJ»y mafI4 wx, Sm hbêsA% o ho gsuapd ian dsfemet -p rw arLbel ry ai toidt iui-fa" , we nmeu#w huiw b" hasu puss1t-tue i ptm e.1u1e1, 1. 1A Zolo bW_ satasg.d, and twdistnh u an .eu..si migte à . .s luMi~ Nm p a,t u o uteta -Ma SMoeuo I W tc~ he b. awuui.cud abat cliusa ifty.ym«aEîsna-vdêu>IM1M iIKci b' au, f r ashaaaibOr Cuuaartk.. twaauaaal nedly uuaw'fssa mw*5Ijt wisii at eiwuéahlq*u fll'ç sl. wd.fs'e sarry t. oy thah senrusis~TcM audniep .erymy; init v r fr -Mpi %rue jslnswe mi uite ex" - u çsalriver,- ù s'hscasn.Gnius dîsnCouwsseS a istaIt e ufeis, obuils 1 t4aue<4> to iamt-sii, asétisa. hes. diîrt(lea tomi à very, il tmu of us ~csim iss Uvet hé, t«< a.im ets ut mmUn ai' 90i;tsil ~ispu*batusnW.11= 42e1,114saruwt.ao,4Ipt. gi OW Skt. cM-i; ws.Iai atouase.ury fSuostq i-Tlaere in u Our ost nmaktsa mfe Fusa is. nilqtiafons mmIirnUyerail iam4rpl.-' t' Llalas" enslui THE TIREH TIIQU4&A<z - ii. &,me '-YBAft LEIL&CT. - - oldig me, -Mr. n- tlgfln.aPôf.t#oyta*vc ternI ~ ~ ~ ri« tuasar svigWi p~Dr. Osseu in' ei cîlsçu hsi s e _ t iis rsui ght, ît hü1us ne~mtu aasgpoim1"i itvu ss el elsfi~Le ~ 'e ed lÃŽtt w 'yike qk,' yau'ilIka#v, lat he% a tmgl. huie'ba iÀs& lhumt li ieeveer air t j V ,L pi9 n i,-ùq t4 t h bÃrihJblA' 1" ~ m etQ4 i sigapu -piemsd îth .¶i4uà ,W4- Ilî u m uiffil u<ea damaý, ldI à ts'u bi ii.crti )4Jir~I. o~.s'*iasI is~ Ie ~i~ bsMW q 4g.1j i'u*s ' udi é cok-igtea n îlei; inalus ans~d ya It. nlv ser 's rot n-gM ysa%?ei l!the.istei.id 4usc à , * 1 4 î ..'f 1 , - - - ' Il * Nékeg'huits nçeatul try aq e ua dymlh. IV a .... LLu t Atinyl à ' ot'y seuiul trdsd srmg nigcfRairasmeseèsu ies,-wias nhaisg JLligitwîsle est -liî eci mseysat dl,, lut.s h0 i nituhÃ"hm Coith. tender feet Se e sir.d tise tnd Lise tti utÃ;ouaawa .n4 i lis. buthre dssn. a à suaseaids igu ~oî,3 Ae f~tit lI~ ftsj ~ ~ thsîesi a bua aiorudnîasian e idit waeasita ,rase u soeviao tht caire'inehatc r' &sü, -twl ts ea. Syg of, tsîss £rpùk RssèrltrliîII otSiahu.wakn ue.1';ort1'l nè ie i5 5g$#Im bti t nti 40tdlItlutseh fote cssîeins l soied ca e sim i oil -efewi' R essfc r uyoe is ta * ýfi- l' jhtq asertîlfi, -lier ltuauldaClaretil ri couachmt asrturu iuad Gise o beti uscusabor bo, hlseaa t he'naaîtril-ee'rasuruue ii i l ni Yb,£w î' ck.iughi!eill svordpm'r r- tu IvWêa-4lsse i, i Iîlseai tîan he ouvd ana ù t id ay ssut -thir »vW!»r'Aa Crycxpoed ue Iis ura ad 'e * i n c vai su va'ue is .abouiv e a i là t ti _C_ 013"auf.~idM 0<ki" thear ie deteus ancosehrno a plogeusaoi andfered' i'u> tise -ae.uuy-.Wasbntn atrtats oru"WT. I............ berim. Uooeoî,ètjsrewasu mîuy luuîk ae as~4ta. a Rd~ickUcas c1a- wiJitE tuay:iu;s t-a iela Lfl3OA D sh ei re fthe I)af viatg ais tvYuç,ciddli nai ert. J ai l meia y ý dii Ãai* eu - eW hcii Ia intt t 'f i et lisaoîto, uae.issenarswei stan Wcadavas tackd a Pkentas, ut situts. <Za~il uts~>~, cti4 -iltsferticOutij, Ssuee udbi- ard à tiag! i ...aafi~ lad ubesmka alu adedorr nel indifercelturri3ytwand ouaster L-the e'ntauutmiu;saisdh'Safi 8. SDeWit4 à iri' M e,?a>ju c à of ty f u pt a ns vHeuid,. eggli ai- oplted'an-y inluw reuatl rePec11tiugi iiIe iestlcctu1t4 ~ ~ iaso i oaa t-tteasu bl uîs iýit)Ii ite gsyissîma i layf-vayer aur, is, asvr ebr. .1o d>Ca-kfo I6l utj a boy, -Tweiy ye.a a' f eer ttis It-e Wode, cti W o i . aa rrs tt Sd îng iiiià t t 'd..a etgie sae ltier là r a5 Atiisi' iilcl tiuifryLosiauî, h4, Coachtue Ssrelucol iaehss sdetg tut ai CautnencsyatiIl t Klaa-Uug r ouisl In . jil'é <h'eitwCôtu .y,It ser m"1a f itl ôHs fm è sane rad.-g Wiren *em ar ht nes,'a ivus diely ere d ait Lu S eufiks ou, lussro M rL u'ul1çend hlue en i t ~ I a>gn l andIt' - liai clustged 1.vaatIsis ade v.ytie u ' M.îta s AsL Peta rcai f litaned fuir fti rtl e usru tua ulaut-t or.; migs fsue lly adjastud [o (AaisctraaAi arà ioý pendeIant; no er slowredaa'ced t a nd Pk, iudhe um âueessredtR, ls'îua.isseusi a.déf... : ~ i',fý-,, , u 1k e" lieas inyfuha ut uiýèrad fr u laisdaylm- toe u ufa et cf ncheérîA n alu*rat nowaed W tnps corie'-ais' nuninl 45ls;u~h à adi atv> u ivlitlatuvesitv-fisarndswes atn Wodjseirildt Paenm -i, u auandtb uidwma El i e te flir the Sistoers i aq act -im yosîn aboutCbsussh hdattheaieuiid tsait uendtiesadaf our - dd'la-citiesu-village,-. eraitl ihia-utà esuî -tusB>lotju i layii Ute intfiUr hskid Bolnglredetuti uDitceelWcaitit asnd.na bt e LtrItç auirdI;Iit",*alii~eelug. sl taegi ~ .i u inauturd iis o Twas st-lsîsuf .Adaaiss 1-aa, rwtiu ia eiteaiy6va l'gO u ýstsachliiaI unb-rnav. Tsets î%f i h;rd a, uaee u tlms sa-~ee iyra t seusi -fH e )nf. mta wat aae'atefQeU'Y ijntu n rte intu'ug isryt s.a iithu.ns4isrwa Ie utuaa- teottaiyttieae. 4à .i.eaaUeeu.fue -"--> 1 aasîe tsîlisu sai , liéIie n utdeesu Iraaboidass u ai-toee it iil'lis i. .. -thejoa raelrs dustm iat!. ati£UiEJUgeaSauq. slaat alae ssss ciisuun iite eassad sste îiodscusof Is luamybutaisuf- iî~ ay e.stud 5iCcaa a tse usi - 1ro.u ty hoit, icysslaau- -- lus iaesa eiee urgast ran is ha (jrona i h inacaspr.T E îritHTl[N F rn!!!Pt,~>.- uj WisCsu'è, issg~ 0 t ; tiietit tesajdîtd Id'mth le te ,ynsI occs aisun eai u't luis ows er e od e is ii sd tuùais tiaBar oritli a .-us a rrçuidoî'si ludçag Kiags. - -A'ju sck ' Mliuva ept lîti'y enà i qc4c tussss.-Ntits èal iacaka Rier, andteelhate Ind fyu 0 a;- n aitr cuity-u ed 'btia.. usib isîsaaicsut esray séeratfosttBWo i astq eeek ç ffslchted aitsor,tuts e h i ve ad' '-er of CetIo na, oever th dl i tada "Huga sAatssderao ve ,s(k5 liaplu iitdtieia r'.ie u -- '- " basa~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .u.'ebn ueuetoilmsse .1iarestgussur lltiidwua lessfes eY,rkl_4 ii- bu M 'thé i b> oga, maing10broa Ts osrea cetkftG h sore fften sils istntsu onbis[h î~êun t ieise' ande aid uie- Cus ils:miitf e rp.ti 18de1.s ith itbiakisul tt 0 satuyaccaagc~j Plis o-ay M*.daisibsuteaqait ri~>uîst«lii uurasslt îes I t b--------- ediba a st irsresmue Msr.~iuousdCl l4h4Isstw~i#~ ,~l~ osse lo tes-redtsi i f.qi isy ltra iLs ýsruteIot i'uttu iFes-isdusieiaeii e1sveslasiivsdn, nvimr.a.l. a . aiei a~,!e igeI ie 27 utxe' DOW, 1 e4 J« «or. j ,v>~ i 41 'W~Tfl ~, N',ue iES '14 44 444; 4 '4~4.L 4 4 t, -t- - 4 - - 4 4 4 4 :-444-'4-:z-1Ž