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Whitby Reporter, 15 Feb 1851, p. 2

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lums êffl » e 1 iîel o oMneree.-- Sena.o-BOi"Skc thinka the Erie canni l1Tiluh for tbç commerce ofthe. W.8t; while Dr. Foote thinks the St. lawrsnc. 'ouI4 fot b. -used if opened. b.0aw the Cmusdigus have not sent swiveuss to "a .tbirotigh this chou- nel IIè it meyor than sometîmies arrive ut Diffiîo in a, day. He forcets -flint more thàn a thoiisgand British .hips of the-largest tonnio bave lOndrd ut Qite- bec the luat year; a t rode t'tût wolild tcoit ble qinsdrnipled uaîder fr edoir. Iand( lvitidd b(etr-il British and Amer*tenn shIim.' Thcc St. Lawrenee ou Md Iîiw r~ Olki'l te nhip lniiaîntion il Const. Ilie1id- Lake Sirperior, cif fiir th1isatid ols, in a f.tred clinmateý, vtha ?ch virgin <sol, abotunding in il the elemfenfa of commerce. iib a 1eemine population of irrepressihie energy and enterprise. le it wise to lock tip. ýitch a country and aucli a pieople by a nar- row mad suicidai policy T -'4Under reeiprocity Our -Chanreis wotild ha soughit in the coli season; tbeir's In the i iid-season. Thle bene- * fit, woid be iational; otir mantifiie- tures, our agrieulturni. anid <'tr shipping interesa would participate ini these Vhs f!--Persons who have agreed to paý their auhfscriptions iWood, vwitl' pieuse bring tat aricle iiii imrnedi«.tt-I y. Bia Deedu & Memnotials for salent i his office. THE REPORTER. WHLTBY, $ATURI)AY, FE'OÂART 15, 1851.- TIIE TOWNSHJP MEETING. In j.urstuanee of public notice, a large and influential m1ýting of the inhahi- tantis. of this Township-, totuk place uit trooklbn, on Saturday iast, fur the pur- Pse of instruetirmg their Cotincillors in regard to'the' division of this Township into Wards. Consîdering iht nfavora- bisstate of the weatbcr, lxiîg tie se- *vereat day we have bad this witi-er, the cal was flilv respondcd lu, andiimativ who c'ould flot id entrance-isb othe crowdc4 r.chooi bouise, .had to go away. We were not present ut the early part et' the meeting, bilt whien wve urrived, Mr. Ritson was addressing the chair in nîo way complimentary to bis co!ieagues, ii cailing à meeting of the inhalitants for staeh a iurpose, as ho conisidered the January mceingquite explicî and sute iiahotory te han, as au expression uf the Township in favorlof a WVard di-vision, and lie wopld be guided -by that in bis vote in the Concil. He contended-that thià meeti ngdid not represcenttbe Teuwn- ahlp, as great ùumbers were deterred from' attonding, by the impolitic and grmtuitouis.dvîce of the Oskawva Reform- rom y rebnking a public journal for advisinq the people. to stay away, and in almîsat the next breath, endorsing tnt Course hy rejoicing tuai tliey did s!ay away. 1%r. Uitsosi's face fIlI abouit aw inch below zero,and bc saici no more. Aller a goud- demi of tak, pro-,ànd con, by severat gentlemen, lthe resolit ion- wh;ch waa le test -the sentiments of ibe meeting, was put by Mr. Pareweil, ini a short address, which d-id aîything but. credit to himseif, and upon a show of bands, *bout four to one appeared op- posed toit divison intd Wards, and fflthat rnatter-wat;-P.ded. The meeting next took up the ubject of erectîng a Town HllJc,w ta.. carried by -a large ma- jority, and wval! b.erected ut Brooklil. Owing tothe la-te hour, the'question of thébIu»ida"y-lin. was péstpoied. Prom- whaï. we could learu and see, we *hqq~1ju4e th thet .excitement abQoi, Wàrds, is confined to Oshawa aatd' ftb mitkicuar neigbiborhood, and *Véxi thote'it aneets withý considerable iaheld bu (Oýhawa, and we believe, there. la oeeheld there neurly every niglil by a- littie kuot of dWisnerested gentle- mnen,) shotild figure thiough the eolUms of the sarne pape r in a vote of thanks to .Mr. W. Wonder if lie would gîve, as mîîch for building a ckurck as a gaol?1 His ýtuwnsumen. oughit to sôîînd hini ou that., On Monday the 27th Jai., the steamn- er John .,dams,.oti i lie Mississipp)i, tvîth a larcre freinglit antd iînîîrmy pnssenger>. Suillik in two iiiii itl*i inluaboait sitv f- el of wme.Pussengersand erew amotn t- eci to 299, ont of w'iich 1123 'verel, loqt. "elle accident io(.Ok llace ini the :iglit. and so rapid dad slie sirmk, tirot nany who1 escaped. savc'd îotiîing but t ieir ti igimidr ýss. The ladies were nearly ail 'saved, ai their c'abin pnrteti froir. the hut, anti loatrd ciu lil r(itef camîe. rItwo of the Fire Elugilie ilouses wctre rohbed in To routo, oil Sýtîîiday ightb last. oif the ccîmectîng 1Itose, and cI lier lparallus cr the etigines. The Mayor h -as offercd £'Il5 m, ward, anildl01e13 r i ti sl Arnerican Fire Companîy itise saine amotunt, for thme dcl ection if the rvbrs We have reudIsle IuistOIi!U e former.on the subject (if Wiîris. Is tbc -Editor aIiowcd lu rîmil ut Ilage 1 Tcfthe E ditor cof fhe 1T{7iiby Repcrfcr. Sîin.-i îrceive lhyIle Reporter, co' time Ist Fcbruarye 111:0. a few Ltitlent«-îî in anâ1 nbLt.îthe r illage af IBuwînîîr'iile, liave jltuiped ut a m-hcw ar(UecCt, 11u le:S wrild atnd visitiary ini ils ctoîleepii 111,, thn o lleO townsh i p§(if llrcck, 'rll<rall Ma fa, Ranma. ehould tltc're exi.'it .4 ut o ils liveing carried i t. 1I 5-iîde Icitbe Prpscfornîn: io U tic oiiyo tif Ille tuwnshipis cf %Whiîb[V, Iec flurlingti, Cartwriglît, -C:lîîrk. nsti Maîmvers. andciIll cli utilig oti aftlise -ar towIli1ilis in tutu lharn the frcîl t atd liii- advalttg-s cf beîng CcImîlt-cued for judi- Citil anîd iler îairlt(scs, writh ise uld settled tuowisilsp.s. Nol4-1Ilooktk )UjI) Illis meetinmg inBcniî'letslasg ' been got up by a few sellsh ï>ndiviiluais wlîo net. toguther, ilannîedIlme hrjeet, Svidual in aîîy of lime towumIsliui1îs îey propose, je eut off' from-tilthefrouî:t, sendA fnrth'their arbitrmry rcsiuticns to the cotîîntry us Iltislîlvcrsai Sentimnt cf Ilite îeoîi Was Brock or Ti*îcrali coU.î4led 1 Nu. To rny knowlcdge mot. une free»oîder ini Thorali ever heard 1 or dreamt of sucli a project being con- tempiated. Dues the seven or ciglît gentlemen Who eompused lte bulk of ti:at meting, dare lu tuke- upen tilmru .selves the resaisbiity cf expressinigl lime sentiments cf the rc'ar teovns1ips~ icned inventionscf I3rlington,,sisch uas ~is conlemplated in the firotcf tieir re- sol iitions. A NTI-îUiMB UG. Thiorsmh, PFla. 13, 18-51. -For tlic Whufby RepoIrter. WIND SOR HARDOUR rs. TOR04n<TO, 81W CUE AND IHUROIN, ..Tie Whiiby line ai maal fuotn Windror Hiarbotur to Sturgeon Ba u is, erar lonc, beeonîe cf vast impout.sic :th li ublic; feu se soon as a Rail- moud frein the Eastern Piovii-c-s (and t i i tady cu-enlatetl)cemes altg the Ehote of Ontarie, it- wilt becomea a (eer t le Whitby roaîlavd tut.. ly lt-a the cauise cf'Cieitinz asnotier Rtailroad, coin. rnleciut tWindsor liai bouIt, in ordei te accoin- iuouai*tbe tradte trom the Basîti ports ofihe On- tario, w-iich rnad wvilut once enter inio cnmpeti- lion with the Toronto, Simcoe & Hiure:, lune, ai-d thua match tappea: that tb. latter roail migbt weil l'e dspeused Wîîba because il migit b. pimiineti ihatlài reqaredb ythe use of te grsnltrink hine Eaitwar tthé VWirumsor Hrbour -oad,-wlsich liex tbrouigi a country hettel' adapted for tie purpose oi a RmaraA. h mmv biur xa-.s. on the t.,sk.aid..: pied iately t Wbile Mr. Burchard ivas pCreabin'g one of iis bottes? sertmons (at tme -oid Chal1îant St reet Chaiael, New Yuýrk,) he rutisî'd bis éyes townrdls fliedoor just al. lise nonieiit Col, Auroiî Buîrr eniterc-d, uisîd eclcu iriL-d,1iiere is thie greyhvtaded sitîier, 1 shl-li aur-in jîsdýgmet.-i ziguitîsî iini. Col. Bîtrr walkëd clown the aisie with that bold, firnvsîmilitiry -sîep, su pectiliarly 'bis ùwn, ii itil ho Iîad -reached the oeute-w ithl a low bow be addresseid the miniuter Ilium, Il r. Piýaeher, I have been a lawyer ini >his ciIfy for rîearly hlat a Qenitrryaud of ail te 1"awai t la .5itOU j4urw ottO n ir 'I,,ê *ta f--wiîh, nc ioek,> might b.ebctedby a system oW4 t OaM4' damis at a C'ust of about £20g,(WO.Ifh#olc1 report is to be relied upon, tien wbîÉeIii lies the ,ut lity(Of carring the Riroad furiber '1 seeing ibat htuhfuron and Simcoe are.sie closed 10 navigation dutiing the m-inter mennhs.- The cost of rentiering'tht- Severn navigable, could bear no pro- portion io the expense of the other two-thitils'of 11?sirod required to A11 hei. pice between.oso' two Lakes. But, inde pendent of the econotny. and gnod -poiicyto hoot, of the tbing, -what a rnagificen object would it bie, to have a secure' basin witbin the interior wlateri; of thelcountry ! safat from for- eign intrusion, where veswss right Joad or dis- chairge ini the very heart of the country. The en- trance i".IrWay hait' formed by the hand of. va- titre; seeing, too, tuat Lakte Simroe.lies iii an cie- vated range of Couîntry, ils waters might be madle the feeder or much iinternai com M ticalion. Ir is aise tIlui obscîvcdi hat aî-ohbeijtuilro-.id is ii Comnplal ion fror t ire Bni.-: n iI>îovitircs, tb lit alcna ithe a'uast of Lakte Oniai la, and Îstto whicla the trade ia uaîl ni t L . aa:~aid o u. ' rento, wilfI6 an inlet ai the- most coîîvenient place <probably i Windsor ini Big Boy) whence % iii, i the sane titne, start atiolber llailroad Io intersaert the Eastern one, and carry Northward thec traîs boutnd in ihat direction lu a cenîtral dltpot as ahov- sugi resteil. In S*hoît.the features and .'a- pabitities cf the m bole thing aie se obviows, thut oine is but li ized no-iitice -ha Is ecui takien of it by Cnvertmetit, for even the poorest of nations coulai net but make *orneefforîtIo impieve bo important a blîong haoId. Thei writer's aim 15, t0 awaken enriîîiîy on a subject that is weil worthy public attention at ihîis moment. 0,111-ta, Fcb. 10, 1851. Froweinf ieIowm-atrville Mssan;er. THE PJRO(;ESS 017'THE AGE. *Ouîward ' i3 the mollo. Ne stan.ding sil. Aulvanceenrt is the order of the cday. S la-mes raf imn:se rmaai-ilude aié it îopuoa-aI tî,dtrla ken, atial Ca 1 ic-d on, agid lis yet , % ' cs(efi)a-rulla' ofly cuti-ý nielnntz, la te-st on a.1 mfali isca le. Ille [ract icabiilffy eNt riatijoas ou ei'il trtlnti:ii-ýlatid and the'U rilia'd S;;tcclthimpe'loid y the sanie dauîevsam te vie' w4iih t'ai-la uha'r inaworks i iîjî of'aîa. 'fInir c areî h1. ;ri' li îiii.' lite outiaiii c-,di y dii ecrlfon ý; 1lid-arra a- iwildcnais jut-t suct rite t atci or-ut th li a 'ua ies. irîaby fac i ltafîiii laii- fe '>an~ d auînu-e.Catîila, ae it halaitally F-iniild, l'l riti .1a a-ai Ii n oS ite11. lit iil nia . i arae pioja-îctoauîd latar.Thcy ara- la-gutiaha l'e i îrliway, ton; thé Ieopilc have taken theni in ihecir ovaýri bîands, anrd lwiî i i- parties more îrgriediate- ly iiîtciest-d. w-ili dotubîk-cs ose caiilYrty -,id Pln. derace Ori hie vatautid oui the wext, the %wuîk is paucuetssîtig isîiadily ; ac.ilh'-ri, in ireli Cataiîtiet ci Nos îhiroerlal;d ail )Urirn ,ôî r colnc~iiore have mai nnraasyvoidletS t isurîLoi.*56,000, beint, tie'balanc rcquitrdaite comnplteu'the rïiiuu ia- liîng îirohf.'h tih tu t tl filim-e cetOiflI. OUTrP141S- 5îect il) ibis Icjîtet is. lt-'îeloîe, cir'eririz. As souci as the' wiîutier %vil itrî,dmtlwe ruay expcc 1 'italie wotuks-to lie pa )nisîra iiivîry Sbcliiot.- tVî wii i hiai have agi: irouist. rgiven tu tait'; î lita. ~ idj f, id110r llc m ,ltc aail claïsecim t- îaI~iaitutw i, lai' gîu-»Ir10 iuniaUda;laODring L-MlLizatils .94uWil ais the lia-lier elab>is i ale .,ai- tiacîed ln ui ollieî-s; umir couiiy atid ils uii- tatits will le beri-rafiiý- ii ciy atAidirdieciy.- Wé laarn tint a i»egotiaifior iýS inîpcliîig With tic L'riiish Goveiirreîît in rta'rc-uîce la a oau t i con-' etrîtet a îailruud huùm llàlifax te Qiuetirc, anîd we t'î'laeve lhey are w-iling te guarai.tee the isucr.- Th wouid be anuother greai adu aitage ta Canada, inatimuch as i: wruuld cotitiert il wîIh the principal seairort rieara-sî Io Ilîjain oni that Coast. By the lime the quebe anîd lialalax Jluilirood is tiruished, we niay expecltalt he wholoe ie m LU4k ' li- ton wilitgilio be couipleted; thus aflidiiuca diiectt Communication by theei'lion road-'1 tiithr Atlantic. A nother udvanage w otld averine, viz.:-the earlier tracsrirission of Our mails tem iBuitai». By the neaiest saiing route, Liverpool is dititant from New- York .3,100 miles; vahile Iacifax1disitnt tItem 8'aw ay, oiîly 2.240 miles, a différence ol 860 miles. or thîc days sait for a llrst-rate steaznship. Cou- siderine the. difference of the dtià1acee gained, toge- lier w ith the speedy ccnvéyarîce by railway, we uiail have ou mails (ive or six days soonner liait at present-no à5mall -item in connection with our 1prospective cheap postage. Anotber advantageý wilI be gained l'y the con- struiction of cur protiîicial railway, anîd liaI is, il dealhothc ie deeied as cauu-d by cluroîîic diarhoea, aggruvatecl by maî, cf ogr4e, intemjîerance, and exîoîsuire lia thme inelemeney of the weaîiîer. Thé Princial wiînlegses ia Ibis case were femaic-s %wlo rcaided lu reorna ud - joining 'ltimef tho decensed(, lund ilteir. stalenienis revealed a mna!s cf weci ednu aud cidepravily îîterly îift fir, flutice in ltme oltmns cof a nes5wslfper. 1Dr. Rinig heid ano'ther inquest yester- day. ah lime Asyium, ounlthe body of Wn., Robertson, ta ptietît. Verdicte, "Died. -fronu natural cauises."- Toronto Patriot PglîwERaS' -- TitINE-SOM1)çeXCitè-' ment lins bhen unraiii NeWnwrk 0ýnjlà' e'jinn ,-eted tii-ce or four bouses, -,hieh wae -pIurèhasti by a Bleckuumith, Carpeis- ter, snd Tavern-iteerer, about lie iame lime a Post Oifice watt eutablished, this fermed thme nuc- leus of the present Villave, in 1836 the Govern- ment, anthie village wvas laid out in btocks eof Iwo and a baif actes subdivided'inlo lots of baîf an acre eacb; thc prictis of lots are frein £7 1 lteIo£Il1- A Rcad wan cut eut frein Orillis te Laite furon passing thrcngh tbe village of Coktwater, ibis road us ut predent part ot' Ibo great leading rente t'uem Tiorontoe or Wihitby te ',Laite Buron., The paât year it ba@ beets purciased in conneclien wiih the ,Wiuilly IRoud tte Narrows, (cirer wilih isua iaatid.uome'bridge) lay a Comupany, anti the road ini tnuh le îher piankidaor macadamized 10 Stur,4eon Bay oit Lakte Huroun. The advanitages of thua touc, îlot otly tu fthc village andi acjîing lowîa- .Ships, but Il utw ieîtier m illa c véry greaul, as il p)asscs thiou-ii laii fitl'oru aîy fnritiirag puirpobe. Thé ditîauee t'auuîl WhitIay tit Lia4 it. ttarlu tua Stergeon Bay on Laite Lition, being 80 mtites. At present, seî'eual lots hav'e béa-n taken lîy fat mets troin Vonge-istreet. the qiîal-ity and cheapnless cf tie landi indlicîiag then to di4pese cf their preeumt fanms and Inlcale 9mongst jlia. Ontlia ceatains a have Iwo bunutre i iiuh;bitarilit, un 1Eciglisi Circi andi nesidetclergryman, ta Routais alhulic chapel aiA orst ýho es-e of bas-i a Prî-sbyteîIian Cîjuich, -a Peut six times a wset bystearner ici stmmmer asud tiree tintes a weck -il,î ii, agwucter, a Physi- c-ian anti Suigeon, faur Weil stoxett Mcnchaiît StioNs twc T'aveliuus, a 'J'autlty. twtî Bta-teriil)tis. Tai- lor, 'insmiîh, Vaggoii Naaker, cabitiet 1MaLer, l3ulcier, Siacmakerons.il apciîiià, ti wo %t'i0Qt5, .a Bu) s and Girls, a LTheu-ou boflc uuses tire %Veil built, pritiîc-iatty frate plastereti andt have a iaeuft aÇapeauaalee. The tiOiIhilu ond is setîleti by respectable f'aruilar., and cati laeast cf- luu-i~isgooci socaa-ty a a"y cotialiy jailt oi-Cart- iuda. The air is provei blai for i-s sa'Iiabt-ity a-ni licecln t'ftout riîaish rutinra. lt isseldoni vibited- îy. ÏIilinuies. Oilliîa mc agriy aituactiois Sou 'it vil untih- opposite shore la the lndiaui Vilage of Rata, nuit#fcto.Se ta it Ille extensýive quai i l of' finue Gua-v L taaa;,vali-î 1 11) etah e O jarme ki;,d ut-toute usa-il'for tiltgrajîhic pirposes. liîher îlots-rt is thie Iiîvu'r icveuuai i %i hilasu',vu'n a îtdcanlwi~ -nda lymanii-ti sa-er.The k-arualige, Buas .ilirti Toati, Whte ir l-, rad1 liet i iigs, c-aut W bvflac Itu1îtlits. Tliere Lta trota Marnkeîatt îttu-,for Faiici laroidti.e 't t- gaucrltly Salt ii )th îe luiuuuti-son Lauke-Ilui-cij, Nlli Sut te arie. 1llua - ltil- aa-nnstcileuabtutu grade- inifuis. t)usiic-as luviiWLatiuicitiot!n by Oit' INt-u'It;l ipw atils uta tîitta t cllarls. Oîfilia w-illi is ciaty audvaîttaage out.l iýaitioritic' ii)« o» it legîcat taolite hum Tbroit> Io Ilue Fa'r Wes~t, ils thoit distuance Sueur> Barrie I,(the Ccutv Town 26 nfltos. Ili§ couatuecliuttwitlt],uaIl Vabta- hy luy aie cewruait uow in lraee ~ t i fatir le bea-oma- a rett-c-n hoFett t-ls, c apîtaîtîchia &c., the landi irititely ataout the- villagec in tou uther Part oethle Pio;vir.ce., i.- Weil wateîeul. Ii thot Natrtierci Puart etti 'flis nulup li le c215- 00 atesos Clow-n LanciaSfor 5alt-ai aigu êhi t- tictgs t-urucnc-y peu acte. Il Maiy apptc-ar liahttreý liat a village aili Tow-îihiîîsufi -ati itattl fîu >0e desâdIllot ursetticit, dtould lue ai a ia-id ctii, thesci few >-cari bac.II ean uty le c-aatii fou, by lige tie of immtigitioÎn, ten ienctt 0wcriSunanoîd .otier.patrts, ( not'having cither tie adiatlages in point of soit, or etictiguity la the fnetropolîs ut'Upper Cantada, le w-lieh il in oiaîy a dayau4 jouticy), by icatlested lpatieàatid apatiiy on the part tif tic Menuber for Sinta-ce.' - Tie travel and itallic froni Touante ta Patitang- îîîshc'ne, OWen bani, Bruce Muties, aiaum Sanîr bu.- ]aluje &c. &C.. pasées tirougi Oritt4 t he Ste3ftrlhoat tca l'otta01ittSL attdiiig- to Oîithia, cons-cys pass8eitecus 5andtizoo'î,ecioss Laite Sinicue Suoni 1iullia by stage oad w-aggeisto b$1uigncan l3ay-20 miles, where the Laite Buron Stèambantt conveyis titm tolethe above named plaaea.-liarrie incjrest fis eld 4be0ôre John KIÇng. Esq., euI..,oe of tue ciLs' Coroners, cil Peler- son'is itin, Bathmurst SI., onthe ibody cf' Daniel Brilan, 1iurne£r'Ly asoltiier ii Ilte 73 rd regiment. JJecece&ived in King Street, -and ha long lieen uddicd to In lie Wuods ai Braintuee, yesteuutay tisa hiin- tuirs dit-avpreutlte Ju'ad b0luodit wo pensons, fro-, e -ia-ta sOnT.(ie pncwîil 1a b. a voujaiin rialtiat- tire, hI appaacethafibiy renucti Quificty, cîcar' lýrwaîrna-, ira Noveunmîter hast, aîîd pasiacti altt l4ut ha-us. Afrer a iiay oif ciglul days, daritg wiic4t lI$an rî.uî workat Ialiiaua-naititiï. îiey wecu i iao tl4u wothi, untd coniruilteai suie'ide. 'Thle fecttaiti was.atiait ht.e-al - aais cil age, andatwet cedu-- c-ato,>, waid puiiiuît- 'ligianu station tluan lieu 'lue . S. steamer' Franri(n.' saileal a? n0oua fau lias-u, Mîtlt 43 paîaectgaas, andi $188,000 ini Oâ;wago, Feb. 8. A itajibie murcler ac-urreul bere Sast eventing. 'fie narre of Itan guilty persun is .tutîîî M. l'huis- toc:, a catinet-înaker, wl-o kilîcti lis lathîei-j-im- law. a Ma. Garrisota, a nîe-ttanic, W*iti an axe, n whlie hiucn1aseinîtt w ei -ciaakiring a i-ail ut iia-lt'loute.'lThe maratir,-faiqueitly âîîia-î.atacd himi-ctse lfIteuhe iue. 1 THE WEA7IIER. - -BuStla, Feh. .7 P. -M. Exc-î-edîrtglî' colul it clear. - Wind t-ast andi very Jicîg T'hi'nrnueteu 8e al'vanti fattiag. Laeiîu29o 45> oaItiallicîg. - i'a.1lantcanal Fi-b. 8 weatier c!eari andtfresly. Wintl S. . ler- ni'ometer bu elnow zere. flaremeler 300 60. Queece, Pcb. 8 Clear. Wind IN. W. Tiermouneter in ieigh-ý boiuihnaod ot'ttec city, at fus-e e'ctoclu, P. M., 3.3o 'blo et w ;noW 22o below. -, Ianriîter 30oe anti Kingsiton, Feb. 8. C tcudy. Wind cast. Thermomerer 4o below zcre' Ne w-York, Fe.b. 2. Earnc'st Muoses a td wife irére ar- rested on Saturday aus Fugitives fruem ltîglatut, eiuarged %vitht euliug several titeusnd dollars worîh cf jewellery. A numnber cf articles irere found -m li hir 'possessi-on, correspond ing wi tii hlese IPhiladelpmia, Pcb. 12. capt. Brçadwell, of file steamel A.merica,' says the wreck seeti off Capî 11etc-rascouid net bave been the'1 .1mev ic-'as be saw lier go down bodîiy. hbé bncI, rureover, nu time-pieeè mli gilt s'zarsaurotund il us dteribed. T-hie gives rise te serionis apprebleusions flu lise safsnly cf lthe * Cherôkee.'- New vOrleans, Fcb, 12. The sleamsiip '.uabama,' started foi Mca Cnruz, but gotl agrouind, aiid wus injîîred se inneli as te be, cotanpelled la relunnlfor repairs. i "Ille steamer 1OgiIby,' bouind for ttiâ porwas sinnk -with cotton on -hourd- £l-be boal and cargo are a total Ipss. IL lu report ed Ijuat the steamer '1.Auto- er-a t' siti rik 1 J3ayoi # Sata, by coinng ihi contact wif hli t hf agn6d. a' hirty p sseuger.a w ere lest, Jetiny Lincil hnarrived bere, mnmdlhai rmet witm immense suceeea. -,The Iîro. ceeda 'Ufthe lirst îwo couber1s irert over, $30,000. Ji cleanitg awsy the rubbish cof th St. Chiar1 loe]l, it iras foîumu)d iat al] thme bocks und prapers in tben-vqu1t werE descrcved. hlot iron, îgxuiteauan ma IFULr plesion, drove the head eof the barrel. tbrotîgh thIe aide of the shop, carrviug, with il some îwo or lhree bourda te the; oppoisite aide of lime strcet, and throwing one of lthe workrnen uýgmInst the forge1 severely, euttiuag 1his face, and head.--- -.P/ortk </mercan. ET TELE GRAPH. - ~NewvYoi-k, Fini. 8 Six men andti lree wornen were,1 arrestedl hy Maushats Roêktewitz and Taugelish,, last evening, at ca olti brewery, Cross-teet, breiwt u'ounlerfeiting gclut dollars. The nîctat anti die wera' fontid. -A niumberaOf conineit quarter-dat- tous %were aIse obiainecl. A ciew bankiiiutilims c-iv au arnouneti to-day, witi a capitaloet'$2.000.000. unîler f-tie itle cf "1The Bank of- lie Metropolis." It is erganize-ti by a large number eof teadinq wholesate meréhants1 anti jolberu, Wiîh lthe upeciat ohjarclt'fridding lhe ýCiiy ait the evil oft the depreciateti parer currency issue»CI by the ounry hants, ant i rredeemable in specie in itis city, ex.'a-pl -aI a- dsceni 1.ta 'lTh. Bankt of'the Metrepauis"' wil perate on the sy#- tcm of tie Suffolk Biank at Boston, and will com-. pet ait tic hanks cf lie State, wios#e bitta cîrculate ,t'e. te redeeni ticir paper aipar. Tie Presidleni ufthfe bout is Jamies >lCCaIl, andi bis associates are uf an eqnaliy tîigi ciuiracter.f 'The (kurg-ia arrivedtitit morning, bringing lie CatîSaîrt)ia mails, with 355 passeuigers, andi $105- 000 in gotd durt on teigit, anp about $700,000 in pailsengers' bandis.î Phitctielpbhia, Feb. 8. l'le propetier'd Rickscun,' rnnniutg between iit rity anti Baltimore, wus eut thucugh by ice lutI 0--ening, aînd cajrk She hati a large cargo, wiich ii is supposeti will h. lest. t Boston, 11eb. 8..- Tue crisis in'France is net over,and il las StOilin:certain liew )t mill end. Loti- -s «aNapoaken at'p-utrs fe)r ib tii- ticthave regairîed lest rud and apipearedti l lai coi-n laie master evcr Genieral Chan- gratIl ler. 'J'ley imse opera glas.ses in sorne ef' Pilaclphlia ciuirecie& Will sornebodo fai$ 1ic 1711én' fusiue bonitets arc pro.. 11iutîlc-d tuebc tta brie faced invetion. A 41se cff NMcniers je le beestablish- ed t ùi oce etwec n :Smn Francieco mmd; Caîn tn. !- Thie f a] iuk abotit a Pacifie rail- road liru-tîilïCanadan. We m isI. -b.- bc'fole iîîi Youtîîg tietIare as.Ul) tthif1ktliëa5a.. sel veb wisrentajughl us- drunken iaen; are tu timik ibetiseacves sober enongli.. P'residuenta Flilhumorehba ieun- invite4 ho ùtsieikidue WrdsFair, but de-- cli riv. on Mcîday. the ltOth in3t., li wurd ltay et' ibis sqýia-ef-a t [No 36] 7TO Prawde foir Licetsii --andI for re.iîlatifig thedut cf Houses of Lnlteriainoenpi,t ansd or tbar or Lui i ,isthe the deviit inj consqlefce ef the sio--eKuponrit vous system, prodJucedby beisagi ed lImaIlie had been made Bankr Mr. Ellis, the proprieter of t] and Gaý,rter, ut 1iiiehmond, a dictcd a etîrrent report thaf hi had been'taken for the Echibi 18151 by iime Em peror of PRussia. A bleck cf gratulte, froni Coî twenty feet long, will bc, sent Exhibition. The mnass5 of sten, whîch it iras cul, measures 4, bic feet, or three lîundred, tons I crack or flaw, ,he lgish general novaisof i ntere5t. Itileconfldently assertl ime Chancelfer cf the Excimequet bave a-àurpîtîs of nul lessîban £4~ er le _ e r Public expe ta strengly in favour of a large rec in luxation. - It l i atedl, on the uuttherity4 Mu'Wnîeagle,'that the Britisb Govei haAe resolved te make Holyhe port cf arrivai and departure trans-Al-lantie Steamer. - FRANC P.

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