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Whitby Reporter, 15 Mar 1851, p. 2

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intended to introdluce a mesuré for. an extension of i of right sulffagé, nt thLe neo 8ejor. The dekvation camne L lute. Tiec'vote waa taken ; tbe Con- servativts left lhe hotse ; and tie Inin- istes WCPS bfalen y a vote f 100 tl New -York, March 10. Tlhe exp9t t fspeclo frota this.port during hest week were $357,00e ma&. king - total, *ince J-anuary Ist, of $2- NEW YORK MAURKET. New York, March 10. Asha-Siespots $5,38 a -$5,44; Mariket ensier ; pearis sîcady and llrmi at $5,62 1-2. Flor-MNarket for western and state more dlisposition lu mneet lmyers than at the- close of Saturday. Demnand for frade- fuir'anduiet, for east ver.y good --notlinig doiiig for export-at bbc close there was u .g(Kd degree of firni- nesea t 4,62 a $-1,81 for commtun b good bra'nds ; Cainadian held firmly at $4,62 ini bond,wntich is above the views 'f lhtyers ; ýsa!cs domestie 5600 bls.1, af. $4,43 a $450' for conion lu straighlt slate; $4,62 a $4,80 f!or Michiena and Indiana $4,75 a $4,87 for pure Gen- espe. Grin.---Cuoriî in iimited demand for the east at 60 a 6Ïc. fur Jersey -and .*oullieru yel lowv. Previsioins-.- -oul ing -doingy in Pork trade, rnarket faivotirs ithelimver aloult 400 huIbs ioid ini *lots $42,S7 for olal mess ;$10 for jprime ; new leS, t;tve $13..)0 for imess ; $11.21 114jprlime ; Cei ty i5 Jul ; prices nominal. Lard qiet; siles 200 bbis good aý 8 3-4c. Batter fiirini. Cheese tileady at 5 1-*2 a 7 one MARKETS. Gait, 1arclî 7. 1%ceWlicat market-reniai is unchan- gMe,; but - glire are -riumiotrs of a slight l'ail i Didas, whicla ut'couirse will in- fhiience the I rade hore, and ini the sur- rounnding-euuutry. A TRIPLE ýAtRiAG E-Onil te 27th February. at Ille Paris Chlirch, iuy bbc evM.Picard, priest of ibhe Seininiary, Mr. J A. Parent, widuwver of Adelaide L,Àetuuirneux,tu damie Elizabeth Picard, wîidow of' Uic late N1. L. B!attclîard., A rare anod TcmarkWh1e cîiustancc attended ibis rmrrinze. T"flecfather and miotlier ofthue bridegroqm, MIN A. Parent arnd Dame M. L ilen-richun . as * -wehI as the faîher anid mtiser of the bride, M. P Picard anîd Dame Ll'rud- %on reiewed flie fittieth year or their miarriage at the saine n'éuar, betbre thea ' me priest, hîimscif the son ofîthe, two lutter. IMÈORTANT SURGICAL OPERrro .- Two 'important surgical 4 perabion& were perfornxed by Drs. Crewe and Barnhlart, dutring the prexecucwek. Tbey consisted hi thie expirutiotu' cf bwu large'banceruuus tui nautrs. 'fhe st jeet of une n'as Mrs. MNoore, a lady residing near this 1tbtce. thue bumouur involving nearly LIe ivhile of the let breasi, auJd weiglîing uliwards of a potnîd and a- hall. The ulluer case, îîas' thont ut'a iiiarî namued Waiker, livinsg uar Syd-- eubamn, iviiosoeye tîlw'scsurgeons ex- acted frnîm ils urbsl, bei-uî aiass uof emnuicrous diseuse. 'l'ie patiet s iere ->aced ider te inflicice of choloru- - fonm aud while in a*siate of inseusibil- ity frum bluhe effeet outh iat powî'rfl lai- osibebic agetut, bhe operations wcrr, cqiekiy aund skdlfuily pentormed.---- A suicide n'as- coniiied by a pour wornaua in Ilis tuwta, 011 Friday. last. The pour crature had liecu' dnînking,- and in afit of -deliriumni literaIly sawed -open. ber abdomen wiîh -a commuon La- -bIle ;nifre.-- Cubourg Star. Tht New York Tribune-says, itlihus rec' dfilesof papers.from n. $nSalva-î -dupr, %. ich affirta that diac Port ut' 'PIî- gne. iii a Honduras, andaI ite Ptelle I>orts tif $aa Solvador and Ioiuus are bieknded by n En ghia sq uadron. beîweetà Guaemuala and -the allied powverà of Sin Salvador and Hlonduaras. Thelwo hast named States have brotîglît 6000 «men imb the field. 9 1W. tnderstand that the Inspeetàrs of tàicensesq bave'-issued 151 Tavema Li- ceoses, 15 Confectioner's licenses, and about 10 Beer-sbop lcenses; alto- gether -176.1T-biiss b weuîy-four iss t hant 1ie n umrber fixed by - 1he Corpora- tinau the maxium, and, 182 ieMs than fluer. e e.in existence last year.-Pa-1 Thse Kingafon .bgua as pased in- lu the handa of Mr. LEM. Peuise,"son- iln-law .ç4L týic enf the BritihWhig and fur sortie ime -pasi, fthc pinter of tbat, ppe.-I. - - COUNTY 0FI-IALDIMAND. This eouaty, vacant by the deabla of Daivid T'ralsu Esq,,openus the door fur a keen electural cunbcst. There are we obsçerve, mix or seveut! caindidates al- ready ius the fi.eld. W. L. ,Mackenzie, li- thereof, or by any Iaw ini force or t0 be iii force ila Upper Canada, and strictlY to conforta to and obey any such law or any'such By-Iaw lawfully made iy any truch Municipal Corporatio'h and faith- ftilly to perform al suc/i dvtie8 as may l'e asugnd to hlm l'y anysI uck lau. or B y-a w."Ie We have Itýitùed the concluding words, in order to show that they are the words for which cthe-rs are substi- tuted by the'amenditig Act., of 13 and 14 Vie., cbap- 640 the , :electurs everywhere, and that isi prospects of succesa ate ticonraging. No man lin Ganada deserves the confi- dencei of o -free and intelligent conStitu-ý enCy. more than -Mr. Mackenzie. His herculen parhîamentary labours ---his uneasing vigilance.-his tinswerving fidelity to the people, are. ai atti4! f provincisli hitory. If for16 or 20 ears Mr. Mackenzie rendered such services to theý people tunder.tho withering mie rote of the old oiigarehy, as are pro- ciaimcd be flhc Journals of Pnirlithment lu'.. ii prerafed now to tender theta higher servîcee-..-the restitf of Muore én larged kniowledlge, and the fruit of more mattured experience, under our political system, now partially regelier- aic(l. If 1laldimniîd sectires the services -of' Mr. ilackenzie it wi-l ho higlîly hon- ored ; and if it be instrumental in send- ing lîi tbu parlianwent, il vill render a high and important service tu the îrov'- ince. "W%%e want a mari of Mr. Macken- zie's spirit and calibre in the Llotusc, es- pecially as tuie iast tses.iion offie pres- ent pyarliafmeîut is rapîdly nplirouchin,'T and reformers bave, te set iîir lbouse ini order piriorto a dissolution. Tlucre ivill bo a îîecessiby lor union amog.the friends of progress, and if thie govern- l(trl an tbçsielmta ment %vant tu saccore tbhat, union, tl'.ev it dates LIlS uc aspect from 1sf. Janta- %.r'ihe 1)v ise bu wibhdraw aIl opposition ry, 18.50. tu Mr. Mackenzie. and ivill recal Mr. " That it shah le lie iw dy ut' cach or Brown ut' the Gibbe lu bis officiai outît euh Trc'astîrcrs aînd Cbnnîlerliaîuî ' amI '.viIl givo bue organ-hhower a bînt ~ aJsfl epalruesle tu reliri, bu bis ohd avocaîiou.--Elxam. îugngl ]tbn(' Cütuui tv, City,> Tiown, - Townshîip ir \illn fre fr w'Iiîclîle sîîalI Fire !-l'er;ouîs î'ho hiave agreeciIci 4, alIipOIuIted, an"d tu pay the saine lo p'ay thir stnliscriîtionin aWo.d, ncbîlrsos.and ii uuca nner,aIs.I plevse riim thtartclein mediaatelv. lie shiall k direcced to du liy :îîy lawvftil 'z enrO ulia'Cî n<rder <f the N1,;nicijîal Corporation - Blanti Deeds& '.lemnouiale fôa at ibiis Office'. tuef rh o a nfsc rl u -- iii fIlorce ini Ivper Cnn:',aal dstrîc thy lu cou' fluniatîî andl obe iti fluNsuicli 1laiv ivr ilIH E REI.~P O RT ERB. atlIi 3V. 1îauwtilîv made b l aît ueh Mufîu ICorporatiî, tind fbiuilti'lly WHITBY, SATURDAY, :MARCii , 1851 î bu t'.,r all $îîeh dilies is îmy bu TUIE MU NICPA ACT. îssigîued tu liimi liv iity.sncbl law or y I.l I.Provided :uhwauys, iîevertlieless,, Fi1rst ly, -Tha titsli a11 nioreover be t he Olîr attetbion bas been invibed tu a dîly uof every Tuwvi'.slij, Vilangeand receaib officiai correspondence betweeu Towîn 'rreasaurer, lu receive fron te .A.. MIPhersuni, Esq., as Trea.surer urt iej Colchur or Col lucturs ut'f siieli Iuivn- j'. S llo isii sbip, Village or To>wn, ail i nuuuîvs'ciii- Towaluîuf iylectvd 1w sncbl Colnclur or Coîlecto.rs t'îîr Esq., aiTreasit re rof t he Con nuty of Yor k. oroi»eon t ,,uuiuts udl Mr.MePersn rainbains, stlpl)rted ln pay iie sanie ovcr b4,tthe -Cotîuty Trea- luis opiiiîoi by bbe Whilhy Couincil, that miurer wltliii stncb utnie as 1UNîav ho re- lieasle~a1y ct tle ta pr entgeonserihîca by a,îy By-law oflie Municipal lie s lgal y ni tle toa pr ctag onCouiîcil ou t sîucCoutity- lu he 1nssed for mulnies paid loto bis bîands, for tue year bt lprpose: u puiddaso, Se- 1850. Mr* Howard, un bhe conlrary, eunidly, Tiat tibc MuiieilaI Corp)l'rututi insisis Ibaf such remutucration canuot' 1iecpifrced by Township Treasuers- Wme ý de not bhiuuk ibat the Stalutes.es- ta1lis1ling .Tuwnstip Corporations, ai- ford nny exhmibîwin of co-rreét practice ln. file drav'iug up uf s2ch document&, Yetoauirtieferminiatiio Lu"gie bliedevil his bis due," prevents us from - catch- ing 11Pbtie cry ad cuûÙiig those Stat- ibesà ianner u' vilnames. We duoui aýdmire liat nuethiod ut' arnending. fahion, as shouwn by 13 and 14 V ie., cliap. 64, la refereuce, lu 12 Vie., chap. 81 ; but as lu that -itnstance il ivas the intention of mnirisbcrs tu place ail Mttui- cîpal bu:esinthe stilte t iwouldlave been, 1rvidcd the formé,r Statute bnci hjeen originahlly passpd lanlime s1îapd it nota is, since t/zTe alterat ions il lias receiv- cd fruta the latter--thie cotifusion iniuthle readiug muust be prardoued, as the pl-an adopted is pcnliaps, theLest une ufflerud. We uîecd-hake nu apology for eopy- ing the f4lio'.ving portion of Mr. luw- ard's lether as if. la officiai, aud besides lu vulves, a question in which. every Towvnshuip in the Couuîty 15isinerested. T1hîe Collectons, in person, are tu settle Iwith Coaunty Treasuirers, anîd grant t e- >-cempbs for lheir per centa ge, and sigu nthe rabstracts-aiîd error listi-bbuat nu Towý,n- of muicha Township, Village or 'Town., sîli le respioisule lu te Mum1icipal Ctxunciî oC ýstiîcb Cutllv. for aIý sicli CoLiuuly Lltesas-iua Il -or muay lie su j>uid lu stncli wsiiVillage or -Toivi 'rreasuirer, wh'b shahl, bugether wubhi luis sretles Le reslionsilbfc lu stich Mutiiîici- pal Corporation four the saine as for nuo- neys received by hlm on accoui of the Tow%,nshuip, Village or Townv Rates res-- peetively: And 1ruvîded alsu, Tliirdhy, That every such Touwnshîip, Village or Townu Treasurer shahl keep an accott ira lis bouks withl1 ite Cuunty Treasuror, and shaîl giv'e receipts for suIt mouicysi received by hbu, oui accotnt 0of ihoe Con-.ty, and receivè froîuî thue rreasurer uf soda County receipts for ahi such mîu- uîevs as hie shial pauy over lu himn ic-ne coMnut ut'sucha Cotuuty Etites: And pro- vided alsu, Tîsat nul liuîg lirejuî cob~taixî- eda*haîl in any way-exumîcrabe any sucb Cohlector fruni bis ilialbihly or lit lus I iability th le Mun ici palCunucil1 of suachl CoLinuy for auy of te Cuuinby Rates. vhiene ver lhey shall choose bu proeecd agfainst him, iuîsteâd ut' aîainst bbc 'Cor- poration of such City, Village or Town (as theecase may bu) for bhe recovery bîiereof; And provided aiso, Fifthiy, Thai for ail Connty-Rates su reeeived and paid uver Lu the oCuaty 7freastirer, the Toîvnsbiip, Village or Town Treà- siarer shahi be entithed lu mecive auJd take tu bis own ulse a p-er ceutage of Lwo and a hall per cent. uipon al sucha Cotiuty Rates tu reeeived gind paid over as aforesaid, and nu more."1 Tliere certaiîîly appears but itie amn- shipBy-hauw e au bave force lu set asideI biguity ina thuesu provisions îvben bhey the- proviaîst' cither Provinicial or Couly iaws, as lu the paymeut of Pro- vincial or Cuti nby rates; that therefore, -the paymcui of said muîics bu Townshîip Treasutrens,-up-to 1851, was illegal, and that blicyiklare nut entitleci Lu any per ceatage t e" We hWaýegîveri bbc question all e attention wîe a carefftl reuding of thbb several Statutes cati afford, and we- feel bound Lu say tbat we bold thie saine opinion as-flhc Whitby Townsihip Coun- cil,, îiz:,-tbat bbcTownship Tremi'surers are the pensons to whom al raies ninat be Vaid lu tie lirsi instance, and hut fluose offleers are enfitled Lu a per cent- age, we shahl give reasons wvhich bave bruîîglut tns lu this conclusion. Theli Stafîute wbich esiablishes Towno- shil' Muunijmaiiies, n'as 1assed, wiîlh al ils f,îultoi 0 came-jn tu - 1850. Sec are, amalgamated, yct it canmobch de- nicd that in bbe deîaclicd portion uftbhese two Statuiles as thîey firsitaceet thie jeye, togrether wilb the exphaining clatiso, a careless reader miglit easily go asiray. Mn. Htoward cotaplains utf thue cla use of the amended Municipal Acf. referrecl lu, beiîîg I tvariance wibhithe Seboul Act, -and severat sections uft le êAssessmetit TLawt" but we.shall hot alternpt'tu set hlmi ighi on thes e polits, as.blîey eau, have nu sort of couîruection with bthe question atissue, iimply because these latf were passed lu 1850, wvhereus the Municipal Acft was passed the previous, year. Thie man er lu whicb bbc amend- ing Acf apphies, we bave-explained. above--our opinion is,ý plaialy, tint for the year 1850, the Township Tteasurer is the person-tu wiom thesevcral rates severance. If hoe hird the sagaeity Ci' the Long Point I/dvoetëe'# sorrel limrs he would have kept the reply of MR- MITCHELL, tO'wn- Reeve of Pickering, to his letter-of"enquiry touching th 'e wurking of the Ward system in Pkéker- ing, out of bis coluxans. Wo had hiopeci the question had been settled, and that. the iufatuated meddlars of Oshawa had retoirned bu their senses, but they St. persist lu theirt foiiy. Mit. OUiPUANT wribcs le MR. MiTtII<ELL for inforrnabioi, 'wboiher -or not Pickering bas expres- sed dimstia1iaction uîtvihits War.ds, and woîîld rather ho without theni bhail ivitli theni," and MRa. MITCHELL Of course, wribes back that they even cx- ceed the anticipation of their 'frieiids. and the peuple would nul, if t/îey could, be witlbonlt Ihcm. Buittiînt'urlana4ely. for Mr. M'a evidence bie savs :"là may b Lie cted biat Ibis testiinony com-es with, an ill grace from nie, 1 be- in- el knourn, us havingp been tilt tins of bthe arrangement, and ils ini- troduction 1h10 ibhis township," Sîirely lii conftession makes the " estimuony" apjîear raillier qncestiolnale ; and irn the eycs uf any other perskintflian oîur isag- c'fous friend of Oshawa, if. nînat have a disasirous eWrct uîpon b1 aiticipatcd vcrdict.ý, 1%r. Ichll is nut l.utely lu euuîdem iî bis 0winhl >-wr.Il wotnld ttorthrow dirt i lus cwn face l'y acknuwIlging ltat lie led thue good -peopujle ut' Pickering mb irretrieva>lej errOr. Of' Course '..e Coiilluot expeci auîythinug cisc ilasi a specCial [dca for a favo,Àrite expeýriiuîîent nul yet tloruigblly tried, aid wiere huie germ,. uofse'ioal discuîite it and niihrudjuinis Ihiekeriiusg and ilI feeling have suot yel t bu-rot lu ly taken rot, su as tu hearla fîuil crop ot' fruit. Bc a fuiv. yc;îrs more a severeaiid wel-i.merited chast'isement. The interest of \1aldinand, as well w-4 every other constituency,imu5t eertaioly1 lie ini seuddmg one of their own people9 to look after their affairs in Parliament. Alreî,ly is Toronto well represented. We have no lees thansix ruembers who hait from that cityt-viz:à Messrs. ]3ald-- rvin; Price, MorrisoW.HBoUn J. lH. 1oulton, and-H. -Slerwood-all lawyers toou. We are alawi-ridden peo- pie ini Canada. We hope the resuit of this election will show that the people are begfinningto open their eyesby.the return of a local rcsidcnt of the Com'ity, haviiig a practical interest in its agrieuil: tîîral and comnmercial wélfare, and leged'to carry out. retrenchmentahd prog;ressive reforrn. "GREAT EXCITEMENT IN OSHÀWÀ."- The Oshiawa nspectors have resigned! The Reformer says----' A new eleclion wvil tk lc on Saturday 1 next. SI.ir- ring tim2s. thcse ! The Steamier .4dmiral1 is announ ced to commence lier' reguflar trips between Tvron:o and Rlochester, on the 15th inat. (lu. day) calling ait Port Whit!by. The great meeting aIT 7ronto iii ref- crence lu the removal ýDf tlie Seat ot' rGoverunïfient, came of oun Wedrecday hast. An ad'Iress w'as adupled lu Ibi11S rE'xellenicy cuuelied in the strougers ternis, reunonstraling againsi thi îu.us- lice. It concluides Wîibhi te foilowuul lb i.s not bou laIe -lu avert this dabn- g.er ;-ili yolnr Excelenicy' bands is vestcl c )i r; nulwc feel il- ouïr linden ua îy Lu impjlore yuuîr Excel- lcîîcy tehunke luse of htu pîw r p- vent c(nsqenices ftic Iuuli eV iiuOf wiuicL11 may nul ut hua nmoment bc fturesceîn, but whicilîaay cudaînger fthe peace and îvu-i-beiuîg uf' (lue Province. RItoT IN, CYfEA.--fit iy lias singilar folly', which is iuoîv but parti- ahIy foît, uîîiversal iii uvum T iiiu1 thuat lias Ilad bhe misfortune tlu adojîtit uuullinkiîîgly. WVe stated luefore, tat a vast many people ut' Pickering are ciistiîpoitit.ed iin the workiug outhue sy.q- hem, and vouuld gladly get rid uf t' l f .hîey eoulî4 lail- buck ulpon thie maniy and libcr4l princiPue of " ahI for cadi and catch for aIl" uf general Township~ elcetions. ýVe -hope we shalhbear uno niore about tbis paltry Ward foîly froin thue East. NW'e are iveil euouîgh as we are, aud it were wel lu Iclet ell enotugh alune." The rabe payer uf' Whîitby bas now the proîud satisf'actionu uf havingr a vuice ina the seleebion ut' every nman wbo aspiresto bave a hîaud lu the disposai of bis itaxes. 11c eau' point indepeuîdcnbly bu lais five votes; îvhile bis less forbinate neighîbu r across thie Townshuip lite cari uuly toast of one voice in the fflirs of bis ToWvuship. Surely Ibi-s is enongh. It Ï9 rlîadness for the clique ina Oshia bu ex#ect the peuple tu voluuîtarily aud bopeless!y disfraucluise -tbemselvees. àIt ils tobu hoped fhey will now gîve. il up aud turi their-talents lu the pursualat of a nobler luurpose. News of the Weeko MR. PE.RRY.-We have great satis- faction lu arninonuing Luouur read.rt, thaf. the heaibh of Mr. Pzaa'.' is rapidlIr improving. ,'AIl symptuas uof discase bave gradually given way- under the treatnieni of lis physician. The- Lieutenant Govennor of New Brunswick bas- officiaily annonnced bu, bbc ,Parhiameuf., 'that tlhe lin peril Go- veiuî:menf.,bas gnranted the potition of the1 Legislabure l'un an Electivo Legîs- lative Cotnil. This 1$ what lias Ileen loi îg SOught for liy bhe peuple uf Canada; but liev preseut Min istry would nu o re listen to sncb a projeof, t' of oldi ;; the people, buwve lie heard bhruuigb anothe "ThQre's a good Liime oui IHALDIMAN -Among fie hust of Can lho nur of representing tiu late civie elechionq., None have i>ee n killeci that we huve heard of, but nia iiyq sailly wuded. Fer thIuM7itby Repurer. 011ILLIA. PORT WHITDY, LAKE$ SCUGOG, SIMCOE A NI) HURON ROAD. - - .At -a nuumeruuusly attended metbing cdlin Orillia on tlmet inhst., Johnt 'L'iliurpso, Eq., Reeve, iin the CChair, tht-e following, reqoltuhions were tifarli- lsb.--Tliat Ibii -meeting lhave beard thie statement madle by Cul. Gamerou, wîh grea. intebeut and- sabisfaction,bthab the nmeetinug deeîuly regret the absence; ouf Petèr Perry, Esq., uný aceuit of its cas.Thai the wanmnest thauksuf the iieetiig lho1 g-ivento +0Mr. Perry foi the 5g(reat iii erest and trouble sliownîbb it uiit hlmriiter, as welI asto Cul.Canîes- oni, fui luisgreat kiodacass linattonding liais mcetiuj(g. 2nd.-T tial the construction of a great leadiugrod.d -front Wlithy ilarbour bu SturgcbiiBuay,iàoulvast impuortance Lu the îvhîule 1inioe' fcuuntry îhrunigh îv-uieh. IL rubs; rtnd thai Lu the Towvnshîipof Orii- lia and iîeigliburhood, iL wiil prove uf pecuuliar value.- 3rd-Tbthbis meeti ng pledge theni- sel ves houre eVery endcavur ho prcuure bhesutbscripiuu tuthe Stoekufbthe Coin- paauy, in urder to enable bhe Directors iwumediaiely ho go on îvibh this great and important uudertaking. 4bh.-That bhe Stock book be now prudiiccd fur thue purpose of subscribing Stock, and lhai a Commnitîce bc appoint- edut procure sîtilscrilptirs in tte Tovi- [ hip and neghbuurhlood, consistino, uf >Messrs. Thompson, latferson, -Kin«g Bell, Ryal, Shaw, Wilson, ITaiten, Dallas, ]Robinson and Portail.- Letters wère reeeived front Mr. Perry and Mr. Chas. Thompson,' expressing théir regret att being ua.ble ho attend. Four hundred pounlds of Stock -was taken up previous tu the meeting being closed. After the uisual vote of thanks Lu the Cluairmian for bis able cundtsrt, and tc Cul. Canierun and Mr. Shier, Civil En- gineer, -for their aibenduince, the -meet- inug broko up, bighiy pleused with thé, whule proeeediugs. It must be kept in mind Ibat this lat Statute, thotigh not passed until 10th .Arîgtusu, 1850, disbinebiy declares that aUI the amndments (wlth a foi'.'excep- ions, nulotapplicable lu bhc questi ob- fore tus) i'herein made tu_12 Vie., chapi.. 81, shall be recceîved and laken, as if tbey hrud originily 1rmed part of that just mentioed Stabîîlc tut thc lime uf' ils passiuig, tbat m, 30thi il7y, 1849, and going iiitolise Oun bbé ist January fol- Iowiug, su that we arc1oind bu rend bbc abov'é gqnoted section ais fol lows,and 1t IsuppoISe I wotahd have foun I remain, Your vkedL serv't & well wl ROBERT Wl CLERGT za -&Ds been recelved."h 1îExcelle Governor GenéZ e Ëa' - veying, the gratifgiiu ei-e 0a. Bih l 1 lbe îutroclýcedjuta peritt- ariamerit, for hÇ pu attbrising the bIéci 1eKjsIattm éposé- or tlbe Cergy Reseives U t teres Trop r, provi4dÏ,thi *exi trsare e-pected. ~Tein men. IMI W Sir,- voir fii Sthe î Î- and troni ÏUUlt t!1W( i. Ke o eu, 1 shah ex peut ~ynwili gîve Ille Twsî. uopRu gi~uî tdr ~f1)Qf-and in oi do su, 1 th-iilnkycihal aa Of thte whole TOWnarihip, and if f Pte are in favuu"tr oci l, go a-'ben if ilut-1 bave no question in tha? y6n wuuld not be ini favour P.A. HU Reach, 1sa March,1 IMR. IlURD, Dear Sir,-i received yours- have if. laying befure me nOWý-- examined the contents of it, -ai] mil -h.consideration, considerii and whiat, Ilhe writer is that sel ni i3t ho candid with yotn, and votu-that, my niiud dos3 not Il' lieyotirs. Xou ouue day recoi as gud and wholcsome, tbiat et) taxes are et, and thiat'twO COrp4 arc l>enefiil Aiidliow wihllyoi tb inistrlttcIlme 110%V ta give M about a Town HallI Koow y that i the meeting at Houcks la mer, the Colnucil wa2S inStructcd, soon as a Division Court wasi into the Townshi1p, a -rown Hall .bu er2Cted immediately, and il i i central jlace fthat.cail ho fuilu timc. Now is the time-andc or any <ther man itid any othe place thanthle une you cry doiw ilieibox b4 btheapsrying it hecause'yotir favorite spot is not1 Fie uoIsc beailîe sani and every-man that lias a vole 'fX>wti3lîi j, was good -a riLlht bu bis as vour horoîr-able self. Nom jAnce us flirté su fit, su prop)er, converiient as FitehuIet'!§ Curai Iliere abouit. Thle ro-ad betweE 12 and 13- is Sure to Le Made. lie liciter any whîIere else to ne( dlatc tue -vluulc Tow,,nsbii? Tih Dot- th-0tyVon yotirself wili bave1 tu j: i ft yun hive. 1 te)l you Y( Muid i* 'ou wofld rry todo lhe th] is fair and just, yoit would be me l'y aill in the Townslipt, espejz peuple.in tlhe West, aide of the -Shi1. XVc are fair men-we ac --vonou not; you want ail or ya h1avelanv. Yoil mughlt as %weiI tvîl. lis: and (Io the îîing that l thc ftmgic -iliiibthefields, wben b-tepa on bluem they horst and fOy and. ihat iýs ail1. bD you l.hink en i ile anoiober nMeetingi1 'Nusir_ do 1,erber fur vouî than tiat, an( itan yoti wunld do fur yourself. -ive My vote fur Ille Curt Hou. be bilbf con.venient to yuu, for your head will growv grey befi. illag-e is iioprtd . ~ knew hovif-peuple lanigh at yoi rance and rit yonr sttpid.ity. youi ean sce.wrî'yniât corne ou black cioud that is 'hanging oî head, and be a freemàmn, affd ne by the nose by ignoramanlses, fo r 1digginns there is- a legion. Y aboutit E wers ; I wish you were &- and as tipright Lu the Township -Ad you",onld tnd6m Uic at 1 1 wî1l niake the loti - with azain' been t1w scene of a iiot. at tt ieir

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