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Whitby Reporter, 29 Mar 1851, p. 3

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twwo" sewkya nte n einc th.eii pipe, ah. otihp$Ibe <aMiS artery on Mb - fteume, Wb"h woUniswe einilewtibylhesaui stro Hley." Wben I121q vas arrésisti, bâs e1 . W .r. taineii-with blond, anit lb.wretchi atoW-andi diii throw away bis kafe. Alter bébg verely whippi,hbe mtetheaànxe.icom- f. ffi# 1*. licataun of h. by si, is en- ti ite4iteiby the citizeusin ahe iighbour- b .VaiMý ireumstnces stronglY tentiing 'to -tbeescuslpaonoh.tbelatuer. - On Thitrsday,about 1< In ret maasembleil, ncluduuîg mny Lies. The çuilt of H-aley was bje maniîfet for dotbt * ant whale indiýnîahin was àtils aneil, 8end the blond 'urdiet the viv id reaalection of tbe tinexampl.d'atmocty, it wusF ropmsed hat Haley h. buruiedt death. To ibis proposition thpre was tt-a singi. dissettientî, il we except the officers of the law, who,in cocnpliance witb iheir îworn duuîv proested"agauat oi e il le-gali<'y of the art. Ail werseaqer, fglr he instant andi signal purua-bmetib et the warse tian mu rJerr. Aeccrdiirly. hWI was borne fo a tute, chained tt> ut, and ti httnded wîb licbt andI cîber wfflld. Il is warthy-of remark. tha Ih alvcspuient ei-ited î-oinurwidattr ah- harrenre of the crime andi crimuuîal, and assisied .WîLb alacruîy in big puuîhmimet. 1W TELEGRAPIL, AIUtIVAL 0F TIIE FRLANKLIN. As stateti in g>tr extra -of yesierday morrîing, the 1çevapb frôm m New York, Imte oun &,turday even, ing announcegtithe' artival there ntthIle ste-amu'r Franikliis, al: four at-loclc ni the same dify, WiOi news la a lote date, having lefl CaweÇs on <die 8 b i. By tfie mail cornes ibis iaupoitauiainrouhîce- lord John RouseWs Cabinet re-organized. No frther Particulars rame lhit night, The ojeture hazarded abuti Lord John Rut-tP. ,* re- vuvzItuînisry beiuî; only bemporai>-, mustlic te- -ceti si îtb caution. FN GL A ND. The %.Iuiisteuial crÃŽi-is in Lomndon uhall pat-J aw-ay. ant-lité OltI 3lîlittrY WV4 rt--ntia uiazed>ý-- Lard Stanîley bail fîtinJ il mpu--teinrlafom m .1lpro- îeaioviil 31%iiisry, i-bat Wsiualflm- like.ty ta, wuuh- stand the diflcultîirs tth bin aritd out at îariiameiîî. wbiu-h menaei bis combiti;.h 'i. lThi- Qtît-eua. 2auý furmeriv menlianed, sent t he Dlike o a i litlt- ton Io fematîd tbe adv-he ni ihax iobt.-mum ri th tuunplicabed c onduitu c f affEis. la the Htîîaae uof nr u-~on bhe 414 Mid Lortl-j'îltn fitssell uaîui-dtthtt - ili c<-nujil, îî it thel,.advîce n h i" ý biLp aof' ti, tîu, he Queeu i dsenifit f)et>,~illit-r f(nmii.r alsseun.- ThteMiîisu ta utslurtutthet- an eàsbutea. ts resairAiiofl. Loid Johiiut*'wll t bbn mas cd au adjouirnimeut lu)hie 704 iiaiui it 'ht-n b. pio,a-aseti Io go 04, with the P'apaul Ages bîî ill, ini%% hicti he prornittel to âai yI-IIrt- tie, iloue agiu exp betti n1 of ithe a-itrse ta ti-le kn h he lionat. ii tel-ali, to the Budicet anîîl entier qut-b.:oti. 1: wa uhou4,ht imsilbe îhat"*the r#4u*î-otat-d adniiasuraîioui o Lard John Russell ctotifalot lo- , andl hu'u otiiau- auce itioffice aî-mew.'y iititi-d bta h> aay i:h the imm.ediate ueresaiy raf aîaapîseal tu tihe coniuîry ins the- shape of a disaalulîora. A new budiet swat tan fil-îrou-hîin, anid ilsias thuught ikely-ibai Sir Jarnts;uaham. Lourd Aber- deen, anti atberiltatesme-u aii't -lPeel paîty, would fort, a coalition with'bh (i-ovitnmeuar. The Englith Gos-.rtsrnetit have undertaken lu provitte a ium which witl amotinit ta eighi pauids' apiece; luo convey the iIuulgat.iaii exiles bu Amie- Ica. -The "United States qteamcr Arce sailid i'frm Liserpoul about. theramie bout- the Franklin icI! Cowes*'. The. Uuuiied States (izaate Si. Laassrenmre. wii cc itrdîîtînin lathé Exhibittainwas exlWed >lwhei tJe Fuauikliiai sau-.1 The Loqdouu Timeç cantains the debate iri Par-1 lainent ni Ihe procredinus tht-uc, îin s liich Lui J John Russellai auuce-l he piaguariini e aritaliut to attpt ira cuîdueltîaîg t hmhubiuae~s ofihie a-aurtry, andl the ciucurmsiattces ni'bis necisi ta posmer. Her %Iàjàty i- aed ai 'Oborne iuitw, toie of Wi<b.jtii b-f~ette.Fr-auuLiua teft. En.iithMai eta- Wlietafutly rmalized former étic" i aILondotn. Mar ake-t easy-cansuls, - Nw oitu >3larcb 25. *815,0(X)in ei~.Tiî,e eportl It leecie for lte F~at week, aie $522,650. âNEW YOLRK MALKET. Ns-w Youai, NMarcb 24. Ashr'*-MarkeIî very quiet. Small aaiesof pots et- 03,2.5; -peari. $â3. - Flour-There e is iîeasfed beaviîiessin maarket for rstaern and ti ae. L"-s doing for th lb.ts andl local iradie, a ais <lioti Iutta ei s moe parent. Liinle if siv afldat. Canatiati ltravy. baie$Ca o Ibrandit $4A62,anJ nffered mare ireety la arrîve. Sales domesîic, 23M0 lids: $1.25 taN o. 2 - superfine; $ 1.37 1-2a $4.50 for commit tostraight 2atte ;$1.56 a $I73 foW-mit-igail and i~leialla; $4.81 a $4.87 fuir pitre dt.euit;-$à a $2.2â for, 14r t'ncy 0iêand Geuesee *5.2à a $.50 fao.ex- iaObmu_ .50 a $6.50) for extra (ienesee. Jy t r i iried deýjl,!eui.-ales 100 his. $331 1-2. Grain-Lt-saenduer il>r ss-eat, andl uuîjaLd h eyt$1.1o a si. or Ueuiesee; £-$,foi Ohio $1a $1.6i furN!aichige'n. Çaîa tàIlt :nw- - tise. &aunduy lois are lieinq shij lfinm filui banda for Liverpool, Mîic«,s Sminaliy 97e a $1, in bond. Ost-aquiet-ant Ilseady. Corni rather lêss active, anti demard eonflied ta the vataîs of Ilie ratie ah home. About 8,00<) bush. îouuîd anti ti4î yaulow chançed bandit at 64-1-2c a 63Sc. M bite scarce. Proi*ions-Pork iâ in çnootitemanti for the trade, isas900 i . la; 1for arid meus * 13.5a forn new dgo; $10 for olt in plie; $11,50 for tsew do; îriuule mess qiitet ainominaâl prît-es.. Lard trecly oferei., Buier unchangeti. - Ngw Yoas. Marcb 22. Mancehester market lest active'. anti laIe ativan- cru not n iudy pai. Tlhe Franklin bringç no Liverpaal papers. The Fraisikin liings a friigbt i cf$200.. The U.S.Vi" Si. Lawit'nee, vitb Auneicap coutributsons £. th. %W,d'.Pair, vas huarlyex- p.ctéii at tS.Iîhsmrpton vb#n thé- Frankliut assied. Tihe Lonifon Tisse. canlants 1h. e bat.-. ii Pat'. --liagment og theprecetiing rigtoit whicb Lord Jithn Ituss.l amoaseed the proerauîm.t he-. ifntidetle âdapt in toductin; the. aalirsof ithe couia*ryxiluier th. circsitaaces '-nt bis rocalilgta1 ower.- pguelszA4.-Advices lrom Berln-aby aeleçnaph.' wes th e ftb-inst. Th. arrivai et an Avosiuan duepaeb bas-confirned thePrubstin goyernntecl - aretoni tb the aid Pi.$ tesuy unsat:Uarlory ar- raue0.L Mmstoislpapra expies.* douWus et theitebiwity o Pffin draie gr ived Y Wzw Yoax, marrb 24. QOF 'ItkE ÂtWTIC. .st.rdav ronis (sCarrlniati *d P nnIee anal),wbb.wh i h.contemfls, was entiroly consumei. Thl'kuikil. bu asbeen revoconvertfed imboa Vaft work- shopt tid ai ah. tisse wa# iled wîth au immense amount of MachehincOf ai&hrent kiidsuopeM'à td by a icreit many ïmaiie, with lumber andi other articles. Il was ai owneil by Meurs. Carrington &Patie.> Insureti for 83»0u.Ls 3U0. On Saturdaay Iast. iun accident occur. ed uit the Stave AMilis utf Mr. F. Silver. ilbotne -Sttuate ili titis village, Wicbel iulit bave been ti a nded -wifth erious CoUsequcnces. Whlst the worksî were ini 1111 uperation ibe jcpiner-a cast iron wlicel of aurne six fe.fl in diumeser.atid weîgidig .ruie five or six litindtred IX)îsuîd.,-stiddeiuly eýxl'iecd ititu frag- mentslI, %wuunzing and etittiti g severil (41 the.. mn.. (>1e unfirîuiate ttiLIi,îfroni the Enr.Iisle. wlsdlst tturiingaé riuîd stuise t .IlxgNsite ludt douor, recevl-cid a luite o., is seat of' lîcînur, vhiciî jîi.elît d t, oui liend .rcust eut ut'liie do.ur. Iii litt cu'îîskriation anid uffrigha lie lius. tetued hume ne dxclairned this isettL'r lmÇ"Judi/yVI'm it! .My thkih broke! Yome o!f r lly ii la Pnhi #us truck me tîe/ùnd f"-Streatssvillk Revi ew. A Yarkee bas jat iiivrtittd a imspetîder that sa eaîillacis au youru approa-h -tô watt-r. thilathe 10w- n'»-,.t yoi. tnnne toa apîddle itl insa ycu aver, atuJ drops you oit theoppoiole aide. An nid utmanac, amnon.z other do-nestii! recipe., bas one ta convert ' a în mbhus riane,.' wbiels if 1o1ov liîws -Hicp a g~-14-ookiigdîambermaid coi d a bli d Jet yuur wifi: catch yoiu ut it DIEU On S3îî,rday the 22 id imu., Carolinie, wire ô, Rubl tAtimats. of %Whilby, age-d about 20, Ar bui ;e*Migle(re ÃŽin Matipoa. un ihe 161h of ihit, aintnîh, aller auit laiets"t ýfive tvs. o, ald 1,1Mufs- LeaIL atred 65 Yeats. a-t îavnt cfAr-!rvle bhre, Sec>' land omi',d o i >,u-l 183 . h - u le.î a iÇe ad a bràe iiii:>t 1haujeit tiâ dra 141- 011 'Mtn'lav the 21h isist. at uni onville, Mar- W bmJÃŽrn j K eIîb ra -ed ll t e t Widat, pt-r bilshel, lîcir, per bierrt-l, - a ve. jw-t- huua!el, - Baulry, jier huaahet, Ouat$, plSgtihhel Po-au, per bubhai - P.itaaes. per bushel P'îr k. 1itr CWat. B,.ef. pe-r cst., Haris. pear Ili. Rutrer. pt-r il).- ('heese,lpeu lIa. - EZ-1, pet lriei Turkeys. Each. Gee*e~, enth Fovvis per pair D-îcksc, per pair d. s. 6 a 3 6 a 21 3u 2 Oa3 Ia. 9 a 2 3 a 1I 6 a 22 6 a 17 5-a 0) 6 a O 4 a 0 5 a 0 (a 3aI O a JIASONIC NOTICE# îw~t L C. IUalt~y Lodge, wîll taeplace an the TUESDAY precading the Fautl Moan in Apulj aIthe Lo'4r.e Rama i îi this Vïliaz#eetiiiSIVEN ,'ocP.34, Putictuat ut- tenîtaate ut r-qtitaàed. Wlii >y 1arrh 2J. 5851. 50. WHItBY BIniLth,- .GL BEOLIESoTY 1-ake place ut' T. N. Sclu1pTtaRE'9. an- Monday E%ennz. April 71h, ai 7 o't'hu*k. la cariler the propriu-ty of ama'uîdifiz the .Sth Section af the By. Lawî. --(tectiasg adieiouîal Dir-ctors. and provi- dirir foi the moue equitaible di*posal of shares lu By Orer JOHIN HA'm PFRJY. Secrelary 4 Treo.urr.l Whitby, Mardi 201h.-11.. - .3i PE OPLE LO0OK IJERE! F, O 'Sie.on n ere'dit of' Tcn Yp:,rs. th Suhha[( ni Lot Nte. 15, in the fosurth -C reuioa Whîdty. 100 Aires., For terrns, ftle, &v., apjîly at the Lw OMie of 'i j ý;ýHi. J. >1 ACDO$ELL. Wliitbv Vlai.,Mri29, 1851 504 in. MISS idiî4s A»mISSPF'lx. MILLINIERS: & DRESS NaKÇrRS, W oulD re0pecî(ully intimate lu the Inhabi- tiapts af Wiby Villagie, andi the suurid- in, viciaity.thafIht'y hâve .eonrneacdmi b1iuuss .as EA11T WNSR etlo aMs A" Tbev keep c6iiïptatilly ois baud, a vai iety of Latiieâ' CA.PS miei BONNEÉTS. AWýo-Wouk Jouee et îlw Sharteat Notice anid Lowest Prirea. Whilhy, >4arciu2O, 18511. 49-3 in. TRE SJEMI ADMI RAL, 0aptain KEen, W MIL. tnfiî urt rher unotice, ommruninc o -SATURDAY Ithe lStb unit.. leuve Toronto for Rehester, oui Wetdqesdô-yo pantiSaîurdays, et ELEVEN, A,.M., caljiuua it sPor'l Whiil by ati "Co- btîlru. anti insermeiate Ports, w."ather peruitting. Wili lease Rocheiter on Mtiadays andi Thursala y s. ai NI1 N E, at uight. <sIling at Cobourg and ti ier Patt%. Wilt frave Coliarig on Tuesday anti Fn- day Nlornlngt aî 8 IX-otçiock (or Toronto. RoYAL :MAiL OMrCE, ~ Toronto lUth Mae-b, 1851, 49-ly. Ai1ONSTAr STOC~K (3LOTHIN.G'.& DRY GOO 0Ds WALKER & HUTCHINSON, WHOLESALE & RETAIL Clothiers, Ouffitters and SION O ôi s'lsGOLDix Lion, - 26, XuXo STXEILT EAsT, TaotiT General Dry Goods Merchanits, or n TTuz-GoLpiuLios, X6 ixa STazzE LT, ToAOxTQ, B EG k>ilitorm the rotders ofthe 1w hitby Reporter, snd public generally, Ibat tbey basve cumpletedibcir Fait irnportationsoi etaple ansd Fancy Dry Gonds, wbicb bavi ng been selereti (rom the lieut Stocks ini Foreign £Markets, and pu4rebaseti for CAShI, Witti b. faund, upun et.- anation, unaurpassetinU ibis City, fur qaîiality, style and chespni5. Au n P-ctfon i; J8Lv td REJAD TUE FOLLOWNG: Black Orleans Clutb (rom O Coloured do di fi o Black Cobourir " "ido Coloirel"4-I1 -2yd wide si1 Mutalin DeLaities 'a o Prinîs Iyd. wide, os() l yul Gîngbaims (IUavy) 's 0 Dark Sable Bond di 3 Grey Sqîuirrei "1 t' 2 Stone M artin os di1l 3'iurk 6" di41) i. D. 8 pr. yd. 9 ' 7 là White Cottons frogn ,Grey Il 1 yd. " i 44Aunerican " 0( déShee ting 2 3d.' 0 Slripe-d Shi ' -g A B.d Tick ' Buowo olnt . Gala Plaid&." D.urk Sable éufis, " 3 Guey ,'quirrel "il il Stie atin Id40 31ink "dé37- 3pr. yd. 4 dé 1 4 04' 4 1-2", 71-214 7 1-2"é 7 1-2"4 2 3. 0 Tugeuber wiih an excellent Stock of Fasbionabte DREs QOODS, sîIks, Gluves, losiery, &C. fat aorreapunnprices. ./lso, 1,000'-Wool S'arf Shawls, worthy -o ntice. Waterd, ' '* Damask Morcens, Broad Clotit. Causimferes (Pl.-n & Fî Daa-akiuii 't T weeds PalOt Clotho t Be-aver -lé 4 Vea!it in Woolien, Sslk, %Wuruîed, (Jarpets, Druggits, 4'c. 8fce, of elegant Paterà lu ilirir woollcn Dtparimeml aam s. xD. from fi0OWbutney c:otbs gnicY) "3 6 LinnAin s -3 6 Mohair d -' O2 3 A rcaSatineita 4 6 Canadu.ain (; 6 - à4 Clitb.s, 44 1 od si 7 tg- 2 't 3 id 0. I 6 - P 0- O. 6 Tkey twoudd callparticulaIr attentizon, tki-auo<re of -- - C-OTilNG, Tht' whoie of %whicli beinc made up ijndpmr their éYrn 1(upecuion,,by the best of -iorkmaen. ame net e-quaI'ed -in Cs-nada, fut style of cutiturg; qualîty oUt vekavusbip anti naterial, 'andi general ,uitablé- nesa tabthe wauits of litepreuple. Parties about Iu prrcasGod la n-ibis lin.' muy puyttadéat iý>r ilaeir wtuibtle "lif they buiy bcfore looking user W. & fi*s Stock, aumg whiçh Weil oundti :- - Cathi, Cassimers, 'etiitgt. ùazd a generai 'of thenà ut prices muck imer - b Lie teanadi aa - RHAD'y m A D ianufaceîured in ibis City, from xGouds impî selves,- andl Canauiaàn Ckutbs, from thle tiest fur durability, sye n hansF tories i Men's Etaf ()'vrer Coats, from ..25» W iMenti Cuasimrê Trouser,from k --13, Du Beaver " " " *--S O d -oekn "-" - - 7 D)o-Shootig- t $6-.15 O it dué- a a10 Do BUeadý'oh id i't . -uo do Canada Plaid " " *-1 Red Opnnuel shirts, " . 4 à -Whbite shirts, Lin.,> ûonts, . . 4 Glengîv Bon,îa " . . V6 Boy5's, 't a . 3 Mlens oe(uiz-hrs 3 9 d Trousers," Me'se.a,*'. . 4 S dû Goats, t .* 7 MEY'S P.IIJS SA TIN RA41i&, BLJ CY.AND DRAB. G-O 1) o o -b a- -o Q s .,Vnsistîilg of every article necessarv to cdm-plete- a large.anti welI-amsotgd stoÃ" oftho bse Gpos5required l'y THE PEOPLE..- 5w0 Saxony Wool'Scarf Shavîs, from 13.ç9(lI Fvctory Co'ittunt, Ir1-0 30.00 yards utetiSBonnet Riblons 0 àO 1Wilite Cotton, " 0O4 3.000 yards Gala Plaida 9Siie'Shritg.0 ,Pnits.fiacoloi sty, > 0 - t) 9 tneled isd wg. - . fde Coknteî tf 8 9 Etpj ,vclvea Bonnet$,.04 3 P 9 ieuo f ail L.kînts. Shiutï1Cliteckéd, Striped'anJ Pluini. Alirwaa'ius,, aîid Oricans, De Lui1ne ,' Caàluxwr#es. tid uther, ashiuiîable Gi4ds ftor Ladies' Dressess Z 3 "Do N a LACES, E GhIýas. Gloires, îTosiery, Fn iAges, Artificial Flô%wers, 1ýîs)nCoiItitsýVeltets, 8iIk f1 is laidkrcliefi", iNiîîflýijd ua:5. E 0 SCN D PR.LCE,.ç - nlURGESS & LIHÀ - a-a mer of Kiiug and Cluurch Streets, oiing me court Hou,. SELLLN'G OFF 4T*i In Io cl ose is lusinessIlle Spr'l aatu aniàint of Goinda - - COSTP >ftIE atmnosiaevery ihine requtroi ,'Im th4refore, i f yoit waspribe beot àuiela luîiI AI A. 98r~ Tl.' A 1 LUAIBLE Acres 0 aboiut t(». s. .0. Per 1" m Grey Over Coals fromnt7l Fine Shooinf<Coat.di 2" ( lbuh Fiti.îhia- id. " 1 3 Fancy Do. Pants P'ilot ""18. 9 " black "13 îbl fiaer -"2.5 0 "Satinat "10 . <h Fine 's30 0 Tweed ;w" ' 8, 9 S, brtini Lioain " "30> 0IBlack Satin Ws% " 7 6 Wtey " .tuim 30 01 Fancy""i"*5 9 Cfih Fine Taggs " 22 C " Tosiine"" Focks " " 30 0 IBlacirPIuàb " Il 3 Btoys' Cluthing in great variety. Paris Vel vet-nap Hais, Fur &Clut-Cups,&C. &C. G ns, C - Wh"., Garments made ta measure and warrant cd Iofi.H t3oFarmers and ailierî re.sdingign the country, and not a.-guainted %wilh tricks practised onstran. geis. by -many doeaier6, would do wi-lI toait ai ibis establiehment, as thry hbave but one sitraight for;- ward mode of dcing lbusiness. Among ibeir rides are ibefoiIowinç: NO SECOND PRICE.- Ait Garments nut auitiuig, cxchangf-d. AliGarments warranted nol lu abrinit or spot irith. rait. T ir Ailaenbe piece Goodi, cuit ini the usuali Jr%ý'bs, exchanged. ToolNvnbr1, 1850. 32.y1 COMIE AND SEE TPHE tso FRE E T RA D eH-10'U SE .I"Voo 29, St. Lawrence Iftdlngs, Torontor ,toN ofthe ftirstprincîpIvs of IlDome#tteEonomy" Wis luy in th e opes t thiq present day. by promohinsc wtiolesuie competition, icives to the Public tb. greates assainit or Prolprtiai.." 1h. sino.f rigid Eeoui4niî ran desire -,but in, the speeqion ofai HÃ"uSEHO].D Of ail t IAIRT," it should Io- bornein umid I at 14QUALITY is the triue te*t of CHEAPNr.." I Witt, JJh ptwrbasetipri»cipOi yfor cA*ul. tram inte Malalrr uBIANand the UNITED> STATES, tiien sr ant inteut ou ýiELLr5î,, (;at the LOWLST R3I UNERATJ>G PROFIT, for CASH OXLY, TEAsc B OBCfi ' SA4R G'A AV7" "99CC>., Offerlâ4htiPblie of Toronto, andth te so-roundin&cauntry an.wae EXTENSIVE A ND WELL,- O5i6)UtE -OC£C0F temoi ch Trave Ait of which wilî l Wf(undfuIIy feqol ini qolity 10 th. fist LondonuuasutlNeui'York Establishmnents, and ati acuniideralily Iower price titan any Hoiuse iiu«bW boralty, The present systeni of IlPuffin; alias Lyinge" ib er. repudiatti; andti IL1& Co. (in1i'eepjnig to lie olti ad-ate, " Hnty iscth. b t Policy.' bave every confidencei lu iog îis'Oiersial saiwifaetion tu Ihase who unoy avagir ib;e'wts b hir Patronage,. thereby 'i i ing<eier puahiit. to, eir caV4-. Prof1 ijities for promoiug lte bust interests (the J'ockets) oi tiî People. ?hêur Stock comprises an EXESIVE -AND CÂREFULLY ÃŽ "ECTED ASSORTMENT OF STAPLE AND- FAN î DRY GOODS,- P 0f the Newest'Styles and Manufactures, lu Ladies'2 CloakBonnets, Mu 8 Bos &. e. RKA D V-M ADE19 C L-0OT-H INQ, T. à lu every vauiety of Cuats, Truuissrs, andi V'eatâ, of stiperior cnit and »iake. --lo UêTS 04P, 4York S Toges.ber with a large lot 'nt Ladb< alni Gpçnleum'oorm 1<1. . gng-shles of .very 4o.oriptiou. liement te as " ach 'hor. i. e, tue Wa.î- iluer', liseur - i lb,. nîler,> - le -mena Paît- hî.ia tone 'y - rit. 1-ly

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