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Whitby Reporter, 5 Apr 1851, p. 1

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4- - »PORT i~ iiI~ kmài&-&iil& swl l i"àÏei kind of 1hiatin g toab ýIé",im W 11lIT BlY, CÀNÀb)A 'WEST, SÂ*tTJRDÂY, APRiI. à, 8 5 i N~O. 51 ORTEa TRE HAUF. ~the harý-butsw*eep ità tôrds Ile. witbin Mny heart, oaM 0 y bkai; tthooh wýealth andi power arâ olîri, tlimeiMhdeemqimpatl k mimfrlsse's temipest Iowexu eidt-.not abâte. morw hover round oerpaih, ilseema bleak an/ bare-ý- jo ilihbas alunçithe heart, l its enom there; deaih, the rothiess reaper, comeà teak smre kindred lie, 'in ils cods throws round the heart, it writhes in qgony. where--at auch a lime--O man, salit thy bôated. power 1 andi &inka 10 nothiognes 'seo as smre blasteti fiower. t wouldat thon coneolation finit 1 'ý«ouldât calm thy aorrows ailt n lesasn to love, andi trust ias Hiro Whbeeda the sparrow's lijL Frost Lhe FLeg Q/Dour Ch~i. TE£ YINAL TE1IOW~ THE GAMESTER'S PERIL. bûi 'téold wi»teîlâ night, tnàny yeatls Wgô, *hen the faindt i Cockford main- Uié @eïy hehrtÃ"ôf Loidos1 a little scene -,wM 'eiating iai a private dwelling Al éqnt street whieh offers Il lod for ireflettion " to thc*e Wvho wve d ispused tu b'le *ise in t ýaeôu. A noble looking yofirn "na, liù the hi'het state ofexciteabenl, was Meng hie owls dtwing-roorn, in a fit of the ~veiiest paso-lilaboriasg under some ffightfui tnentiti distressu. The qjlattment; wias eJegeutdy turui'shei, and there seemed to lie a sho%% 'of luxty in ils v'aried ssnà stsetb appointients." 'No 1' he said, 1 it ie flot tou late-ai' eý in nt yet gone tThe hÃ"ï.iie, the furni- ýYtUe5 the homses, the plate,alI the piSron-q i èt'î, ILIs1 rautly enýolgh, boo t< atlernote' --bit ltete in no otiief relsoulred -1 1unit risk it! iL' t f Ibswd me, %vith thse certainty of 1 r.. il il lie lias swaiiow- ed ail--ai> sa -- '!:Il 'Fortune xv1îÀ n1'. 110ublw. Thë * a~kle goddess rî.be aittas evet COY,1 'sUrely. 1 thaiï iitn 1 kaso%'v I shmalh _vin-l feel lt_-cfret 1 1 bhail re-1 bieIvO My now shat1ýi 1, rîiued furune. ish.dli jetrieve rny iaow shaaiteredrsiaed fortune. I shalh returul to Eloise with a ligLt heart, recuvered mnuîs, and mgai- 'h! she cornes.'l A luvely womatienteredtlisedrawing- cSem ut tbis moment; but sile was pale1 48 ttbe watee-iily, and evideastly distres- 'Â1fted yeiid the geatie wife, in lier tedrè -accents, ' amn weary with watchingforymsw. Yon did not retrn r'lent niglit, os yen prornised.' t Noei, ne;I wu,*etaain! Tisissn TIi. d wif ga e npieur yié oths1 loelyn p il once uue and O, ham lavemestiydidshehin sfdaTbat 'Wbopy honm Eilise-.-Vgo ouai trnge lfar 1ia islmsrbe eo vr )taes.o wlinz easitd bis a1ocaarse deateu g audcuini, t-Ig, kROW O-l s h waid h ormie beadsehur. Te o a .loit -of-band8 wilh, agi-be .at -Blow~ devil Eonde d Wana h 1h0ws ther onl Aiv Elsie,' ha straged infhuaid am~il br de it , plar b is u W~lhtf«vmd Bech imy ftunase wnrues M<ayetventure- InalSM.! 1 tll lt t i 1 TISE LEGis"ATURE, or )OtsAlàTHSS tiagaliip, Capt. Il weI as lowered FuGiTiAic SLAE Av .Th OiiL- o qia i lattei-boat ihbi s e isialure, 1on the o2nd of FbmI fryipas- aani e weiilr luh gtidtî, Nblmuii otk-ý àcd tu acat'1 ecuriug tise bénel f f a- à ihg oter the e'inéway, brieci oât; 1Ho beak cobrpus,' màkes it bthe dittîof ethIle'. tei rlsbve yod gol Tas-.The, i0m Attorney Generai efthtiseStabeà-dt; d l aIw va, " TiseY ire mobt ofr; Ë-liirèsm presechîiug ateoruéYâ_fJ.et' bc ounies, tei thiife.buoy ort'pao q f lier ftigates." prutedî and defesad cli persoasa f'ltrested lb t rnes -0son on the Valigssardà?a cq* tus Fligtire s~'s adomk u i.ldtbui gauant bbref il unce à d wrIt'of lkabeas' corpus, snob courts or, tô 1)Iusison, a wcouùtine to Egy tcp jîadga% ismediabe apîa!icataon luspecifi- fident:t bai aoiv ho ebcÂ4 ý1d dti"e.i cd dôonit aud -jndgeîibgran t' lerit, lcIa ena uai ctho.Aý anid; impsa ilS letulsa, te grant a triai by fIitas a birtCumanc sàeeiniiigiy"tfilfan'ii jury, bu cii qîaeti]orîi t c i lstie 1er;-las lîself, bîmt which tie qbibkibrèeîtiîtu tucéën bbe1sciies, 1aiývd&i cithèt sartIy eitn[. tlmlioweil feîlt. tob . of suach uake aipplicatidu f ua ch Ijiai'. If ilite! a*aîiiet, isas nsWiday 'inntsuhl veÃŽdiet of a jtly thifs cailed. shah lbu is . d bd iasg Lord 1Ntýuiui 1tu ry Egtptr favor of the u IIscliunetiai a:fuotlve niantad %v hicis 1 i lu vctù tes Ii ~usôglo- slave le tint!Ibe fotlwith restuîrcd lu riotianad su inotas.>elsiesU it is et; i~0~ and the bI èaîumbknI shah 'f a.Jatvai O6fficer dring tt. 'UIWot ngfiirt daim cuunekthiip in: tue -slave, Wer. withiu limaI uate, hle Shah bu dccmnèd - giihty of a felouýy, tld-iàdoii oli'nýton * ta",INAî Ihereot, sheul ho imliiblmed iii th ele ei itentiary fur aot more titan five; aur le st The CàbôÜr' Star ina âpeald1i of tlsuua tu years. te *roiin buiess iirimpel 'd'i 0> Tiselicelise lMiv 'ciOlmi bcia tie prenisinbas cîmblerises dealing lu inloxiutummr l- 8. gtpoas5f qt at lour 1 quota, lins been entirely cabroàated by :"TIc .Buket'sahopa Iock'dulli iptâ. ise State Coa'sbiîutiumsal Cohireniion, of tîleir.ouary aamaase m -u%,s icI îaassed thme foilowian-sg ecti' 10t say tsoîugh ibaf-ermbb hey ,~rýD- 6No lilcoase for traffic inu intcxicatifig fcctiy scel-tred. ,-The Chanpdierasb liqaurs shah lhereffter be grausîed i is îlsilmuest be-comfesetl hâve a gibomny,àm-. Site, bratuhc generni csseinbly maly by isarunce-, cansed n»b deaibit y.ijse apa- leur pruvide againsî evils restaîîaug proaching-sbort niglils iThé M1~~apà tim'erefrun.' cerne ont like Ã"ricksand ovidehtly tlmie, Tue vute sîoodI yens 57, nys 38. thse count y la nover ie a ho eat mare « an eicn i ithil t nvi faaiqmawinvi word, lbe qîicklv d oit ~umsbis wife's neck. tise gliteriug 'diamurid icckoî, whlcis-encuaed bis rnoter's miniature. A wiid, màst,- den!saing sbriek wejt up frons tle lunga of Eloise, as sho saur that preclous imomeuto of Use 4'Ioved and lost,---beînotlser's ift, and fat prebntenî-îbuu rutliîleaatoras frem lier possession. JDçarer than lier Oua file- alie !alued Ibis,. and she,111e sans- Pecled that Alfred wouid bu dreivea to thts ezîrethe. ,"O, Alflied! Hnlsband !-do net robi use oft Ilat cberisbed gift t' cried tho wife., 1 Dolot et ubthal treasure t- Alied-oneaorent' But hobadgosse! Like amadman, àl frauliaS maniac. as ho urus for the mo- ment, hé daslied aioug the pavement. clnîcbin- tho diamoud locket cioseiy in bis gripe; hudi laaing the lest cf bis way to the gsùinig-bonuse, ubere, with- iu bbc Càix biiônlim puaIt, lie batdbeen fleced cf bib entirte furtune. As le icft lisedloer of bis bouse, an old mnan cutcredil R Hatas iubinsae iu tise famiiy, evidéar'tly,-for le fiiuud hbs svy ut once lu the drauing-ruomn unaatnouuu.ed. Ah te trangcr eutered, Eloise louked Cp, aand extlainsed: 'PFatser, fathiel? Have yuta yen secu &"-bis! duat#iiîc-be calas. This drâma la uebi îigh ovrer. 1 haw e acc hlm; lale sanis way tu tise demn uhere hc lias sacrifiued su au sataanud ivîere, ts-nigia1I an catisfied,lie wiil muke lis lest visit , 'Wittnuayoù, dear father Il SYoî slaali teec aimu, datagiter. Ai- fred ah amuI de1sreted; fi,@ is yotang, taex- îscraeccd, irns)tisivc, reckicîs, ad is- discreet. Cier al)s --ailtîvdl end riglit- iy, I trust. He wii play to-niglal des- iseratel y, I do not doub-if hiecasa com- asatid bthe mentis.' ýElise quickiy iifurrncd ber parent tisaI le bcd ixmessédliiaself of lier muther's miniuîre, ubicla ho kncu %vus set iu a aocket of briliats-and, po -tUads. .Vise father esastw e---. e dangtagerPt'anad lastily de1arlcd, iu a ftate of great exciîuseast. i4if ais heur af erwatds, Alfred niiglil ifflre bee een a t the side ufthîe rota- ietîe;-tabie, mt ulaicis bis cld acqiaini- ange presidd--tlc mavWho liad strip- pcd im of bià pctriaimosmy, eiltia tise ptevieut bal year. As tIc bailua tîroîvu. Aifred îvatlied it a moment, asd tleh mpmiied forthmthe uc uket. k This fur fifty puilda,> raid tise yoatb, pteeniug tUsa jeuelied miniature. 4'My Gud ' extlttiired tle bunker.-- 'llcw muéh i dti u u ay-r.uhtt du yen vaiuiaiai.Sptatk! t> cI urager filty pouud§,bilpn bthe cnque, aud effet thit la pledge,' said the yoath, 4'Cinque wuil à~ aiid teébunker. c'Again, thets--- and douîble!t' adtiet Alfred. Aglsin lhIo wb, fnd tinhlimalae tîrned upots hlm;ilie 1ust---tigmii idd anain ! 0The locketliaytupl thé iabIeé.-tbb bunkler bad aIrcady urua àt hree-fonrth'a isterest ira it, aundiit as Alfred>s fluai tIreur. Big dropq o utpjirabien sîuo aper bis paie bruw, unit ugimha ura- gcrcd fifte poiunds---thbb ast--lptb tle ciqu.The bail ureat round tle circle, ils spe urs lcsaeuaed; il halted-and Sttggefiag wildIy tsatkseid; tise yiDîmugilmhbnd dteu trous bisbrenat a pitlbeapped suitcocked t AshIep1laced tle kmtmxie tigainît bis temple, the bunk- er Sprung Up aud qnickiy Cized bis arm uribis a firm glai-as tise weaoaiatitn dischetgeIta IThe bluoalfloulwb fvSlY fron thUe deh!scrabaj yoting gamrblcr'à hiead, upon tlie oid aiaaaî'a hani anad tUe ualucky lnsbaud <cii forteard beavilY tapon the floot t 'Aifred! Alfred!t AtedIt!'houtêtI tbc ban ker, tearfuily, sa th Iboyt taua- bled aI hua feel; 'Âifred-9Y aà«! speak, speak -ToTust, Aus! Tise apeclalora croude& around Uta old man and the 'Youaig garneaber, sud a surgeone is aaanly stammonet.- Belote lhe arrîved,however, Alfredi came te ihmlrnf-ftst le liibeen aluaed aMd grise1 apon ltse akuil oîmiy by tise bifortunateiy, and theimovani provod aauîis, spud knew his faiiing. Hie hâd for a o1asiderabie lime, Scarfe acknow-, arranged wilh Crockford to permit himiù'iedged iimseif vanquished,andjKeIvey to play 'tise bunker,' for the tima bhiast urus deciaredi entitlcd to tie stakes.--, and,disg&uising ,himselfkeliad cotshiwed Kelveywa.- iae a is victory, thâtt r tu bc lbe winaer of Aifred'ê nbbey kastieho ami croýss the field in which the figlit vaisebles,ftar the ptsrpose of sàaing bii letok place, and jîimped the encldstiîe. t at last. - He was nul preputedl for the. ItÙmeàiiaely afterwards lie reeied,com. desouesaeet which traasspired, hoivevet; piaiuèd of his baud, and ivas conveyed L.not- .dreamilsg that the bus6anduf liat ô the Yogansd Gun,,wliere asedicai nid. * cIild liadcorne to bu so deàpêrite. %vas ptocnIred, but lie'dicd ina lwo hotîrs Hie wus forluanate, howeirer, in airek.. afterwaýrds. Ujtn apost mortessexami- ing the peri,,lut tbe lest lisement; lie nabiosi by Mr.H1-191,ssurgeon, il;was found savel bis lite..hle returned bitu ig ib lo- that in the couite of the figlit Kelvey perty---be chidil -lila gentIvi, foi tilé bcd received a t.Iow uptan the temple, bîedhm,jaud Alfred Waï.tadd becaihe by Which,à smal[bloèd vessel lied beèms an altered man, froin Ibat frarrtil igbt. rtuptlredcausiasg hermoçrrhage impos the. H le uas a mseful and uprigbî cilizen lu brain, itad ultimtely congestion -ad afler hie, fur Ithe lesson proved a fright. death. Àn inqtlebtt was bei.d at the Dog foui n tiFNAL IonetW! H raud Gul, before ir. J. Bllackburn, tise fargt h.$ INALTliiJWboroUigh Coruelý, ou Tutesdey, ivisea *A DUELLING ANECDOTE. veitc'Mesagltr setrid aeisftl Sbarfe, wbo bas been coin mitted Two Spauisb officers recentiy met te lu York Cestle for trial al; the assizes.- figlit a duel oulside the gales of Billica, Essgl'îiapeNr. aller the seconsds bcd ftied lu recou&ele thse heiligrereuts. .4-We wish bu fight-. Stssk&TiimitG P1THY-Foîar7 clergymeni tu fighî bo deuti," tliey keplici tlu the a tisrst, Presbyterian, Melhçdist, and represeîiaaloass of thei tocmpanions. Ronman Calhioie, met by sareement tuo t AI bis moutOut a pour feikk. ioukirsg dine ou filis. Souri as Grate sves said,q like the gliost of Rumeu's atilttsecary, the Calboii rose iarîsed with a kuife1 ajsproached the second;i and lu a la- aamd fork, ansd bakisà about -oaa third of anuable veice, hid IlGenstlemeni, m the fish ceanprelieuding the lieed, re- I pour artissa, uitis a large faumiiy, and nioved iltlu lias islate, exclaimiug as lie if yoîa woiiid--. " lIy g.u ai, eutsoldwia. wilh greail seif-satisfactiaa, doa't Irouidie asi asts, iclaed one ofrltse *"Papa estt capt ecdcsmge," the Pope isj ulfilcers, 4& 'ui]'t yblasti ea ay frieuds are the liead outhtie cliaircli. lmanediaely1 guingt l sitlea1h ther t tVaaren amoltie Melisodiat minister aruse, nnd lielp- in a ciarilale humoL" mI Iis ne t isag himseii' 10 abiout une tiird, emlsrs- ainis 1Inasitfor,,, âzid lime mâh - Il'1lam a ciistbe'teii,sented birnbelf, exciaiming, pour carpseater, vihieliidren, uasd l* Fins , corommt epit," the emad cruvuns any iife :s siek ; andiati isabagliaeat i at litoeîvork. The Preshylerian auîv bizute gentlemen a iere aboutitu kili encia tibtisght il was abouat lime foir lim tu other, 1 IboralIàt of amkiug yountbolet ineulovs, uand lukiag lihe retisaluder <af lhe usake tisecoffins."P At lheau îoldh lime flab lu lis Viate, exclair.sed, 1, Is media individuais about tbëummeace the cots- es*tetftas," trulia les bebweeu lte twov bat barst inb a ioîîd fit of laigimer, aimd exîreties. Otur Bulaisl broalmer isnd sinsulaneotahiy lbhrpuing down their nOtliks btlre bina liait auemîsîy plate swords, shouk haudà wîîh each uîîaer aud thé Imospect of il slas dinner, aud aud walked awai'.--eAortkern Mirror. sasatchuîsg iUp tie bowl cf drawaa (uîeit. ed) butter;,lha 4pshed il evrer Iherias al, -- A MRACLICGÈOSlOf IPtI'RTUNi."-,'Ooz ciaiasiasag. luo eC*.o. i erabie poor of bbc pour of Skibbereen1 ivas James Kane, îvlo conlrived tu eke PoLttÙLOTT.-Tiae visitur's lIo het out existence by disîaosiaig of'a leur Woid's Fait wnît sec the foiioîving boues aud oid rugaiand, nb* aud iusbripliou ou thse waiis of' the Crystii bbeu, a haisdfasi of grass pilutked frou asice8 the roadqide. Oan cae occasions, lus lre- "fia ra'schen wirth nicht erlaubt. [Duc. crosmnsofliîvelilmood îtîerîy th l n'ait pus permis de fumer. [rnh carios meas "lon e i.ermeem di fimmare. 1t8lian, ed hlm, aud he was driveai ta tise shel-.1"No es permitido lumar. ' .[hpaniîh:t tercf thewîorkisoase. Tse satie James "Non he peraitido fumar. (Porlugaesee Kano is uoîvou uis iuay 10 Londoan inm 15panEmlî."oSoim loet. compatay ujîls an emimnitsoliciler, l to RAE 0F LUS NAIkI- receive a legacy cf £10,000, adpos LEON.; erty tu the aiuomit of £500 a year. Il Preitident Botàaaisrle's frieasds nre Meid aspusears Inat un uncle uf big made Ibis t.o be nsakiasg a marritige for liai wiia large fortune in busines>s,,L1ondota, tbe infant/t Ameliai, tif Spaiu. The aud ltaI James is bis nexb of kmi and yotng laîdy la seveisteen, pretby, pecon. iteir. Curioiasiy enuuigh, on bise very plidiaed, andl riati. Tise Ptris castres- day haltheimprtan cosminiatîu oident of the N. Y. Commercint is reeclied Skilabercen, Kane unit un bis "1mure iudîincd t helie"e in aise car. way tu Ruscastacry itb a lbcd ou igiC esbuesi cf tise presideatitnlubas laten- back, for îvhicb laceurus le earn a couple isa te marty, freinbbe fact abat in the of pnce-a niller cf great msolmenttuluist feu montbs certain malteras aI aI- iim ut the lime. The. wiîeetis t 5furded round for scandai bave di np. intercsted l u Ibis exraordinary instance 5eri of pod fortune, for an bonester ur beller ___________ dispo4ed irrcature dees not cxist tIen Tise tteeotylw, juko ail the expéniie 'JaimeÏ Kaie.- Cor/t Eamainer. of tbe doctors, scyi tho ' Lysan Nbivà,' wbich j*ntiçatles biat ,lley 1'belipoe ÈtjOQUEN4CE 0F THE BANDS. tàr mùgàlthbbc ot1i, tamiliar :o uivery - ' beçiy; We did unoi kaso tisaItisere was Thie bauds are, by btse very instincts sncb high ântmtblmit$', for the smart Èay- ôt buimanity, raiscd ia prayer ; clasimcd îngs ulîsdl the isdiW ifraiîcrnity eu- la affection ; wrtng in desair; pressed couriler. las the ilditi theaiiper. er Il. du khe forebead wiîen the soul is "Il er- Chronicici4.L e fiud the 1uiiuwiaag sttt- pIexed lu the exîrome ;" drawn inuard muent, wbièl ilà brief auJ friubed: lu invite ; blruat objectively tu repel 'R is diseese uruS exdeutting giet; .théa fingers point la indicate; and tbey yet lasbia dise )le souglist tnul l e s 1ast ànapped lu digain ; the patim lalaid Lord* amùièo tMe pAyician&. And 4A 1 ipoas bie beait as an indicabion of suni- tTWTIBSFTtEa' dimad feeiikmgj aad oh the bru* of the .1ý __________________E 1comi"sion1d las beniediction. , ROMANTIC INCIDENT. Tlae expifeCive eapwiiy of 11h baânda r ss nater biora sttikiugly tlssplayed ÀithéKt aè t jeformitnce lt Ithe i1S4'I limis a ltioliof ts tse eafaiad hetirataIMadiidi where ise Qîseen dlstnbî Theif teaobef stoed ith cioêed *as ptebeasi, a girl uho was one of the .eyes aütl uddfei*ei thé Dit! by tihoetîlorh iminagath, tlarew hetàeIf ut Rer P igna tmade !)y the ftegels wbieh ôbea0bt, Majlh's bMt, aa& h.uirassenternm lber eute a languge foi Use à1aeebleà. private bei, undt imploreitlber cietheas- -t , ie re~groispad moie ttbaa by l tt haiiinbel, tur boauiat bea ou- La, huudred uueti ,who folitmued urithi euethW dcallifor breabbisaOtf tilci;- * revbrent gleatseteetey motion. I twed hase, and va u le eput <ticaWdli jire- a +iasibiîbutaInul an audible wortshp." ~itbà oeebutitn the ntxt dav. Tise ,PougAk;qpàteligrapA. Quecl kti dased îbé paillon leqmurec,aud > 1de/trd Itât oiders îhtsîmid b.rient forth- 1 FATAL PSIiZZ FIGtT.-Obè e3f tlimote With lu ise lMiiller of Wfir ts alay thé' lirastai exihtibuha a rilme ligti lateiy .ee_ ihoof ise e1 ta._ SurPosED INEus OP SIR JOHNFRANE-4 Lix.-An extra pîîblislmed by the Ce- lutuulsu Observer cusainh rander date, -Singnpore, Janý.6, time fuhiewiu,-, "I1 hauve t nlum y power bisià irmoai thlugive yu Inter infotsrcion of.t.hîe searcb ivisicmis i>rosecaaled tth b e tovcryet Sir John Frankinu and bis jairîy, thIeu ever bte Aomitelly itseif ybt puasessed. Rer, Mjesly's sîurveyiuag slip Reraid arrived bere, fruna the Aribisc egioias via the Sansdwich Islaands a amdinesî .50- couits fro-mîlieftntNot.N itI x tisat a îanrty ut w bile mon basdieeien - campedl 300 or 400 miles in!siud, taa tle -Riassiatas lad miade an atteumpl lia stappay blacas sibh provisions aindlneices- ities, but lbab tle natives. îvbo are uIt eanity urili tse Rubsians lied frustra- ted all attempls. "1,Ne commnication coaald bu opened witI the §tpot urbere tlsey were tiaid tu be, asa lutile bribe iuterveued. Front lise Esquaiaux, bleyhlai thIià vague storv vrery àalisfecteriiy con firasei ; witî lte nddiîigtptat lise ulites auJ natives hsiviug 1uarrelcd tle former lad beeu mtrdered. As te bbc pussibility tif tisese tta fîaaifttsbcing Sir Julmu FrâluitaP parly, 1 icaive yo tirit yotîr readeas whio iiave paid attentioni tu tie caste in ail its beariagà tu ilidge; Wisetler tisege 'tin. urere or uclo noi Sir Juili's ccrssiaay. uitie hopes eau atite entertained uof findimg tises alve, es bleir provisions mst laie been cxpesadcd iraue year; aud thir fuel whlici iSnccessary,smnsi bave aitl beap burneit out turo yealis tance.> NOT QUITE GONE. At Wairrington, Eug., a trsidedian'g unie urbu hait been ill for a aimentlie, vas tisoîghb b bhave breathed lier.last, liaviung allbise apratace et a dctîd pet- son,an uoterhugbanit oadered Iser buulie laid eut andt uailmeit. IBut. on toncbhiug her ulîihlot itatcr, urbicis ucgeinsst boiiing-hot-,shb loMe Isolt uprîght ljn ber grave ciothes,'sud pettulaütly 9saipsireit if" c-liey inettnt se sad liern"'-SIcgui fairly offtise coîscl, ordered, the tous bu bc Pitat to ritsý, and ia living te îbisay -ja extieilent lhi WV5UT GRAZT EvzNs a oi TIUVIAL CAUSEWS Ss'Ut.G-Whef Nelson aifter bis firât eaicis lort1h betaay'â leet along the toasats fSYnsa antd Egypt, urusrelurning by bbc Mediuetranet , the fooet lbing ia oxbentied usbe abreast, lat ou-dort te otataianit ti uridel range tof Vleew, the la théLi Soiaftàrfe'9a alsaut- heati tepurtatl*osaiethlf i.oaabng un îthe ursters. This oet l as ")in rasade ouI tue ua iite-btty; *itmthlise ti-tior fiying n itab - Thse Stosftsîire, being lise oluer ihip ofthlhie, tee iiniti- ately ateered t IIwars tiSl, asu iseaspibi- cd tmp, thie namne L'srfre, one of tise frigates kauvu beibe vîthl.eisuetas &-ot, vas find cusrved.upon i','sehe its tuîspearace ahourod it bidl tubLo long ini the volet - In -a- momet OP takes place. The Carpealee sieu3as« boîbappy as urlica bley place Ithipti urbicl have long -boom Ain lheir miWgI eyca, ber. tie cyes of lise piabIie; .$ Giaziers look panefally,,die;lgAOe-.- Tite FumIners -colour Up uritb l. p1uM$1 The Bacnks andîhe other Tiuapa*r inla Eu oimtiun.-t-Tho e nso *'p** hem a a e*W ragi ' iiibisue atîd it la alue bise >alliiug of- bOmMa Th&il mamrsac biu la us WwayS ueIl.jsah;vn-. fluuVery leaves. Tii wviea thc an la âatit egta1roaigh hisou pieeaut the beapcd îsp ibb braisas> houî re'reshiu'gýi, ils- melting u-mI as it guet lengtbuing dowa onibWtihûma* like Iiaked succincts long vtawi ut.9 TIc ladies'are su fond eoft hià di8mb ta tiaey try eerything by Alt/t âan4l1md a/ - wîat an ice m'an!t uhat an, ici slai vlIsâ THE CÂTL'ISA CousiT 1ttte.,a porla lave beis circuiated bhàtailmi6 ut tis aitelieccd biidiqg liad ftht heu; gai esaqtiity, buw>ç'ýn, e finsd Ust thae.céasualby has occîarred fluiit aa sfll patrI of b4u Iroast. Wc îladcrsbahd'lIiS± îlc (3ottumtyCotuncil, him ivl vestiiâted thme mieter, are 'setisùý littise hlLçnt uiose fiul, tuu greUatà4rciîmýibsWfan- -lising tle ururk triasg 2 ianteer, aus cd by thse anxiebytof LbConilsil t >v tihe, building iii snob a sbattbqiaple lita as wund justity, a prochalamit b f' tiseasowly fUu~ied £6aaty oun- 4 Januiairy. We arnto* lifoir4 no blasie ia btmiseqentl.y,ü amy ofthbie lirties côanected - WÃŽ b building, urisichis3istu le aMidkày fiôbïed ia May.-Hlain. GQn ýý intuîmed by a gentlean wbu bis Wç4 ly pasged Ibrougil m»ay.bf lthee W9iii lu tihe ureters sud aoutlSu patkffo Mich' igua,lbit thse wW ig ai bi ln'. favurable 1t hsetl' aad "t tlWarn la generamllooboi u1for'tbe seuu*aII eiayoy ground st hisà expuaisi t hb ftti and thise auy sici/Situdea« ufthîe putI uiabners esiry disappeiîtancebfanoÏv, >l4 atIt owitrkilit...IdqtdSt Nzse Yoal WiluaT CibÏ"T.1.T wbrîat ctop hbas itumd thé otdsm& of ululter uribbout iuouy, sud u in %â4 s.tison %sea avery jiohutiag hàPsa*-; ilue. '* lii yeî soaaevls tu eriu t6 âletak Iîalbey nutu ilà exemtim[5i*liv laùtis, but nu reasuuatàêle Ibeeasumc was unu*îmiiyally kei rmm u.sxd *àMed lasu fail,aud the wiu4i iibem l kvoia. blo. lî lias raeliher boc& aateuhlii ortsctothetod by lb. soure-.Dpflu.* foaeslaal. & -£ A aamlleradverlasea t ime StreetwYillo

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