"nlig par anntim STwelve shâtin >g -lose of thé year. ffed tô thià Off1kd t ilo*ed to per~ SPÈOWLE, Prprieeor.919 WIITBY 41 I 'q in ~a, mI* hiak,»*thlaghum" n iartqt.to-m"rTerence. R W}I TB Y, :CANADA WESTi S A TUTRb .ÀY, APRIL 12, 1851., WMitby Reporter. AériuI: u1tdrkg-Cosdeu ý a IlwiIf belietter ta des1'afii ber ut Preslei;î ntly a I Ilit u f( i~~radMnil the eemetit RladfflWÀf Q m pudcii6 HOPE. despraif..r e t~iui~aetae~dIonce.and in this way reIievç her of ait a uiîtlier,,'aile iiyîtitrsjotiifldii flieencm4,erptadlmyit' hmr oIher tieh an.m e itu %î est. A fiiket pain.' d simd wheeiipg ai-à ehut si' * fCaèli 1«o '&ë4l art of ils* Sfuijî; cfatid by f lese princîîlesoracoM. ll.Ç uti r; aud tben the tbremoat i ing lle f w ter Isirang bîn 'taaID~ <>ià teli to- mantitshl utwsilépit uof my deà lin.. mon, but, fo ber. fatal h umai, ty, I1 tes%- $aw&î'llê'n4 pomîthp benk,and afler teItW I0t f ly. Irflied » I*D î4illf ou e. iwy fpth u 0m îorc teuît,';vrfe 1relcaded. g'izmeg arutitid,- < f ar t~ rtveseed,a1Iý lthruwing my a' tirmthe multiii se Mi oiCs.à ôil i h soite, ad nrentfhing Wi'hi a guiity look and faum feringliai d ry i ~ t od h mfc t rotn bs, ecAk ' btwitb -as t'Io ftl t'werib 'bte iethea brnnoral. rtIse h ueesdfrd Yhn-tejarew ~ ed arli i, soit Mtoltf ofd affiled ovnis Iou%'urds the point i wiîere seay -ehtiiii-tuo ethé w hnclumblerHd" îW r ti1 ,'anma ?Wmrin è'uI'i1mi1r n Wbeîîte t ijwrnI et. *utthe*alwku, filoated. aside, 1. cttd and beatiheir lroud, wingsagaitîstec n~Wti I eihe lstd tout l~1erte iîrwrnf avtt~ exîewdtufld hegne- To n vjoy, see th Ii tire bleedinktuîbou-the other,gonî tore ou fhà on sdeysiýht l i~i vuerto. a boxof mats à - Ie hit ttjfsIdie ,Mad. nltune unteittite, but n bra ee'tuegas e eiibftu utnti oyw. e rtfid béai - A mÇow camne I iooket rmyife FrtneyiIbt6uni n i~~euutil'umi animais ivere quietlyglin fermtdre mu oute! bdy reaht h mry . v'-b hiêýÈéb Lâl:n del, n ooiondwtitc hyttyln osier, beyond-hu iît ;! tu fur beyond for I1ebtînidered i y riflei rd, ns about y<..ftaig.t.:h atst iek L.MY 6tsithl pi5»5ie n~att gh .tstd~fe1$ltf gfl? ri f~lite ratge of My rifle. Tiîey were ftii bu muive forwnrd, whet to nmy nftii-et.a1Wuîmt~cwtdyiie~ rth in the quleksand ; aud doubtie&s by this Wh1itè fatOf, thaf sendil us every rbrnImbrti three. hiindred yurds distant, tplotî a ment Ifuîtid iii iteid. blite eféet. irreeti sweiis oh iares e »dov m a ehiedlte grtanite .forma- lent Whe * ell send us att refief. snxuoth -Vassy siope, withitfeveil Ea und tiniv. uls if nîy .itofs hod la'en w ay ît~ hie vaddge ot in ulefsalzdac lrw plVig n Éage tiî ltoserve riteusa cover. Wîu h Veeu iit nvte!imaie.ai fRî it etris îl te puckca u' oe 'ourçov)ymon Igrdu o g Ihda rowummdusai tabefjlUS, Nvus l Lie dute i <. g m , bott iilltt ieilit'r zhuînglt,aud:grtwied, adtinl îried, ttnd. tempt l rocuver tbenî.'I-beingstnittef l aavsug'h lhwwoufd us posr oa hztcle s-; o frsee@)mluuetliî ieîg toumur tIle otihr; aatier ie'rtmomre ausuup)tu.dvenuef(mli utet.caiuttseratitl with a wvhoiesomtedteadof th~ lc ~t*tr thiuabiglrjyathfcot ii vûr flic different U icli skttown Uittti- Violentt eeuuiyuîtccs(t;Iusickotite- Iidcofd jw il iewer aliîhn-ýbuf t apitiftg gan1th HUope wilt cheer us on sur wat. trseui o îktgteatemî.siimted,1cue ud.hgny lu- iuossglf eijoynueuttthe syit I llatît Mor9,I wrso coti~ii lth6 df owfheiap istsrîing, Sitlild 1ii jutfte iseir cutill? Niutid noce. i fu'ii ock wilha sllusisloul lu e 'Thak qieuIIshhulalb c~s tihe itraiies in the 'Qail f MY 'stood the *h cf fope toja f le iuîtdkrctîeflNo; f ley ý%ntr. Ëunî ti fflicntcd [ endenv snred, qved rîtti.' 1J gés somi relieved cosppffgnosis de voyag.îicig Now te dri ua w eeyfo ofy- kuew Its fosî ue f ricule mvu1it usifios. -Tiss1Ifroîn lue4 nigit if i; rsy eyes lhuit îuttk ,1remced catit t Stà ifiEwbéie 1 ding ove î z o teda1o op' rtcîin- fuel thatllit Short iifervisîs, if ey iirewv euieiv iseom tisliedl, us M nktees %% ruelthte li'vel ut'the lsatk, umnd iooIed m.vas-mat wiflî vtael ou<ki dm l tbbed l'Û19 Glory inuhopes endtetsdaey. npi)licir -racefti ecksand stritek the lrîndybleow tise surfice of flie sand.yi ls joniir' urgre erh Iîuîsinsu 'l yer. îmîîî ueuoss the irnmedi Y- h"Wilhy, Aprif lotit, 185. sward wilILî ltir uibltufis, ioikittg wiidiy î,t<. inflet, no<w Isemu tit ihdifficttty. cotmîdsée, oiil'i hwitle gypstinm wnils Loutt. Wliar 1 yer boots! '« Vie- thO fliltue l uruttd. *6I1have leou uturttuîsve. 1 situti Oil uà N feet agant, winitîcotld 1 dul , i ttintenimitj1ud the-r.ver sdts vuc Iler;liavr va bee a la untin-or'fishiin Il pe, aîvimee,i FRIENDSHIPi SI>clbckt nyiore 'k i.e reid 'tîs ,Iiai is tfast us before. 1 cuilnei- mi ib bcdesletween thunui.-- I answered Iliese questions by relat- LiglifjignIl 111jw of.tue burdesed beart *izeuhink lckitîauv" tromIestioddli , uîd dis- tiser niove ictkuardior forward ; lu the Again4t1 fý«d nMY gaîe uponlte sky. ing my adventre ;'and for thal niglit, MY %work, h a lfathomusuesepait ifitiy if over te "huaus"riglit or tfli ift; taîd Iiecame setulble and wyïh pniyerftit'heurt endcuvoured ut icuat, nsy horse aid salf wera looked and d lpi .But fotian amigel on thse biosk,1 laid corne to tiitis resutb ioa, tîlsen "iut is dtuygî>iug d d el' _c, resigit y*êIDlU goy fate. 111s spîe u uuutieofis1~IUrolhtag' lu mryuausini thee;ail a ut Ce rny !eyé iest(id hputo iu r a usdeîe'TIlen Ileue t rullo- î euiintbt1legr- Slsottd thte rendpr 0r an -vtheW brgb wlhhevet~ih, colord liisse in,,tlii ruirie, also llu' flsntiedfpi ieI amkit t neadfiuadbosu! '->b pyear thea U%>','mPl e ' ororIIoftiest sk* a si ,sumndfi t4 eloîoîf ue * Who abowa bier tace taomottai edc yrsbu'ld iejiltwbe4 muc, ud_ e1ig ou e aîsn e t i ter Mi ritâîcht tl1r tod'-ttta a w lu Frisodabhip's hoty 1ý!".nisoisls were'ieedifig. If. îvs e$ident- Ai -ciil p u bor ror ranru gh rengie. vals tîuibreak ontit uwild puriîsysims ut' fel ier'ýv1to'lns ii Upon Ille Iritk-gf dark depair, yai1u n iesthic t ie11-iii1' Treuewed my eff'orts itli te aergy griel.andýstiotitisig furLbelt, 1madefreSli Isool cure, Wiuheititteface sfie esauidl; Uiîfukarodfiriejîpslt e u'usndesperualioti. 1 bentftbute side,,theaa asýdfrtmiîlcs st ruggtes. .t Andto the victimu tirîtîlking therearruoh. Iniiuerfcase tie very aielter f6téie olter;nImibsl suliiqgmyhnes Qritsg utsq oft lisemompnr it y 41.]~ Oufapreada bercaiger buond; I îtteti, and the gaie wWliilbti)icl- -frkoltiqrs,k t r u 'e-Jý lo-cagiinileiausèig m -~- u luaccents Iew, that aotyfo. iouiiatl o Tb bis awakeniig iar, ilnlsitly tj smsy~~ ieîO'uove Ithesî i iths. iliTe su&tcliin- Shunts. A t albb truck nie: 1 illoliELt~ 1O She lur"sbita ltack-busdeatbwri'ti acf- qmatau u tî--utdI<tbifigy stsd lied alrindv uverlopiied uuy lig see s ileCuurts, Içdie. Jiiurmiaytigs, Towads opes efuipf sisar. iuiicv i luise; sid tiîge flueit m s esktmî boots, wpdging thitaroîumtd siarcd luardtsilis, lid 'made uts kmuwi I wns travelling Nil i alrty cs fR Eiâ jjjaeItor Sweet Friendsbup II let eifiy give o îredn ybhtkl Iyftvd t1ivlgsuus rvain ivy ndeavoured tu tu ecdiutîler"- lie %vonid conte ut ry cersanda gtqrduhf Se1ový, Wato d Tituists t my Goti fr tsi! notifukteelite vaitl. Creeltitig kt»li ont dtauto tiem. fort hi and T euild ft'eIltrail;.l trige Wes osely -fucd, or ficfhe l' t istuicîe a tnio ti i5 i n - in 5. ' aveth Witoutisymita'uwersletlsotie, lie bticcet ssId avit .,iyhoume .1T was sii sitikiig,alo.vlybttstrely,as saî,ft cuctulleaild break tai iglejerk lisibitîuisf uà village wliotailleotl Ina 0,djytteeteretdo n%-e'sfl&a. - witere 1 lied juins, I rai aiéll litaside*ihoitirii sun» -hurrid ionsf ci -wa8 Iclei R u muiler f litglit. quickis fhe forns- review îlis tÉI~é~*'M'lè~iumty;unej Obitecî mpjewe1sfit, I te*tue1u upýus.wî re I _druggitutg me ilttwward. lii-*e, î«fair mtte îsfîglîc and tbriliusg, felewtac tvéu ne, w à l. vieofrçdusdthettee hlt 81 TI ostrug«leonwifreaIe iad u1c "11W a î»sidti ieverv tîssuuglit catised nie -a ie%%, fieehîug rtmuled imî o miy"mii lismlu-- oceaaeisfdjo4iyI Wereir: i i jai ci. ýOn frediiihlis iuil, o aurondc1 Icried elotid fier leiii. ttoie-..e plani. IlotI nul a moment tu ve %Vere dining stu asfrafîge gesura5, i ,tissa TU PE IUNS o ifu'ystrltris0i 1futtnd rmyseif oute To whohli Titere was nu one williiui aîutucîl is execttion. 1 rast4 taiînd xsalkiîg' un exfravagant noise. te w. POT BRNS ~ ~ l5 anik tl* a bro4 ar:oyu,'wlioso %vats, ,ii ;nnlvn.Ys lcmegîn .uc ufi tgis stlndcizlaingendeusvoreci ta leaifi lis ncan- &Ij e m oetn erdnefrinitise isi-Moo1Mero i uoo ' A lutid neigitlngwa ree isad ul '4 tin eBîtmtrecinaosg itehappi y : bdu' _it gjam.Tehniinaigm ~e~uir. %,ln sy fnswer-u neigh out'racqgmiilipti f10, tand we fieti ovdered.the P iwIi4tî a Go is o i it fcti nihpi vere luov, nu,>vtetr lrefeét ubovo fili e- t fitrWutltt.s %iccîllnq uiy'eous-thï. f îbtikProbe Mos at o ro1 'liefeiuWho qî isut.tdnoto-ud aiiitsewib ie -evsillsoi tlieseteti. Hiea-tere a-, a lprenied fligers co.tt,aiiii'tcd turiimtg1 i Isfuaifëd riitfus-ivndiutg hsuu'. -For On lois hein- lma rernoyed ta ÉAit * The 1wooîlsmd in bis mrnrfut houri îiiîii'duit lsrrin lovt uiif mi tsfrontI itîd iutyoitt'l tt uriumeletntbwssieieuîl smo'isunefrmî sî fnw so bara * TbpgokJfncb len tus alirih )theSn.. oldhr t4-i lesimmn i 1 a intcýiya-Mml sa er The îruss, a spendubifioetlhi pom-ers, iasise i[cilereltl4e lie neleand- coin-srface, unîd flic ittie liiuuiiutî I '1n tulluient, i1usd itiiemcanlie l iwsîtud ohfie ns rtuiiai udiîe Eersftuiuig teavnan cîrh. iicittd adîtewar. AsI ~ to eu scise letffiiied as qutickly9i uSfiid .l'lise taicing hsuif; it first, ruiia an.ud %ere inscrned,, liut tibis feil~uùl ia t ý he "Ihs swau le majestyamd r»us, îaued, I souts rtebhsd a Iu'n<l, wlsere te ibecs) ortied. rt-.gloit, as 4'ta uteed cu, t " und îreteitdedtlube.adevofee,hb4a çnuili l -Bateisteaadaft;sremotserintiginiil ltheeé eCA louuglit rttciirdtu nie. "1I t'it tt'nritig fu gelte, fleur a iglu, uway fromtlise eflecla u t' uliua, sîtriot hift1sN eau t uoacsuld ieh@sthmct.e rdc rtt ie rock.udplacne my rifleiliweer nmv tiiiii, îiour- aud t iuiimalter Ifliat i1ilieiuing ttislied bv out paluiquin beares, w$ Coal4îikaiuisastiuitiif. ' tneese~ re.gutiar îv'io îwera utoflu oet'ul Vfeurit The itsnet inii Àmpfticiy. s î v otitg nn t ise rigit Iaul catis- izniii-it eiutçusdieneI ratiîs.îruu Iue ù a * --* Ite 50's'wÃ"1ctIne a le eneressisdu'e tiuîullit lit Iere I sfo1ujud anîd 1lîsokeui nroutad tut heut(eujct. 1 tond s-gallupi. NeureÃŽ nuisc)arýd, né- î>coîibe. Eurmruthn fta buiic ws a- uuked cuatitiou#y over t =Te Lut l.'fi tîfted it su tssy tiraItciff astes pet fret. uscît rsiluidmenrtar, gaîluît 1;elauîghcd ut tIbis aueca'tjt, but joli- Allen ailimy Thenibfigae ttoe.e-uîsfies iiodîtpiiroiiciucd witsin fifilt'î T tscyssd nsy rends ; iliîad diap1- turmlle l)lttiuleui <u)it i C 4nktot; elie erlamnutationis were isetrd, autd u itrth, yards oft' rraiyoïes biit ley ut icust %%cru e d Ilie Isl J st~ Itttietiei uicsaugé %vus bttuugýlst Ilio tià lise maon a a0 iergteun'sý CAUHT N AQUIKSAD 1)¶ above niyuusitlioti. Tiytdee Theiext 1)thog il 1usIlii owNV yiiu c-:'*I ut - jh îedad mîvuttitsd un a.u'aui,, g' * (Yes lie ahla Uiuer4j Mgaine st iqtielly cruojbitsig tie-,ruseadtîonce utdylat.asdnutîus l'y conssatitexeltti %vauîs eilder apM &.uts luary u-man y gioteaiîiulm jidtséuui. îc oie - Iro th uln n'rt Magazine lems(iig lt u ack 1I :rtbeiccdd I>preveust imyseif front sisukimustdeepr'l' ii, i dê' unrtili ul'vititlts1nii4s çstiiu'd fîrue~yosîs. spjiter kWeba culre lie oent S t' ireamt. It wu4,dtifit 'uuidiig.'isZ'tî; Iflue 4tiri'teet iewfrwu ue ur'tgomc tll!5e Il beedlise ueey aere ir~'fscak Th te f h wt f» t( isli U»donce ces, uIof re 'Ut e tesisu;ad vilbieaieettuiut ed uftise airoy» îvaasot und yiedittç e, et dt-,c,al)ove lî tt le ts -f li eÉ'aeeî akeS, and un occa-,ional sage CoC-dI tii vul lstcuthrsuîloi :f îytiet dis-thuui4ýs1i» lîîld- s Wo F èpuvinco 9e ncid as flic berrry il-bosu uielu lie feeds cuîui cltsi juuaiu igu u-et! ai once I1I1,troveil dot lby Tuednuitg silosu-y isait d-- . a 4fw f th-il !1, t a nuima tvs le aen.Wet tîrb lise gaie. After a wcary drîîg ut'forsenres and ru'saing iuiv an almlaius iiitigîsuý#sIur,< Prusea~ mdtw qrig~ x adaencoiînteredities t' uiBffalt, a~~ ueaiittsre laas cmeluat t.tîe lfomtlOtisermstifsraîtsit Ntstvfor te firut. ' 'oek1iaig %%In- itsuuuied luy tIse tutiy jtu ewts1o yu4w - 'tenisisa[)UNaIf luit greW Su itary <t15UIM V Jace atdtihtttidtltSuiUd 1 rose uguuti wsird, lue iarceived jeus bunsd' ouil- snoucceîi éd. Tîere cartaà iuly soi- ai&the e'Jil iied nI îefen re itomîgh atdlte luju(el'lie batiik. I muti Le iij sait'lukuitwil w r. Tluis uiciope'dat tsv ievtt îdsrl mgietv 0v8ll iu et ie uttc ~fbes firingy, und tuking ouf tuelgt utie oig e ttiiiand f4iti cttiee 5Yt~lal iri; Vc tdtuus ttttietiiulel i ,ragutlt ts hua tiin n i le cuuild have raceived glsieles Uspop u thuirrb. ive iît lthe renmiuder o ai i.- i Ifillbrtgu.v« il fu flue evei nseauffrltIo îile; ua sfrasge stuu- anîd carne tuwutds ie. hyfihe Ihaudling,nand he ahaurditv tof aieqatd sa cateass tu tise wult et. - Wtte egaiuu l sluwly rutsse.d eityseliiud luskcd isjezed t; tuy very ftutugmts tvere Thént xbuunseit l i eîd him by the man'* dying ttuunthafse t asid to ail d Irepent uot ur gentuosity as ve tltibrnî ielsyso u rauia.I~ y.IkitsaII9a 1om19riee. tiboa, udded lta nîy persoajexpue- hiâa ptèt i urther -b f ie eser. N~e %vu i lossIi the hsjuif, undl i iltIe nad; Cotr a mssment IJ"as issu! Tiere vus"nu lime tale. <est. Iw%%as tienSof thair çwe rdé eqptosapr t~v m mredy ounhait' rat ion« ta#tIl t ijerkeýi," itearltiili teLbacl1Tfired. li alet MArai)ustetitai guyiuà ss etuîrmsd : sf iI gtiug rdowtt; mnd, 43? ,tiikît *- was f;cly 5suisf fusme lIaItutsfletwis tny dear sir. eand at I-he huntars raiikttkd diry 6, iar-c tîre <ccl fruanst ILegruitînc, sd tulli1«Madean effort tu roese-gtay litîiud frunttisftu ctugietr'tettuqust isd. u iroear..-lwmit Wit-el:it ym - We euigit, aeelong. bc gudin a lifiea ieau. l(ais pairalysi, us aider fluaI I miofit steut tecliuug uîîî. I CuntuIlle ue riaus uu DsrsgMY braiutrfiTcers le> leave Alle t4 1~la e'utîai fou tsi aii < -Iwuuu aboltltu r 1 - ftw ard asud se- miydeath,wtsichi1 gou'tit ws<erfein. 1i.ltssis.g if.il ioder tresadIeîgi ri u'inweu- fise <suausea Ii ray auan.agffleiet, 1ac- Iemsoi ,R4ýj - - cura MY îrizewlenu IýjIjoiid île.duc, i&eaian. I stuod eje'd;usy yeslind cd à il&a a tisgli. flmraskno*. 1 tisitloute- qtudtee ieuulvsltiIha eu-nN*uo iu.ad uof bousindiglaw 'as 1 xitadled, tuk te tilt. itie Ievl,atidre*ted imt- ed theliatuliui cadimikitg i sectre éIi;gutnén rds-uti-weh os As v are ta long.,llrending ontur &îîri e ý asmuuouat 0ecil-h»eer n -îlosshî Iseworwool bsuma, n n ml) u li er- falléinîtuer, ut.d jpreson <ie aStiijlIiieecing victifis oftuey crumA ttttsituyIutysd 1oanyri iao a a i dortnul; s4usl(br eg»gi Haite r.uulliutfuerîu lisitefs eltIav ags t ie tiaun glss. gl's tlopo pajig ap le - our patio. Ha- a- pi~piOgnese ta bis 3oy. .ite eiiy heurt bsai tiolée ent teflic ilt.li'eleltgs'o erp iituer h eect etitiin f ieîaaiig 18.d] dozea rileswareraieelhui befiro asasut mure titan twenly yerds frons antd 1 comid saut haills te»ing, tisaf my bit-tring asd lime girils, tu enabla me. tu ince thse body lad re6etureeiaoijsy ub .&f baad" couttd be drawi,tliatuhy anias1 tise, atsd I caatîd îlaiuly seu iîstat (sîtew»'a aretribttiioe trus nGt. check suid guide ihleati-oil, juscase tfliconIdcustkifforO Isitus, îboigh ube'retucy ae u rsa uk w»mfat ieyotsd.tatge,daaiuingtme-wiîf 0ksa n teuvt n eidt Wthhreau eiettfhott.giste d ttun my'Lady ssuutid bacuma fou wosld Loge exoeeditgyC aae leaves fretbis shilling gamîls. Te naeît. Ait ut once site seemed tu cous u- ned may face lae1icveats smosi iaîit'îuil. '('bey wâuted te #a<siuve bina; baltikld rifls cme ocklu teurresa ~ Joiresd fhe tfaal tutt, and thruwieg 'ircadiusg flivusse igu a(fOmniîuotesut. Ail thisss'hie, thée du mIsbrute seau- ibis I *ouid tout Moelfrt-Weil koat 0r tise Poteisueis ut fh- sudes; wlilefthcur bacçC lerheï.auticiesttsead teringitué ausger watldecuwi U impu a out buve ed tu cuosueb4 hacd1wiu sui s abuutl'as hsaîdmey umielstmkeay rtliprt tley-~ -»Wier wtl-iouesut'diappsiutniai unat eesl, af. li&Ota an isseru- Butinu; itmssuit wslîhung as btigb t-l ias î1letature et litgalud ieluu Iissamed eeincermuîsg bis. destlantd cru- to idigt hao.uh d a tt phsitig p sug inc anuuthîe iiesIud Y of asever, sud fthe blte' cauuuty ut tisa wliicl iwistx.td, for dtrîiiglthe operaition asfic taucls trousble. 1laid iboel Iie~ -'4 ga," ien et vary e1s octllbItAtins. ., Ise<^ *av Iswe ta0 ti' ol wtsluhst lud Igse ualas éOî*-ii "taotejlofus aýd nii sa » rn at Abo t m le uslir o, de son ra qai î -and lrayed t e e'au rien- lIens alterniutd, w tmuelh jl~ - p il4 tee- apuis. ah ditacet»-IaruIt ttogh u<ë; y itulet t s 'at ré!ni" sd tskua'i e tueIsiî itl ilitfitt-uu r-niuloi- if6>,fi ïItII Sti55>ud ort55 .t .ri 'sel;Zfaml spoîgded4mi eurtg autî eiific ot;btlirsraoend.hia aai yar'gadnmwrmlotfth'm sl-4unil ai.se*4frar ey'u salit sel ulaiÃ-heu haie -by'sii, 1SUW jà htà 't e- bady 1Itm] y.Wheatlý ey bagau W eMy' il - -"l by inet.ié,i hii at the gé Ptmy imke i !ag!«out à Mia a g die tti !ainpfjahI à - - - - - - - - - - - -------- --------- Ai