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Whitby Reporter, 12 Apr 1851, p. 2

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mEN we>ùýARE ABOTT U4 Alow ýick &emiory-tofr file adventagea ot ventila- hormis, so thatheweedrodadile dmlntisai bIeE o! no buldiogsabocutriiy * u4, Ioîjité,tO t aslooi; andfas i wiil antail Villîe or no =tlrMralyotne. idn uiling «q e effetuelbOnteiO<édiePO*i5expeadie, 1 siî ta iboshe, gentlemen, whether liat 50 stiddeuly,, tha Mts. Nash ah vte r iral oîd h biliai * el nil, 1caonot retestaf ie . theyaboule! vos, in beeraction onisoleilbuildingstirw oto h igyrn &l TTMN FEPRSFO Ise i i4ia i8 ly pporlait tî ~ a'çm .rereartiaî a al vets -YoliUlon1 It *fwhnts tuyou upoa theàibject ii n àr -lieaerwaoisndndptiedor itas cirrumstaiices May, 10 snyon tte Ifeo t;nw h WIITOY, FOR THE YEAR El *bat il ever yonuÏbnuld chômse te avait, urseveia lirect. For ailorditbary 20 or3D eet lquara scuoot it emind1te DECEMlBER, 3850.,ý cit the vertilatioe,, ynu may bsena poition jo do room, Ibte,- rfontureetfifue'wiilla required,and peri!ous sessr eriethe lises Peuh,63 hbla. ,459.1 0ali*epu wihif yokk bnn itj tb e if tîwn stadies bigla-.about (ourobr fivelteat. The iu, frhm.Fnr, 3,3 ba 0.3. brc,-ii*elrt. fue oybea iybl1ey mmi aitl ebe- 'gliopping their bes peitd çr.oeIlur 357ba » 53 attiing lmra.jarn 4wýoslioiherwise iiicur. guas a MAntor two,at leat, dnder the Lat IIa>r. On frriving at Nusirs -oo.yard, the Wbeat, 10711b'bas. 4.2 Tho eM W il "eébd (and indeW.ed st- B. 'Ot, 546hi.l3.- leoiy one rha% 1 cao in a ltter pruliend îo adve Bi-ok gte liing openthe h oises dashed furOptam, 68436bub&sh. M.~ IJero~ leool-iylî4ilh. tik Deeds & 3Mmoi iais forsale et 'hl' "ffice. drving thebuggy ap.itist-the gate-pubIPtus 84 bush. 2i,.6d., tDlbDeeay-naybuildinig, are- ndtho tbte ndesot.Mi. =u t nohy $ad, 274 b"s. 7& "6d. i asticm arry. off00' ibemkii ntfleqt Rrr Edt O RI telaie TtM E k Panai Duelos. 52 caxai, 10(K 2 off fieafiul air; and 1 bould tloolr, upn a= THF, PORT R. a é 11e h a itas, X24, & d.-1 rdqora ntîes~ aj, Ileci ved asevere4ointtusiou umh, M241 7e 8 limas I~ç t1i.ponsièctuledthn WHfITBY, SATURDAY, Atari 1.-0 M by coniing in contact with the gaie-parn,40 bang à cep4~ rt.ai 6bnecsiesayifor Whar W anke pe as nstaling taat th~ebeaith M$.Nash wunSerely hrriised by le .Jdan.M1..00 321e hWh delngb' ueyo oi o veorus W. lWeo. 5a..1.,Ml;s. ~ ~ hue 00juàc of NMr. Perey is seaediîy impm-rin ng throtvîa aîhlonge tthe 'herses fee.- FiekimsButter, 4200 310s. 3X ftue ronm..- it Would ha imposible for nme' ohs___________Petaittes, 50 btsh. la. 6d. lattar. tb6ët.rmunote tubjeci ofthe sece l lW/e are happy tg say, they lire bolli do- W~o, 59 baies, 10tW. 2F vetualo. ddes sitt Ios uuy h fETING 0F PARLIANENT. i" rarn , Uieu, 153hoSxes 15300 35». 2f a 07aheaàinnatb easaetits iprtne. vll icuimaoiatyldCord Woeul, 120 corda, 7s. C6l. 4à Withmt"i tteafnsahr,1hchn as nd puit taunder prpr tîcttraeat by Dr; 420 packag" sundress, 8& amatikisaI lite, wheéther animai or vegetabie, by The Globe has -been au(Itoized. offi-Cak oa au tEpra 7 O eayo*i utruiy, khan i. doas b>'ils Clrec. àmayuioqfile suppiy otfondl or mal iiment lte- hecially, go state that Pcsrlifillett relTtlvlutfEprt,£10 btud of, ail animal creaion-we ail kiiow tbutno meet FOR THE DESP.,TCH 0F TUIE TOIW>NTo D)OCTORS AND ]lie vcniid 'ehil' bas been seaN and tt'ulVtidl yteaoei ille&e h thattwiiset à ian1bas beau known là t âe wîtboiat BUSIN'ESS, on Tuesdaq the 20t1k 111. PEB.BY'rS CASE. ~ > L loei illese h tend for ise w4aks, anietao bon been k-nown lu a.- hpfot Pr 4htb na livirestt. niirawilliams;air. Aod ltbougbmen ___________ Theiplorom!nPort WhuîOur on an acon and_________________ Tho GloferinortieisignouiiExtra CO«-more thtan quadruple the aisint antrd aqimai c xet la anmteàg nli un antl TUE COUR P TT N.lingtertfygitlien puri ltdynbaihodîrcgtatgolîae-.N Y P TTON n i*tu itfig nelgne of thte principal articles ni export, of ly civeway ruder it.- Bôw much m0rs Ilîco mus, lte con 'aieseetce of Mr. Perry, opologi- Osaw a addobeleaot uaIIt b. atrwei!b>' a coramiinrated ampiee eaeutm'brsd 0cua rfein e Da o îLadMîîsafe tvlu nrudonuber filePnort hicb km>e infioiteiy more iispo ato lu us. se Théclunef Canada cnmple uer. hbuilaIilb. thel»ople of WAitbv ..Villate and Vi-heis ptu seelli n Mrimr or wa lin ound ubroPr ltinas'; è,*'eiie bbliW utio1 oly t- tai dole i an ied- u itsideî au nipo prlgtu clu sie gena16 xera tnapar'n~ litya OrPUE' ocl1 ede-reflection" on îhýir coaduacîon 'hlie.- poRT O !AWA e tbuq çoerlravene, annme usrarbfie dasier casion of tcar recent visa ' onc E aith Xmiatrabuîais. am yafi t gùsun0 dnyEv,tgneM., f thfie l7th ist f . t6 Goery: i t t10M. ierry. STATEMENT OF P TOUE SIE1 db iih f ing out romok, M. fewpiros cn-The OsuÂwA TSAR iuteoded w. sbou dlb. envetnpaed in. It ià hue,, sideriîtg site mosî cfeclul sud sîeedv OWhv o oaat in ese.SHAWî lA DRrels VIE- - - 1 flt h ii eu tht oaîurnl is ail pervading dîna, 9 ehv ' osaetatMsmPlu arl, the air, <and lje W selferi t s B')laan, baby the -pantof' sestring adivision of the Cota Rli n orsn fe tîeslct bhs oc«der * *'g ofdom, nte-acssudrik- yp ad loruîtda frthee oici-tAsek crav1cé6 » =ai:a nr, andlite aracksoaî,,ing such stops with re-ations tIciotet the mediciaý' attendants Pot Barley, larrels - - laa) ses co'f&lofiht seoliewdnt niialion, gard lu the' circulation of lte lritîtetiof Mr. PcrrY aI Whitliy, procceded toimtinal, " - - mAl iha4b té mpenarseihnts'ul dors 1 Ihat 'placeretachung taIii-fL i - - uta' a ~ ~ goe h une uc citumalhne petilini nd the collect.asg of those filg-Iwn -y orft, uites hefure t wei ve, being the boni tbey Wb7iskey, Kivosui niTalin s.' îly4otig-ead iie p.il--ie aates 5fixed ou. Tltey remained luI a quar. /Butter & Lard kogs, - miada tnbraatba....ras'mhliin. in this respectlhe mtay soem lit tu the meeting. tiblo ihjtsen Ieohrpeobis liong. ia luuata *iog-insire pure air, -antI dcx- 1te It lite ntennath uhe Jou, ais Pire tbharehfias, eroie fnt;ui;sdtIkù4tqrt, littecî, nhie, it is hopied that no medic-al gentliemen wtuo îrohabiy-had flope, - - ne bueldor, latre he bagin, abould toieratid ihe lime 11i!i lie, lost by peralsoiii charge otiier ongaugemeu.ts. ThelTrusaa¶u ogen- Shesp Pelta & Regs, bales,- anatanaof Ibeo nt, us 1he sureon dunesablant of Oaa liemen bissdlenongemeula in thë City',~fet iahl, - . 2 suber". Tiaiaaais-ruy dnens...u, ton, sillitie 'of Petitiotta, inteecuring as largea nom-wltuh prveuîd tian> emaiing ee- ns4, ai ê *Lf(oau.xeaa. tli ite r4s s nut er of signaRtrrus sassible. The Ses- gor. Drurins- the visit Massyis. Roipla Oats, u ronu* itiathalt 1 bavqltaken the lihertyotî'ntratd: -%:on Of P8rrinmenl is tov taspota us antd Morrisoen, ira com*yi 'with Dr. Bnrey, « - -, i n g u p n - n v u a nt h e s r e rau s e ab e l nt e y o u s c o m m e n c e a n d i w e m u t a w o r k w i t h r e n e w e d e n : e r r Ç ha e th e w M rv r > r a a S e , l n i e s - - yi>a~~~Jji~~' alelliagetarnd %weil-uaforeucfprci, Ptte, Fujanoaluaay uai deflngboiaas> su~, cîy. ______________ oner, visited M . Peîr, exam î i Cate&Iog(riv) - 40, i"tviO tner ibl',ynu rasoirs :rae boîh Ros (li vama eednttiiasna, the circulatuo niànt imILIAD aevr crfulpiIedptet,/îmii et - - -76 tbIustbbn.ad, ohi feet n f jr per minmute echnedvew air.exba"",W g The ncuxinution of canduulatrts tan vex ntre i i Pniil, in which Ilacre West ladia Staves, - - 23 ffluree3 àngýrr01 ok wa enireagreement. camnianuicated rSbingles.VM., sac *mnayflaealte fét, rs.iheeibu polaceaI %ynga m Stîtîda>' last. The Iheir viewis tO'irs.Perry, «and leftinit JAS. O. GUY~ beieuarlebîtn.ofte collar; foriatslereîhn at tifwns rmny, andti bmîfew, perlisapa the lands of Dr. Pqiry gas uuther Port Oshlaw,, Jana. 24th 185 1. thepolittafu onlai ardwhich sOolteuulbree lbundied,q 1the electors were pro mnctotlsmb, eeay Suris g sneuibesofafmiîy naha Iaa!eretcloess; e have great pleananre in making this PR ALNTN aisi 7w iamut s:rbrlbi e, utyn nrk ai- *ýent. îmao tlt aeot ekexplanation, as it wil correct an>' un-- SHIPPEI> FRON PORT DARLINGTON IN 18 exte xent uaet ath .Whn a t ôt ltheofoutiaedisk polilical usptrnnls. who favorable inmpression wbîch miglit arisa /29113 Isurrels Fleuîr, a 20s £29,1 croua usectinofnI al 7018e fues, alanuli! haten fees: pordunn tisaitIdevrileticontiy like so fiom the Reporter's article, which We 127,880 bilshels Whereî, e 4s 5j os19ag44) l44Oèquisre iinaf.' --Fifiten k l*." Éftawotaid isbhiver alill. mny huitgry wol ves, ere fle e&'r obwserve bas been copied int other t 910 barreIs Oaleala Ils 6d.1 uno,âp 'ý$Ù'w Rt e iota> tht m'- dry-o lte grave of their late iremented ~ounl swl sor. cn4u1io fbus.le. N 00,000 feet Lutmber,--- vaeibaUa, hutaif;nduhpoWW*blalînmakeahe jhing repiu.seuîrreive, Brown, McKenzie, anti ow the facts of te catie are, Drs. ý' 5,980 briahels Potatoes, - auiày $p st~ e tepoeleiia Mr. Case, of Hamiltoncaurie up1tulthe RolpI rend âMoirisoma diti nlorneîon 188 barrels Whiskey, -- 4 lyw ift *éi rî,,a rmi- scratch, aud. were respect iveîv -nomi- tle day nppinted, nor on the secondp15lnsButr -à'unw in.t 185tIerwhPutteru, pro- Aly nated. Mi. MéKinnon, the onîyrui-day, on both of wbich occasions Dis.?1,000 corda wuead, ---- peuoofotlsayilgencwillopélpacanual dent candidate, was-nominàted ant iAl ison, Foot, Lowe, rend Clark, wailed 80 bairella Purk, ---- vkui! un AÀ lcla 'Verbal axplansatioias Irshatifai ail tiài. t ha hppy la a>rd, auil> understaaîd sa. 1 warmly icceived tiyfho people amoug tli afler te stage fîom àle West . s - 239 Ashes, - -- beethnuMîiiâaM1ayloei oludeta rus ny, wltom lais luis lacast; hutithîe rmncom- veti, îhich is alue lahoti in lte nighî, Ms it»bs*spat a hostaucunnet 'Îl. atierad aai tl. i11 M iaaonfce up, 'widmd îosutcouidrlaeex.- mg duwn in loiresits,and Mi. Case beiu reand no Doctois fronum 9t ppae.£8 psuaaaaudtreble, butî M theliarequisita qmaniiuythe lasIto addrosis thte eleetors, few re. h> ae oeeo u hrddy HTYTMEAC NTTT 01 &Utbies,sthae tharadabatlfn nf thetulitiug Te ae oeeoý'ýietidd tu *,p jh:p e, coanpartivbly, easy andàclamap. maineti over Mi. C'a porsonal frienda, but would nol t Wtilt notice of their -T . swit*d tuat mach le fthêteutIaph-bit uni! wbo wse einteiested in a plaster lied arvisoi i etibtheil etftnug The abavettiisle kthsaînof a seaw rac pmrajadaemurdepan, ftetinlaordar te carery ontarvLol1lesn 'OteatnîgTmeac in1 iugsgisba *on 1lui Ibis imple malter ofuath- which lue owns lunlte neighbhootid plyiiat, iofeund lnolime amtuoiffsebhbuhbeau formem amsongst sui au ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ pyiits buteaslé lsss yu iitreewuha ani s nohr Hit a dvaaath cus naou 4Itsaf!etppau lina. Thaseoid. ahinml t.< Ial village,, aund aI the close lhe was de- daey* saobreo oaac h as rbi P144nu ail éorf of odsaaelystn yîle ciy>'. Tisetu havd the coutn- suowwofand itttaibitig peacpest bap ainesaaani! p pfe *ial lhuntg aIc atatobsu itfacle cu. ju a' laei1 bv 1e rtleta fumtuicate Ibeir views to Mes. Peu>', nor peity ta mary vlanowansaily want thern ail J "ca1 ~bauds. Mr. AMcKionmt 15-àigentleman did lte>'leave au>' " fîîther commuai. catie for, aa il nbtaiaa, Ose heart>' <analwish', ai reputalu.u ine youl à'ari work,9 of greul enterprse anti wealib in that . en!aai1iîtempacmîutu & saiyaoa sel, inudorde ai vurcomne ibis ctos ihD.Pry.ti hvdd V u«tn htteTsaeateisiuet OPPDiiteb.O 'lexeut a gond di!.ani der- cotinty. Issu hie village of Dtinvilitltoseil D.Pr>,oridIe itii!Dreeat rnini!in itu philanthropic plana, fIl rmrAmm. they couîlti Dotbe ver>' important, ns»aa iny thr Tmeancoety, Ihat busbeau et m I m s . . o f ~ i a m n e a a a c u u i d l 'a a - a i m e i w s a g r s u t 5 w m l . l e t t e r w u s s e n t .s h o r t l > a ft ie r ta P e t e r l io r o , i s h a i ! i n t h e s e p a r l e . i s m e b e r s u o t l e ft ssmalbYtwu the mutid@ a ul, or witistht loer or fîom wlticblise derives a reniai of £700 tia- ho r.Peryieqiiiingw.eîeîlie>abuseoftenele!Temiiersace Societies, villa0 erowals a~aub do bttr-lae sel aveaayenî. This, if uobing mtore, wutt I.tet aigsga!ia ldehnigi 4IJatwt atcnfafhie, andbeélthy place lim relove reny temîîtaîuon tat a ht ttdWl&nIerYeso c u r aaacoecuet thrasglunet 1uhryscae'toehar bthue olthoaiiuwronec Y hliI5OW aitosea briqt e hW b ~whieb corriupt Mittistry coîîld bold ont tu draîvPryscs unt Aybte*1unîh> etns nwts ted> aano dh, uatheeastaismn iuoedei!apy,etore, Q4<t l ithe away, lbis vote fron te hue inleresîs of iace, tu orknowledg-e, comnuanicated aitli erlalmnntthe cocmna frieni!ahipai! tay t.er-qaa ' heuld y" ailîne an uarer tal ha uftd lteNtetv L bltheir views tb sny f i eiyu paltyu uni! tengthenufile principie ni the fa.l àhi!* - nn - poed ..a Iui nielb, . WuduiO tg.sso -A qnaeteriy psyanîtfonesbilîung and Ibreepei lfzymid*a4,.aawuo*i ara wubuildin o r. George Brown, late of N. aicians b>'letter or olheuwise. A o aeindt rvd ui o a-aaefr Auyeiias uai 0veu-at nrhnlugthe Promotion oai the great cu e-l nalale MW it vi- h hat ta aro u it!fuiYrk. an>' good their vi@4 -e&aeîed5 the>' uight Institute ta circulais conrea mîrmaton aon te i-nauecaa uepart ia>tt A frienti at Caytîgn on the day of as well have loo6ked't atêesiec fpruealtrutu ojcstpatc qu1ilýbe t. thet lofe.chimne', lbut if yonoaen-, nomination, hbaskindi>' furniahed ilsMr. Pu'atrlant h> a ..chafitsI asber in evarreed gifla, otntd 4uttb*ltAvIioaN a eaid curii uaoni> a with the fulowing letter, giving uts the anti wen t with an air ofrlfimorauce dsb> da nailar..- eebapsItýon della fepsm jaae!et .r l eutnoudauer a lie, udatint ae th re touna ibt, dfr ac «aran, *an îniassed particulars of file occasion: lIaI was aaything brut ouiteOns8 or rat- peie a ti!aadtea, muai!the mbaa <ctt 4saihiciupauahe i uhaboehme' uldaa7hArl 81 afcoyt h pe baIrsvilate al bya meaanchd te mea tce n l>'ton ' PORT eDING 14l'15 0 ,20 001 U2210 0 7? 12 4 10100 102150 W076 362100 3 76 577 à50 429 39 » 00 3150 M7 15 0 14o0 GO )i1103 rt we reiage fPortf nt ini Dlar. >0. 084 17P 690 88. A 84 91 161 551 a 544 tu 918 809 208l 500 ,137 tl ha 850. ,113 .576 795 ,25 291 470 150 231 312 160 i15 37 ,75 ' or. M.- euos- 1, il xhes rm stab. urn- ele. eacs la in the son- raras wbla m S- s-e- me rum, se- reai erai îe- ut- 'eut ho lm Fe-I out 1 f ae- me' be- idi e. ut1g Mm wOtb&- s#esaW i u m tr nWmail as> v uitoasi , uarny utsplaitent a meeing Intel' Laid iii Ibis u""a.eu0 i.Iaiue.W ee ha u ~Ml& lmul tm reb.ldot l upj àaida, M. lutnteianao vr,akkothe tiCoMatya&Mtwa o nni' ccmpnDm >'blodste. heaWin meta SYork paicsvihbave Us é lbeintsuauasb.. he'Ltuameiâ làslj~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~yv ai aI.syayauugmhafa - sasspatoy, object of thet eeýting ivas, to mesuori- ~ j bw _ -t innias. e eGoveremeat W casel the rerfae-yAps tiAD &OAccrDETaa-.-On OU Mona ca jsuthma tWi.faia o uhi JApa, 1»taut. iagtsi.. is G rgePon ti Peha..cenuov L en t Age my Hao rs Uen e. ,tilaSttaedaat h ~ cS a a aa .i grn M s.Ns b eni ô o f W hi y, W ha r a o , M r . b & gt in " 1 mW oS àeig dbut i sg I ePsorger hof u.g, e aaatnzW sdsacUesano ila t ce amea,a aaaite th ~r ~ V~a IL wjitaanale wa vissaira. sg, a JaP s rOf giate.0.. O -s a e eas hhasmi pusese, us hau* ru. ai1 Pkait fumd. therusmurucametud s ei fWky t tacusI -'a W hutt 1Jacob P4M u& 088Ioua g O baove p thbu»Mcnestned toap ug at hiai. Oace u teinrm ataemuaa ont vienam.tht kick c5euhp OsaI>' llrg&v Thre wjdm ta ~ ~ n o~sbont iTb lIts ha'h mba m aud a" aoI tht bàae maiq~~4 e th ea "d dlpoyeon basWt d l a CM.. ,mmd d n cutenti>wî bveI5 g agme u=>;bunt yo MIlae a duG gaine tte ousmat lave ra 5Pl timer <ro1M ; ii. idrtyP iimnut »d nm u4,se Sild, sd laaga vsiUIlt i lais prmmSae-IU 'a? kBible v à 11ii .reail>' piseridenceat lIa eiwm!uf the aue, but paeticustaily af the inielligance and! koeige ire ibat Councai. ITi.>, in thu eulri place, must havailtun actonnadale ane thusaud !persans, bot timale ni a hnuse vo-th L£4M -'1Ibart conclutd.i, that theait orniacLco »m emaiaiu ue Casucéil naa,nlamat sehic bhea-ringa hase Ima brraF, or t. ha a litle minrs lihetaliât hai elh inaliosei on bouri! a *iavar on'tIsa rosIofAhica, when-is uhippai!vbalincaills4a fullcarg, If th in nt wbat in etat, ani tht tht>' resu>' sau t Inhare a house ta coartortabl>' hnii! anatheusaipesun, tbea tite conclusinmuasthW, that they maiua te ubaveanmetlirunatsec«hanie. Tha àramai! Roman Cathnlic Caiedral in %Monjre§,jimse" os nucl, octahiyhnliaixithuand ptraoo, eu o cuna imagine, b>' comparimon, the-ase ai a hanse tint wnn ti!acnunodate aiesthotian! persans. à look upon lthat adrertiseoat ailude! to, as a eu. iradiction ia tarmi-the thin-g la impossible, A MECHANIC. - '.For.l1k WAUSg Reportes. ina. EocToa,- As an>' i!lnee Wboae fiugart lch fn write, Adi!a as ho csn bis trihutar>' mils,_ Fou viii permit me la sate, thal l as littîthought i s litended, viten I wroie my former ephstle, thît Jacob Beyan, Jr., wauld hava the tl'y tn aofsp. pose il sets mant~a a & api>" ta hi, $andalinus production, as ile design sita.siespiy'1la <otlcdicf sond refuie bis, base andicaiuuinjuuachargea, ugaiast an estenedieni. If Jacob .1ejun, Ir.,iiad came outt bol>' ram bis ialredmui cf dgrk imnsta. tions, und manfiit>'exposed dte'4fals. andauront-e nua doctrines'1 oft4MilleiSM»,> *bich atesa t& ie. 1 turt bim a munit, seo kanva îbult hat 'oy' -aheet id ad rlilfculeusianratîcls, mi&gfhave got the bel-- i Sentf n>'ju!gumn,aa d iitbael.iats e auch agiant Sut' gý Te dail>' mueh wiih aubjecta m aai!loy, 1 P ro m ir ind lu vea h, ituso i 1 Tisarulie, Mr.. Butor, r vish -tutbave it distbicti1 nailertoni! ynil la.n tMay' concern, tiat i ha 1 ont ha coandc or btWkdrr Intu a new apapte cornuo. reca>' viih an>' mosn ebo hbasdtel ompoaeFIa isecbacrfor iseett>'.,soli>' lsforhe par- a 111s. (as he acknvledqes> of !rvug nq M èYankee quaek'u nui0 the couatry'. Therefore, j Jacob Èquys, Jr., tus, a the lot of anl, n B>' bis otan coni!rct, muatilier atsd o« fait. On Aod whstt~ illiùuentee1i iglal hava been under when 1 penned s u>'toner commaaicatin, 1 taut an, aIita la tme, taer tte itîueacs <t thmsepre-. Lepla, one oai bqalmonlahas le <caut sot jou parits haie. satine, lest thtj tianplaie m, uider Leir beet an! tuen agala aind rend you'.' After kpologiaing for ihus irpassn ehon yose s saecs, Mr. Ediîor, permit me toanhaclle ahay>seif Tour ver>' pbumile servaunt, q CHAS. CLARK. r, ..itlltby Village, 81b Aprif, 1851. --t Fer tMe Iby Reporter.h ' RsaCaa, Ma-ch3lst., 1851.F a.ft EDaTOIRo,-l am axceeding> lai! bhle ba MY honorable uni! woethY firîtai rte S P.,t as nor tikeo anymseriaus baafrounie imagnar' ti r<hI titathereprssentahitasifta ava iaie.1rE hapeno0one vîlil future, besanhasRe asla f-igbt- nhum tbsaugh fass.reports, that searelegislaitiug in R te Council chambar Rmai Part oaiaada>', onhais ai Iportant d9oant. No,air,mna>' haefiend'u rei ocumant in thia Mua icipsit>, latnt la sncb gani 10 ?part as mn canseit ta ha lai! lifarethe' Conocli; le rnat fir the uPace of onie minute. a!supps wua, îheoughaneaccient, la <elt trowa on a R table, wseat Us. in the seorlal .vouldihlie, lue lu 1it theevas nol au y tbang Worth notice, uni b refare, (rom il v. omi!d noii'ahe an>' gond thing. ut as ta the frighî: mentionai! above, it appeac L Rathal ashato eiaabiei!awiliaaomadegreeuficorn. au~ sure, to abie'tht final issue ; an! nase tbat utlu sCa ai, ha can rsu!,inaro. auan! inseaedly diget.- l Àgt la lai! a1 I lahear bina arkosege laiet et cauj sees-alab, anifeels ton, di" fatal uni4ake'lae le "a de. Ala,dieautriepai, i fet asi Icouid tue. VA We th-s,fIthon yul t MM auhidô sot ha led as.ray ya gRien. %&bat t1 vhat lU dhat yau su>'-.'abaing ba nnes and profita of parpemuadlelghelatio '-ci b>', man, if tulWvimes ihus, ailt men seiliknnv Ti ou speahnot titis, for sil in the townsblpkos b u il se have aifes daja mastowand then. arn Co hli glad ta lar ihue say, that mhon viit rtndee uîvenhadianceatah tÎmas. V.cygaod thought, Fi r. Bord. Dn't Iydarùun!S>'abut, butkeap se si luet god promus. ynu have mai- e. Nov if re )a vili, ynum hail julin usinhkandyen amd ve, 1 o, seull bciqcorpoôratei oebra yh svi ta nake ibree; (or union au atreaglt, 4aoela dra. mi ilcei! iaooteaaY'îo hrak. lNse.dear siriî ia Fi it fs yon havaeaîaaled li 'n, u lpathaï:sebat viith to lTOsen Hall andl uathtr halItrpo>'Ment. yan ahkit mutemplo>' molniyt'ime. Fou tbuuh uta "Y iruiy air; and !il Yetu badi etn %Il trutin a a ir document o nirh 22ti4,oa souhi! havelo landi metaetrniiblentincumhsringthca.columus oet Fours huulv, o ROBIERT WELLS. ea TG Me1 Ào £uof a41k ltiiby pRportr. twi 10ouat antIa former uu- atiEyaaut pur or rdesaîpicable effrouatar>, tai! cool impudence, Ott te Webdomfsen equaisi andI neveu excellau l. t T dlean>' apparnt, thai Jacoa Bejan .Jiun., ha! ri@ ne particua larmob' cfian nae, vbhen be penne! aliret article. F ratitafievanta ta beîiug uovu itif yen zeance ai tt«is upan thai 4.daugernus tai id absurdif" doctrine of milleel-n Secondi, tu iy ilign tadabuse thes4 IeadiUgMetdist rniuaaer' tu tae Oshawea c 1ec'uit- 1rhÎcslta let the tvrocd lsw that Jacob llrjaÇ«.eu, asbeau an a active i zeahoua memheu'ofi ih1Medst hrc a ual lerl yan and rthat hi aulne lahBejt oi i.,vibe th pblc t kowthu h l Ppse ii Pd 1 millerium e nad caneoffrloAmd«c.um Valég lue. 1 A» an inatang ofithe 065J j5,t t"i'aaià Lmemnber' nf thirty veara afadig, Iwooldisila the' ree eT- ibut i ! lai gm matp calu upun thé 1 eaoue enUab.y lw dais ap, to efftra di t4tiaatamniat ccii 4 talilti -f paeunn wb 'tlaliy rmai!dtuexpaaunu Wg ialn prentj tndealvoàrail taprud b'ç4 bu tr Wbbaurng the m w t f eu ttrealles u ta nd fau terai! h e Ils -W h t th i n k Y o u re n e i n f u c h a p a t e r un e t aia JO And hese Jaaib Dryaa Jue,; i te fo selli o bjec t, w el l mig lt C h a ulas C e k ~ s vlan is Iis Jacoba Bijan- Jun. t Jnsie-tL6laâ J e lr, eof au i udi iduai leet m ea k We~ ta h. under the diret inlluence orf Bioti, yZQ tite n=l day aaseertun tlaat ha v*i ni>' aasâ, Il . rs Si>'ucml%, he a taug ave bdvi 1rnfaisebo, whan ha anid fie wuas aade w~ 1=8ée u kl j ramadvice eersî,...Bai I.e wIos et bavang vanquiulted the Yankee Daor -if o n u! 'd id -a tta ln jo u r e bola it J c n h , i s a u L v Y e u itpaauetation, and glaeing ,Iileftj 516j thé 6 hoseuat ni!d l deaî miedi' J ico> jet. sebaoepoulsefai!niarigbt nai, aMd a 14w it, to delena hclurch.-Wbsatchurehgboas mean Jacnb 1 The Epascnpa Chuch 1n. Preby eriaav?1 . O 7fie Congre gai Tb*~g. ks ot tracly>, but t1hit h h ucwh 0fni> il Are yosa aae Jacoba, Ihat Ibtere are ca»ah qullcation.saquâsite for rimrbechi e u %&athdiet chqrch I Dnottùposes. cational I trouvnt «--."It qate icead to bharnu1nemt m.s»e ; W* umâpgja- or puppit onian>' body nofumen, or wï n l -i* ra. raie in ultaring hues mlue1anuanfaonl Waiehood, la aoi aS ubjact for a"yciuchse- it? Z ei ai sob ""0 a4~frae. C&Kdmmirira, eetain>' could ot a>oye tha plemtt Mathodiul peotractai ed tà émi *iliage, for Ilat meeting bha, s h naha vao ne thru, tmreka, unid1È kapsett aet ai aorthy memhber of Ibiet> ' yascu- tsadiage uni! nul ' suspend 6hsbusiness' aven In s igh«e . t t aten!"n amu! hig an-uaMt-h uiatb*to 1*1O titat meal fture tmWist canas., la conclusion, Iseonli ay>' tnat if aither JAt*f Xun.. orSeair., (ctiliapaseai loîliacus thedoctrine ofmilleeln, tlrey c»t> haaccognmadatat a e> âme. - JAME8 A... CLARK., Whitby, Aprii 7mbi, 85L. tETIREMENT OF MR. LAF0bN- It is tindeisboond W *1111,anfeirmed juraiers that Mr. 1Lafontaine ira(cnddto retire ftoupulie ic~ltô,allert thý clae of' ýhptesOnt PnrIiannt< Who'is-to bu1 is araccessor, its <the leadesahip cf tbe French Canudiasa tuy end'tLe-AIIoi-ý ie Genernlship £581; 'vWbptber oAsô )erson 'vilil eieafteit aite,. h apt--. ions; und vbat wili lm thae O-st e fli etirement on lte'fouuis 0of - -iiu rties, or tLe interests of th. eountrv, re important aubjects of speetiation rd enqmiirv. Il ia not improbable tbat Ir. Cactier yull asalre 4.0Ithejliticl atiershi pof lte lréem Conadllaîan id Mu. Druammont may airatitire t- une>' Geuaualship;- anti what émomer olit ma>' lie disappointed. Wlsen Mr,- àafoîttautie Las retiredt Iere 'ili jirei- ci' lie foîsat in Lower-Crinada'no musa .Rpabie a4' preventing thte disrq'ption or ýe Cantiirn Party'. The>' are now titi togeher Solel> b>' bis ialiuence. riten ilat is wihtiuwn 1." united 'rench partyx viii lie pomore.-Neither *artier nor Papinteaua eau unite tihcm. 'he former is raher a clever lawyer; ut b>' no meana a man of brilliant ou ruttîanding talents,,-A Portion of îLe .rncit Canadîras 'votait puobal>'con. ýn b follow lins as a leader. Thes niainter would for te mont part jola ie Papineau aIandard.-Mr. Dram, 11nti eaa of course neveu lead the rench. ParIty. Tîs>' are bon national 0foliow r-au Irishun. Unies. ame ew leader arise in the rankaof the Ca- &dirn Party', il would usera hat tLe ucteisbip maîi, wben Làafontain«e is out rthe way, lie dividet liewen Papi* ut rend Cartier. If then, a division cf oe Cunadian part>' le inavitable, what i!11 bte effeion tLe genarni atate SParties?1 One certain affect- wottid 1to desuo> tIret oljectionable omnip- eace of lthe paety Wiih now exista. bat, we hake i, woid lie a step in the ht direction, piovidet the portion cf se Part>' btat fplit off frtom the *Lafon- , e-Cartier aohooi, emitineet deuidet. literai viowut, as it meema reasonable concitide the>' would.1 Brut at present, it is impoiîble l'Oume 1he effeota cf Mr. Lafonalanela re. Wlmrea!Iurh rthe.- an-- i 1-vu

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