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Whitby Reporter, 12 Apr 1851, p. 4

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t 14to~ ýýfPý , 1ah. 4t., -.iVisiOX 0P Tb'V DIS7~T MORROW. Tai for, lins f<moved bis botlssi ýL4& *bat-hotie 4outh otl'NIr.£Iîtl'làÇasue~s towalrl the' pay, and as uno rent maltes a 4j ier ln & ai sau..bi3prepred to gse'geie< *h(îbyth pblc WhtyVitiàp,'Jîà.1I sS5i. STA RTL1NGý prrýpaifmd b pave the Surêqssi %V Clfcw7aOr' d jà; yet detemiup.d te cut 31wihCvx *ùet uh Lswv 1be. y ûbp eutie114do00il*l'Yibey Ibo erest sviII1,etl h.iy Ilis$ue: Woulw 5s.sSr. is numecs Jriencts, Un t. lb. osanamods' pîssttl-hy new c q*aiyô i oods witîll h'rmrv wo k1 nbf uwliy Loiç Privs; sm w.llsware thiai ei(f-iliîeres is tbsq$ ani weagonra ilnwfeli4,lie viii ruakeit.i of noaurcise froni him. btis pp *ls'istfîE t McOQv'5 YOUN<G muîsd ta o ifnîatsa e. ric'bneé, sIrel ils Lrenerat assosi ms w.y Cao purehas. ln NgW CIIEAI' boiS lheprdL Jl1e has n onard ag expral asnnns~irî Air. 'arlou r. aindOCo1ing Stove.. Potas. 1le. (;rîd Irens. Dog lIrons, Door Scrapers, Paient Cie- tern PUMput,àc&e re. T'he'new patec;îelstove f ailled.'on lhe' OLD PRfICPLE OP AKIÇC flhJE- H4TU VERY 7'FICJL and ibelf~iiÉ plteWs aore oa ri- s tnt t ' bthe le icarsnoot iijure Ifbi.. 'jiý *îo0ve i. lb.'one mwbid%, hW Weive tahis, or a.& FarmersII baye Do ~ièIoc * The a"Vnfvale ir poissc* of iakine î) ls ong ,stick of woOd. â nVi lfit. a largre ani <'spýieoss -,- oyen, hoi.lisaz Iwo tiers tof lrel ponr, zsrd hefijiL. flleud t1ýr an cxCeebnt 1,atlnsroven, are fur stape-* NVTl ior lIouany àtove he bas soid !'erelv(ore-, Fi icads! Dnu,'t 1bsay iaewhcire wbsîsuln >C'-111vsncf exarniîîfnaras tIlle Msisi toesarc cIy ntylaI... Vbiliy wfîi'1 fassnsl lit BryýIflf'c $îcve n tlomi, us ht iccrbi rspieiy h;dts of %Whithy, wlietee aoacts ni ai1t ,or1.«ala# ILaîes 1h44' 'lit ifowil Tô humsal pi.C, agi10 buill-b.' litui. lis; n.141I[ Il, eeoswo rl, &c c ur , xflrinlle te: ï 'ner~ î~The, Siaseribe4Aý,s ali' same lime sinesc tisis4IW5~ peurd a ioyc 'hop it Jrîrin'e Ilbll,- < hurp*seîùNezt duor tlu >fr Hl Sid'. e Ibsi iilie i Werë lit, sdsa a 01ors baud a fgrýon'alassorf met tyisîg l..» >r oi-,m e. isrî a gd 0I4J.- oazwilii1b4 MScud9V4X.J B. Dan't pc'tronuse P edksrs, biI't'Fr th ey mii/ce y o u pny profit nd fous. ssid fie fia, of Cci)s.#L 'a, IL d - %* Wlbyafftd Prince Af bertt Ocîober Db, 1830. 2 ied tiLoas II G F1,A i E - HIAT Sr E. lut" L3 The higt>est priçe pi.-in, -anrd Shippia; FuiM.. JACOe BÂSTF Toroato, r..18$ on/uuid. kv 26- ler h.w c'swrfaIIýî1y on ,aiid 'th, ls, m i b i. iUv 1 l1 ebap (os RO BERT OAIITSI*OIIE. 71h, 1850, TEdS!! TEwlS II LAi fi.>. Attornev i 8OLiCII &c. WHITI YVILLJIGE, CA AAWE ST, '.itgive pro pt afesilion Io allUit uusu of ifs, ..Ofe îopp fr ii a rteufcldese l<,f Peter *C A LE TONLY.14D E? IWIIOLESALE AXb ~RE-TAIL UEIEU N~ El 'r~M~o', fllZEPAPEII OF SOLF. VI'PErt, ANI) 6'sh p'dfor Flide* fLand Skiîns. Wkeat. Ouits. Pots dru! Pearl .1hhes. Ivhil)hyY illaze, iîh Jusie, 185(). 8 UVy John I3ako;,j J VCut Side Of .,V(Irlet square., TO ON TO.- NORTIl ii)AEriICAN UOTEL, ~E EtN1ST ("Ë> OJEi cEF. t3- Triiuly Paiters ii a lf endatie antlthe ý,àafsç. i'g en d i a4hei-1.i;a con vëee.la md froui iibas(,e(i~ve Pariojwut>.8 ~ > 12ily WESTERN HOT ]CL. Wfelifteon Street, 7Toronto, ta tbe'Jmmedmale vicillîîy of 11w .JankLs, Ilost. Otlece, aWjd sdihe :Steanîbnat Iandiegs. J. IMUUiP(iyo Fruyrietor. *WIL LI ,AM IJEFFREY, A GEýNr i' F0 i1Ife $CA RBOflO' Pxela accommnaio" 4or ivei1ers. Gooel EXc11e t Sablisig lor lor$ms il *Pc. lodic.'lLitcraturo. T IIE'foliowid" %Iazairvs and Peri.ifirals miiI herzin 0w anUd 11* yifye-byG. Buacý,s ~odey's L;'dly's Book, £0 ls per alnum» &Sarujls sUnion s l15- ,n<c £J111 Grlbam's 51agaziuîe, Il 1 Li'teli's Liviný-, A;e, i1 Gerera 1sk ani riodical Aige D Toiop O, c:ober, 1$. 27 Il ENIt 'IVE B -B Ea Land .%ent, dccountaiit, Cecn- l5eyIcncer and Draughsmaàz, Su ryvur orf'Roudlî ffr the roîullipit or' Wiuiii-ityd ltéeli.'. OFFICE-LOT 21 ,.7TMt CON., WVHlIY. Whilby, O. lber, 18û0. 2 WORKMAN BROTHERS & ;Co IN REACH. ~ prices, Piid pon moderale terms. ~hè50O14'1~'1 ii)Jifl ie T6wÎ,%-sbip of R ZACI. Lot 16 in ,Stb concession, 200 A cr es. id 18" #à9th 11 200-" fi " ~ 5 id3(h 44 200 " id 22 'giI" , i À0 "i lié 2, il.101h - 200 On the fait iieiiiionnpclLot (fyiît wi tomilesill'hbLjUe Vfthruze) 6t) Arreiý d,(wih25arre sowuî %'iîb Fail t'Whs toMesIo, ud3J Ari ' s plitngb.d1 Ciop, 'her e qais.,,Loir t3uiliîr:s , Il. Lot, 4111 a fine streani a«Crogs the .a ilii about E- it-om cleiil- for $Pissr, erpcied 0o1 rinw, OPP$17.kHç.GRAWMAR SCHOQL OJ13,GYVtIYF A GOLO _M1 -E! 0f .N'ew Éork, haveiaro-ve-red a iricke' place tk.r n ty, ià -ràlifi>rnitr, T1Efirpt EîlvoiéFifib KutnIwrbWthéit itew blotily Milinr,é iuwfîurea beod ut Ce . Ur, àüdi l be demiiid rofitiis w irb, ra nn be a i f<ior by thbe- fart ot ia r.enm Jo l dso iye<~pcl~, iàeapfr rata 1han aii eîher periàdcài t .Obuîhed w in hewmid îh *whî.-' nbtilns ' wrri'sy îhkoagfr tic -Ëeroidical pregs leticpre~iëtày. rentRv* 1l~~;Fiiutons for, Autuimn, Ntouf eD§oXJ'0D1301<STORJP Ji 1~.Back numbor.ýý*pplipiesavy (juan- fity ~B. bSGRO VE, Cen-rJ oo&a'âd Peritdical..Agent Toronto, Octobei, 1850. 2 11aluqihStork tof B OIS iuîîd' Slwoi B3ROW!) & CIIILDS fiAU rece.ivuèd-iheir Spritic S:o'rc of Boat: ansh(Sbogrrom i heir amasutiractory at Mo:.. ra.ndwill @cili ati irssal low .use. B.&C. ..mj'lny six hi.sd.iled aerntiV'es. an.' rrdz.frm50t)- In 100J plirs fiilv. Thoi' nirpseof t sî<k hsha,;bcn maide iihh aprcl réemli In thp want af t.;anpda Wý i. indt%:il compensai. 7nlividuials r (fiieis f4endnra,.r'T'lsar By sardin; the reqxirdIeni, a lit nill he guai. inte.ad' MNercbanfs whn hav,0 not patroniseitb héo1)%, '.slaWiuslmenî shoifuid tof.' riolime, aï iliy càn t» 'girilsiab'J or on.> hrlf is. ,nçt ni' enry prrodue- 'ton. 4n ni#iireato isabe fui 4ure repaired-wit/tout N.~~~~~~M K.BoxkCλt $ ing s&reeî, nearly opposite the EnLvruh iChtiri.h. C> 1 1:1M CASH PA.ID FOR LEATIHER. CI Toronto, 'May 1, 1850. 5-y M R,.-W OOf0l&<îý .jM~ Fi 'ehli LJyatrClCiierriI,; roretieà& O) 211 kiiids, T:siware, , love Pi;'eu, Coni'ecioandry, ul'id, 'êujcsnce D)riinks, &C, &C, &c, ut reu-L W. K. FORSYTIL. Whiîby, ViI1a4e; Nov. 4th, 1850. 30 1 'E 1teI! $UBxGIroN » iUVcTIST,' Duirinz theyear- 185l'. M. IRIN interads the stand,.a 41iliz, aIt te WA VEILy LIOUSIi 3E rnîI, walfer tige t ms the tirst MONUAV of eiich-,ninos,î, ai, r.. For (sart] rrsinssz (roissom alett:ele iaek. onthie pren Ili 1 by, Der, 27,'l85t). 3-f Wbithy, Fo r S-sic. -Cos -SAW 'MIJLL, with 14 Acrps of 'Litoit, on fice searoil ot No. q, in the 81bihvejî mi, Dilffi's iCreek,fltrirmoM t dubl t Mraniil , lthé flethe AWti nfi<hîas;d day. Ihà is asffouiidcd wisatsOdaWcdfPille tnTsber. *Au*24 lAhio-50 Acres ni LAND. i h a tartre Frime g L Lfsse andcf arr,,orLot'No. 9,ufile (orit -ofureDîh I9GI cdi t hemamre Towrilbijp. Thea.we prop.s:ly GE illt be sol.i togeubcr or separafely fln suit I;iarçhab- rs. Fox fiariber pas licutals apfy Io tihe ploplfc- 'or on the. preuîses. *BK1TIS11 -AMOS VY ickerin.g, Der. 4, 1&0. 3-f 18,XKn Ne] JA 1ý 1 ES Il R1E lisit î i Toroeto vedt a ssspply oC ANN'UALS, andolberFo,OOý oono 411 Elvganrl Biusatiiedg, bmssii;îletcfor ý ÜRIST;4S--& PEWY-CARs 0JWGITS K. M' ;Wîî>Village, IJee. 121h. 1850. 5-tf idvrntts oi 'îiuut t ofANIuC le IHtE.SS;t).criber is prepared ln maki _ AIWVAN cI,*S INCASuIIof)POT ANDi>CALI (trARýL ASfE cl)gi oiîfiel to Monitre;si.t PROEr ilt, a!~LAWDE11. EN RW lt1asur wter,- JARRIAGE ANID LIGET BUGGY-Ilo s r- aeî t ylC.' Pir a sa~tityini! j'I!EL.Stt)SC;1xr bas coîastan il>.'(il,clactOr Iîand,ad continues tu M9ufrînrC- wiil utaà WhiLby, For a comrnodi wetkno, tei Wb icil yor si 'i;r S 1830. s*' Bo j. vto Northt -1' s -'s RE, jjq 7,E£ TII ýpf.i *a

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