ýUjBLISHED ki shiy ingselage.i Ot/La; Tioelve shillin&g J-,teclose of t/hé"'ear. ýlressed to tis Office A.gents fur the Reporter J. S. SP1IOWLE, Propriet or. H--E. WIZZTBY REPORTER. x am a man, and think aothint human ln&MRr.at la O F EY ERY DESCRPTlbN NEATLY EXELUTBLJ AT' ISUPC ON THE LOWESf tÉIIS. Plirihiela, Posting Bils, Iantl-B3llSi Bîl Het 4adings, Sttehm-Boat,BiIjâj "'ÈilisofÈLadingi Stage BilleIýe N~otes uof lnd, Lataluigik, tiê4' ~other kinds et Printing dupe with is-- ~patch. WH-ITBY,z C.ANADA WEST, SA TJRDAY, APRIL NO. I. 19, 1.851. te Wiilby Reiorler. lie %xar diggîîî' nsmy grave, war distres- il, yiiîll lsold ont, 111! ride tui the next 'd ber in nonbridai robe, sin !'statiuon any huo, let Ihat be wlîere ii go wreath she'd o'eaî 'Conse 0ou ye helleri' nid lienihin, stili! A gem or jewel bri;!il, sa id 1 ; and dout't he n stand i i1ia' r uer ~ SolT jist drap1tc'dl abuard hiim agin, as the uld Deacun saýsu' thse decvi,' yvr and louked itlufr lu te %%vlsut1 i ad gaimi- 'of spettoas innocence, nut comiely lu)1iobk on.' - d ini changing cjîînaers; and, gentie- y dec k soute happier bride~ This kind o' reaclied hiis undersana- mets, I'a a liar, if thar warnst nigts gmî may glisten in her bair, flotla ineihecnein'a, and mrade h asi more wishous; ftr lie hiall a lîtshel of the stinging varniîts tioufid a littie like, end made a drive. renily lu pitlh mbt ie wshen fthe wrdc tihnover on a faire!. bmw, Ansd as 1 don't like lu slaiid in aitho.* go' rvar gin ida'ny wreatb entine: lsy's wav, I gin Iim pienty selt,,rtuu ! Welli,1 reckon lliey got it, for ailj o woe arob etinaceiçoSu he kind ' passait by nme and yonie iands started lbr',tr cumîPlnny! Soutse - eo ur tan arlîe.ont on V'oilier side; and, as the Cabitain un 'Cul lait hIle dugi,, abiout a quarti jý*gtbougb a fair and lovely girl- uf the Mud-Swamp Rangers %vouid say, stoick nie, and thie rest cliargoit un oid jAFar irom ahappy one; 'bout face for 'isulher charge.' brindie. îey le iil requiteitJove, iThtutîi 1Ivar roady for 'im ibis lime 'This tint thie dogs led off ftis!,dead okjw Hr liii was thus utidone. hie cumie -migliîy nigh junaninl' fui ' beul for te oid deîîcîî's, oaît as soon ~zAnd -ow tbey dck ber fr a bride, me!1 Su I mode tip my nind te next as oid brindie and 1 couid geltatiderp Butina no robe Pt whie; tintie ho entt tie would'ut be aloîte. way, rve folluied ! Anîd as 1 rvar oniy ~ Por ber biow is wreatb'd witb sadness, Su xw'let lie 1assed, 1 grappleit bis tau, a dock passe ilire ro itsd lied îîolling to,dlo V~~ Sb'u orrwfu loiiibt ant lie 1'îaINion ortth te ' sil' amnI %viîli steeri lte cruft, 1 silîîre ifl lied. ,4( lier sweetizlear vire ararce faller'd, tas soon as we wvar boih aluali of thic batik, rr si fi ave runta t clianiiel, 1No lear waa ln eieye; oIt britîdie 8o1'tolib' ndit reabout coin- aavii t ~. Wben she pledg'd ber ISniet rols te ina; in' roudaia hn1bgnpl' '-1-ndii lelg okIi tX She tever breal'd a sigh. onisiay ii Z>sIbeis îll l'o- B, idand sit îzîex , iedîtigs tuk ts They knelt before the holy mari, & Weil, 1 reck'n 'Juis kitid o' rilediiim îlre'klv arterLTI e dogs yelliîi, lritidît S Her lips tben mnv'd ir prayer; fur he fusl sîuînîl stî,k su iii and louk'd eit belerii and lthe humines buzzinaunit He bleis'd lhem: ail bat iber atose, nie fur a siieli, and tdieui cuntienccd isgi! I didn't Say nolhiisg, fQoi h 11crspirit ivas l Ibtero. paiv'n atit heleriti, aind îte rviv lie %varai',înîu tse. She ad eprsa' snb bsvyîigîs, made lislind gearin jplay ini the air, ' V'eli, wc'd gut alsoit! two listidret Teara bail retui'd te îbed; Ivar beaiiil yards (ruiIlie lautse, andthtIe dcncoù lier beari waî roken witlt the loail, Bat il warn't iso ise, hie cotild'mît lierai ts andîtcurai ont. 1 seed hli lhu And tw arryousig spirit fled. teck tac, su, lie kiîîd o' stupped tlu ireu iii hadtaadJ titra .vwhite 1 I reck- ~.Thoy dreis'd br in a pile white touil, rri d for sîtrna isut evil ishi, as 1 jed,ýed Iîv ouied lie rves lîrrvinti lien, for Ilie tidii't S Du.'ep wuuliitg illi'd the air: thie ivy lie stared ! By Itis litte 1I liitd exjiect tu bo cillt'd for so sîtn, andu il ztGo andI prepare a bier tuione0madenihiailt)t5 i inciho stic it lisi lait tuisuurti'l long milutier alýire Ile lthitl- S So goudi, de youîg, ao far. lutsg as il sîtck t l ls ltackloît ! ] gfergatiuuî, moii, %onseni aîtciidhidretî. -AndI srew its surface ritb ne flower, rLid'se t %var lu hile r fbil, ii itle isniaau l1sai itd et1 Save the white tender rote; aei a goîî uiiiie u uu yli It wili ber pîity diapiay, lise deutont liait presc i in t ais luItitso, None ou'l lleietslndthle lensi notions Bier iaded charma discliee.and t ilrrai't hicruoff nilier. lItai iritidleatid 1 beioisged lot lus, worlt. M. E. SUEYLWOOD. I kauroved if lie hern te noise, thl- [ jist lurtieci îylieat t1an aed hie Wiîitty, Àprîl 8, 1851. ltîli cois gyregnil loi rvouî!d coie doNitrr ; 11111tîl eiîraŽrgatilit ! I seu'd tue rail) anîd ris 1 i a i niaiiid ma.andnullieu rr'utid be ilt soîi , for briiie cottd a" A) EA ACO N 8 M I ' 'S B U L L a ~kitîto' liankeriti eter a gir l lit ivrntîtrîti t ieilifroiti t féice tlt Istoot on, MME ËliNK i1N À TtOHT PL4CE. thur, 1 did'itt fuel as il' I rirttitld ke lu (ieud aliaad -- lic seeni i intaItir jirudicameit. \Veii, wo reacied tise euce, anuit1 Mike Fiîsk, a lturiulls flttekeyeliait. , ' Sut, say's 1, yoîiti ld si tpeîi, do 'y.oui r uent lîitre,itîver tut' tilt cru lîr'sliteat wus cotil.euaît)otry wiih te celebra- etîssedest g A tel su lie dit ; fir lie (irait, latiiiiuîg oui)l'îtltnr sie, ant 1ev tuer ~Davy Crockett, and is eqîtal Io ail aeétver every lî-jur and it jjii it stitiîi iii tez'ttiî. h %,WawWt 4,bug adure saint)f£ 1iings a1pertaintig tuluiian ururvess. fieldt, îtii 1I r e uaiii andiiilveditiXiias u anttio sctreîi,cuis ruîiiit lu ht vtas eveil saidthtitlite ais jîflils inis li ilur atbecrnir rila a 1iick' iîiiîii a t -e'c wiit t1ivar ! For aill ianis kzike- ceighborhîout kiew tise crack of liiiri- lits ieeis. Atnd îiyinaie uiî't Nlke laitedt ltitise blthit I beloiiged tu- 'ie, and %vould. laite to 1lheir secret fiid- UFinsk, if thie od crittc. r's iit tutu tdit'îît g-lier! Buitru'ieit britîtie riaiket off ~ing places un tise finit intîimatiunsditt iîow ouI soniviiesti a deint level rvîth îy hiîisseif, ter seed hori il %vrar, atîd M1ike 'vas abut. Yel sîratige, tlisotglistise vartiiii'sa ltnck uone of 'cas sait, ' Mike Fiitk lis gui Attie, hievas but litite kiowts ieyont 'Su ý ()iii'iav kaikeinite rie mate gond tue ritist of the scriîtsîîagre otnce in bis ý1ýi inmediate iseiticîaseîî t." limse. Bu' andul y lie siuckeised ta 1ittlhlfe ! ý1 When tee kaew iim, lie~ was an uid atît tiîeii1I heu 'liii for a speii, fu(1air I , Gentsleamen, fronîttui day 1 trappet imai-the biasis uf sevoîsty riisers lied 'Irap1iei beiiîisd a stttap ant iir,91nuib- the connt bizzitess, au ie% tc er s1îoke 4iývered o'er lus Isead, andt aketi the bcd tise critler Nitre, sanys 1 yoi'Ilii tti ta gai sitîce 1 Andtit enlîîy liîîauui s elasticity front lus iibs; yet iunlteai) this ere %viile oaki--iireak ycer tail ! aitl oit tItis yethi, thier ueo'i lie auîy *'hoie of bis life Mike iras nover w-ors- or jest hul it btli tili 1I luour f!tiatre Fîîtks ! And iî'sai iiaît u Dea- lad, excepi ounuose occasions. Tu ise l Wei, ruile 1,war seîtints iar, ais cois Snîitb's Brititie Bultl P ,0o"vn latiguage, lie itevar 'gi in, ida slruck tise ltai 1 Itat betier lie a T EPII- FT ÉSA ~aua tu, l antiing ita irvelet ui ellintso ' titis in suie o'ay. Bit! H E ISFTi~SA ?two legysor fotir,' hut onsuz. ïow, adzaekiy, rra% ltv pie I Ji i va fteshp -r-n r ls srIâ '1'stonce, %c aveiet,' sait Bil1 Sitîsît- go atnt riait e'd hoe afoui o' nie sure! ,ria //esi Vur~fu ls ,4'.a uit oes ftsm iitehr Su iuuîkiîî attise nsztter iin ail ils bitîr- gow, fte*"apuassaeeeof one /undred and couru of te otlytavensa nise ' settie. isa Icui1l1ts9cocu Iosttl'la ryseen duz,,y8 ç~aeaîi. bonier Iet îuuiehody katow iriser I wil? The sii W ~arrens, Cept. Lnuwtonuar- 'Gin ilt ou îs tow, 'Mike - yuîa've Su I gi a celi ouater tlan a leCcousli ta -ivetK i i iis portInstilîigit, frotit Glus zpjromised long ettutigli, anst yuîure oit viistie, andîtrî \r-aii'tloiueîgakure mria 'ct uir'a'er a passage otu te Iiiidred auîî now, andt neec<i'tit cure,' cousinticd Bi!i. the Deacuui's liu iîis. a ciumins dtuii , z ay.bt bu ieiîus asg 'Riglut, rigît ! Bill,' sait ±Mlke. 'huit like rns if tlicy ra ecigwiîcuctI îi ier'tdri la u vrrai w~eli oJen vitis a licker ailirounîîd fuît, geltdias fusl. iport. ~~~at'll~~~~~~~ k1do uc n clîîs roos 'Ino ktu vr'lli tey uar art'r-ther"ul 5lic lefi Giiasguuv unlise 71h. if De- &VI li î iudjoteâvuit,' lBcll agitI retiti-,il nr s:irti i i -forceautr, %us'i tw 1o calsii atut fitty-ciglit 'Thar, thlst guud. fltter Ihan l'o- tluY reere arr-firecuserisotis, andt laînu asteage 1isseuugers, whou lhavoe rriveti ~ther blarrel, if atsytliui-îg Vsite agi tise. in g0oul ivualli. Nuillîiug Seriouns ucclir- 'Weil,buys,' cummatîcedi Mike, « yuua'Su, says , it hrintie, os rilus is nis et tutuil ftie 2thitWIen. i ilfat. 5 ~28! iltay taîk a' yolîr acriîsaages, tiglut itia- cheali as ivaikits, oittisrout. if r'i've lonig. 16i 30, Iltc Warrent ex1erieticet ,,ces, an] sich *ike, and sîîiuract 'em ai-.itu uijcctiuiis, l'il jisitake a deck Iiiuq- ao heavy uaai frimat lhe S. %V., u%'tici eut- utugeseits olla ll-mnigity ibig 'titi, atîd Sage-(un tat or iîack u'yîuuurit fSu 1 tedloattlte 14thiî tethe N. V .ruhitci à tîe n tn mr rlio oparedt l ua.ît long geitiusg astride of his, aîtîl autuîgýet htirvuarks, &0. .hi ne00I ar iin, taisa teaitkiUen itheusif* voî'd licou tittr, yotid'gavtie U1,tahet 9th, iut itil 158j lu114 18 00 to an oit sile Il , r f1've fuiîtl)t ail sw«ttiinr wari'iutlîothii tsit i iîtt tii exierietceu atuttier b-avy gaie tkn8~vatmintls, fruisu ais Imîgias dou%',,,a tix !-îlîe ile flcrv aourfily as titi' I'tititN %V. lit. sitst.iiied ltIle oti ut 40a a yattesuake f and ueven n'as wili'u citer and f Iruioet rouunîd iti 7l--it diungc. 01tItue 31ainuitlut 49 00, loti oquitifaiet, but tis once-ant 'tui-as loîg oit (teue suIe anunte ouit 'otiier, try- 3'2 site expcreneuced uînlîer ieuvv gil' wilIr a Bull! iug tuoclitscà itny feet t InsS W v ricli catît iii inte N NV You eea, boys, il m'as Rnan sif(iu but * l ray'd ont tius't, anuitcitss' andti 6 A. M. whltIc aying uo, lteatiusg to .day ins Augeust, aod 1 rir igli ru-naiu' PnsY't,tîtîtil i cuid'îît 'MIi îrisiciî I1uni te S. XW. a leavy ses sîtck Lise orv- ,off intu pptre ile, wheo I1riar titkia' Inst, aîsd acititerNîuan't of any ise. tiuey aluit rirbicli curriet it aicav neâtr tisa lhat a aip in liese reek tacuglitîsave aie. ruar su torfnuliy aixet tap it.uiglut itets, lakiîsg rvillait thse Iuad of WVeil, tbarwas a rnigisty aicea place lan' XVoi, I reckon I n'id abouît an lso-tr tuec fureuttuisi cuit ail uttîscitu1 il, rvitlt oit deacun Sniîbs motter for tisai par- îîîis wvay, wIîen odaibnie tleiughit il lieat ufutain lgbuittuasl, toi îgaîi aiiaai, ticuiar biaziusass. Su 1 went down war ime lu stop lu lake un a sîtpply o' &c., tanieeiîigI)tiltu'uks &c. tînongst -the bushes lu unharness. I wviniuad coul aoffa lîttie f Sawieu rie Oit Ilta3ditr at aittary, ini lut. 48, its. iat baaie d thse ait ret slirt over nsy guI aroun tot a tran ihat sîuod than, lie 32 50. lIhe % exjuerianiceitstuli anotiser berai aaiwa tinîn hw cnumtl- nai'raiiy Iallet. beavy gaie from atise N. W. Otithtie tli oead n a fitr t my ie wld feel i- 'Nw, Esutys 1, oit boy, yuu'Ili Ise ona witea ia lat. 47 13, lin. 26 35. at 2 A. lern' round in thai or water, and was passelîger sartits. So, Ijist clum n toa a à tl., tise wind chatuget stitdtly frum jeat 'bout gain,' in, when 1 seadthtie oit bnanch, kaikelatin ta roost tar tLiIS W.N W, tkiglesîiftl à ecna lasski' -iat hrstanved afore I't be id round in Itajur abock. Tisis lest hluw etteit in a f1ganîîs Daood. I way any langere tgw un fiftliîterrible.gale. Oui tliauz7îs, in bt. 'Ikr rvd -#oi-Asfo h 1tskrdj 'Iwa uaka rck frloingpe'463.r.a. i.2 wîie aiig u. h Soun ailer xwe hearti il furci'rg. ils rsay iii livtuarndtiusrtrtutik, Ali bante thets runtanced iiglîteîtang Ilse sîuip >y îisrouviug ovar lei-, troiu, snucks of barley, On litae8ls, Ilte gale cuîîiusuuet ont vèBereJ7 lutise S. W. 011tshie 9îi tisane usas tnu IIat-titient inu tisa- gain. 01 he,' loti]ths ee u Vîs mure modenusa'. oant Ilte caîttoituanudcrerr caîîîencet fittiig o stceriuîg ojuparatanu out of a spon. ht unis sîo tutîs uigeteul. ond pt iniopera- tti uver tIlol ifruti-hui t i idst ais- sîver tlhe p1ui1se, andtihie sein iras venv routrli. Ou tisa1Titis, tlsey commeiscet ma- king atîd fil'inS a nutitter ontt u( iîehis coule. Oua tua 22d thie ruuddar n'as coin- itietet andl filtedto tui-lice, tiserveaitli- Ir Iiaviusg iseaqiite nioter.ee.On tie' aime dlav, int. 42 15, lai. 24620. spouke Agacua of auJ, fuir-tLuattpa, It e .cuuon n.n ider of uu'iichluiidy atfu ntlay isaois. acie tiiey teqtinet. 'l'lie slii liv'ing Wieil fouaadl in sîutî s, tiguittg. saurs, wuter andi jirovisitatt$. titi nul nquite utsy as- tc X dnce r brn Ék i nou isiiie d t ise cutis 'rhiI- \Và trýq was i notathe 611s toîlse S22ut jan. W~ot a rttddter,- and in tutut l ime rias dri*eis front lé. 47 13. Ion. 36 155. lu liai. 45 15, lot. U420. tise uitd Itn- rnug tIsaItintue iras (ruis aipoinuts cuftlie cuntuass, biutusing a gaiethe greuea paort of tIb ii(e. Oui tutu 2d, Ftliiuary, iii lot. 24 23. loti. 46'30. lthe W. butrda-d Isle hîig Atl, tuf Abserdeen, fuir Liverlpootl, tlle citanualider of n-luch siitiulit lie-r iilu 100o pallmana utofr'aler. Il rias very îýliutikily received. OuiIlle 1I 1h (uf 'arcli, lai. 36 27. loti 94 46 %ise Itisrtet lthe suluonen Agutes of Eilsuuorliî, Cuîpuaiuî Lard, frotuî Pont- land f-r Mlettaui'zts, iitstittli- l te W. ruitia aixly muiokerci uuaethirt tuf a bnurnei of lxtlittses tunte ht ir'-f a han- remiut oitiuisî, fortr'gatllonus tuf uu'ala' nse grallontilard tpt, aît Lrveuiuy pounis of cordagre atut' s1itrby'uiu Ou1Ile 2ist, iii laI. 36 40, 1its. 69 0, tlho \V. situke tuutuva luatrileuifrontutIsle n' itahilul Isaîte llo%.Iî-ias, of anîlfuor Neiw Bedford CeluI. WeTst, rr'iuukiuidiv nu$tiîliedtIie '%V. rr'i t ro borri-is tif iseef atîd 1ork, trruu lotatoes, tlrveiity gnti- lotuis laump ou n i aatity of luitxicco. Capt. UWesi boandedthlie Marren in uer. suit. fle leannig outu atin-anithlie liste 'e hit bt-eus aIses, tue îiilk of hîuuu'scaikiaithiessa flnretifuum luis lîcant acutie ispîrescuulîl lthe isst'ugurs %vili fle iauai four irlicî,t, iisîiks wruct sitoureil aiihis. 'lule Wttrreai lias pruiceeded frum luit 421), 12% lit. 24t) 20', ho lieur Sndy Ilîiok, îsitiu a ntiuIu-r itnuartcled ienuut a hetli e, cbue. 'rite retitiî-ncnîu-lellîr t tccitze titanu descrilie Ilue sunit ut uf the 's'V. auudlier liritua cart'. itu tutukiîîu o rn'iter luttis;uce tutti-r thue ui't- ecim- clînîtsnhllicî's. '[luta iiueît iniiunît t 1ur-riî,sas silttutiouts, tIlue catro sait (ed tir iuruke buse froutteils îtowuru'tinnt'- il)ii ciutsequi'ui (itf ussatîr' h'îuks beinîg liuntigis the tecks andui tithu1,111us11Vs iiiickni,,î's of -gtits ruere rit aigt-d fu'uini tneti ee tu10auittucr lufree divi'n frotute taîttage as ruutîcit as ,tossiiuiî. lithe tt %V. nitt beeas aie tuf Ile itest ses vessels aorr eflout, site rr'tit not have stirived lIse gaies. iYOUTIIFUJ ORAroIIy 0F PE. Soon aftr'r Peel rrulîns, b lu, is fallier lthe trst iterotuet,fititiIr iuissef i isg buloil y ii nr'uuth iutndciuunu-qitetce.ani ibeii-ittig tluit aîîuu-iiin tisas-ce tctuhnur tutys cotailti oluu'uyu cuta d a sial, it Purlntssiiettt, dteiniet l ut'rinup uiiu sut cx1resqly ft re Itseuottitt. XI'Iseutise autui rvas qîte a chutd, $S Robeîrt uîoualt freqtittlv set i hîasoutnlthe rtabhle ond stny, t-Nutis, Loltiin, nake a ipech. atnt 1 iii glr'e voîithis cherry. 1 Vilis Ce%,vrn' v Illite tltltu'liidt- ced suiieffuçîeýs iliat, bt'fore ltibiui e-is teis y-uirs outhuli ae tildaît'uiy adtr-ss rtise cuniliany wîllu suinte degreof elu- As lie grew ip hie Ctiser counn.tiuily look hum a-verv Suunuiayinîtu lus priitte 1runtnt mate him repent. tus unieil ais ilue coutît. tise sermon whiclsit lu ecia uresclet. LitIe prugrtss iu efl-ciusg bhitg about thé firgt wedditug btiagM ieer thottghts to n'gu, in spite. ofcÃŽe tirai trttth. :Acain and his wiÉê *çtë' rathe.r yonntigtd be mariièd ; sol*i wýù or. th ree, da% 9 old,! accord ing tu, ta&4 > est speriulations of~ theologians;- me*# baie-nr-gr flot oldier-witllput èt4 ýporienee,' -t'îhot-ispet tor kètt1e--Ãœqbý ýhiig btitlaie and Edep. A PÀppii DEvoutit.-.mn the tdn (il Enghuîd nu fewer 1than ,èixtyti1liUW Volumres orJedgers are daily 9gîkd, %Wtif ivriting in keeping aceounts! T(ipf.; lire tbese vtilitiiies,. thée iii thaViing been pieNvioîîi.5y n iannlabtnfred le- %v'Iire, ciglît meni, three steani jre0l4k* itld twO land îpressesare cuiiniiiiýi lelit gpym g wtînthésebatit. inp $1è tioîer-p1aitrinln deleî seh tnîet2=OO mhneryl, aie C lu )jîîîrhîimo t 'ztrlid Phame ion ete foi la ah rim sdebP., ilhate of>à si'da. cîys*alized. 3 jïr8ti l jiick illtisi pomder, 10 pîsooci1~îi ix. T- powder muu tilteui lie mià ,idwilha little wtter, ar4 ipplied ovor ihe skili, when itl adurIiddly us à ' déilto ît f lbo reoipvd in 4 M 1eOr3 Pf.~I~bi ction, by a *ooden kasleho ohf th i ig iî eeasiiely deprivu I ewî1 tims oreiremovîa r hebir protbably aepercdidootle' h ofhua* Iwould bo interesÃœng tai know 4Ivhutbet the skiai lu remored alto. - 1. - .11 --- 1 7-7- 1 -7 ýl WANTED--A 'qi-IONES'PINDUS- t TE-OUS Boy.q Wa lalely sawan adventisemdetst boa- t uleitasanisve. h cuniveys to every boyang iunipressive monutileëssuta.-1 ..ýb t' Att hun'st andt itîdtistniot.lty is ii uIavs weutted.He-vla niiIwlrays bie iz souaglisfuor; lus ser'ices nuiih le iii te- 'titut; ha wiii ie rezuuiected aid loved ; lie rriii lie spiubken ouf itn ternis uf lighs cunineatdatititi ; lie wiiI have a isoituid lue ur'iilgniurr up tut lue a ltnon f kisorritN uvrl ntssd estaiuiisliebi ciuracten. HJe %iii lx- wansteil. 'flue taechuatît iil rî'aust hliîîftr u isIi'smanant'cierk lise master nîictunuieic rrih ruaîst iiiiiî'ftin itutr'iîceustr tLi joLrne,-ýymailîuse k (it ajitiIIrtrirenvat hum fourIe o'sýu1 roeiur, i ieliits xw-lI rian is lsim Coia -I lauutts iiigrloitiufuir ai ta~ relîeis fui)r i' tit -r ofuit u'chiltrets ;-_,sut 111e ple~, fi r an iflii-r. [le nl li' noed.Toit ismnnsali1 uvatut lina uts a ciltizeni;; acquitticirs lis, a 1sîigîslor ; iiliiers, au f rit-ut fuitijîtes uw. a risilor ;lite usuin ius tt acqtuiittie iciatîtgirls ntii us-ètlhit i as a beusi, andî fituîally ns a Iîushauî. I Ai tis iiii Itslrruuus bory h .Jî1tl tIîiuîk of il, blys, su-ilyuut *alnuswur itis J tesg~iptiov? hCati yuîu aîeîuiyfîr titis S.titti on 1 Are yuî alu binI hayottrviihlise u'onted. ? Voit mav ha smarot ont nc-to tire buit ltai iles usut fili tise reujulisi-à hiou-aeayouu honest Yotuuly lha Ca. pioîle-uire youî inustrionsl Yotîîîamy lie ureli tresseul anditcreotea usfavurabie impression ts first sigîit--'are yuîu bath ,"liotuest anit i-îduisîu'iotis t" Yon muîay ep- 113' for a "Igoui sitiltiut"-tre yau sure ltI yutir frucus, teuce" cis aequîaiîulats. ces Cuis recoinîaseuîlyuitifir lisee qjusi- ut ica Olih iiuî' notti. yuu feel, yôttn cisuructcrn tuti uipuint iiîsstunbisiet, oun ueriîg (tie rr'urds -caa't etrnpluy yù up," Nollîiîg chs i i ake uip fuiIlte,, of tiiese quslities. Nu retsdintaôjý tless for bîusinuess will Ide its-< lue lionest anda'tittriotis--m, f1 ant labor;ititan wiii youîn u cailing, «L eleci ion"- for ju'aes of Itrufurt andtrafft b maeesure. A NE WSPAI>ER -IUP NORTIý.". The Galeus aGîzette lins ilitefoir- iii- nsoticeisba tueurpliler, ri 1 icîn Iu receuîily becut stotet somewirui 1)uj 'aVe have receivedthtIe first iiiier i- (lte Vîaîal) t li-ril le, lutlul uuildtut aitisîi îiy iiet iflu-s t r i . f t Fouit. luy J. \V. Cliînusknuu'uk. Ils tîtît b is,1 Otur Cititry, ittuul "rit:uty itiunu-utertul Wae u1uate lte folluwsittg fiotit ils jiruus-8 liiit ol itics--%%le shah lineDertiourat i or Wltig uiiittr l uotsIsulseî'u- unt'f uuuturest. Flt itis rei-t, use or, a. tre liait ire titl-r ta:oasoute uf utur cotiii'- prunies ii intis thra'vey, el e Iu i- e luit g utjrki utg fuir thelie gt1iduilftlie puubliec --ol iarty-tJ~ht riury, etc. Buitu e îr'isiî it îistituclly tuttuiersltud ',tit %rue entber tupuiitis ctiterr1tnsa ruilhluait ea uiugly lu tisa 'itjavesa cit fishtus P"ae l unre aller lte ptulic ,r.uting,,at every- îhîuug aise otut of whicltnm, ney catis bu mate.' Tl'le foluowiuîg niarrioge notice isanI On tise 3Ist inîstant. i Watob Cityi Miri- kee ku-kee.ýwa v-tnw--dai tcllienu,a Esuj., au fîit 'Veutoitv auglitrtuf' Mea rr-iiee-koo-slsn y.uan-zlîee. kaw, al ofi%"autsutab cutieuly, Mininesota.'0 Tise ed itun pari icipiatt in the feaston Ilsisilectisiott, anui i's presentet unitii tisa Initdquarter uf a fuie t COsuuENiTAaY ON THEr FIRtass't - 1 ouneaG.-,Nlujtin Nuait thiuis leusatuliy und 1 îtoetically discobiinses iiiion tise fini wcî-Ë Ztd»ig. [lc susys -n." 'Ve like shuri curt- iils ; atnd ititis Altuns octet like a seiusîhIe niais. lHe tel-I itleelu e lait-lie- itîr aiil auuke oa narriet mati. lHeait- leurs lot uhtave llu-dttqtuî-sîtiîti iost imuaadioteiy alletr meeting M'ale ý Eve i and isueitei otit flirtetionatr siîy-1 lteas, gave hit a kissaitndu hers-if of tisis fini k'iýin iithis worhd rt-a have bat boiveven, vai un nthatiaisand à htse- TOM AstD JUetar.-.NaitTomnandJ'ny os Tbumrb,lbe tiiminuttive ipecimenltuf uanuily,Wbd' wa-tyeu huile tartre euinugb teonueke a fortuIte«'. Baronu,'usexhbitinc bis preciotil!a 1111. self oibu own accoln, al.the Southband Weti. !À oe** 0 aine, t le ue t JeinnýV Liîdut aË1ëW'sOrtoÃesuwhe tht-y tttsy oipitue su- s10~t Othe. Tne Delta ueeribos t s f(loa'e Tho Genenai knoélt tie foi'titho igïttaplsèýk andI ,kisidebondunl nv, duéveaîII>j' 'igmizIltuls*i many iittlte "p'pnropriete, no, fim goaphiml wbich ho à wliwered iqsoh theiai e's8vdq ,ith e ;atalnryi acldttouuîal igoauthlis t .: iteep-sake. 'Sho esteètitly dhiieil t remnarking thaît si ot &u mailt ti hboný41W À interccantre of -maà taui guodi wislleue, lb. r depented-rsiih many piofounlh beisamhi" bie veny sutaît Lingèe. OUa SLOW Apcers5t.-Tb Cuiti tCircuais tlId us 4be othen îlay ibal theutlsuIR~ Fètmily, on Iheit reurè grinmBalià uoslp4tsa Ibee eutrejottîney (om Etinhurç le Pimlco, lui- nluiing s rein of aIleastan heur taYoknket lgie heuris. The distanrb is upsd f40mlW' Coitrutthia l'art unish the folttiiittg uainl min-s tuuticmet--'Edigiutrsht Seutarèk;Ne*eastboj Duirhamn, auuu Londton uauteuoab,ben otaunu da~y lth- l3îh Octotter, file 'Ail that désitro id liait ftom tlrlwioo'iteLotudon, air (toto LottiM' ho Edtinbhoro', ou î0 hplare danIti t rûtI, lotbllu ru-pain te INI t. John Baillies au the coachbIeuioiu it th-ehai fihe Cautîunuuae.eveny allioa $utedavî ut ub at',su'ieh plan-es tbu'y ma3Y izove à .uC sargecach, '%icb periSai nus ile wbeiejotaauey in 11t ilteeu ilays, aitliouit auuy atip)avu.(ilu Gadtiper-9: îîul), hauji. eighuy able lises tus pettos ais sui E narh pzaSit'i puuyluug £4 lOi,.'for tut wulote jiilltty. ullowhiîc earh pasunogen 201bi uvriigbt, anud att ai-ove lu pay fil t -.r1b. Td coach sais off u ixbibtenuorititg. PerIor4ao4 huy Houtu- Harrison, Ntnh. speigt, Rit. Gsi-Il. «lu-b. Cu-f.--NeecaUe Ci7 iatit, Oniahup, 171Za Wben %istcotalder tht- rost ofmeatson suèb ajouur. uey, the coachaten and udtss conslatty i-tlrtht with admniuituury &"PiessW. tae tenber," I as tise amati allowance for ukgeage,.aut the over chaige, andI rempare uat witbtho xsiiwamy ltuf taggage alnnure peeti, unitcotaloat,s'lsîu *W lantce betweeu 1712 andi 1851 willisem erty grfft. ut uman inveuion is nultory greelat uaain.; venton is nul exhaustoti, howeven, sui woutaetful aamibegreal Plreseal sa, oun doeeuêtnts-zh.I seo aà snughlioc Futur.-7L#gA Hunt# u essqa -in Arabis, bas iieen thet beeftnaltroà ad adtoislmeuulteoail thetourst of tteeittlues, btt snotuier rulwa, panontly fserustnmur nçIeat~, atd< %noite lexteal sti 1, eisein thole-arth of lAlkia. t-tan, iad is koowo lhbroêghot tltse'ga~i bWtbé naneotBantesut, Théu ye slycuuts0at4 1 autaber ui apsrteoents eut eo t6e ssa - aI U Il lu maud tha t un may ofthieaInthe walltamadW ail wîib pOrntiuigs, n%%hrbblokillaIfiles, atear ee tories of deserît id slitud*am o iie sasaie udernodiwtb niches muke tmu-edt oka. Therear tuppaseilte bo mono tusa îaelure îb do f autsi habitatios il aBnieen;; tb. coanû ette Afi 4hauuse boanals witb theili1 but the tIs ivts1 %bd ane moiatiy %obmaedues,ettbui! a uprgtiItt grej "ceJao stt itibiatuaag butboum& s. haie Ontdiltions wlieh hece luiff lt In à IuIýi Lat-on the filet habilmutis i ts mnkin am "l-iie sî,gt'tlauatilauiy nuntiuneal ty mm osIe chasi atbuîs ~il hy wheails rocatak wâenoexuavatuIl , Who 4leo lu il iuuhs ll5u.ânm whut ulueîc hlutony.ail boa pussed fftow tbp Yeraih lot-itai of thé wuiid, *Wud . uiseoly tuiabumteoas a tqtnertsot tales. The Chicago ICCeuîntt:-ial MAdvrtIannsjt. M W. leeu n om à entuulemnaof Milweiukib tbli the fferai potinnes usturennd in ithe kwxkeiptla tilet e'ty baehem.tte iu-lefor tpl<,ow"Ia la; mtaîuey tiil.n luise péets c Mr. Loie inr oiite ituegbifb&uetf in busktiM e