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Whitby Reporter, 17 May 1851, p. 1

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2 Pi Sauryr TR STe in a ngaper annum i f Paýd ina-3 ionhs - T*blte aillifga n uai:*nei M~e CO"t th~e year. Âi 1etters addresdt hsOf e Ai ibeatDisciuîtalowed te par -,il' ugets for tisa RePorter -7J. S. SPROWLE, -, Propruietor. /4 i FIITBY a Z aorn a"tss, thlnk-xiothiag hamumaildMirat te aieU..21meff.. VOL', 2. '»8V 'àNBDISHEARTE!M1D. 5 5ILi cisN ifFrom eout her flasur-wroîght book. a fb~feeitif mProfoise baed -We iheuld-armer lue disherented, Foi iid fralwyt ingiog , TUelr'iiihtié no s 6l andt iweet lpon otur ers are rning. Ai tise> stre>' thtraugh the howers, Ar uuuuuuring mastic iueteyp Thé lire fram eut the fiowrers. We Ohomuld armer be diiherned, SBut, we ihoutîd foosk grid uer iloV Natsre smiteî oa everything ' Owave, on Iswtu, and tes. >l And-a5s e ok, ws sitassd obey Hem soft1utd-plel'title maser Yea, look oc hem with eyeu of tove, Baltimore, Md., May, 1851. THE PONY PILET01T: LD -TE'OTHE RO0AD . 7 T il I bFANCIS A. SURIvAGE. 3that berceý down ýwehI, au ýfèed hini tilt bas is perfeably'coot.' 6 words weme addressed te the of ýýa Iotel lu Brighton, L'y a e j 'ti, idille egeil gentleman, la tIse' iseigisi cf fashion, as ha a - a d froistf an alagant black herse, ja116sed tise rein te, thie attendant. !&âu'd ucur,' seid thse Iserseman, cd- dýn g ta urutter, 'elihow me iet a pri- mhý aror.' t well.dressed man, whe rides a so i al ays ure f awarrn 4 9melât a paîblie hue., MAqjf o4î"Otîr fnieeuztsec0u ajWèat, ureil fmînisbed 1tarlor, w'itli flo%'- e<,tj1j vases' on tIs a nutel piece, and -tWd'-biinds, for il wae e wa;us stummen'e mftiuioon, camefmîlly closed, wluile the ojd ,iwindows permittea free cuireah otu7uri te aircuilate î hiotugh lie aspant- 'Thse uraiter emuineil standuing neer lIbe dor. 'A ny onders, sir l I.INo-yet ste>'; wiu caie lu biset ibdsomne poiiy phuraln I scu standing 'Irthle yard Il ý ýA vouîng widow, sir.' ~Shltes vamy isandscmae, sur.' .-AGo a-long, aud slunt tise Jour efler Y00i,1 miittered theltravellem, testil>'. e4 A uruan aud a widauw' Pie suhilu- ' la glail I duu't know luen! tam cetaief y vecry fortutuate ho have iuaed tisa e ef fort>' uitheaut any iipe antanglemant. Indepjendeul uutily-eet Ili lockiug, I thuuuk I ritadmîat tIsai-I ebculd usake urbet Ose buisy-bedies, the niati-meakere, il a granud catch. But thamk ux1y stars! epreservedl iny idepeaidunce and tent se fer, and l'ut net h1kely lu h nour. No, ne 1 Jck Camuim s Imomage liva auud dieandui ohi, huaIt- *Aaud Dow for thse neurapaper wviii jurse iS ballirug.' tuhu seautimie anetiser liomemeti -illgbhted et thse, IsoLI, froin a herse kîwg:witis sureat, cnd iliteratly unabte ti' afot befene tise uther. h aebotr-- au Inisîumnan- de liui pparantce. Pat P âaid tise rideri,-.it yeuug -mane, lyatîred,-' pet is maue itn è, iend do tisa liestyou ca fQr -coe I Miauier Traverse4 ae'ee' kit 4,Wbat tise divil,,xpgde ye cmowtiler. 'No mnalter. la my sister isema"I okjj, Ser, Bill. show the'gileaf outOttW ladies' partoor; lièwatts te ses, *ré,'Bti1 alt tie yeangmaan,', yen 'Y.s,' teplieda beautiful yotung wo'- mian,talsug td m eet it. % B t,w batm's &8ethsug is oeriaialy lhe irtollr. ,;~t hyl ookfltSed and-exciteal.' 4rpeêbesriding isard.' &That'ur nothuhi. Oe teli mewlti5 *0- dcI1 1 ; 0 = u brief theu, for , 1 m pu W-MITBY, 'CANADA -WESTp SATUR:DAY, MAY lU 1851. ~Lt t~fl 0 ~patCa. repied the yeng man. ,'Wefli I bave Ciiiderella might have envied. 1 peuple %nthe: world whu cani believe sir> at the cre' of tire, anti the d. k I1*.ave. ~t>¶ been on bis truck for mure than à week. ' Do yuu live fer frum here, madam r 'that tbehe, cer knockings wreýproI- re înstanuty crôwded by, t ie terrified ialeuîe than hiistaï,th~e «,l I met hlm to day iu the Street, and gave asked the captain. d>y.ed bvthü7 knee-lints of theý Mi.ues pasngers. anti feet-nsv, even 1wsii g him andled h Imey.w4 h-N' ' ispae I fàfr. -The pony can snand Fox; the proing of' chairs andi tables, The firat intimation Captai u- vreàssih ietre H5sandhi.veyru ni 'fra(raiu. i p c fiu q. in. a lhurry.' and altlef , dacinenstratijuns, gec rcied' cf ifs EistencewaTrtç4d hekIa ter ê int t 1 ' ýwarrant ainst 'Not*for w~~orld. The puce seems .nny he coî,ntedfur by pTnycheolîgfitI abint tan- miilnufs befote ten'e'llck, and ilt eparts uçkd ;inteh me, and xnt %ishing to be dregged in tu tu bda avery fast une.' h 1lciaf, -rs ruîl-.> Ceal&'ma- %V mnreàtd1 il ht ckei4uitl~kph i.,1 ' , ý t, .~ court tili I was ready, I nheunted in), The widow tîrned these witching chinery; bât the- acw manifestationstt'eared Ibhere wasIl somethiin- wreug je saiafgEs 9aligt- t >ÇiiYf here aJ gve heoffcertheslp. er.blak yes of hers upun the eld biache- require soeaéther hypobesies. tbeforeliold, asàâmoke wes comie u u~d*tee siîy~e u haps I'd better have waited and braved for, and smiled. Ih was ail lover with Telihutdgesc prta n ftelwrhthvy i et . an pgswrc teb sig1re it et; but haviug, taken tiis step), I'ni ini. Whan lha spratrg ont et the gala tercourseaise sîow carried on by means stantly forweard-and- feund the smoke h uîhr écr i~~îJmk beadtebafl fhemn. Te-morrow l'il uf tha villa, and toucbed the fairy fin- of inii and audible languiage. Firsi and heat almutoVchWre gtserenuu ig;itmrusuv (I'r.fle e YiZ surrender Myelf. NOW, Bell. if' vOUr gare of the widow,, as haeessistad lber there is- heard low larmunious reath- leluw. Sisbectîtg ugit:at ilerfeiatd 8siî,;o ,b .1tuiI m~tfu au~ pony vil1 fake me te Qur.cunle's in five te alight, bis heurt was irrretriavably ings, lika the hum of insects; Ai n- frlm sors tie stVe awy a tatuEx aepWas dui lu9:ga th minutes, I'm your man.' lutbraeuttl ~ebe h ots ato h old, the pum lis wfere set te ane puer Chftrleycouuîd't do if,' said the A red-façed eld gentleman, ina tdres- chords of tha aolieunbsart-. Growing weork, and the muotv energetie ,swps11, A.Frchnuiq stabised ' r'Ãœ'nb lady. sn-on aavdtb ttahl edri itpervades the reem witiia Il ee aa b i 1adiuphyn l aufcovuudcrae 'Than l'Il makeceenother arrange- deor. burst of the mont deliciensÉ musie, as ofi gettieg ahesd--but ;tbs amkeaJ ltte brss u i ijuiy ment. By, by, Bell; l'Il sec yeu et tire My friend, Ceptain Canipion, unle,' the sweetest veices î ntnn nF ereased se repiidIy> e 1te drive thiernen dolle by--ce ,of -bis romstry!n là~ villa.' * said the widuw. ' Excusa mc fr a rnQ? Thçîa ara distinguisired the wordeoftha 1away from'tIsa bntcbmay, adgoeba, mccalfer ierrivod. bsm~ FFe~ te rein-rcm ueycngnintsr. ong, more orý1ess pIainlIr, until et lest minute.% hgd-tranipiredfroïn th - ieI îîýd ~u I a nhd aetastable. 'Very happy te sea voin, sir,' said thbe thee unseen chcir leaves thearéun, and the actunl, dlscovary, a body c ffdamnes thinking nottiing e le fIif cqllect., 'Pa,' said ha, 'give me a hersa--a old gentleman. 6'Welk lu--warm day.' the4otuuds recede, growig more and lsf rmale .iabrugtbiur ed h dair ul.flecLid~ goo00(1 oe.' Very,' seid the captain . Aud indead more distant, tinil tbey are lest. tede. nldit n tuf, "Suerra file herse wva've get lu the ste- bis looks seemed te corroherate the Tire firetintanifestution cf Ibis kind,. Witb thse aid cf tisa efficers, Capaii.Buhewsmstks hIe gxcept ibis black, aud tliat belungs stutement, for ho %vas as red as a pecny. cf whicli wa have evidence tient la any Meegregôr succeeded l inuintsig thse nef hî else tell. &,q:ibut -ltte tea gentlemian whocanîa liera jistafure Tire captaiîî and the ld gentleman other case we should censider perfectly soldiers te apc4souJw l oewihtm ad tegnel~ ee.Ocli but hein a guéri eue, ttîu',were soute chattiug tuigether t'amiliarly, reliable, occrred ilu tbg cit fmo ade asnesad amde unlotir. chines and squeelled oilI ut of t; ye anr;24 ea.sut'and the former fait bimseaf completaly few ivoekRago, under thse fuIllwing in, er attem1ît toSave tIse sbip. Tous sud .refusâe Weil -thsetbs'owu,, away. 1 'Il11burruwv him,' said Traverse, et home. Aller hiaîf air heur client le Pres lcrc utances. It %vas lu an totns'of water -ware discharged: on thse kan fw gliTi a~t~ , jumping on bis back. 'Tell Bell te driva Ib is manner, bis host excused himsall, intelligent family, ýwbo were ail tlior. lmring cargo, but ibuprdcugtaecfsain caule>d the gent lemaun te the villa, and ha shall auJthie ld liaclièler wasileft alone. oughly soeptical lu regard fu spiritual the sligbîest: affect. 'Thse fire in fact ue1teeteise re o have bilm ugain.1 À idreamyreverie wvas interrupted by manifestations. Ona day they wereas~. guined, and comîmunicating tu tht' litre Lýastly eamse one who coil4,peà aqi' ' Bt, yer auner!' remenstruted the the suuind of voices lu the hiall. 'The emlîled -reuindý the, daatb-bed cf a lié- ri9ginir, sky and water were lit ujjî byý istry,,in4o tiie seiviçpr fwiijýpn,ý1 bustier. cartain eusily recognized the widow's, loved member (if t ha family. Juiet asiliegiare of thse tire. Cajtaie.acrag (t iunleassewinp çý, 11 lu vain. Traverse lias set spurs t r au a glance lîrougfis the lîaif-op)eiàd she drew bier lest brealb. led ber fea- or, perceiviug t4îat tIse destruction fîqtreuhts utosc 4 tt.y p4 the horse, and was off like a Ilînuder- Jour sliuwed hrr lm ta lier cenîptanion titres were, seting teridity of elip ,veeinevituedtmidi s-l hitW5lVt>tICUt'4 boIt. iv~~~as a. very hiaudse o uug gentle. thé touInl, every person lrasent heard sible, te- mn lbar ashores ud gRve oreW a u ertt e i hwu "45vo ee O, irn!~vraaI ira! siJ li mti fis low breutling, as of a-geis' harpes. to his men tu slip bier cales. Tise clir- plonde*red, ltîug.,4à*uuýictu bustier.-' WhatIllheaume uv mena ire'nî 'Tuera, deer Bell,' mid the yeulig laied beau cote person, il nîighf lhave' relit setting eîruug ishore, druvé tire itremens ilttomsruil Jl(O mmcned and umdouie entirely!' main, 'u't scold nie aîuy more. I beanuan illusion of thîe imagination ; but tuîumuîîug vessaliniiithut dnrtiou, aîd in cf îuî4aslifrun it 'y .thef. tq'W Shortly alterwards, AMms. Leslie ratqg wont J o su egain, I prurmîso yeu. Give i "ecaetm uyTi açînu e ttcurse of s uum stee 1 tld ý tiî used i i,?tr.~h?. rIr lier PhSotu, anid et tire saine tme'me a kiss.' increased, swelling lite a hîarniouy, sucIàl a iloitlud that those, lîo euu NIr. Cam pion, tire nid bacheior, ordered A betity cnîack followed. 1 a$ýwîse'l tai asbueuy t wn cgdgiets lu itt ilî tf A à11ÙINT Ã"FI1Y'I hie horse. Tire potty came round te the vemtable, *euuuuel kisb--tlie cap:ain couîlinted -ftîll, suid sweet, :rid strefg, diffictly. lu tlise îueanNwIàlîI,,théa lire let.- lt.as u$t1 1tic - fcî ~i A f front door, and tire young wtlvid Step- suw audJ berd i. A îaag chut tiîrouglit failimsî 1irtn uf&,iJ 1LJhRorLIJ(I ar 4thtù~\utaJke~ 1ed ligily inotuhle phaeten, anmd took his hert. 1 1dfse- f.lîî ýsîxednth ditaîe lne enIe t Pîrck 'iv hnilu cvagaed' earulng tu aceoma a y tIs e mlased ou1 $uqtîaller tIse wrack touclied tire th > middle cf it a taîl rtiiau ý ;h""m lad.' Theli widuîv iripped ine fthe rocin. If lu ils beavetàwardfilbt. shiore, aesieuamer camaeonh ieso was tuld afterwards was Slsabzsdàbo 'Oehi it's ail e'mang, my lady,' e- cie wie 1leasîimg mas lier carriage-dmcss, Sirce that tineihase musical seuinds thbo crewof wbicb lied haard tIse fifing tiser, walkedl deliteritly at nme w 1îied the laostlt-m, keelp' gtiglit luold of cime was 1erfecliybewîtemitug iliehebave beeatîfreqtueýtiy epeted luntliet ofthe Buc/Çnghaiiss/ire'8 signial guis, lits juzmi.aumtdstickiuiig ilimtonMY s i . the ein ' urcamîle caai take two , rawilîg-routiu attira. UIIUailaCuld fuimuuly. anîd tlîvy ire also liaurd lae-adwm sddtets ptb Iehb cli,s.flalieîttz ijut1 iiiside.' îî~~~~ow sec tirmaviole of tIsat delicate fairy etra!. jlaces in 1h11 city aunrokhyn.uStecufgaio.Iramvilatae eet msdl4md!-'ept V'erv wll; hut I came al(ln.' fot.' 1 have net heardilen, but JI-have Ibis itical miimu in~yudmatm îgflmu u h;utmîem~u~b Yoi've geLte otake a passauger.' 'My deardsir seid'shie, your ihorse eccourit froiraeu en yloet nd. utmatfr idi e eulIecs, ck tire jiail, IcL~itfîioe~ Wbat Jo yotmeurit' le ah vour service new.' sbuuld tliuk, en .y eibl 1... t Ilt 1 ie'ltuit ssî.cal uo iaai;hi Iaigta w~ 'Ochll ivirrai! yoaur- brother's been Campimu rose. As Lu tiriespirittil- com ni, i catieta Isy hv coieae ît-sîiemn-ensimomuluail ti4eý eort9le î týr s4alii' a hersie.' "But,' che added, 1 if yen wilday audible lasiusge, ts ol vli1rb e n oradgaa 's~iief lfe huid; e ieNi-tr Selagahorne ' and take diauner wihh us, my unclle vih1 bly cou le enliditened in regard tu itMet te'acrtaintybvefll;ad iugieIsl aic'uietced i.r9p ý Yis; tîis giîride tra n'si aud lie ccitt lue vemy match gratifled, --- and Iittha cas a clergyman olibsciy cais n d Cailu Mungreger,awiis is frst mateu au j)mt i a aïýLeI mi yon ware te fake finste otise villa Iu get ligliy 1îeased.' pume and ctmalle claracter, l e au ffem o secedrugis tabu w Sepet~ . ~ - tise herse hack agit.' 'Tire coquette!P tiiotglît Campien. vrit ing a work, a portion of whîiclî lies tragie ceeue iu a manuer desemving of anday i.O ue %as au lil1 ,- Bai aViiusaways wats vcmy eccev- 'hait I )lave enothter engagemsent.' atiditule lil gnge,éotieat inies in ise ure- Cuol anJ detarmmned zeal estemed soe- rele rTlae n qi trie-' 'Ti~~~~~ietn we carînot houie ho datain yen, sauce antI heninqof sevemel witise ss. tiig ike erdier amung tise invalide. likdbektitsemkst u!d'1'eysiglr' adtIewdw. Ias hiu t cunidnt b mi, euJittduthe or o or utsehlbetcmiedtu4adb hertePuuabfrclnits At tiss amis, Mr. Causpion api1eared. ir.---BnL youusîuttfiret allow aieho Streiy tisese itiasifetalious tisrow ail Abou v rsx iemaetiyju nii îsed lire ustise 0eo~~ s My isurse eady ' jîroseut voir te aiuy brotiser.> ie .the vagut eut)ils, beli-ringinge, acd *ond ties ciip lieda mak lravlta l ité. wisen Jltske ddepth l , 6'Juuilu , cir' 'ite Ihiundsuaie yummg lmm"sam l uew talle-ioviigs furiaitothe shadle. cia vmor udueadosd ace.-Edtw4rdef' lteVlp* 6'I didi't cotilte carniage.' nmade lis aîmiearaiuce, aaîd ehiuk hus Are tisese thiiu sol I knew nt.- Dimectly on tise sfeaaier's huilitit ietsm rsiir 1e se*1 6'ins îid yeez!' s itued àdue hostier. with ihle-b-cielur. ,Tlah's time boise- 1halie a hem ujtidute ubriy Ia sat eradthloer aJs-bieslad pas- _____________lc.".Thea 'Tae satbesci n~,ifyoi euse, tiief, capitai!' said tise widow junggle- solatiimi word, o4 sincere,. intelligent, mnger n iamlinswvsas a Lovs r!ÂeE mir,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ uadts îuiih irme ae îg ir-uiuea mlsn esns.- milles iwese colit;igtted te thani, aud tieaî' ilàireIir.ta tho'r tienauit'* eisaicg esiile. 'icycîgman aîlolugizcd, aud ex- Wbat igflît iia--ý Itu deny tisera1 I cesveye nhudt~ tae asf-lefmuUmu' ti~ Mm. aniiio apumeehe flu stjute laiuedthse cieunstaucesivhiclu lied do tot kiuow wbtt is possible-I do net ty. Tisabécts quickiy rcttimeed, and sien tha ieesisi~~i luum teîeaninut' fail thi, wheu imjîelled bhtahoétake the'hîtîerty. 1 know wiaat WiLlaie ueot-inonow.- fok i et<dr fts asegr t luiey %ventit o~î the bustier, seezitg bienti vith a vigatîr- ara very curry,' he added, 1'1lat weate- Sir Isaace Newýui lfter makiui us<sdshiereu astytiecRuiauIs mgna M0cur unse baud, tîtrust hienistai tahiphaton ust im1imu'.e tisa acquaittrnee thus cas- sublimue discuories, said lie bed onîy Cltlhee grwmtsels e~niî~r~sî aiu4 f"itl'e whte the Jousy, stamf led ret tisa moire- ually umade,hby enjoyisg youm company beau pickimg ni a few pelishes un. tIehea tire weckiîit wurustetan, witb tiue 'h'ak, uaL téelis Ofthteu nient, Jasltcd out a un, et dunuer. I aits sury yen ara thar- great tecean att'Tmtb. Perbsîs tisaI excepjtioe of a esiallpurtiecu uftIse lueur, svediutck. Wh h!I ~ inurCCtiis piCnt ulu! lIae ras aui ua ge .ocuan naay yeti havee ts Columias, e- un fime front ejiud fa cd, alid cent-intitý- i d tu 6s'el Ika fièftiM arw sittuationuI coafinied old bicleloml Wuyas stIsat,' said tIse ceptain, vealing te ms ttýw wumdsof kuewiedge. burdiig tise whso i .unsdtofl eblyet~ts ~!i< Isdîy bdîce Ly fccuaug atugJ*ffrluwicg cigists and das>s, betore aise'ghi-rit btraums aa t9 nd i wlow is aîtli ie e eilbe' g g e0__________ d hasite dëeeper wuer4anid stlîsk. Nef %jjpae ;sditig a eislUI asistanceTte ctIsidyhlutuua nasgubisa oh atncd Ifeai corttpiehied Lu BURNL'.\G 0F À TB.iANSPORT a aingle article wessaired. &Manit'of exisî t i&.a îtil' t II asitnet h ayi aaigteaceelut itý'SIP.tîe familles, wes e eced b tise ca- elcts iu4nd tlghfithiin~ poy h rsshort hy educea! Lu his Se ihre lie as remacded ote IsuTI ususl eow andl quiet l1ece, anJdtdteu, et- stable, and lue astipictedîtu utier. AMien r vra~hmi mnaa cen iyl hutî leiatu. t a rrauu u ltoa~I. u~~ ter tbuigiatcomitanion frhea-dîumhtylidnrse o m eleô1*a friplitfu! ecastra.&,tse hedestrate- laden with a niest vahiable 'came c-C zisç.. sistance, Mm. Leslie tuld lbitat tuna ployed and sang cbernuiigh. 'Vissahe tesbfr fn fialret ni-îtelian g EsIIoled tocce lhe b>ýý ' A , keBý rt e4iato g le sredi few minutes lie sold hapuiain lies- was liersaded te stay t telac aundi men, calIed ýhe Ruekigauuhèisrg, for- tfllesa a lmIÏ4t xcc 10- iuét5uitataItiul i seso t s ersa, wiich bend een tIse evuitg , tise famsily ansbhed iluitis e ry eniy hh>n tu ule Biset [ll coins- <>o<> .Ir e, ru - -; berucdL' agentlemans. Tbis was garden, andts chtsu eued a ten paity*e servibe, witie un ber isceewvamd lidii aIlowe tIeebeahettstst a -sfel hcue'te e tau Insewiowr uvoyage Le L rdu. She'was a aleu- usi NG UP iTHe PIG. eIsa e if jAse Site tequimed, la turre, te ha made ac- asumrhueoegenwtb M- did ahil ofiîearly 2000. tône udn Wsteocdlsweah gyt rta tt ws rlibi y a smmr-oueOMa- - w viirhîgh il îof)decks, and hemIras was ce-aare ie Beegal, oet atortsnksla i- bheet raarauysýcî qane ih tIse ai c f hermosPa- deima vinesan d iisabted by aspider wir h, ing i tended urith, tise msntbfuar- land, pige are 'bers, urifil thiat t'lling teltsit. - lna faw minutes, tise captian ~Whan ha uuouted bis homme te retaimt fiicwrof2u e& is wronsthi-u r Iff~rnsu-hui a u stemes t' cu;a ulenoserafÂr.tca s4 tb-et ueeht moesaI bus -sase--in te Boston, bath 1h was bmght usooalgsnf wmle )idvdtl, ossit ftelssu ahigga isi etrtBcdi muaao theate j pis, u t M4Zaa ftL hae hageairtet iebsfwmhet udh rsmuatcai ulnd treujis, passingero-, sad crew, wltSe naîd thiinsabhreviated watbcstt eremeu; lchtteî ,h iehisait st 'He a n eier selt e tier tu a îretly Tisci next mening ha rcpeated his - 'iai et orbedaismisy n Ta iema uotl oie. ettr',uusud Y~#a aunsauî hic fle; andl he aeu ~ask visit, and tise next-anltise ext. Ithn o dr~ îuyuaieiss [ ie iepghafe-shrdfe bu-reudoas nruthcleae 9tà", bizzasafwhbete,,if tias poximiity wa1shlort, tise episode cf tise boriowed homne Ts tcÇguaaieaielfrEs-ree Ia~tei;h eoé uts-l~totsii~~au*54 se eieaaat for a frur uuumets, a conl- peuela ellto, u u and unthsu1 t cf Marais u»,der, beôise ruthres; ho aksea belweret tise hsara- f iuhat 1urt cf theaiùsal iOP stet osuaaecsih iegb eu poveasac~seil isugi y~ ~e '~u~Jcharge of l(îau Mtagregor. Mer se' legs or yot uwa;isl veyh r îcfseéîe yes, orfeele#* u ageabh.-bu emaîeît"i wsaway, tise captuanbas enu ccasion tceraetu4c eai ua t;andrjlbt etts beade f b seit-' coaiauali aeul md~ ecgaged,iuton jtcyhabai aneu ireerttherdebands.. . SIhaul se bottr& neas alerigusintente b. apvered;ashd f aeWwbbetîeditl mtujtl brfatrs.ler,1nmpnffer,- botit 70 of thue ý8Ociregi- lut>tet 1, wlat a ehanga t 'V*iey thiak 'the vetebs'atedqa ti.ÃŽ

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