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Whitby Reporter, 21 Jun 1851, p. 2

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\.. pWards cf 600, lsquare acres. He reu.ri 'he use ilen -%vent ntx commit;- .M1r Hck.s rein inded hon gentcleen ------MeoiasOrflet1~ffc - ~ftepithe bill of 'Mr. Hineks, sîIewin«ti e-ppstç ha as ssio o a îr tfP ýLkTIVE AÂS]MBLY. that lie prop6sed te mnale much.sninhIer .1 . i8nnovdta h odE- muncli annoyed the lion member for TO-- O~i~»AyYù' n 6 cutesta hs fIh tt fNwgin be etrtnck ontof Ille 4th C!atuse. He route, by necceigblspooiinn I lB 1 J A nmbe cf ~tii~ ~Vl~er oYrk, notvithstanding his allegation of niade serne renînrks îvuth a vieîv of te the Post-office salaries. No", lhe up ~ ~ ~ Z the other'èvening to ýhe cotrry.- shewtiing that the change wvould hli iwCouid nt take hom.menbershbysturprise, WIBsTRAJ" 1 81 When- the -ieuse - - .te Ithi dc'rem atouthe TheH.:.o~i~ o*de~~î fm en.te wiH~ otiwsgilig o rm tehighiest cer distasteff.1le cbut lwoàld giveinniafe ays t e e-IA EN AU TeHn eefoctniswt siha' inre as cilae ofpeePie. termine, warsnI heni, hewever, that >~0a$OS,~1tll~B~Ot.Mr&a,.le, te pop*d .idng efYer-..-.eve~y Mr HînAs neaped-te sidw the there own friènlds tvotl ;)ee the Go- delegate from New-I3ruiîswick, pi the miles long by eîghiteeti milesb}pacl,'and cttrr.vernincntschexne. Itsecmed cleuir filt T lîrhrcnidrtc f IeTr subject of ;he uebec -and iHahifàsxcRail.. in, oee part 1 by Only five mniles broad. The amuëÏnmnt was lest on a divi- the systeinicf lliings Wns given up,- ritorial Divisions Bill did net take place way,*oe eiutrô&ced ty Mr.1,afontaine He did net ývish the Teonv ReeveS, ion after a destiltory desultory îcs h nyqeto hnwsewe u nFia at sia nonei tind Sir'Allâui'N. bgoNb, and funk a ôro Ca, te set off.çonistthi 9l soi-ei 10; Nays 34. àdtoCn is e~olhrfr ' t ihn-h r- a hrigit aud Of Let the iepplenet anddtrielei '7f.. emanne htte odgive time Ithink of it, for if the hiou consequence of a levce given by thc tue~peker ~selVc~ aîd &hn neohectoîite her 0n1t, elinsere flrtewortlBrant, meniber continucd of tlle saine iend.Governr General,il hoer of Ber '-Ma-c .M:.cT*îae ovd e ehrsem boihvin g col',tic.-;tiveiilessquare if they iiteun lue i ul e li e elcdvsonc lejsYsacession, te the tlarone. It'ad c of tbepetitien of, M. Mockin lon, tarmer. Iiked;-hbil ho felt sure thie peuple did q'This motion %vas lest.,Contllue two. of the twnslai p eof Vaughanï, as relnted lot w'nt the inerenscdepue Te .r iso oe arther a menld- Mrlle ton couhi net 1nulerstand 1roceetlednsàfer as the 131hluse on tethCer$ Rervs, qlnud the .uppre. The 'lion. memiier %vos proceeding .tu nient, with -refereîice te Ille County cf îV î'tlicre sbould îlot continue to be two Tuesday, when tie Comnuittec rose, ther priatio ofthe îjeYcceds thereof to gene- complain of Ilthe ew d4visionis of one cf Elgi,.*, te thlie efflcttîhut itlieholut ou the pBiincjs itiithe Coîînty (or York.Illice 0question being onntlîe amnduiut 'cf ý rit edÙica't, the abolitiotiuof Rqctories, thie R(i.4us'cf York, wvhcu Mr. Ilincks sale footing as it ivas hv flic Act 9f txere 'fornmerhy four Rdns and ie îrîiicstgieiesiehrse Knd the fplacing-et aIl clinrchds0on a assired hiti ie Conufty was dividied in 1849. The Goyerumnen-t'lhen djcclarcd couîci not udersîantl v'tvo stîiîld fuotidg, before fle aw, 16 a select Cein- precioely ftle saine manr ut îiresent. thatntheic nterition of' the division Of n not coutinun. Adojîlt thel'inecf Voige, the Coulnty et'York. ,Thte îrayer of thc rniitee,witb instrucétions te report a bill Air. Jiculton thuen read several peti- country ,%ns n very delicatý tlîing, aud Sre isao'is~ctiepriîgorheCnytouc fo ti~ecmpismeîtcfthes ojeîs ten gainst the bill frouMunicipal tliitl Dnueslioulc ho ndqne!uls witli 1Mr. J. . Ma5lcdonald kuew no reusen Ontario ut Whii!hy Vl.age, lias net Vet Ilwas procceding, w~hen- Concils in Upper'Canada. lie ku- te sancrtion anud ut thede' e cf thie pe -whiy te eotîîîy slioutl Dot reinuin as bctîîoue ~>oîîite ' .Mr. Frite interrtipted the lion. mem- lodt'd hy moviin thînt it bc an iistraic- Ple. Ile nsked the G( oietbeni'odcd Illineit at îir'c iut, for 1iho-e eect'cru1-l'firposs. a ber ou a 'point forder. ýlie did]î-not tien te thte Ceiiuîîittee te setof nb pn te Sutpport tIsatpritîlcîl)le "ucl lie w'otld Thîis plan of houble î'otiiîgwîas scttuiii cati Icarli ntiing certain cf ticilatter thipkthisthe ropefimbte Iring (lj1i tyunnhessthue nia erity cf the Pîeple il] ho sallîsfied..--Motiou leost7 a xnîl.vt heeacvrosmnus th uqîestion eof the Clergy Be- thaîcouîiitvd(esired it. "lie oiily peo1le, ou tIhe rendiuig cf teUic nt clause Mîr. B(I!dwin oljected to Il.in-gtwVo .,treubes eiewodéiieb-ýIM.LýnnoÎ o e lne it thethiat ilb wihl ho lefi te tîhe selction cf the tc ~erea wlcî.beidswoîl t4n b- iesaid, xwho ah preseilt-desired chiaiges II.Lciisvd e~tig t IeSets of divisionis;eefor vne Piurpose foré theie mise te-înorroiw. %wre 'hose «lie lid lots oun vîichu if wtorcis Ný1ie i in afi'eet afifime<.!thatthie andtIhie otler for anothuer. Reeves, ad otliers te tîe chîoiceOcf thie J&~.~ie. ildýth-e h6it ni"emuser wvoîld be roîîveîîieît te hnild cotinty Grand Calumet and Granid and Little Mîr. J. IL. (ameraa thiouffht the Ilotise piepleof the Towiisiips, voting accord- i.m Rlli.nondte i ho iiiorder. rcuv'ns, or tîmse io desircd te have on Altwnîettes Islands belong te Lower icus talienit titiriv iy sirjîrise, iw heinmig Mr. .Mckeazié %vent ou at greai tfhie mtînynew Offices te be created Ctiha 1 L.. ltàensuje t ,uskîd i ~ ilfg topopulation. Ili itbler case publhic a leingth tu Commienut 011 Ilie couit i m nder 't(is is lJ. .r incks et\plaiuîedlî.hat flie isandnuiareîy iîîcuîded te change flic terieo- )iliîteics!o rest cmi W7iutbytillage. them' -isitiy with referetce to te Cher- .Sir . . j'iv.Nab %vas of Opinion tilat in qtuostien -,%,ore surVveed ly LoWer 1a dv-iîs t ti0cîîuyfeateac gy 1lîesérVes. eontrid in-g 1hbey lid cont- ufie isrcim athie Coniiittee %vas Canidaè. differeîit urpîse; lie nidict"lel ite idea SONS' 12ýCURSION. pleteflrshirkred ii theqetiiun. 11e 'n-iflis soilua one n nite hogl e n. Oui à divisionIlle ameudment %vas ocfle Iiis1ector-Geî. heiitg wiitig teo n tI t 6 deeiný the yseni of religictîs esta- ;rhe Hon. Itîsiecter Geierni buasted cf leSt. postîcîte ont ci' coituiderathîti for :ie et- .ny iki îs.aiml'ps isbmients, and the operatiou cf thie Re- jublie hilien in lus favor ; thtemu wîly 'On lte rca-diet' o fle ihirtccath lier (.%r. Cîttiicreus) side ofthieIleuse seven e'clock, lte spheîdid steatier h serves anid IIecories i in tIis Provinice. net et publicehpinioni have ils %%vay-!eclatuse, Mr. llitsnioet msr le TeCe 'tte>um oeuîdrpr.Pîcs eyl lf u xeln ur Hltrted the doctrine cf religiotis îested lîy an appeuI te thue people. Ile %vords 6"excelît thle Ceîuîty cf Yrkcdaî ItIlueaderie.brt'PtWitbsitasîppaJ n t Y, à,nd denied that tlie Purlia. did nut thunk tlîe peuple ut' his district aller thîe -words « enchu such union shltIr otWitY itilsha n me{h4npyriglil 10 grant religionîs iere disposed ho divide their couily, ho relreseit ted hy oe me iher, a JWeiusdiyeJîue . joyemîs a Comnpany as ce-er hefone lc't titis ta prefî"etdé. ho deiotunýcd _the bislîop and thal lime 0111%,jeple %îuo waisted er%, otiser Couuîîty in liîler Canuada hv GOVERNMENT PREFERENCE. cf .~ao sa liHalishp, udhis the chang«evere 1hose %vho hoped te be on(, niettler;" -,e thiat fle Cîatmty cf M. Canti.rens billi "ho cemipel mhe re- usI c eruedZ> îîtuîghouarly five 0o attewits toestablish a Dominant churcuî, rewardedfor thteir exerlions in favouiref York shinîild eleî't tuvo nuenubers. gunîteuldescccangettlidrdfor rokishaau I U au injuîsticelto heperephe uof tIis Pro- tîte present Gý)vernnent-rest.less denu M.IL. SArrwood cemuî1plaiucd cf Its I 1 ' C ti," %vas comsiderein ecoin- Whih ilgs t ol eefeî ývitte., Dr. Strachan, sliuold attend lu agogegîs tryinz ho grnsp powver. mas a nucue hiolitucul trofck, csexeslatcd te 1ujs'eIiéoâs duie iusteej ut'imterfeing Mir. Richard ada tconyeudniake oee rnjerity reteti mult u A-r. etî'eed nm'cd ia nendmniit Yoîttilte vemierable age, bemît upon oaiv vittî,'Politics. He iveton nt g-e'«tlest ur u lt or eîeaJbers, and ihr'se nienes iuinislerialists. te lte effeelIhuat thiir(t parties hitiitjg excursion ot' luestîre te lte reoentof tie jil lenÉtbto dencutnce the systemr fStI~ut' Juil wene biuîltI tis delny.woould give l'lie liait member fuir lImeFouîntîtRidin- pneperty lînhle ta lte Cnew'-i., îhurcugh Itansîc csîien, au the lover cf lte hi churolesmugee1i, ceutcmdiiig litai, aitoprtonhty lethe people le testify (Mn. Buldwvin) andthue ihtn iunemiber f H 1 Îuîîcfu fîiaî hittdittolie isto their'effect xwas eVer 1eriiclous aîtd titeir feelings, amud out o,tiiid a Coturt iue First Bidtng (<Mr.-Pice ft tmeedeîînived cf it, if thuene iîad huen no de- ufl sutbimitip of naturne, fle Falls oet' w oibesv f tùtere-l e n,; dîiglu'H1semtlsulîytoie ivso. lit] abolit teir returu, and tlîcy hînd jfudeatientih ie eficen, fur wiiuse Irnis- Niagara.- The mrnnmg %vas caînt nudI! course of Iluis speechh ie. xrnsitîîerriîpted à1r. H. Sherwoed vus upîiesed le auIlv adoltcd thtis cdodge. jactiont hé proeey%%,as lable, pnev'ieusf beautifol, luardly a breatîu distrhiaiîg te TI wiU~uise, ijun viic'h lit said fie kile%' Miiistry cîliîgtiltlItle cemîîîies accord- 1Air Price reîicd thuat lte sole ebjeet telte date cf lte 'sale. 'tclit ou greni trrrlkesifc f Ielae ts el IleÏulbject- ; 'as îtpî:stttt ai îgta uheir ocaprcliice, anud finin- fcftle nunendimient vus te hîeveuitthue tleîuîuuîuexphinmed thuat as lte lait ou' irrlk ufc ftelka o Imemers, 'and thut lie %vas a pour îhîemî l "t t hie coîunutry iii spite of thue Cotîuîîy cf York fronti beiuî i mt w tatsct iiiig prtlienty con limîlSlc lf'etu he receduug Shtores eo Or Sut %"eker. r6tî liaI lIte jpeople sliawýed hhey vaint- snîelh cattoties. As h te e neier "Meer et lis surety, uay ihav'e Iltle- ýowvii Canadian homnes, growiug sacre hir Dr. Portier g2t op îafli'r Mn. Maekeiu- cd tue Snell chatge. 1h wîi5trute tîecoîtît.whticl thlIe cleclionhu uuud lbe nuude, .tienS' len freinii, shelm ilhe 1puib- fiuhl iedsaîeaJe egî.e zie-had heen spceakifiifr îîp%%srds <f lies %vere muet lu le set o('if îmlss fle iii- uiutened luot oî tw onevr 0 faiilit inceneluesdasceiannedt"cars after- twp boutrse and begged tu e c Inw'duhiabitanmts desired it; but there vere ai- nmiglit ho nrrangcd,IlIte Ceuumuîy uf York %uads le hcin defamlt,-c '* uîuom hIardly discenablo. SoO ea bIt oîd le iii stàie tlat the Remise %vos iied w ilh suti vuays interested îPeop~le eplustu tuent on.mtsirettru t%'e herai menibers. ne Ilue Iîincrliascn Iad couieImnesîIy and shtores of tlite greatest nation iu ail Le Xr. Prýit.%voitid resist IlIte motion I that cotnnhy there wottld ho three for Norfolk, aud lad uîîdershood hue bu Ai1r. H. J. Reultom suphprled the nin egevgaulygetra v t hefore the f»Ouse, as il'w'as tu refer Mn. outIities utere thonmu mt presetit, se tîtat aîîîrove oe tm. auînenu, auJAir. Clionlxîtejuposed il. uueured tiieni, nd distinct and interest- ers Màckpnzie's pietition te a coinini1thee, te there o vuld hofouir judges, and fouir Ar. Boulton 1usd certaiuuîy approved Mn. 'cil. Gemu. Druimniied comteidet in-g as ive passédthei fort aud steamed gel reporta bilhAtthe lieuse couîd net sheniffs, imuthe la 1ce cfue,amîd aIt other cf tîte plan et' keepiuug lt eu t f ît lr.Sheueod'!sauidientst.ctiid îpteNaaat eitn lr i m muszaia, after the previeîis action itl ltud oflicers %s'ould lie quadrtipled. loe vas York as ene lange countuy; but nssîured- destroy Utce hecessaiy security requined takea., As the beu. menuber fur Ileldi- opcosed te imviing pteople te niake tese ly'lue bad neyer thtglut cf appnoving by gevernutneul. bu n lrry to secnre seuls in sur muafud b.d chesen to give pour Makimi- chiancges;-huit if ulere uere ua disposition cf thuepa fmmkmgeecuttmn , M..mt Dthii cueue htlt as vic l et aru'lItite 0nel noi~hegobybyliiin ltscae ~'thfr hageeu tuepatcftie ue)fs u rciîn of hî kng nemesfe Iuiostite Ihr- ith truî mi, oeffeced asfli-thelfursth icame, vd euîy tkicaui that matter,he (ýMr.P.) ceuld met heip il. womîîd net oppuose it. waY t ts'uiup puiblie opinion in oeel-i'uihremnedy fer tîme evil coniuuaiued of. Jeia bysrie; tu il reti J'ir. W.-F9. BOîton ruade some ex- Col. Prince lied voted for Ibm second cuhihy by the mnajerity in anm.îîten local- A bond cf seclmiy givea le govorument Olta Ysrrs u il rctv planations of Mr. Mackiumtont' case. neaditg ofmhtle bill, aud therefore, %veîild ihy. For lits ewn part, lever, lue did acted as a merîgage oun the sirehy's pro-Yakerdiesaîpuycfehcspn iPur. .Worr u*ow stlppaed lte muet iont, mutvotè fuor amiametuduamat vhiehiwoîîld net thiuk titese twe gentlemen ceuuhd hoIety ; tIe bill rtiqtired tîuat aisuob cf every description that un on wlcs den and *Mted that thte course was similur desîrey il. 11e-tîtotuglut Ile litople wene retuunmed oven Dcer the prepcsed arn- bonds Sîuotild ho reguslere 1euet vr uiaîd mdsc CWr rn t te tit h. *hiisself had laken dimîimg tbmeifuvoun et' Ibm bill, ton lue liait brtit eonduoient. gages, anti voumdid thenefoeeplace Ile firsessiqn cf Pariiamnent, The quies- opnmainYîîlictiiousin ils favtm; altliohgh N. Beldwin said Ibm greaîîhing wns punohaser, if lie tet)k endinany pteceui..led off te lime ttjulnctienii aud thteuce, per tio4 VM ~Of the higltest importance tle there vurere munayoljechim Inl etul.te lpreserveeone large metrcpouiuaiî ecin- tien, mîmden me disadvantage.lilt'vas oet'ie st aiserable au n ickety cf th~peolecf lper anaa;sudhoHo coclueddby îpointillagottseverah ty; lue tuuîîglit thtli-%vas iml'crtntu, ead dahuo ,tallt uedeîraiinoads, by stcam tthIe FallIs.T ou f'oîinonthat lte Sectuer it uvas cases cf iuardshipt arisimug(r ronutue jre- did muet kîîeuv 'vIiieh panuy vwculd hot'aîtfu-vuld Place gOVernmcmtttuder greet ottied tilbetr. Be did nettilinklItesenl coumity division. vouined luY the claugt. disadv'ettage, amd lie %vas tlierefe n)- li Iîassimîg îp %Vo mîticed thiatthue cour"e of'tlîe hon. neniler for Ilaldti- Afler soine four u'onds trom Mn. H. J. Mn.- J. . '%IMIctlonâld thon g:ittIbis am jueed ut, il."ce Jaîitgl o r% ecnoliî msnid wis lte must pidt ci ttis oc-Butmi bltt saeco",atotoifrad vr oh titi Butteniidment uas a cdean atot l sc1 i.Cameron ceulcuded ltaI this bill m.hpaaiet hsee'Wlib;lt r castes, but lue felt'îu duty bouînd ho vote Mn. .Tloruison said huaI tue bill did thue respeisîiiityituait eveny inemblet'svuuhh aswver ait uecessany luIreoses. i.' aauJ le e i thosu fercd ferc e frjt, as'ho sliuld mît conscience vote net pnose le setliaurt Ibthue hes O.îed te his cettitueiuc5y'îlilieuon1tLsîi nail vga vabontds oetndsecumnasuiîyiii fui-fr viet o for every Wnue fehitd t'en i-s tdjecl tediateî es ie Centnissiomuer ftor Cnown "uids_ uulveuur out' gvefuuit,.letrth ina len- ni. ' îuh eerisîîal ietl Iheulabolitioncf lte Rertutnies. uîîd ait- ar' i ae hecune 1 rîl visItiug tu go0liach ho lite euîiîetsgaecm11neal estate ;au lcseet-ineueocadsTeAeiamsiene mie ohv h hne tol e- cfethue lue mcd smîchî bnd ibm- voui propiating the Ce!rg-,y Reserves to gen- qumne ouryeas infom lIe tiuî cold u AtorîTheetsr.i, su se Ccit nrî'le on ucatioon.sied gmd t rchurnedliy his msajriîy. loeiutlien. Ho uugsie' tat a ir. lttful appeamu lce h eir villagescn *Vr. J<cFàand said a few woucomjîisiedsudin lt iitur n e M.È, hed si beonymam e S thu'od itul w tdrts mt 1Um u fn.lemss anbdîhuig t supprt ftchaotcu wrs n e ted hve unif îpey ntn-tein vîticl lte Ccltiuuy ccatld lie anrauged aud if lie stilh adhuercd ho hmscpiniun, lue fruit aud ennanscutai Inmos, muid mdd a Io ' t~Xritoposed it bocause ho chne lite Reeve if thbey dfid et ou-fexcept bythue pitin pnosed,was î>y di- nigfit iutlrocm cea Bi-Il te ebelusitail Pr'- lu idred perou t tc thue luxuriiant looks a vd fM.Viescus. tinet.ougcenfideyimu itset office,or ifviding it into flidiumgs. Nov, tli ois unty iu cases cf secmmniîv te thue CreuiuuSii r. &.J.lton :niefivsiîpnrted it. lies Iimusu nuer uui.palatuuhleo hothe vie lîd er psîree Im ysth set' yme 111 7- u lie BiIjsd illurewgiu cenumotîc ion - u, 'IIi cviemt et le.Oito an Ill The MOtiea,, Was put auJ Iots; yens 9,Ipeoel. Wd inifu'ceptîn ibti's te:CoîtuyfRiYandfii llomt aed titî. V'I may47.. Thefcrllowiig genttenieu ouîy Air. )Jeldtiavmtoemot'tue a dnd l eptinI ilese Air.ki- i tp«P1. i voheia i ime affirmastive :- ,m-tr - -, hateshittn.>nuu- n i dvstms.om ... esdhuI saege- Caeo.1- 1frtIeItlenu- n h i g s bu d no t ho le îl a s a vw as, s e f ur 1 t in k the A mn e ican g n itsîs 15q u c . icrk to f a rt, b t u t i Ugto le o u m p am e t h direandt iruleremi te ho xeferrmd Mr.Jvaroa(Lotîdon) teiivd tbm as theo parposes cof eleclion Wer orm uk- oe ieaaeaon etl ha uta ]IBytown, ovor the Chandier; Ni te à apet Oom aîtee. Coituhyf Midclesex did net desire a ceued ere vas ne other couinîy the Britisht; 1 thiuk that if oum manu-thlIe celles beîng snspeadeâ front hea- ~~osxa nuvstc~ uLL. div isomi!k t ali buit ho aud lte cou ty wir Ie ldfsvee nl uer factures 'voro as exteasiv-e aud flmly vy I usylokin-raqs n TVEDA, îme 7. were endy ifthie goverumént wished tIv eniibens. The nmombers of Ibmeslbmhm.sib miiwe sloid a cmy gftu~s utead cf cl - miabuev.d ial hthe Huas. ge to make a change, lu make it. OnlYr minishry ougîut cerîaainiy togo bock t: aetsdlereenaheynmt soiid steu<u lovera. Oau public works e ti.Trilji I i ey wi.qbed thechsauge toe opermanent, tmrcr untîece.fasher titan tbey do; but 1 deofDet wisb are al o amre1usaeu, ndmng Gi l a . - . ~~~~wiilclu e coîmîd sheur thse huesent an- X. H. &àerstooeI expîsineujimo w tb ho deny Ibat Ibis ut q -uitea ceasideralle nificeut scale Iha u h s ft e A e * G v gt od veau ant'lt5t'reîdnjb. i s ld eutinmigbt be aflècted by thse pr ce àonhny." arolht t s.an cna *n*CU 0 the4u tean oethe governmnt were *il iug t01515ke eutarranceene. SupSee mSouth eset a"t bgueitia l s nd A thatthee i nogreat eiginahity iu tihe ca. t - bosas. h. thiout"t he could show Ibat Nethu Ridt ng wic bwas a perfct close dscvery-8t. O4n8 .Ivelcs. ai IWsty fe iaa sa Oà6È ý_We m M l tt4a <t he emneh eme rs sal;boroughclthli oun Attorney General, ,We regret to et»that Ibmelice. F. siup te cedt o ,ieli' dSto ulIJR »~ ~ ~ ausd would vote agaimmt geutincg id th,.ra preljuuderaceof ttiie fnietads fimueks hau a severe failun t îiesîru in1ai #wai etorth*ta.ataIgentlemsan in thieloprnjî Iid-.gin the ower part f he 1 riarinh f . erry âr M. The et suas- A wu theOI pi4-Yeu tie, Me wld b si ficien t tu cafty thefro R- -yesterdaZyv hici, he istake,.Sei iea.iwl tee, ini carrying i eut lu Île linppy te Tbçretvere muiy heavy cQampçtaîp$ against lIma Oshawa portion cf tbo,-Çon. m iice, for b ng st u etai in crow d- mugý te bot itifmore lma Mr 'Pare.. iveil, thm Chairman,anotisucedatBrook-, lin, on the retent Sens' Demestçtion, tu-ttilu lim e linmted. simnber, titis maL. imîg cenufent on bcuàrd the' bonI out cf 1h. qtuestionj as fan as Y0Meom telook -about. couîld promote it. No incident of nota oeîmred on theo hommîvard trip, ivitls lb. exceutiti cf -tle cuipteiu having lest hi& nckoinig, ad mu ansequnce aît&s- isîuing, tue lfiilermeùi4-àtr FrenchuradYs. Bey atid ahcng tIse Scarbmo sucre, wih the shihenitid tire wrks Ihat. were mat fur tIme gratificatiou of the cmowdai hat tiat usseiubhcd ah tthe herbera cf Whitby andt Oslî-iaîu'u b 0-the parîy meturn. rI is sald that the captain, aithonighco*u if ti lie et ciinlthe lake, des net belon& e0 Ilue entier cf the es1.1 SA NOFronn.--Tho LCobourg Star tituat unemîmîces lte laie me!ancholiy aad'fa- ta! case et' exposioni on buard lime SIeste-- boat Foru'îter, un Rice aceý "The Feresten laÉest o uma sm alil p1ece out et'lier boiler vhioli sîrîci end. kilhcd emiee ot lie îauds îîamed Wethor- cien. 'fle Jamage doms ut amoualu Io immcli, antI %vill soon le repaired."$ Duos tlie Stea'mean- the damage sus- euiucui l'ylIse ecr. or by the fsmaly" oft'he tiiuforhnnaho dcceascd 1 Evideat- IV lise le-;s oet'thme cier vas bîppermoet sm lIe lieimîuofea lite dior a beiso, we'; 'umy, t hîcar cfa dc heuautd frha se's 10y 'le 'qtîrc iie lItoe hca ie, ed Wîin lIte stut'nciemiethuangelite 'e as muanot lu imin et daength lhIsstset'ttyobnsocfcurn fehbenga-- tise ithme lisconlccreneeftbisCna-tm melab-t sltisenîpeued le Csadigl canuboattispress, nnd oil isingb ner ut hîvtilprea, iuisead ef pstssg nisuchuee aurfualcalihies w ithbate- deistireefsomure aîlloily eus ats aeisaturenfer stoe tnbinetoenee- cuethaîî pouath e nliviluyof ewn- or n liety cf bmhivs of aSs1Pe ns tatî op erhy. itis camta sroii J lItaIopcf tIse eilh-f dou eai, sîm ein essmionlite ove euçn:liy oriutmu iv lut eintetho tmncas frs cfis- ve adiu cen. houseftîl, if %weçare lu. rservo tIse higl characler and coulfi-- ueo hitlerlu menjcyed by Canalian cainhonts, fer scft'ey et' ife aud ?u- 'rty. THE AIEMNBERL FOR PRtINCE,,,, EDWARD. MRul. STEVEyNOlias doue bimiselfand e custitîemîcy lue nepresents, great edih, îy luis nuanly amîd clear-sighted ex-s eut Air. Mennilt's Reciitrocity ne- liiims. île lias Ieen lîigluly conipli- unted by Mcssrs. Sltenui'ood, Iloulcuu. id cher disii,*îYnislied mnemisers, bots lIe IItmse amîdin pnivate circles. Thme t. gcaeneans ck-se attention and bu-. iss ,hiautits, thogeher villibis SOaUUd o's tusncomumercial tuitters, ma gradu- ysecmfnmg lu lis cositents, s bigb.. degneeof inflmuence inithe flouse i dait shIitîtertu be>en ecerded lu thal bealu* Il aud ivoîltlîy District. Prince Eid irJ se nds a modoît, nnassumieg, antt tticai wvorkhng niemben. 7RA&TuFt'iPt.-...The ladies bolomtgilg hlie neceut Excursion psrîy drew iPS of conpimctany enconitmnif ni lthe Anemicana, ansdwell IheYd-' 'cd iîemi, for ta prelie< 6i; P1es5Bnher of Canaulian gala neyer openedjonit Ui'S eyes hiefore, in thora diggins. S-EAT LI'rEI.ARyIMPEtOVEi(nuTeît- eOsliesca Refermer hb aiide l senrnce Iis week wrtîbcut edi.çuiA ývon an '« etiitoial bead." The id- bas spured no pains lahelytO womsder taper ueful th b e futt'Y iut6 lue ptlans lmasliemetlefui bit uIfflt is thc most origial Md 'eftttua4 zEw STotîs.-Oin readersvill Por' re by an utdverliseuno in a iob~ ig, bas peved a New Paucy, aud ?ral Dry G xUSte in ttis viBage aortleaor Gooda andGroçSiÇ hiilv mkm O 4

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