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Whitby Reporter, 5 Jul 1851, p. 1

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ai TEYRPOT Is PUBLISHEJJ cein WAiI6y Village. Ten SAiligspe2rnum ýer8. addressed to titis Offi ce xstjaid. . 1, fliscoun t alowed to per. Rg Agents for thre Reporter ~J. S. SPROWLE, Propriet or., T w Y UX'à~flafl, mcA think aothlnghuiiZU i ~~cWI~ - ereat 5,,,,ns~Tereace. ~VOL.2. ý LYRIC FOR THE TIME. ý11àe ghad, es creep fornuard on thse dia, ~cWhether wrong, - conquer rght; 9justice brook denial;- --i mi fhlIag cf Liberty unfold, Ï%w [e t re? fBehold, lapur-poseatronz! For hright and igh, s ,Tw Orient sky, Ue[R. lght cf Freedsrn streaka iritis ged; Corne along! T h wWInd b inging merTil>' ,#,I naturels song: .It slnithe him of Lly! Comecalong! : The sane ia teaching, And huats ils brnera to bue free, Corne atong! Corne te the solemn-vaiced sca; Conrne along! Mark! ahe isps tise wordsIl Be fre" It ishler song U1pmen tisentand Of every land, Unchained and lettered lie me:- Corne a!ong! F boa eor. London E.rpmrl or. .4 PARLIMENT USE FOR THE A EI ,Q UED OF TRE EXHIBITION. §ýLknow very wteil ynu have nothing to do V"wthlarirent, snd imust not have se long éelttelSaP pro)yal gusîd overever>' BJMIWoêreiV5.1JdontIl now that, jsst t pre- iSon( i$lraelmach. Tie ndustry of a prp or a lgfflpe1ne, a taile or a planing machine, fr l , eis he country than the mre taIS in- dI f iialae But stal Er. Edîtor, law- U -'gd riuamentiziflg are a sert of industry; aqdDina the Tilmes that parfiarnent cast- Wl~eO5 cus" of thse Exhibition, and sein.- s jbb efsrih of çpIler>' empty et the Ametir'an e. Ct fyst a Plae, 1 malle bold to, propose ,tWddpalatrsentt oight pro. toum., be put up _W b4e ig bell could lie runansd a bugfle blq'f a ýituWbe gathering, and îhey could soon ïi~ lor*Ifrontihe aies and eaiIeries, and trsu- .dil itfleltitveccd. As t s,whtp ever se, tj05l*emberrs àdo nt coule ; these is always a thin " end, every dy a chance of a roet out-the E iion dm atnt close te even, the Parliament OïÈàW 1at1sror. M. P.'sâ of al sidesnseem to prefer thsOtCn'U Palace te thse Palace et Westminster. 1Y~~iiitti îhm iThe Arneican end, 'Mr. jl;I4 1teyver>' place fer taI. We have ma- ldh IN tien w ynot rnembees of Partie- ýQT emore1 inS of i the more appiopri- iWItt musra, Beu'e are tiMeraw matertOls et e pope, end up-stalrs 1 weald w tiýe,,mssufactur-ed article; there jr rect te 1 set foth the procesef manuifacture ; how ak oliiuvy man, s'ilS ne more knewicrlge tisan un à bW in pee h ihm, ne acquintiiict âe l~T dusankind, or tise business of the -, .eramere sqaadeert mayhc cftht eeretzras.gels lifted p te P.Irliafrciit, 1 law.maker. Look, Mr. Editer, at 1npilo wi 4w et that aee-loom, that shows il * ým"h wvee' rottel andtr uwovee pc- bwtr gzing crowd are puzzl eta rAge nd whyl Just hecatas tht>' do ithse machiner>'. Nos', si, they qW boira more puzzled a te how tiret man bu- pp ,ktV5itor tisas how that ctton hecame CM te 'deatatd thse machincry. And s itgakbies' c f tise vacant space Icft b> tire .h181e, that ilt would lie a very useful show of ewetp 9loItishe nationt snd tht world nue how ru obp f Parliànseitt ame made, and hoîr they aPeak, andi vote, and make Uic laws. ~Pliciogoa yourd vere inereiy, s îa ATOasENTED WIPi. O-D Pogol.le that bath a pruden If uriiael b>' i aid.'; but hie thrai f a rrf ibMasa devil et bis elson. ý,~P R0OV 1IN 0GI ÀL. 0"WV*ited Presb3eteTiGlI Synod on the >" Clergy Resera Questionl. ça4hits. h loigpointed, ug protflsiflg resoltiof adpeadit was ordered thai ysol eptxbished as a ciretlar 4be istrîbuted as widely as possible. iierpbt of the GoVerfltrieft and Legis. latttî@ "d that they lie published a! iztemsvely1 as posible in ther apers o àï,-4ay. These resttionls thiotigi a retiWotls body, are "es g.ided asa mildexpositioq (if tire dce tritei *bich the mneynhers of the pres onft » m OWIIo )lave bett.IyethLie COuil lon' thagmet qUfý1on, swhe bni t, PçWded ini harsher teros heite ;aefi teir eoastitnents at lte eit el WIITY, _CANADA WEST, 'SATURDAY, UY ,î5 1. A OLDF() L cc cor rtgoeriec 2.-ira sid pprpratinapppbliopprindharisonsrnpdi pubrochic, on urbîeete.'s, l e rgadet as eNnu qutccrsiPnht f tse naejôt ha ilcre mtîd lande as Clergy Reserves hascuever giv- so )tirat great distreiW je apprehessded. 0e4n er iseiaidaqîsin T en satsfaction t6 tire ganertti omn-on-tthfie sIs' htete ea'ieec Q1te wiuiiiirda.a-urdi ordrtl Tire rise in said Qmt n suit c i hasoerWdSr.it Upn-'Us~rc~Cf ty ins tire Province, antd insteati of liro- that seo many fishermen frut the States whnch is.known 10 have laken place of put;eëon"Aaclicclt eîl t5nl9al Iiri rnav liîîu moting tliseinterests of religion brisihall hrvebeen oe ntrIvcnt' voc-lI ell erridsresmvro ,usr e. who isa5dt.h. rlrnt ittç'Csa tire very opposite effect, anti occasionedploy the fartra poplogtion ut"Ilfull PUY" rbil e rcdt-lsts.AiexieCr î4u p ïenddrefo ît ycne. rsLereicjsue tiltb socil ateritifleant pulicagitations 1u catch tise basket of Irout, about wtbiiefsisoô e presQed tiat froînils itarcotre îsfl]WMertiheôd genltemnt, mebm Dsaille 1 With-~'"- yat wiuchlis't nnmtestinjurioue o ail smchis esaid on this aide. Ta 'tiew ciraract ,*1 prédices injurions effecîsoun itoitifer oleiaatwil n q OsuEgi4r ta-ýs c orierat5Ltu5anld sacretl. of Iblis sade ofaffuirs "JIJD" thinits tirt tire'nervtgsvs systemt. and il ia sald tat onible cburchesaBy"ngan ver n ký el*ry, RIEC. 3.-TisaI -JestîeChrist is-tire oniy curpeople sbould belire erstéd front -Ptofossois Beer, cf .iena-lie.clelrr-- liatiter - anti; exndnsion of Hie Religion, j rly . à sinEt~ Kin- antiHead of Hie Churcis, anti ias crosin g tise Uine, as these tiert o tdGrianouhsjj v inWced dof soeteiss'd ndnoiurtt- t.~ itY ..'f vday~ gn appointetite menas for tihe support irene-fisktiai t tire farmers. Titis disco- ehi, filct tira ire lias enutroratei chico-, lcr fOverPs plotsesatis teru fi ot. choiasà Churci andetensonofHis teliionwiicil very removee tire scales from tire eyee ry coffiar usngtise Catrses of aman- for vSu rua abeLtpio osteI tc;ih h are-tiret Hie Cirtrcli depende on Hie ofrailt wio have vontlereti aI the stîccese rotie bliitdneqs. ii.* le iaine',e uire s eddc-nroitCllI blesin ad lberliy of ite member- of fishing parties in Canada, andti iey lsonsmrit dorsI, asti cketing the prpç«'4qdsai1cÇ I. eurd a t<ribdsa s bless n"bansijir ralitle e mt 6i g t y i ship ana frients; anti, tireSynoti holti wil not ibc sO i-seine as t wlo A NEN L AHN. for Eneiarid, ils thblenalr seme ist ghieys il tiserefore t1 ire a u inv sion f 111e at- eteirh ait i fiture.-D aly ./)mericait, W e have befoce ts a vecy ingeerio s riT he a ci enge . b ov de i n eslc piehC iig SI thority for any sectiior Govecument tu Lotivnetrtcista tclli i ie ise enirait loc t'his se issapbertitie " (craSng &cS MSCE LAN OUS cotrivncewhih ws fuindon hecf tIis ensinorafir; sîrd britriends have ever>'leua bird-.king 100k c5tf legielate in oprtio n te ioany iardin C ANE US preriseofWabiron Guy,one oftire sonto 'fesntiistlie wilsejid skis de 5iant:5 u nll a mund of gre whl rin posti o wHirand 1sih aries receptly arrested, fuc setting lire esyluro ia .lseonedpoeucaibtiader-strucit settoic fron pub ie r sou ces ;and t im lie tr uild ngi,& o.hie o rag, lie yet p tee nci a Ée C«y ppêp 5 . rd T A GIRLaWmanrsdtiszHaVI sort e imn e ~brîig,&.asce, anti is, sîteer, a isenusonie, lvsie ol i.Te fon epubirso n hrc; at ei iies ter. b bi1id Or'tistierce IlTte sa bW~k of Wood oestrl y acircîtiar cokin bamn H saacertaily arrtved itta kt'ealy ahhie civ su~cir entiowment n distrunat ofîle Wsi- fc.ir îctty"sa itfetind tre melh1 in[crin, absttî .a firI r. eots. aad va'trs',lct dom antijtustice of Clirist's express cu laiigaaifadhircdagr aboutfour inciresin diatffeter, perforated a Ail succestul pursuit i3 hopeits. If be- wem re i u I ie -, "àtors apparnce hltesanteni s. catch br in ibis ceuni r>' liccouis ol>' -ut for aprrtgfr"iet Tisat tntly helpreese antiG pennileals1-Witir seven isoles leugthways,-ftitr.ed!,aqnd tir cois tieywn peaisLie osîl ii tire worîd. Inoflise energency ts stie aheeiw>efu.înbreecis cf promise. cVaucdtwratO tint daiofteahotiti an irenglîd anttaecen leive î tise Gspel,"-anti t ii sseywliVIO tr lis stgtc--htsxenaqttarterdamneter,bored nearlyýtltrotiglitEXTRAORDINRYHAILSTOUM. 'fextile matsssfaè recivetie eirtiltti Iing srout ivOyere fae--sviat Burns clle a'"bon- lthe biock dwitir a hanui ralriuecc cOta ierp tinsi prta ecrro iri aa iset sd osems -asineboredt irotigh the aidesli tirhe copposite Tire htilalqrns whitcb ocetirredip n t1ie egle'a ibard t tng.arrsftl ofirealtir, virtue anti rural bearu-1 p,1- 4-That thse ssceer oedby cslei1 ae nefr o ieend, se wte1commnficate iitielloc'Edgemout, Delaware cottntY, 29tir ullh,r butthierepreseitei prps ti resledt mk u o fr the rTrstgttscerercIiro asouftietetetadtirpie sretnid sotte, of a nmore geneal division of tirese spotoie oiesai itr.Aothrer. ire, iii thae enren arnled ocîmnasooftie mkst «t seiîcis bta Pher ocoftlea Reserves aerong thre severai religions warm Iserrteti neigirbor offereti lier, rt ds he lv envrihdnmnso h u ee ueo teI o tienontinations i je rcicblittas hcovsictton, ss u as 1tu revent tire alssrrbtiol th ie occaared in titis Slttp, aiys.the plaltrecsolvedte oosq lierripracîicahlen 75ts.per cord for iwood oftlse5anipireie wilh wiich hhey Newispuiem. We aaa i 1otutqe--ttf. iltiOls enipt.Rii nivlaast lrst iv orsa o tien, n-ctttig l5O, eig n a~acoo 5re filied :Tire olès are covçret il vhirtire Delistsre Ctînty,, Reptaicatt5tton tingýofsisci fluenlial anti growing, wiIl, on no con- cets on tire ustmalprice for sncb entpioy pheatysiax ieotsdeioe hcssat ie ot o ie 1<O' wtvcusiil sidrahonoccptot n>'pocio, ati ent.cmrunlYconitece lie msleacît]lave a tube of irrowIn paper, is meustiiced nine,inciresbut.cotid slesrce- agidatsnon ths t tru trepatis irI io ae isotsfedlaborious for lire terner sex. Nctiring packed, asa closeiy as possible, wî Il cet- lIy believe ,thisaI i t vsvuoct a exaggca'heaana. ivotilticontinue te agilalion in c asàuteti, iowe ac iî îriecmel o atig in--Agninti rn,.Edg-sta lfieorèdv tre ic rclsandte Pdivinehr ce ratio (anu anti in obnpics- By igntiing tire batting lirrougth ie Iaet-evenjiig brmgft gra basket full of trlieamd ivitag etiarsl tre rovnce votitilim stil tion anti ecoasont>, in a short tintenia- ernail isoles al tIse boitoon of tise block, tire inilones , wliir ireiue tslerdtet.i Èiiui tosseti anti distrrcîetib>' denomiasatiots- naged 10 inve enotigis fromhccc- nievr i'vv1 ieoaereristr coi2 rrtaalrls lsà- y u Iiumpit iontao m rsngfotttsqes nel o e aoîaa eis (tise popetube anti ventrt tIre'otirer andtib1reerved tg lire Ledger -office for miglit a-stounli e lion. Sire is no'v daiiy ceeu seliirg Wood J. ie ot eil 5.Ta tanaiic 1s qaicvlendi givi air and dritfl)w h y sieexhibil ion nnd irough it ws one week to litl a .-iretgios rgsaothng iteepuai cvil n orsree niuido eahie> obustilîle motorisai piaced Ihere, the ufîer tire>' ale llico, orne cf Ihens-isc- lierwvards ascer.lt ation reig iotaserîiitof tis eniropu- as an>' wooicariwodive botrwax s *lted, tire cantniene flo~s otit, Ittsaly rmeastured five incises 11s ciriotl- aiga of tir. Bey, theluio, l sise înd ecf alnseulenot ia iypîligosîlr oe ii irantisprÎiading, croules la sireet cf fiente ference', ucking an eigisih. We siever gieLg-w ofti u tiniseat i euithiedeîletap-tfi rnde e.odniycnrsn or somie distanceoullAîtn, slafficient tu eaw belore lluuipa cf ice su large Çund siipjed ils ehitaint :_ po ii q-s1lieitis oie ltae erstie tris 1lady-foc sueh itcie is iat celil>'-I0se t ice lu any btuildinig or vessel ititis reacaer, anti we dotitwieliçer, caed. 'ts( p Dpitn ir hoec is eevsosncb of ourbachelor frienis as at-, mat ri- --iYotnatt tlcd cnayporradr saç hesup 1tire support cfa Provincial syshent cf nwaiiycilns- aecreSc r hi ftha e iel ae br..ad, tsed aiirree Teaetr sptdiet4 Cont mon Scisoci Educalion, insviicir al vrail rantn f-il-scbaWomanre st in- ire c v' aranexîerim-ens e mytisetmrirccsoei vcèsn' fedegral districts anti families wotltihave onon ti irys rasra-s ir idtiontitae 10et ie 1te ornrhe 1= kisîti je is oevç Wh eut ofl& eite r EGS :eqîtal intere§t anti privilege. of povert>', toitandtisvnt, lier virtiae j is ri ieemch rnL ide1 u ov, n.fmsssçrlîliieti ereiy CSLT 6.-TiraItise Synoti b>'no e nus tnimpeaciroble, anti sire lias oniysnglît t lira oni lesirot ck e s--as Ie do-cfitiroir leaveifegl ccciii gi#d nt raly a .conceivo tiraI tireproposai or tietision i n u ~t iwoeted ]abotut, ho stupport irerselriftrus dî eqtmi tr eoe a setloofli e ts pecçsFegn. c c TEI.lKT9aI - tie caduion etlis iat Sssin . anti relatives ir>thtois uof lier owvitlu lire building, anditsat utc citidar orc cOtlieI',a 1Parliameol grantiirg tire conîintenee ofi hoais.Iatintot uieortenîotaecshtrrt ooeiaestei ieei c ioc o O UI EC)SM. sadurinQute1!isi lire entiowen utl yte iresen aetnblt viiiîdimtlshora e enwunt ils being tiasoîered, tniless b>' occident. -lte- bi h ~gttIi col ae ofnteijîsiy1 u-ma xeri ia ti ur i secone tean cf ls c ao be put in a box orcirest ant ierigit A Correspondent isa.caluated whi s îeetur Geitera se-thf geresit> heiArctof olcton-usiitontfem thuginsrentai4 jits a vareisouse uncieteeteci a inanmight constiue utatsaverage oext, anti Mc.,11 7.-in lres leîrg irt5 ewscfe violate Mls, Nýorttirs eoff epeated is-u1 i thçtiefilrIssirounitibreak ott. cf lweîsty yeurs, « "îking hen yeters fr utetin , tisis Syotiatieare awr lt uscin e'oemui A lis etvise We onider titis one of lire most' infaie>, wisichir jetou emuci." Yen; ah 1leuti yoadte r wr h ucintloent'si s edfrCn nig fr - ieeoftii ltegeo mjriy ftieour hacitelor frierîtis to pay " attention" recl gi tproninent religionîs dtiontinatiiss in 1teor"-,woed," net tise"6gfiower"I dg-t.,angecous a nfernal maschines" tiraI -far tue nîtCi." , Mamma's tiarlitog Tireboundaty tise couinr>, lire>'. scisider tisaIjutlice, -[eîîte n."i"lias evor Ibeen ditscoei--e tii aky a aa ow rscc. ecar- LLanarie rat 'Smith tiese outlie conmaui'v, andthie -TNIv c-The mcc e-Dasly Tri ne. ilivorotis loung iefore, tir, cotaînieli or b' aeliduaen p)ecuerce on 'isisteitis ÉtT; bu "tkingterAyeaa ad; h est ex-,n c oneeio e IisProvinsce tviti tire tensive farmnungo-Sratiou probabi>' ever SRhi nt'asMaueeOÙ s t f er t teCy," itigtei i e ise= WathsispIt MoIrer Cotil', tienîd tiraIt e voace etîteret i jto 00>eoîtn' r>',liras been soc- SRIGýi HMRO ùTAs f u lf0Jl thbii1 Li e h ae ab of tire people ire gi venion thluis.subjeet in csfui oreitîr'i aiuna-A parly Oîsistin@of tire 1..S Atot- ostucl," tud $ iiuxing ania soa ixtaLS. On totipp ur.f4 1sucis an Istiqaivocai anetiraI t ii tisepat atmrant intq.c', Stra alisi iri onsel, hîti chirocf freuir nîat mur week," lit oita.itsrted iàib ie b! ýf cüllo liemisike anntte i er turing tu tspeu wn ioner ierit te B ver Island 10 itrocira bahti lonerathelisegose uot iree.-e gies td ten if frqm he0oum v annostlent orisînke n antate liaid enhîti&o ie Cro.itinqfî mne lOty cn e charges modle againtathtire outnltso, 1,480 us, or 88941..2stoile i ca prisolter, WhI y most vtiott qufsfins Io ardiae in ttiih C.NinItersstli a cu study rat orfous 156 circue 80 its. eith, o: 2fobei çuQvçyiug5aýT mos veatins tiehiil re ante jr tse Day before yestecdoy thee bel sack cf Dlot iewtisc o tatch meacorseeiyht ielnîpsibels whcr. vssii adlegesiite ietnSc exainssation, testifieti iis another wray, ho 78 eetaund tari but- ftcos tise bus si: dei,-proceede cf titis erop have amouinteti beliet sisu lie i4i a Propiret, iraving titi- lucks, f"witir six atone uvet," Iiiel) convermed, was t T H E E STIM A T ES. $1,78,009-yield cfabcsuI 130 ocres' acnits wrs ni iin1'inSIei-d. 4 > tn ocpîy es, &c. - ray(rom thre tinte of kt TieEtmtswr reetr 0lr iere ihave ireeni cighît> lante employ>'- Tise îigir! prest adsvine.tirahonwtay iidfur oai in ie yeac&o. S0a Tiey.th gr Hlouse ast niglialabeut nilse occock. e elr aco uttr orieies trrttig t a>01 iropireltvirnsuiinspirat 1ion poult>, amui 1 200 filis. But f<ifw.' takre Mr.. Prince cinti Tis etinelt evett fr 151is f aryifg l n trig lreecsc lascornes fr2iGoti, like tirat of ITaasl, il initrimts ant ilsieli fini,, (and alie. te County Tovi £657342 14s. 6d. in witicis tire otatoe bave beau sii- aire oserui usitgeet tirftutr, ad et,iserfanCuesi>tekoreusbnir daset fortient i cfi t Te woleamuer prpost l cx- pt co totpove$0,w etse Rees otiat %viht e ieo, ie crina pk front lite je cestruyeci lu k-çten it. tise lite tf cd ason by thse penedn jui~je.wrkeiteinioiiZis5 rcepîsfo tie olo eop f icndriscto antiimlate tan known longues; stefbiset otte anunîai:_..,MeusL tîneirts uoet [_ is £ 186,580 1s e2d. Il ira jroposerd tbhave anotntedtie10about $223,000.- Witsaeîiddd-I" Ho ,-eveutla bhimeif The cLa>rge ww 1 cortin ue tire grnile 1Victoria anti otirer srno 1f0.sumet t ulte preseoce o0 tsee A~rLE 'N DI. D PMT0-Y-t> EL. bioa,*o<cyus l scetrian coiiegs WÎitIt£ 1000 10 Toron- A DU LTE R AT IO N S. have mtfscomtmunications ct iii..4iafet~si tei Acteth '. edo atr a J oritigl xocls ds ter- tweeis Gotiand i trac, anti WltL ve»Iiltl<tIt r'oitking niait s>'tus dësireçt'tu dc wbî .'. is rt leglst pooat tr>"t' I rLa0etcs onmiaion und a iel csf a làiidg, e ligneci lsyut ,lessie àî tuutzisep ',a oftltstiRbeorRog Icitiseeeit trsaiens practiseti i'Lotndontraciemen, tact." ferfect freetior u -c i.o ot s, of' csçutI S(i t' ev htpip h ote tire hale thect aurtai tofirer00tise Lancet, tiuuing te prtsit -tfewweeks religion ~beiiet is alîowed. buit licecti- "reolahiiroit. larerlittnn S"sinet'iicOthe, oterband, voe9 lt-> ieAseb> f jprias givei tire recit cf oe seinieseet ottstese cf liais sort can le cestroined !ridgl at Kiettir. uAsits, and Ilo5w creet- weitîitiyield It t tg Canada fur public services otan impur- investigations cegardiog cofflèe anticiii- wlset i reraîts ont mnoovort aes sudsîDg at liant place scrtes imhe bitiepo.i>,Lc> oet f Inln r etdl ia rvneCOrTY. Ont f 42 tresir triais cf ccffee, as bm disgraceti tire comntisiîty Tisebridgeit"Itifietise ittest-work (if Whîo eeitl4 mut Il We aise int tire item ut £250 wltrit ne aduhîtection -%vas deîccreti in 31 saff- -iereir tise>' -vomit perpeutîed. At tihkititevererecl'i. nt hiî suti1eutca. er t lenglir proiposedt 1 pe ptid te Mr. pies, anti ver>' eflen tînder pectuialaci>' iseviai Io "er Islandl,lire trullis cf i is omte tort>'lteein le ghhasever-Y Mr,Àdb1m r- Mackcozre for hire services asa tDuector tiirepulabie circtumtanccs. Jo senletehie ste leu ilsecetohiire radecroncersr- puece in it exaoily nast wiî lije ini tise eiCph -ot tlise WellandiCanal Comrmun>'an 1835. cases, for exampie, btouses pcoteesing to ing .tise cotai merder et BenntitlWere bridgeiei.at .c'aoetk idina Ar'j4-9 It e popeetite xpnst £1,O0 fo tse cli pure coffee or coffue anti ciicor>' comilcet .-Daeiy Decora#D. an>' ofseverai l(bns.»d ilmel (',Liii;'-lch&nge5 md r ffl a- essidence of tireGosornera rt Toronto, nsîxet, accortiing 1tise wjsls e iir 'apulian cf course,") si~vhi>wteSQpscis r o- aptdrepars 1tire parlittttef t ilintgs.eustoasers, are dincevereti nevertireiess Tire' lebraterd Gerteva watciteleome tiroir oos anm n i sCefc3. Blae y 0<thia ,Therolas a balance et £1250 foi tise ce- te vend an adultersteti article on er'out ira a force rabtirhe London ex bibi- ora, artel snder u rdg 5fii' ielwueagnv ie moval te Toronto; £5000 tg set dowo ai. occoajoos. Whiie coffees in aduler- fion. e eare Weliches for tire- doitreltresent lte wuler, amtdby tlbt e Sat¶ th Coli for tire contemptpiId reatoval tb Quebec ated priacipialywîth ciicery, ciicory s andi bihl --s stalCiswhich cons Witia tien Ofeoerseetue S geuSOîrs ae,-eyc>'angeaaeg -nu e£3000forrepaira £8000 10 cf , etuttderstoed tlie in tunadulteopeterd ociwi ing 374 day ; csmaller itl leatal1 tt ilt ns pubeiviiil tiaIprpet>-_ ca esdsuedortie£o8citWcd aisohmm cethe cona irocs in h1 sia1lr iaofie o <f <atj hett sarîtc4 pei1 verno s IL se pepeeci 10pay ohn- h a mnabog an sa w t baked ëuîor If'e olt i i r tO a giseh nr d y of ti ers t e r b00 jg e t4he wi 'I t tIfue M i' le ~îucBoesek£16 1e e1.uncoo- ntilshiok' lier su bcntblut.- ee meti.. iilis R iis;ian aiia pst~',autl ui~pm. anrahis, te grnitho dLtutthde Lined' teb Nuttiegit th, uft"eJ VE A6E

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