Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Reporter, 5 Jul 1851, p. 2

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bu b fi thn Wih te L ,jiciea fa oro the iniconvenience muceh more aet« , teneýtahe at-awayý.tô a yMr. Boulton continuied,-nobody lhad been carried by UprCnda the first time, inoeur s p. he br.en-a ee cmpetlyidn.thnthtrstoftLacmiueityel townhipher thee..erehardy ay sid they were. Those members who votes; but.i.according to. the jourl, se kly to result from ,suchtgatherings a e t one ,hehsla tulyt 84ad 5 hsmte a ae ta eeed. . -Dae s fte words where the ni'«- niineteen Lower Caniadian mèmhers haid to a similqi One this enas uo. nFia at feadcmItttoit0adtincemst d-hsder consideration and a meeting ofth . IJ.ulion .was al%îò in fat-o'rgees. 'He' believed these kind Of wo rds- v-tedWit h aoit ntescond acconiing to previous arrangemrent 4, chidren and ta ilsisoliticalpar ty. wal is pr pofsio4o hi ittopaieii of eainghechiceoflocliy or the %were thrown iiio ·the debiate o h -raign e i h inrt. parents &ammbl. n te Brick- Prebyterian idol;a*nd to his fotering care, a the great leader ve ocnie nehtmane h Cotnty.Twn o he ajoit ofth pirpse tof producing bad- feeling, by *Mr. Lafontaine s.aid that was only the churchto hold wa stu klt eayal fthe Reform partyisindbedfr.h lret tonld be remedied. He had st t ies -r the, Councilors throughoùLt t iioe ho pro)fessed to deprecato it, second reading ; and. .9,-s probero ae r a téw corporate piieeseer enjoyed by any similar been ale to find the report of the po xia-Ilou gh Respn - nicasuire-could bc paàsed to apply to to pov.tha-, tronthe third readinig of the triumpatmetnsi hib.bt hycnot fe1.rot otooghyiu ., hti ivd h otdsinuse ebr a a tGovernmentimlposed the respdinsi- both sections of the Province. bl h aoi fLwrCnadians have béeen any-. There seemed' to be'no end to gra id s- ro r ot of o lita nsi- t ie rofesionwere present, and-t hilty o maing te:sletio ofth MrRos rmaredtha it nlthe"s"? °fhapyclan, -we-ll dressed children, lias, in fact, becme a pa pophe. le Cosmity fTown ungth:eoenrntof e r ht ors tha ethe 'itwas u ywere lagainst the nmeasuire. whose arrivai, osli waggons with flags and ttoso muchothat themostconvle poput- resl a eott h edo Coith Tw pnthe Geid b e n'did rghttosy ta h on. mmnberfr h uetonwsthen taken on the banners, was extnlven to :be oldest amonest • sakeusler.In-er - the govern mient, requesting that thejt 'e country ; asrdil not believe thaNookacrdntoheps.at No'pub- accrigt h rsu " mendmetw ich a's criean s. of coe teteachrsattended with the scho- lair eeto ol adyl diir hudb eoeld Ta thso nyohrGoenetwoi eli inrhdsi teFechCn-t ent r i "'s, an,1s e may sy, ihat-they themsielves formned deavoing longer to sustain the accumun ing dcay'hudb eoeld corrpt eotgh to se- heirpowe fordinn ere ik ndi',teer ýte Hoose tadjoutrniet ' y no means the least cheering part of the sight. veight of this eiant of his own.rearing against pop.-emra bde h rnilso political mot res. , .r. Boulton utterly denied Ithe trutli Blank Deeds & Ntemorials for sale at thisOffice.aaoarit n ratuwelate itatr mets ni uar ono nh hsfalnadth eshowl nohecabl eir il n t W o oed. Thr •Mr .Mrr'itoposed the proposed Of i e statemienit. many ircher staffofiteachers. They deserve wl , anil b nuosrce ourse 1llegti-.onra ge emn at amenmenthe overmentmigt as .Kr.Ros w1sgla of he dsavwal H E R EP Oai"'o" ""ands^ A'b"nd"f music-the BrOkItin ;ieRe. -Clear Grit doctrines ; mattera inia eem utly consiere, ha h wtrel choose the place fr, temt *nig of •r oe gldo h dsiova.T E R E .han<d-made its appearance betfore the nprrceeddwin s m.nuei, xrm-it.-propier place in wihto appy Was th Twns e(f hip Coucl - the Govertin i r._ .ý:Connl tout hte-began. and bas inzehadromtmade for it in the l.which we are, asM.Blwnsasi i x lan-iend of the govemme nt, andthe me nmnhr fo oer Canada shouldot nent- VHITBY, SATURDAY, Jot1y 5, 185.ready crowded nulles v, took asei v orthtoox ,:ta - 'neetedand oubcildren's children. oilwscneUtypreà was ot cmpeent.to anag thse o Uper C nad anadnestis. vI te s~~~^-ion Yoppouite the pulipit. ,Theiiilren of two tionitrs , orem ra a osqe ty peetd cmal étdetaitsmandd ge ubet tonecea for bothstions.t'watwas 3MEDICAL INCOARPORATION BILL. schools in nbich singme.,is tati.gbt, lere rnge n OsuswCossTENCY-THiE REFoRatER- Nothing ws oeednadcn becom themerl insrumet~ o loca caled UitedCanaa. H w ·the right and tll Whndofthe more noisy music of CTN vRSPILT 1a1ILK.--The good people of sequently in 184.7another Meetingwa 11ntms themï n.Sr - tdflclèll nlàCtn eas pleas- Thiere is, at the pa esent timie, befoe the House, the centre.f 'Is heebody of the churchre and part of heildant wh ich a peétition Was idia ed nthth voe astnihtan hoedthe sides, weie f6lled n ith, we shouild think, at least Osha ave straineddevery nerve todefeat(the Ba rwin Col. Pince rplied.the votes Wýid alwaiys he given* in the amasra o hemstdrigan aneou haiiv unrd hbie-agan igttose.W cutydviinfrm y posn i ircly iplndetrsedtEhs(M.alwn') Messrs. Rolbinsoni. H.J. Bouilton, and samue way. Thiere ought to bie only one ce,1t.iue yM.Cmro fCrwlsicrliytos h entpresent. ve te niety yfvuigteBwavlehads. IthsesbentetofteHouse, of hr tembrs ade omefpsherre- ivi la inC d wh ha aleadypused t troh tsfsconread- therealalte l eteharrises crow . . . and became the subjeet ofhe very great ote fbesmaa d t .n ýýhrr-cvi avi anada ; jutlcewould be ed by etneiators, tili the church, hinmfloor to ceil- scheme, At one time agreeing to the division if mrsWleamen ient•amnseedcepr.ndbt o. ing, having thus far, most successtully eduded the ing«,'cotild hold lno more. Telwrwnow ee'bu hconsideration. Ín consequence of this eojected to altering the-r. fnansrd reteaoc scrutiny of the press, train the fact of ils (mounders, thent removedl, and wragenshavin- been drawn tePrimn erdin atra ea nohrocsos e igd1pr presentarrangement, ýas he believed i.t!-high in ofi ce in Uper Cann da, had told a f elo the medical aristocrac of the cif -4yOf T- ansde ainztra. th ey toore were enie.Odpol thonoeiosn e>Cut onen ate einontohie ete tegvr entencsit fipo i HeO fead 'h élwfthi ( I"Ihmty t tie had DnoprjùdÃŽcesagainst rente, havmng Most carefully concealedia copy of it pie present--perhaps twelve hondred and fifty.- e ing "e tidicial system, an 'e ledget try. i tà e îresW as_ nr ntiironI anuoOlw.T o-miuch É ower Canddfians ;but that his dbir n try- fromn the Public eye ; and its exislec nl en The Rev. J. C. Geikie openied the proceedings of cOrneri terow fmu "Ohqa o fimsel f to give them4betosbe line t fo.ber from beyond temnwr o arwmne oalwó nd nw tteoth e dnre n e il.tthe daiy by piayer, aller whi- h the Rek. R. B. feet this, fittie petitions were gt up, and sublcIP- assistance hie couId a orti 'WetiTn 1e me où edteÙ rn foto to the expressn hisopini'ns bt in ow mad neso the l n héodiy rouit ius -Thornton irodreed business by an excellent andtonetrditoodazeheysofheercntrtngtesyem Fr'w dibaos..coi e mdicalpr'acitionrs inappmrnate address. Theauidience were thenet ten,i ovrm "'i ia goh t m own by the stage to Mon trea ,lie the country have never bee.n consultedtis matranebMasetr yClin.EqMah-twsIps;subsenptions whice are not worth a reason, it was niot fur him tosay;bu y in g v- h ad ask e the d riv er wr h t th e C nad i- sure, the tendenmaticai il M er and L e turer on N at ral P hil os - -fi -somn e f the subscribers t w hich are set dw n the restilt w as t hiat t ,h o e n m n e erfiietshould depart froma unpVort-ants wouild du if Mr. Papineau died.- -i, ny fwhc s oexie pii f h i heNralShol o heFoso lat-toe12ad pars woae o wrh smnycindtod ayhng ndi te i an ,ýi4e ;of the bill, whien they The aniswer was quitle unexpected.- aos ndhte sgistthe medical profession o -1ad ont-usdeada-d, stnn ith neadnoeo-hcha etcol eclletion in %which he thon wnslhe did in u idd iponthecasen te O i w éesectM r Painea ; bt i hethrouIghottthe land, by the arbitrary and tyratini- " o 1,e re ristakenilthe eiderpatof t eda hdcmnrvdathat Il no party is comn-fel uthrsd otae he niatieb frcabé t on pp: osionideof t nenîn en 1 were to die, there are twenty Papin- o r netsi ihadteusrup-eeting did not l leave rl he hou w t a lmitted I" by the transaction ; still, however, to the bi ingfrwrtmaue His dty frn he' posl adro h Hi. eaus. That gentleman %was the leh on. maniner in which it forces the medicinles of the nints fromn. Mr. fHind, uwhich aniIe very na '"was tolirrge î it tpon the Gove-rnmen H (M .S.) hIad seen the time whenilmember fur Nor folk. . exlusive school which it createa,down the throat- teir aicthral purJuit. Aeiki redtr. h e d d at, professin, throgh4their cognts1 oat- nd ssre h mofal hes thfetend iéi ntio ifVrd . uon den iedtits. Ill was hepeople, kill or cure. The few medical gn etao h uiso aet ot cesad'couild give, an d having done this he fet thnen el e e airied nifsuhn amend perfectly idntrute. %What lhe had related tlemen whom we have consulted on the bill now enildren, giving not a few adiviers %whieb jt would tewe'l te ropcshv aeaterh. a oealtati h oiinh mthad th enorNed. Wv 11ce Wwas a con ersatinvith Mr. Des vier- before us, Doctors Allison, Clark and Gunon, with ws1py cita g oint. peng r.j -iel he aloibnt gpa eteln onwsfrirst DlOvagillek e ou ld havge i donTe grea gte y;sd it t-1o s tie cner Ç ,' H e 1 id nM P u & aigeter n apraiseworthy ut-rolity, ,,tnounce il as arbIitrary chestnut. on the necebity of l'arnlts suplportinglolh cagei hecn titto (1,,e Ilhar tati 'w s o lgin -as tfis Mr. *apineau makes so uilch and absurd, and firmly believe that the profess onteacrin lsehe i t ets toforothe ystd e r tpvry , othai er tgh tan d nient. wThe Miins- o , t n,[ h e oun ty h eefo ughti andi i luen de theexdt elet ion ;an t ht lce' ohe ovrn e si generally In the country, if malle aware of ils fea- avote o nks the a idss es o e a, ndaet ryaeno al psee t et wtIppialon dheflt eeo e Sco in Mr Porrv had imade..lärge promises, eres replied :-. t wouild 1b0no luse, there trs ol iwi ntesm gt heinpr ershetineà aathe id the ,ntonalatem tonms im teawaopposeg rs flhir mesae;bfr os tet a eesr Hergaeße rinipe f he med retwet Ppmans(Ln te.) amble declares itnecessary to place therrmedical pro ,en is lyd ytehn.w o ttsaeoemdetgnlmnapyngirn esta e shou)!d indicate some of the principa mbent at'omelehgth ; and reinarked int lr Lfnan js fe h rnhfession of Upper Canalda upon a more irselbe htarnt dybecidrapestwoofcs-hseo eitaradSeifnTepi shecnevdte nanhei cideptaili onthe dm*-vsion of - he prece- Cndesfo hfoeswihteeooing," and the enactment proceedsjo repeal ail banhof education,tits worth ii incalculable.._Oshawa stage through whilby, is crowvded daily auemgtb aldno otke dingevenmajt relative -o the Court of- had given lapon the Chancerv Bill, andl aets and pal its of acts relating, to his Dr. Alisonn of Brook lin, presided 1 hrouch the meet- w %ith filean and hutàilry loiks," and returns againton A mi on gst of hers was the import. Chneraha ortws upotd h ., ,p p ic, Ergery in. Iwe anticipate that nexçt year, the numbers . . Althiisaiat sublject of t he Judiciary• He was Cacr.TIidûtaispotd'uplon ether >illsrelatin g to- Upper Ca- and midwifery, inconsistent with this at. Clause atedwillb er.uh raer than eý,$en thi"w ith as m a ny g hos-is perne.Altis ywr Canadiani votes aoielv, four- nada*; land if they voted together, Who 2 incorporates all licensed practitionera in ype year. - no doubt, set dlown us lauidable consistency. You wean iose Couton Appnoealsia ffthl df the members of -Jpper Cmashadierah hmwihiotwscaaatithed pe tispesatfr st tiktatteidao sc avookdfonbietemnfrhhsd··ewlla heCmmoiatsmra had eygaint the Chanery Cnet, aid, oided tahatthemfolS dle I aa da, no oy poliic and coreporaie, by the meetingsorieinatedl in the editorialsof the Reporter, 7 "o'mr dpe otewnso h on hadavegnstthtrey Gneral wertst d. ndeloed thîte blnd uters name ntr-1the College of Physicians and Surgon$ gl atya.oesgeto hnmdldt as prayed for by Ilhe people, that you deserve your try. Hle wasdsruoftanghi Nowgþitiste ttorney ther a beven '.aimsefocenied thepoitnd of btuhe eof Upper Canada," and ma kes thel! practice a pure th-il'ul ,ne pper haisarnJd hat t e r ear..cetitsoldhv ecpeIhoatn alia Xrsin fo-o n'h de rr piedowe andiainsf he wold rnonopoiy, to the utter exclusion of aitlcilher sys- education. The Reformer mourns sadly over his empty panil, tion of somtelhon gen tleman, that it piirt feres Cnadf oii n tersdecrare thhe wh adaner oaskd temus, and ives them powei to hold real estate.-- RSGTONF RBADI and attribute3 all to the odious "l Whitby paper," only in his place in 'Paliament,liinta! againtthe'Attorney Genieral East, thlat-n y honble memlber to give Ihis vote The 4th Clause places aillthe powers in the hands•• whchesycandistuehnteqetonnhsndrstohsositnt h aroudshae rsignd.»Re dd n norhow e wn idgiv h i voe 'of the practitioners of Torotoù, where the Board of On the day re h i so nM.Mcezesof the county Town was proposed to bie left to the spoke of t he necessity of a change, iethat hat lhon gentleman woi if there were any hon memnber more îin- overrinr biennially electal, are to meet, six of motion for a committee to dirait a bill to albolish the Revsiehv nytiea rsn odn W iithrgto the petiione prsnted9, eft ýtô o à office,. and ca rry Lowei, ótined than another to follow a leader, whom are to be chosen in that city, and lour raom Court or Chancery, (Thursday, 26th June,) Mýr. emphatically that we lever opposed the question men86nong was don te. pno1849,on hW a qusn , i u n the votes of thatmndiler vas fie reresntatvenfur the cities of Kingstn and IHamitn telvlBaldwin tn e d hie esinto o fie a binnd 1eve1tt es:8t e ce roe mdepen ently in ofermg he am nd- wth M r. Desri ieres and seem d cleks reardingthe rceivig andtrans issio orthas natrallyexpecepstha rolowed he thpece-tteear men r iatdlige ceromstronrthe ecisi n. Th y pro osed wo Su muen- 'd had o Cn o a use rnen est.u tht thol nd ilofce ader w as adopt svotesto fth e ity oard, mainguCertafdatv,, esa d nth or LrdJn Rusel, tp tea filurelor te inds,-e Rfmerho b r ustedf-pint sn thebak ou- eriorCoutIes o Co mo w,n itt ad by epu tto mngndbe ase he of b e- e s foricy i iso ndc . N He-tsp- ourise an emen inlteir reate arhet s i to-dve Rne t er.notToheaerceied the liht.- r, n w oetug en anbtdpn e oinde ot one e theendsexistig ,nd htlte ph t i Lo e Canst .probaed th e li n m, red %voysquttred by o se m akndroisonefor aui ny heT op nstin, e satieck, Thecriv t o hce wa suIly ,awth v er r men f intelpeti ftion-ig C utoh nc rh rsd do e eensueil r. H She- th ChifJustceshpofNwfoud!an. Ths isa gros inustie toTownhips as tforcsspatorterothatinorgr.Balwin'resinatinnuoathecontWsea m Winbyvirege. heethreeJudgs.tTese àttes wold b Ck.Pù tatedgtha e hemb ers fr o nu . no he b l hon m eb nersl ta tettiayteitlekhfrsevce eneedtcaTe lrg esreshd osml saeinhs eemnnee peercte- evrbetron teate ddwihlite ditoa Sepesu Ça a, o he votg on the ya th remarks he had made uponCteBarksd erethe r rpreseantedand it ioo vsn.affair is cte tal mot kiiudoge, n hshlk0ewudbelnes fpbi oiinth rmrydcson ol h edr aEepe haetlyh o ffem e rin h n d-iviiFrench Candein eers, a he sre - hc hyhaentigtid. w o om ogaeelyacm lsedarcigeenut er, in os-mawa, edomore satisfactrynwhiee by thelio- oth 1j %nd bèrad n ot vte d:frlist that he hipp i ua o offc i on ia D i d the votst h Citaus , h ich we ugiv ertie, te mst bute cnt I nuancerd o hRell han eaomiatn BALDW N S E P A AI Nbinatth 0e ionousofal Cthe muges , nCourt o cò d rigtis eyPala en nnd ls o hem r o r k w nt a t ran mean ns, and oreetiv hy ely , w a Gen-dietn deace o t eh uaerecw i ven alelinh-ty n s ugmet•onleA pea oen o lc o uld e formeg ad, that would hob.ýtýeuld tioti fya d ct se le.by -wehih w e o c ed upils o Low r C tem n oftheprorssin oberveorhe d rk gee.nulhaveghtto te theatnedeoaltionwit theto- an.M r.Caldrtsad, efor pr - ie th ost at actin.t dThe onl nót vottg for is aboliion ? Th Go- daby the otes of ser CaadodtX.Akngpbeiincted, Thatxtra or asa :teth res, canek mde Cut n h s ne ui non ofMr.aB fod- tcein g totheodr fted ,h th - p ae s pirt Rxrnm cithad had tatmeaurefored th at e dmin sr i itiuch to rci as 'urgr "sidi i eu pino ffc.T i or uth e e eave t irne h i nn ige nche th E e J t ec nais àt o me o upon a, gth bar o Uppe Canad, coud be pepare at an momet. Af-canad.unles he b a Felow orhnsaidcollee. verrunpoular wth th peopeindeeuwhenmem- touseto maq à fe statments ould ot bo neral e d a n d - *thie n tie m b e for T r to h m - te r tau n tin et th e lo n m e m be r tfor N th t or unless he ti n a i pl o m aserv ie en ed ical he l r sr vl e o s al l i e i ed, or a c on e t e w ith the J Wp ot bi-opin ic n h e fa . g y io n s o i d e re de ss se li h a d b enad a , o rý h in e n t su on t fii .l • h I h l a m d e u un th or- u ard, un er pe ath y a r e pun es nd , r ren hcy o revall it isi o n t hss tem tw o h e end i s ho d iah swoa,,c o r h r ly a t r t i p t t o a Shr* o d d pr r. i wi isprteson t-no leg; ac ayn hcmanoerrnsal s ratieco..yar ao wente uetonwa ooedfr tsdavurt b se w uk n-prsntdte ree toha cl nr-d Clwiýýi Cotit,ÃŽ e niter i. r.H. Fn o n h a ws ofUper C anadt rary to theyprovesionsithi Act ,ao. Wn owstch epeal. aoltionare ow arraid, eto i th e as brieeas possibe. It dressed a lte t i lgMr B Couti 0 si e th h on m em be had at le st e and a N w fou)p n dr lad ; bu l so of L ty h a t llb re rae on h w ent r y t eered s- tth . rnu n etft e hn e a oi n atiu ntsi w asa lred y very e TL k N w n a t t he al c ti d c o , . a t w in fotr t tw e ab rshag o .. H e dAen t t e C a nda, w hich rtw oye r f o w en trale wi ndbro n yJust iced 'o thy , a ge n.fo r ect e i ne oith ther otes record ee a a i ve i t a i n e h ld ls sv e e a o v t i tn s st v i s fahe ien .T e nd rly gerally to M r Sh e oo d. laredof he und er od a adwell a E lsh m t an do uep of i n e vedhal t h ebeerk com - fllh e hc e th o e eae oa t o w T he llwt ae d tofiM . l dwin se<i ence o f e r efeCoren t o p ethe atr e of the peti tn ifAt ye iioconvesiltof n o vestion .ia w r L fonetaie reu rnoe o hana y- n onvctonhe fredor tahyee ot an anlyssor vteswil sewthaiwthot t., ot whch hisneuseeam toonFri annow ngtha th syte ofjnde reltive o th prcipl of he aend. gustio ofvtinran askd wht wuld o th comonXa. And th coutyil tiTthesamrFrech CnadinsUppe Ctnda wuldsoonbe dy evn i gee fetdithisdutytontnderuryvnsna ofllyrefetive Thehon • w votn g o i s ab l ti n1 h G - da the oeff t of r e r a g tine votes of he paid: ProvideActway s ntha noth mr er tein con- re tio of in o frab e . inC us. t h is r s g a i noeheo c1et e 5el e te a r r a r m M . C a - A fr . R e asket hd the rnm e tr efor dthe a et i n te roa t yo tihe ma - i t to r aci ep hy rac s p ryor Mi iifranin U PPE R CAy Np uADA Mh eM B peS w o oEed o t hS e ts n t i a d b eà en snce e me t s c tik e le tter. It c ami e e e- ito f T oro theo rofwich siert a.e aLo-. sur e hih ne r ned n t sel ? W y nmoLm erntana a fro prac ising teamInnp-• -THE Mcolin h n w he i O ieoÃŒt niii i ,i tl le e o i n we :C na ia m m b i s ou d ot o f w ay w ul c m t >a es pCanada, uaccoding ta lo w thev sa i or t e z ctliennie u ceor ws a pth e d. As tn h '. feco unt r to consier hsp o n w s thi qu s inr e e h y to w l he C e gy R s rv s i - p ss le it s sin~had i n ta he n difth l e srs . BO o ultJ a von ofolk), B te oul i emstancesi of his Ilr e i e at io de - p erson w ho e asis t e Cih tn e lo ok-t o u a d i o nen o 'v ot e t a o w r en t o h e y h o nt e m b e r f o r T orh e l o n t o w e r u r eN or - 9 i i ne a e a t y arr i e u ;-i tn y o e a a o , ai r oe q (n v C on a l ) , C a y - 'i g h v t i rh e c s e r ie e c la r Jo s i b l er I , e o i i s l f a d t o e w o w r [ . të * o e x r i e a 'j d en t .? M( H r, t o lyo n f rIen c a da n v ottU p e s C a ni d a r ery te I ne p r o Lo n b Ater a x srto p lact o lition y sa e o r c s on , h ll, o p s he h o pa1e d yw o u ld i dulg et h im w h eh o a tw in th e i a n d ifro m the ro in edio n s hdtear o mM .aemt aint e) Wvee woud ewftogla d to getthem And "iner tha eProvt eoCa ena." tw er-i-i is %ne, wLy h on, Ma c nze, a Na b, madesit aioflew remd as. I n tkhe p stoi x rsed m te letralu e o h the ut.hee ndbondtovoe po ye, hie on gntem n oiddbe ' he vsineintisclfaJus ieotoppre en n p-ohM FlnMLeanMeerfeoatlyhedhseirt aw Ad is r f ead n o the atio undreoftghe i tten all qut ton s o the He b est of their tdg- appydtoreceivethe Feres a nadia d fe C ns 'ile, as the ursing or a ll inva d, for n- hny r e ile ob mon, Sco t Bow n), e y thý Llle Crown, h le on eie hatfi t e a dtion to M r. Blake, nnd learning that snent i Vte w iyth t ,he U prW Cad a es o n d t o .as , he e a n ih a- l e an ime, bya pero n o t ayien t of ti h eis n - nr, herw ood (Bre kvill e , h r wl o od his, do t y vh t c oiseeall ma t tr e e - ta t gv snt im an w aséw illiveg T em b rk anajo r , a id rsthe on m em b er t o n ia ns ere lamt i e d e car duse th ey arb ry o ca cin tyra n ffn rnto co rit, Freichl W d iit h [Fp r ontna c], %o lds m ith ring toé e uic i al cni t i ny o ft hn e e n l eti a n if hee tht is c rd t h ad .. Man~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ hto,óondotAtwawodnoreeswnttemjitubje chn oncGarcotero ity Ilril],handaStevenson.-25. coun at ionThe mateOfficet he u d atg fhssevcs neeto peri o f th de bat e oferthe y to frqu tom Upper C ga d a s d h. tevs e w ith Pro for a unlimi te ro itihetre on- l idofR c A NDA 3 abE icBE sw oy T Drg o pe a a a h doe dhs a ca eo n, and h etner. e' c a wh t es wai unil.he ppe Caada mem e tbihed nl t O erars b e oe s He tainth g ialmot ob- T pE MoTroN. T hnio in tor any y ear ro ohsh ldeeut o .ge ten n opst for~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Torntotel tem owur-y wat hagin thAssteDAfudcatreanrtr da hOha benfundguityof dMiiserin Sot [Two toittinssn 8Cn furel infaor.ofinnw oganzaiolin her fvou, ut t trnd ot ohe Mr.ce ssey e e findout t-h a oh wees e i ron sof pcutryingthem off e h rie,oraftihe si , rering th e oly- .'n. e Cgmmnl awieua.F rwie n hsfin lk a a Citpe rodamjriy~tron ao utlonterssio btteywr o ptet.W il ayntin-aidaeeryar e a xpesdnI n an aleèo-fie.I hefrs esini pat able moed.ANoeassstanceccan be s xercising their judg - had never betrayed them for office.- - ,k a r -r a n e n e s s a Ê i enead AGtNTTHE OIO. t then r et md ee of o'r in ha m*4t D"p Ugper Canadian quesition ;It had neve cue ote ot nk-hmb u rhmnudray eiesacs ess adwin, Bell, Flint, Hin hatcag e a neo 'ngfr tuincienwthut if184ppeal.lh cn bit hedid o ject 't tem rising i fatiat a imancould be qieted by gettiug wtoticrigpnlisw ihar eol o M rio, M coad [Glen ' it a e i a ble toollow t enio t % oseunc as t at ýie 19a bl bod th oe g ome ad to a man fo!- a goÃ"od place. On the Jesuits -Estates crme.Did the popneetrky o pma PieRchrdan eih [u ytean adalas et b date y i bn.ad-erndfr. he v t ftheir leaders. He guston not a sigle Upper Canadiate uri Dd h outyprfsio prtio - .• w t er it was be ete th at sileh selfasista n be zwa gladto a W w qld n o ject if they would get up vote with the French Canadians ; li u eo nati u a bu t not. The country practitioners ay thelhave sur. Ourtpinion is, that the Ref ato l p ersould be venstdine 0 e a thimself , tou h f or ë he felt liktý mem, »Îd express a judgment of did' any one repexach -them for the icient powers already, and, no doubt,,Wire that rejuvinated by the retirement or Mr.pa lde.jtdgeo natiua ossi "nl isl srsosbea fh a tkeik ow n• It was not because they course the y took 1 8uit was with n u- each system should stand upon its ownerita. iel rmph eaesh - -Badec Jd ges to n hhhan o e. Tho at s m re drwnttuphi sef. Threhae ee t fpmMr Lfotane. ncialBilwhih asfoce t p N -i in war i tmathedpen.quatednotions on the clergylteserves, and 1831 the act under whicli-th y.CInrt ookenarrymtherilthoughPari if the re fnh em-oe r Canadp a by lwhctheu voe of U i 'unerin th digilimostindignant rentrance, other queslfons, as well as on the Judiciary, with Chancery was originalli egaCou rath et. e stood b lefre the cutr as ifthe Fenglish had Can aa 1 evýtsfperto te Ho" e îtaediately, kr i9 not, 1I three or which he cOnnected himself early in bis public lie, passed--brought in by ogaied wsteeoe a aigtknu h u of Eghshfredomplan in tht Mr Laortane aA sit ome e la nrthe and Letthemattbe akenthehealhy nd ativeproressve piri ofthe o theproessin eeeptt toefmthbes wbich frm th poitio hewasoa&, laar) e eg A uthi slen po hman rpete u & g t i eM gean o" iw ig. e cle lng of e-ti e hsss ain h ig a la aint ioa n h uieso hu osdre thsseil uyt d S o@ d ri A r. W Beelaa sid tatath hon t'O mo eSChOO E O S.IO ihsfthnepe" ntltepesuefr atio n te d bgy a re e twih , ram the "tin hi e %d plsiiis thaMr. lastj h igbaitpi

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