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Whitby Reporter, 5 Jul 1851, p. 3

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sure thd MetT a- s Grin-Fair demaod'for WbeîittforT TOTTIA..Egtetdiys hall E Jue~ e~e.i t la searceeîtw zoiling! -narket steady; stsupW good bqltionsufr asnheard from, sti ônte prse-il X~>$E 0 the iof bethpaas dintain, iestiifyrthe prose-g4CgNE O <~~tflO the sales 1,000 bushs Ohio ona private terms tonyanocdtsth hudpoédo h IJ&mobr ime 0bssMe a t$-4;od ùï blwn obring evidenceë ta covât thseO tlath t shothcf n ,0 oh icia t$10;odos the professi.ott ' fvOIItiOIIofth bttr : good demnaod ; snpéplymbderate. Pr gl teburning ol thse Detroit IRaitraâoSbcrbrl- bà'nof lic M Iember COEfl lower ak t stîean low Dpot.-Rumeter Demtrat. T'HoE bNrb of the WHXTI3y 0515> hae .rCourt or er ; sales 6,000 busitS it 50ca 54c for keep pace with thetissie.s, keep on bsand a gqod be drva nle di heated; 580 a 59e for niixed Western; SCYTHESY SNATHS, &c. assortmnest of Clatis ,Casimeres, Stineit., tIsesnb 59 fo ydow.6Sofor îb hiî --TwedsFlanets, Blankets, and Socking Yarn,. t00, ouern NTOWte orsofte POiio on band a good assortrnent of for Cash or Wool, iohoiesale or retai. Motion,- P-k 1 Te rso h rvsos--.Our market forPork con- kneriran Grass a d Cradiing Scythes,Snaths, Manuiactoririg,, .and, 85ijpogbtcpodI comtioteà s,- Tst1peia l-e vrydiatnd tunsettleci, prices Ralcea, Forks, &c,,113'CHzÂPRzaTHÂN EVER. dace Io suit ecatooer, ifd . . a Ofe6~ vellmembers bé api; nominal for nwI esl t 1,5,mn. .E. PEIRy. WOOL C RPING to laybitlls Or Ohewiistrcton 2,87 newprime. Lard very quiet; .uîy4th 1851. 12 and CLOTH DRESSING donc ~on he abortest aoblitioli. f ohrisfrtesales 110 tiercesut8e ago.Btutter TII A~~- riIc TI ce. They intend 'tq ltgt.an'Accommodation fthe Court,. Of qhaneery, anded y-but dol! ;9ce a13o for Ohio;- C0r Wofl Facî n orThey amn iirxpeu for coutead1) joc Ur: tt1Yiflafl, Ur . tam sewe Pr yad the Wlitly 'CustomE riigEut-oes nc rtana14e for Stato. Oheeso inactive; 5o oPrin c ibr; aidThe wlu 'runStoir E prt ess or c5,potb4QoùrtiofCosnmonLh LA MNBRcareDLA aei nee-ve--aiii'tS ïnrsTneya Tieîmennber for lidimàd assar- TaeOLLR er dOLA1 s eri nce. weekalliat ndSte.PTnnm'taneryto Pte, 25_ uM0nbers of,-this Hu- tise accrnsfldtotoof-iiseFai4ssers offMariposa, an àiiiihY 1\IONi.TREAt MARKETS, N ON&PEA ,Scurog lçland anuaurronitcuty uudditiem y ixgentlemen wvho Proprietora of tise MÀMMOTH HOUSE. King They wlireeive i a Hoover'S Point by.Consisting 1ibvqýbeepaonidered enîslporters of theé siesJune 27th. Street, Toronto, being aboutt pno h irit thse Steamer .IOOD1M,,and haveit returnted mduliistrtionsevenftheîîaes~em la coasequence of rece t in-AUGflST, the store latti open h e y le ekybteas ovylt 1»'s o te br id wo the, iemersteligncefrm Eglad,1hedemndFrie -As and neigibs onan d ait, From thec- telicsae ro Eglad te emnd PETER PERRY ESQ., DntFre ie~ie ai b t g o f h . e re n d w t e , s te b r o ýh d e c i t o s bs-a t r a l t iv e i n w n a s t ie R E D S T O R E N o . 1 . W h itb y , G o d w e a iv e fo r wi o o l th a t' C &e o .ý ofth&Uèéformz.Goverilment. These s&asO, Thelyin get âbefhve reâorded their votes crie; prices hiave iikewise advansced. now tise OINTARIO STORE, Nwould Itemember, tilnds, te're onet et green, tipon m19totiOstOof thn _meiner for Weq'liote pots and pieuris, witla largo caiti Our attenstion toth ie advantages which >'ou BOWERMAN, FLANAGAN& O t0 hSprlprfsinsales, at 31Is for t la former and 34s 6d wvi[ avehby uying your Wlhitt>y, Mtsoy, 12,1851. Iqi ThY ci, alniU bilo', his ueypofsin.fr tlie latter. Flour.-A botter feeling Dryj Goouis, Clot/ing, Bonnets, Coaks,EWR aI tdû~. hie 2 yea risier. bshes tparted to tIis mark-et, iliiHats, caps, Fur$"T ESUSBIBR re 0 e WR toni iÏ:,&6ttleleystem oJestitey jsîrsss.caeqsnec ts lrven e B~OO TS' & SIOE.S'&c -r eting in -tore, tieir Spring sppiy of'GRO- Toot tionn athe î tlesy rJs tice itoIr- las takeon îshojoil, En-land.- Since fro, tlsern. Tou wili 50w have ossiy ta psy tise CERIS,,ch pyire e urupal assdantad Too-o fln O~Xi~ttOytaftimot tythit tîrne last %veck'sevetal'thousand LWETTomantoPIe S ;anastise Proprie- (ERh,hicopriing léto iseuul crm ersdata S. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I hil(1t OW1dothssoilbresIave Cliangeà-d làtds, at prices tors have every facility for iuyss; chcap in tise eeu te"' tteim rrsone tise ma2 o one thé Hpuse by theopinoof varyin ti from 19seto 19s 6dl for No. 1 EnglisiFrench, and Asteican Marketsthey are generallIy. aod pposd l ~ sperfte aI ieltter lrice sales of No nei-hhorin-* Towsships saat[map tise ienefit. 270 package» Yousng Hysoas, campsiistg nome HoaeI~esolitoiry mesebers, only J1 t fle c'xtenit of 4,000 barrels took place -Ailtise gnonds wilise marked in plain figures, extra finé, 7w%. 21 one of 0 -ru eloujed to tIse Profession Y. No. 2 sonay be qsuoted at frossa and soid t ftlePRES 60 packages Twankay, 3d toi6d over tiherates oflaIst ieeek, but LOWVEST C.,SII 30 .packa9e assorted, Black Teas,Ojre and i,îtl nthe. mot importaat cont i ld f k n 26. 23 boxes Gastpowder. O Eo mieuto~ ha eucoabefore tlise ______________________RefuoromLgr Gfer o, "FCOFE:ret,~ cou~ t ~n~ Woyar inetiegreat measoîre been eonfitied 1 tOsaso efrse t rtycCOFR:tise present do lati p»4,m0nfwasmade,and al elbrosfo rin-90 uh WHITBY BUILDINIG SOCIETY. 6U baga Rtio, MART,"1 ità iht4 tne sneicaeitopr-cîs of Wcsterts wleat, of good quai ity, 18 bugs St. Dooittgo, purclsaeed pri LIEgdhad nficeei« f%,d SEvrNTH Loata Meeting, of tluI, 10 MattsJava. and lotentaon alaote(omeinc itcam jet opra-chagedhona ontIs evnia of~Ve- TSoiety for tise Disposai hyTender ,of ONE FBCO tio,ýudr4mt e4 by dthe- gein eats 1sesduuy last, at 4s 3d Ver 60Olbs ;andtise Sisore of £50, wililite leld at T. N. St RIPTUR E's 200 puea rBCO u ai o vtotlaigbenrmvd 1N nMNA vnn,7hJlatVilges ussorted Taisacco,ln 5sa, S', 1619# IR whàVinÏbéaIi rwrt thvefoon os osst o ihotlais.et rmvd itos0ODYEeig i ay 'E- 32%, &e. &c. laninab nprueivËaltht erCnoda Ntfroos the barge ije vlsiclî il was, plaeed EN o'clock. - GARS; witla~ngailtîatUppr anaaen the folloiugi day ut 4s 6d. Provi- B Ornîer. , 23 hhds. Brighti Pnrto Rire. Baya, we sbÏil refuse twa years' trial.ta si s.- 'itilsexcception of 2ssds butter UN HMIPERR , LononeLafSu.war, Liverpool adDthCubd,çý ti elm oglti neth i-Ser-retory 4 Treasurer. Su-ar.anDuc ,his seheme 1. h Irogbîied undr tIsecr- fle nsarket gelerally lisns beesi dosl; tIse ,Wiiîy, June 200h, 18510 CHEESE: tcîimstneahe hjtad relasted, aai odue. nîarket lias been elCared or that article3tospieArca hsju lnd. Uofwi, toaiv fgptd toatheprnadin tîfretlsnt611-2.- canFreighti-To-day '.-'a'aGoodS.HAEBRT RS Ilier hav beenengarei euls o Gls- 6& 7, t. Jmes'Bttildingia, King lit., Tepee O oundatryd tItiserentsand tntemestalttsere 6slier be naessafuata.ta Glas -1iE Stibscrilter wtold eallthe etteai- 6 & 7 St. th, 1851 8sfL tise aid adag anrof flit out y, iof; hrfr18 st49 t t3 d t. srrl o iou.I tioo of bisscustomers and tise public ts hisa_____________________________ 1 to~ÇtIa jl u 89 te '55is - Liverpool wlseat lias been lakets ot T______î_______________ tisese for able topgocuùre [rom lis flieusi p6detuaeranasa 2sadet tonL New Stock of DOMESTIC MANUFACTVItE. ttisfo pet Canàaia trial of thse meosusie fur e tsmeesdtsea 2sprtn STAPLI.C & FÂNOT. DRY ffOODS Casti Stý1HOes and Bay Forka. twoyçeru, wlaat prospect could hie have 1 MoaxtnNlq îN ErçGLÀSO.-A Shîeffield Jusi besngreceived at bis Stores in whitby and ST.J tht. pÉperCsnadalwould entertaun tilue paper stalles lott tIse Morrmosshbave de- Coluimbus. Dw FORl SALE, 100 doz. Cat Steel wpn*ptg aLas able ta sustain tile teruaîned on a -ret and svteratc t- TIION14 s îa, 85. Haesa atd lay ark, made from Naylor'a, Z)i Wiltb, 9tt ay 151 7-tf. bist Cat Stee,expressiy for tise Suisseriber. isstilatostes ~lo atsîty ad.ratcttenu pt ta couvert Englaîîd ta Mornion- thew f, undo& agigitlinfluences. Il isn. Tltey are et tItis nmoment addisig JA S AS J~ S Toronto, Jn th. 8Â O T~.~R E la at.tubydaIcoîsideratione tai tIeir cîsorcîacs, hy odultî baptismn, 500 ASIAT1HT lRE ofprt;i i ote ha osgh t snkdiscipls m'rysautî. Sa confident JUST arrived, a zGod assartrnent ofH A R D N A I E laov 4deegYy ïitth 1e mndo-eeY muiofor are tîaey, tltat tls.hiraos a ad , Gentlemena' 5l19as ata lls we,>~s qbaiidýen gnd aur clsldret-'s great Myirnooua C otaeecej odona atsap for Cash.11 44, KING STREET, TORONTO. Iehildrýn a 'dely jnterested iti,it. dîrng Islpest niasiti. ALSO, 1Ho foit erefure,binte position as pe- _________<HIP, LEGIIORN, .AXI) iOOL sAISTI-IF, svtil)er begs ta informt blis ]B .cslar~-t~dîablîfor a aseasître together witis 20 Dox- CLOTII C.4PS . eu.- Castomeritathie isreeeiving hia si brutmîs ýr m& der sueh cireumastanees J N E c lDENGi S ais' Fua & MuLie HAI, (Funsty ile IFRINO S11TOC* 0WT HD&EE and l t, j la das of tiacsores GR AT hin TAL g) RB.PER. ly various Vesseta trami ses, viz :-Lord George Tisey ce t 1 dýj dep iteestin- GR E T RIE TA R.E.PERY. Bentick, Anse Çuopper, St. Andrew, Naqara. Artiel iant béle e _dî piteiali.Whitby, June f6is, 1851. 8-if. <yhieine, Zipisyr,,aed severat osisers frons Lîver- Tse e Ia htUIion. - ti- pont asd Looon and in a few daya lie wiht have luïq.ffèo) ojtn tîso sîoîsId aflecompE.te astorumentof Heavy and Shelf Herd- Inetudinira f retuavents- îqoOJtSntIy ..mT,15'aredyorSale., and et prices as low asany in and R. S. &4 evtsea rt-LL Parties jndebted ta the Estate tis1t. AWPRrim.J ls e5e~5j~ygf.hi8 reils teof tise Late Daniel L. Gould in is tifeimi tof '.HWRH .5 twely q MtÇleti,.WRs ai] evîdenc<t- tise Township of Eeachb,, yeomsoît' are requestitd Toronto, M&y 22nd 1351.. 8 tf. particuîarty1 that ulo ffger fitot occuipy tise "t) trake immeuiate paLment,;,and tiss iavieg o provisag th (mf gio li Iffe Pttopeoa thedis- .,aims a isat tiesaid a e s itpese aecd in Wl~~ fgO~ille a;ttimt 1> eiot.eliemre doiy atteate'i 10 tise uotersigaed, Sole "'" tieu kf Ikemtstoilieuse held. le Administrator, ta tise raid Eastate, on or before-tise t500IARRELS Poal' Davinh Whist- 33" Remel feil iei4sa4nto'bis,-overei-a, lta this *Firsa y fSptember nq GoLI2.key for SleJer OHN MARTIN &fCO.la Hoqe otbihs Country, tu tender lits JSP OLIJH ATN&C M tU ,wuiq 4dha now Iseld office on- .Sdmistrator. Port Whisiby, May 3t, 1851. 7-tf. 1 1 as aîble Uxbriduce, June 2n, 1851h 8 2 ni. ly tlviipas O atlpiied.Il. - VAN E 10RR0 ouonto,.2 1ed~tl~a~eîthanks ta tliose W aN TofOer TOorRR e D a Wholaite hl - -HATS ! HATS ! 1 RATS 1 O aIl t N, Too Tnr 'lie waiketotsured.to lead tIhe hosiless of - e Yesa, tisesurn of LiOfor £200,forwisiei tise -T s helonual) uem- ~IIESIBSCB-IBER baving jut ret moet isdiarutaile security with bie givenraio -theIIî~lae ~o ise sontîraa~eceived theSprisg style ot'Enqlisis, Fretrh, and Persnsal. mao 'Uri i w'Iaied ltendr isAmeiran Satin Hats, îInvites tise attention ot tise Applications post psid may lb. ragosiar tripe haebeen asjierities Puilie to rail antd examine for tiemnet, slieaMa t.'Wiitisy Post Office. aduese'F. -wlrt, op .,àsï4yer eeyfrfl o- cal asere thernslisere ha> been none tetter iltira- Whitby, Aptit, 26tis 1851. 2 -tf. Leasing Ic meeent. tse- Alan a few cases of Landaon Blark adDa OE .IOSE O L..4 Retlsrflll5 to derive. *Mîri of tît intereaîîrse ieaeHa. which b is iIbe iupblic coneernl.-- îISMM O-i slinent, JOSEPHI ROGERS. A GOOD' opparttisif is 00W offered T'Is AMý1Ors ah. Atoasny persan wso bis a ltle spare casis,sort T 0 more it. @ellegndsail ol araus ic u es thonto, , id h - wisca ta make an invesmielt in wisae la more wiîuy,_lm Wd te bghstesteeni, lae tender- morestrtean Exhibiiterelisa>-i[ - bi ivaluaisîe tisanish tîseif, vis :-Two vatîahte and - hsd jt ~itude, anud woats 5.OSHAVA on SATOJRDaY tise i2h utt 18à). 'Sm 5b imirovedl Buiîling Lots at PORT WIIITBY, se- IEdo. ed bi&sdeepuO8l n atise vory Piefdisin e-a Jt-i" ng ramposed attise corner Buiditîr Lot No. 9, in CO tque bole- .h &se14 Pr050f0 tieq> ,25 CNT.Dnors openu at WHIT13Y VILLAGI. Block 3. atjoting Ilatena'sBakery, containingisatf béof. %Q >I»itje tteîsts lie- possessed TIVO rdlSEVEN ;Performsancea wjli <ommpre j WILISON lsegs ta inf'orntheeIa- an Acre, iavno- ggood lBsa rtoraaass excelent ls 9thse m un theif losourable at Haif pat TWO and Haif putSEVEN o'clock. wl;asagntssrmn trrie ri LO inu04ws q-gentlemason Tis.anT. »,huaiantes Suce cxty ".andisvite tha't le aTrecs. A god boasaifence entosc thiisLot. 0a 4 r tA-e bona..neisg wutu pe 1 q I' èt s Buildintg Lit No. 11, on Bond Street cein- varas : ; ito . erO iti dtIhe dllCl- ceeded tîy tise GORGEOUS BAND C AR,ttrsvn tUntel, for tise Sale a1 teiieerjtuafnAmisvnago Fseadmd --vas foît îhrc)lotîhist ftise y Ff 0W' SYRI CAMELS, Imported frou - DRY GOWfS, roiessîs, (Croery & lIiRMWRE. Hsatsetse.reon, wiihsrents for$30. year. Tis tias Ittse -lie - ecoveredi bieîp tnt. Texperfoxrnes l ftiatinalIi- Hua G"efa have teen carefrslly setested, andt are Lot formas ona of tise most beautîfotBultdsn Lots et.s his rienI~ -e Loer cmprise a greater variety ofatartîine and attise- ofeeefor Sale aisa amaîl advanre upan pim ot.stse huge, ie aoawt . ot art, r denIAl oiutstl upprlheuha tie etetaimettslian aveev bfoe ben Tise atteatiorn of fHouseisatdesuitm srsid u. sil, rychu-sp. soit on vary easy terris of wrs â- i veby y t h- h..Tro pe, f r tise fealro-h- rait.. t.i.i.pe !m.1tno st it Puirciasers. &r-e . &e tWtf~tR~ godOhGfiOtlo~' ~- - YtryedA LI persans indetl tot the.Estalo ~ ,3.The irforior grades ot4s-shetteAs pé $6 a1, a do31ad.c tutnee . ise ts1 wW W1d i îti atgbe E i&N F tat Asw P or fPieir, arts beraby I O@ CI < » o e400 cbb is aI . 1 ,11i ppe ë nau a ah e Fýcet. li R O M L ot N o. 32, itese rear f 2 nd no tif m ue nmt e farw ar d tnuedttety, ad take daetor1 k 18 a cmtie is. Pickering, a Chseast 2 year e»W MAREK ajnt ta Jao ov iî .stur84t a »8, formimect. 1â«_m oaipemtgrtai pqaaaet wi>sei tanasialong IdamNo.flta 'uisienasrk on ter.atus ttuè ax ngm *ai tesad -t r %~dei CoSf ame ad a gonai tkayecot. AnyidoîSstsea tcà he mqsuastel taapKesthse-aiduy att*eedta5biuia*r mpt"wberaaousts. ili te atatably R,= sy payaient. JAMES MAIR 9ts h esssoa,. No. 34, Psckar- IR< M POSTr, NEUT 1 à.g, . JAMES DAVID8C>Ne Soi eo5L No. 3%2,MLTOCRN .xP-"a a, sy s-y pensisobraiag Eiaber JOHN OOL 10 * thI e 83e bsvu arte%.C.Ly1". g of 6,eeykind r.nd style e of.Cat3es, 7eaaw eas. Casatmseres, Vestingt, 4&c. 4-c. &ca. ' e-x'tràa coi!,ity for tnakirsg- p stock at tsir EstabimerAjU M~ înm# ad do seill 0 ,CHFAPER.4U-tlRfl aty other or fé*I Wholeaaie buyeul sanplphied osa Reasoittble et15. 'D EVANS,,-_ -W. B. HAMILTONI, t cGi' Sireeët, Meis&tre.a1. j-King Stielt, lTowmes* ,Jtsne 7t[i1851.814um. COàitE AN]> -SÉE VPIIE ~ ~ P thse firat pineipies of "'D =esi 5cpt. stù 0u it h tand i lu uversailly prâctiaad _by-mlI.'S Eco e suca1, ptase4èepM rai" 5510i [ay, by p1irnmeltrug ohoteosme, cOnsjeiatiO, tie! tos tle pulitîcthisl tiselth, mort rigid Econaim îis h desire; but un thést- seCltet fa0. nlaoutd ha tuîrne in mid that ce QUkLITY ii tise lrue test of Ç)IAF> - rincspally for CAffl , frisestise éMasoufacurera insBRITMIN aud tisa U oSEUL 't iaLOETREMIJNEReFING P1OF1T, forC Olier ta tise Publiec of Tecsste, and tisue oiuuinig couotry -ý r EXTENSIVE AND 1-WELI,,-ASORED STt)eC 0 È . a iuuilt b.fouîsd fuîy eusi in quatit Qtise iraI Lundis.ajsatqew Yêrk and ait a coi!asdrabtyiwe r acetSRrI assy ousaid îssL eni systes ouf 48Puffnogias Lyiog s ahart reonaturiandi R. S. à re, Hoaaty ta tha eat Poicy' havaevry cofidence lan tiuiag 4 s a usos thsens iîistisir Ptt n ~ eelry yo;giv reater.pubtss5lt-. . prmate' t asîntecieta<tise P-etf ) et ais- eiàPr-, *hieI wk c EEsiVEA] ARFL SeLECTFeD- ASSORTM.ENT- APL E-AND FA.NOX _DRY GO-OD,t g-- 0f tise* Neweat Stylo Uaa4lttapifactures Lad-ies' Cloalcs, BOnnts,.fhJTio<8,4. Togatier vit a large oý tf Jadte'anad Gentlemen%~ - Dot$ and Shoos of .vory dosçe*k$4P. EIR STOCK- 0F'GIRO'C£ ca0 witis coofldetaci- reeaommend, as bain g entireiy fre freeru any dsae~ rkS,. i:hes, antd are of the puareat QuatstWe sibeat Esi.Alto lg ààmm do Slarge lott of John Wilaoiu's48 Rsrcelit Kseaxvrs8,1"of,&," pe!wqmwtU5yàSUdY5W7k' Ci>., hein; dotarnstned tui cW e acoeinglIJlrsCehy apse Iakiasa gnr q A mUruanse in fhest dggiui ais~ ~ ~ ~~~î s'pedr~tiimf t owt:oueand raady-for tnspetin - » hW . Invite tiseir Coisntmy Friands ceot te peris se etqewl>eaatefpre Ovaag teil; ttUP tha trutis of their preteîuulos. FNu S&c'Md P47.c7 - ietsherl tise FRER TRADE'110.111à lé No.:2, sir. L.waxiis* uig#léd ton Street, iontise New- Stoone BiSck emtiQaOh Mpgrket ýut*, arjouîsag th-Arade lYti Sestemberu 10M. Ay _otage. po Mse, 2 4thet,Ireaisl e uta Part Wity avery Morning (SuaiPs-y itEIGHT o'clock. gfrons Port Perry at IHRIPE o1clock, wnotice. SCRIPTURE, RAY*ê C0., lyopeieiors. ItarcIs 17th, 1851. 49-tf. -.lnstrumonts of writicg of is eiieetted wtiladespatell, tfats chargea,'vipI Bonds, Po- dettuorisals, ltdettsree of Ap- uip, Arbits!tîon Bondà aild 4rilso grueyaentew Wilis, Y, M'archl 1, 185 1. a8 m VEY 0F A SOLO MINE 1 York, AdedùcSered nàe'icàer -8 tkeur afà LiCdlifantt, It Edition of tiseFiAilohlt..er of teir ontly Msrzio aiag, cearsai tise xy idretlon cof >b-ve là--d m*ffll thesemqs otins, wir .eotei foir iy tise faëtbf ts psitt, a tle tàchemmssat te tiss as tdclýp a tise wect, tIj ruis of tIsaI sest intaimumaiweItb iL0e eurrIîv' ibre *6 teoiakul proentdaey -- nethe liîst otrtrbuorst'theagi e- * Wezks,aiat Miy Reodo1Csr- PO tyFs>iîou for 4Autass, vits t t tise BOSTOIN DOOX S TOItK, 1 sc unpiaa apl a 5>lt- N-àeltE t .i' Par eltisar byý Noteavo okÀosu sule tise mre Wi5ttetsYe 41ljs 1. t tain. Jiiot.- aMtnltct No a2alo8qnT*W Ormosa jorts, Fa, Ai Farewell, kg- P. iperry « in *R. Cam5jIOf *aDr. FçIO1. t Etislsa Doo&tle Lei Wtfsaock, z ~cPeo.p6rA. Hfud Sr anue iseseattJm t j*5~~~~' waai£LzA.a& RETAILI . uIm . tyOyE, m MR~. WOODJ,

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