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Whitby Reporter, 19 Jul 1851, p. 1

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VIIIIAIL ' àY liOININeIl WR 1TL L LA-G-E r4îlsllg*per antsm *n4i t; ehae clos of th'e yeat-. sAU ttess ad.4retased ta tissOic -on 8r l5p al aia,*ed ter- ttsba~asin e n th ie Reporter - ay. 0. r - J . lat VOL.2 eX O= ar ia n, aid tblàlak fot1int human is44flrua tio mO~ WHITBY, CANADA WEST, SATUIt.D1)AY WORKi AWATI er-rfro thlie Cyrloaedia af Billical literatare-.- minteinhewf. Tedcead lise works of Gliddon,. Bisbop, BisisQp Warbtsrten ue ý =wi; h ee'e Woýaaway! and Otiern--and tise degree of perfection tawih Wua 9Canadiats, 29 vears of ie, andl Fo ieMase y e o 5 ils oPeralser and spee-laive cspacirye Freensa- iras Ileft a widow arnd 4 cliilidreni. The 2iave of tau»' atili upon us, anry had attained ins anciest tss5s, %vas (PUlY es- verdict of the Jury wlis Accidantlra Night and day! iblished ram a 'xtinsinof tgncient E-gy P Drowîalisg ton mtrch pritise cannist bu Work awayt ias monumensnand rin, atd the recent decyphe g. reep ~btsy-fingers plyinç, ing of tiseiraclent hieroglypiica by ChampollionsawR7e ot"tbr erç s. u j*teç' 'Ilutls ig; n t ,hutrase and. intre1sid condur-t oat iis , a tnevertbread liewrong;, At tour o'clQck tIse lrellren, ta tise namiser ef occasion ,end bis -mens wbo sa nolly ns- i1tt'onior clatter round us, about forty, 'titis a few et lieir usiitisted triends, ited tmifràliçtg to ]ae n Sbeg twhirring whe.ls, confeund ts; W ho are yet in tise drks," artt do%%a toa asalsten ls orlhsuhbaIae i: L4y-tuibill ltWoof be strong tial dinnet, gaI Sp atveryshort notice by Bmo. D; their effurts to'savd'étlïe. life. of Purdie, 4d.~sttat ba ttalafasa fong! Pringle, in bi bet tyle. Ample justice, havisg tliey fearlessiy'risked their own in tise Warla awayl bren rendered ta Iis part ai tise du v ' proceedinga, attermst. tise folow-tas rts tt'er dtapoaediof in didouble _____________ Keep apon tise anvil ringing quirk ime," alterntely by tise W. Maters af bath BRIL CIET-n FTI strok 'ofbhanmer; os tisa gluant Lolges, Brothers Gun and a, prelaced liy alppîo-' HRIL OsET-n i u set "ext déa nd 'teixt tamis prapriate remarks and fotawel l'y approprigte MOST horrible nccidenti t ever befel us Sioweraof leryasparklealflingng; music: to record, raya tise Cintinsatti Commer- JTeep tise migisty furnace glawing Tise Qulees, and thse Crait.ciloth rdu.,hapn pose Kee tise red re iesng, flowing Tise Earl ut Zeland andlise Grand Lodge af En- ca fte2r i.,hpasdopst Sw ithin tise ready moutd; and. this city, about 12 o'ciock, nighit hefore 21" tteigh oat han th-% old Tise P.G,Maiters, and tise P.G. Lodgea utf Upper tat, in Wolfe's Newport Rollinîg Mill.* dubs-itr,es illbe fairer and Luwer Canada. A ot n sa, Iot more thon seventecu arthes ervante& use, and rarer Thse Grand Ladgen,anld aur Masonic Bretbren of years of age, named Clîristopher Ilick- F tise maier ta lebld; tiseUnitel gtates.ZY Wark away 1 Our IViitirg Bretbren. manil, %WhiIOe enguged ini oiing the nia- Tise Ladjea aof Napanee, (by BraIser Finden of cli.ery, "-us catiglit between two hlea- Wrkaway 1Belle ille.) vy troui rolers, uised for rolliiîg iran, For the leader's eye isaon us, Ailoor ad distresea!fretrn, hereoeer dis?, and passed tlsrotgh themn witls tse rat- N4everoff us,satlt pon ts, perd overthe facenof landaorWaSter uAspeedrnsg!Te dyvsca- Night atut 4ey deliverasce ram ail thqEir traoubles, and a sale pidit 'of liih n hboya or Wide tise trarltleus prairiesa round un, returnsta tiseir ntsivea land, if they deire and sietely grouind to powder 1Tihe flesh, Dartansi uaauaned waods aurround us, deserve it. bones, and ail, were so divided itita Steep ané aavage mauintains bound us; Our wvorthy Hoat, Bro. Pringle, (isy Ira. Geo. stiaal fragments, that noc one could re- Par atay -Sciryrer, sr) Sall, tise ssft Savanaas green, Tise Junior Wardea's Toast. cosnizeby sight, that a few momrsents Rtivera sweep and.r1ttbetwera: By bi.ca'clock lise Belleville bretlsren were un- befure tlsey fô'rmed a httran heing ac- .- Work awayl, der way isaewanlu, preceded iy tise band wblcb tive, and fîitil of life 1 The sigaht uns Brihg'voù- axes, woomën true;playe~d ont af tise villztge. And [bus ended, us aIlafil er-eneig r ik Bsfngyesr axes waadme brie; Mnsonic meeting-%sbasîld, and iavarisbly do end, tWllyhatrsdrtg r -ik Staite, i#efgrest titi lise Isîse Qr fiet Ittssonic Celebralion, in tise riing village rmnwus a yotsng aran i tniversaily'05- Of lieaven's aunny eye laoks tiseaugis ai Napanee, la lave, pesre and bsrmuu~. eemied in Newport. Eveywild asdlangled gladie; ONE WHO IXA atELDED tise «IGAVEL." eJli, wamp and tiicket sade__________ eeg o t-de -0TEMPORA, O MORES !-The Report oser tise torrents fing yaur bridges, It tiiI be recollected that, about a oi tise proceedings in tise Court of Qrsar. Pineerel Upo tise rlges month ugo, we 1ubisied from. the Xa- er Seseions. wlicb wa pîtbiish. ta-day, Widea* amootheebie racky stair- afrsfafleiec ftesaeo Tisey tbat iollow, far t'ebid panee Bre, a mysteriotis case af %ail posed rffrdbi s f warf l asidence cf lMoeaist CQssingngter U4, sai ll fnd du.derourhpnblsccasiweli as trevrate ofrsals Surer, essier footing there ;nsror utiocred iererf Tise Mnyor, Aldermsetn and Citizens of Heart tatear, and band -lis bande Richmnond. Tise yotlng man Davis, -Montreal indited for a nutisansce ! tîir- Froastisi, 4wn to dask 0'day, went ta soot deer witla lis bratîsers-jîs- teesa indictrnents for keej'isg disorderly %#rk awayt, Setsf upea tise moutain's peak- Iaw, Fralick and 3uritr, and isaving Iouses! e nd five chlldren, batwoen Hetathe ! o euseand strayed frottiseparties, his hodv wns tise ages of 11 and 15., senst for the pur- ofthsecounbry ye bave cuaned, sîsbsequentiy faund in a emali inke lot rpaies cf edoaintoier Peattai 0f Ï7r away!1 fer from shore. Tise affiir is beirsg e rn- -ilotel ead lYork swayl1 quired ist, as wiii bescen by tise fui- Thse Lon.Mceriùg Cbrosaicle sas:- Foth aero.ie saff uisn sa, owing from tise Be: Between thrée assd fuiro<'ciock, 2dîis l9ý fNi"gis nd.ea sJa!TH rTaY rstv3LD-Sîa utne, the relative meriraofbthe Cantidi- S WosanANDO P",l TE T I g AVLLi.-Sto 9anad Englissh firc-engineawere bsted pravlt and Work will ise comsleer; suspicion having bren excited bisat thuntli ;PAnAint, . ,îp. e:.. ,s.,. Wok 1 4and Priyer will be the sweeter; j.dve I sAndPrer aldWok thse fleetcr WîlI aten-d upon their way 1 Fearîsjot test thse busy inger WepVm5 a net lthe saul to stay; Give ber' ;vings-nhe willt linger; Seeing te the source of day i Clepying cloadi ibat tili dîvide us 2.Frinthétseaztre deptisa of rest, Sbç will -corne $aiun I besifle us, Wltls the iuashine on bier breat, 8itand siptoeus, wlile quickest On their taak thse finçers move, White tise outwssd die warn thickest, Songa Uat oble bath Iearned above. Lve in Future as in Present ; Work for bWh wiile yet lise day le otr own 1 for Lord and Pessant, Loqng a&M brigit eas smmer'e day, Coanetis, yet more sure, more piratant, ;ornts soon our Hliday; 1Wairk away!' )LASONIO FESTIVALAT NAPANEE.' » ioem tie Bridah Whig. -NAPiANE, .Tsne 30, 1851. 'Ditân $fa AieD Bâtorsea.-Agreealsly to pre- viptu a rrangemlents, the Anniversary Festival oi St. john thse Baptiat was duly ceebated tiere on Tueday th. UtS mr., liv the inembera of Union Lodge, No. 864W9o(f Peenaons of Iwos place, as- asted.lwa nitiberl the fraternity (rmBelleville, iindel' tise gudàit' a their WAX., rother jrwpis &.Mailandmi usaWdeas, JBrothers Finden ,»s4 W~udhaded by tihe excellent Belleville Band, sud eesrted by tbe wemiera o Union Lodge, en- tere tivtllage beire acon, and proceesled Io tise Ldodge ru., wii" the installation of the followirg esaef«rtiseesin"g àmnie year, was pro- eded.wit4, Vix: Wouuilpfus l, 3 is. Gna-Jere sdýd' Gea. &hryl'er, r.,-P. M. $rether Johà Chambesrlain. S.W. S G oitots,-Seretarv. di Jacob S hryverJ.D. idThomsesa MusU .w Q eb ryver, Mrr-Tyler. TS n.tkmntes~beisg aer and tbe'bretbren ltavlag fositeed in Masoaie qrder of procession, msarchied tbrough tise pincipal êtreets of the village *@shabssdseg»Il as a Court rom, wbere an ad- d dra waiqlvrM.by Brçlbçr WsnGunn, W.M., t tlstsloson dge, ise subjet bin ilTise ladi- AlaâjnIfeetleevhieis exotei the early agea V . ~~4~'eO se~teay and thse À ient myt~Psag!sadton." *la ti ourseolthi sold thie orl4sisu ofbtisvrac traced tIbrougis the 1~a~ewmeaa~IyPta Biualteonoe con- >jrh.l«jsievesedin tie "beiniaiag;"tise ï~a*ièa4#wCh1t itueAl of PreniasUonrybeaua &W dm ~ aithaw)idsti iibeau aaçeat iaaefan wichsaaa8t g*.eiWwrteasuppîoeit oave huma re-asodelted by ýjq«@ pept fm te Sn , iolatrus a rae- wMW Md Iwsseue4iiyS7 lae c- Mesa two rs b-hers-in-low cf Juntes Davis (cf wlsoru raystricîts destis we griv e an nec- crtinis, an tise 301h May,) were, forsnd guiity cf foui play towvrsdIiins, and tisrstsassd-tongîsedrl rîserisaving been 1ariculariy indutsrit'us se gsvseg eus-- reecy to btisi suspicion, warranbs wero, on5 Wedncsday lait, irsued for tise sîus- jsected paries,aeti wio wes-e exarnined before David Robliiî, John Stephenîson, Gilbserts Ciapp, and Johns Chamberlain, Esqtsirsoa Tisursrlay. Tisetestinaony w-as whioily circuîtstatiai, buistîaoar- ed sffieietly streang agoiesis Buîsisar ta warrant lis conmnittul, ta await liii triai ais bie nexi s naizes for tise Crsrîniy. Fs-aick was acquittred, andl, with ut.-ers, heid ta esisîear ugainsît Jlihar. Thais yoîîeg Davis was tastrdered, atsd after- wards piaced w'hes-e found, nois a douisi exirss; and biset circtnisancer do oxiat, ça)culabed te faten the gtilt cf ite foui deeri'tapon Buntiar, jr aira cleos-. Yet flie may ho innocenat, and sold have blae--rrdvontagus cf oves-y ciscutsstaîsce wlsich cau, poisibiy weigliin b lis favos-. IrrQUgST AT Doax MILLS.--On Friday,1 the 27th., un i iqst was lteld by Dr.i Scott, Coroner, i Doan, in tise Totvd-1 'hiis oi Waterloo, on tbisosdy of Johnra Pos-die, a reident of te City f ain-ut ilton. is appeared lisaistishe deceased1 was reburniîîg teitlitbts t fsarn Go-1 dericis, atsd austhae evening beforo bisi deustis, iad been iidîlgingsatlser froely in liqîor. Ha caiied ais Doon Milis Hobel on Fsidssy forenoon, bock a gisas ai brandy, and aaid lie w-as going ta batîse ie tise dans. 1 eing catttiorscd -abatttie dejabisof te %ýaer, ise replitod1 lie did noi cas-e luowv deep t %vas, as lac wanra goori asvîrasner. IHo as seen ta strip, andl swini jeta tise danm about 30 yards, -.-heu tus-ing for tise shsore, lau1 ruddenly sank An miss-m was inçtanb ly given, and seves-al persans were soonJ at batsd,-Roisert Fers-ho, Esq,, seeingi saute air bubiies sisingr, was tise fis-t ta piwaige inta Lise wates,aid tisissagtided,j e,ceecled sus diviag and b-jsgig Par- .die ta tis asface fs-unia depish44ýbout j 2fetbut tseiagcornpieteiy exha-usteel,1 he wos osed to let go bis, ioll, and j dling toa boatMostoppostuaIyat band.i Wîlihasraonneli raeaotanae seized bise body, but uafartusnately it aijajed froua hlo grsp, andd anisagan. Ancituer l.bichaci Cacbs-aflenow di- tittothe sue*eie, and1 n 4 ths lnow ina Ms-, Diiko tand Ms-. Cote, cf tise Execîs- tuve, Ms-. lraidwood, of tise fire brigade, ansd a jury apîsoinbed ta ry the qtuestiona. Wo helieve biat tise Cansurian esagine was considered a peeiiuriy excellent cne, and that it llsrew tise water ssearly 14,0 yards-.420 isset forth-r tbuetise Eu ngish orao-Monrael Hcrald. WESTRN AzeEicA.-Jsi ages long since forgttten, tilis counstry natis]lave liad a vos-y tuierous ior'tsatiot-I do isot meanrewbais arecoiiled suvages, but a people far advansced ttis waist vealo civilisation;-,pet-baisamre y eges befoso tise ahatss te colt abos-tgiiaL-iof this coîsntry lsad aîsy existensce. A gentle- man witis w1hoes I fonîned an ceqesoîst- ance dîtrie g thse voyage, and with wisom I larve sinco leid cosrspon.dence, ande wls bans purcised a forge tract a otisan- is-y in In d irna, ex presses hinsseif lenasie of lis leblors tiss>-"Far "il th Mis tisis- sippi and Miissorri, tise more tisa carîs- try is ex1lored, tiot ooly us-e'itmnsea motendadiscovered, bu t rasues jîcontes- table maerks cf formoer poptlatitia." l Is anobh l ace lho sayS-"Thcse motods, fs-inâ tise ages cf tise immtense treer grown ltupul itt-in, letive tise imnaginta- tion to decend fttrtisos- listh e th leths of tinte. And yet,aftertliterases, tise tvs- bioga, apd tise cntisligacf sa suany aiemaoy cof thoni are 12.5 feet Iigfli! Sante af thons are sprerd oves-ais exteisi cf severai acres. 'as Iheses eouinds are fotiîsd imnîese numbes- ssosuat busses dantestsc ttctsils, ê&0; Wells artificialiy waiied, and differentot arîteisres of (de-- fonce, isave boe fêtnd in sattela nm- biers as nu langer to excite curioritv." And he says...u'Tst is ad -tise race of peso- pie ta vhom blsey belitged el en ike bthe ilrse indians, they woulid have mointained tîseir gs-th, andI sone cof tiseir race semained tu tise presenda;, sad tisat, besîestA'er romains, tisera are tiselistge bancssaofiheir contemnpora- s-y beasto, which zlats have been thire tise ixe oftise eiepisant--A geeleman resident in Ohio givra Borne accorsal cf tise discove-mes raakiag la thse wesis;-hé sayba,-"Twcmi les fs-camathsiWonuathe batik.si of tise WhiteRiver, yjani tisee the riribndatiatas Ofi husez; six iss fs-arn this, 940 acres are eacfased by a wr.1l, and ia tise o4te thier. are thsese-- mxins ai a large tity ix parUillt-&stees crasingeacis other aturightansgles, onty1 to, bu g»en by)brick lodatiotsa, onet milein ltleaug5h,-w-be ansd barwholi.4 A FORTUNqATE ýPURCU ASE. Sir Ricisard A.. O'Dannell,'Bast.' bas raid hir Ballve'roy erît ta ais Engilis- mois for 29,0001., beiog sixteon Venrs' istrcise cn the Ordnance vrlrtatian- He badl lrevititsorad a large portion oif the Islad ai Acisili ta bise Rov. Nis-1 Nansgle'ts-de sale osthe remnitîder bas iseen casacludoti with sortie Liverpcical mrorcîants. Event tise ar-fansed- Ctsr- rain,tbie V'Lotîglsliispsoîert,ao oftenl 'reptidiabeti' in tIse Erscumbered Lettes Courts, tut-ns cut obc benottier El.Dore- do, tise forboîsabe proprietar, 11Jr. 'Cr mtsck, having dircovered a magnificett veira of capper are on it. Wenrealiard- ly correct in sayirsg Ildiscavered,» as tve iearn tisai the ore -is ta be seen iin tisa rav ines, anîd wiii sceréely reqss ire ansy rsasnng aperatonrà. toget ixl ont. It is raid he-wotuId nais taireý £ 10,000 for luis ptirohtise. This ltI awaî hrown eon t ise hiatds cf tise Cousrt, wre le] ieve, tisreuh limes. Furtiser ugain ta tihe wtesb, tise bis on Lord Sligo'ra roperty lira wls- tening with citeviot seep, and eùt tise rate that mottera progreas., we wiil sean lie an'Eoglisiscoiony., Tiere is, o- ever, %ve regret ta ay, raout eb*ili ansd ta spore. Thottrancis cf acres, witis tirre vears' grass osa a gretat poartion oai itet, liewaste, wibiaoîît soxmucbas a goat tipais tlem whlie cars nnsd caots con- vey rlong te raad for Anserica a popu- lationbthot tndér otîser ciretimabaîsces, wtîidnaire liis desert-of vattie lu the ownerss ; brut free tilndeiii pour iaw ttîd free trade ins corsa bava left ns wlist we are. 1 Amttsing instances of.iiýistry will sonsetunses ecotir even in tise tsiids of thse West. We were bÃ"ld reccnbly the- case of agentlenson %svls, takitag a funcy ta a wvste lot cf lansd, iîîrclsosed it for £3000. On isrrot sr to London, ex- ptiaiingwith te elogrience dft George Robins on Sise beacitiera af tbiscenery and ferility ai tieso ril, ho sold it for £600. This indîsced lima ta conse back asnd isîy anatiser iab, hich lie aira aa!d; at a profit. and a third slsared thei.same fate. Trhe rearîls is, thais n'ith tllaeaid of tise press and hie owa indîistry,,this geus- ieman lbas netted £9800..;Sîranger stili1 lac gave aI lis e rate <>1 16 yenrs' iur- chose of theOrdnance valtasian for encis) lot. "4Trîttlt is strange, stranger bisn fiction." Hutrrnahfuirlise ]anad cf tise \Vest,- Maya omai£n THE ENIPIRE 0F CHi INA. Tise statemettof the incrense of pop.- tîlation ira Clama sviil occasion srprise ta ttore iylio have nteoxanitsed tise stîbjeet, and msay lordta nsori useil refieclians in relation ta tise prospective- destissy ofotîs- owtîand othor cattitries. The Tring or 1Manchu dyoasty coin-t xuesaeed iin China ins lhe yiesisr 16114, istîi tise wvlîle of tise eigliteen provinces1 were riet. quieted under bise saew yoke rluntchabefare tiaeyesr 1700. Prtir t il this period, China liad bet distrstcted1 lxuth lsy jîtesnal revolubions ansd ly tvurs litinet lier externai itajvadesa- Sinncetat period, pencelis alnxost uai- 1 versaliy prevailies. nnd, iosîg with it. the develojtement af the cousns-y iastise extensiona af tisa trts and in population. t z1y the cenatis cf.1710-ten years afterv tise at date aisoves saentioedrsîd onlyý 140 years aga, tise eutire population of hoempisire %vas oniy 27,~41,29, abolt 9 eqttai ta tise prescrit fluplation ai tiseE United States. Ins 1753, 43 years at'-s terward, h lsad increosed taý 103,050,060., Je 1793. tise estiblmsate popt li losi givon ta Lord MWacartney wns 333,000,(170. 13y tise censes of 1812, iss-s.lisuily tIsec usast s-chable cf osîy. lt w-as 362 .447,m- 183, nuidtIsle sisosis prevalesst estinlute ut buis day is 400,000,00c, or tîeariy ciscL hastf' cf ise tvitole poptulatioutftihe globe. Tius ils) 140 veurs tise J'9plta-- tions of Chinalinsalat eeit-cd, fs-ont27,- 000,000 ta 400000,000. ieoatrea Cia îis tivided jeta eighlteejs hroti-i ces, 'kuivîs anausg is as China; Mats-,I chitria tise coîsstt cf thse Mauchist s. tar Wa ccqfered China5 and tise oC -- louial plissessiens itacludiag Mongsaia. f Ili, Koko-nor and Tibet. The se u if tisa tvole'Iralire 5,30D.OOQ sqauare , Iand imr Cterminaîts ,with Ruiga fr.aI Provices ris btit sevetai tif -.is aEstteh ro ncshuy htavé noté thantîw ico t hat proportion.-fj-sis Ath ia e sratio of increasd t whichis as j s of lie retfsie' isldý goo'd from otsrhIeginlsttig, ýtipôb b nbs, anrtion, (bieSa anie ainîsgrettitian oai cores1 aular jiptpisîtisîn wisich lins occtirrtsd iin los at Cina 1wdiiil' tie140 ye&rs Ps~ tiifiif occu reewitiais bbthe ext 80' The thé' nu~ nlopulation thlie Unsited, Sttes(hstlias a l ri lalîlse'rto dltblèd every.twýetiby years or t Éese at th'e'realsottb.an'dtbitere Èa4seen a fitilieg th e Cdffs off ins -ti ratio .disring'tb latter portion tully, be of lise lseriud A.qqtiîriàtgýîhe -ppaa îlos nt. te be250.00,00, ilis ratio 'Sr.* wili make it in 20 v-eors,500,0>OOOi Fàjbi y 4,0 venrs 100,000,000t j, ii 6î>.yeass 200,- teoà 000,000, eîsd ils80, yen-tthaut ira, AD. acivesc 1930, it %viii. reacla 400,000O0,00-tis.e séwrîa present prspittitiao'if Ciiina.-If %v'e-sîtis. sriýs, ai posaet, tli is tmeaaia.f apt u titlr( ictituta taie pliace tvitits-.tsastwolsty tiand lre eigbl'jbabes, ltnd itanve,41wsML rta1uetissorflber.- !W site Stubs further É'avt 1 bomode tir) vere i feurm th& neevissa(tir.cea a-f omigratiiîs sire stsa( upemped by '- îélsentiisg- anal lier- froiita-er lsale às on' tis a cifie,' tîsesa witiin bie hifem 'ptssed,; tsnse of the c iiild tatvbora , the papi-L doue isi 1ittioùnof'ssi thestates wiii ecîtlsliu n ld bun detsity the 'prese-nitîsotlat imof ci Cii slee-anî ne; and bisst*of ilsea easitera sates, c f thèCI will, îsraisiy, like thie eas;teraur mur- Tisas1 iltire 1)irut'ite.s of Ci ina, lie ftstinci rts' lbu çil ising tr)tu 671,705, aîsd-850 prasb yaî1 lise square ml iiss eli it.tishe '-aeat lus lioapîliati6iaf Cieh- KiangNasIwtssrri 1ind Kiand resîîectsoreîy, iseîingz consuL- drçd i erubiy niore thsaraquea iserba ta L tis îaafi OUR. LIFE-.TIME. r"bAs iTE~Pou TaiGEÉMA. Wissn tise worid Iw4ý e,'ratcd, ansd al creabUreS as4ensied 'ty havetIhear liiJ'- îdsîeilsu oglie %ytid l ivé lu "TIJ rty. ers"repied Nature; wivlli sat .bçgçeb"e' l$ea 1" 1,t11 "aOs-ea th'bisp, "«h it l lon tvsi'VIXt Ieme ie ;t on rssrreîng i <tutýlIitiiis t lsianl ,have tu sesie ti is niil tatcuse-smtîy eat bloxvet Quic ks. - ive sne b tis pur- tiot) ofr~ cs, rs "- Nsuttrs ~s~iîçwe~i wlsCor aîssisic aîsd preseistti Isinabt i isbeee yeurs. Tihe tsa 'volais iatay ecasl'rted, îsd bisa lIow loîsg doit iaau reqîsiro taop iive M" askec Nattîre.ý<'l hyjor ivere itçç siauy ftor the 4r~ tt ilt ilion lie çoistente'illathens r, 44Jr ilt.disY ii that Ishmuldl"rephied tise dog.'Tiisk 1isow-stch i rbull have ta sesttiott ,ýI.y rfet twili otý lait 11sy su long wa1.tinse adwhemn 1 sIli larve iost sny ivoicet'*frt isornsg, Unîd mylei o îbsia~.~ s.li i b l>fit fus- bît ta lie 'aa p cos-ter ant hiia twelve yearis.: Theéjae thers ais- tisa tiity Yeas, ï,sasd elitire; 1,thots wilt itt st t lbatr îus lWa-an d t t>clg.lue Wilse îslesasçist i tuiee," "Ah,* no t" cried iè-su"qit. îay seema ta uthers, Isîis lt wiIl Iit be l Slsoaict _pudditqps oven saie sjcwn,1d ,shall have nou sisa<se i 1shial play ri, t- ry triecksand excitep latigliter 1iY'rny gsiwtsces, andrithon ho s-ewardeel wilsa ceaied'besiiga jesRi! I sliafiîot be able tsiesadura for tisirby )yeàs-,» Naturre was raion, ibe eei4 but tan, MIt. atit came mala, isealthy and ptrong, and isked tterrseastre t*if his ys. " îithirty Yeat-s Caateuîs' thcee P ".IIow ahuristraite taexslaiase4 ain ; w'vies1 shsstlbhave aii!tta>y isosse. ansd ktvidled a fts-e un srmy ott Iearti-when -bhe trees 1 *sa!$ba~ve Itianleti are abosuita iabloomand a)4 sr lrt-~ta-wien ife %il l eenostu rue e1ct desintabî-, 1 iaall i ee ! 0,' ýAtrsarli me a8 loitges pi ' uo1" " Tlitiu saagI have thep.igbteom Yeats 1 qf tie asa iesdei2" TU' Tis ipot et .emostgb, zplsoç ktss ~WHIT] PI. JUJL Y I~ b0~I. a ~gg. r -R tIBf Loi in, adasua fi 11~4 .I , f death'> 4Cààthéïed cheri g è-.o hp mIs't if le be litt We n âtn l thées,,cls i llddl - eThis-rlley lest Werste-tiun, diedatidds in, eass-igaiç,wha4l iag f(4JÏWD m 4oj ment tif S1r. &Ilortie mon acle u'sa lng I himc, gpgsquija Se'ic.cecyrcit~ iseang ti* 9

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