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Whitby Reporter, 19 Jul 1851, p. 4

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rec kicks c.b- b ilervender at the op f bhis acvertisemnepîs M eUlows: Il"Siuk Babies Wsnted."1 16ittlogirl esked 4her sister, I"whnf was chaos, £liat papa rend&a about Il' Irb'6ihitr chila veplied, 11why, it is a qit n c,110h Cg, 41jne nuplace to put] inc. Iff.p Mnngo that the chiel' persp- aei 'of a dra' always pass off the &tag eas being efther kilteil ot% married. M WIy ix a'fine woman Like a locomo-! tive?1 pectisc se ln <m-is a trai 1n after ber, scatters the "sparks and- tranalbort4, the ma4es. A tailor in Nelw York bax jinst inven- teda naewv fashion ed catt- ir hils nei- tiser searn nur openinsr. To get insu li you, have Lu crawl ont 'of prur -truw. Diiring a recent censua in Enïglnc,atî ncienidame rieti ned heîaelf as' Con- gregntînai Decanter,' nieaning, in cor- tect la",fl -g(g DNisenter. A n Or4nge coinnty frarmer thius "Lroe to the Pre-sident of [he A gricuh1iraI So- ciel y:» Gentlemen. j4eempt me down o otur iist of caille fur a bulil. IVe had yesterday the plenstîre otf be- îig have ith a Jenny Lind rczor, .by a Jeonnytind barber, sceuiîed i shl Jenny Lirad culgne, eornbed wiîis a - efiay Lind cumb.br>tshed wilh a Jen ny Lied brimb, lvashed in a Jetitîsy Linci bMv, âd w'j'ed witlx a Jen -ny Lind towel. *Aller which we liut on orir Jen- evy Lind bat, walked inb d'Jenîsyti: restaurant and murtouk or Jetiny Lie-c bsu*ages. Then we îuik tilt a Jentay Lind imer,'reada Jen Lind edituri. ing oursplves bock in a Jensîy Lind chairl- fr11 Lido a î'rieftoi id 'Jenuy Litai reverie.-KX. O. (.'oriçr. "éTake a ticket, air, fo~r thm hi,-tifit of the Widow' and Orphan Fîtnd oftlite Spike .vcieiy t" .-1WTellh 1 ý-,s!-d on1t care 50 m tchi. rthongïh fur iie rphanx, but I go in 4trm,< for the. Widow!" Which is the mowî cifficîtît tc, finclva eocý-ey'ed canary bîrd, or a wioked mini lhal laîsghs hearsiiy t Vice le 114)toî,iy es shu;p asa steel trop, but alnulost il§ snappish. .4 rogue n' -a -ai a ile', but a guod hearty Iptîith is us Mu1011 bc. * ond lius reach as hal)pnçss. à poetie young man, in desribing, the movemensofa hlS of god fl,says: $A T1hey fiashed and darted uiîb<auî lîke brigh: liopee thruuigh a lc6ver!? raits." Tht yotn mani shoîild be itojirpd ta'. I*e's lbeen ¶itayiog utit u'iilits and - *ping whiskey punch. IUoneteetd ýxemptiôn! " exclaimed- Mca.. Partington, throwing duw-n the paper : ile corne to a pretty paýss, indeed that men are going tn exempt themn- selves rorn homp just wlipiîl tey pese without an y proviso fur euld the pu Conovar,, an4 moydurng tht yè*I~( in the premisese lf r ~y OçCup Bur Esc ., sua fotOice,- chido'ýrilet'o! E10J JIcdtMHON'8S teré, where the Gonds tny lin.,l4 sopected at any time, anillor whicb 'W01. wi:îI b4 taken in ex'jbange upon mùcb more Iavoô;rsbe terma thon in i btmeryenre,dcefyinjsucmusfut rom- positsion, or he may lie found at the CA R DINYG 4MI'LL or J. B., WAIul;N, E 1, ih b ave rented for a trof years, whore I hahlie prep*r- ed by 101h May, Io reteelve Wpql Io ýe.Çmsd lapon uS low and fovourable. termes as an y othar Shop fn the (rade. a C S l sad he lghost VWdo., for any quan Remembetr the old Dul OJIce. King-st., Os/atou ý1AME.S ýWALKER. &&»Blowv , oh blowv, ye hpavenly breezes -A llamonér the leavet aai t.eeses. Sinz, oh sua,,ç.ye beevenlymuses, Wêhil? 1 make yosàr boots and abuose.! r7l>[1E S-uhserib*r b~ to aeqîstaiât his. Sftiendssend tbe abic thst he has comauon'ed theab.ove-boijrwso in the Enýoet eueS f the WHaTiiY CA1RRAqE fACT"ORY Bioms, Where ail Cus- tom Work will b4 clne wilh neatitess.fkldey (and tbat's more than most Shoemakefs eau say) and Irelip *Prit S-Wbiobv April M2,1851. J1. W. TILLOTIONf'. DONALD f1rIiNI%, Propritor. HALF-W AYHOUSE,' - RO0UGE.- 9' TE Srtl,'«,riler retiiros than 1 ks fotbe, liUerai spprt strce undertakng the old stimnd (laie Mr.WS~')ai the ROUGE. and bopeit byai.îilatetisa t)o busitiess tob it favored wibh. <a oaisuance or the ustial patronage. Thé Bar fir;ished twith cbsc&*.iquos.and bis Table weil l stppled with th,Ç suhetantial. M Canada. Good Ste hhig send a steady Houler* in atter.ciance. evsry arrommoclation in mte îravellers comiori. able. 4lisages daily iciunxd (rom Totonto to King- fiton, &t. &CI ANPREW NOBLE. -Stâce House, Marrh I8ih, 1851. 49 1-m BLC epetuI cqaiasthe Travelling commilility, tha(bat'aflous& id stili Itep in iiil titual coriot ta Ile s:tile. FIls Bau wmll be fbut well suppliced wiîth l blest b4qtioi-. and hie; Table %with lhç cboiceut viauds th nakt fhie 11w $la4k is f151 iirsanvineDa1 ily, (ton, hi. Houge t.Toronie. leavirag at Sévn* chokiith on Icz, Andl retuining the same Eveniir«. Every eeeommodation tan b lideorael Tva- yellers, mtuJ6 tood Steblinq andi attenive Hqothers Ro;.Marcb 13-,1831.. 48-tfo. COMMERCI4L HT V1LL4GE 0F BOR-,ýELIA. '111E S BSCRBERretîîrnst thanks fi-r-te hherah ipltthe bai*rèeeei- ved Pince he com i enced In the ohd'S:and, (for- meî ly kept by 14r. IUNTfER). et CRANUDLEIS CORNERS, a;ad hopes hy Ptrict attention bUtui- nees in b1k favnieti with a 'ostinuanct' ont(lie ço- trnnage, hithetto conferred. The Bar id tu rnisbed with'the beet Lîiors. and the Table 4upplied wi:h the choicest nilables thai cari b. piocural. .AN UNFOtT'UNATE FAMIL-Y. G OO D S T The mga thai dont titke a new,%Iinper» anda stsesdy H stler inj ftown, rcted Hp l@brt)tgh EVPry î~~m'<î W85 n ysteravfotablie. STAGE dai1S the whole faniilv In a tiwu-hu(rse wagon. ~ Be ~ ~~ta stt-aiee ltGen. Taylor was P. -Carae in ati Freqtcdent, anid wu nted lu ýknow îf .jw Boella, Jutrgtb 1lm "Kanmsebatk;aas I"-hlad faken Cubra, and i-UGi i row;ere they liad taken it. He land I solcl bisucoi tfor twventy-tive cet-lin. I%%- rrie'e being thirty-one -*It-- lvt upnoing t0 dqiuit tule nioney, îîsev îc>îî humif WHITil "a nushycouinterfeit.. 'Tihe only liard %Prifig- and ':nMrn xpuney ho bac! was so,îtmedreecenî Whithy, APril l! pices,oncI thuse somneeiiurîer l1nsd-"riais on him fur haif .dimes ! Iis ald hidý L E, .eJP IsMoked ,a' ieub Iipel" and woaaId uso:2 % beievetliatanytÎilugehsecaud le îised., W ITY one a uthb le swieni;tu a iacksmiith'p WJ ecp 0 emensutred f'Ior a pair it#Çsbueq, Allordersinhis lint *ndë another mîstoaak the - narket-hcique TA er.tst F*z:kic for a church.. After. là.ntrïaiir bis baUt Whitby, April I on a Meat ho«lg, k. quîosl ook a set ou a buItceicritafltv aaid li*tc-ned tu an tuet inneer. W60W fwot t lu iPreace- 1riuCr d qi. tVe left tà*êr.- meedia>' mis oi," UO'SR *nd had nu groat opi niete of Lice "sac- Qneotoftue gwçliçtook a. lot of seed SDLIIIE% onlons tutheL ixoçtoffce, otatt hem) for, a letter. Sh. lied a htslsy. wilich the darried t £in :rw-riua, to.TUE Suk#rriber bo$ Cig at limes b eock il nthe sdé-wulk. - UvettJcim5whi When ihcrier.h-e stf fiffl its muh with cash or eoIt. no i i old uîoeking, and suiig "&Birt*rit Whitby, June 71h. 19, Allen." T4e oldest boy hauI muid îwc> & coe skion 'I aid vu as ." but.- VALLAULE J When lat te e ue catled fur a es* of" "y and wittei " sud ;îa.ud staankisg (pa«.brt- s ad û4aIing Mwry Ofaum- FO Thse *hop keeer, enatakittg hi; meai. nthei9 1 Frý frig witand ieehmstsusitue a lu4Y, of & 01). i th :eulctýw» msxnd to give it. a L~ir trial, _______ Pve~e or no puke." $01310,-Iuwn #(CI .4LL4JLLE pom ii ~4epleildfur! letinu ade witir a "là l nit 1! wlerelliaO Our U sope" !riend îurned4 tus Juck snd ~ff c restof E, ABLING, atteoidance. m to make Travehiers ebo- ) Iouad (rom Pàrt Wit- 1TIJIOUAS GOREY. ttendanice on thç.Boar. 11.8 Mn. r ,Faillons-fer 1851. e prmjîty etee'air, ECOLLAR, AND TRUIR jcontfanily on hao»d'tbp ch h% lie eil cbeap foi 3E1VI' GARTSI10RE. MOI 77 -n 1 IFR.W. CLARK, M. D, pl'rYpbWtf, lp su ad, all rquluite ifO=ma kIad=*yoe WâÏ ppliatioG-to Upu P1%y JOHIN »AM ?FRTy, .Egentfcîr WHJTBSY. 14 WHITBY VÏLLqGef, WIIIl «Ive pro ePt attention 10 &Il' buiness Ofhme Profetsion entrusted Io bim. t3ToIfice oppos'te the residence Of Peter Perry, Esq.' CARLETON L YN1ÎD El WHOLESALE AND RTI DEALE.R IN TEA%! TDBACCO.ý9 LICE, PAYER MANUFACTUTRER 0OF SOLE, UPPER, AND HARNESS LEATIIER, '&c. Cek poid for Hîieatnd Skins', Wheate Oat, ,Pous and Pearl .Askes. Whitby Village, 7tb june, 1850.. 8 NORTIi .AMÉRICAN HOTEL rPORT HOir, 0. W. GENERAÀL STAGE OFFIC. 1:1- Tresty Poflers always ini atendance at the boais. Passênç..rs and their lnggage coquveyed 1.0 andl from the bonits free of charge. PortHOM, July,,185. 12-ly rWILLIAM JEFFREYe AGENT 701 TIRE Excellent accommodations for travellers. Good Stabliri; for Horme. il LdJVDCOXVEYIXCER 8f OFFICE, oppoite the- Court-house, VLLoE 0F MANCHESTER, EEAVH, Q. W. -WORKMAN4BROTHIERS &Co Nio. 86, Klag Street, Toronto, Hl. W-. CUF-F, GROCElIRs, 1410088, AND PROVIMS10. PRODUCFE BOUGHT AND SOL». Dteu,& Bloude andPlatt's Tavern, LBut $ide of thte Markeut, CI©o I e -2 . 2&-Y MR. B. FB.EY BALLs VIOLESALIÇ £ t<DlEtAI. Whitby Village, Jime, 1850. Ua t" Vluflg.of Nwcastl, CLARKE* J.. »TMigN*Wt, Fitop2iEToit Auguet12, 150. 1 WAL Sio.«ir -rueS GoLzs Liow, and eneralï RETrÀ L Dry Goods Merehânts Swu Pt 71*15 GOLDEN LitOS, 26, . uxNe Sassa? Làois ,TuoxTo,- 26,Kixéi<S S I? ASToSro NTO, B G t iaf«MtsOrederis of thO WhilbIIReporter, smdpublie generaly, that G soiected trous the- 1>01et 8Ochs l rign arktem Ft ad sdfrCie w>t b Lid e amnsUaon, uzietrpsssed in ibis Cit, orquaiy, style andrcbue o C$ wl bfxtPi iPU Lu ZIm 0QOItta uIui*4. - j:P»DTUE -FOLLOWING "su Biaf k Orleans Cili t rou>'0 8 pr. yd. White Cottons froin 40 a Pi. yd. Cotoîed < s 9 " Grey ld ~ 0 4 Blac'Cqo Urç "0 10 " " American" 0 4 Colousr 1 1-2yd witre 1 0Id9 Sheeting 2)d. " O S$",mSU Miuoha eLainee "0O10 " Stripedi Shîrting 'a ,o4-1$4 Os Prînts Jyd. wid e- a 5" Bëd Tick no 12 Hoyle's 4 ' " " 07 " Brown lfolhan d a ,O 71-2à# ri 1 yd Uinghams (Heavy)"14O08 " Gala Plaids fi O' 'Y1-219 »ark Sable Boas "3 8 Dark Sable Mudis, 4" a 91 a Grey Squirreh "- " 2 6 Grey Squirrel" toi 5 Atnne Martin, di "-jeO0 $one hMatna.81 10 40 Oii Mink di "40 9 ink Il "e*7 6 .p Together wiih an excellent StockFgshi OnaelDRUSGOODO, SiW, 61 Gin.,, Ioeey; use. al, corresponding prices. d4lsog 19000 Wool Scar! Shawls, worthyof wtice. Watered, and Damaslé Moreens, Carpets, Druggita, $4-e. 4-c. of elegant Pattern. la th*r 4WOItsn Depattmcmt, an wj Brosad CIoths - Casuaeres (Fiain Docakiras 44 Tweeds a Pilot Clotho Beaveri .Moteskins Vestings in Woollefl, 511k, .Worsted, Fsney> a' 'a 'a 'a fron, 5 e' 3 0 Whitney Coths 6 tînoin 'a 6 Mohair ". 3 Amerjean Satinetts 6 Canadian di' 6 il Clotha, 3 ICorde Plaid, Swantdo*ns, Hair Plushes.' p. Irom 6 t' 8 'a 7 " 2 s' 3 't 3 'e j Thywuld cail particular attention to their- assoriment of C LOTHINýG,9 The wboie of whicli being mode up undet their own inspection, by the best of woektuoa, are nol equalled in (Çensda, for stylo 0! cutting, qssoity of workmiani ip snd mat.rial, ind pueri 1i#able- ness to the wants of iie peopie. Paiea. abut 1.0 perchas. Gooefs in tn imay pytodo o ieir whistle " if they buay belorelookcing over W. nie'.Stock,44mnc wbton uII . ! for GreyOv()er Coate [rom 176 Fine Shooting Cotte - 25 0 Flaîshn; "1" fl3 idFaney IDoe Pinta "12 0 pilot "" 18 9 " " Black 4j, 13 9 Beaver " 25 0 "Satiactt, di 10 O Fine "80 00 "0Tweed "as69 Liohskin ""30 0 Blsck Satin Yqtes " 7 Whiuney -"froià 30 ôO Fancy tg nà tg5 Fine Tggs "di 22 C siToilinett"di "<-,4 f 'Ï Frocks e 0'O Black Fluaik »Il à Boys' C lothi ng in grcat variety. Paris Velvet.-nap Hais, Fur Cloth çaPueo.& M. B. Don't for thesj mçule you Wblthy and Priace.. october 9th; 1 H.B. 0 K. tllinu Gai-mentiima&e to meà sureand varranted to fit. a 13~armrs ud thrs esiinghithu.couutrY, and net asquaited witl i rc pwtlud equa igers bymn etrsVoadd elIci tchis establishment, s tlhr e but a &V*igt o«.1 wad od o din bsiea.Arnong thei rae are the following: As NO SECOND 1PR1CE. Ail Garrments DDot#suitin;t, .xchanred. AI! Garments wýarranted not to shrinlk or spot with rain, wi Toruto NoemlerAil piece Gonds, cnt in the tuual lf« e xcbue4 IWBRGES &LSIA Coner of King 8f Churck Streets, joiningthe Court Houe, Toronto g HAVE ON- 1AN 1 The Lqirgest. theý Cheapeat, and the Bestemaortmnt~ of B-eadfgIaae ,Clt4Mtg and4- »ryur fg@4s ou IN C~ANADA WEST. tu CLOTH89Cassimeres, Vestings, and General I .,,Goods, Importoul dicol@ie Ortinb urselves.ab Gai-ments made to order of ever'y 4ecripteon. PARIS, LONDUKf, AND NEW YORtK FASHIONS RECE*VEI> NONTEJIT- rThe most aDproved stylç adoptedl. bien%'sronêwa olland Coati, Do Cbeck'd do do Do dé Moioskuzn do Do BlacAI paca ý do Do5ssml Cor do Do Prineese cord -do Do Glawbnoon do> >o 1'weed do Do BnoadCloib do Do Caseim.re. do Do Oil'd Waîer Proof do BOI&BrwdLinea do Zlçl inen do Do' - do Moiekn do Do Fancy Tweed' do Do AIpaea, do Do Rajese Cord do White stiris. Liasn rOnts, "5 u 4 di 12 17 'e 17 e 4- 4' 5 s'o 6 '4a 'rose a' s' 'e ai ,l :

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