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Whitby Reporter, 26 Jul 1851, p. 1

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'R E! ~.TeaA¶?Ailli1gper a '8at the oelvf i7 en DAgetnt Vlathé <oaOj ~T~Ko. @i. P, My warysm",,J Lay faorleidaw.y.. ?nghtabalke -uat aieM .OuR'!> ofucsueana. r fur S'es té suri iata Ë betd on an mged nmnfor hein; minas; lîetjeco Saeun u a policy as this 1 eki,'nsld olbr N baeàvasone nf the reltiera on thin- fi.heeti neaîrly ruine fl natyout befre JBlak & Cé.'biriéd notbüY4,à* 91d faction did, and Ihen'curmaa iataibe lhey1 Lt pM ti lntigt Provoke, with the prison, eon8scation, a& the 0W!> proiisesa "u bllter, 1 vonld advise gove,&rannî luopen Mr. At no time six>ca Mackeuie'a prison doota vhethier they get their the pioneeka, ba $OO ai cash or noî..e.uaht r ro.7 e lot the ni a Ur >jquît the me on iVn tet ai ne r alàfrhapene amiaraalatluern-i ei nthes Munday the 7th insqftnft i li awn en ~s 1~i nsrmaLabtîapr- AM newbircfait intiaaeminil la gèe th * inty siuro r on e dyonu -e"oa" e.....ofn o ya e - lion~~tttig nttls ina ubl I>OIî oonaéseim t it aïed James Wianme 6ýouay te of a iletantninthrse ' jn e iîml nieeggdi :4~owdIwrtht ti. niml he &W 55aidedullandordone lnd, athel shid, od tr at il ss oti a og. Sihar ule t o la topve.dict apptearus th.A ieaelofre nry atemeit esep b so e tamc laean a ?etWar. hmebutwts ilereptd b Teuw fHunfrna awoi snd ".cth bruteyor"lFm o ediay uceiwawreflqo ttetmme ltiî nd thr*n ew be don, aiteot D<4f a 1nd am ed.JTe Walernwns "-theUu arrofudl o the dsfredec aurcl ix eet . '6deewhere thedocin to4 *eýr.WIihtr, highe egr 0 vl1 enehpee.Mew1 gtot ~ aLlr 0 .1Jl01d&apr aotean bouime-stlJsoutf tnhlb.e pcwer was edw lu aclib le to bumn eelànai MRet.MlnF "o lb. at npcion, old basswonr. Cabjît, and thes Wh nd wu tos t . eemsél. e bghad wstyto vt î cfthe CewrsPrt. wruingt 1- *im---W n da tetanmalhhe stw up èdBowmsI horsJe on andr. hd wX a nied st ituwstea brdor prpje te - iha oe I peasta ;.%e1,îon o! ay isd ladttbeiii tse scatedii w.catoo ar L lnrrred a re -,,toirdg teced b.p but w iiteretidTe ka rtyacoespnondent is at S 'ehebrtsai bistmup va blylosed arsd 4ulce's Cîur Viene trîîck byd 'b bi anglare eredandh. loeedofighndp,uo ted5 he at.terions bMs1light feet. he ynx folled 'lysiedTheep were toheniSui- lay.1.Sorlyafewed nohr it asiout a llyklld m h the ei te eirlel oatauobter ofMr. reick ou ainmrd oThe na Win iltheome .ahmn eerc o ber mghante nd frwo whiaente clip, d ftIe latr . S- tioherofeams vas nabld luseriteaoî ervrîo.coiltTairaa.TqNG-e r ,êituation. Te then tnptedfila the yacorsodet ha t 0 Jna;tand ecatped Ass llstance v 4s pro- Q hueen Victora was enly vicedy inre ti en'd te trrfed cisl ereed. gter rgrd or the 1morna chracerof tWeaeiu futrtmpIb lnx arenem- he ot, b forbiditg iodot Mal- ,;nIô ery' onum fer;a man ns fliv-. dontantpp lear antéothe eigf beeè n seen og lerter, nd oneir Ce. ede Lrtis ,il an offic ater Jofiltue io hey reswery ferociotîs ean laced, Gurs.-ot.a iafdotir s tre nx 'npd îitiore TSEDthTTAnTe it -,414bh and ffcie for staneatmnSa r te ibctoriang cntîlevrl lma ~Iialhee ben alsledii srath r mpetýr othnieif.ouraghratrdi- Cs~uunead 1we-utise d c ieicte.rst fciaeansiadotrc ati*ae u med ate bynLx.are iJ>OV<1 lieralour oea, utipply narl- et 4aviferr een esult wron 'unedtittb6wa wants4.he uid incfa ie of tei Te bar been ftlérois wMnat ady ihcureds vi ontneru need -and thir-tti-gthandagiitis offorig oEsppiesTD. iTha emUiedk- G1éie-hre ea Feîrg scrath orcable towti tefOu eadii imsf!cn orhetogs anSao isI on g att porasof 3t ~hiwn he Iate ody ofehvlte rserois iy8of, wae ndos oulationt vas wias.ee ver fre bte ise onefulb cf wsat t supynv aaulvr rere oa, o Wodeedtyâiver cfmanîfclured rticle isibylbeeee, isn as'< tsl fo aur ,Jéudinremeofmaufuring ýe_ 'bae ýbeenfatal hait ant of tctue ilso eàruidpne of biisOppliesmerce le inov rmanlyh GREAb.Tise no lack >' abge at oisaiasipimpirtabranhsofaBri W WP,.sr tis hoendwecf pRidoai tt heteeet, ý idgettheqnaiti cf ii. imn seettle-adviaisbc- 'dýIjethei v.b..» w ept ý ave a nd ug muchn ore80i8, lie . ., on our n u- wohriridga sver. m real da'Thnrier - neourth ofs'at; bs nhi ngdtisvr ,.Sçgal lbe briges a tse nigbor- diretinofomatiactueerseacesi on spech reently dlivere apreedoted. highhjherfaoe thaeelthhc r gies. Tluhc is se * nL1'904l8 ol feras or inseofanuSê8afctlowa: 1mileunlondon.Thishue n e E t.Or commrce1n,785,048y c 0t5.taLlajndaehiot hav aihcd'fa eigutas 847,1bt 52ewee ej 44g1 lcuits.irt. Wdetrcton a.icîs 4,1, the NortheCian$thea 16,750,700he 3 M19ff étki WtminaterbgAtlanictaesand, he ,144,000te 4 batiiL sa d. Tàfun ea t.Çms'aepiadiàbaceadr ~eaa.as1aend f RdÏt fkead ntb. ret lks adwati bcm bruti4~idg- thsuhof thelsamb. . P rý «*6b se-taai 1andFtety tmchmeilion tbeu on Ouire th- lb. wt ri foadsiWan'wot ie 0< b. proaperous thens thie tnýM &ýtfying reports orthe nIheaît crop; Ïadi is nota out of lange frw>ur ruaI, il may bc rsfely assertcliate yield viii14- large and tfise il.ulity gocd. W. pre.sme isegrealer part of the' wlieat in Ibis lalilude end monts cf usi will e iarveted this ve. ~Tfz EF4R Wgav-It iSaid that Wih. ithe laît fewv years- a 'noirvnha been built up near thse Fala cf St. Atî.: tboiny,and is occupied byea hardy induae-r triaus population, principally emigranM5 from ,the CEateru -States. Tlsey aXeý nov about-ta-ereet a University, vrialif im la bu celles tise-" Tertitanial Upivet, sity of Minesulea." Tise schal fond 1 been so uaubumdedig',tlsat Teritiiry s lao secure ta every cbild a guod common. saboul education, free cf aIl expenae Ioa DESTRUCTION 0F BANÇK NOTES. By a 1ev of tise last làegisiattre, lise bills of a numbur of broken àaaslo, and tbe plates upon visicht they veto print- ed, wero ordered ta ho desîroyed in some manner whicb might bu deemed canvenient la the deparîment. Tise notes cf tîsese deftincl concerna isad beau accumlmlnating for a considerable period of lime until te siselves fairly groaned boeneistihthte weigbt of lte vortilsics papes vîsicis tbey cuutained, an.d viicis, vien bankeble poascssed tise paver ta abake Ith ie very centre a commercial cusmmunity, aud coulti in- fluet e shQck mpon tise mercantile vorld tisaI migist paralysetise effitts cf bua- dreda, sud create. Îssicoldsestrana in iti restilts. Oue million five litndred and eiglsty thonsand four isundred sud furty ive dollaors1 veto collected in packages, aud lis. edict hsd gona forth liset thoy muat become faod for ise licry etement. Mcwiv la deaîruy tsem, wvas a question which puzzled even tho.Superintendeîsî cf tbei Deparîmeu in ilssolulioni. By llcing tem in a stove in whiscisa. very atran gj iteat bad been created, tise ends of tisej packages vote immediately destroyed, whiile Ibe centre woîld remain un- icorched for a great lenglittif lime. Il ivisovidont Ibis melhod vas imprecti- cabie and tisaI weeks igist bue enploy- ed in liselatal demnoition of tises. spo- cimens o! former weallh.. A naval lc caîuse, iniseard cf staetisod viathes te-a sorted la. An ordinary suiv cîter,i used by tise agricultnral cosnmuniîy ini propeting foodl for tou caIlle, vas pro-1 eîtted, sud lte packages cf notes voei passed under tbe blidesanad cm nto 1 tripa sund bits, very fune. Tise clip-1 tm ere then depvated in this alve1 s.oealluded ta, and in une week'a mie airer aise millias' and a holf cf bu kl sis vote buree si aes, and blowsea tibout like su, mucis dnî, vorîbleas, yea, - mote -iorthIsesathan lthe dirti eicis1 uan bu fouens he strèts aofounr city.'I The spartive loapa of tbhe eîbsgi lames, as tiey embmSed tise tonnants ofa bundred or a thonsasd dllar note, aed qnicklywerk îvay ali trace of ita identiîy vas rell&ptinlsgi-As hatoS iter bhSdeaintotias fleryme"thli oISe yawnungcepolalre, thatueemed% sepalient for ta prey, we miglit pielsîrex to on Isves Lb.-, vt- utsaof.go.di tedev«H il ha41uukue ead a]; - iu etaçidance . v il nActsiov preoe- ingly s u rtu tta lent. à nglemd. 'Tissî A9 vas f8jst He va- inlrcdsidansd à eatid for satrial 'rfor foisi it, tvo.-yeasa. I vas 1tisen ftound 10 be clared bonis. (fhiýrvou 15t è 1e-lo bunefiçiL.Tis e <as* Uaswy Lé#m 'î. d not bç tain j4ýKtes oppaaqed .te lb; o m ntue deoende4 on prineille;1 and utftbe cluse, vereJbýqPd lIs. invîlud.,in ltî is unaisas Authie speech lm niswsvod tisa-the eiluiiect tise. snjutry ftbaîtv expeced tlid îot bu poatpotsed six aiqults. lHe b e resultU#tiie wnunityZr6m.tise ppli- ver Osmnd the pdvocates ofbVmr çalionô he bill.,Afteratrial-a! tva Laws prepareîl to discuss ils. .<4icî, yeain là4.agiànd, the billPmo renusved aipon ils 'merits. They -oeIy ooasledý for. othertw"eyarn, anad again for aiterti thuy.,are in'eisteneo'lind if re tvuO yëarii;'Ïhi>d su&entlv bocatne sipastled 'tpeilons who e vebortowed prtn4nepî Act, 'Se. usa pied Unit moiey tinder lteslava vili b. 'aastî- iýugIab &et, 'but hed adî iàa litho d ed2 b yay sbigLer rate ofinterttst more~ign by. conflui»g il itrictly TIse. l-lia*uîertlane s vie*q a ututj»hi. minas of It Lvr sndamnibets frani any 'ppre.naiainio saI éttise Agrim. clînral inlereastvoulsi bho ffectotihy il.:,R f4l LII co1fident tisaI il votild bu foasnd no buneficial la tise country at large thist ttios.. itonow resiât il vlI bu lise lirai ta came forvèard and asa rtieval ott lie Act. Ho trusted'that ne eue veold oppos se Iobill ban-nus Ihey conld not aee biset any buneficiat results woui)dacrue 1u, themiselven front1 Mr. Pow-msa eppaaed tise bill. 1 Mr. L'asqcAoa vasbut oppasoita tise1 p rci.ecftise Bihi, âsud vot iey le bocplgin aociety assew, he wonld flot ouedý anylUsury lava; but se miny o! tis i Agriculîtîral peuple wereievolOe4 ii pecuniair dfllulti,lhat lie'operiféi or Ibis Bi!l vould compleîely rmin lin.1 non. -Mr.Huscka, il is Dot intended ta apply ilt tise Agricultural nleresta.1 Mr. Cadeo,-The bon mem beuvasj s free-trider. Rie vaes for iree tiade in everyth ing; but lise necessary effist of1 lte Bmil îvonjd 'Lea th iemoney -leud- r et nd-maylottosevise laid Maoyj fram bsn, 1 Yumuat give Me sMy mo- ney Lack, because I fi4 ltisaI 1I eaunov ]end 'Dy meîta thie mercisnteat 101 12, or perbsape 20 pet cent,>'m ut pet. sans borrowng money under'tise psres. t ent sujteni, vould l4edeprivedeàltit un- legs tilling te psy tisarne blgi aite cf intereat wviuebmerolsanta unigsu b. villing l> «ive..If teowudte tayautr Ranybill it ve'uldbo lisîtIoee wviîcls n- tirelY ,Ja îsisÉed tlis e insy 1 4 v , fu rt a tisaI .vould rotacis veryiady ; buitishe a lresent bill- vauîd bring tise metelanî t iuîto cous>pelition 'vils bise igricultusti Ro vatuldiain ropeat tisaI if ttey vote t( begiînaing ociety tmevhibeveulal not E bave Usnry Lava;- but se0înauy veto Ib nov involvesi in debt in tise presit natle cf f oioy, witsoast'beiag prepared i te moet tiseja limlilities, tisaI thrre-.i feourtbqaitest o Ib ie sgrieultnrista ix vould Le ruinesi by Àt- Re vmil, C 'hereibre,nove tisaI lb. bill bu red s second lime tbis day six menths. Mr., SàiA, of Frontenac, ut .Somne leuglth oppisad tisebill ;14ho ota*ieredLi il a saicamreti enoit lbb moeatile 'Ix class t heexpe (é,ie the aotaltu. 10. inereàl.The&Wwosld b es. iwuabutdisut tlsaj i ' votile3 hoimpcas Me bs.rn la guet asteàorasolli. rate of iîitoe> ts'tut No S'ecofil i.Tbey ougis t aestiuj ii ihiî nmotion.rw - aI sOunethilg flkeé S per âenÏ. '- isey Mr. Stuit ted lssî'"-ajqpib", a ~lae luqusp. . thetbili. -bal ting «the Truaand L"0 .QII,îpnY it W"ls done tc enable tIsait te ewd motte y at .8 ýpee Of.heav* te' cent., and iî ,aeemcd asatrainge --Ilituk cause îbeyý lissI buliourable ieffibers 'till deç:~re (tom emutav 'b- hi-voturd tlat tises seedlboî 4ýnL -the adtsinCeî 'by tiseir moulitlenîuon. in tis,.lau-'. They Weier il muait bé vol kuown ta everv -h(n.- tisas verrullrà geatlen%«eu tlî u3surv ia proet'ised bwi instaned oi in lppe- sud Laver bCmuada onsta ti tIyi cors, aen*sn li-jumt olè of thme 1kw. .wisipo n'rat, wiho, in Dot lbe6tif.e.dUnd, lhsatmfQralit is nto terro, etti a!>Ind poliey îo retaint îiem qonthsasat- *ns ssdié" '. lit. book. lRe epnqluded isv srgingAI Ir. W itou merriburs to aslulo to bl4, s.rpèhe1eI.4V t05elasecurjd ime. . ~ Mît.r6, *tA Isv é biged bis aind --ounhte -.wara joct. lne*vas ne te sulm chsange ii ýb, -laa. th.M VI LawWd id pruteCçîthie pog qupu wsiMthrob1I~> as lts> bnust min ia coniiprse4 Mhh WrI siel lise man liko1.yt init .!rçý gar e is6- mmmi;-but tIiso etilintpudrTeHm igalust thes seho weeeproe -vgto do eu'-pe bsm Inuury. .1 1 M lijon. Mr. Buldwi., v0làle aalmhtingr s dd e tisaI ïf a change eeas tl e *-md"hie the.asii* ps-osent liane mvas j>orhapà îis.muat suret..al~fa pitl1ISi£s2r mais change4 a e Id astre tu kncpv Iran>bis lhon frietud th t' 4-#vI, Itispoinèr (hentl, ôr fl'hà ht t v madmiser for- Montreal..bolIb eftheM aMh usrclosçquaîinted vifi!flgqe....b u is amuniof tise public, iadebtedqÇPo. ,.0WS tisat tise7migist be oibibd o sêîk . t d1i ly et he probble itUcispI uitevil l e%,t lu reoSuit ftestuauy ob n ~~tise làrî>. Firete .1ý, l Rie had makesi tisaqeaw (.etleît PrAx hud ip mogot an aapwe s-tsùi l. Mdr, Bmlues, ('Tsot*>lîItoeifr I f- hus Ua ý La*e-rem A s- h<if tise farnis cf 'theis snt 1à% W HITS Y, -London ipotsrb 4tér~fe i~alt ithliaaî heart .~rpt~ u 1h sufa e i the vutor'a purt Il ihRnMany à tsar. Not alway'dooht lhall fiI- 'Jhe.earmst touler wap -ecr4 Lookupwitii terner gaze! 119ê4uacher tella me, hum thie detha uithi, 5'hatrlal à. the aoul's true disdche, Invohing iiuier puaise. ICIl tue %jesons leasi, >f'rba a men 6irouh their trialt parsevare, witar W tcrmas, via alu s atorma "cea -~To hasten pring's returu.

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