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Whitby Reporter, 26 Jul 1851, p. 4

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-ýeq0g»ra in a lécren that ow terch 'nt- \ .i«* ,dtvrnji n eil»tu rin hiis&t-f by tj be rîitd that the niore bc ad.e-- iiild's,d riclîer lie vrew,utntil ntlat ile was obligÉid Io givàiut iii desair of ever flc*ii,-Iniis ptirpose in that %way. -'Dops -this rnzor go en a1ike barberetM' -victin'i wht, çfttwritltine uiider bis clî;msv, iinstrtument,' w1îasim" ellrf reccî.i,rnnenchîf inWB tr<Tllg hanche. 1 Wrll.'rvpIliedli te por fol- ,tli~ eeraiot. I yu'reslciuruintg Itle, SUBLIME. 'r'mvteli n* îbut 1 amn hannonie yet, Ani ail the Jaidies1l ¶ to look at hin the da.ar ni(rman Ad Grow4 votîawer .very uloy t" Adwhemi Pehhfiend apks>: ',-At Votur uge, P -ow came yAilf- fitom jusna) 1 always unswer 6a. iuMy votl - ad fiy Prinler*'s DiV5."1 PRIZE PROB3LEMIS FROM PUNCH. If 3Oennd n hnl rvurds nnk«'a prrch, 1io ' nia*vmuy wîhilrnokei ro t iit l" ftwo*hoz,.Ientls nakeý a pipe, hov If sixty sectirads tatlîc' si niutt, lltuw nii iin itces niake n buttie-liolder 1 If twý-n trilltr,% mnlce <uit'peck, 10ov minrty "'iI nrdtc' onethiusiv 1 irati votii ,u'(rite a perflect circle %v-th- -Ont i ildd:omb ? If sixîcen draclîr.nnin rlke au enn %'tiLht 1110%vmaîiv will ni.akc' a rdir & i EqO8 Post Office, 'one do'w rEûu l'JOiiV kf< N'aSt~ore, where the Gomlnis yb.M vpected at, any lime, aavl J'or whiuh WC)UY, wlI, be taken in ex'change upon tnuch nmore t'6Uribte terms than in foîrmer yenri, 4efyin4 s8UcCfstifl eom-. rei, ion,or -ho may bo fotind at t1h. 04 DING MIZL of J. B. W.&urZN, Eui., iich 1 bave reniefnat erm og year, where1,lbel oPrepar- Pd hy lbih May, ta receewe Wooj Ilobe CartfOd oàpnn as Iow and favourable tterma s aiàny othEr Shopp in the trade, OAIR. aud4he ttlheet Fric., for ariy quait ity an~d qisaliîy of W 0L. 'Remember lite old Poil Offce, R-g-., Obta JAMES WALKER. Oshawa, Mtyé 1851, 3m-'3 #i Blowv, h biov, ye henavenly breezes Ait amnric the leaves sud !reeses. Whil? t make*yottr boots anid slhoese." nt~q~ w~71 r >Lr'4 to îcquaint lu's fti#endindthe phlic, tat h.ha: comneJei theahov~hiîiîi~sinthe Ea9jt ed of he VîtzT,9 CAIRTt1AGF. FAC'rOltY Bz.orl, where ail Cus- tom Winik wll he, dnne with neatnesfidelity (àntl, that's more than i:nost Shoemakers cua an~ sd de-paitch. J. W. TILLOTSON. Whbihy April 1". 1851. - 5-f il HOit A!T. HA bF-W A YI-OUSE, R 0 uG ri GnAmSÀ.-John, larse 1 Girls- are Girs is nacnrnoin notn, Ihird juersoi plul d objective casa. 01 ýec ive ca"se? Nat.nomiatiencse. Namnatiense ta whnt Verb? I dofnx't know, si -r, Wèîî, what foillou-s. 'girls?' JoliniPr, ftIIocd natr vlis ~'nt WtO'vo gaIt a humn, hast Stîidtay ari er-, 011,! votun gzmai ! MWell 1Isluoîld Stîp- thev wer the ofic'cbectit e1c11e Nel, %;r.ca?1 «'hen I seccd 'ém. 1Ishoitld 11liin c" wre îi i he possaeec~ fur lhe lisju hggilig 'cii l ke thillucer. PtINCI Ã"W THI. WVOnLflîS PqAIR.- ~~reat ENhihi: ia adîa. li ulaicî I3îînbe.r lie axîrî,-Iia Ut bel ief îl,.t a i! 'Ad diciarîîry uf t lie îuta'rîar of th#- Cry- tit i î!11nec Ny'ilIl ai1ee q r, illiey w.ilI aidlu l ~'f Ufiuciiiii',' Ille il.r .,barmouyv. ýinchl ltrlter i ti1illnt o, - Tip wOtild e-lit lie aî4penranice <il inc aVndý *>,rtist.î,ii t t t q flai o iîtig, imthie second col iniîî of lte Times: RABtktEILA is e:ritcd trn * ~ ~ t tieohar disemmusajle 11aSI afîîd, frtam svhcnom-;le got m-;'irated vesîerduy i1) the grett crswd of the Exhîibitionî.,lia, il 15waititiag îiW$t u,îxiolisl %L fo'r lhc.zr t the Teuth l'ltînr, ool)xstethie Cake Sîall. - ~ ~ -i Ch 2aN E1h MIiIl& A, l~iee r ta"dte i o aat-lllro the riglt luiaud Sue as yîuuI eiiît, r tie Nortli Gâte. To facilitate thle TCC~iltî>it le is %vearirig a whitie itat. Cunie de.y-st Arushëlla ; ytiur da'volect Btist1îIQ~d vitIiuî,a a tidiu 'r bis jîstt Iilt . the.very last minute uif ihe tal diiiier ALOYF.1.-We lhave hç'nrd Oo ta n" 1ira ' c.ttîlitiîia-ti ic' hv'crs auiatii li t lUa, bu; t litil c r aali;k t'îsnl %Iowui. l" I f 1ctld lit-'dalluct"s i hefoQptiiu rCuila'c, " i ide MNI-Ss Coli plhîwuî ;or iIt- ut ithe S.acr1ficv 'ri ail any r jarty. I cuuld glt:isaag r' diau'djitt ,îr dag, 1 slîùuld lue su 1er- fucîly hapy l J ould uevear sc wag . ~gl Y tait 1"1 'rsdevutiatt us s a~ta.whnt's takilig upenie lu a. muan with suceli'feelîi gS I A PRrECtT J6Kc-" l' hnt is. ti véason of a blo)%v lavinga bie mark iAfer it T"t' sked au tqtirîuig yuung gerndleman.i 1,10* a.' usiy necotinted for,"1 answer- ýd-% tdic.al 5îêdeîît w-was r-eaîliîg Be1sLilefi fo u know îlu.: iMuw jinth erfect intkes BIewv." ~lawyer, toea-enge. lîlunseif on an op,,)oneiît, 'wrule Il ratcal" fis h 'islbat.: ~The owicr tf Il t liI lok.iL up, Iuu)ked ',>earef1dly inlu jt aint)i 'oy reinarii<edlt.u 1t .ejetlia, Ile uja;r colSel tu~Iid .wýittelt5 i iaujiii 4»hs b ut, uu5d lie I 1.ud DLNWDJ.tQ1'S OFWJ1S DOM. te rt lporveri te, t~jLtt 1Wmpre sare Wise enopili to pre- re whiohsli seatu tu tlLi ~Jmid leacls teo bçtinacy;l 't mâil y bik ve wbut 6ube- iem of vision. from [0 Whtitney C:.oths &à 3'6 tLion3lcin aé "3 6 Mohair 69 "2 3 American Satinetta "4 6 Canadian I "6 6 il" Clolto, 1 3 Cori!: IPlaid, Swansdawns, t fair Plushes. .71'IE îticraer -retrstliaks for the iiba.ui suplnrt i sre iaunaerlakink thea nd statid <lute Mi.W~lYS ibteÏI1OUGI. andl hopa.ysi vtrie1 a' ,lemt o iii ,sneFe ata ble fvoraýd vvila j olt ofiîc t he stual parouev.. The lUat firt ujih4 i o ilh dunice lîqtinus. a'! bis Table vva0l1 %Iujapî'd wiîhth ei1'.4*ta!r;iaias of Garlaa,~ GaoaI( Staîlriatiurad a siratly Ilastîer in atele.durce, a'a'a.y a<mfoiitin to naka, irîuvelîa'îs conitoit- î,ble. Stagtes daîy Ioutuîd t'jom 'méi'curto ta Kintg- ANDIIEW NOBLE. Blaek'8 1Il1<31, RO0UGE. BLACK TScC ic aqiits :1e Travelilingt ià&i,i conuioi tue1 %iileI, l i$ Bar ~tvlha foir! weail siijl'al va el u.bamtLiqtîîi.ýaunlhi: Table .m~ îîîu the clicet yiiundi the tna;k1 aTrdç. iits >ta, ze î, ,tiii ltululululD aity, fiontirab eHouse te Toronto. Ieavitg ai Sçiviu u'clock ifluee Nlorn- if.!. u and relutaiic tîi arreIflC Li.eiiiig. £-,varyae of)"autmion b te afforded in Tmu- velvis, Miih1404)(1 '4-tal)ling andi attentive Hoeîlets tar. îri 5,1851. 4fl-tfz. tCOMMERCIAL HOTEL, VILLAGE 0F BOBRELIA.1 Iî ierai mipyirt ie ba~s recei- v f-d i., ivi e a. ta,i v rs, in flie nid S*ýarif, (for- maykepi by Mr. 1UN'TE1R). at CRAN OLE'S 4'iti;s.~îd hnlpe* Ihy strict atnaî-0Lusi-' nf'ss b lt favored wiih a rotitingtaince or the pa- lo aigte h ,dîil io o rk rid The Bu t,îi hiî hIllte lbst Liqiunrs, and the 'îtt Ta4t),ljuçhd wiîh-ibe choîcebi e.ut.aies thut cati b---piovurtd. acit a steady fHostier îiii tefulance. E'venry aermrrdation Io mâke Travellere romn- faitlible. STAGE Cindy Io ard hom -Port Whit- by . TIiO>IAS GORIiY. PJ S.-Ca rrini!p in atte'ndatice on the Bout. Botelua, June, 6til 1851. '8 3 m. IlIIG HFPA S ER, VHI TD y VILLA G B. Spring aîîd, 1frmmCr Fahioluz for -ISÃ"I. Wlîthy Kp~l19, 1850. ALEX. PRINGLE. - WHITB Y VILLIG. A1Iorth'rs i nbis I c prompjtly cNxeclutcd. The latest Fashions olways on hand. Whlifby Atiril 19,180 IZrsiiae ti cd Alcrrcy at La,QW BROCK.STREET, WHITBY. WIIITBY SIADDLE, A1NESCOLLAR, AND IIUINE T Or, illliribier buts entani1y on baund iel alove articles, wbicb he %sýiIIi llcbeap for ëasb or Credit. ROBERT GARTSIIORE.- Whbîitby. Jube 7th 1 1850. 8 VALLIBÃŽLE PROPERTY IN FOR SALEP BEING rthe Frott Halvs uf Lots Nos. 65 anci6,in th. 3ia Cniession. AppIy~ E, 139REILL, 7uh CO.NCE'I-SSION. 2. - if, VJLLTJ1LE TARMS F4OR S4dLE. j( <irs f Exbellent Lantd, wiiib ad>ut"10 -cîeared, lu, lthTwntsbip 'of Adelaide, abouit twagmiles froi 4 ilae s, and witbin twentyfilve miles of the catt-'Lodn ,A Cieaal, capable of tuuiing-a Saw or Grist MilI,' runs tit.auuh té faim. A lia>-Fifîv Acres ithe i.TownshthuM'Londonu, ~sit~h~s, ~1ll1sandi ail r.equiuite iatOfDhI'à tien may b. had oapplicationb JORt< -AM, PERRT, WHITBY VILL.zGE, CANAZIA WE5Tt Wîli give pinoy Pt attention to'ali businèe o f his Profeuîson entruuted Io him. CmOffi ce opposite the- reéideflcC afPeter Perry, Esq. CAR.LETON L YND E, WrHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER VIN TEA, TOIIACCOS9ICE, PMER MANUFACTURER 0F SOLE. UPPER, AND Cash Paîd for Hides <md SkÃŽis, Whecst, Oqts, Pots and Pear /l sAes. Whitby Villatre, 7th Juuc, 18à0. 8 NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL 90,T HPE-, C. W. GENEItAL STAGE OFFICE. Ll- Trusty I'orteri al wuys in attendauce at the beaîti. Pasàengt-f s and 1 hei r lu ggage coi)veyed Io and from tue ba>atsg fice of chtarge. PortHop, J1y, 850 -. 12-y WVILLIAM JE-FRtEY, tc.E,%T volt TITE Excellent accomimodui ions for travellers. Goodl stabiin-Y for liorses. il L.AIJD COXVVE YJLVCER ,, or.FIe, o01P'uqte the Court-blouse, VILLAGE 0F:,N1ANCIIESTERe REAOH, 0. W.- WORKMAN BROTHIERS & Co Mo. 36, Klng Street, Toronto, HW. CUFF, GRIERE - 1Q1'IIRSAND-PRlOVISION . PRODUCE BOUGIIT AND SOLU. Beluaeu .Stroud's anid Pirit': Tauie,rL Side __of theAt Market, m R. 13. FýilE Y B A LL, FIAS RE30VED> TO DrocI Dérelit door to liryan's Tini Shop, WHIITJ)Y, C.W. WhtbyLadies' Somintary, OPPOSITE THE, [GRA~MLNAR__SCHOOIL Public flouseq Can bc ipplicd with a irst rate article of Ale or Bteio»zgBoer on Modeýrate Terni, for CASfI, at CILAIU'S TRE WERY. Whithy Village, Jan., 7, 18b0. ti L. H. . ýCHOFIELD & Co., IMPORTERS 0F BRITIÉSR INF&TR WIIOESALE ANDRETAIL. Wbitby-Village, June, 1850. Ini Lb.Vinlage cf N<ewîa*àSlo CLARKCE. J7. E. TENMERzy1'RQPRIE Ton. -#Auguxt12, 1850.1 jipposile the Market, Kig -Street) Toronuto THO-MAS TzOIRftoXI DRY GOO»S & çLGTumalG BONNE TaS, CLO4KS, RAL4T,,UPB, 'FUR$, BOOTS AND àHOZS1 If-, 4c. i WUOLESALE & RETÂIL. Tor.pto, September, 1860. 24y CHARLE S 3 ER 1I0 WA'LKER.& ISu'fdnIINSON. e WHOLiE$ALE &BTI ~ôh~t~Oufitter~ d-z Gefterat Dir Goods jffercMant8 Sxow ou 'z9s~m GOLDEN Liti~, Siox CF TISE (1o~.DtK Lzo%~J 26, K-Zko Synii.rn'EASTiTrtTI C 26, KZNGSTIRZET A ;BEGtoiorm the readers'Of the Whitl4i Repotewhn pb ic h nealYg thit yb thave completed their Fait iunPOrtfttion& e ale n ac ryGo4WIh aigba selected [ram lte best Stockin i Foreign, Markets, and purcbased for CASIt ill jIbe f.oiiidt Upoo a- animatian, uttsurpasaed in tbis C itY, for quaIityý, style andticheapueus. ABfit Impectiola is Iliited. READ THE FOLLOWING: Black Orleans Clôtb IrOin O 8 pr. yd. White Cottons Cotoured -' a49'- ( di" Grey- îa I 1yd. Black Cobourg si. "4O10 " " l" American Coloured s, 1i î.2ydwide"-1b9 fit'Sheeting 2 )d. Mîtulfin DeLairies "0 10 " Striped Shirting- Prints I yd. wîde 0 O5 " BeCi Tick Hale's"44"d" 07 " Brown -HoIand i yd <;înghains <leavy)" 0 8 I" Gala Plaids Dark Sable Boas " 3 6 .Dark Sable Mutis, Gry qurel il26 Grey Sduirrel Mn k A di40 9 Minit TogetI'er with un excellent Stock of Fashionable DRESS GOODS, Silki .llso, 1,000 1Wol Damask Moreens, Cass.imeres (Plan & Fancy) Dot-skins " ' Tweeds ileaver "Il a Vestings in Woollene Siik, Wrtd They would cail pa - ~ CL 'a s' ta ai ai a' a' 'a 4- f 4 a 8 41-2" 7 1-2"4 7 1-244 7 1-2" tAS be.tu lately Iappointe4 AMent 1 ELuracturerî, for the dis4posai cil pattern tVs whie h were Psiented th aga, omd took the Pliizest the laIe NIAGAItA FAIRt. 1iehato n hat'da general auetrm .Ait Parlour, and Cookiiig Stoves, IPOU (.rid ions, Dog irons, Poucr Sapers, tern PiunP, &C., &C. - 'lite new pateeted stove s is odetc PRINCIPLE 0F >MKING TUÉE IfE" Y 'I'HJCK, and the ilre plates1 e11ted that the fire cannot i ture I "Stove is th.e oe whieh, in twelve, m; ,saon as it becrnies gCZteJally kilowD, Fmftwill bave no othel. The advaiitige ÃŽtilesSl ftuscakia stick of w"o, and having a large- an aven, hoîdiugY two lier-b of bread pasi9 .noteti for.an excellent bakin; oven, ai rie? toa -auy slave h. bas soldheoQ Fuieuds! Don't bity elsewhee*i and exarning, as the said stoyezarei fôann at, Bryaîu's Stave Ilooe, in thal village of Wiby, whre good*010 put dowu te honest prices, anadto "a~ t ha s -A Isort s o f produce, fa ber, Icoalwood, &C, &C, taken in ef34 The Subscriber ha& aLiose Opened ta toye Shop in Pfli Nezt doaor lu Ird'; S*0 ari TIoatd4, for 'wbich ot and other produee wilb taken in paymnentl X B. Don't patroniw .Pedlos, for, they mak ÃŽ pr rfit and l<>u. B. BRYAN. Whithy ancfrice,'Albert, October 9th, 1850. 2 i. B. O'CON1NOB, 1M'%PORF, TEP. of Dry Gools, Groceri s ~-Wunes, Lîquors, Hardware, andi Crockery WHITBY VILLA#-3. 444tf '. M. SUT IIERLAI4D & C.., KING SREET, CALIFORNIA ýIENRY S.MITII,of pay hIis way with lth ea ihing etter, and offess ta hl lie at large C as# DO lily of GIaEASla oC ALLOW, Hl. S. take titis opporitunit toa aIl Who have favoured hin th1e past year, sud b. wiJl be satLslactian ta all Who Mayà Il. S. bahoutaieama coi Asmas, for which he will Goodà, a[ta fair rate,. Sûnp always on kand i by t he B Wbitby Vllage, Asbety No. 41h Decene. 1850. ing Tawuauitip bury,. Bruck, lucat qualily, and w hfve le aeven years,c lots ofItrem 20 tel1 will chap, clear, an muan1i ke manner, w not les3 tItan 20 aci Ail latters, Pest-] camrraiug any of the ablove tew'uships, 'v Wbitby, JuIy, il Titose who are Twoe do. 'bucL IV-2 DGOsneeteToue 5 0 8 9 12 1O0 41-2 0 3 41-2 BydDo 4het rili do B D ril 'ac do Do*Da p onek 'do Do DChcok' dodo Doà .aeskindodo Do Cassimey de R-êd Fiannel Shirts, Under Shirts andi Drawers, Men's BIack CflothVeOts Do Black Satin do Do a Fscy Satih do Do Tiollafilti do Ia Faacy d Doe Velvet ide Do I'luàh do Do Maicelles do Do Te e do Boy, Fancy do DoSiIk doi De Satin do Do _Tweed. do Co Scarf 8haw w orthy of notice. Watered, and Capetsi I)ruggits, .&'c. 8ec. of elegant Pattern&. In their Woollen Iicpattment arc 492 sa3i te 3 'ae articular attention to their nssortment Of à0T H 1NG e equalle f C hna haefor sty e f c uttn, quliy 0fworkinsci n raterialsud grken r e uiDbl esi a he in paa1h.l'op le.fPaties qaout ta purhas od ti agn a "u toalIibfor neto the wns f thepeuyle. fre about ove ur&h'seStok, aing bic Mineba fau tn dé o t1ei VhsjeýIi te by eor ooi tave . & >. Soc, mo sih it b >.n Grey Over Coatt tram l17%) Fine shaoting Coatsi"25 Fîusiiug 'aa'Il3 jaaFancy Do. Pants" 12 6 PunI " '18 9 I 4a4aaBlack "Ia'li3 9 Ileaver "a 25 01 ' Satineilt <a 10 0 Fine 'a0 0 O aaTveed t '8 -9 a' 3in Id0 OIBlack Salin Vesîs," 7 ý6 Whitney a'frein 30 0- Fauc 5" b9 Fine Tages "' 2 £ ai oil nit "4 6 'a Froc ks"'a30 O0IBlack Pluai "I Boys' C lothing in great variety. Pari% Velvct-nap liats, Fur& Cloth Caps,;e~c Garments :made * o mensure and tuarrýanted te fit. lr-rFarrnerjs andl others residing in lhe country, sud flot arquaintW - with trickçs piactised an stran- gars. by many dealers, woàId do well tn cail aI Ibis establishment, ou thry have but oné straîgit for- wàrd rmade of doing business. Aniong their rides are the fllowing: NQO SECOND PRICE. Alil Garmenti warranted ualta shrînk or spot with ram, Alil piece Goods, cut in lte usuat lenglts, excbangeil. Taronte, Noventher 1, 1850. 32-Y BJB GES & LEISHMAN, Corner ofl<ing S Church Sfreets, joining the Court Houme, Torontoi RAVE ON HAN]) The Largest, thé Cheàet,, and the Best Assortment of Éeadyoe.7lGde Cletinçj anU1dreu 00, INCANADA WEST. (1LOTI-S, Cassi meres, V catings, nd Gdencral Dry Gooda, Imparted direct froii 'Britain Liy ourselves. Garments maide Io order o7f cvery description. PARIS, LONDON, AND NEW YORK FASHIOKS RECEIJY$D >IONTILY The most approved -style adopted.- ,Mien,& Brown Holand Coati, frqm Do Check'd. do de- Do 'do Mateakitu do Do Black Alpaca -do Do Russel Cor do ' Do Princets Cerd a.o i Do Gambreen do Do Tweed do Do BroadClit <la ' Do Cas*inwre do 1 Da Oii'd. Water Proof do ai Bav's Brown ýLinen> do- 1.10 Check'd f.inen do Do do Moleskin do Do Fancy Tweed d Do Alpaca . Do _Ressel Coird o ' 'Whiîe Shirts, Linen Fronts, Sîripeti do , a Mec' lrilekin Trouuseri, from ,Do Linen Dr.ill do i Dýo Cheek'd Drill de é Do Twét'de do Do Ossimere do Do Doeslcin de Do Buekikin de Do ,Satinett do Du Eofre do Duo asinett de [ro 4 a' 0 4a - 41-2 N.ce irOh -2 O1- a' «3 i 5' 5 -5 o -Pautket kg, Glom, Hotiery, &C-'l ai 1 $1 il Corpet Bags, MINIS f

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