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Whitby Watchman, 17 May 1860, p. 4

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FARM.I41R4DIL"FOR SALE., The, mpn who h.ave left tbeir mark ~o N,î1he Té) ip,o i ey] ooo~iMlnr the aq iritihichi they liv d yýgve-Aùea lahdaaf h Apply toi »at,*d iobll3work for the r VeI yn 1t JAS. WALLACR. wit.i fe ooopiestuen of at'-I*ieal .moilti. The. foundion of tkg ,m es WhtyBbe e sio andti îh.r 6me wasâ laid in thé patient.train- htyBbeDp i'9 . in's of th ir phy8ical powers., Sueli a man AB 01E~EE~I~ofBBE n »*W.ahintind most of tiie worth ies wvhoA TESTAMEMTS beautiftly bound in Mer- .vere associated with him ini the strua le for -~oa4oews~adîn uÀ' v- e our liberties. Such was Clay and Wlebstéeriedt the "stock .of thîe Whttbj tud »sy bf tieir-fûootex1po ar'ii the nla- Branch, and ia y bc seen by InI of it$ frkends aio1Seate. ireârlyays were spont at the store or !ilr. J.no:;. liNs, the Depositary. upnthei-f rm, and the thiguThts of their de- We respeetfully solicit speciai and prompt a tteu- 9)ni easwr gvn1 te llu1rt ion to titis notice. ani the- cultivatioîi and the t,ébielliahmnn JAMES T. BYRNE, of tliter respective- homeir.taa. Amblund Serretary ânxd Mateâifield NVIII long be steies àftYpiI- NVhthy, Feb. 21, 1860. 27-tf grimage .o the husbandman sW» as the - ïpaTt. wliolet.id(ecyn fan iei tme Eidn& ai& vôlope the bod lieaKhfi Iy and sylnmetri-1 cally Thochîl is 101 pnt u hi 111Ha- t ndersigaed bas bren appointed Surrvoi row bak yard of a ci:ydweliing, for turned -~ o l hv'Scey nitkst'net into the throtized and filthy streets to pursue atnnmnee that hie is pmepnrrd #irec.ek-e applica- bisj spoirts. Pis eyes open first upon the t ions for toan, which w il lie ma de on improvec, fartfs, and othter property of at.proved value, or îreen fleldsanîd fragrranit mead40lvs, and b h e ici sehsi4,o<b ueCma Iltrtootfali ont of doors is upon themattecid GEW, h Cmay p rass beneath iil shadowy trees of is, rural Iitirance Agent, &c., home. He drinks in heaith f',m evr 2j -m.Whitby. brteeze and ail the xcenes around him ct forth (btipia1fulnotss wiiic-h perforais so im--- - ________ 'p(.ant an offhce in our eariy training. PHRNIX FIf E INSUgRANCE«'tGM PANY, Sn thîs leads uue b speak of the influence LMADSRE of tarin 11e uponi the home virtues. No ne- LMIR TETAl II1I 1OS ODN cuipatiort c-an be more favorable to the cuiti- nt A- i vato of those quali ies which are the chari .4LIIOUàEF O' of the domestic circle. The armer in mich more at home thati is possible with any oti- ~gsfrCad. 0 Wr mian. 1{ow mai]y lucre are, 'n our trities îN-.XCSa A geam for S bylI j~r who nily see their familles ai evening or onl J clected oni the most favorable ternas, and .Sunday. They live for their business, and LODSSSIS paid withotit refe-rence to tte 1 bard in thils4 from ià locion, lakes 'hen rmhome Lbondon, early and late. lion- many fr omite saine il W. WOODWARD, cause,-farsake housekeeping and huddle into -s <<>muegrawiby boarding houses and liotels, where the clîarm x ot nwo andi beauty of the family as (Wo inistituîed it, wM b, Ag 7 89 lu entireiylost ; and children fait under a ___ lhcuusand utnfriendly influences that would nover reach thein ai home. ADX ERTTSEMFNT. With -the, best arrangieun,î; weaiîh cou]d a Fr iEN T R lE,- comnimaîd ini the city', il t swe nigit impos LATU IFF and PFTIM UttRT. bIc 10 k~peideîu-nder the i;fluence o0 1US d ~ CURe -of titg 1 tresîsng theitre8s.sothâl îhev &hall have a dîs- compilaînt i .e înelt iaînly chiaracter, Zard belxar lte moral., tn tiîey (Io the phvsit-al, image of thiii rgli r I lors. .Parental influenc'e is dissipatà, arnid Ii>boae< LT' te varied fsociat i illuenices t0 Wh lch they are ~a vt l EMUI ' 0 At iiubjected front their carliest days. cien 1 wht eriéiteshnrrau.s th mnnI 61busintess 1t TREEl'. N..Y. Prirer,$l 1ver lîix . sent ft-er iilite city, bis capital often i ivestcd in pro- 1yl~ fitleks enterprises, oxposed 10 the depreda-, FOR1 S\ lýAT .L4DUGSS tipp. t i shottest taen. betrayed. c-heated, -tI and'ruiîîed by Lianveg anîd batkrupts. Froni- - - »-e very c-aratter of fi s 1business., ho ha.s 10 trust fary more of luisavailable meanii 10 the TO CONSUM-NPTIVES iîîtegniîy of Ilie fellows titan the cultvator. àAi D 15 -Hi-îsdabtare ofien soaîeqover a wde LX lE V'OUS SU FFERFRS teiti0olterrilory, sud tmlecinfis art'.flot tlo: e.Xpetîsive, but exceedlùîiýlV nîjtertatl.ti t Ti tcrfr srî*ersirtici Cf lus, commercial credtii pcjxnd. 01)011thii..un- *îçî-asîrucfr o -îpuîi lth ecrt;uaitîy, atr leý ,lecu C.1.ot îi -î ulî (îtgfîs, Uîî/Jî. and1 ecruiLbily. back upon notli n,, a ruitieil n-ani. Irlcb-etto o-iupie niNtcu Niniety-tN fiv iurus in ahundred, anion-' ,-rr . hui, il l iitztonitah-e the sanimepublic.î mo-4t buiutess \J Ille intue yu. tl-l .1st t it i T,, i ,)ti..- ho desire i-,h, lc ili Fend te 1res- of the perplexit yattd sorro. lte coirusf liz ui] îtil, hfutdr not fi o ai> rares uand 114Oî f mercantile flte. loio at.î tsitînplt if tite tttli-ittr, wiiiî îlev witt crtan atielr, goatîed wtih theute anietîu'.. tit da b-iir cmuto<fNtu-.snîi from te beýgitting to the end of tte ye 'r, iu-rii.Tiiî--w desritî ii' Ii, lt-t 'ycianotîtain do justice 10 iti., ebjdren, evti if flts iu-tn-... l rettîru tail,lb% aîitlrî--;iing aliowtediini to Le ith them a part of hits J. B. (UTIBERT, tirai.,'? île IN utîtinthie franie Of nnd Ib 4-- tiTAStOI'UYSICIAX. ïriieid heir etlueaîîon, Sudt1 <>perform a No 42r iro Nev, ewYork. ate ls fice. 34tf The-farm preutervs the famnily in its iinîog- i -- -__________ ritv. -The home ias in il tai chartniaiz wordMf RCI £F OR, M. aiîd thal more clîarmiittg tliing h -ide' AMi.k 1 L aroutid vwhich pairenjts and hiliren gater,1 antu wiere the brig-ft anîd cheerful btlaze upoi J- BRENT, NM. D., lte hearth is but a trîte type of the flaine of lIYGEO-ý'1EPAPEU TIC loveItai glows ini every ht-art. l'îe parents piiVsiCiA N have beeti drawn tlogettr. nto by soritd mo- 1-> ý;È tives of initalt, ir the ambtions desire o f - o- i V N atkndu îqr-ietrt h ii- c-lidisplay, but by te personai qURî t' ityutt stita1t1îl\Vîthy (1 tlwi- seei laeach oher. The giory oftl t ire- trfrîiriitentiard)r-tctutl- iside tlh huosbtind, isltai the wife iss titere fou-ms Ile frittîds of Meuical tieforni, tbat lue le an.rt itew ,tu iei îewtou 1 tri pa ii t" revite 'tciaew lltattcnus ito bis fiîiiily, Iliew'ý, tat ie.ts hor wh ii hed ia i tîtend 1o ltdtîior îractice bîth intonnanti of te woman, andtd be Ïband is tai home oîîr ,cie. lere they gaitber at moroîng and 1 ,R-.. lIt u:\T gi et îtai,"-SI ire toftInale patiCtitq. eve;ing, aîîd ai itooni. 'l'hoir board is ahroat 91 ri' r- t., pit- wholia%'ï,-ied otîr uvetetui aiWays surrotnodeti willi te came etrcle, antd t ii-Ir ) 1wti th, iigre.itî--t 1i>.to lu ai-ting bere they spenîllte lonîg %vintcr eveniiigs. iîitt tiiît-t Ver îînrl,.tl 6Papa,"1 said a litte feitîlte otîer day, W<sias Joili an eiiitor? "IlWity, Tommy ? "hecan-sete Bible says ho had rnuch trou- blc, anti was a mtant tf sort-_w ail the days of' bits ile." A baciselor friend of ours,-w-ho tient for a- si-e-k l Brighiton, left a boarding lieuse, iii wuhic-lt there were a number o ol d19alîlu,, on accoultote timiserablefeeir-oet blOfore him aitlte table." Ant olti bachelon, wiso ta very cyttical upoît fie subiécci ffehrnale fashions,sasys 1»at the ,petecoulti gel ouI of ohiurch s great dual bitter if bier. w-as net bell s5o ïnich bue aa li-the îoor. A MaRuiAce DiLL.mIA.-Some ehort tiçxe bac-k a genttlemnan w-as uaiîed te a love]>' and é- aumpliblied lady ai a village nar Çt.utridg6; sil passetioff ple~lynigi -the bride andi bnitegroomit ntere on themr ss-mddIg ' tour, whea, rnira"e . didulil w- as diseoveretli taI tte narriago had bison an illegal ope, ýtd tlie c4ereyman probably lia- bIc - tô sou-cie pettaties for' pcrrming tise coreteoti>. -Tite Luidegroons had never tioughut of proviinz a icense-tite chergy- mean had nover thoug.ýht toencuiure' for d'- &~ru 'we M>1w-o potam»-, maqrow iu~ ivânas or licoujs., anti entîrely contrân-y' f lite' slattite ila tis case imatieant i pouid...- flore was a dilcîna. WhaI was b bue dote'? At the enid of titre. tisys a special atier was sent ititer thse, -happy eoup1o.- Tkei wedig touir w-as arresled-uhie bac'l îtev were brou t w ten tise oermony w-a5' igain perfoninetinl the preseuce of' the ira- p=rlnt lile documente tise absttce cf w-hic-h tdhein productive -ofj»su uuck raischistf, 151111 bhe travet Ions reîcumuid thi.er tour, tiieir mfdden and unexpected retura heini know-n to von few. Ptrqà,i-,a»g - f«K $orne lime areo tiser. was 'a dà. pimig .part' Ïhoise neisy perversil y reqninedtoi e iueis atteniieete 4110w the, tm tg-pemnjey tlhq dànc' A iiuntber cf àaljant! >outig murée Vobtrit6eed là -îwatdî ise 8nes w-hile Ille parentmsMdged iii ta w4t Ne ffpgpe* bAdlthe ýwc-eeelaiftlise babies in L4tJIS ý ofiiémisoisievous rawale,,hanthçY ~rIfh~? -ib in4r4a diange&r:ý heir r-til î's givîîuiý tà ohe tise appêi-bf àhdther. 'Thse rnothgrs eccitooka baby, in hheireu'h>f iter. ewkn,,ap4 q eJs dsometo tieir homes, olin or- fifloëÀ rnîi108-o4f ad were far totitheir way ehnrd h~x th _rbýP1M ~evation, - Ait prieiuî .îîd Sticitue p-ePauninuveIRÃ"N pain-- fit- oflOz tgt- iu sait la h)il )îî biI îtlîuaui ata ydroui-- tt 'Y t l it-hg ".îI ediu-iiaîliultes, &bath- Eurntie atd thte Unit i San-s. aud prc-sc-a-bc-d lantsitt- l'lie t-xtînetîre cf thiusaitis dnity proses thiine a<t- painton tif Iirutrinbu counred w-lui IL lipunitiu cf ah(! ii'ltdeptmioçe f uil eeegy, le and tIohî'wjje- roeeitveic-a'e. inc i#atii ltnadtrcili t M'jh bus ei t te -Ifil asp mot-rd atttuiîeiy cîirmatse tp e5ik ti the- fa.ttwitgà inplaunts, utz, lit tebalitiy Nenvous Ptfftctiom;ene, Eai-on, Dyasicei, iia. Comtcipation, tuarIt-tua, Dye4iie-, . utipent Cci- staicpli'tî. Seri.fultiu,- Tutuereul1osia, S.stt Rheurn. Me.- nieusirnatioa, tVttes, Ohinctita, Liver Complaas Chtromet Iteadaches. Rlitunuetia ntermtuittent Peu-ens, liauptes un lteEsace, &tÇ. ticase ofgeiteral tebultîy. whther te restai of isente di-e &sei or ofthe rontiiuets diminutio'nutf erynus ad mus- rnîarenergy &Daroîairniuet(iînpaies,eeerrunat nftiaicneu.. urative has provu-e accessfuî me aan ttent whiciu asdes- enipttcc ar niten attesatton woutld rentier srcdiblu, ttvsliudtst lotit ted-riihdcn se to10 ls-ebec-oms tt'olten ini titear cwoi grehu~b.. a-q-eetdcely r-epp,mtê tut the hu.cy )rwtîrlls ti usretîm dfrotta ovxetes lu-auel iti a disttt'llnd. ,Sotie tcf. sgnluilnesc ithe kiati are attesed oftialse SnflSnt-ns. emariaued uic.. tiuts îîfnpparuitr aiscestas, aowets~îm.iscri-. tat change&, sut ahat counjuititn if itervnusaned dys- 1eptiravsuiostu air snd exerîiie (on w-hic- h ie physi- clan hat- no tants. In aNervus Affections cltikiads atndforreisontsfrai. 1C iar t "diS oen,,5tce pemseu pof titis prepncnîuoc ef i rotimuit eeeaîé anîly ie satti7. lfor, uctli.the otti ioxides fi la vî.-ornusty iuitile, wirhput bit g extiiiianîd ouer heatng .su#i .eeaty nglyportetit,-osul. dé u5ersit%1è -o M etilkî,la -diweeheeiail osemarakiy etfictual aîîtperinsîtetitua emîtly <oiPîs ispoit Whuîh il a. appeura 4oe tscri ciaî5d pet fe ar5Uýn, by diL-pecstiig the 19a -1 t ' y bc-h fax hem -: t' t11 DrsPeîsî.b înumirable aseare its cases,a a itusue baofteeCalybeate Pillei kas often snLltc&ocii ainsi habituai etuses, iactudlîg iti sattendtett oetuenCs." lit uncherlucd evs'n w-iZ~f*e tj untr -c-otri » âreî- - aftîsnIc) i s> the eýetlte.ve been equalty deetse aida-otGnabtiug. fi thelocal pthsf44, teildeiliatlia# atuar ndcf reteilt htlir, Issus, s neregilide and ltteresting ihuetY Y-i~deni ~t1 lit 1tcaalnboseiel M slt5fe i a . amna hitein ýt wg Fscu h mNct 1thl n Cý reaedy anti uereop»nemca ta 1 I>u h CIMewm rileei flieWaItav! tua51ete - itrs îwadmi-utsee ~LJ.~. cramithg thé, as, ,Stpre to Lot, TERRE l Shi!rl o, -leot. ii Ib0 ,M T "Wslae Ie tck" - 11t h ie fértideltb>'50fieltic-up. etriutidooquecosuubet elti up 10 5uitll ht'I'uatt. 1¶'his le onue'cf th& ,BEST STANDS IN THE TOW,j for a, Gr-oemyDryQguods,- or - 1Iney Gouda 18-tf - JAMES WALLACE, OUR MUSICAL FRIEND, 'OUR MUSICAL FRIEND." a Rare Compan ion for thie Winter M7onths. E very- Pianist ~ Sbould técuthts eek- Evcry Singer, 1-'>- u e=0tt i fVocal RveryTWaclier'ý, tit(y , 'F06- le Music, Ëvery Pîîpil, costing but 10 CENTS a Every Amateur,f natber, anti yônourlced B>' thc entire Prias-uotbthtCquntry4 to b. THlE lES? AND (JHEAPEST W0RK 0F THE KTND IN TIIE WORLD.- T-eI,re fuii-sized pages of Vocal anti Piano- Fort-, Music FOR 10 CENTS. Yearly,$5r; Half-yp-riy,$2.50; Qnnrtery $l.9-5 iutbscribe te " Our Mutsicali Frienti,". or order il froin the nearest- Nîw8dealer, andi von -will lhare Music enouigafor ,yottr entire famiiy and at1 insignifleant cos9t; and if you watnt Mulîsic for the Fiate, Violin, <JoT'tus, Ciarionet, Accordion, containing 12 Pages, costiég qnty 10 Ceali& a N4muer,ý 1Ycarly, $250; Jiaif- 1 Yecis->, $1.25 Ail the Back Nanuluers at 10 c., and Boiund Volumes, containing 17 Numbcr, t '".50 eath, const'antiy on bandi. 0. Il.SEYMOUR, 107 N.i.s"~ St.,1, ;York Agenla wamated for Mse-eae/uee 21. ALWViA Y "GEÏT THFEDEBT N OW 15 TUE TIME TO SIUBSCRIIIE for and Ncircultste Moore's Rural New-Yorker, -he Wltias for len years paxt no manitýzted the spirît of ttc gluntîtas raito "Ecîir'ant latîdaitte oltjeets " Prog-eza and imtu-vemaentuç asc teo ilttatip ait coae1tetiîîîu-sina bOthma-rit and circutlatiomn, andi bec-orne tlicacknomtec¶ CIIÂMPItOi OYT111 RURAL PRr:3S! As a .&ntoltnai, lorfrîtnrtlLiterar- aud FaiyNwuêe tiut.ied ltte Rurzl hasý Ioag heen unrivaileti. If aIma -tn i xel tinbth -contents andi appesiranee -epllîTire het talent, and lias an efficient con-ps t feditors anud special conînihuors, with i;Ttdreduo;cf able ertr- f-spondentg la Taroue parts of theT'filta, lBritish Proîvince-s. &-.- As an illtatrated i turaal il lu taileit andi attitactit'i, Containiag nawueru 13IEAI'TIFI'L ANI)COSTLT ENGRAVINGS! larlîuding illuîstrations tn Agririuitînral, Horti- culture, Arrhitecture, it., At. Thoutgh the 'Rut-i l à Rotdesign-cd tii utipersi-de bîcat ttswy- liAtet.', marli uraher Oonans ta c<îra1iete sen- mary cf the mcii important nitra, urith reliable reports of lte markets. Comhitiag go many fratures ilt anot sirjîiiag thxt flie Rural New- I Vrker hâ.r. tartie the, farotinite pap6r for lhe FAIlMER, Il()RTICI-LTVUIST and J7AMILY. The Ruîral ackaowledges tic auperiitr ine ittier 7,Pal, abuil, , tSefidiiegâ Or reliabtttty ItS esu-nesi and indepenulent adocarv o ~f the right, and1 con- deauration tif wnîîuîg comarnetiti thiâ nuodtl Wrk- lu- to t-hi right thi,,king classes, in butth townr and country. Att wbo de-ire a live paper wbtch' livra it to its profess&ions hy au-dotlv îeking titi best interests of ils rradtr.,-a-e cordiatiy ln- vitedto btu-y Mooutx*e RuAL ';KW-YORKFRu. THIE ELEVE.NiTil VOLVME, FOR 1860, wîlt hi publisheti in az"rior st1de-wtb ew type andi other mànifti ns of<i t1u-ogress anti lmpirttvinent "Itre rduuc e cini rentier it the cheapest journal cf its cys u ru-b'slre ly increased notonat circulation. TERM.S, Ac.-Tint RCsAL te publtuheti weekiu-, each animber comprsimtg aiglt dolibe-e1uarlo pages (ftrtv coinmns,)-with tille page, index, &c.' aun close nI uolume-at onlv $2 a yenr-witlt gu-ett reiluciion and extraotu-iiry intinc-niviits to clubs uNnd local agent,. Local agents w-un- ted - -Spercmns, Sthowv Bills, intitir-emenus: & c.. sent fre-e to ail applica ni. We shalllie glat t fsirnishb. the tiociu4ene -te uîv nyeuail peu--ans desiroenf-amniu or ciirctiàtitig the " Ext-el- sior" Rural anti al-utvWeekty of Ame-ic-t. 1). D. T. _NIO17P Rochester N. Y., Jatutar>', 18.4,0. Tise oei>' ruait>' nreiable rimîti> for HEA TES, COUGiS, ÇOLDS, TIIICK anti BROKEN wiad ifllcues1aise for. a4l.tieçA iciiuent ofethlie Digetire Organs. Asa oë Medc-tieil lias NOEQUA L, as -ail W-ho bave imeeý ti ltustify-; il as restent 1e PERFECT SOUNDNES, housanis, of ,lJ;e~ supponeti te bul brohre dotnAnaxd aéot-o front $5lte $100i more îhàn'lte>' w-dld Ihî*é- -pru-riotial>' beouigi. -1?ifay w-hdeit lu irsee of thuir;Herses are seamincisimproredti bIti lby anti ï-eail sis, andi tees sot prèe e H oi-s frontbeing twoi-kitw-tilevui&t b.Itmiay lke- w-tsi ho gis-en te HORNED CATTLE. Do Deua failt o puebase.a ?aekage,.ýthal 'yeu, mu>' ha-ruil on hant te case of emrency. D. W. HTJRD, Sole Prolritw,< 18-3m.> 93 Maiden Lane, N. y. - Ce1eb rte Feimale Piles. -Preoardfrà .ýaprqortptiog e Si5r J'. larke, 8'., Ksci xraordinaryj te ttQueue. - -Thslyevatuablee sdicine is unfaMlng lu tise raodratiiAlexcset zemoyes sMI obstrue- tioes, aitd a 8p- yéu b à éý4èIied on., t-hbm DÇmprî.ds ltse Gos'- ernmen i mp of reat B sip4qo v tfej. "la eail , eZi-naitoïs...,tt li BLACKWOOIYS EDIEURG1T MÂGAZIXýýE (Tory). TEEEperiotiialsahty reprisent the tbne gret olitialparties et Great Bitain- Wipr, Tory attd PRaaila-isn polities fora-cnt> -one fîtlure of theircharacter. As organe of Ibm nuost 50bin tI"wcl on 'Seieibo-4 Lîibratgre, 'mahay,- elïgt Rul1 th ie>'itàatutias lte>' eser rhiave stooti îarivpýlled l is e wortd ef etters,2 ttie prfsiîs'iîe if6tih e M b.itelîgealrea- dur ot ivr-y c-taà he>' fitrulsi a more correct anti Ïascttt.try recordi et the c-rrent litirature - of lte day, hqutteyronlý a c posuibi>' aita * anOy lIce EARLY COPIES. - Tise reeiîpt. et Âdv&flSheet tram lthe' 'Bn-itith pb l .. kifn7a Lvdi - esi D*Iepn"usrnq"gte>' caunow-be placed in- thei liants et se ud" about as S500e as lte, Por any'onu cf lte tourReit . 30) Fer an>' 1w-of e itsWQiRMéi*a, ...5 0 ,For an>' lisree4t -6f- é r Reviewte,.... 1 (0 *PÃ"iait-týseir et 4Iue e-mes, .............00 Yor BackwýoosVsIXaz e; ............0 For Btack-ood and _GeýcEeevv .... 5400 For.Blackwqc&spati troIeiew-sý...7 00 ForE wock od anditlirýc.e*'mw-. . ý, 9O( For Ba çkW-od- ë fou* eiews .10 00O MW cu~rset sttbq. Stieeuulere itsuud sou be A discoutIof iIÏI4w per cent, tram lihe above pneus wil b. allowet to Ci»aodet toero7- mort!ol >-nye Ã"né or reqi't4tee br-of one Revie'w *'be ae15t toee x dtdtmee forý $;fontbpiesà the'e 1ur'Reiievg aad Blék-' W-ood for $W -anSm4*-lhc i Ca Mià -'nàosPnIe Spped trie of IJ. S. 1s~E TsEONAUW $t- t - Ifr ýM Qo.treetNew'York., JOHN MONTGOM ERYý Q ~ f the Rebisisosi~ee) OITH ui~rIOMW i, (lt i bc RobhnsQu teaetithj IuseliI-Otci, on CHTJRCH AND) COLBORNE STEETS, near the St. L&awree Mtarket $ or a toefoyears; Ateo.:Stabling for -The-rty-two Horses. Rlewilsupply ertelleqtjle tdL a btging at ler, Day, oýr teanu $4 to $pertei. Tbeiîocaî6,ni' thé Iotel l e ceeditigi ' tCôn - venient for business mita anti farmer attending M1ark 1, aswell asftbravellers geneallu -Chure usgPaôoOct? 14, '69. I-x The Canadian "Agridculturiat."9 or ARRANGMMENTS FOR 186c.- TE UE "AtctiLTMaStr-, Aile JOURALt ANI) TSÂySiAc-TtitON ý 01THE nl ikti) cr Anaicut- TLUil-ne Uîprn CANADA " for 1460, su-iI heopub- lisiietiot a91 i te 4 q'St ý ît. 'Z' It will ajîpear twice a month, ant i iI cceaie- quechtly hibcttuc-b more, useful as a meuaiof in- telligence on ail sebjeéts affecting Âgnic-ltunat Soc-lettes, anti farmîrs generaltv, than henito- eac-b semi-aotoahly namben wiil congist of R2 pages eandtiU hib. printeti on fine white-t paper. ~ - - -- - Ntwitbs;tanding the increase of size, anti of limes9 of publication, lte price ta single subseni- bers st-lU bc ont>' hait atiollar for oe* cop>' pur Funther, evea fÀhiislo-w raýte, a bontis wHIlbe give one frite copy for cvcry teti coptes ordcnm4i and paiti for in atvanci. That te ta say for $3 remnitteti, 11tcopies smilli b. rna.leti;for t$15, 35 ýcopus Will ho maildtand sn, ce. -The "Aégitttêaiiris te osîiFre. It Uitcotuîse4uenUtY bit the chapeut paper cf. ils kinti, anti coatain lte largist amoîtl of rcading matter of an>' pebliteti on the contin- ent.1 la addition te thu ver>' 1mw berne cf enbqcrip- ti»nyasj ulthçr rnu'm54*cn bto o w"ho el-, eiýt tobb&le 0 M, scràhers, lbe ude- iPentoeuduanoûyJpr$Éo ib#,pMlIoth"'. in Élareeli it,M~cornpaeed with thie stmn;btrorc ie14 day oh' .pril nrxt. q~nbgilti. iltis wiît b. receiveti At aay time, antt b.ameinaI cf each ltha reckonîti up oun tlit islt uf&pril. The meaey cmuet bat rrceireti, not nm ureiy aleti, eoltalt day- The fallowing are ti~peoei!: To tt nflcr o*f'an>' Agriciuîtu ra'.So-e t ', oeb f à club, or other perano w o shail sent inlethe targest. But cf subsîs.ihers acconnpaniîd Wîlh the cash, on or btfou- lte iii Of Aîtnii neat, a prize syil bu ttsîti or . .........$20 'loTheerr à. tnîenÏ in iho nert langeut lisi ............................ 19 To) thé person Who shati sent inh the nexi la lt ist ...................... 18 Tô 6tIti pin-son Who shalh send tihelbnex te.rgest lEst . -..****"*... .il" To the person W-ho sîsalI sent int the- next lat'gest tist.............. To the peruoxi whe shall sent in te he e targeut liâti........................... 15 To thei pinson w-ho shah sent inllte next targest list............. ............ 14 To tite person Wluo &hall senti e inte ext langeat in u........................... 13 To te person ivho shall sent int the neul targeatlIt--t............................ 12 To the pireoua-who tsaitsend la the tiext larKestlEst ....... - -I largesî t let -. . . . . . . . . .. . . 10 To tht p-rsou Who shall sent inl the next langeait iat ......................... 9 1Tothie person W-ho ebait send tihbcnul - larg-est list .,........................... 8 Toelte paron W-ho s&uall sent in th extt larget list ........... ............. 7 To thepoIson W-ho shail sent int the neul largeet lst ............................ 6 -To lte pinson who shahl sent inatIte next targeet lat.......................... à To the pureon st-bm$hall senti in lte next largeaI list ...........................4 To lte pinson w-ho shan sent in tàelte ect langest list ......0.................. ..3 To titi pinson w-ho shail senti in tbe next. Iargistlist ...................2 Te u the eiuïmw-ho ehait *sent**inla thu*e*xe largeet list.......................... 1 Agnicittnst Office," Toronto, Novimber,1859g. Blackwood -'s IMagazine AND BRITISH REVIEWS. c51grrvt-t 5... t.- - vt-.' -t-- -- 1 PRAYER BOS HII E IE FÂN[LMY 'AID POOK E BIBLES &C, SABB*T-H SOH OOL JREWAIRD BOORS, ANID At the VANKEE -N<fl ION Y)RE. *witbj'DNc: 2. 1859. --13 &%TMumS55» li Dý. G"OOMN #(iorner1y ' of ý"lai& NEW SERJnY A!)MOST SUOOESS- ae T IpFSubscriber w-il pa>' Cash f«r SHEEP SKýINSRIAGS, anti ]'UIlS etal descrîipt'ions. ABIRAM LOGAN. Whisby Oc-t 24, 1859. 10-t f To Xtaohinists, Saw XIVI Owneru. &c. FILE, &,SICKLE MAiNUFAÇTOTtY. 1 HE Subscniber -bega 1 call lise attenstion of t s a o e le ]i s e sta b li sum e n t for lie-eetting Files, Raspe, A&c. Warranleti equal te, new. Aiso SIGKLES foir Reaping Machines, Cutterns, anti ail sncb kiati et w-ok manufactur- id in tie meet subsbantial anti efficient manner. Saws Gcummiet. Oit Files bougbt. N. B. List of prices sent to Ihosi w-ho mn>' deiini lient. WANTED a steati> anti experienciti File Cutter; anotther neeti appl>'. W. L. KINMOND, Duntias, C. W. Octeher, 1859. - 9-3mn HOUSE FORSALE CHEAP. GOOD Framne Huge 14 eboriew, 18 x 24 fel A ilti (ellar Kitchito, anti an excellent-; Ganden atachtît, hlf -an acre ta citent, sitlati ia te SontIt Ward. D::!- Tennis easy'. JAS. WALLACE, Proprieor. W lijy,lCuh A uig nt, 1859. - - New Stove and Tin;Stor e PlVour,_ Brân and. Shorts. -TUE Subsoribir bas on luaîd anti for sale FLlguîr,, Bran ant Shorts. Whutby Steîutt Milla, 14i TH; M I IURereby nrtti*es ail dét gatge, tibat sompart, at leaÈt, of their respecti ve debta miust bit patiforthwithu t enahue hlm tb meut pressiý-gS'dQmsIds. J3AMES - eALLACE.i- ME])ICAL H1A,L NO109. KING 5TIt'.T EAST, TORONTO. HUGH JWULER& Ç. Vrs À1iTS ANO IYIWGGISTs, IMPOR'TERit5AMI) DEALRTS IN Fing1ish Chemicals, Patent Mediao les, 011*S, PAINII, BRUSIIES, VARNIttiIIES, DTE- BlUFFS. &c. *N'. B.-)Physela ns' -PrescriptiQos ati dFaauzly Reciçues carefuliy prepared.14 rat1 OfTer t L arýgegit'ani'mýout -carieti Retai S TOUCK 0 FIlAItD'NVA R-E, INsÇÀNADA, AT UIVPlECMDIM*TP1DLY OIW PICiiSt F OR Houiea, or Diing StidRuildlng 1'We have Paints ant ilq1, Glase Putý,1 bocks, I-inge-i, Eçîts, Nails, &c., &c-., of ait serti anti Sizes.1 FOR FARMI USE9.,-We have Forks, Shoreis, Spaite Duainng oul. lay Kaives, Strawt Knive, Con-Ils. anti Sirigh Bette, Cross-cnt sawq aînt Files, 4Jhopbping Axes, Baggy Spu-ings. Sea t Spiing.q, Pueps in great vauietvr ai thi LITTLE GIANT MILL, iiy wiîich vou c-an grint i ti-n Cern, Oats or l'eas, fine enouigitfour lou-se, C'a tte, or Pig Fecti. ýtI the rate of front 10 to 20 bushels puer houu. Tit 1i tl cannol hbu-boken by fair meane. If i-ou t tiaeln heati of Cattle, hy gu-tnting their footd von c-an eau-ethe trice of s No. 2 Mill, ta six meonthe. FOR DOIJESTJC PRPSESWecier Knires anti Forks, Cooks' Kaivee, Butchers'- Kaives, $poons, Tea-trays anti Wallons, Scates antI Wrights, Wine anti Casi mron Fendere, Fine irons, &ce., Ilanti-irons, Saniage Cutters anti Chtoppers, hesides an ait but entiles sesortauent cf nec-essany articles, suitable for Cottage or M ancien. Paient Sa-w (lumms--. Odell's Paiàent IV<sling Machines. Iron Ridai eads. Taykn'a Fîre Prmf Safu-.s. Toronto, Nov. 24, 1859. 14 UPON NEW PRIlNCPLES, ÀND CIIEAPER TItAN ETF~R 1KNWN E- FORIE. C. C. JEJRONFe, SU RGEO N-iDEN1is-r, JAVlNG Purc-ised a M1achine for moutting H Artiletal Teetb neon Vulcanized Rubber ]Plates, le nnw preparit 1o insert ail Cases of Teith ai eS TO TRE ACAICÙYLTURI,'T. fo i ARTIFIOIAI,: MANUJHEr, :a eoularjyadapeti or FIl W t t.Thei but P8 Panti CheapetFertilizer iiitise Market. Con- t) taiaing la a concentrateti anti yul solutble formn, ft?1 wbate*er l viînable Ili i armYiard)faNr',> Guano, ý -Bontes, Nitrate'et Soda, Nitro-Fifos- phates,AIe, &c. le Cheaper, -t .~ artaYard, of Manure, antiof casier.applieatiua. i-E sufficient for an acre..-,Put-up iu bars-ils eft tire cwt- tac-h. Tobe tad cf.- - - 72-- -B. W. WOODWARD, -soi STOVE, STVE gy - _ lt Éewly Inveuted Plxtmb a',id Level. ADEWN. COLE, IJAS label>' inveeteti anti obtainuti Letters 'l .Patent for an Instrument :namieti(oWés G»ra.ilaUng Phasab uadLettel, wbich le far su- pertor to Spirit and al other l4veîa. Tite-at- ,vantste b.Inventer daima ovur ali cuber 1Levels are tbýpe, i.: let., It-can bu settllid sooner titanail otiser inetiients for plumbing anti 1eviig. 2ed. Tl indicatee Where an' picce or part *sà out of Ptumb or-out of levul,-anti hW mach. 3rd. It gives correct ange nigrd!bti vertical anti horizontal. - 41t. An Arcbilect or Mechanie ln Igying ont work, fieds tItie uxabr of fuit anti incites te ltse angle, according t0 lIte nuxaber of felt on the base. . tit. In ]aying out -woki i" mtuan b.eis aItidifférenangl iles. mtrs breal, Oct. 4, 1859. 7-w 1859- TME GLOBE 18O. In solicitïng lte increaseti support oflte Canatian puilhie for the seventeenti velum. of ?am GLor ,the publishurhae testaI. lbatnoth- ing iAI lbu Ieft undoneto rentier lte.journal worthy of lb. higitreputatton il has carnedint past years. A new anti beautiful font' of, #ô- per-fated type, cast specall>-for the GLOEU, - i te coebraeteeufntir>' of esro. JaMes Ã"donio anti Sons, Nuw York, will sustainlte typographi- -cal eredit otte eetabllsbent-enti' the tid 'et an enlîtrged.crops- of Editors, Reporters, anÏd -Correspontun ts w-ll assurie te resders ofi'm Gtoail a»taisaiuterestng ia News, -Pol"s, titerature, asie Comntercu. Dering tht c oming >-tar, titi Globe wil con- tinue te psy aIl taIattention ho lt, public a&f- faire of the Province -witch'bas securcd for -it itsypreseet positioni.. Tit.iP-nace üu acknow- tidgiibkrsilpia- ties beon the et-eof gret changes;-,anti these the Q«let*111 eeek te In- inience for the benufit ot the people aI îârge; Il wiil advoeate-'snch s change lunits constitution au wil givel-o Ipper sind Lotir Canada the. control ofliii own local affaire, atuti w-li give general 1 atluri:tô a joint antfîorÇty of simple *anti inexpensire (es-n. TIte aiceussty o f, inpos- ing stcluvchecks upor Pitrlament andi the Ex..- witbout lte censent of-the -colie, thil ob.ar- nusti>'insistetiupon. The-Çlobe t iJlsais e -. cale e Y oLUNTARPut emLZEc-à éor .. - iertarT anti coihgiate, NIIEZ rOM SE CTÀIAXI5M -Incorporation of tise' Hudson's Bay' teritory witb Canada-a BRANKtPTCY LAW- for te rel ief of the honeat tieblor-ttpaoyzxr, 3tÂxmunsr cf the ttûîtaC- Liltfs-REcipancÂa FRi-IT'DU thte Unitedi States-the improvement of Caniidiau agriculture--ecueomy -in -cvii->'brandli'of ls public expenditure, and geais-a1li-e-verY sa- sure w-hicb tende ta the itapru-ement oflicMAn,- ity le religion, morale, anti mateial proeperily- 1)us-ng tutu next six meonthe, lante conattte- ennies anti meetings of lte people, as wclas'iÙ Parliametit ai Quebec,-nuany of thuce -9 u1iecta will ho discessei, lte more vital anti important of thuni sith an earnestness anti igmer rrly befon twitesetinutitis Province. As a prcme- ber as wetIas recortier of lte movymnns potu day tIte Globe w-iIl poses e xlraerdinary iner~ est fer al classes of rse-,anti-the frieutis of progreus are requestedte l - aid in exten ding ils circuîlation ammng te masses ofhe people. - The effittorial -conduct of TISE Gm.os c-ati b. best etimabed b>' ttie utinteri-upted suceês ltaI bas atteadeti ils pabitaion. Bat Ja censtîtu-_ tionalcriais demaindefurtter exerlioih lItIdi- - direction ,and il w-ll be suppiieti. - luregard le newe, fresh effortis w-iI ho esedti suppi>'- belb. renduseof lteGlobe lthe sariet tati aost cop ionsiateIiigene front ail parlt lteworIdI Cerepondeneu is recuit-idfroun Gm«t -ýitainx, Britlith Columbsia, lte N on-t West Ters!-irad aIl taItranspires at home anti in 'tht Unitedi States le duigentiyrecorded. *Spucial. attention le de-roteti te commercial intelligence ilth mar- kits are reporteil more ful>' than lu- fany- other- journal. A limiteti space le tievoted le agriultutrnl subjecta, anti everylbing titicis ttnds te lb. dé- nelopumuant of lte moal importait branci t o Canadian industry recel-rue spiciaf attention. THE DAILY GLOBE, Le $6 pur annum, payable-strictly n l -advanoï. Lt ta puiblisitetiAt 4 -dclcký , -mor ibt Sunda' i ade»patcitedby be sary i>'laità ail parts cf lihe country. lt lu a -;er> - large sheit cotitainuega -rat amounlofnews, mercan- tile intelligence, andi gineral information, of the laet and imost inturtsting charadte-., Aay. pus-son seading bbc Cash for Five Daly> $nbsçribersn- wMlUbu untitlud te, an s&dditional TUE TR][-wEEKLY»GLOBE, îs isýued evet>' Monda', Wednuslia, anti Friti> aflrg sjiuet,- anilai Iomreagrerl e TsedEy' WEEKYi mqr'ýGL, iauct i' aybey Friti'a mqrnn, )naumrpabe sdo~I nadvsee oace n aity ituiese douli a l tape lul ty lITs uîadeup l agasiofnde meh ; anti contaxts morce reading a ' u d'ial ne'wspape'r on t trial canetataken l ite cetil sapur; lbe news is carefully coUa iailyEditiom, and artices- upRtei brite columa Thea Marka Rent -Ufo r r , d<the -friesade giup &*a - ~J~-t~t - - $rlootlit r ~e Weokiy~uIb.. -Freer-ço~ i bi ses~to ail ~ r.. __ - i - . :, - i * - X' - - t - - - - "J. ~ Wisstby, eniper TI~ 1 MM 1 r'511E Subscniber, in returning titanks for the Ipst ronage hi bas neceiveti from the public, worold inthuate that thi bas 'iow reinovedti tthe' premises on Brook FStreet',- opposite to Bryan's ilotel, a few tionrs nortb of Dundas Street,i witire heinba on ýhanti a -large assortesent cf Stores anit iTn-ware of ail de8criptions, -çhieh lie wil l (7 henp. lie wou!d c-ail attention esperiaiiy toItis Stock uof Sttîwnio'- ant I OPlro-,- tecelionist" Iïtoves, hotit of wbý,çh are new Patenta tntti veu-c, nover hefde'offÉired in tic Whitbr maruket.- EAVE-TROUGTIS put up with the latetIli provemînts andi on lthe hortc-st notice. Orders from titi Country', by Post or otîter- wIce, promtpy attendedti o. The Sýuhscniher "s aise ;gent for lte sali cf Piperu & Ként1alt's LGIYN RODS, anti .Mairtns 1KIVVN JILLS. Thîse Mills are- prou-rd1 on trial le bc superior to, anti cheaper Ihan those nf any thier manufacturer. île te alsut trcîtareti rito cxcîtte aIt orters,,for FELT ROIlFING, tintthe e-t unanner. ABIIAM LOGAN Witby, Oct. 18-59. 10-tf. New foot & Shoe Store, ur IE SSCRIBERS wi"h teétitotif>' theint- I habitants of Brokîfo and ,uurrofinding coUln- try that tbey-bave openfedae- uitWBnci d'Sbôe Store in 'Ibis village, neafi>' -opposite the- Globe Hotel, wltereh~eiriy'every article ini théirline of buiness will b o found of; the >st Style -andi Qttality. Having secnreti the services of the best 1Mecb- anîcs, liii> are prepared toe ucute ail orders proxnptiy, and ianttie best possible inanner. SPRÂGUE & PALMER. Brooklil, Dec. 1, 1959.- 15 4m

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