~~"Ii~te~ Ii â îaiu à strict neuîll-tyl OBank -in IlM Itb 9 ' enw*q4to( _ "U UJ nhu ud lthe &a.s qltîch'elaim la form aiN ý ICM SIRUIYGIVXX tt. fi ~pi~e bnf~drîin. is lt ibade Is 4o uWdCOapital Stock sose, by ii hsmk , lmstxatl-1e ad madepayTable ut-tht Bank or Il Branches,ý ~Tho 'reoh goy t wl pî ~TWht'oï Cal e 1M pcent.,onthe i>,FnotrAU.- l~4or!IW1 a oîbw ,.dut i Ywif gust1ext Tu t t eu of 10 P&r cent., ôaute ibnt rsIoop- MM aomesS, itm.lf -bouud ta reulntirsy ne"$- ~ ~ tidée dW «'Ind iret ýilthe governmasit of The th1eCmll of l'O per-cen t., ou lb. Finil of Oc. th% Q9i .St age& 1IeW. f- interatioal Thei. 101h Cahlot 1a per cunt, on the Final of Iaw r*poîeaik>â8quîiM8 negov- -~aene et erarepio gie llo'hr foaltlo iu ieaingBi order of tbe Board wîithsetnibaà à èaiWfis4 autisori-iaquestionD.IS R Cbln whib w doaolp hme' b dsoas; but, If Ontario lBank, suitsdame~a. corilgt.~m~~ Bowmanille, Juao,22, 1861: 46-41n. umt 4Propci gorerumeut declarea îhneî îIsIein nathe cae in'Whiah itcilieadmit- TO B E 8SOL D ~~~~~ - .!j, n~rro1$na114uuuity, , th r, r i TwoLtsof 100 andt Iis caffies wiîla it, au admissioncf the gthr ef W» "Ies igbta aI of e wo parties.- e . . il', ACRES of Land, conspriping the In facî, ttse one propo4tîtioeludus the thry20 nortisf 'of No. 15, sud theoN. E. quarter- fIWsIJqsmposblo te deny onse pantheîights ofNo. , uilb.heth cou., Piclceting. There are wbilî olt ceo de lt te other, wilhauî givin gond baiding. on esch portion. The land là lhbee. lavr an mmens aud lii atered and suitabie for cither grain or > thse,*é à #n auimmnseadvauîage,an dainy pur-poses. thus pracically b ecom iug Ihein allies. But Apply ta Mn. Thomas Smith, on tbm fat; tbe FMcoh goverument is trot content: viîh Mrs. Boatb, Nelson Street, Toronto; on la Ibis by hela çgiieu Jas. W -Race, Esq., Wbitby. 4-f t,1: dilcu1t 'to conceive that the Ameri- J ,I81 cane viii b.e able ta, drav nny distinction be- -tween ibis-document and thse etatements of Lord i Jlu'4R s~ As ,W«,ave ssid, il ils i~ôndM~in mthosé hî England bas determaited, ripou, ilus ini giî-ing au -ad- Van îâie l the parly *hielîtnakes lho gre #ter 'vu qetfp4vaiWurinug andi bas tbe lurgerbosie Commaerce la prey upan. It may b. presum- ed, tiser-tIare, that the tan>) Western; Powcrs VHANOERY S - #il be inciuded by th. Northerners in th. O F VALUABLE ame categoryp and-that Nev Yoà ilvii break F R forth o a wnder tisat il is just the tita nations FDnn ID<.1P,¶r -*ihrc makée a parade of freedorn that tir-e adverse ta lthe Northern cause, while the des-' N ~ H N - olio States cif Central and Easter-n1 Europe I N R AN ý R Y - tre full cf sym pahy. Thia, inîdeed, is tire BETWEEY'. rernark wviicis vo are tld bas been alr-eady TUE ONTARIO BUILDING SOCI- mai inAmericau, soeiety. But wearc much ETY, Plaintiffi, îtfr*id tuat the Northeriers will be again A NO xioomeo-tleuappoinimeul. We do net krow Anus Rachami Ele:anor Tser-ne, Ja- cob amen, sud William Mona gban, %vhat unay have passed belveen Mr. Lincoln, (bt' bill) sud Thomas Baines, M>thev and cither Rusuia or Austria, bul vo fi-el con Betlçy, John Kà iy, John Jacques and vînced ihat, in Ihein eapéciuy of ruiers cf Robent. Huy, made partiez la tb. Ma&- Stats wich avemariimerighsan duiester'a office, Detendants. Slalu, wichhavemartimeryîsIn due, u suanrce cf îthe r.. sud final onder for theme potentules Nvill do exacily as Queen sale made binbtis cause, datu-d respecciveiy the Victo risdNapoleon 111 hais'tarie. Auy uinet.eenth day of Jane, 1860, aud lt.he Venth Powver ivhich ha.s bips-oîiwar aud ships of day of May, 1861,l tise following valuable Par-m prope rty viii b. offered for- suie at !2 o'clock, commerce afloal must mako up ils immd noon, of the whetherit il iiirefusethue Soutlirners the O h d y ofJ ' e t rig hts 'of beiligerents, wý:lr the necessary 2 t a fJ e t coasq.mîce a ressîig au smxng to -ân- thle Aucticu Rooros of feduritteucessei&Tiser-o eu b ar abeMESSRS. FAIRBANKS & bMACDONELL, tisaI,.i Ibtis unhappv atnuggie laits, every BokSrer h mnaritime eunir> in Europe wil ho cuIIed TUW E~ F W a f TeilY@ upon fur its decision, anmd tlrà t decision 'ti i tIste approbation cf G. H. Dartucîl, Esq , the bo iu accord4tuce 'wjîhthie doctrine held in Master- of this Honourable Court at Wlitby, al ibis eauntj--ubre wben a gaver-nment han that certain parcel ofrIsird and prerilses ejruated the eîren gtlî te carry on van il musti hrog- n the,' Township cf Mra, in Ibm Couuîy aI On- nue y éîa Pie-sn1g ta rio aud Pr-ovince aforesaid, being corauposed of nizd b netra, Pwer asbelligerent, aôd lise dr-Lb bait cf lot nuunber tweuty-six,'bu lhe bu allowed &Il lhe niglils vh:eh beiong ta an tentu concession of the seid Townshîip of Mars, îdpnetPbiner. corilaining by admeasur-crocuoee hundr-ed acres indepedeantbe tire samne mor-e or- less. The pr-eper-ly wilI h. - - - - '---- -soldin eue lut. Ther-eiso n ilsmiddliti sized HasuusLE MURDX. .-Dr. P!ayter, of Lind- one story log bouse, sud a sà bauty sud other- .ayCouîy Vcîol~,send th Leaer b. mal eut-buildings et scarcely any value. A- "Yp ouny-, ictria ý &ndsý te Lederthebou t fr-arn 151o20auères of he,laund are cle& ned, foilowiniw.nnd.-r datetm . r...9.41. ...th- e .,rst ia buh hland u-îth acnidra, hi.a An inquest vas cornetrced betfore me ycs- L-erday, on 1iobodyo« a mnan wha bcd read- ed fleur Fénelona Fallu, and who was found most brutally mur-dered in bis own i-harrîy. An uxe of the. deceamed, whiulî carinot as yeî -bd found, lu supposed to have been the weap- on usetl; and the pcor man had been mulil- aîed in a most shocking marier. Hié, anme was WiIIism-Juee, ho had livsd âlone fur a number of yeais, was a quiet inoffensive mari, and wtas supposecl by some tu have hadruori- ey, in hIis possession, la obtaiti which va, no doubî the objqcî of lus mur-derer, or murder- ers. Ilis trun k wa lefou nd some distance fro ffi tihe shanty, aà nd had been- broken open. No suépicio.n is as yet attached tu any qoie. Fie wu, foord oSrtîuroay- eveiing la.§i by a young gir-I who wari pausing the open door of' the ihazrîy. The murder wvas îupposed ta have beeu committed on Friday evening. It i. said thsaï the deceaaed has a brother living in Toronto, mnd'if yon votîki give ibis un ini- mser-lion 'ià mighl meel hizs-oyè'. No uther-re- latives, it appears ur n iithec country. The înquest standsadjourntkd for a few days. In Surhe itautime eveq meanus will bu Isicen tu lnd out th. perpetrator of so horrible a crime. .î Cmxi À DAY WifsTuma Yqu lRAVE IT ,Qs, ~Joha A.,Macdonaîl suinthe mani *Vbeso 4ul SidneY Smitlito put POSTA&GS ON etwsvse lnaioder to Grthl& the opposition ~*.ss whob.d - ý0goverént flpatronage la lvkoný M . ~ j;sl, d"wneuch.,IymanY. taO 1. li. *tu ..hà ws bis rad ià g fre.. Sverir.igtpni ?Cmry.-ring- .,MNTREAL-,CLOSE F, OLL FIRST ~alisrf5 Det Bi4ggaror a0 b t'in ùs esâ tou -sa LtjqonbusbnIu BIRTIL ÂtnIby.> on tbe 291b Jus, thé. wWôeo<G.o - At Whfbr o lusd melaX,5* 74Ù4 8. x.infant 4sagh4w-cn-GearuiJr. Fuaen- ail on Fnièà y, à *t one dé-ei4p. At Brlgbboie, on Thunsday 2 t uRbert Vule,.lttt of Whithy, Aged -Stws *u -qgefa61tlbfly X rs. al 144 etti bo eÃ0,L ôaon, E ïgla, ee 49 7mars. M*.KEN: - <Spnn$>>,......... 69ob .-x.;;00soo6 .~05êt*04 Uvz(ç .......... e: ~4~- ~it2i J au reM&.&à " pn AM oely luapesniyhs. Qvtrloolçtug s, bay aun JîaktSincae, and is dis tan t fr-ont Athefrly about two selle., sd about. Ilirce miles from ithe. Narrows. 'There is * stearir saw milI on the adjoiniug tôt on the lak osisore. A public road known in tise'locality geaerally as tbe " New Rond," and belng a continuation. nortbward of the " Centre Road" of tht County of Ontario, runs acrous the said lot at tbe vest end, tbereby scparating the fan mb nt t por- tionis, coubtinng respectivell about seven and ninety-tbree açres. 7Tlîe conditions of sale viii be the standing conditions of the. Court, except ai fol lows, naniely: A deposit of £10 -for every huudred pounds of the purchase rooney, to b. paid to lbe Vendors or their Solicitori ut the. time of sale, snd the balance within onocalendar inonthfr-oui the day of sale, with inter-es: ut six per cent. per annuin. The purclaier at time of sale to sign an agree- ment for tIhe completion of the purchase, a nd upon paymenb of the. same he viii b. entitled to a corîvcyance. -The propertjy will be sold subject to any taxes du. on the pemuises. Fur-ther particulars and conditions niay be obbained of .Messrs. Morision & Saropson, lIain- titY's Solicitors, Toronto; 'Messrs. Carneron, Mc- Michael & Filzgerald, Solicitors, Toronto; D. G. Rewitt, Esq , Atherly, ,and 6f the undersigned Master of the Court. GEO. H. D&RT-EELL, Master. MORRISON & SAMPSON, Plaintiff's solicitots. Dabed 15th day of June, A. D. 1861' 44. CHIJRCH'98 OTEFlt (LaIe Hastings Houa.,) 'n-y W. Y. H R K PORT 1H0P EC.W IPort Hope, Juns 12, 1861. 5 Nol with the United Staie "but brlng yonr money ta b Epsôm eVil p=EMprUMà Jusopened vilaw Goa nba DRY C OD-ýS, 'Iu an mdesu inityt And evonytJiin lhal as kept.i or$, tr at Toronto priLs. Lquorusllat oiial ps4ýage4s. Produc4 babt,,or tkaon, CM- Epseai, June 18, flIRRALD ýý-1, UfbE uaiber would -r«efsty inforai T"the iahma > d.B KLIà sur- tately .euldlyJ .Rska hwbem b. bas opadout a rAaqgee pamsoet A T, With the seond Cmitb Pe id nuino CSF,.~~ be Gi. O. GROIHrvreKrhz WHRRE IRONq 84' STEEL, PAINTS, OIL, GLASS, AN»ý EVERY DESCRIPTION k ~ ~ ~ ~ V HwA ~~LY~ - - Whîtby, Iy8*,10- Receivedper Steamer "!ndïn" A LOT 0F SUPZRIOR EN~LISH LACI TW June 19, 186 1. - 44. ILLINERT & MlATiL SH-OW B'OO lu now replete, with ail the Novelties of the Season. HAXILOF & Rm May 15, 1861. WBRITE s- Y. 1~ - 4 Great. Attraction! SIGN OF THE LARGE ROCKING HORSE eiùi4 En9gbuh, Prenoh and VI TE NEW IANCY STORE, BIOOX STREET, WHITBY f ire. dom sNorili of, Sohofield's old stand. TRI .Hg s, be a pnigan establiih- meut 0' Ibis Iiad b"dons Do at the sug- gesIhnoI~y fiénkblIe¶ngthat sncb an assortinent ane v a a &UIbnes khep la mat wbs:s wause-tbcbm$têtebusnusdepaTt- MÇnts in the tbriving Tomi of Whitby and the Oountyrof Ontariol sud frous bis knowledge of the business, bis desire to deai on fair t ernis at -,ery immmlprofts for cash,1 and bis having pur- chased bis stock on the Mosl favonxable termis, ho hopes by strict attention to menit a share of publie patronage.- Ig;à aition tbhis Fancy stock b. bas added a large assoeimt f FPrt , . m*rcsaund Eals/ Ynfe1,sr, t1earoodss Ware, =uiesd sil sitmnsy 4rc., id a splen- did assortusent Of cbice Toisà Cos, CIGAB, PIraS, kc., Ac. - U- Fer -f;rtbetr p*al"lresesmoband bills..Ji - B-JUHFILI'rZ. Wbitby, April 24, 1,1I 36 DR. G. XA-,CARSON, BYRON Stà , TSoutîh of heMechan- lef Institate, Wblt4..£Every attention givn tà Cbroûî isée> ai 1,in mny css warrants a. cureotnebPl April 30, -1861. 37-tf. AL L kindsCbgP*i tCauifio wer, Tomato, Melons, Gucumbens, 4c., for Sale. JOhN WRITE, CMHA<DELIEI itt Lampe, Kii À gret arlstyà and'priýes,$Yust Rcjendau--for Sl -1~ . 'r :. I Factory of DPEa>I tet wamTy, AInLL 17, 1861.uiî the lculse, iP.1N Men W' EL U, CARRJMIAE ý[AKÈR 'I'HESBSCRIBR iu rmtrnugbis sincere thalikais tnicfà nds at i ulc.eînlyvt b ~ ave bither-to so liberallyptrnzd hlm, would Baylia: hg itqg4nýs q ma-km Wbitby bis- permanent residence, lhey xilli find ut ail limes A SJPE'IIOR CLASS Or LICHT - AND-, HEAVYCARAE CONSTÂNTLY ON HA!ND, Wbich wil sOit ail classe of customers. Thcy vil do weil to cal sud examine befort ging 4s- where. 93- Don't lforet D. FOR"'S Carnage Fr .ry ouBrock Street, vhmx yo*'wIl Sumda teio class et Works rmsnufacotured of the best .terials sud by Ibe choicetvo"ku Whltby, February 8, 1861 D OD ~îrer FRESH ARRIVAT.à LS- AT THE NEW CASH ROE!&T WIEEYOUt WILL FIND A LARGE AND FRFESiI&ýseoRTefr SOS AlPU, auIS Wbioit viii b o bd atTornio P r spexoe. aw -ehr t alad iPin i-ié L!Lilt! RS,~~- II4IN RACK- ichen andi Paor Lampe,- at Loy Primes., ,13- ât LBÉRT1NE, ADNar aeCous. -ltw.hn. -l ThisIIý onfe"a lte unot completé workoo Aeuod16e eer pubhtSdand la onder to gin., il a, .vider crtiothé"pusbllslsens bave nW irolved tb redis e ilc. te. Fume-I)oltara Ja-o e uV"olums !! Wbhea -sect -0_1411.<lmost-paidy taosoà îfornis sud Oregon t ie pric ilbç$!. Toeveryother Parte!f tbe Unlati, aud te Canada <peet-paiti)y Remlttanece for acy of thne aboyée-publications theuld alvs7s bc-addreied- post-pa id, tlite Publigs, SOT 0 Kw ai~r1~~ ItsbluNew York FOST'E! ing countntbi 'Dr. C. C. Jeromeé the Deutist pro. sud also liavlug oven Meurns. Loy, Wbere- they are nov prepared bo undentake al aperatin eabl#»g 16 Dertistny, sudwviiib. roDa happy tb a- ed, l&al prp*aslonal cilla, by vbicis 1h07 may bo fsvon.d-bylthe public. ized Rubber, at veryModrate Charges, - And lu a mauner not- te b. surpassed. Teetb 5used vitb Gold,'llver, Stamel Mol, sud boue prepanations. Teetb extracted vitb tisegreategl eas sud comforttb Ibmpitient. Particular at-; tention give4t, t Ue, cre sud regulation af cbild- reus leetit. 1.- AU t ork warranted-ta>. gir satnsfaction or nro charge. Refereco-a tar trial. Remember the. pla ce, aven r R &.ACKSON, ron DentuSe, k tal VIbis day bouglil eut s mutie tcs, sud inter-est ini sofr 1the oauuty ef Ontario, rêseall anged bisold office, qèRsMk P.vW1TUVie Mar-ci, 1 Lowft B rowVELLa Toa, -Brock Street, Wbltby. 3, 1861.--22-3m. To Alto Whom it'May, Concern, C.EROME,bhaving this day sold and Caim --of audd la 4-he Dentiotry business or two.of- hia aid stadets,whom b. e takes great plesut.inrecmmedig to he pnblic, asre- able, skilful;ý and veR p ÃŽactised hi ail branches of. the prokesson of Deïntistry, -azid fully coînpe- tant tWgiveentire stsa nto iipartes Who May favor them with ieii patronage..' DR. C. aloo avails lmselfof thl* opportunity to retur» bis sinere tbanks to bis oId and nu,, merous fisnds, 4ud;"eoet1y,,olicits, their con- tlnued 'a ' Oaf it ïâslsori CITRLES C. JEROME. Wbitby,, March 13, 1881. S-l Âtlaslrou Workas-Pron±.-tTotoC.M RAS, V42 k fA;C.,'Msnu&cturer of Pire JPrOof Sitest Vinilt Doors,-,Palisading, and &R de4oeipt0iofWrught at reltecturI. Iran Works. Toronto, 1859,. j FOR fin 'abOIÂ11 IJluC E8à Pi 8&5» 1819 SON. JOHN HL~&>CMRI J.S.OWARD, Eq. ro. P oix.,..S - w r r st MAN4GF2R4. e If'A JAMES SYDNEY CRQCKR, toq J.:Z., WOODEOUSE-]gïi. IN8PECIR 0F AUENOoe&i -G. B.. SPECN0111rE MESSRS. DU004N & BURboe BANKERS.- THE BANK -OF TORONTO. Pire sud Mariné Inmurance buointus tranast- ed bythis 0 s tâ ain well as a:the Hdeas Ofce, Toronto, at rfïw ad- JAMPES WM.LACE, Ageus, VALADL! PsI#PIUTy' FO R SLE prises feui-tee and âs bal! cnsa"ÇIL LENT WLIg , ech staI. for s teed family,. sud quit. rè My, à Ttb .-tClous out- offices Barug, *c- There ae-Orba d ' ,GArdeus cou *taining every vanetyîetfruitièmu. Tbere:is a neverfailing stream of, vater, -aii l a body, suffienîfern mmcting.M purpqsçs- T h e ,p n op e ty is si a t d i n l bh e u ar'a'Wxt by, immediately oppositi tbm Grand True g'tia' lion on Ibm Base Lia.,,aid vil b.sold ýâ ïepa-' rate portions or. altogellier 'tao suit -9 desinble pu&hihse. Terrouliberal;auad*illbfX*thaged for far-ring lands.- The ab.ove properly la mo~lsf &"ÃŽ4 tnated fÃ"r Ialg u l nid eas or,*bff suit a muar-ket gandeneî frù*n>ils oeatisanit'tbm tava. Apply to.0E0OGE Ir. ALLP Wbbyo 'SaIo4Ciqtqre., Brock-st., WbItbjY, THREBY for-bld any p froma Lotpurclsasing or PSYig a g es or Note s ad on To*;n lots o fJ o N 27!, lu t1as.-eeçid(con.t W lpo Whthy, 1beinabout t fPllctlés !a.Cbancery for the nmever, of sdd4.Dev-ad ltitI Ibmformer-l1I imed vwsnodlis*dai thm intgtion of, 1he Penys, as tbey pçetend ta .&C rIbut vas disnnssd by my Cn 1-ii nny orders, on account cf ual listing li twptocedvtit, a" nd as tie Perrys bsaà I~ very bard tb bave ti.Obancellorruiake -a&H'.a- w. av a l aiMS , gsa!stt dm W b!tby,.Nov. ! 18 59 --14-tf WiMobea,Byrosreet. W816bL NOT ICE.. '1-' 34. élb.te nesieu ~WD Whîb emb.1,8. 4 Justl e I - 1 . - M 1 > r Ir 1